Bob Dobbs’ Diaries: March 1/1975 (Halifax)

Harry Whittier: The students in my class don’t usually get it until years later. Then they will call me up and we’ll celebrate their new understanding.

Dobbs: So the newly-sophisticated yokel goes to the city to find reality, to escape the unreality of the country. But the city-dweller finds only the image of reality in the city.

Meanwhile, the country bumpkin finds only reality in the rural milieu and yearns for unreality.

Whittier: Yes, that’s the essence of every story in Western literature. That’s what I repeat every day in my classes.

Dobbs: Do you ever use the Bible as a text in your class?

Whittier: Yes, every other year.

Dobbs: Then you would have to suggest to the students that the first words,“In the beginning was the Word…,” should be changed to,“In the beginning was the Pun….”

Whittier roared with laughter as he unlocked the door to his office and Bob entered behind him eager to get a look at Harry’s library. They were both relieved there were no students waiting to discuss difficulties with their courses. Bob and Harry needed time to interpret whatever discoveries they made.

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