Transcribed by Bert.
[February 27, 2016 Part 3 (15:14 mark)]
iON: What you really should be asking is how lysine affects it? That’s what you should really be asking about!
Bert: How is lysine affecting lactic acid?
iON: C6H14N2O2!
Bert: OK! This is the same subject… um… because lactic acid creates the… ah… ATP. Caller 2 asked you about: “How do you kill the blood?”, and you mentioned ATP. So, this change you just mentioned about lysine… lysine is affecting the ATP in the production of lactic acid?
iON: It’s trying to knock out the arginine, the NCI04… the NCI04.
Bert: Knocking out the arginine?
iON: Yes!