[February 27, 2016 Part 5 (30:28 mark)]
Jean: iON, when I got my bottle… when I got my last bottle of ReBob, I looked at it through the light to see how much stone was at the bottom and the stone had collected in the middle of the bottle. Like… it was building like… ah… a “stalactite”… like in a cave.
iON: “Stalactite”?
Jean: Which is the one that goes…?
iON: No, it’s a “stalagmite”! It’s a “stalagmite”.
Jean: “Stalagmite”!
iON: “Stalagmite”… the one that’s one on a… “stalactite” is holding on tight at the top.
Jean: So, from the bottom up, it actually looked like an inverted funnel… and that’s how the stone was building in the bottle.
iON: So did Norma Jean!
Jean: Well, how does the stone do that? Why doesn’t it just… um… collect on an even level at the bottom?
iON: It would be no reason to have a “Mystery Landscape” if everything was known. Even though we’ve told you about everything that’s been known, you still won’t acknowledge that it’s been known. So, we have to hide in plain sight… say it “on the air” and then….
Jean: That was pretty wild! Yep!
iON: But then, we make what we make it – and then, you find it – and then, you look at it – and then, you see it – and then, you say it – and then, we turn around and say: “Happy Birthday! Don’t you be shooting in no gas cans in unventilated spaces!”