[March 5, 2016 Part 2 (25:57 mark)]
Caller: Souls, before they come down and choose their body, what’s the reason for a soul choosing to be “gay”?
iON: Specifically, “gay”, or marginally, “happy”?
Caller: Well, “homosexual”, if you want to put it that way! Ha! Ha! Ha!
iON: Well, the Scriptures talk all about that! It’s not a choice. We don’t segregate it that way because most people that are homosexual aren’t really homosexual. They’re… more of them… are “auto-sexual” than they are “homosexual”. We’re just talking about orgasms or “to nut”. If you’re able to complete – to complete the process, that’s where you start. Then after that – then you decide who you want to “nut” with, and sometimes that’s “boys”, and sometimes that’s “girls”, and sometimes… sometimes that happens!
Caller: I get what you’re saying, but isn’t it more than that? I mean, obviously, I’m asking a question because I am and… you know… all of my life… you know… growing up as a kid, I never understood why people had so much hate towards it.
iON: Darling, they don’t hate just you! They hate everybody! They hate themselves. They hate you because you’re happy being in a same-sex relationship. Furious they can’t be happy in a non-same-sex relationship! And so, I dare you to do something that they say is an abomination before God! “Take me to church, Hozier” – take me right on through there. We love that and play it all of the time! That some… “big something – something – something – something”! They’re just furious at the world! They’re mad that Donald Trump is going to be the “none of the above” President. They’re just mad about being mad! So, how you overcome this easily, darling… is live a good life! That’s all you got to do! You live a good life, and you won’t notice any of that… ah… debauchery!