iON | Sustained in a Gravitational Field

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 5, 2016 Part 4 (32:49 mark)]

Alissa: Does the heart create gravity when it pumps?

iON: No, it does not create gravity. It’s sustained in gravity or a gravitational field, but pumps – doesn’t pump because of gravity.

Alissa: Would you say that the heart doesn’t actually have a pumping mechanical action?

iON: It pulls! It pulls!

Alissa: Right!

iON: It doesn’t push!

Alissa: Did you say: “Sustained in a gravity field”?

iON: It would be!

Alissa: OK! So,…

iON: That’s why when it loses its “siphon”, it doesn’t work. Because it is pumped, it would just keep pumping, but it doesn’t once you break it. You’ll leak out very quickly!

Alissa: So, you just used the word, “siphon”. Are you connecting that to the “inverted siphon”?

iON: Yes! Yes!

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