iON | Unreal Andromeda

Transcribed by Bert.

[May 24, 2020 03:00 hour (24:27 mark)]

Bob: So, the Angels interacting with humans and mating and all that. That’s all the Andromeda… what we call the “Yarmulke” continent. So, the Yarmulke continent is on Earth, or is it part of Andromeda before we fell?

iON: It’s no difference! They’re both represented… they’re both represented. It’s kind of like: “Is porn sex? Yes, but it’s a bad version of it. And, is sex, sex? Yeah, that’s the natural.” So, they both are coitus, but one is preferred – and the other is what you google at. So, the same way here! Andromeda continent is from Andromeda, but there is the Andromeda continent here. Andromeda from Andromeda would be the “porn version”. Where it’s borrowed from!

Bob: Ah! So, the Andromeda continent here is better?

iON: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, because it’s… it’s real! It’s genuine – genuine!

Bob: Andromeda is not real?

iON: Well, it’s fictitious, Bob! Nobody is going there, except for y’all until you get back! Why would you have to leave if it was all that wonderful?

Bob: It justifies it. Yeah, why are we going there…

iON: Because you can’t stay here!

Bob: … if it’s not real?

iON: Because you can’t stay here!

Bob: OK! So, that’s a “less-real” place, and we’ll eventually get back here?

iON: No, you’re taking here with you! Remember, the planet is going, too!

Bob: Oh, yeah! We’re taking the planet, too!

iON: You’re going to add… you’re going to add girth back there. Paradise… “Fhloston” {Fhloston Paradise from the movie, “The Fifth Element” – Ed.}, as they call it.

Bob: OK! So, I image that Non-Physical merges with Physical. You come into Physical and start creating.

iON: Yep!

Bob: The complement to that is that we go to Non-Physical…

iON: Yep!

Bob: … which is the unreal Andromeda.

iON: Yep!

Bob: But we bring the Physical to it…

iON: Yep!

Bob: … and it merges and solidifies.

iON: Yep!

Bob: There it is, Carolyn!

iON: Yep!

Bob: Do you get that, Carolyn?

iON: Perfect words! Perfect words!

Bob: iON…

iON: And, you also… sorry! We’re sorry! We digress!

Bob: Let me just say this to Carolyn! Yeah, iON is Non-Physical, and they came into the Physical to create. OK, Carolyn! We in Physical…

iON: No! No! No! No! Stop! Stop! Stop! We did not come in to create. We came in to give you the unction to Ascend, but because you didn’t Ascend, or a lot of people didn’t Ascend, it gave us power. So much power that we started creating, and there’s when the trouble started. Go ahead!

Bob: Right! OK! Now, Carolyn, complementary of iON coming in here… aside from the disservices that happened. OK! We can overcome those disservices. I’m adding that point right now. But we’re going into the Non-Physical to the unreal Andromeda, but we’re bringing Physical into the unreal Non-Physical as iON is bringing the Non-Physical into the Physical. So, they’re crossing…

iON: Yeah!

Bob: … and merging!

iON: Yeah!

Bob: Do you get that, Carolyn?

iON: Everybody…. everybody, except for Harold Channer!

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