Bob Dobbs | Anticipating the Millennial Generation “Woke” Fad

Let me blow your “mind”.

Just as my nomenclature for the recent past, the “Android Meme”, became the reigning experience for the Millennial Generation (their obsession with android “memes”), I also anticipated their “Woke” fad.

I typed the following, in 1995, in my Manifesto, Silencing the Virtually Solar Theater.

I called the Millennials, the “Morpheus Generation”.

My naming power shaped them in what they would be obsessed by. See below:

That was why I had to surface on CKLN-FM in Toronto (two run too=22) in the summer of 1987 just before the Harmonic Bobvirgins to prepare to use the Xists in my final showdown with Mr. Thurn und Taxis, Mr. Romanov, and Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales. The number 22 brings us back to the conflict between the Babyboomers and Generation X, the fake audiences for this struggle. The Babyboomers were wrapped in a cocoon that resonated with 22; Generation X’s cocoon resonated with 14; the World War Two generation resonated with 23, but that had gone. In the Eighties, 22 dominated in all statistics from news events far and wide in its half-life, as the Boomers were subsumed by Generation X whose own number 14 dominated after 1990 as it was subsumed by the New Breed. This New Batch are even-tempered, tolerant menippeans (I suggest they are Morphic Spirals – Morpheus having been the son of the god of Sleep) as opposed to the glowing Boomer menippeans and the glum X-er menippeans. Menippeans? Menippeans are of the sensibility that says, “I’m not really here, I just stick around for my friends.”

The 22-vortex (instinctive to the tetrad-manager who ignores the resonant interval and exploits the context) is characterized by the slogan “fast and bulbous”.

The 14-vortex (instinctive to the pentad-manager who ignores context and uses pain as a probe just for the fun of it) is characterized by the slogan “tight and tapered”.

However, the New Batch play with both vortexes with a feeling of optimistic hyper-boredom because these spirals are in their genes. They can enjoy any of my fellow satellite composers, because they know, they just feel that Bob and Connie won. Now this brings us to why Frank Zappa was the only survivor after the Deluge of 1987…

Bob Dobbs

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