[January 30, 2016 Part 5 (47:43 mark)]
iON: The albumin is mainly in the liver. It keeps your blood from leaking out of your blood vessels, and the globulin is the different proteins – the alpha, the beta, and the gamma types. The globulins are made by the liver, but others are made by the immune system. She’s speaking about the serum protein electrophoresis, Caller.
Caller: She’s talking about an egg, and you are talking about blood.
iON: No, she asked about albumin… how… how albumin affects the aorta and the heart work of the blood system of the lymphatic system of the human meat sack body, Caller!
[January 30, 2016 Part 5 (49:08 mark)]
iON: When you really get super high albumin levels, you’re going to say: “It’s severe dehydration”, but it’s really not. It’s your body actually hydrating, is what it really is. You will see it!
Caller: It looks like…
iON: It’s an example… yeah, it’ll be… and another one… it will… it can cause a… they say it can cause Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which is great because then you can actually make a cancer cell. And y’all can do everything under the Sun but cannot quite kill a cancer cell. So, we think that’s cool!