[March 12, 2016 Part 4 (49:38 mark)]
Dr. Dean: iON, that was…
iON: Hey!
Dr. Dean: …a good question, though, that: “What about saturating someone with the homeopathic of the spirochete and the bacteria?”
iON: You can do it topically. You can literally rub it on their outer dermis, the same infection, and it’ll do the same thing. The body will… will… will absorb it, assimilate it and move – because there’s a whole lot of nastiness that’s roaming around that you have no problem with. We have great fun when people say: “We’re going to get rid of staph. We’re going to take care of staph.” Well, you’ll kill the entire planet because without staph eating the outer dermis of your skin off, you’d all be dead!
Dr. Dean: But back to the homeopathic application. Ah… you’ve always said: “Eat sewage and roll in the…”
iON: Yep!
Dr. Dean: “… ragweed and
iON: Yep!
Dr. Dean: “… overdo it on the thing that bothers
iON: Yep!
Dr. Dean: … your body.” Is it because the body no longer is recognizing the spirochete and the bacteria enough to take care of it and you just…
iON: That’s right.
Dr. Dean: … want to wake it up? That’s right!
iON: Yep, it will but not… but homeopathy…
Dr. Dean: So, we can use homeopathy!
iON: But homeopathy, more times than every single time, without fail or exception, doesn’t use enough. It takes the tenth… it takes a gnat’s ass and tries to make it be a whole gnat. “No, that’s just a gnat’s ass.” If you could do “homeopathy on steroids” and blast it… OK, then good!
Bob: What was the delivery?
Dr. Dean: OK! Well, there…
iON: You can do homeopathy… homeopathy to the tenth square! OK, fine! Just like you’re trying to take every mineral that’s important to the replication of perfect cells, Carolyn – that you’re trying to make them the smallest… the tiniest that you can, these infections – and plights – and plagues – and nastiness. You need to make them as big as you possibly can, then they’ll never get into the cells at the cellular level. You’re going to blow them up and take the minerals and bring them down. So, in every conversation, if you think about it that way – you’re going to win because the body is going to say: “Oh, pine pollen! We don’t have any problem with pine pollen. It’s so big; it can’t even get in us. It makes our driveways yellow, but it doesn’t cause us to have the sniffles – or aspirate – or have all these little problems.” So, it’s a balance. We’re talking about balance while you’re becoming an Ascended man. Now, we are for the Ascension, now. We’re not much for the Little Man! If you want to get out, don’t be wasting Dr. Dean’s time because she’s got better things to do.