Transcribed by Bert.
[March 12, 2016 Part 6 (53:59 mark)]
Caller: Regarding like… um… magic, do Gods use magic?
iON: Darling, it’s not magic to them! See, it wasn’t magic to… ah… Sabrina! It wasn’t magic, that was just normal… that was normal to her. That was not magic at all in the slightest!
Caller: And so, when… um… like Little Men or people that are called… that follow Lucifer or Luciferians that are using ritual magic or blood sacrifice… I guess my question is.. are they Little Men trying to be Gods?
iON: Well, you’re sounding like you’re describing Boris Balkan.
Caller: Boris Balkan, who was he?
Bob: He’s in “The Ninth Gate”, the movie.