[March 12, 2016 Part 5 (16:53 mark)]
Bob: Tell a little bit about your farm, so iON can focus on it!
Caller: Ah… in general, very healthy, very sound, highly mineralized, but… ah… there is a little bit of disease here and there that… that citrus will succumb to; there is a little bit of that. Bob, you and I talked about it. I was wondering if the RnA Drops in use… hopefully, a diluted form for cost would benefit… you know, the soil… the soil drench around the trees would enhance health, and therefore… ah… you know… the nutritional content and, therefore, the health of the humans that eat the food from the plants.
iON: The “Mash” that’s left over… that you save every drop of. You just need to put that… some around the base like in your citrus arena. The base would take care of that plight… blight that you’re talking about.
Dr. Dean: Ah, the dried “Mash” that we have… ah… bushels and barrels of?
iON: That you save of… but now, you know Poppa said: “Be saving as you can, Carolyn.” So, you know how that goes!
Dr. Dean: Yeah! Yeah! OK! So, what’s the application amounts… ah… give me…?
iON: A cup and five gallons of water, just regular old water… branch water… never been run through a pipe. Oh well, no! That’s a different tangent. We’ve got to do this different. So, just water… just regular H…
Caller: Springwater! Springwater!
iON: OK! No! Hell, that’s poison! That’s been through our atmosphere! No, that will kill you dead as a hammer! No, that will take the chlorine bleach right out of your hair. No, you can’t do that! Rainwater is poison! It’s terrible! It’s just awesome! We don’t care! Use any wet water! Just get wet water! Wet water… wet water will do just fine! Wet water and put a cup of the “Mash” in it. Let it set like overnight until it starts casting the water… of… of flavor or a… ah… you can taste it if it’s clean water in a clean bucket.