iON | Pico

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 12, 2016 Part 5 (12:50 mark)]

Caller: Can we elaborate just a minute on the “assimilate”? “Assimilate” or “absorb” in my mind… in my current evolution, particle size is a big part of assimilate or absorb. And I think that’s why Carolyn’s focus has been “nanosizing”. Is… am I understanding that correctly?

iON: We don’t know because we can’t say “pico”, and we can’t say a lot of words. So, we don’t know what the right words to say are because when we say “pico”, it’s wrong. And when we say the other word, it’s wrong. So, we don’t know which word!

Bob: So, what do you say, Carolyn?

Dr. Dean: “Pico” is fine! It’s “nano”! We don’t like “nano”, Caller. I made it “pico” because people think “nano” technology is going to kill them.

Caller: Right! That’s right!

Dr. Dean: So, I didn’t want them to have a “word allergy” but… um… the minerals, “ReMag” and “ReMyte”, are “pico-meter” size but also, stabilized ions. So, they don’t go about this ionic bonding. The magnesium is stabilized, so it’s not, you know, attracting all kinds of interaction so that it can stay as an ion long enough to be absorbed and assimilated into the cells. So, that’s what’s happening, the stabilization of ions.

Caller: That makes sense! Thank you!

iON: To convert to substances suitable for incorporation into the body as its tissues.

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