Transcribed by Bert.
[January 18, 2020 20:00 hour (56:55 mark)]
Bert: So iON, you’ve also mentioned… ah… when we were talking about when… over the years… about the poles… that it had something to do with each individual… like it’s the… is there a pole connection with the meat sack?
iON: Always!
Bert: And that’s the spinal column or from the feet to the head?
iON: No! No! No! Ah… no, your aura – your aura – your aura! Do you know what the aura is?
Bert: Ah! OK, beyond that! OK!
iON: Yeah! Yeah, it’s got to be beyond that because you’re more than the sum total… you’re more than the sum total, that is you!