Transcribed by Bert.
[March 19, 2016 Part 3 (53:25 mark)]
Caller: The landmasses are formed by… I guess volcanoes create something above the water, and as the plates move around, those plates collide into each other – and they get bigger – and bigger – and accrete, and eventually form land. It’s not like the bottom of the ocean comes up and makes a landmass, correct, iON?
iON: Well, you’ve only got 6,371,000 meters of Earth to work with, that’s across. It’s spherical, and there’s no point that makes it an actual orb.
Caller: OK!
iON: And Bob, that would be about 4,000 miles. Well, 3,959 miles. {Ed. – this doesn’t sound right. I’ll ask iON about it.}