iON | Save Big Pharma

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 19, 2016 Part 2 (16:12 mark)]

Roxana: Isn’t the stone that everybody was looking for just “magnesium”?

iON: No, it most certainly was and is not!

Roxana: Is there another element?

iON: That’s what we’re using to save “Big Pharma”!

Bob: What does it mean to save them, iON? They can save face and then start using it?

iON: No! No! No, their… no, their… their bad drugs, that’s “Death by Modern Medicine”, all gets saved because magnesium makes their bad pharmaceuticals work. So, it’s great!

Bob: What’s that mean, Carolyn? Is that what you’re pointing out… that the drugs… they’re effective because of the magnesium at first, the reaction by magnesium?

iON: Right! No, it makes it work! It makes it work, and it helps in saving “Big Pharma”! They love it! It’s great!

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