[March 15, 2020 05:00 hour (35:06 mark)]
iON: And it proves out the point that there is this much capacity. Remember, we said if you take out all of the ions out of all of the cells, and all you have is the… the… the nucleus of the cells, then everybody on the planet would fit into the size of a sugar cube? That would be a very, very dense sugar cube, but the sum total of all you humans would fit into a sugar cube. If you just had the space between your cells, that’s what takes up all of the girth.
Bert: And you’re saying that’s what the capacity is that’s being built up within the spaces of our cells. That’s what you are referring to?
iON: Right! The lines…
Bert: OK!
iON: That’s the lines and… stop! That’s the lines and the spaces that Bob was having his little giz-gasm about!