iON | Vulnerable Transition of Ascension

Transcribed by Bert.

[March 19, 2016 Part 1 (16:04 mark)]

iON: And then he {Jesus – Ed.} said: “Wait, my Ascension is not complete, yet!” So, she {Mary – Ed.} couldn’t touch him until his Ascension was complete because there was this vulnerable position between Little Man and God that you go through. And she was the one who witnessed that!

Dr. Dean: Can you give us an example… can you give us an example of how iONauts go through that vulnerable transition?

iON: Yeah, OK! Yes, and it has to do with the atmosphere. The atmosphere… you know, “environment and heredity”, the “age-old mash”. Your heredity states that you’re going back to God, or you’re going to leave this body. Those are the choices, and either one is OK with us, and they both end pretty well as far as we’re concerned. But in the environment… that has a conditional response – like the reason a Little Man needs pain is because you’re so stupid that you will stick your hand in the fireplace. So, pain is a good thing; it tells you to stop. It says: “Please don’t stick your hand in the fireplace! Oh, but momma did, and daddy did, and paw-paw did. Everybody stuck their hand in the fireplace.” And we’re saying: “Yeah, but you don’t have to! The chain of pain doesn’t have to go like that! You really don’t have to!” So, what happens is… is the pain in the Little Man’s position is how it guides you into being from… it keeps you from being stupid, like sticking your hand in the fireplace. Now, you certainly can stick your hand in the fireplace. There’s nothing wrong with that, and as a God, you can do it. And it won’t… the… the… we’ve taken all of the heatness out of the fire… and with the heatness out of the fire, then there’s surely no problem. But that’s not what you’re talking about here. The vulnerable place between “itch and scratch” is that shifting when the plasma changes – when the marrow shifts – when the final increment is in play, the final step.

Dr. Dean: Great! So, there’ll be a shifting sensation… something will happen, and then we have to decide: “Is this pain or is this pleasure? Am I going to go back to the ‘pain train’ and what my ancestors say I have to go through… dying with tubes in every orifice… or am I going to go with the pleasure which is my Ascension?”

iON: Yep, John 20:17!

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