New Formula Complexities

1. First Quadrant 2. Second Quadrant 3. Third Quadrant
Battle of the Atlantic Battle of the Atlantic Battle of the Pacific
Atlantis Atlantis Lemurian
22 Lake in the 8 zone 22 Lake in the 8 zone 14 Rim in the 44 zone
(AM ::::: AP[b]) (AM ::::: AP[b]) (AP[b] ::::: AM)
1960-1989 1990-2004
“Watergate was a battle between television and newspaper for the advertising dollar.”-Marshall McLuhan “Watergate was a battle between television and newspaper for the advertising dollar.”-Marshall McLuhan Obama (Southern Hemisphere of Pac Rim/man-child)::::://vs Palin (Northern Hemisphere of Pac Rim/Amazon warrior)
Eye vs Ear (visual vs acoustic) Foot vs Hand (kinetic vs tactile) Obama=TV Body + AP[b](literate oral+haptic eye):::::AM+AP(a)
Palin=Astral Body+AP[b] (haptic oral+literate eye):::::AM+AP(a)

4. Fourth Quadrant 5. Fifth Quadrant 6.Sixth Quadrant
Battle of the Pacific Battle of the Mythic Gov’t
14 Rim in the 44 zone 8 vs 22 plus 14
(AP[b]:::::AM) Ecstatic Panicking AP
Obama (Southern Hemisphere of Pac Rim/man-child)::::://vs Palin (Northern Hemisphere of Pac Rim/Amazon warrior) Trump (AP)::::://vs Trump(AM)
Obama = TV Body+AP[b] (literate oral+haptic eye):::::AM+AP(a) Trump Beats the Media!
Palin=Astral Body+AP[b](haptic oral+literate eye)::::: AM+AP(a)

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