Radio iON Bob’s Notes | 17 October 2020

NOTE: Times are close but not exact. All times are Hawaii Time. You will need to convert to Pacific Standard Time (PST) for the Achieve Radio archives. Hawaii does not use Daylight Saving Time, so there is an extra hour difference during DST.

Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)

ion bob and trump


nik keys and ayers hell is full now new weapons for the Space Force from the aliens george conway closed down $100 million raised against lindsey graham madeleine put into the silence his dream with the brunette

“Fringe” TV show incident with peter jack and bob instagram show twitter scandal and hearing on monday more on bob cold play judgment quavo


yila her performance last week how to ascend physically being an alien seeking revenge triangulation no time with milk


jaun cold play applications Key 8 pussy kush Key 5 student vaccinations (BCG) East Bloc disaster pleomorphism 5G exoskeleton effects (effect on the tectonic plates) bob and the aliens ion describes cold play a new recipe jack sarfatti


ginney hunter biden’s 3 hardrives a witness in jail more on naaman OA movements outside Trump Tower problem of history


gregg grounding with copper and faraday cages’ protection from EMP


germaine the angel chart (valence/valance and 4th Ring) and triangulation 7 empires (mammon) fame


kenley last night culture his ranch italian 100-year-olds potential projects carolyn’s book for pregnancy


bert radiation and the skin the beginning of the aurora borealis spreading everywhere metabolism and the endocrine system restructure and pectin Nsaids Bob and Jack’s show Bob’s Big Note new pull-up


jack menippean phatic communion do-rags humans are motivated by fear


scott his enemy (Jeffery) Barry Nevitt


clinton jean piaget


eira animal spirits trump charlemagne not ascended illumination vs. darkness (yin vs. yang) emotion vs. feeling power vs. electricity spiritual adaptive power


leslie california fires


steve ion is in him tartary


brent angels poles flipping


roy changes to the legal system feudal system is coming boris and nigel


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