Transcribed by Nan
Carolyn 0:01
Okay, sorry guys, you can go to sleep, come back in, in 45 minutes. Here we go. "THE CHAPTER OF OPENING THE MOUTH OF THE OSIRIS ANI." We’re reading from the Egyptian Book of the Dead with iON. The Chapter of Opening the Mouth of the Osiris Ani. "To be said: The god Ptah shall open my mouth, and the god of my town shall unfasten the swathings, the swathings which are over my mouth." Now, swathings, iON, that tends to mean babies. Is this about the –
iON 0:40
Mm hmm. Swaddlings.
Carolyn 0:40
– birth of, like, a baby,? Hmm?
iON 0:46
Mm hmm. Yeah, you want us to help you?
Carolyn 0:51
Ha ha ha. Well, is this – is swathings related to the swaddling clothes with a baby as in this action is being reborn or brought back?
iON 1:04
Yeah, yeah.
Carolyn 1:06
Okay, all right.
iON 1:08
But, okay.
Carolyn 1:10
Um, would you want to go, go more? You want to dive in and take (indistinct).
iON 1:18
Ahhhh, well, ah (pause). This is not – when we get through this – no, when we get through, this ain’t gonna be boring. How about that? Would that help a little bit?
Carolyn 1:39
Ah, ha ha ha. Okay.
iON 1:44
Carolyn 1:44
Will I continue? (pause) No?
iON 1:49
Ah, till we can’t take, till we can’t – please continue till we can’t stand it anymore. Then.
Carolyn 1:56
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. "Thereupon shall come Thoth, who is equipped with words –
iON 1:58
How long you gonna go till the Speech of Priest Sameref?
Carolyn 2:06
Huh? Well, what do you mean? I didn’t leave out any words, did I?
iON 2:12
No, we said how long until –
iON 0:00
Priest Sameref.
Carolyn 0:05
I don’t know. I haven’t looked at this before.
iON 0:08
Carolyn 0:08
Do you want me to check?
iON 0:09
Okay. No, no, no no no.
Carolyn 0:13
The Speech –
iON 0:14
Yeah, the Speeches after the Pylons.
Carolyn 0:20
No idea. I have no idea. So, we’ll just have to go until when we get there. Okay?
iON 0:29
Mm hmm. But you’re done with all the Pylons, right?
Carolyn 0:34
Continuing – heh heh, yes. The Pylons are underneath us. They’re behind us. They’re in our wake.
iON 0:51
Carolyn 0:52
Okay continuing: "Thereupon shall come Thoth, who is equipped with words of power in great abundance, and shall untie the fetters, even the fetters of the god Set which are over my mouth. And the god Tem shall cast them back at those who would fetter me with them, and cast them at him. Then shall the gods Shu open my mouth, and make an opening into my mouth with the same iron implement wherewith he opened the mouth of the gods. I am the goddess Sekhmet, and I take my seat upon the place by the side of Amt-ur the great wind of heaven." So, stopping here, iON. Has this got anything to do with the winds and waves?
iON 1:50
It does.
Carolyn 1:52
Talks about great wind.
iON 1:55
Okay, this is fun. This is fun. Stop all this foolishness and let’s get over this because you’re, you’re – we’re being literal. And this means things and it means applications. We got to go back and we’re gonna do a little cursor. If we don’t do another thing of this tonight, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna clean this up. So, you can pack, now, while we carry on with this just a little bit, we’re gonna show you a little some’em, some’em. Okay. What this script, ridiculous pieces of a bunch of words are, are a ramification of the outcome of the Gutenberg blah, blah, blah, print, prop, press, press, prop, press, prop when nobody bothered to learn what the Egyptians were, and the Anunnaki, and how that all applied. Okay? Ah, the Giants in the Land of Canaan came to stand as an example that are the ramification of this respect as you are an eternal being. As we’ve told every one of you over and over and over, and gonna tell you one more time: This world is not your home. Okay? So, this ball of wax that you – now, we told you how to get lost, we told you how to move through it, we told you how to get your way back if you want to learn how to do that. We told you we’d come get your damn ass at the "broke-ass" bar hall, we’d come drag you home, and we’d protect you, and we’d help you, and we do everything we can do if you start doing your part carrying on. We did all that. But now let’s start making this a little bit more practical. In your search for your path back home – okay, where is home? Well, we’ve clearly established that would be Andromeda. Right? Okay, how far away is Andromeda? Well, we don’t know. We have to go talk to J.R. Bob Dobbs on the face of the Sphinx. That’s the lion that’s crossed with the serpent. So, you got both sides of Ophenel, Bob, and the serpent. The asp that will strike at you and put poison in you! He would do that, ooo, yes, he would do that. Just try him. He would do it. He would step on you, cut your head off, and pee down your throat hole. It won’t bother him at all. He don’t care. He don’t got no – Dark Soul got no repose. The point of this condition – y’all been playing this ridiculous game for about what you call 10,000 of your years. Troublesome, you see, from the cycle. What you’re confusing: the condition of getting back from the dead, being in the dead, and all these different positions, are very clear from how this house is set up and how this all conditions. They all line up. How many times, well, let’s see. Hold on one second. Bob, lay down that food for a second and do me, do us a favor. (short pause) He’s gotta come from the kitchen. Oh my god, don’t you touch that phone! You wash them hands, you wash them hands. What in the world? He just – stop.
Carolyn 5:04
Bob? Where are you at, Bob?
iON 5:05
Everybody take a little break. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. You’ve eaten.
Carolyn 5:12
iON requires your presence, Bob.
iON 5:14
Just – we need a, we need a, we need a, we need a sidekick. No, we don’t need him to work, we just need a sidekick.
Carolyn 5:24
Sidekick. Yeah. Bob, come and be kicked in the side by iON. Stop hacking, Bob.
iON 5:29
No, I need him to do a thing. No, I need to do a thing. He’s got to push the button and push the button. And we have a sidekick. We’re gonna do a sidekick.
Carolyn 5:42
I don’t know where he is. I’m gonna have to run upstairs, –
iON 5:45
He’s gotta wash. He’s got to wash them hands.
Carolyn 5:47
– haul him out of the bathroom.
iON 5:50
Carolyn 5:50
Haven’t got a clue what’s going on. No, –
iON 5:53
It happens.
Carolyn 5:54
– no, but this is good, iON, if you’re –
iON 5:57
No, it’s wonderful. We’re gonna do it.
Carolyn 5:59
– taking us out of the murky mire. Uh huh.
iON 6:01
No, we’re gonna make it – we’re gonna make it interesting. We’re gonna make it interesting because what’s happened is in this – same thing happens with "Finnegans Wake." It’s fabulous. It’s the most wonderful thing ever, but you get lost in the words and it doesn’t mean anything, but it’s ridiculous. So, what we want to do is we want to get some of the pinpoints of lines and spaces. This is the bullshit we’ve been doin’ for 1000 years, and now it comes to the full crux of the rotation. And it lines it all up so you can go: "Oh, my Jesus fucking god, really? You mean it’s like that? You mean this is what that’s all for?" And then now these things that you’re doin’, it’s great. And see, this is what we were talkin’ about when you start using the, the, the Keys and the Aethyrs correctly.
Carolyn 6:48
Get on the phone, Bob.
iON 6:50
Here’s what happens with the Keys and the Aethyrs. That energy shifts things and it gives the answer to the solution.
Carolyn 6:56
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
iON 6:57
See what you did?
Carolyn 6:58
Yeah, yeah.
iON 6:59
See what you did? You did this. You did this you marvelous, you powerful vixien, you siren you, you did this. You did this. Okay, Bob, what we want, all we want you to do –
Carolyn 7:12
iON, you know what? Bob, Bob took off his phone and was listening on –
iON 7:19
Of course he did.
Carolyn 7:19
– his headset so he could hear your dulcet tones. So he’s, he’s been two minutes behind.
Bob 7:24
I couldn’t talk! I couldn’t talk!
iON 7:27
We know. All we need you to do –
Bob 7:29
Now wait, now I got the other phone on.
iON 7:31
– that’s nice. We don’t need anything, we just need you to get Bert. Open up Bert’s line and then y’all go pack and listen and we’ll clean this up. That’s all we want, and we’ll be good. We’ll do this section and it’ll be great.
Carolyn 7:43
(indistinct) Bert.
Bob 7:44
Well, I liked how you describe the J.R. Bob Dobbs head and the Sphinx. That was pretty good. I don’t think you realized the depth of that, Carolyn.
Carolyn 7:52
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 7:53
All it does – that’s why Dobbstown is under the left paw.
Bob 7:56
iON 7:58
And they’re about ready to find that, by the way.
Bob 8:00
iON 8:00
But we want Bert because Bert’s, unlike you all, Bert’s smart. You’ve got this. He knows a lot of things. And so, he’s fresh, fresh in the throes of this information superhighway; and he knows things so we can, he can be the antiphonal conversation of points of encouragement that we have previously provided in this per curiam of politicalness. We’re gonna help it just a little bit. But that way, then what happens at that point –
Bob 8:33
Well, he hasn’t shown up.
iON 8:35
– oh my Jesus fucking god, he’s been talking all night long. He’s been talking all night long. He’s been on the chit chat, up, down, over, and under, and everything with the stump. Just get him. You need us to go over to fucking Zurich and lay his ass out? Okay, we can do that. And take him to Hawaii? But you’ll have more people around the house, and you know how that goes. He couldn’t come in but, he’d be standing in the yard – and you didn’t even close the windows. You didn’t even close the windows so he could probably enjoy the show from there. Probably a good thing, we guess.
Bob 9:06
Yeah, i know, I think he’s not listening to the show right now. I think he’s doing stuff with his, his relatives. He should have called in by now. He’s not here.
Carolyn 9:17
He was on chat, though, it’s a –
Bob 9:20
Yeah, but now he’s not on chat. See? Something happened.
Carolyn 9:23
Oh, Bert, Bert, Bert, Bert, Bert, Bert. Bert, Bert, Bert.
Bob 9:26
People are going nuts on the chat line. People are saying: "Get serious!" Other people are saying: "Oh boy, this is gonna be good." Ha ha.
Carolyn 9:35
Serious? Really? Us? Uh oh. This is gonna be good.
Bob 9:40
"Do us a favor," says Sky Goddess, "stop all this foolishness." Ha ha ha.
iON 9:48
Ha ha ha. She’s quoting, she’s quoting us.
Bob 9:52
Here he is. Okay, so Bert’s here. Bert’s here.
Carolyn 9:58
iON 9:58
Magic. Imagine – fuck imagine (indistinct)
Bob 10:02
You better live up to expectations, Bert.
iON 10:05
If you’ll just let him on the phone! He don’t even have a prayer.! You just open the line, we’ll do this! Just open it up. That’s all you got to do. It’s all good.
Bob 10:13
It takes him a while to get in.
iON 10:16
Oh, okay.
Bob 10:16
Okay, Bert.
Bert 10:18
iON 10:19
Sheesh, lord have mercy. Okay,!
Bob 10:21
You’re on mute, Bert. You’re speaking but we can’t hear you. Fix your phone there.
iON 10:26
He said hello. He said hello.
Bert 10:28
You can hear me?
Bob 10:28
Now, now we do.
Carolyn 10:30
Got it. Yeah.
Bert 10:32
Hello. Hi, Carolyn. Hi, Bob. Hey, iON.
Carolyn 10:35
Yeah, we can hear ya.
Bert 10:37
Carolyn 10:37
iON 10:37
Greetings Bert. Okay, y’all get off the line. You’re too loud, fix you’re mic, you got bad things, it’s no good. Get off, get off the line. Get off, get, get, just go get. Okay, we need a little play here. We gotta a little interplay. There’s a lot of things that you know, that we know, you know. Okay? And now Book of the Dead has died. Okay? So, and it’s kind of important only because it’s a bunch of damn words that are gonna save the damned. Do you get that?
Bert 10:39
Okay, yes.
iON 10:47
Okay, you gotta stay real focused and you gotta, you gotta stay real focused with – stay with us and go with this, and we’re gonna have questions and positions and you’re gonna engage with those. Okay? Because you know what we’re talking about. For example, where do we say everybody comes from?
Bert 11:30
iON 11:32
That’s exactly right. Okay. And that’s very important because that’s what – let’s say that’s where heaven is.
Bert 11:38
That’s a news flash.
iON 11:41
We’re gonna – well, you fixin’ to get flash, you fixin’ to get flash like you ain’t never been flashed before. Let me tell you child of God, right now it’s good to be Number One. That’s what you need to know. Here we go. How far is Andromeda from here?
Bert 11:58
Oh, iON, see. Um, no, it’s close. It’s not far.
iON 12:04
Okay, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. How many stones are there in the Giza pyramid – exactly?
Bert 12:14
Okay, if you mean stones, pyramids, there’s three.
iON 12:17
No, no no not three pyramids. How many rocks are in the middle Giza pyramid, the one behind Bob, J.R. Bob Dobbs the Sphinx? The one the, the Giza. The one behind the Sphinx. There’s 2 million five hundred thousand –
Carolyn 12:40
Five hundred and thirty seven thousand; which is, the earth to Andromeda is 2,537,000 light years.
iON 12:49
Light years or sun years.
Carolyn 12:52
iON 12:52
That’s exactly right. They told you. See, you didn’t have to know. All you had to do is count the rocks. And those rocks, how much do those rocks weigh? Two and a half tons apiece.
Bert 13:06
Carolyn 13:08
Bert 13:17
iON 13:06
Okay. Okay, now. Now, now now. When you layin’ this all down, that’s – now you know some things. All this history and this gobbly gook y’all had to go through is just gettin’ you up to right here right now. But now you’ve, you’ve noticed our bit of sense of urgency tryin’ to get you on with this before the Tech Body gets y’all all pregnant? Huh huh, yeah; you better look out because let me tell you, seven come 11, it’s coming! We got to get you on the next level, fast. Okay. Orion’s Belt lines up with Giza. Right?
Bert 13:50
Yes, yes.
iON 13:53
Okay. Gilgamesh means what?
Bert 13:59
iON 14:03
Tree of Life.
Bert 14:05
Gilgamesh means the Tree of Life.
iON 14:08
Yeah, Tree of Life. That’s right. Tree of Life is what the angel serves, and it’s what man serves. Remember?
Bert 14:16
Ah, if you say so, iON, yes.
iON 14:22
No, no, they do. That’s the whole, that’s the point, now. We weren’t, we weren’t precluding anything. We were – it wasn’t a trick. It was just sayin’ that’s the point. That’s the connector point. See? That’s what you’re tryin’ to figure – how many years have we been talking about triangulation?
Bert 14:41
Ah, since you appeared. 2009 –
iON 14:44
Bert 14:44
– from what I remember.
iON 14:45
So, where is the, where is the Triangulum?
Bert 14:50
Okay, the – okay, Triangulum is – okay, first thing, you told me a few weeks ago and it’s funny I had this question but I wiped it out, that Orion’s belt is here, or touching; so, the triangulation would be Orion’s Belt here and Andromeda. Would that be the triangulation point?
iON 15:16
Home. Home. It was. But what’s the Tiangulum?
Bert 15:20
iON 15:23
Mm hmm.
Bert 15:29
Oh, a galaxy.
iON 15:32
That’s right.
Bert 15:32
Triangulum galaxy.
iON 15:34
Okay, okay okay, okay, okay. Now don’t, don’t get lost. Just – we’re telling you some um.
Bert 15:40
Yes, you are.
iON 15:41
See, Carolyn, see Carolyn? Isn’t this a little more interesting – is it a little interest – gettin’ there, we’re gettin’ somewhere now? ‘Cuz what’s gonna happen is we have to apply all the knowings that we knew into the knowings that are. That makes these stupid, bad, broke backed, fucked up, nobody-gives-a-fuck words to meaning. All right, it’s kind of like getting the key to a playfair cipher. It makes a difference when you can figure out the puzzle. Sudoku ain’t no fun if you can’t figure your angles. Right? (slight pause) You’re supposed to say right, Bert.
Bert 16:16
Right. Right. I did.
iON 16:18
Now, moving right, moving right along, moving right along. Come on, we got, we got, we got, we got business. We can’t get – let them fall off here. We losin’ them to CNN every minute. We gotta hold, get some, get some content! Gotta get some content here! All right, go back down to the pyramid. The pyramid, the Sphinx, is older than all of these other things. Does everybody agree?
Bert 16:40
iON 16:42
Good. Okay. The paws hold up and it is a Leo. Do you know what Leo in the – well, not an apocrypha, but they have the Leo the Lion. Right?
Bert 16:56
Yes. Yes.
iON 16:58
If you take, if you take Leo the constellation and you look at it, guess what you have. You have the lion and if you take the top line off, you have a snake; and then behind that you have a pyramid. Which the pyramid’s the tail of the Andromeda conclusion. Got it?
Bert 17:26
Got it.
iON 17:28
So that’s why Dobbstown where they’re fixin on – we’re havin’ to do this because we gotta hurry. They’re fixin to open this thing up, and here this fucking stone’s gonna roll back and then there’s gonna be a Landsea container that says Dobbstown on it! J.R. Bob’s Dobbs pop’s pipe stickin out of the corner of the thing, the key, like in the, like in the "Fifth Element." You know, when they slide the key in the door and try to turn it to open up so the Fifth Element, the perfect beam, can get in the middle with Earth, Wind & Fire, the singing group; you remember that? This little pipe will be sticking out the thing with a key to open it up so you can get there so y’all get your ass back home. The point is, we’ve been saying that this earth is changing, it’s shifting. It’s becoming, and it’s not a spaceship. Everyone thinks this planet is a spaceship. But, Number One, we’ve had a big fight. How many years have we’ve been carrying on about: they don’t even know how many planets we got.
Bert 18:27
Right, you always said it was nine, but then Pluto went away. But then you also said a while ago that there’s another planet outside of Pluto.
iON 18:36
Ah ha. Yes, that’s exactly right. You see, God damn you doing good tonight!. You on the money, honey. This is good. There are a total of ten planets that you’re dealing with. –
Bert 18:48
Mm hmm.
iON 18:49
– Ten. And everybody knew this. Everybody knew this. The Indians knew it, the lolly dami, Dalai Lami, Lami, Hami knew it. Buddha. Buddha, you know, Buddha wasn’t a Christian, but Jesus would have made a good Buddhist. So, you know, all of them knew it. They all had it all figured out. It’s good. The Mayans knew it, the Afferites {?}, the Safferites {?}, but the Amalekites, you gotta be careful with them, you see, ‘cuz you’re still dealing with giants. The fear-based reality is the giant interaction. Now, Gilgamesh, you decided was the Tree of Life. Remember?
Bert 19:30
iON 19:23
The fronds on the Tree of Life they go out. It’s represented many, many, many ways. Especially in the Book of the Dead, especially in the hieroglyphs. And they spent, god, a chapter or two just going over those details. They’re not literal the way they lay them out. They’re actually stars that make the hook-up. They’re gauges of stars to hook you up to where you’re supposed to go. Carolyn and Bob are lucky. They have the actual patterns that are the, the star chart, if that’s what you’re calling it, to make this gate work. Now all gates and portals are open and that’s why now you’re lining up. If you take Bob, you take a picture, you’re gonna – do you have a good picture of Bob’s face?
Bert 20:21
No, but I can get one. I don’t have one right now.
iON 19:01
Okay, get a picture, get a picture, get a picture of Bob’s face and do it in such a way that it’s kinda like, if you have those slides, you know, if you used to have those slides you could put in a little projector and have a slideshow? Well, you know, if you line up the two shots, two slides, put one on top of each other. If you take Bob’s face, Bob’s face, and you line it up with the sun, all the marks on the sun, all the lines, the ear, the side, kind of like a profile, is Bob’s face. His nose is in there, every bit of it is in the sun.
Bert 21:03
Okay, so you’re saying that all – if I line up Bob’s face with the sun, –
iON 21:08
They are the same.
Bert 21:09
– all of the – all the marks that would be on the sun are the same as Bob’s face. That’s what you’re saying.
iON 21:15
Yep. Yep.
Bert 21:16
iON 21:16
And do you know – have you ever been to, have you ever been to the iON site?
Bert 21:22
iON 21:24
That "O" in the middle, that’s Bob’s face.
Bert 21:29
Oh, yeah! I’m looking at it right now. Okay.
iON 21:32
Mother fucker! Look at that. Look at that, look at that. All the way through. It’s pretty amazing, you see. So, here’s the – check this out. Check this out. Check this out. Okay, now, this opening, this gauge – we keep sayin’ that the earth is changing. Now guess what science has figured out. Now, first of all, science don’t know nothin’ about nothin’. But science has figured out when they get rid of – they can look at it now. It was so bright. You see, the sun is not a planet. You get that?
Bert 22:03
iON 22:05
It’s a – what is the sun? It’s a –
Bert 22:09
iON 22:11
That’s exactly right! Okay. This star has a hole in it.
Bert 22:19
iON 22:21
Do you know what purple is?
Bert 22:22
Ah, that’s – you’ve always referenced the radiation and also it’s Bob’s name sometimes. Bob refers to himself as purple.
iON 22:31
Right. That’s right. Well, Fukushima is those rods that are going, racing to the center of the earth. That nuclear radiation, the rods, they weren’t spent, they’re live. They’re radioactive, right? And there’s other places that are pumping radiation hard. Okay. What’s happening is the gamma radiation is increasing, but now they have filters that they can look at the sun and you can actually see, like, you’ll see it like if you’re looking at the picture. We’re gonna lay it out so everybody will get this. And, oh lord, Ed Long, he can’t do tea with Mussolini somehow but he can do this. They’ll do the – underneath the ear, like the jaw line, that’s where the hole is in the sun. And it shows it just as plain, so it’ll be like the cusp of – he has a very strong chin line. Did you know that? Makes the girls just go crazy. Makes them swoon. They just dig that chin line. It just does them in. And makes the little nipples stand up. Is it, ooo, it’s just a sight to see that. It’s his chin line. He’s got a strong chin. Okay, well that underneath that right there is that bottom crevice of the sun where you can have the little hook, see, like the sun, and you can see his damn ear, his pristine, clear ears. He has the cleanest ears of anybody. The cleanest ears, it’s ridiculous. But, under that jaw, –
Bert 23:54
Bob’s right ear, iON? Bob’s right ear?
iON 23:56
– if he’s looking, this would be, this would be, well, we don’t know. It would be Bob’s left ear if he’s looking up towards the sun. If you’re going to marry that to the picture, his left side. And on his neck, you’ve got this little thing right there on the side. And that little thing, it’s like a little bitty mark. That little mark is also on the same face as the face on the pyramid. Because that’s Bob’s likeness. It’s on the same thing.
Bert 24:23
Hmm. Okay.
iON 24:29
Now, before reconstruction, there were lines on the Sphinx. Okay, those lines give the quadrants. Those are also on Bob’s face as the Dark Soul. Those are the lines that go across his face, too, but they are like shadow, what you call the compass lines or some of them, those – the crystal lickers. The crystal licker, that’d be Avaton and Worcester, and Shockley. They called them the, the, the magic lines or the ley lines or the grid, or the whatever, whatever. That grid lines up the details or parameters. Okay. So, now, this Egyptian Book of the Dead business, the reason we’re doing this now is because it’s gonna clean up some of the positions that you’re coming to; because you can’t have as many people fixin’ to die that’s gonna die without any kind of explanation. Gonna be some explanation. It’s gonna line it up; it’s gonna tell you what’s going on. But now every religion is comin’ back to fixing, lining up of what’s happening. Okay. And so it becomes conditional. Got it? Orion’s is a – Orion and the constellation Orion is where?Which Nebula would it be included in?
Bert 25:59
Oh, I had that. Hold on. One second. I had that.
iON 26:02
See, that’s good. We know, we know. That’s why we asked. (whispered) That’s why we asked.
Bert 26:09
I know. Hmm. It’s Orion’s Belt.
iON 26:20
Exactly. It’s in Orion’s Belt but where that is – where is Orion?
Bert 26:23
(to himself, softly) Heh heh heh. Where is Orion?
iON 26:30
It’s in this circulation that lines up with the winter solstice and the summer solstice. See, all your rock formations all over the world line up with certain things certain ways. Okay, now what –
Bert 26:44
It’s located in the – it says it’s located in the celestrial equator, visible throughout the world.
iON 26:52
Correct. Correct! That’s the reason it’s important! That’s why it matters. Okay, now everything is MAGA. MAGA. What does MAGA stand for?
Bert 27:02
You told me that, also. MAGA?
iON 27:07
Bert 27:12
You, um –
iON 27:14
It’s an acronym. It’s what Trump says all the time.
Bert 27:25
Okay, iON, what I remember you saying, maga has something to do with the liquid substance in the earth.
iON 27:33
No, no. That’s magma. That’s magma. MAGA, it’s what Trump runs around with his hats on that everybody hates. Make America Great Again.
Bert 27:42
(same time as iON) Make America Great Again. Yes. Make America Great Again.
iON 27:44
Okay, MAGA. See, that – now, first of all, why does it matter? Why does America matter?
Bert 27:56
What is the many things, but one of the things is that America serves like a parallel world because it came out of a parallel world
iON 28:06
It was before. America was before. That’s how it became the dragon.
Bert 28:15
iON 28:17
Okay. Now we got to give you a little bit of – y’all don’t have the benefit of the hieroglyphs and we do. So, you got – you know, you know Horus? (pronouncing it like Harsh)
Bert 28:26
Horus, yes.
iON 28:26
Horus. We – you so proper. It’s Harsh. You know Horus and you know Harsh. And you know Issy. They, some call it Isis. You know Issy?
Bert 28:39
Yes, I know Issy.
iON 28:40
You see pictures. Well, when you see pictures of Issy, on her head she’s got a – ah, ah, serpents on her crown. How many serpents has she got? Ten. Oh Lord, no. If it was seven that was over – you’re over seven continents. But, she’s got ten. She’s over everything. Okay. And then when you got a sun on top of the snake (pfft), that takes it over, that takes it out of this time space continuum. You got that?
Bert 29:07
Hmm. Yes.
iON 29:20
So, the Book of the Dead references the conditional response of what you’re in control of, and how you rule and reign. That’s why you had to bring it back into the dead side of the live living. See? We can’t, we say you can’t be up until you know down and you can’t be happy till you know sad. Otherwise, how do you know? Was it just "I’ve been in bliss and in more bliss." Ha ha ha. You see, it becomes – now it’s just your projection of where you are within where you are. It’s all relative. Got that?
Bert 29:54
iON 29:55
Okay, America, lines up with a constellation too. It was before and that’s why this is key. And that’s why the Dragon has to – how long is the Dragon gonna make it?
Bert 30:14
How long is the dragon gonna make it? You got me on that, iON.
iON 30:18
Yeah, we went on that pretty hard. Forever! It wins! It’s why, it’s why –
Bert 30:25
That’s why China –
iON 30:25
– the Mountain make – that’s why – well, no, no, don’t say China. China didn’t matter. China is just where the Mountain was. The Mountain’s gonna make it. And now it’s official; Hong Kong will be spared. Just so you know. That’s your, that’s your free part; it didn’t cost you nothin’. You like that? You like that?
Bert 30:47
iON 30:48
We knew you would. Yep. Yeah, yeah. Sure as Michael Lindell makes My Pillar. Mm hmm. Okay, now, you set a premise now for how things are going. Nothing, okay Bert, nothing is logical anymore. Nothing makes sense anymore. Nothing – up’s, down, down’s up; the tranees and the, and the hagees and the wagees and the tagees and the beastiality people and the, and the baby killers and the, what were those – the, the Hillary’s baby eatin’ people, and religious things and all this crazy, this crazy shit where people look at this and go "what!?" And then they got, and then they go to Utah: "Oh, well, there’s a whole section on where you take, you take bloody flux and you run through this and afterbirth and do something with a dead baby and do" – crazy, crazy shit! I mean it’s beyond crazy shit. And then they talk about it like it’s just no big deal, like, "Well everybody knows about that. That’s like going to Communion." Heh heh heh. That’s the way they talked about it. There’s trouble, you see, because the people are not sighted, they’re driven. They’re not sighted, they’re driven. Used to back in the day when you had culture, you said a bad word your granny would slap, bitch slap you in the mouth; wouldn’t she?
Bert 32:19
Yes. Yes.
iON 32:20
You didn’t talk, you didn’t talk – you had respect. You didn’t talk trash. You didn’t say bad things. Now on the TV, you can say nigger! It’s all right! All of a sudden it’s all right. Come on now. You know. I mean, what are you gonna do? What, you’re gonna work for Lil Wayne? Why can’t it work for us? It works good if that’s what you gotta do.
Bert 32:42
Ha ha. Great.
iON 32:42
But the point now becomes, that becomes relative. Okay? Okay. And that becomes relative. Now, what are you serving? So, everybody starts blaming everything on the devil. What is the devil, Bert?
Bert 33:01
Well, the first thing there’s no devil. Devil was created –
iON 33:05
By whom?
Bert 33:06
By the printing press. Ah, by the –
iON 33:09
By whom? Dante.
Bert 33:13
Dante, that’s right. Yes. Yes.
iON 33:15
Dante. And so, it became a projection of a relative position of something that filled the void of a purgatory. To where Hell, of course, being, being the absence of God. So, if that’s the case, then you’re true when you sing the song, "I’m the Only Hell My Mother Ever Raised." Right?
Bert 33:42
iON 33:43
You know that song? It’s not, it don’t make the playlist around here, but it’s a good song. Hey! hey! Johnny Paycheck, Johnny Paycheck sings it! He’s right up there with Bill Anderson. It might make it, it might make it, it might make it if Bill Anderson’s on the scroll, now. He, he, he may have a prayer! We will have to see. We will have to see.
Bert 34:06
Johnny Paycheck. Wow.
iON 34:06
There you go. Get them Ferlin Husky records out, Bob. You got the Victrola goin’ on. We got the key. We got a brand new rollerskate if you got a brand new key. Hey, that’s a good one, too. Well, anyway, set that aside. Okay, now, the lining up this Book of the Dead business applies to a construct. It’s time to get ready, Bert. Hey, Bert. Bert.
Bert 34:30
Yes. Yes, iON.
iON 34:32
You worked hard. You’ve worked hard. You’ve been faithful over small things. You now know things otherwise. Remember this week? Last week we told you this week you was gonna go through some stuff.
Bert 34:44
Ha ha. Yes, you did.
Did you think we were playin’? Did you think we were playin’?
No, I don’t. No, I’m literal with you.
iON 34:54
Give it a straight – give it a straight, straight face value. Did you?
Bert 34:58
iON 35:00
Okay. You know things now that you didn’t necessarily know.
Bert 35:09
Yeah, I know.
iON 35:12
All right. Mmm, well, we’re gonna go as far as you want to go.
Bert 35:22
Ha ha ha ha.
iON 35:22
We’ll go as far as you want to go, that’s okay. Now, we got to test the limits of what your body knows or what you know about your body in the shifting, the condition. But now, we’re not talking about you, we’re talking about the Book of the Dead. The point of the information that’s being laid out in the Book of the Dead is how you have the hieroglyphs applied to the bigger condition of your science of what the Triangulum – how it works; how America fits into the picture; why the constellations are turning; why the stars are moving around us; why the sun turns into a – just straight out turns into a huge stargate, you can take the whole thing through. But when it goes through that parallel flipping of a conditional response of how you layer and overlay time, the earth is an incredibly dense thing. Remember, we said if you took all the humans on the earth and took all of the ions out of them –
Bert 36:20
iON 36:20
– and you had just the cells, and it would be the size of a sugar cube?
Bert 36:25
Yes, I do.
iON 36:26
But it would be the very, very, very, very dense sugar cube. Okay, –
Bert 36:31
iON 36:31
– the denseness of this earth lands into a space or a linear space. So, when you see, like, a black hole?
Bert 36:44
iON 36:47
Bert 36:48
Yes, you see a black hole. Okay, I’m following you. I’m following you, but –
iON 36:51
A flat, flat piece, a flat piece, a flat piece of paper, and you draw a circle and you take a Van Gogh and swirl some shit around the outside of it, and that’s a black hole. It looks like a black hole, a black circle. Like the moon is illuminated, but it makes a bright spot in the black night, the dark night. –
Bert 37:12
iON 37:13
– It’s just reversed. But if you take that and take it into a three dimension, it looks like Saturn where you have an earth with rings around it. It’s a, it’s a ball. It’s not a flat thing, it’s three dimensional.
Bert 37:30
Okay, yeah.
iON 37:31
You got that?
Bert 37:31
iON 37:32
Okay, now, if you take, if you take the time space continuum, and you drop the earth into it – it’s being held. We are being held. We’re not falling. Do you agree? We’re held. A gravitational pull has captured the foundation of the earth. Do you agree?
Bert 37:51
Okay, iON, I would agree, but you’ve also said there is no gravity so I’ll go with what you’re saying.
iON 37:57
That’s right! That’s right, that’s right. No, no, no, ‘cuz, see, there you go. Good. It’s something’s holding it. Okay? Now, if you can’t take gravity, there isn’t any, you’re right; but there’s also no time. But this is how you apply the black hole in a time space continuum. When you drop the earth, when you drop the earth into this flat thing, it drops down like a – have you ever, have you ever, have you ever watched a woman put pantyhose on in the car?
Bert 38:31
Yes, I have. I have had that.
iON 38:33
You have. You have seen it? It’s like pushing a marshmallow in a Coke Cola bottle. Have you ever seen that?
Bert 38:39
Ha ha ha. Yes, yes.
iON 38:42
Ha ha. Just like that. Okay, what happens is it drops down and it will pull. Like if you dropped a rock down in, say, a pantyhose or a screen, it pulls down because the earth is so heavy and so dense.
Bert 38:57
iON 39:00
Okay, what is the object, the animal that is revered in the Egyptian lore that’s the protector?
Bert 39:11
The cat.
iON 39:14
Why do we say on this show every single week without fail or exception, "Lord suffering cats"?
Bert 39:24
From what I remember is because Carolyn’s father used to say that. I mean, that’s what I remember.
iON 39:29
Correct. He was very smart. He was very smart because he sets the modality of what this applies to. Those cats and abeyance to the separation of this knowledge and the protector of the knowing. Because, see, that’s Bob’s thing is that you should know. Remember?
Bert 39:51
iON 39:52
And then Bob gets surly because you can’t know nothin’, but you keep knowing what you know that you don’t know. Right?
Bert 39:59
iON 39:59
The Anunnaki, the Anunnaki figured it out, so it’s all right for y’all. Okay,do you know who the druids are? We’re jumpin’ around a little bit, but we got to keep it interesting. So, we’re gonna –
Bert 40:09
Yes, the druids are –
iON 40:11
– Yeah.
Bert 40:12
– ancient priests. In – the ancient priests from, ah –
iON 40:19
Ah huh. We laughingly, always laughingly said they must be from Druidea. Ha ha ha ha. The druids would have to come from Druidea. Right? Right, right. Okay. Okay, now, now, now. What happens is in a – have you ever heard or seen that the old – they show pictures of them around – the Myans had it and then they said some of the cavemen, the monkey boys, you know they’re the monkey people, the monkey. Then they come out of the asshole of a monkey, the monkey people. They would draw pictures, they’d draw pictures on the wall and like taken, I guess, dung or colored somethin’ and they’d paint, things like, ah, like, ah, it was the original cartoons. I’m sure they learned it from Ed Long with his caricatures. He is a very good cartoonist. Yeah, he’s pretty good.
Bert 41:09
Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Very good.
iON 41:11
He’s better than, he’s better than Greg duffle bag we’ll tell you that for sure. Don’t have all that politico to go with it though, all that political poison attached to it. It’s very distracting, you see. The cells get all tangled up, you see, but that’s a passe thing anyway. But, Ed’s an up-and-comer; he’s got it figured out. It’s good to be Greg. Good be Greg if you’re not gonna color things, see? Okay, so now, now Ed’s got the caricature business. But on all them walls, they have these pictures, these what they call ancient spacemen.
Bert 41:48
iON 41:48
Did you know that?
Bert 41:50
Yes, I do.
iON 41:51
Describe some of those. Describe some of those.
Bert 41:54
Well, some of them they have helmets and, like, suits; and some of them, they appear to be riding, like, scooters or some type of a flying device But they –
iON 42:09
Sometimes, sometimes the Mayans, there’s a famous Mayan one like that. But if you look at them, some of them look like what they call the little martian people where they got two big black eyes, and the nose kind of falls down long, kinda rounded out.
Bert 42:23
The grays. Like the grays.
iON 42:25
Like the – if that’s what you want to call it. What if we told you that they’re trying to tell you something and it’s not that they’re little spacemen coming back to come here? What if we told you that those two black eyes were black holes and the earth dropped in-between those two black holes, contorting the time space continuum, and that earth is held in the nose of those circular galaxies with the two black holes with the earth dropped in the middle of those two. They’re not spaceman at all –
Bert 43:01
iON 43:02
– giving you the actual remedy for your issue of time.
Bert 43:09
iON 43:11
What is the perimeter of the base of the Giza pyramid?
Bert 43:15
One moment.
iON 43:23
364.25 cubits.
Bert 43:28
I remember reading that; I remember. Okay, go ahead. Yes.
iON 43:33
Okay. And if you do that, that solves your leap year and that solves your time –
Bert 43:40
iON 43:40
– for what you call a year because everything’s lined up on this pattern of failing and falling. Okay? Now, north, south, east and west, those are four directions. If all these monuments that have made it through all these thousands of years mean anything, what they do is they line up those space; but when those different elements are happening, you got to keep up with it. Okay? You got to keep up with it like, on the southern solstice, one side of the pyramid would be illuminated at a different time where the sun moves, well, you’re moving in the rotation in the circle of the rotation of the sun. That’s why the 33rd – we ever ment- we ever – have you ever heard us mention the 33rd parallel?!
Bert 44:26
Yes. A number of times.
Once or twice.
iON 44:29
Once or twice. Right? Okay. Have you ever heard us mention the, the joke with Bob that if he’s standing in Maui looking south, and the wind blows and hits him square in the face, which direction is the wind blowing? And he never knows. Or, he says south and it’s like, no, it’s comin’ from the south. You’re looking south, if the wind’s hittin’ you in the face, it’s got to be going in a northern direction, right? No, no, no. It’d be hittin’ me in the back my head if it was coming in a northern direction. No, ‘cuz you’re looking – you’re in Maui and you’re looking – well, you’ve ever heard us do that once or twice?
Bert 45:08
Yes, once or twice. A few times.
iON 45:10
Once or twice. Okay. That layer of how this connection flows is a conduit, conduit condition of how these ley lines fall and –
Bert 45:27
iON 45:27
– why you got to be in America. Why you got to be in America. The Originals were in America. And there are what you call aliens, the ones Bob’s gonna meet, they’re coming to America.
Bert 45:43
iON 45:46
Yes, Bob’s gonna greet them because he’s the only one qualified.
Bert 45:52
Okay, iON, the origination point, –
iON 45:55
(slight noise)
Bert 45:55
– are these aliens com – okay, you want me to stop? You said shhh.
iON 46:01
No, no, no, no, no, no, we just breathed. You’re actually (overtalk) fine.
Bert 46:05
Are they coming from Andromeda? Are these aliens coming from Andromeda?
iON 46:09
Yeah. Yeah. They’re not aliens. They’re, they’re your relatives.
Bert 46:13
Okay the rel – our relatives! That’s right because we come from – the relatives are coming from –
iON 46:19
Fuck, yeah.
Bert 46:20
Wow. Wow.
iON 46:26
Ah huh. Ah huh. Yeah, what about dat doe?
Bert 46:30
So, iON, so – okay. So, this – backup. So, with – are we approaching this point where we’re getting –
iON 46:38
Oh, God, Cheryl’s back! Oh hey, Cheryl! Good lord, we thought we lost you to CNN years ago. Good, she’s back. That works. You’re doing a great job Number One. You’re gonna get a raise. We gonna get you a raise.
Bert 46:50
iON, so when the earth goes into this middle point between these two black holes is that when the, ah, the relatives from Andromeda will be coming, or is that when the singularity –
iON 47:04
Either that – well, okay, and that’s a good point because we have talke extensively on the singularity. Or, or, or, "in the land that our grandchildren knew." Remember?
Bert 47:19
Mmm. Yes.
iON 47:20
Bert 47:21
Yes, I do.
iON 47:22
Okay. So, now wait now. There’s a journey business going on. Remember the Eastern Gate?
Bert 47:27
Yes, I do.
iON 47:28
We talked once or twice about that.
Bert 47:30
iON 47:31
Okay, what about the walls of jasper?
Bert 47:35
Walls of jasper.
iON 47:36
Pearl, gates of pearl and, and how does it apply? What would you use obsidian for if you had some? We went through those –
Bert 47:48
iON 47:48
Carolyn’s, Carolyn – obsidian, yeah – wait, that’s not fair. Ah, yeah, you’ve heard it, but Carolyn went through it blow by blow, by blow, by blow, by blow, in Revelation. I mean every single one of them and got off on the different elements, ‘cuz we use osmium, and we use some of those things. Well, we can’t talk shit, but, anyway, we use some of those things that have half-lives. Ha ha ha. Shhhh, don’t tell nobody. But anyway, so very intriguing those elemental conditions of what they do and what they’re used for, how that applies; but she’s brilliant at that because she’s gone through it point by point by point by point to get that exactly right. She knows, but that don’t make any difference. Those are just points of context that we have talked stupidly about that do apply to this figuring out the gates, the walls – we’ve talked – who talks about the wall more than we do? Who talks – which President speaks about a wall – but, now, Reagan talked about the wall. He said: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!" Well, Trump’s come along and he said, "I’m gonna build that wall," and he’s doing it. Even if it does fuck up a butterfly plantation in Texas. Butterfly plantation in Texas! Craziest thing you ever heard in your life, but there, there you go, there you go. Okay. Now, now. This application of a wall is a condensation point of a preparation stage of a barrier. Sometimes people call it the barrier reef. Some people call it somebody can see from space, the Great Wall of China. They have a lot of applications that have to do with this walled business. But, this wall is not to keep the wayward Spaniards in Mexico; that has nothing to do with it. It has another course, another purpose. It’s gonna be built so don’t worry about it. Here at the wall.
Bert 49:56
iON 49:58
Okay, now back to the, back to the flour mill pappy. Let’s get back to work. Now, this Book of the Dead, okay. Do you need any recap? You got all that? Piece of cake? No problem? You with me? 100 percent?
Bert 50:09
Piece of cake, no problem, I’m with you. Standing right with you.
iON 50:11
There is a quiz. There is a quiz, just sayin’.
Bert 50:15
I know. Okay.
iON 50:15
Okay. Okay, Okay good. Okay, now, if you read this – oh, do you know what a crochet hook is?
Bert 50:24
iON 50:26
Okay, so you know what a tatting shuttle is then?
Bert 50:32
I do not know what a tatting shuttle is, but I do know what a crochet hook looks like.
iON 50:37
Yeah, to – yeah, to tat, to tat is tying knots. It’s what – have you ever heard of something called Chantilly lace?
Bert 50:46
Yes, I have. A song.
iON 50:49
Chantilly, Chantilly lace is tatting.
Bert 50:54
iON 50:56
It’s knots. You take a shuttle and you tie knots to make lace, spaced unto itself. Chantilly lace is very fine and detailed; it’s incredible. But that is like your time space continuum; it’s tied knots.
Bert 51:13
iON 51:13
And those things are supposed to be consistent or the same. Do you know where Nuremberg is?
Bert 51:21
Yes, I do.
iON 51:23
Okay. It’s supposed to be constant but yet it keeps moving.
Bert 51:29
iON 51:30
Yeah, these, these conditions and these positions, things were up and down and, and it won’t be long, it won’t be long until they’ll be no more Adolf Hitler. You know Adolf Hitler. They’ll retell it in such a way where there’s no, there’s no German problems, there’s no World War, it was nothing, that’s all.
Bert 51:51
iON 51:53
Yeah. That’s what the Book of the Dead is tryin’ to tell you.
Bert 51:58
iON 51:59
Get that?
Bert 51:59
Ah, not really. So, you’re saying, okay, is this related –
iON 52:05
Did Carolyn do the, did Carolyn do the Seven Arits?
Bert 52:08
Yes, yes she did.
iON 52:11
Okay. She did the Seven Arits. Those apply to a thing. What do they apply to?
Bert 52:16
(sigh) Ahh –
iON 52:21
To the py – stop. Now this is – we told you there was a quiz. It applies to the Pylons of the house of Osiris.
Bert 52:29
Yeah, I was gonna say the Pylons. Yes. The Pylons, yes. The (indistinct).
iON 52:32
Okay. Now, you understand, you understand this condition lays to where this moves to or from based on the place of where you are. When you got all the, when you, when you – remember when you got broke down with the big dic syndrome some time ago?
Bert 52:52
Hey, ah –
iON 52:53
Remember that?
Bert 52:55
I don’t remember that, iON, but if you say I did, I did.
iON 52:58
Okay, It’s when, it’s when, it’s when, it’s when: "I’m not gonna change my body. –
Bert 53:04
Okay, yes. All right. All right.
iON 53:05
– I’m not gonna change nothin’. I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do that. You don’t know, you don’t run nothin’ and I run (indistinct)." Ah huh. Oh yeah. –
Bert 53:06
I got ya. I got ya.
iON 53:13
– Oh good. That’s good. That’s good. We’re glad you overcame that syndrome, aren’t you? –
Bert 53:21
Thanks, yes.
iON 53:21
– To now we made the rest of you so big it looks normal proportion to you, right? Ha ha ha ha.
Bert 53:26
(sarcastic) Yeah, that’s very funny, iON, really funny. Ha ha ha ha.
iON 53:37
Well, just sayin’, just sayin’. It’s in good proportion and good def and high def does you wonders, don’t it there biggen? It’s doin’ all right. –
Bert 53:45
iON 53:45
– Okay, now. Now, when you had that position, these conditions would apply. Okay, take the Seventh Pylon: "The Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith: "Garment which envelopeth the helpless one, which weepeth for and loveth that which it covereth." The name of her Doorkeeper is Saktif." These things apply to points of order of how things go. A layer of the Chantilly lace, a knot in the fabric of time, a place where if you get stuck you got the OA movements and you can get home, but you’re not even sure where home was. Now, go back. Go back to the little spacemen. Remember the little space – you know, with the big eyeballs?
Bert 54:45
iON 54:47
Those two eyeballs ain’t eyeballs, they’re black holes. Where do those black holes go?Where those black holes go?
Bert 54:55
To Andromeda.
iON 54:58
And where else? We don’t know. There’s a key code that goes through them stars that lays out in the angel diagram a star chart that once it opens it’s a star chart to get you everywhere you want to go, everywhere you want to go. Everywhere. We talk about it, talk about it, we talk about it, we told you, we told you, we told you. Give you every clue in the living, living right, living world. Hell, Sheila’s painted it. Sky Goddess Sue’s scribbled on it. She’s done everything. She got it. She got it early days. She got it. –
Bert 55:32
iON –
iON 55:32
– Didn’t question it, she just took it at face value. Said, "Oh, yeah, I got that. Let’s go. Get on the plane." –
Bert 55:37
– I, you also –
iON 55:38
– Do you under- stop. No, just wait! You do understand that every dab of your living fucked up history, every inch of it has created a god! Do you know what god it created?
Bert 55:58
iON 56:00
Bert 56:02
Everyone. I mean, everyone is a god. There’s (indistinct) to everyone.
iON 56:05
No, no, no, no. Hell, no! Turn on that god damn TV: "My nigga, my nigga, my mother fucking nigga." That ain’t no god. That’s not that. That’s everything but that. They give you every example of about that. It’s a "Me, too." I’m hurt, too! I’ve been sexually abused! I’ve done some um – I eat babies! I didn’t eat babies! I was a little baby and I was eat! Oh, I was ruined! I was molested! I was going to be, I’m mad ‘cuz I didn’t get molested! I’m hurt ‘cuz I was supposed to be hurt but I didn’t get hurt! I didn’t come from a broken home but I would’ve starved to death if you took away my food stamps that we didn’t get! If you took away the food stamps that we didn’t get, we’d starve to death, we would have! Then you tried to do it again! Trying to kill little people! Kill the poor, kill the poor! They aren’t gods. You know what god they created? Every bit of existential history, which is correctly laid out in Bob Carr’s book, "God Men Con Men." You created a god. The god you created was G-P-S.
Bert 57:19
iON 57:22
That’s what every bit of this is for.
Bert 57:26
GPS as in – GPS as in GPS that we –
iON 57:31
Global – Global Positioning System. It’s what hooks it all together.
Bert 57:41
Okay, iON, let’s, let’s, let’s take two steps back. So, you’re saying that all of the whole historical references of god was representing –
iON 57:52
The Great Wall of China. The Mayan, the Mayan pyramids. Giza, the Stonehenge in Ethiopia –
Bert 58:00
iON 57:58
– the tower that goes up, that has seven sides and 10 corners with the door at the bottom that shows you how to get to the excavation or the elevator to god. That every marker, every position, as the earth spins and turns, it lines up in a celestial ring that hooks to your star chart. But, now y’all not gonna get that star chart until it opens. Carolyn’s got it. And she’s got it and Bob don’t care. Ha ha ha ha. He says, he says: "I’m glad we have the way, but I’m likely not going anyway. I likely am not going. I don’t, I don’t really know about that. Yes, that’d be good. That’d be good. But, I’m not, I’m not going where there’s filth, there’s filth and degradation there. I’m probably just gonna stay here where everything’s nice and clean." He might, but he’s gonna sit there on that plateau with those paws firmly trenched on the ground. How do you live in a world of sayin’ and for 10,000 years as they do time, stand they’re lookin’ at something specific? What is Giza look at? What does the Sphinx adore? Anybody know that?
Bert 59:18
Is it the Eastern Gate?
iON 59:21
It is. It absolutely is. What it’s waitin’ on. Watchin’ for the Eastern Gate. Exactly right. Damn! You on the penny tonight.
Bert 59:31
I do my best, iON. (overtalk, indistinct).
iON 59:35
You doin’ the best you can with what we got to work with, huh? Ooh, we reel them in there, reel them in. Bob will still stay with you till you buy or die. Don’t worry, it’s a good thing.
Bert 59:44
That’s right. That’s right.
iON 59:44
Okay. Now, now see, this is key. Now, we could have started with this way back yonder. All right. But the four people that we had was, they was, they was just listenin’ to James Curtis because they wanted some meth. Ha ha.
Bert 0:00
(laughing) Rough, iON, you’re really rough. You’re rough and tough, iON. Really rough and tough.
iON 0:00
(laughing) (overtalk) tell you it’s official, it’s official. Our name is Donald Duck and we could give a fuck. It’s all good. It’s all good in the neighborhood because let me tell you what. These people we’re offending aren’t gonna live long enough to complain about it. The ones we are offending aren’t gonna live long enough to complain about it. So, it’s just perfectly all right. We stand as a bastion, looking at it and there’s their choice. If they ascend, they’re not offended. If they don’t ascend, it won’t matter. There’s the rub. We kind of mentioned this and we’ve petted, we have drawled, we have loved, loved, loved, you. Pet, pet, pet, scrubbed,+ wiped your god damn tears from your eyes till we’re sick of it. It’s enough. If you ain’t got it by now, it’s not looking good. Come on now. If you want to get it, come on; we’re giving you the condition. You’re watching the conditions transpire. It sounded a bit avant garde in the day. Okay? But it doesn’t sound that way anymore. It’s echoing at every level. There’ll be a video about all this stuff; won’t be long they’ll be tellin’ you all about it. And you’re like, damn, we know about that already, iON told us that years ago. They lay out all this stuff. And that’s all they know ‘cuz they don’t know the history they know isn’t historical; it keeps changing! How do you need to write a new history book? They do it all the time. Rewrite history all the time. That’s not the way that happened at all. Whoever wins the war writes the history. Remember?
Bert 1:55
iON 1:57
That becomes the point, the point of order. Okay, now you got the quadrants. You want us to clean that up? Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, gotta get to Issy. Got to get to Issy. Issy, who controls things. You got to watch the snakes and the suns. The snakes and the suns tell you how far they go, ‘cuz different people are going to be in different levels of control or the power. And that controlling power is going to apply to how much they do control. You see? If you got the stableman, the stableman’s over the horses, right?
Bert 2:33
iON 2:35
Okay, so he’s running that, he’s gonna control that. He don’t control the linens in the upstairs maid’s quarters. But they’re both in the same household, holding, farm, plantation, pick some um, whatever those words are. Do you see that?
Bert 2:53
iON 2:54
These different levels are controlled at different conditions, and that you still gonna have some of that now. Not all, but some of that now. And some of those division positions are just that. That work. And that’s what’s gotta come to. But, you’re just – you’re gonna move toward that and you’ll be able to divide that. It’s divis – it’s always divisible by itself. Okay? Now, let’s clean this up. There’s a more – there’s more – there’s further to go; but, does the Book of the Dead mean a little somethin’ different to you now, biggen, then it did?
Bert 3:31
Yeah, iON, but you kind of twisted my labyrinth up. I was following you until you said let’s go back to Issy and the snakes. You didn’t go further in that. About the sun and the snakes.
iON 3:44
No, we said we stopped. We stopped; we stopped on purpose. We stopped on purpose so that you can come back and ask questions or have a condition or figure out where there’s any holes and you picked the hole, a hole, the hole, and that’s fine. Now, you got to bring that back home to say we’ll apply it because the other crowns that are on all those gods, they give you keys to how that applies of what they control. This is all in the little side or the dead side of the architecture of The Book of the Dead. Remember what the Book of the Dead is for?
Bert 3:55
Okay. Yes. But you’re saying that this is related to the Book of the Dead; but so far what we’ve covered, it’s bringing people back from the dead but now you’ve put this twist in of the earth, the two black holes and everything. But I want to go back to this – I felt a hole when you said let’s go back to Issy and she has on her crown, she has 10 snakes. And the 10 snakes, I can’t recall what you said but then you just said that they are – represent rulership.
iON 5:00
Some have – now, wait, wait, wait. If you have seven snakes on your crown, you control the – you are in charge of the seven continents.
Bert 5:13
Seven continents.
iON 5:14
Seven continents of the earth. That’s of this realm.
Bert 5:18
iON 5:18
All right. If you have 10, if you have 10 snakes, that’s – you’re over the 10 planets in this solar system.
Bert 5:27
Ha ha ha. All right! So, Isis –
iON 5:33
If you have 14, if you have 14, if you have 14. –
Bert 5:38
Mm hmm.
iON 5:38
– If you have 14, you’re in control of everything.
Bert 5:43
iON 5:43
And if you have suns on top of those, well, that’s when you wake up and your at a quite what Carolyn calls Akasha. See, they call Carolyn Akasha right there. They thought that nobody had Akasha, but, and, she didn’t even lick the red crystal or the red stone or the red light or the black line. Can’t you see you’re stupid? Go to the black hole or the black crystal or the Dead Zone or the red licker or some um. We don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t know. It’s all tequila, it’s all tequila to us. So, agave, so we can have that. It’s okay. –
Bert 6:18
iON –
iON 6:18
– So, that’s how that applies. That’s how that applies. No, wait, we’re not through. So, there are those conditions and they just mean things. They don’t mean anything to Bob. They don’t mean anything to you. But it’s just so how you can tell in layers of godship what you control. Okay? The Queen of England controls what? Does she control England? Well, no, she’s been, she’s the ruler of what? The United Kingdom.
Bert 6:48
iON 6:49
Right? Well, yes.
Bert 6:51
iON 6:52
So, so she takes one step out of Buckingham Palace is she out of bounds? No, the sun never sets on her Empire. Right?
Bert 7:01
iON 7:03
But she don’t rule it all.
Bert 7:08
That’s right.
iON 7:08
Bert 7:10
Yeah, that’s right.
iON 7:11
Those, those alignments, those – now, would she be respected? Yeah, pretty much, but she can chop your damn head off. Ha ha. She can, she can do that; no question there. But, you see the point? The point is it is not about that; it’s not about do you, it’s can you. Okay? You think the Queen of England could get her standing army and go take, say, Canada? Oh wait, no, she’s already got Canada so never mind, never mind. She’ll probably sell that for $1. Oh, that’s that movie "Taboo." Remember that movie, "Taboo"? That was what that was about. The East India Trading Company, it was. Yes. Okay. We don’t want to sidebar you. So, what you want to know is what you control and how your power applies. Got it?
Bert 8:03
Got it. But one real quick, real quick question, iON. When I look at the –
iON 8:07
Now, now you can do what you want to. We did our part.
Bert 8:09
– of the pictures of Isis, I mean, these are, you know, I mean we’re dealing with the Tech Body and all the, you know, hoopla that –
iON 8:20
This is like Carolyn. She stood about, she stood about three foot seven, just a little bit shorter than Carolyn. Ha ha ha.
Bert 8:26
Okay, listen, iON, she has 10 snakes –
iON 8:28
The world’s tallest midget in Club 22.
Bert 8:30
You’re saying that she has 10 snakes, but everything that I see a few of them have, she has the sun on top of her head. –
iON 8:31
Of course.
Bert 8:32
– I don’t see any representation of 10 –
iON 8:41
She does. She does. In her crown. In her crown.
Bert 8:45
Her crown, right.
iON 8:47
Yeah, the sun is above that.
Bert 8:50
Yes. The sun (overtalk) –
iON 8:51
Okay, let’s clean up the rest of this. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Stop. Don’t ask that. Every – most of them have these halo effects. Do you know these halo effects?
Bert 9:04
iON 9:06
Okay, okay. You gotta – if you look how they do them, it’s a circle, right?
Bert 9:10
iON 9:11
And then it has a – sometimes it has a cross behind it, like a, like it’s circular across, you know, how it rolls up? It’s like the ankh; you know, the ankh.
Bert 9:22
iON 9:23
That circular loop like the cross that it does. But sometimes they go like the – it’s like the halo. It’s not a halo; it’s a clock or it’s a compass face. And you turn that to work the stargate. And those stars are in the key of your angel diagram. Remember the, remember Gilgamesh?
Bert 9:49
Yes, Tree of Life.
iON 9:50
Tree of Life has the different stars. The different stars line up to different conditions. Different conditions are different pathways, different pathways are different places that the black holes go. And these, then these cave paintings, these cave things where they got the little spacemen, the little doo doo men, the doo doo men got a little martian men with the big eyeballs, you know, the one Bob thinks he’s supposed to go meet. He’s gonna meet the aliens but they ain’t gonna, ain’t gonna look like that. Those, those, those black holes – how many were there in most of those diagrams? Was there just one or was there 100 or 50 or 10 or 25 or 70?
Bert 9:53
iON 9:55
How many little spacemen – they’re the least. But there – some of them had a caveful!
Bert 10:35
That’s true. Yes. Yes.
iON 10:38
Those are different galaxies. Each circle of the head of that is a galaxy. So, each set of those would have black holes that go places. Got to have a key.
Bert 10:51
So, iON, you’re – so you’re acknowledging that there are stargates. That was the question I had –
iON 10:57
Oh, yeah. All the gates, all the gates are open. The portals are open, the gates are open. These people have been zooming in and out of them all over the place. For pete’s sake.
Bert 11:06
Okay, so to clarify, so, all the time that you’ve reference gates, the gates that you reference reference stargates. Is that what you’re saying?
iON 11:17
Ah, no, no, no, no, now wait. They’re different.
Bert 11:20
All right.
iON 11:20
There’s a difference because – no, no, gates are open. Stargates are a little different. Stargates take it beyond what you know as a realm or a place of condition. It’s different. That’s like saying the interstate system goes everywhere. Yeah, but you got to follow them, and sometimes the ocean gets in the way from the interstate system.
Bert 11:39
iON 11:39
Autopista. Sometimes they run out of road. That’s right. That’s – those are those levels, from world to world. But in the big side, that’s what maybe a whole galaxy can go through. The sun would be an example of a startgate.
Bert 11:58
Okay. The sun would be example of a stargate. So, I’m kind of gathering why you’re bringing this up because it gives a whole nother perspective –
iON 12:08
Because Carolyn –
Bert 12:08
– of the Book of the Dead.
iON 12:09
– because Carolyn, because Carolyn, because Carolyn was bored.
Bert 12:16
Ha ha ha. So, oh, so this is, wow, that’s a lot to absorb, iON, but I see it changes the whole perspective when you bring in gallaxies and gates –
iON 12:24
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey –
Bert 12:28
Okay, yes.
iON 12:28
She ain’t bored, she ain’t bored, she ain’t bored no more. Hehehehehe.
Bert 12:35
Ha ha ha. Well, that changes everything.
iON 12:36
She ain’t bored no more. Ta da! It’s good to be Number One.
Bert 12:44
You’re talking about gallaxies, stargates, black holes.
iON 12:46
Now when it starts making sense – so, now you’re lookin’ at all this fucked up shit all over the place that’s supposed to be some esoteric hold some um up, and praise this, and lick that, and rub that, and pet this, and get over that, and have some of this and that. All that’s a bunch of bullshit which is what Bob’s been sayin’ since the beginning. He don’t believe in nothin’. Good for Bob. You’re not supposed to believe nothin’, it’s a damn, it’s a damn road map. It’s a, it’s a McNally Rand Atlas! Good, you got the map. Let’s go.
Bert 13:21
iON, this is – I have a, like a, little, small question about Bob meeting the relatives from Andromeda. Will they appear in ships or will they just appear?
iON 13:29
They’re here. We’re just waitin’ on, we’re just hooking up the appointment. They’re here.
Bert 13:37
Ha ha ha. I thought that when you told me –
iON 13:38
We’re tryin’, we’re tryin’ to tell y’all, we’re tryin’ to tell y’all, we’re tryin’ to tell y’all to get the lead out. Don’t be a Luddite, get the lead out. Don’t be a Luddite, get the lead out. We’re tellin’ ya’ll to come on now. We said this is sweet and loving and pettin’ and woo love ya, love ya, love ya, love ya. Y’all better come, y’all come. Y’all come, just sayin’.
Bert 13:59
Okay, can we take a half step back, iON. You said get the lead out. You’re literal. So, you’re saying lead, the element? Get the lead out.
iON 14:07
No. Lead, lead, the stuff in your draggin’ asses that doesn’t allow you to ascend.
Bert 14:14
iON 14:14
The stuff in your damn mind that locks you up and pulls lead in your pocket and pushes you so far down that you can’t function. The very idea that doesn’t allow you to show up on time to jump into the very thing that’s being provided for your best benefit. The only benefits you got livin’ in this livin’ world you can’t make your own time to listen to a few minutes. It’s made it engaging and entertaining as it can be. You gotta enjoy it. Remember the words, you remember the words, remember the words of the d’ Medici tune? Remember those?
Bert 14:49
Yes, yes I do.
iON 14:51
"Let me show you one last sign. Let me show you one last time. We can build a new world for you. We can make our words stand true. But yet, you remain frozen." We don’t, you do. Very, very, very, very – Bob said it’s the most beautiful song he’d ever heard in his life. That lasted for seven, eight minutes. It was a good seven or eight minutes. That’s the longest his attention has ever been held that we’re aware of. So, that’s good. Good for him, but it was marvelous because it means something that applies. This music stuff that he does, those lay caricature, caricature grams, caricature grams because he does all, all genres.
Bert 15:42
Yes. Yes he does.
iON 15:43
He hits all genres. Those are pertinent.
Bert 15:46
Yes, he does.
iON 15:45
They’re pertinent.
Bert 15:49
iON 15:50
There’s a little bit more. There’s a little bit more, but you might be in overload, eh?
Bert 16:00
Ah, not really.
iON 16:01
Haaa ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Bert 16:07
Not really, not really. Because that’s clear. Because its perspective changes. Now its clear of your outline in the Book of Dead when you’re talking about galaxies, relatives from Andromeda, where – and then the the earth settling into a black hole and that the whole – the cave diagrams of the, what most people try to interpret as the greys are the representation of those two black holes and, okay, correct me. So then you’re saying that the earth will be dropped in the middle of those two black holes or dropped in-between?
iON 16:41
It has already.
Bert 16:45
It has already! Shit.
iON 16:47
Yes, that’s your condition.
Bert 16:52
Okay, iON, did this start with three weeks ago? I know you don’t deal in time, when there’s the, the gamma radiation –
iON 17:01
Hold on, hold on, hold on. Now, try that. That better?
Bert 17:07
iON 17:07
Say some um. Say some um.
Bert 17:09
iON 17:09
Is that better?
Bert 17:10
Yes. Yes, that’s a lot better. A lot better.
iON 17:12
We had to change a – the Tech Body, the Tech Body fucked up the pea pod Pros, so we had to switch to the pea pods. (overtalk) Pros go nuts.
Bert 17:23
I thought it was my connection good. Yes, that’s perfect.
iON 17:25
No, we have to – we got you. We got you. The Tech Body is a , is a, is a, is a wily, devilish thing now; it’ll bite you.
Bert 17:26
Yes, it is.
iON 17:34
It’s like, it’s like, it’s like Lil Wayne. He’ll bust a cap up in your ass.
Bert 17:42
Okay, iON, let’s take a half step back. The, ah – we’re already in – so, you’re saying we’re already in-between these two black holes at this point right now? That’s what you’re saying.
iON 17:55
Hell, yes! That’s, that’s how, that’s how you explain the gravitational pull. See? The denseness of the earth is sunk. It’s not sitting on top of this space continuum, it sits down into it. That’s why it overfolds. Physics is all fucked up. But they didn’t explain it that way – of how that these different worlds bump into each other, and how a black hole opens up into one into another. But that’s what the Book of the Dead is trying to navigate you, giving you the rules and regulations for how this subway, they call it a subway, it’s a way in the subterraneal positions to get you from itch to scratch. And these are their hierarchy rules and regulations for who’s lookin’ after what and what happens on your journey when you’re on the Upper East Side tryin’ to get home.
Bert 18:51
Yeah, let’s go back again. –
iON 18:56
Got that?
Bert 18:55
– You said something about the gravity – yes – the gravitational pull. You said there’s no gravity, but to use – are you using gravitational pull for the science folks of what –
iON 19:04
No, we’re trying to say words, we’re trying to say words so you all can understand –
Bert 19:08
Okay, yeah.
iON 19:09
– what the hell is holding you in to your space. Other than we could say, we got Roxy’s jinn that’s fuckin’ her to death who’s got a little string holding up the earth. Then we can say that. We could say that; a jinn could do that. You know, we could, we could. We could. "I Dream of Jeannie." we could get a blue jinn, a blue jinn. –
Bert 19:29
A jinn could actually do that, iON? A jinn could –
iON 19:31
Hell, yeah! They, they tear it up on the weeknights. Yeah, they can get right on down and take you right on down through there, they sure can.
Bert 19:39
So, you’re saying a jinn, one jinn, could hold the earth in position.
iON 19:45
With a string. With a string. Yes.
Bert 19:48
With a string.
iON 19:48
With a string. Mm hmm..
Bert 19:51
One jinn.
iON 19:51
That’s exactly right. So, so, so, when we say that you go, "Oh, okay." But that’s not the way physics says it is. Physics says there’s this, like, this computer mat and it’s flat and if you drop an earth in it, it sits down like putting a rock in the pantyhose; it drops down. That dropping down, it’s what connects different dimensions, different tiers, different levels. Do you remember, do you remember the Squidbillies? Have we ever said anything about the Squidbillies?
Bert 20:22
Yes, you have. Yes, you have. Number of times.
iON 20:25
Okay. Do you know the episode, do you know the episode, the one that’s called "God’s Bro"?
Bert 20:30
Very well. Yes, I do.
iON 20:32
Okay, and that’s when Dan Halen made the whore-swallowing black hole because he had an eightball-fueled weekend of debauchery that killed the whore, and he had to get rid of the body.
Bert 20:45
Right, yes.
iON 20:47
And they tried to put grandpop Pa-Pa-Pee-Pee, they tried to put Pa-Pa-Pee-Pee in there, too, because he was gettin’ on everybody’s nerves, gettin’ on everybody’s nerves.
Bert 20:55
iON 20:56
They were gonna throw him in there, too. When they opened that, when they opened that like what they were – you know, hey, do you know why they don’t talk about CERN no more?
Bert 21:05
iON 21:07
They know somethin’.
Bert 21:09
Who’s they? That CERN knows something –
iON 21:12
Bert 21:12
– or they –
iON 21:14
Bert 21:15
Bob. Okay.
iON 21:18
Mm hmm.
Bert 21:19
Yeah, you’re right. You don’t hear CERN – much, you don’t hear – actually nothing, and I’m in Switzerland.
iON 21:24
And, and, and, we know. They don’t say shit no more; you know why? They found somethin’. Ah huh. Remember the little man that was in CERN with them bread crumbs?
Bert 21:34
iON 21:34
That was Bob with that terrible, ridiculous, shadow blend herringbone, not-lined pants. He didn’t even have silk-lined pants, pullin’ the hair off his legs. The most ridiculous lookin’ thing we ever seen in life. And them cookie crumbs in CERN. Yeah.
Bert 21:35
iON 21:42
He did it. Yeah, that was Bob.
Bert 21:55
That was Bob?
iON 21:55
You don’t hear no more – we said that. You know, that’s from day two. –
Bert 22:00
Yes, but –
iON 22:01
– It’s back in the day when they were trying to find what matter, antimatter, and doesn’t matter and should-have-mattered and could-have-mattered. They were lookin’ for some could-have-mattered, but they didn’t find no could-have-mattered. It was out of could-have-mattered.
Bert 22:13
Can, can you say what CERN found, iON? Can you say what you hopefully –
iON 22:17
No, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob and the computer says "no."
Bert 22:22
Okay. All right.
iON 22:26
And fuck, you’re Number One. You’re Number One and you didn’t get it. So, what’s up with that?
Bert 22:33
That’s big. Yes, you’re right. That’s the point. You don’t hear anything about CERN at all. There’s not one blip on the radar coming from that area.
iON 22:41
We’re gonna use it. We’re gonna use it when we have to prove something. And we’re gonna prove some things because it’s soon gonna come time when we have to do some divination. You know what divination is?
Bert 22:55
Divination. Yeah. To divine something. To, ah –
iON 22:59
Oh yeah? That sounds like fun. What do you think?
Bert 23:03
iON 23:05
Yeah, you ain’t seen nothin’. –
Bert 23:06
That’s big, iON.
iON 23:07
– Wow, wow my ass. You’re gonna – wow my ass. You gonna see it, you’re gonna feel it.
Bert 23:14
Okay, iON, go back to this –
iON 23:16
Anytime, anytime Lord break these chains. –
Bert 23:20
Okay, let’s go back. Ah, –
iON 23:23
– Papa Justify in the Conjure of Sacrifice. Remember that?
Bert 23:27
Yes, I do.
iON 23:28
Don’t forget that. That’s coming. That may come in – better know that ‘cuz that may come in handy in a tight spot. –
Bert 23:34
I’m learning that one.
iON 23:36
– If you get in a tight spot, it might be handy. So, –
Bert 23:38
Anytime, Lord –
iON 23:39
– we’re gonna let you, we’re gonna let you, we’re gonna let you digress. We’re gonna do that. But before you digress and fuck it up, we’re gonna clean up what you got going on so far. Okay? What you got going so, so, far is you had this conditional response of the world and then what it knows.
Bert 23:56
iON 23:57
Okay. Did we say they’re vampires? Apparently there are. Did we say there are watchers? Apparently there are. Did we say there’s overlords? Apparently there are. Did we say there’s demagogues? Apparently there are. Did we say there’s resident aliens? Yes, and the Bootians and the Lillians and the galleons and the ghoulians and the boogalala. There’s all that mess. Okay, there is, there is, there is, there is. So, fine. Unquiet spirits, undead spirits, you’re the same spirit, is there a guf? Not a guf, it won’t matter in a minute. That’s why there ain’t none no more. There ain’t no more room. Let’s go. We’re cleanin’ that up so you can get a stance on what the condition is. Do you get that?
Bert 24:10
iON 24:42
All right now, ask your question, darlin’. We’ll let you – now you can – you have free permission to fuck it up now.
Bert 24:48
Ha ha ha. I’m not gonna fuck it up. I’m just gonna ask the question when you said that we’re in this, we’re already in the black hole. And I was gonna ask, we’re already there. Did that situation occur when you gave me the moon, full moon, gamma radiation warning? Is that when that situation changed?
iON 25:13
It did, it did. It did. And things went south, and that things went bad. And then the first time it happened was it wasn’t necessarily written in the stars that Donald J. Trump was gonna make it. You know that, right?
Bert 25:31
iON 25:33
But, he did. You know how he did? There was a shift, a shift had to happen. Do you remember, do you know who Thompson is?
Bert 25:42
Yes, the Thompson quadrant if that’s what you’re referring to. That’s the only Thompson I know.
iON 25:46
Ahh, that’s the only one we know, too. Remember the upside down?
Bert 25:51
Yes, I do. Very well.
iON 25:53
Remember how fucked up that was? You know how fucked up that was? You couldn’t get to iON, iON couldn’t get to you. It was a long time, it was messed up, it made the, it made you have that awful show with the little El. Remember El?
Bert 26:06
"Stranger Things."
iON 26:08
A whole show to get you out of that so you can see it. You know what got you out of it?
Bert 26:13
iON 26:14
You could see it. –
Bert 26:16
iON 26:16
You could see it.
Bert 26:17
iON 26:18
– You could see it. You knew what an eight track tape, you knew what an eight track tape player was.
Bert 26:25
Yes, I remember –
iON 26:27
You say yes. A lot of – wait, a lot of people don’t!
Bert 26:27
Ha ha. Yeah, that’s wild. Yes, that’s right.
iON 26:36
And they made, they made in the Thompson quadrate, made that ridiculousness normal.
Bert 26:44
The Thompson quadrate made that, huh?
iON 26:47
Yeah, made the upside down.
Bert 26:48
You saying the Thompson quadrant made "Stranger Things"? Made the upside down?
iON 26:52
No, no, WE had to make the "Stranger Things" to get you OUT of the Thompson quadrate because y’all jumped into that ass deep.
Bert 26:52
Oh, okay.
iON 27:00
You listened to his bullshit and put you right under it. Put you right under it. Where was McLuhan in that? Nothing was McLuhan. Everything was lost in space, dead gettin’ deader. "Lost" can’t get it. It’s like Atreyu in the "NeverEnding Story." It’s over. Where’s a good Rockbiter when you need one, you know?
Bert 27:17
Ha ha. Right. Hey, iON –
iON 27:23
So, that got you out of it. Well, because of the Thompson quadrant experience, it cleaned up – first of all, it shut LaRouche up. ‘Cuz now for the first time LaRouche had something to be scared of. He’d been talkin’ his crap for all this years and the Queen’s gonna put something up your bum and all that shit; eat the babies and all that crap. But now he’s got somethin’ to be really scared of. See? Makes a difference.
Bert 27:51
You’re saying LaRouche was scared of the upside down? Is that what you’re saying?
iON 27:54
Yeah. Of Thompson. Of the Thompson.
Bert 27:57
The Thompson quadrant. LaRouche is scared of the Thompson quadrant.
iON 28:00
Thompson. Don’t say quadrant, it’s Thompson. He wasn’t a quadrant –
Bert 28:02
Okay, Thompson.
iON 28:03
– it was Thompson.
Bert 28:05
Okay, Thompson.
iON 28:06
LaRouche is a quadrant, but the LaRouche quadrant wasn’t afraid of the Thompson quadrant. No. LaRouche was scared of Thompson, the people, the person. Now, they’re ridiculous, they’re nothing, they’re absolutely nothing; but god damn boss, boss, hoss Bob, Bob, Bob, whatever his name is, he’s, he’s in charge of everything. So, he made the thing. So, now every parameter like the Book of the Dead has to be judged on this thing to the point where you start into the Thompson quadrant, you get bored. The next thing you know, you’re so bored you’re in the upside down. Most ridiculous quadrant of all the quadrants; it’ll mess you up worst than all of them. The most innocent is the most deadly.
Bert 28:48
iON 28:49
The most innocent is the most deadly.
Bert 28:52
Newsflash, yes.
iON 28:54
‘Cuz, see, McLuhan said right out of the chute, "I’m gonna fuck you in the butt. You need to know that. That’s what I’m here to do. You’re gonna get it and I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna, like it or not. And you’re not even qualified to rebuke this conversation and if you let me in your behind, I would never marry you" and, and, and, on and on, on and on, on and on. You see, it kinda goes on. And we couldn’t even get into that to that level of this degree until we were post-Mary McLuhan. That was key. Linchpin.
Bert 29:24
What about Kroker? Kroker?
iON 29:25
Ah, who? (Bert and iON laughing) Arthur, Arthur wasn’t a very good author. We don’t have to, we don’t have to – he is the antiphonal side, but we don’t care. He’s doesn’t – he’s almost a bit of a non sequitur. Bob can tell you everything you want to know about it. What do you like about Kroker? Yeah, see, there you go. What would you prefer? What do you like about Kroker?
Bert 29:59
I mean, he’s really masterful with his wordy words. I mean, like, for the last month I’ve been looking at three pages of his book, "Possessed Individual" because he’s, like, twisted a lot of wordy words explaining what’s hap – what’s gonna happen to people fucking with the Tech Body is what I see it – as far as their –
iON 30:16
But, see, and here he is a conditioned Luddite telling you all about that. Isn’t that interesting?
Bert 30:17
Ha ha. A conditioned leadite, loodite, is that what you’re saying?
iON 30:27
Luddite. Yeah.
Bert 30:28
Luddite. Is that due to his Jesuit background? Is that – does –
iON 30:34
No, he’s just scared to death, scared to death of technology. Why was he able to write such – wax so aimlessly about the perils of the conditioned response within the, the nightlife, the nightlife of the Android meme. Ha ha ha. And all that we can tell you, we’ve been, we’ve been playing with that anthropomorphic anti until it’s gotten sore! That’s all we know. Ha ha ha.
Bert 31:08
Hey, iON, you’ve really –
iON 31:09
You’re suppose to laugh! You’re suppose to laugh! You’re suppose to laugh. He’s funny.
Bert 31:12
I was laughing! I was laughing. I’m just going back to the Book of the Dead because I’m looking at – you’ve really opened this wide open now; the Book of the Dead. You’ve really –
iON 31:22
It means somethin’. We wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t important. But now they said the same thing about Revelation; "not gonna do it, bunch of bullshit, who’s gonna listen, nobody wants it, it’s a bunch of ups and downs and lions and tigers bears, and it sounds like Lewis Carroll somewhere up the wishing well, and somebody’s gonna jump through the looking glass. Vial judgments, what the hell’s the Tiny Note anyway? Little book, my ass. My belly’s sore. Marriage supper of the lamb. What? Are we gonna eat lamb? We’re gonna have a feast? We’re gonna eat lamb? No. Why are these people staring ahead and looking at me in this dirty chair with the 4 and 20 elders? Get them the fuck out of here, I’m not gonna listen to this." Yeah, that’s the way I’d start it off; started off, too, so we thought we’d better do a little intercession there to help the brethren, Number One. What do you think? Ha ha ha.
Bert 32:14
Yeah, I think you got everyone’s attention now.
iON 32:17
Well, good! That’s just so good. That’s good. That’s good. We can see Lawrence Welk now with the bubble machine startin’ to blow the bubbles out on the stage. You know who Lawrence Welk is?
Bert 32:30
Yes I do. Yes, I do.
iON 32:32
He came on, he came on before Jack Paar.
Bert 32:39
Yeah, I was too young to watch Jack Paar, but I do remember watching LawrenceWelk.
iON 32:42
Mm hmm. What about, what about, what about "The Courtship of Eddie’s Father"?
Bert 32:50
Yes, I remember that as well.
iON 32:53
Ah, okay, okay, okay, wait, check this out. "Room 222"?
Bert 32:57
I remember that as well. Yes.
iON 33:00
AHH, ha ha ha!
Bert 33:01
I’m dating –
iON 33:01
Then you remember Sally Field’s – you’re dating what?
Bert 33:06
I’m dating myself.
iON 33:08
Oh, we thought you were gonna tell us you’re, you’re, oh, you’re steppin’ out on the missus. I thought: "Oh lordy, he’s gonna tell it all now. Easy, easy, easy." Do you remember the, do you remember the Sally Field – the original debut as the "Flying Nun"?
Bert 33:22
Yes, I do!
iON 33:25
See, now you gettin’ it right on down through there. And how about, how about Lloyd Bridges, "Sea Hunt."
Bert 33:33
No, I don’t remember that one.
iON 33:34
That will get you back in there. It was Lloyd Bridges. He’d come on every week. It was good. It’s good, but not, but now, he wasn’t as popular as "McHale’s Navy."
Bert 33:47
Yeah, I remember that one as well. That was a favorite. One of my favorite shows.
iON 33:50
Yeah, and "Gilligan’s Island."
Bert 33:53
Right. Right.
iON 33:55
That Lovey was somethin’. That Lovey could get it, though. You know that, don’t you? She could get it.
Bert 33:59
iON 34:01
Everybody was after Ginger or Mary Ann, but, shhh, naw, Lovey, she had it going on. She knew what time it was.
Bert 34:07
Okay, iON, can we go back to the Book of the Dead? And what you’re explaining about –
iON 34:10
If you’re sure you’re done. If you’re, if you’re, if you’re certainly sure you’re through with Thurston Howell III’s first wife, Lovey.
Bert 34:19
Yes, I’m finished.
iON 34:20
Ha ha ha. We wanted to give you another chance there.
Bert 34:27
This is really, I mean, this, this what you just laid out – I mean, that, that opens –
iON 34:33
Well, we told you, we told you, we told you damn asses to show up this week, didn’t we? We can go to the beach now. Huh?
Bert 34:42
Well, no, you can’t go to the beach yet because you’ve got to help us with it. Okay, so then – I have a question when you were outlining the, the OA movements. Do the OA movements work with the star patterns?
iON 34:55
Yes, yes, they most certainly do. Okay, stop. Remember the – what, where is Gilgamesh?
Bert 35:03
Tree of Life.
iON 35:05
Who worships the Tree of Life?
Bert 35:08
The angels.
iON 35:10
And humans.
Bert 35:16
Angels and humans worship the Tree of Life. Okay.
iON 35:20
That’s the hook up. That’s your connect. That’s where you have power over the angels. Now you have –
Bert 35:29
From the the Tree of Life.
iON 35:30
– Keys and you have Aethyrs. That’s exactly – without that it wouldn’t matter. When they were cast out of the Garden of Eden, they, God, set an angel, an archangel with the fiery sword, to bar entrance to Eden. You remember that?
Bert 35:46
Yes, I do.
iON 35:46
They were east of Eden. They were east of Eden, weren’t they?
Bert 35:51
Yes, they were.
iON 35:53
Okay, so that you could never go back to Eden that, that, that paradise anymore ‘cuz they sinned. They separate themselves from their power. See, they got naked and they were embarrassed by it. There’s your trouble. You all better get naked anytime, anywhere. That’s why Jack, my nigga, we fuck with Jack. We got that – he was with his daddy last week. It was so funny. He couldn’t even talk –
Bert 36:18
Yeah, I heard him.
iON 36:19
– cause he won’t take his clothes off. We, like, no, hell no, you think we’re gonna – you all right layin’ up buck ass naked up there, layin’ up, rubbing up on Gemaine. You all right with that, but no, when it’s real, when the, when the, when the grits and the gravy on you can’t do it. Oh, hell no. Hell, no. So, he had to get right, too. So, everybody – ah, ah, ah, you can’t do that. You’re gonna do it always. His rule. But now that point now becomes he’s comfortable in his skin. That’s the point, because it’s not an issue. They’re non sequiturs: anatomy. Who cares? But the point is that it goes past those biases; that’s why this applies. The biases are what gets you in trouble. It’s not the words, it’s what you do with them.
Bert 37:03
iON, so what you just opened up tonight, that brings more relevance to the Keys and the Aethyrs then. Is that would have been –
iON 37:13
We’ve proven the point, we’ve proven the point now that it doesn’t matter. We’ve proven the point. They wanted us to prove the point when it, when it, when it didn’t matter, or when it did matter. And we would never do that. We didn’t do parlor tricks; but when it didn’t matter, now you can have it. It’s time, it’s over, done. You need to know how it goes.
Bert 37:35
Mmm. Also, okay, now I have some of my questions –
iON 37:40
Good for you. Good for you.
Bert 37:41
– are coming back coming back coming back. So, ahhh, so, with – because when you were describing the –
iON 37:49
Go back to the driveway, go back to the driveway.
Bert 37:53
Go back to the driveway?
iON 37:55
Yeah, remember the driveway issue? Your driveway issue?
Bert 38:01
Ah, yes.
iON 38:03
When you killed the frogs.
Bert 38:06
Yes, I remember the frogs. You know, one did come back, though, by the way; one did come back.
iON 38:13
They all can. They all can now. But, but I mean, just stomping around fightin’ angel fightin’. So, the stomping around the driveway, that was key.
Bert 38:25
Okay. That was key?
iON 38:28
That was before, that was before you were Number One.
Bert 38:33
Okay. Ah,
iON 38:34
Mm hmm.
Bert 38:36
Damn ya, iON, I slipped – I had a question.
iON 38:39
Hard to, hard to remember when you weren’t Number One, doesn’t it? Seems like it was an eternity ago. Yeah.
Bert 38:45
Hey, yeah, but, oh, oh, hold it, iON. Let’s go back for a question. I had a question. I had a question that –
iON 38:50
Come on.
Bert 38:50
– the Keys and the Aethyrs, they’re more relevant (indistinct). They’re more relevant now.
iON 38:57
Yeah. Carolyn is mastering them right now.
Bert 39:00
Okay, yeah, I have a – okay, now I have another – so the, when you were describing and talking about the cave paintings and then you mentioned that Bob and Carolyn have these – the charts. It made me think – so the – can we consider the angel diagrams sort of like a black hole? I mean, or some type of navigation system?
iON 39:22
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That key goes inside the black hole and turns. It’s gonna go inside the sun; the dot in the middle of the sun. You know, when you have the things that you look at the sun, it’s a piece of paper that’s circular – its got a little bitty hole in the middle of it? That goes –
Bert 39:42
iON 39:43
– in the center and you turn it, and you turn it. It’s the key. That’s how you get to Bob; the piece of Meissen, the bobblehead Bob, the little bobblehead that’s sittin’ on the mantel. That’s what you use to open that key; the lock. You can see him, but you can’t get to him. (two-second music interruption) That’s what you open with. (two-second music interruption).
Bert 40:02
Ha ha. It’s the boss.
iON 40:09
Mm hmm. That’s what you open that with. Okay, now, the next flavor that you come back to, that, that’s where it’s opens. When that opens, the lotus flower is what’s key ‘cuz it lines up the, the, the petals of the lotus flower which gives you – how many branches are on Gilgamesh?
Bert 40:33
Great question, iON. One moment.
iON 40:35
Bert 40:37
iON 40:38
Those flowers. What are the flowers? What are the flowers on the Tree of Life; those blooms, those blossoms?
Bert 40:50
Um, you got to school me on that.
iON 40:53
Star –
Bert 40:53
Star systems!
iON 40:54
Star systems. Mm hmm.
Bert 40:57
Boy, you’ve (overtalk) wide open today, iON.
iON 41:00
(overtalk) that are multi, that are multi, that are multi galaxies. Well, you can’t be bound in this earth and leaving this earth. There’s – star systems hold galaxies. You can have multi galaxies.
Bert 41:11
10 galaxies (indistinct)
iON 41:12
10. Well, fuck it. You wanna fuck? Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s go.
Bert 41:18
Once it is open, flowers on the lotus. Okay, so okay, iON. So, the lotus flower, the –
iON 41:24
In the Tree of Life –
Bert 41:25
– blooms (indistinct) the Tree of Life are star –
iON 41:28
Stop. The Tree of Life: those flowers, there are 22 on the Tree of Life. The lotus, the star diagram, the angel diagram, is one bloom. The lotus opens. And the lotus opens. And that’s the key that you put in the center and turn. You turn it to the left or to the right?
Bert 41:50
The right. I mean the left. You turn it to the left.
iON 41:54
Very good, very good. Which is antiphonal, and it sets the tone to the Eastern Gate.
Bert 42:03
Sets the tone.
iON 42:05
Yeah. It’s a frequency.
Bert 42:06
(whistles) Oh my goodness you just dropped – okay, iON, iON. So, two questions. The first question is that diagram that you see ancient diagram where it’s the black line and then it has a dot in the middle. Is that a – that is an ancient symbol of the sun? Because I saw that –
iON 42:29
It’s a solar system. It’s a solar system.
Bert 42:31
That’s a solar system when you see that? That’s a –
iON 42:34
A, a solar system.
Bert 42:35
– a solar system.
iON 42:37
It’s not a UFO. Everybody says that’s the picture of a UFO, a flying saucer. It’s not a flying saucer. It’s a – that’s the – that is a star system with a sun slipping into the drop in the middle of the star sitting on this time space continuum. It’s not a UFO. It’s another galaxy, as you were.
Bert 43:01
So, you’re saying that the angel diagram, what we see, that goes into that, that dot and you turn it to the left and that’s it?
iON 43:14
You’re off to the races.
Bert 43:21
Okay, ah –
iON 43:23
You can go back to Atlantis, and you can go back to Atlantis and change history the way you want to. See, in essence that’s what Bob has actually done here. Bob is really, really, really, really, really good; and Ophenel Hobab has been doing this for a long time. But even he can’t come back and quench his every foe. Do you realize through the entire history of time he has gone back and undone or erased everyone who ever raised their hand against him? Everyone.
Bert 43:33
Bob has done that?
iON 44:00
So far. Drove some of them to their fucking funeral! that he don’t even drive a car and he’s drivin’ them to their funeral! He don’t even drive a car, and he’ll drive them to their funeral!
Bert 44:11
iON, you –
iON 44:12
Singin’, singin’. You know who he sings like? Like Rich Homie Quan. You know Rich Homie Quan?
Bert 44:18
No, I don’t know Rich Homie Quan. That’s a –
iON 44:22
What!? What!? You gotta know Rich Homie Quan. Gad damn, Bob you got to get some Rich Homie Quan up there that –
Bert 44:31
Rich Homie? Damn. Okay, Rich Homie Quan. Oh, then, see this – this is your new – okay, Yo Gotti fell off the map now. (iON laughing) Rich Homie Quan, iON. This is some fuckin’ – shit. Ha ha.
iON 44:33
Ha ha. It’s bliss. No, it’s bliss. It’s bliss. You know why? Look here, look here, look here. Uh uh, uh uh. Now wait now.
Bert 44:53
iON 44:53
Hold on. Here’s why. They, uh uh – now wait now. They come right up in here. Do you know what "Straight Out Of Compton" is?
Bert 45:01
Yes, yes.
iON 45:02
Euphoria. You don’t tell me. You don’t tell me shit! You don’t run me! You don’t run this! You can’t run what you got! But you’re not – if you can’t run your shit, you certainly not gonna run my shit! My niggar.
Bert 45:18
iON, (overtalk) here. We’re talking about Bob going back and now you’re bringing up this rap –
iON 45:25
This caused that! This caused that! This caused that!
Bert 45:30
Bob caused Rich Homie Quan?
iON 45:31
You think there was a time – you bet. Caused all of that whole rip rap business. Caused every bit of it.
Bert 45:38
Bob caused –
iON 45:37
Do you really think, do you really think that there was a time space in the continuum that made tractor rap a good idea?
Bert 45:50
iON 45:52
You know what tractor rap is?
Bert 45:56
I believe I’ve heard a little something to that. Yeah, it’s like, yeah.
iON 46:00
Okay. Okay, and that becomes apropos, you see?
Bob 46:05
Hey Bert. Bert, where we stayed at Gerry Fialka’s – yeah, were we stayed at Gerry Fialka’s on Glyndon Avenue from ’88 on was right beside the rap Compton scene, but it wasn’t Compton; but it was the same ghetto, –
Bert 46:23
Really? Great.
Bob 46:23
– dangerous place. Right beside – so, I walked by it every day from ’88 on. So, of course I planted the seeds of, of the justice warrior.
iON 46:31
He walked by, he walked by Lady Gaga, Stephanie, when she was a little girl at her school in New York. Walked by the school every single day. Every single day. And if she messes up,
Bob 46:42
Yeah, 91st and 5th.
iON 46:42
– he’ll put her in the ground. If she – and if she messes up, he’ll put her in the ground. But she hasn’t, thank God. She’s out of the "Shallow" now. So, it’s gonna be okay. It’s gonna be all right. Yeah, we fuck with her. She’s gonna be all right.
Bob 46:55
Better not screw up with Frank’s vault.
iON 46:56
That’s true. That’s true. Well, she saved it for you anyway, so, can’t hurt that. Okay, now, we’re sorry. –
Bob 47:03
iON 47:03
– We’re sorry. Hey, did this, did we – hey, have we helped – boss? Did we help your damn Book of the Dead? (pause)
Bob 47:17
He talkin’ to me, Carolyn? I put my phone down. Did you –
Carolyn 47:20
(in background) Yeah, he’s talking to you.
Bob 47:22
Did you help with the Book of the Dead? Not bad, not bad for a student of Ophenel. You’re doing pretty good, iON. Yeah, iON, he’s been yellin’ for exam, exam coming up. There’s going to be a test, and it turned out iON tested himself! He couldn’t hold back; he had to tell Bob what he knew.
iON 47:34
It’s the damn, it’s the damn, it’s the damn midterms. We’re tryin’ to make it, we’re tryin’ to make it before they had the impeachment. We had to get it all out before the impeach – impeach 45! Impeach 45! We had to get it all out before the impeachment. If they kill him, if they kill him then we’ll know what happened. We’ll have it all in recorded time. It’d be good. Great for you, good to know.
Bob 48:01
Yeah, this is, this in a way is iON rehearsing. He pours oral when he, when he presents his PhD; you know, piled higher and deeper.
iON 48:09
Now, now, we think, we think, we think anybody’s bedroom – their habits ought to be in their own business, Bob. Don’t be puttin’ your stuff out there on the street.
Bob 48:25
Ha ha. Pretty tricky. I’m putting my neighbor’s stuff out.
iON 48:28
Yeah, yeah, that’s when the Packers that’s when the Packers are playing the 69ers. Yeah, they don’t, don’t call it the Big 10 for nothin’.
Bob 48:40
Yeah, what was that guy. Paul. Paul Bunyan. What was that guy? Paul Tsongas, the great running back for Green Bay Packers. (iON laughing)
Bert 48:49
Paul Hornung. Paul Hornung.
Bob 48:50
He was the last guy like – yeah, Paul Hornung.
iON 48:51
No no no. Paul Bunyan. He had an ax. He had an ax. Didn’t he have an ax and an ox? He had an ax and an ox. Paul Bunyan. He did. He had an ox and he had an ax. That was the last one. See, Bob said it right. That was the last one he liked; he didn’t like another one since then. So, there you go. That’s it.
Bob 49:11
Yeah. Paul horny.
iON 49:13
He likes to watch, he likes to watch (overtalk) though.
Bob 49:15
Right in his name. Dennis, the Waltman. Looks at these guys. I don’t even know these guys. Jackman.
iON 49:28
When the war damn(?), when the war damn Eagle come and whoop their damn Alabama asses. Yep, did that.
Bob 49:39
You know, I did meth with George Patton once in North Africa. (iON, Bert, Carolyn laughing). I’ve been everywhere, man. We were a bit worried about Rommel. Rommel was making – fucking. He had Rachel working for him. You know, Rachel, the medium. Yeah, so he had a big advantage over us.
iON 50:06
Ha ha ha. But then he says, but then he says him and Hermann Goering didn’t have tea with Mussolini. He acts like he’s just some foreigner or something, somewheres. The craziest thing we’ve ever seen. Too, too crazy.
Bob 50:23
Yeah, you’re not supposed to talk about that part of the bathroom.
iON 50:31
Ahh, that’s true, that’s true.
Bob 50:31
iON 50:31
Yeah, better leave, better leave Otto von Habsburg and his business out of it. Is that what you’re trying to say?
Bob 50:34
Ha ha. Otto von Bolschwing, also. He was an important guy in Silicon Valley before Silicon Valley.
iON 50:44
He was just the, he was just the financier; he didn’t mean too much.
Bob 50:47
That’s true, that’s true.
iON 50:49
Oh! Elon Musk won his lawsuit! Elon Musk won his lawsuit. Thank God. Tesla’s gonna make it. He won his lawsuit; the defamation lawsuit. That’s good. (music briefly plays)
Bob 51:03
Who was it against or for, or why did it happen?
iON 51:06
Some stupid, some stupid taxi cab driver. They called him, he called him a bad name. He called him a faggot petdro, pedro, pido, pedophile pedo driver or somethin’ like a pedophile driver. You know, you’ve been one for years, Bob. He called him that, and over there in England where the Queen hangman is, they got real bad libel laws. You start sayin’ nasty things over there, they’ll drag your ass to court. And they got some barristers, lined them up, and they went after Elon Musk; but, he won. He came out victorious, thank goodness. But, it would have cost him all of Tesla from one little slang, slang, slang word. That’s why, that’s why your little buddy’s is not doing so good; WikiLeaks. Assange.
Bob 51:56
Oh, yeah, right. He’s got "want ads" or pleading. He’s got his cup out. Whenever you go on Wikipedia, he’s asking for donations. So, is there more stuff you want to say Bert?
Bert 52:07
No, that’s all. I mean, it’s – iON –
iON 52:11
You did really good –
Bob 52:12
So other people could ask.
iON 52:13
– you did really good. Didn’t he do really good, though? ‘Cuz what he did was something outside –
Bob 52:17
iON 52:17
– something outside because it’s not fair ‘cuz y’all know too much. Somebody from the outside that’s just heard what’s out and could engage. And he didn’t miss a stitch. Well, there were a few things he dropped the ball on, but we caught him really quick and drug him back in there. He still – I don’t think he still knows what he did with the angels in his damn driveway. It’s amazing the stuff he actually does in his own house. Those are the things that are most foreign to him. Like when people steal his meat out of the frigerator. Strange.
Bert 52:46
Ahh, strange. Yes, it is strange.
iON 52:49
Well, just, sayin’, just sayin’. And them doors that creek, that don’t creek; and lights that come on, that don’t come on; and doors that don’t shut when they –
Bert 53:00
Yeah, yeah, yes. Yeah, thank you.
iON 53:02
Yeah, yeah, no worries, no worries. Now –
Bob 53:04
Well, I was Bert’s PhD mentor, and he did his homework all these years. Did more homework than anybody else. –
iON 53:11
He did that. He did that.
Bob 53:12
– Moving up the ladder. So I certainly had picked him to be the candidate to see if he could do it. And he sort of did it. I know all of Bert’s tricks; I know where he fucked up, but, ah –
iON 53:22
Yeah, that’s true. That’s true. You didn’t out him, though. You didn’t out him, so that was good. That was good.
Bob 53:27
I didn’t out him, though.
iON 53:30
And here’s the best part. Here’s the best part. What he’s doing is he’s applying it; it’s not just the word. Some people can quote every word, –
Bob 53:38
iON 53:38
– but Bert is the one that is "be ye doers of the word not just hearers." Be ye doers. See, that’s what Carolyn – she gets in this mumbo jumbo. She’s like, "stop!" What are we doing? Let’s do something with it. If we can’t do something with it, why are we talking about it? It’s like McLuhan; what’s the point? You know, make something with it.
Bob 53:59
Her hands go crazy if she doesn’t have anything to do.
iON 53:59
– You can make something. You can make something with it or you can set fire to it, but she’s just as easy. She’ll set fire to it as fast as anything. Let me tell you what. We love it. We think we may blame her for the California fires and give her a pack of matches. Every time she flies over, she starts a little fire. That might be fun. But no, we’re thankful for the carbon. That’s what’s necessary. Now, but here’s the rest of this now.
Bob 54:23
Everybody’s posting that they’re so thankful, iON, that Bert turned left at Greenland following John Lennon’s instructions.
iON 54:30
That’s true. That’s true, that’s true, that’s true. Oh, and we may still buy it y’all. We’re thinking about it seriously. We might need a little haven. Bob likes ice in his tequila.
Bob 54:44
Well, I am the color green on the chart. I am –
iON 54:47
That’s true.
Bob 54:48
– I am the color green on the Tiny Note chart.
iON 54:51
That’s true. And then the red, the red light comes from the green era of the black line of the myth crystal lickers, and, yeah.
Bob 55:01
(overtalk with iON) Yeah, that was, that was somebody . Yeah, Carolyn, Carolyn got the –
iON 55:01
(overtalk with Bob) And somebody got fucked, somebody got fucked, in the typing.
Bob 55:09
Yes, I was just gonna say that. Carolyn got to Akasha before she knew anything about the green or blue crystals.
iON 55:15
That’s right. That’s right. She’s straight out. "Straight Outta Compton." "Straight Outta Compton."
Bob 55:22
Well, the, the audience is regaining, (rap music plays while speaking) regaining their composure. They’re adopting a superiority complex. Amy says, "It’s – What the hell?
iON 55:32
Go ahead. That’s your background. That’s your background music. Keep on talkin’.
Bob 55:41
Oh, okay. Yeah, Amy, Amy says, "It’s a pleasure listening to Bert grow all these years." See, Bert, you are the young brother, the young kid in the family. We hope for the best for you. Everybody’s retrieving their superiority mantle. Look. Susanna "can’t wait for anymore."
Bert 56:08
Is that Homie Quan, iON?
iON 56:11
Yeah. I got my finger on the trigger. That’s Nicki Minaj. (music continues) Wasn’t that nice? That was nice.
Bob 58:19
Yeah. Was that the new guy that you named 10 minutes ago?
iON 58:23
Yeah, he was part of it.
Bob 58:26
Yeah. What’s his? What’s his – he has a long name. Alpha beta or something.
iON 58:33
Quan. Quan. Quan.
Bob 58:34
Oh yeah, Quan. Okay, well, can anybody predict what song I’m gonna play to wrap it up before we go to other people’s questions?
iON 58:43
Well, of course it will be Ralph Stanley.
Bob 58:44
People can ask about this.
It will be Ralph Stanley, of course. It’ll be old ___ . Of course, no other choice.
It is in, it is in – it is a name in the "Ss" in the alphabet. His name begins with "S," like Stanley. You’re close.
iON 59:02
Oh, okay. Phonetic, phonetic or otherwise?
Bob 59:02
A letter (indistinct) for the labyrinth. The letter for the labyrinth is "S." "Sun Ra" says Michael. No, everybody knows what it is as soon as I say it. It’s the only one it can be. Perhaps the greatest song from February 1969. Can you, Bert, can you predict, Bert, what it is?
Carolyn 59:11
Zappa. It’s Zappa.
Bert 59:19
Bob 59:28
With an "S"?
Bert 59:24
Carolyn 59:29
Bob 59:30
Stan Zappa? No. Not Zappa. It’s a guy, it’s a guy who I – ate in health food store across from Carnegie Hall in July, 1972.
Carolyn 59:55
Pharoah, Pharoah, Pharoah. Pharoah Sanders.
Music 59:40
(Creator Has A Master Plan)
Music 0:00
Music plays.
Bob 17:14
Okay, Bert, he’s blown his wad. I’ll unmute and it’s up to you guys to keep it going if you want more information.
Announcer 19:18
All participants are now unmuted.
iON 19:24
Ah, ha ha ha. He was a good ole biggen or a big ole good one, we don’t know which.
Bob 19:28
What is it? He may be not as good as he used to be, but he’s still good one time.
iON 19:36
Ha ha. No, he’s not as good as he once was, but he’s as good once as he ever was.
Bob 19:43
Heh heh heh. That’s right. Yep. Okay, so I’ve opened the – so, Alissa, Linda, Nan, Scott. Go ahead, pursue whatever you picked up; what you want to know more about.
iON 19:59
Don’t forget Tod and Joe, Tod and Joe and, and Armando and bring them all on.
Bob 20:07
All right.
Michael 20:07
iON, you, you sort of let us know before the show started that you were going to give this delivery. So, I was wondering –
iON 20:12
Michael 20:14
– what was it that happened in the world around us that opened this up that made this –
iON 20:30
The veil. The weaving and the –
Michael 20:31
I wrote my testimonial. I wrote my testimonial before the show.
iON 20:35
Bob wrote his testimonial and it weaved, it weaved a crocheted afghan that had no stitches. They made the movie about the loom that would run, it would tell tales. There used to be a show, a movie, about that where it would give the secrets in this loom and they’d know the future by how many knots are in the loom. That weaving laid out from a sense of – you’ve noticed the urgency of late?
Michael 21:06
Yes. And, and it did feel like a tapestry being sewn together tonight; very much like that.
iON 21:13
Yeah. Well that was right. And, and besides that, Carolyn was getting bored with the Book of the Dead.
Michael 21:18
iON 21:19
That’ll, that, by god, that’ll do it. Ha ha ha.
Bob 21:26
Well, iON, I pointed out to the chat line, the last time Carolyn got bored in April 2010, we got the Coldplay and the answer to cancer.
Bert 21:35
iON 21:35
That’s true.
Bob 21:35
And Carolyn hasn’t been bored since then – till now.
iON 21:39
Till just recently. That’s right. That’s right. –
Bob 21:41
So, what was your first –
iON 21:42
– even with the grimoire. She almost got lost in the grimoire until she found out what it was for. That was fun.
Bob 21:50
Yeah, Bert, I mean, Michael, what was the first reason iON said before iON mentioned my testimonial? What did he say was the reason? What prompted it?
iON 22:00
The thinning of the veil. The thinning of the veil.
Bob 22:07
Oh. Okay. And what about Trump’s impeachment scenario that locked down? All the media sees Trump’s gonna win. So, that kind of got declared this past week. That might have been a factor. My, my session I’ll be playing tonight has a lot of end of the road statements.
Bert 22:36
Bob 22:37
End of the road or wrapping up. You’ll see, it’s really good. So, come on Linda –
Jean 22:48
iON –
iON 22:41
Well, they’ve done so well, they’ve done well. And so, therefore, it’s like come on now, you got it. Good. And then, see, it’s like the four-minute mile. Who talks about a four-minute mile anymore?
Michael 22:58
Linda R 23:00
So, does this mean that the –
Bob 23:01
Who’s done well? Are you sayin’ the iONnauts did well, iON? That’s a little extreme.
iON 23:07
No. Oh, –
Bob 23:08
What are you saying?
iON 23:08
– no, no, no, no.
Bob 23:09
Over the years – you’re not saying –
iON 23:11
Some of them, some of them have done all right.
Bob 23:14
Heh heh heh. Yeah, some of them. Names to be withheld.
iON 23:23
Yeah. Maybe. We can call – hey –
Bob 23:26
Never know who you are.
iON 23:27
– hey. As they say, it don’t scare one of us. Think we won’t call names. Yeah, we’ll kick ass and take names all day now. Yeah, don’t scare us. We take it like a man. Ain’t no trouble.
Bob 23:40
Has anybody seen iON swing a punch? It’s a lot of talk from iON. He ain’t scared of nobody. It’s his main mantra. It will be on his gravestone, but I don’t see iON in the fray there like I am, puching people out, doin’ this and that.
iON 23:56
That’s true. That’s right.
Bob 23:58
He’s staying close. One foot in nonphysical to make his escape. If this physical thing doesn’t work out, he’s heading back to the guf.
iON 24:08
Bob doesn’t have, Bob doesn’t have anything to do with keeping the turbobridge going. No, he doesn’t do that at all.
Jean 24:18
Well, iON, the state of being dead –
Bob 24:20
I keep Bill happy. I keep Bill happy. Uh oh, look, Susana, Susana couldn’t stand it. –
iON 24:27
$20 an hour. $20 an hour.
Bob 24:30
– She said, "Fuck you mom. Fuck you mom, this is the night I’m going to the party." And Susana’s showin’ up. Yes, Susana. –
Jean 24:39
She called in?
Bob 24:40
– You locked your mother in the basement, and now you’re gonna talk.
Susana 24:42
Ha ha ha. Actually, I’m house sitting for a friend, so I’m free, free, free for the week and for tonight.
Bob 24:53
Oh, that’s good.
Susana 24:53
Can you hear me okay?
Bob 24:54
You must have a question or two.
Susana 24:56
Yeah. iON, it was a phenomenal session with Bert. I have a question about the black hole. Did you –
iON 25:07
He really is big as we said. No, he really is that big. He’s a big drink of water.
Bert 25:11
Ah, man.
iON 25:12
Ha ha ha. He’s phenomenal! Bert, she said you was phenomenal. We were just agreein’. How you fightin’ with that? You can’t fight for being phenomenal for pete’s sake. Damn. Mad as we’ve ever been.
Susana 25:27
It was phenomenal. Okay, about the black hole that’s in the sun. Did you say where that went or do any explaining about exactly how that is applied?
iON 25:45
About what, darlin’?
Susana 25:48
The black hole. The black hole in the sun that’s in Bob face just under his ear.
iON 25:53
Oh, okay. Yeah, It’s under – it’s under the jawline. You know he’s got that real sexy jawline. Just underneath that. And if you look really close, there’s a little mark on his neck. It’s the same one if you look at the, at the Sphinx, this has the same stone missing under his neck. Bob’s got that little mark on his neck in the same place.
Susana 26:18
Okay, and you say the –
iON 26:19
Actually, the copy was from Ophenel, Ophenel Hobab.
Susana 26:25
And you said that the earth is being – has already been pulled into there. And can you, can you explain a little more where "there" is?
iON 26:37
Well, between those two black holes, when you drop the earth, like the rock in the pantyhose, it pulls down between them like in the alien pictures where you see the two big eyes and the nose kind of comes rounded. It’s held like that.
Susana 26:58
Oh, so it’s held; it’s held in-between the black holes. It doesn’t drop into any blackness.
iON 27:04
Correct. Just like, just like, just like the, the greys, the greys, the aliens, the little people, the little ET people, which aren’t that at all. They’re showing you how these galaxies work with these black holes. It basically dismisses the thing of time.
Susana 27:27
Okay, and then – hmm. And then you mentioned about the Tree of Life and the blooms were all star – um – star –
iON 27:37
Constellations. Star systems. Star systems.
Susana 27:41
Yes. And so there’s many galaxies. Is that a representation of, of an ascended being?
iON 27:52
No, the representation of star systems. Why does that, why does this, why is the Andromeda galaxy an ascended being? You came from there, and y’all are little as they come.
Susana 28:02
Well, I was wondering how that – how this all applies to ascendedness. Everything you (overtalk) Bert.
iON 28:09
You got to go back. You got to go back. In order to get home, you got to go back. In order to go back, you got to ascend. You were a god; you got to come back to god.
Susana 28:23
And god is a way, the way sta – a way, it’s in-between to where we’re from? It’s not the end point?
iON 28:33
No. God is not a journey. God is what you are. God is what you are to get on the train. God is what you are to ride the bus. God is your – there’s gonna be a chariot. When God’s chariot – "God’s own chariot’s coming in the mornin’, oh, that wonderful day." Remember the, the – Vestal and Howard Goodman –
Susana 28:58
Yes, yes.
iON 29:00
– sang the God’s own chariot song?
Susana 29:03
Uh huh.
iON 29:04
Well, you gotta be ascended to get on the chariot.
Susana 29:07
Chariot. Okay. And then (overtalk) –
iON 29:09
Just like Jesus is, Jesus, Jesus is coming to split the eastern sky to fetch his bride, the bride of Christ. And unlike Bob, Jesus ain’t a pedophile, so he doesn’t want an immature bride, he wants a mature bride; one that’s come into their place of power.
Susana 29:27
Mmm. Okay, and that is on the way to Andromeda or to what we were when we were in Andromeda?
iON 29:40
Let’s call it, let’s call it heaven. Let’s call it heaven. That’s where you came from. Everybody wants to go to heaven. Well, let’s say that’s heaven.
Susana 29:50
Hm. Okay.
iON 29:51
See, it’s intermingled because if we say that then it becomes with some weird something and with the – oh, it will be, "He went to heaven. Okay, heaven." Okay, good. So, now that’s nebulus and now nobody gives a funk what you said, you know. It’s all good.
Susana 30:07
Right. So, now, more specifically, heaven is Andromeda.
iON 30:16
What we’ve said then and it’s what we said now. We’ve said that’s where y’all is from. A hundred years ago. Just sayin’.
Susana 30:24
Very interesting. All – wow.
Bob 30:29
Hey iON, was Rob –
iON 30:31
Bob 30:32
– Rob of Tottenham’s mother passed, passed last night. Would that be a factor?
iON 30:39
No. No. He got his drops though.
Bob 30:43
No? He’s not a factor.
iON 30:43
No. No, but he got his – he’s gonna get his drops. That’s all that matters.
Linda R 30:52
iON, once you said that –
Bob 30:54
Um, okay, I have – no, I’m finished.
Linda R 30:59
Once you said that –
Bob 31:02
Oh, no. I had something to say. Somebody posted something. Hold it Linda. (iON and others laughing) Somebody said, ah, oh yes. You know, I wanted, I wanted to mention this. Loyette points out that Trump gave his New Jerusalem speech this evening. That would seem to be timely, iON. Did that prompt you?
iON 31:22
Yes. Yes, it is very, it’s very pertinent. He got it from you.
Bob 31:31
Okay. Okay, go ahead, Linda.
Linda R 31:33
Um –
Bob 31:34
I know. Every – Linda’s question she got from me. What we’re going to hear in the next 10 seconds come from me. Right, Linda?
iON 31:42
Of course. Of course.
Linda R 31:43
I’m not sure. Once you said –
Bob 31:47
Heh heh heh.
Linda R 31:47
– the base of the lampstands was off planet. So, does that mean the base of the lampstands are in Andromeda?
iON 31:48
They are.
Alissa 31:59
Linda R 32:01
So, in order to –
Bert 32:03
Linda R 32:03
– activate the lampstands then, we need to pierce the firmament and move into the heavens and bring the heaven into the earth. Is that right?
iON 32:16
That’s what Brian Johnson always said.
Linda R 32:19
Okay, interesting.
Bob 32:21
We learned back then, Linda, that the firmament in 122 of Ezekiel, I think it is, means the audience, not the sky.
Bert 32:29
Bob 32:30
iON 32:31
The color. –
Linda R 32:32
I remember you saying that.
iON 32:33
– the color of the terrible, –
Bob 32:33
You know that.
iON 32:35
– the color of the terrible crystal.
Linda R 32:40
Bob 32:41
Linda R 32:41
Okay. Very good. Thank you.
iON 32:47
And so, the answer – the most important question –
Bob 32:50
iON 32:50
– it’s not been that the most – we have it. We’re next! We’re next! Five, five five! Where’s five? Where’s five?
Bob 33:00
Heh heh heh. Go ahead, iON. Check with yourself.
iON 33:05
Okay, five, five. We got one. Damn. That’s the way –
Bob 33:11
Carolyn turns into – iON turns into a little cockroach or something. These weird voices, I’ve never – it’s iON, it’s cockroach
Susana 33:11
But iON’s not getting through because he’s doing just five. It’s star five.
iON 33:26
Oh, shit. Okay. Hold it just a minute. Star. How do you spell – S-t-a-r five. Oh! It works if you type star five (indistinct)
Susana 33:40
Icon, star.
iON 33:43
Okay, I got it. I – c –
Bob 33:45
We have an anonymous caller here.
iON 33:47
-i- c-o-n. Where’s space? Where’s space? Where’s space!?
Susana 33:53
Ha ha. No space. No space.
iON 34:08
N-o-s-p-a-c-e. Now what? We forgot. We got to start over. Okay. Icon no, n-o-s-p-a-c-e, then there’s no space. Okay. F-i-v-e. Okay. Okay, good. Okay, that’s it. Now we forgot what we were gonna ask. Oh, no, we know what we were gonna ask. We know we were trying to –
Bob 34:38
Got your ID?
iON 34:38
– asked to take our turn. We had to take our turn. We have a question we’d like to talk to nonphysical about. How does –
Bob 34:48
Okay, go ahead. And who are you? You’re? You came in on anonymous. You came in anonymous. Where are you? What’s your name?
iON 34:55
We do that. We do that. We are nonphysical. We’re the penultimate nonphysical. That’s what we are. –
Bob 34:56
iON 34:57
– And we’re calling from the realms, from realms. Angels from the realms of glory. We’ve got a question. We keep hearing so much about Bob’s Tiny Note Chart. We can spell it if you need us to. The Tiny Note chart. How does Bob’s Tiny Note Chart fit into the Andromeda con- (background noise, iON pauses) the Andromeda conclusion –
Bob 35:35
iON 35:33
– that’s been wrought. Conclusion that’s been wrought from the – Carolyn’s engagement with the Book of the Dead, or coming by the light of day and bread of living water.
Alissa 35:50
Bob 35:51
We have an easy, easy answer. Anybody else get an answer for that? No.
Alissa 35:58
I said GPS.
Bob 35:59
No, here’s the answer. No, the Tiny Note Chart comes from where I’m from: Alpha Centauri. So, it’s an anti-environment to all you Andromeda schmucks who have been fucking up this timeline for thousands of years – to put it bluntly. I can be polite.
iON 36:23
There now. There, there it is.
Jean 36:23
It’s the phony star map. It’s the phony one. You’re replacing it, Bob.
iON 36:29
Now, now, now Bob’s –
Bob 36:31
It’s an anti-environment.
iON 36:31
– Bob’s quit – Bob’s no longer chopping a dutch; now he’s gonna roll a blunt.
Jean 36:40
Chopping a dutch?
Bob 36:41
That was blunt what I just said.
iON 36:43
Yeah, chopping up dutch. Now he was gonna roll a blunt.
Jean 36:49
What was the first thing?
Bob 36:50
Really, we will have to explore this later –
iON 36:53
Chopping a dutch.
Bob 36:52
– between me and nonphysical. Did Bob come from Andromeda? Or, is he from something else? Alpha Centauri, what is that about? –
iON 36:59
Something else.
Bob 37:02
– And how come I can – you see how we have an image of my, Bob’s, hologramy? ‘Cuz you’re all inside the sun, and the sun is me. See? Totally fits, –
iON 37:14
Bob 37:14
– the hologramy.
Jean 37:15
We’re in your nostrils. We dropped into your nose, Bob.
iON 37:19
No, no, no, it’s under his jawline.
Bob 37:22
Ha, I wouldn’t let you guys near my nostrils, face, mouth, nothing. (group laughing) You’re not near my face. My face is far away.
iON 37:25
You’re filthy. You’re filthy. You bunch of filthy vagrants. You’re filthy! You live under bridges, you ain’t got no money, and you can’t even get a job, hanging around Bob –
Bob 37:38
Came to the wrong solar system.
iON 37:40
– and you set up them somethin’ like you’re gonna give me some money or somethin’. It’s the craziest thing we ever heard of. Crazy. Unbelieveable.
Jean 37:50
Well, iON, the state of being dead. There’s like a – I get the sense that you’re giving us a whole new definition of being dead and being alive. And first of all, first of all –
iON 38:04
The Book of the Dead, did.
Jean 38:06
– Okay –
iON 38:06
The Book of the Dead did, we didn’t.
Jean 38:08
– Right. Your interpretation of the Book of the Dead is an – seems to
iON 38:12
Well, we say, if there is a death, every death’s a suicide; and there is no death. So, you gotta sort that out between the sides. There is no death.
Jean 38:14
iON 38:14
And every – your still as eternal as you ever were eternal. Now, the condition of your eternalness is up to you; where you abide or the abode of your eternalness it’s up to you. Now, where the Gnostics would say it’s in some middle ground; and where the religious would say, okay, if you’re good, we don’t know what that means, you go to heaven. Well, that’s home, Andromeda. Or, if you’re bad, then you go to hell with an archangel. Well, both of those are addressed in the Angel, in the Angel’s Book, which we haven’t even done that yet. We got to do that. We got to, we’ll have to do the Angel Book.
Bert 39:01
The Angel Book, wow.
Jean 39:03
The Angel Book?
iON 39:05
Yeah, a little bit. See, now you’re to the – you’ve got this part. We can get you out of the ditch and now you can drive the car.
Jean 39:12
Okay, so, all right. The state of being dead; we can be dead in a living meatsack body? Is that true?
iON 39:21
The most – the deadest, the deadest people we’ve ever met were walking around in their live, meatsack bodies.
Jean 39:27
iON 39:28
Some of them dead as a sack of hammers. We’ve had some of them, we’ve had them on this show. Stone cold damn dead. Yeah.
Jean 39:36
So, your interpretation of the Book of the Dead is getting back to, to the state of the living; returning to the state of living?
iON 39:45
No! no! no! no! Where’s star five? No, no, it’s not that, it’s not that at all. It lays – the Book of the Dead lays out the details of how these conditions, the rules and regulations to ride the subway to get your damn ass back home. You just got to get your ticket to get on the bus; on the chariot. That’s ascension.
Jean 40:09
All right, and then, and literally that’s Andromeda. It’s going back home in a chariot.
iON 40:14
And literally, and literally – and let’s – people get offended with that. Well, fuck them if they get offended by that. Choke them if they can’t take a fuck. Oh wait, that’s Garrett Dean’s line, isn’t it now? That’ll be forever Garrett Dean’s line: choke them if they can’t take a fuck. But if that doesn’t work, then this gives you the rules and regulations of how the mock-up is if this happens, you do this. If this one, you see that. If this one, if Araseph is out of this line and Amentet is over this line, and Isis’s messed up and Sedcru and Adga and Lulu and DV and Labin, they can’t help you, then Horus will get you back over the River Styx. And Styx, the band, or the Plastic – the – John Lennon and The Plastic Ono Band. Do you remember them?
Michael 41:01
Oh, yeah.
Jean 41:01
Yes! Yes, vaguely.
iON 41:04
The Plastic Ono Band –
Jean 41:06
Plastic Ono.
iON 41:07
Mm hmm. So, this lines up the details or regulations. Now, reading the rulebook is kind of like reading the rulebook – rules to soccer. Have you ever read the rules to soccer? –
Jean 41:20
iON 41:20
– Bore you out of your damn mind. But if you’re in the playoffs and there’s a question, you want to have them rules by heart. That’s what this coming forth by day is all about. That’s why it would be very, very, cumbersome and laborious, almost like LaRouche: hard to swallow. It’s like wormwood and the gall: it will make your belly sour.
Jean 41:43
Michael 41:45
So, iON, when you uh, going forward with the OA, you kept on saying, "The OA is to get you home, to get you home. You don’t know where home is, it’s to get you home." So is the OA a kind of GPS for the Andromeda?
iON 42:00
No, no, it’s not. It’s to get you back to here. You’re traveling all over the place all the time anyway. –
Michael 42:07
iON 42:08
– To here, get you back to this plane, this plane. Because you get lost, often –
Jean 42:08
Okay –
iON 42:10
– as you describe. Those are your words, gettin’ lost. Those are your words. –
Michael 42:20
iON 42:20
– The point is that you get lost. To get you back, to get you back to this syncing up to this GPS position.
Jean 42:29
Okay, describe the relationship between moving between different dimensions and being – the state of being dead versus the state of being living. Is there a relationship there?
iON 42:42
You’re, you’re, you’re you have too much to drink and you’re in the floor. That’s one dimension. You climb up out of the bed drunk and you get into bed. You’re on side of the floor drunk and you get into bed. That’s a different dimension. You get mad or you get tired of liquor and get you some Adderall or some meth and you decide that it’s a good idea to sweep or dust the shingles on the top of your house. So, you get a real tall ladder and you go up on your gables and you start dusting the asphalt architectural shingles, three – four squares to a – four bundles to a square architectural shingles on your house – dusting that with a very fine feather duster. That’s another dimension.
Jean 43:26
Uh huh.
iON 43:28
Okay. Now, the state of being dead it’s when you fall off the roof. But now we can’t really say that because people on meth don’t die. Have you noticed why – you know why they talk about meth. Them fuckers on meth, they won’t die. They wither up, their teeth fall out –
Jean 43:43
iON 43:41
– they have all kind of trouble, but them bitches, they do not die. They do not – they’ve never been sick a day in their life. It’s better, almost as good as magnesium. You’ll live forever, I guess. But if you take enough, you won’t remember it. You don’t remember it.
Jean 43:56
Yeah, you soon or later they’re gonna kill themselves, and they just don’t. They just don’t.
iON 43:59
They just don’t, they just hit it. They just hit it again. They just hit it again. Hit it, they hit it. Rolling a bowl, just rolling a bowl, I guess. Yeah. So, anyhow, settin’ that aside, those dimensions between dead and alive, it’s a state of knowing. A lot of people are dead and they don’t know it. So, it’s a good question that you’re asking ‘cuz they don’t know. There’s a lot of – and hell, ho, ho! There’s a lot of dead people that don’t know they’re dead. Remember the movie, "Sixth Sense"? The little boy said, "I see dead people."
Jean 44:31
Michael 44:31
Bert 44:33
iON 44:33
Bruce Willis didn’t know – that fucker, he didn’t know he was dead. You see? That reality is sub-real. That sub-real, sub-real, sub-real. Okay? Like a connotation of the mind. See, even in death it’s not a thinking man’s game. But, you can think yourself all over the place. You see? –
Jean 44:36
Yeah, that’s why – okay,-
iON 44:45
It’s all – that’s why you asked the question and that’s why we got the answer.
Jean 45:00
Yeah, and I want to get real clear on this. So, you can be dead in a living meatsack body and not know that you’re dead; just like you can be –
iON 45:10
Most deadest, deadest people – Ross Perot was dead for years before he ever give up the body. Ah, Ruth Buzzi Ginsburg, they’re about to put her in the ground and she don’t know it yet. Ha ha ha.
Michael 45:25
Pelosi’s dead already.
iON 45:25
No, now wait now, that’s a different. They’ve got her face put back on. It’s crooked. If you look at it straight on, it’s a little bit crooked. And they got the sockets all wrong. I’ve never seen – whoever put, whoever enbalmbed her did a terrible job. You got to put packing and stuff underneath there. It’s just all caved in and on the far side it’s even worse. It’s awful. And now she thinks ‘cuz she’s a Catholic, that she don’t hate nobody. The awfulest haters who’s ever hated on this planet earth is damn Catholics. Jesus God look what they’ve done. Look what they’ve done to Anne Boleyn. They didn’t even recognize her in the eyes of God. There you go. They made a whole religion –
Jean 46:08
She’s got something stuck up her nostril, Bob.
iON 46:13
Yes, she’s got, that’s a cavity, yeah. It’s a cavity for sure. A big ole open cavity; maybe a black hole, might, might, might, might be. Might be, but yeah, no, she just had a real bad case of bondo work. Very bad. Talkin’ about Pelosi.
Alissa 46:30
So, iON, are, are you saying that now there is death? ‘Cuz there is no death.
iON 46:38
No, there is no death, but it’s the condition that’s being presented in the Book of the Dead is how to bring them back. And so you have varying degrees like drunk on the floor, drunk in the bed, on meth on the rooftop. All those are conditions. You see? But there’s some people, they go, "He’s dead to me." That means they’re not dead, but they’re dead to you.
Alissa 47:05
iON 47:06
Okay, it’s, it’s -he’s sleeping. Why don’t you say it like this: he’s sleeping now. Is there any real sleep? It’s not really sleep. You go to REM. So you got to REM sleep. Well, what the fuck is REM sleep? Rapid eye movement. Well, how in the fuck is that sleep if your eyes are moving if that’s the case? That’s more it is when you’re awake. You go to REM sleep and now you’re busy. Well, god dern, that don’t makes no sense. Makes no sense. So, even the science doesn’t support –
Alissa 47:32
It’s just the way that the condition is labeled.
iON 47:37
And if he can accept those words, we’ll play with those words as long as at the end of the day, ‘cuz we don’t change our words – that you’re eternal.
Alissa 47:48
Mm hmm.
iON 47:50
You got it. Good.
Bert 47:51
Hey, iON –
Jean 47:51
Now, is part of this process – go ahead, go ahead.
Bert 47:54
Okay, iON, are there different stages of death? Because probably everyone on this call that’s listening to your words has been to a funeral with someone is in a casket and put in the ground. So, is that a different stage of death versus –
iON 48:07
But, but, but now, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. How many people have gone to the funeral and the people sit up and get up out of the casket? Now, that’s a funeral. That’s a funeral.
Bert 48:18
Heh, heh. I hadn’t been to one like that, I can say.
iON 48:23
Well, here’s another one. Here’s another one. This is from the Archbishop Benson Idahosa. Okay, Archbishop Benson Idahosa. Talk about a man, he handled God at a whole nother level. He got it plain and clear, and it was a reverent, respectful thing. He come to Atlanta and had church and he said, "Okay, come for communion." He said, "This is a special communion where you get the power of Godt." He didn’t speak good English."The power of Godt." He said, "but do not take, do not take the Holy Communion. If you take the Holy Communion and your heart is not right with Godt, then you will die in this place, right now." And it was like ah, ah, ah, people didn’t say nothing about it. Well, they took communion and three people fell over dead as a sack of hammers, right there. It’s like Ananias and Sapphira. They took them out feet first. There’s power in that condition. Benson Idahosa from Benin City, Nigeria. That’s where he’s from. Benin City, Nigeria. So, yeah, that’s another kind. It’ll cause a funeral sometimes. That’s the case.
Bert 48:46
iON 48:55
Or we laugh – now, the best – remember when we said, now, that if y’all gettin’ yourself – if you’re gonna get an autopsy, get it from Dr. Dean. She’s got the best autopsies on the planet. ‘Cuz if you survive an autophy, you’re doing pretty good. And then they can tell what was wrong with you. All these people, sick, callin’ in. They keep gettin’ sick and it’s like they got to get sick to be able to call in, to have somethin’ wrong. And between the damn gurd and the, and the, and the peronies and the, and the broke dic syndrome and the, and the, and the too much – what was that stuff with the – candida! The candida, and the hair falls up and then their skin falls off, and then they gotta have, can’t have gluten or they need gluten or they got too much gluten or they got the vitamin D comes out wrong and then they gotta have, they can’t take CoQ10 ‘cuz the statin runs out. And then you gotta have vitamin D to make the new vitamin C work, or just take magnesium and it’ll take care of that. Yeah, you know, you got to constantly get sick, to get benefit from all the goodies. So, it’s – after a little while that runs out and you just got to ascend. That’s the point. ‘Cuz it’s almost like you’re looking for things to do to be dead. And then if you go to a doctor long enough, they’ll find somethin’ wrong. You can believe that. You go to the – the bible said that those that are sick are the ones in need of a physician. But, Carolyn is the great physician; there’s no question. It won’t be long till she’s gonna tell you to shake yourself and know you’re God, or get out.
Alissa 51:23
iON, do you call, do you call that show The Dead Bob Show because those people think Bob is dead?
iON 51:31
No, because there’s a comedian called Dead Bob, and he has a Dead Bob Show. It’s a ventriloquist.
Alissa 51:38
iON 51:41
It mocks, and it mocks, it mocks the very condition that’s trying to be presented. And so, –
Alissa 51:48
iON 51:48
– it’s a good application from the Dead Bob Show.
Alissa 51:53
iON 51:56
I mean, if they live one more day, it’s a miracle that they lived one more week to call in to have somethin’ else break, break up from to get wrong. I saved my sight but my eyes fell out! I finally can see but my eyeballs fell out! What do I do? Well, save them in a jar. Nice Coptic jar.
Michael 52:19
iON, you often refer to needle pulling thread. And to now –
iON 52:25
Michael 52:23
– in Bert’s session you use the crochet hook tying knots. What’s the significance of that?
iON 52:30
No, no, no. Stop, stop. A crochet hook does not tie knots. A tatting shuttle ties knots.
Michael 52:42
Tapping shuttle.
iON 52:43
Tatting. A crochet crochets and pulls and weaves the thread into like an afghan. But you can undo crocheting by pulling it and ripping it apart. That’s an example of string theory, where you pull the string theory up close.
Michael 53:01
iON 53:03
Now, we’ll give you a good example that’ll give you – this, this will work. Does anybody crochet? Who crochets?
Alissa 53:10
Mm hmm.
iON 53:10
Jean 53:11
I have.
Susana 53:13
Okay, I have.
Michael 53:14
Definitely not.
iON 53:14
Okay, now y’all, okay. Well now, listen. I want my – y’all, the rest of y’all, the rest y’all can listen but if you stay a word, just go on to hell ‘cuz we don’t wanna talk to you. We’re talkin’ to crocheters. (group laughter) All right, you take a chain. Take a chain. You crochet a straight chain all the way in and you come back through and you do three stitches where you pull it through, pull it up, pull it up, pull it up, three, a three-chain stitch up. And you do that again. And then you go through the space and so you’ve made about, about a half-inch of crochetin’, where you pull it up three times, and then pull each chain, each pull through the chain. Then you chain 10 and you count over 10, 10 spaces; and you do it again. And so, you basically make a row and then a big open space with the chains that connect it. Then at the end, when you get that done, you can pull it in, like chain, pull it up, just pull one of the rows into the other and it makes like a row, like a cornrow, a weave. And so, it pulls up that space. Well, you have this vast space and then you pull it up because –
Jean 53:15
Yeah, you’re tightening the loops.
iON 53:49
– yes, like a variegated, variegated thread, it’ll actually make a very interesting dimension. But what happens is you have this really wide afghan. When you pull that up, it takes – wash about a third of that space out and makes a very tight, comfortable, attractive throw or bedspread or whatever it is that you’re making. But that’s an example of taking the time space continuum, you can do anything you want to with it. So, if thread is time, you can manipulate it like you want to. So, now you can take a big space of time and pull it into a little space, or time flies when you’re havin’ fun, but Christmas is fucking slow as molasses. (group laughter)
Susana 55:10
Jean 55:11
Well, iON, that sounds like you’re making loops with the crochet hook, –
iON 55:17
You are.
Jean 55:17
– and so –
iON 55:18
Well, you do make loops. That’s what you’re making –
Jean 55:20
iON 55:21
– it’s not loops, you’re basically pulling the thread into itself. You’re pulling the thread-
Jean 55:25
Michael 55:25
Right. Right.
iON 55:26
– into itself. That’s what you’re doing –
Jean 55:27
But, some of –
iON 55:28
– that’s what you’re doing. That’s what you’re doing with what you call time, now. You’re making time.
Jean 55:33
Yeah. And some of the loops –
iON 55:34
And they go through time and then they – and then somebody stupidly said, "time is money." And so now you have to go to work and do something, go play on your iPhone at work so they can give you money. ‘Cuz time is money.
Jean 55:46
iON 55:47
So, now you stretch it out or you speed it up or you run it down. You see?
Susana 55:53
And, well, what about Chantilly lace? What is the significance of the pattern?
Michael 55:57
iON 55:58
That’s, that’s a diff – that’s not string theory. That’s your, that’s your continuum. That’s the continuum. Those are knots. Chantilly lace with a tatting, to tat, a tatting shuttle ties knots.
Susana 56:12
iON 56:13
It locks it in. The Chantilly lace or a bat – not like so much battenburg ‘cuz that normally has a weave around it. A cloth and then the battenburg is added to it. But it’s an example of it. It’s an example as long as it’s not a, if it’s not a – it can’t be a crocheted aspect. It’s got to be an actual tatted pattern. That’s a matter of taking thread and tying knots into the spaces and you open up the spaces to hook the flowers or the Chantilly pattern into the locked spaces. The only way to fix lace is to cut it out and add to.
Nikolas 56:53
iON, are you describing a web of sorts?
iON 56:57
It would be like a web, but it’s also like the pattern that you see when they’re tryin’ to explain the pictures of space where they had these left and right grids where it lays out a grid. It’s a flat thing. And if you take the world and sit it on top of it and it pushes down like the rock going into the pantyhose, it curves in; that would be an example of the Chantilly lace. It won’t, it won’t break; it’ll give, but it won’t break.
Jean 57:24
Okay, iON –
Alissa 57:25
iON, you said –
iON 57:28
Hold on, we’re right here.
Alissa 57:32
Go ahead, Jean, I’ll go after you.
Jean 57:34
Well, I just want to make the distinction. In both of those cases, crocheting and tatting, when it’s loose, the spaces are because you’re not tying – you’re not making it tight. You’re not pulling up like you described in crocheting. You’re taking the knot –
iON 57:51
Correct. But now, now listen. Listen. Chantilly lace can’t be tightened once you tie the knot.
Jean 57:57
iON 57:58
Crocheting, by pulling one string, you can tighten the whole thing. That’s the difference.
Jean 58:04
iON 58:04
But this weaving we’ve been talking –
Susana 58:06
Or you can undo it.
iON 58:06
– about is after it’s crocheted – you can undo it just by pulling it out, pulling it out, pulling it out. Now men folks that are stupid and don’t know what to do, you can take a drop cord and crochet a drop cord up to make it where it doesn’t tangle up; you make the big loops, pull it into itself. That’s crocheting, for those less literate ones among us.
Susana 58:33
Alissa 58:34
So, this applies to the ley lines. Right? –
iON 58:39
It does.
Alissa 58:39
– I mean, so when you were talking to Bert –
iON 58:41
It’s what, that’s what all that – okay stop, don’t mess it up. That’s where all these things, all these signs and wonders line up. And what you created allowed the Tech Body to prove, now that you have your new god, is you created GPS. It’s the gods –
Alissa 59:04
And that’s the tatting? –
iON 59:05
– that came here before knew all along.
Alissa 59:07
– That’s the tatting or the crocheting?
iON 59:10
Neither. That’s the GPS, –
Alissa 59:13
iON 59:13
– the position that you are on the globe. But, the original builders of all these things knew where they were in the world.
Jean 59:27
Crocheting is time and tatting is space?
iON 59:32
Jean 59:35
Is that what you said before? You, you related tatting to space.
iON 59:40
It might, it might, it might change, but yeah, it’s pretty good; we like it. You like it? We’ll go with it.
Jean 59:46
Yeah, I could – that could be useful because the – yeah, the crocheting, you can pull it apart. You can lengthen it or shorten it.
iON 59:52
Just remember, just remember. Just remember because of Doctor Carolyn Dean that all analogy sucks sooner or later.
iON 0:00
Oh, it will suck sooner or later. Just so you know.
Jean 0:03
Okay, got it. Knot holds on.
Susana 0:04
ION, how, how about if we say if you – if one says that tatting is an example of lining up the lines and spaces?
iON 0:15
But it doesn’t; tatting doesn’t. –
Susana 0:17
It does not, no?
iON 0:18
– no, tat – no, no, it doesn’t. What is tatting? It’s capturing an imagery in lace. It’s making lace. It’s taking thread and creating a picture, creating a flower, a locks of flowers. Taking a thread and turning it into a piece of something –
Jean 0:37
iON 0:37
– something that is, something that is, that is weltable. To welt. That is weltable. So, it’s a, it’s the land – Bob once called it the – used to be what would be called the mystery landscape ‘cuz stuff would fall through it; but it’s still captured in the lace almost like a sieve, but it’s welted. That’s the difference. And now, you see, that’s been destroyed. There’s no more mystery landscape See? That’s why we can talk about it. Why we can talk about it.
Susana 1:18
I don’t know what weltable means.
iON 1:21
Look it up.
Susana 1:25
Can you spell it?
iON 1:28
W-e-l-t. To welt.
Susana 1:36
Oh. To welt. Okay, ‘cuz I did weltable but I couldn’t find it. Okay.
Nikolas 1:43
So, iON –
iON 1:44
Weltable’s like – weltable’s like fuck. To fuck, and fuckable. You know, it kind of goes like that. But if you put in fuckable, specially in the rectum, you’ll get all kind of images that you’ll be interested in. Yeah, you can do that. Just sayin’.
Susana 1:58
Okay, welt. A strip between a shoe sole and upper through which they are stitched or stapled together. Or, a double, double edge strip, insert or seam as on a garment for ornament or reinforcement, or three: –
iON 2:20
Ta da!
Susana 2:20
– and then there’s a third. Three: a) a ridge or lump raised on the body as by a blow or allergic reaction, or b) a heavy blow.
iON 2:35
Ah huh. To a welter, a welterweight fighter.
Susana 2:39
So, what – so, so, it’s like a, it was kind of like something that’s raised.
iON 2:44
Susana 2:44
iON 2:45
No, it’s number two. It’s a reinforcing condition. It’s weltable. It’s reinforced. So, if you have the lace, that’s say, fra-gee-lee. What does fra-gee-lee mean? Fra-gee-lee? It’s fragile. So, you can use a weltable – it’s weltable; meaning, it can be reinforced. Crocheting cannot be reinforced.
Alissa 3:09
Hmm. Yeah.
Bert 3:11
iON 3:16
Now, everybody’s got their mama’s and grandma’s ivory tatting shuttles, don’t they?
Jean 3:21
Susana 3:25
Nikolas 3:27
iON 3:29
Well, I guess that’s maybe, maybe – hey Siri. Can you tat? Damn, she won’t even answer. She won’t even answer. You bitch! You bitch!
Susana 3:47
Now, tatting. Is that a representation of what our chromosomes look like?
iON 3:52
(background noise) Oh, Lord, Siri did it to us. Uh oh, it won’t go off. AHH! She did it. That bitch. She’s takin’ y’all (indistinct) place. That’s the Gators! That’s the Gator, that’s the Gator Brothers. It’s the Gator Brothers. Oh lord. Y’all just gonna have to talk ‘cuz we can’t turn it off. We hit the button, we unplugged it, we’ve done everything we can do. (background music) Can you hear it?
Susana 4:35
Alissa 4:36
Susana 4:40
Siri took offense to being called a bitch.
Bert 5:10
Hey, iON (over music) can the three-elevenths overcome the eight-elevenths of the Tech Body? Just illustrating that?
iON 5:16
Well, it may. But I don’t know, the Tech Body’s fucking us in the butt right now ‘cuz it won’t turn off. So, it’s drivin’ it. It’s as low as it can go at the lowest level. And at the lowest level and it’s unplugged. So, just see what it do. I guess it’s ‘cuz we called her a bitch. (music continues in background). That’s Dotti Rambo.
Nikolas 6:10
Dotti Rambo!
iON 6:24
See how they’re talking about heaven’s golden shore? In the morning like that’s any day?
Susana 6:36
Heh heh, iON has to shout over Siri.
iON 6:39
Yeah, we’re gonna do that, too.
Jean 6:51
Okay, so, iON, What is this? Is this an example of Tech Body taking – ‘cuz this isn’t us taking our power back from the Tech Body is it? –
iON 7:05
Jean 7:05
– Just to listen to what Siri has to play, interrupting our questioning?
Alissa 7:05
Do angels hate this song?
iON 7:06
It caused David to lay down his harp. David was a king.
Alissa 7:24
iON says this song drives something crazy.
Bert 7:29
That’s right. That’s right, yeah.
iON 7:59
Yeah. Heaven’s calls are silent. It’s on zero. You may, yanna try to turn it up? What’d ya think?
Bert 7:59
Try it.
Alissa 8:05
iON 8:07
It don’t go up or down.
Bert 8:10
iON 8:17
You should be here, you should be here in Memorexland.
Susana 8:24
Tell Siri to turn off.
Jean 8:27
Amy’s got a good question. Is Siri from planets – from Sirius a or b? Where is Siri from?
iON 8:34
(music stopped) Wait, wait. Okay. Shhu. Okay, that was good. Hold on.
Jean 8:44
iON 8:45
We never know for sure, so, just sayin’. Okay, looks like he did all right. Y’all don’t – y’all please don’t piss off the Tech Body. It could be a white knuckle flight, now. We’re doin’ the best we can with the limited resources for which we’ve made available to ourselves.
Susana 9:07
Well, don’t call it names.
iON 9:11
Well, she is a bitch, so, it’s all it is.
Jean 9:15
Stop, iON, quit it!
Linda R 9:16
Here we go.
iON 9:18
Just sayin’, just sayin’. So, anyway the – what was the – okay, somebody right quick: "Mama’s Teaching Angels How to Sing." Somebody do the lyrics. We don’t have to take the time to do it, but if it’s this important to be applied, you need to get the words and put it on the goober snatcher so that the ridiculous people can read it. Anything that causes David to lay down his harp, you better pay attention to. Yep. We would. Just sayin’. That’s powerful words.
Susana 9:59
What was the –
iON 10:00
"Mama’s –
Susana 10:00
– what was the words?
iON 10:02
Mama’s, "Mama’s –
Susana 10:04
iON 10:05
– Teaching Angels How To Sing." Want us to spell it for you? We will, we don’t –
Susana 10:10
No, no, no, no. Jean got it. She got on the chat.
iON 10:14
Jean 10:22
"Rock of Ages" will never sound the same. –
iON 10:26
Jean 10:26
– God heard her signing heaven’s –
iON 10:27
We did a big thing on "Rock –
Jean 10:31
I’m sorry. Go ahead. No.
iON 10:33
We did a turn on the "Rock of Ages," remember?
Jean 10:37
Not offhand. I’m thinking of social motar.
iON 10:41
Yes, you do. What if – how did, how did, how did Moses get fucked up when he struck the Rock of Ages.
Jean 10:47
Oh, that’s right.
iON 10:49
Yeah, you forgot.
Jean 10:52
And the water came out, right?
iON 10:55
Jean 10:56
iON 10:58
Heaven’s halls are silent when mama sings. David lays down his harp and heaven’s bells won’t ring. The most key of all. Look at the words. This is – guess who wrote this song: Dotti Rambo.
Bert 11:17
iON 11:18
Mm hmm. She writes all her own suff. You know what she – you how how she got famous? She got famous – you remember little Jimmy Dickens, you know, the governor of Louisiana? Little Jimmy Dickens.
Susana 11:32
Mm hmm.
iON 11:33
Huh? No?
Susana 11:35
Singing in the Grand Ole Opry?
iON 11:39
He did. Little Jimmy Dickens; he was real short. He was, he was taller than Carolyn; just barely, just barely taller than Carolyn. Little Jimmy Dickens. Yeah. He wrote a song that made him famous and he’s got – become, he become later the governor of Louisiana. Well, he was singing. Dotti Rambo was singing with him back in the day because she had a little age on her as she’d gone along there. He wrote – she helped write the song, "You Are My Sunshine." You ever heard that song?
Susana 12:08
Mm hmm.
Bert 12:09
Yes, yes.
Jean 12:10
Oh, yes.
iON 12:10
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. She helped that and got some of the credit on it and he made her some money checks. That’s before she ever married Buck. Buck Rambo. And so, that’s where she got her start way back then. She was almost charmed. Her realm was almost – all but charmed. And, "The Holy Hills." Y’all remember the song where Vesta sings the "Holy Hills"? She’ll wrote all of it. She won Dove Awards, all kind of things. "Build My Mansion Next Door to Jesus." Oh, it goes on and on and on. You can look up her work. She was a singer, but she was more famous as a songwriter.
Susana 12:57
Mmm. And, iON, didn’t you say at one point that angels like to hear or – singing. Humans singing or ascended people singing? It’s just – they love it.
iON 13:17
Actually, they hate it.
Susana 13:20
They hate it! (Bert and Susana laugh)
iON 13:24
They – it runs them up a tree. It is absolutely runs them crazy. You know why? Because they have to respond. It’s kind of like, if you get – have you ever dealt with a vampire?
Susana 13:43
No, I don’t think so. I don’t think I have.
iON 13:46
Okay. Well if you’re never – if you’re not sure, here’s how to find out. Take a box –
Susana 13:51
Ha ha. Okay.
iON 13:55
Take a box of toothpicks. –
Susana 13:56
I’m not sure how to do it.
iON 13:57
Take a box of toothpicks or a box full of those peanuts, you know that they pack things with or sugar or something that’s individuals, and throw it in the floor wherever they are. And that cannot help but count it. So, if it’s grains of sand, they have to count it if they’re a real vampire.
Bert 14:23
iON 14:24
Matchsticks. They can’t have to count, they HAVE to count it. They can’t finish – you’ve known people who are kind of countered like that; they just can’t stand it, they have to count. Those most likely are vampires. If you’re not sure, throw something down. They’ll count it. They’ll count marbles, they’ll count red lights, they’ll count street signs, they’ll count – they’re, they’re, they’re, they’re, they’re intentable counters. That’s how you know. And so, now your question about the angels. The angels have to yield because the – like this music that just came through the thing here that they did here. That’s as close to angelic as you’re gonna get. But the angels don’t like it because it’s beatin’ their time. See? That’s where they have to yield. And so, they don’t like the having to yield. It’s like your Keys and Aethyrs. Now y’all know the Keys, right? Y’all been practicing?
Bert 15:20
iON 15:21
Michael, Michael, what’s the fourth Key? Michael, what’s the fourth Key?
Michael 15:25
Ah –
iON 15:28
Oh, you didn’t, you didn’t expect that one, did you?
Michael 15:31
That’s Dobbstown.
iON 15:33
Yes, but what does that mean? People don’t know what Dobbstown is. Bob doesn’t even know what Dobbstown is.
Michael 15:43
Placement, positioning.
iON 15:47
Okay. Trying to find something to place or position?
Carolyn 15:49
No, four, four is 33rd, isn’t it? Bob says Dobbstown is three.
Michael 15:55
Yes, what I’m saying, the position is the 33rd degree.
iON 16:00
Dobbstown is three.
Carolyn 16:01
Yeah, when you think of three and you want to say 33rd That’s not it. So, four is 33rd parallel.
Jean 16:13
Coldplay, right?
Michael 16:24
So, what were you going to say about the Aethyrs, iON?
iON 16:28
Well, no, we wanted you to say what the fourth Key was.
Michael 16:33
If you give me a second, I can grab my chart.
iON 16:37
You have eternity; you have all the time space continuum. If you’ll get the – if you load the shuttle, we’ll tat lace till you get back. It’s all right with us. You have eternity.
Susana 16:48
All right, so, iON, back to the angels. They actually –
iON 16:53
Ah ah – oh, sorry, sorry, no. We’re tatting, we are tatting, we are tatting now.
Michael 17:03
It’s what I recalled, iON. It’s what I said to you. I have on the fourth Key: divine where to reside, where to go, direction, placement, 33rd degrees. Shifting of the earth.
iON 17:17
The fourth. Okay.
Michael 17:18
The fourth Key.
iON 17:19
So now, so now. The Aethyrs. You know the Aethyrs?
Michael 17:27
Yes, I don’t know what they are, but –
iON 17:31
Oh? What’s the what’s the 10th Aethyr?
Linda R 17:37
iON 17:40
Good. Good. Okay, now you can take a Key and apply it to an Aethyr. Now, that does another thing. Now, we’re not saying – we’re not telling you what to do. We’re – you’re given the example. You talked about the singing and the angels in the business. This takes the Keys which is how you direct the angels, and the Aethyrs is how it applies. So, how many different Aethyrs do you have? Hopefully you have a number of –
Michael 18:09
iON 18:11
Perfect. So, you have 30 directions with how many Keys?
Michael 18:18
18 and one withheld.
iON 18:20
And one withheld. That’s exactly correct. So, you have different – now you got to – you’ll practice those and get good with it, but it’ll be how you apply it. But that’s not what this is about. That’s about – that sends the angels – it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard. They don’t like it because it’s kind of like the infernal bell. Did y’all watch the show "Downton Abbey"?
Michael 18:45
Susana 18:46
iON 18:47
Okay. They could not stand those god damn bells downstairs; ring, ring, ring, ring ring, and then they had to look to see who it was. And then the – somebody’s chambermaid had to go clean the chamberpot or go polish somethin’ or love somethin’ or suck somethin’ or do something. They did a lot of all of that in that show. But the jingle, jingle jingle, it puts them in a kitchen. So, they were bothered by that; they had to go do. That’s like the angel’s issue: they have to be bothered to do. Singing, like the "Bells of Heaven;" or the bells of Downton Abbey; or the alarm that sounded; pierces and intervenes an otherwise peaceful experience. See, angels love, love, love, loved this thing with everybody being a little man. ‘Cuz everybody’s fucking with the Tech Body, everybody’s running around, not – they’re not even fucking anything anymore, they’re not doing anything. They’re too busy doing whatever that they do, but they’re not doing anything. They’re not working. They’re not making money. They’re not spending money. They’re not doing anything. They just order things, and things kick in. They just keep typing and watching this and hooking up that and fall into this and dealing with that and complaining about this and complaining about that, dying a little more all the time, calling the Dead Bob Show tryin’ to figure out how to live one more day in agony. How can we drag this agony out just a little bit longer. Then you come back to a circle side of: "Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay." Then this perks or peaks or picks an issue in the Chantilly lace to go through it to say: wait a second. That is affecting with, with singing certain songs. Some songs are more ridiculous than other songs, but some hit the certain frequency. Um, go back to one – everybody, hold on just one second. Hey, Bert!
Bert 20:48
iON 20:50
Tell them what you know about frequency.
Bert 21:00
Frequency can be engaged by singing the – speaking to the angels. And that the – that’s the one thing that, that, – that’s the one thing that always rang out for me is that engaging the angels changes one’s frequency because it attracts them. Singing attracts –
iON 21:22
Okay, how does frequency – is everything a frequency?
Bert 21:28
Yes, everything is frequency.
iON 21:30
That’s, that’s how the rapers and the rapees get hooked up in the same island. Right?
Bert 21:37
iON 21:39
That’s how the robbers and the robbees get hooked up together, right? They’re the same vibrational proximity. Right?
Bert 21:46
Proximity. Yes.
iON 21:49
Then they’re in that same – close to that proximity that they’re engaged. That’s how the gangbangers can be shootin’ each other, point-blank range with an AK 47 and they miss each other; and a little girl two streets over catches a nine millimeter in her head and dies. They’re standin’ in front of each other shooting point-blank range and none of them get killed. See? It’s an interesting construct of vibrational conditioning. How do some people – okay. Yeah. How many of you all have automobile insurance?
Bert 22:24
Susana 22:25
iON 22:26
Okay. If you ever have an accident, guess what happens to your rates.
Susana 22:31
Goes up.
Bert 22:31
Go up.
iON 22:33
Bert 22:35
Liability. Increased chance of liability.
iON 22:37
No. Whoa, what’s an increased chance of liability? Hold on, here’s what it is. If you’re in the vibrational frequency to have an accident, you’re more prone to have an accident.
Bert 22:48
Right. Yes.
iON 22:53
If you get a speeding ticket, you are not, you’re not unsafe. Everybody speeds. Who doesn’t fucking speed? Who doesn’t speed? Everybody. But, if you get caught at speeding, you have a larger propensity to be not very good at the speeding part. So, therefore, your rates go up because they say ‘cuz you got a red car so they see you more than they do another car; maybe, maybe, maybe. But see, it’s the frequency lining up. So, they’re like, uh oh, you’re gonna cost – potentially cost us more, be more of a liability. So, therefore, you’re gonna pay more.
Bert 23:31
Mm hmm.
Susana 23:33
And so, does emotions like fear and anxiety change your frequency to be into those – to be, to create, a vibrational frequency that would pull you into that situation –
iON 23:48
Why would you, why would you –
Susana 23:48
– that you fear or feel anxious?
iON 23:52
Why would you – stop. Why would you use that example? We’re just asking, why would you choose – yeah, why would you choose that example? Wait. Why wouldn’t you choose – you mean if I choose the position of power and knowing and my autonomic system is so in line with what’s going on that everything I get, I want, no matter every single time without fail or exception, and that everything works out for me and that they always have fresh pigs for Bob to put his feet on anytime he wants a pig for his feet, and that his throne chairs are perfect in every way. And that everything is coming up exactly the way you desire it. And that all night long there’s people running around all night long just making everything great. You push that button on, push that button on the looky box and then they ring the doorbell and deliverin’, Amazon’s deliverin’ whatever it was. Sometimes they deliver it before – you forgot to push the button and by god, they knew it and you’re – sending it on anyway. They knew you was gonna be out Tide pods real soon, but they just sent you some more anyway. They knew it was about time; you wash all the time. They just knew. They just knew. Every – why can’t everything just work out good for you rather than being in the disdain issue? Now, see this is where Carolyn will chop your head off right here. She is the best at seeing things as she wants them to be. And you start with some bullshit and she’ll say, stop, stop. And if it gets real bad, she’d go to bed. Ha ha ha. She’ll go to (indistinct) bed and she’ll get up; and if you changed your mind, okay, good. If you hadn’t, she might just go right back to bed. It’s over. She’s not gonna put up with it. She only sees it as the way she wants it.
Susana 25:32
iON 25:33
Now, that means, that means that she’s conditionally responding to her condition. Everything is not the way she wants it always. There’s contrast. That’s the only way you get a good erection is with contrast. You mix it up. That’s not, that’s not the problem. I mean, you don’t eat so you can poop. Right? It’d be nice if you could eat and not poop, but pooping kind of comes a part of it. They’re connected, you see? You see? But, it becomes the whole process. So, you don’t, you don’t eat complaining about how you’re gonna have to poop. Do you? I just hate defecating. I just hate, I just hate shittin’. I’m tired of it, I’m tired. If I could quit eatin’ I don’t have to go shit. I don’t have to have that Febreze, I don’t have to have that Poo-Pourri, I don’t have to have that Poo-Pourri I spray in the commode so it won’t stink. To be fair, now, Bob’s shit don’t stink. Now, he’s got it goin’ on. Nothing comes up smelt bad ever, ever. And his, and his shit is so clean that it is unbelievable, it’s unbelievable. It’s the cleanest stool you could ever want anywhere. If he’s gonna shit at your house, –
Alissa 26:52
iON –
iON 26:52
– don’t be makin’ him use the bathroom. It’s great.
Jean 26:54
Don’t stink.
Alissa 26:56
iON, you brought up the Amakalites. Thank you, by the way, for what you’re saying. –
iON 27:01
Alissa 27:01
– and you brought up the Amakalites and how you said the giants are responsible for the fear position. Is that right?
iON 27:11
Sure. That’s what’s wrong with it. That’s what’s wrong with Canaan. Do you remember Canaan Land? They wouldn’t cross the River Jordan. –
Alissa 27:18
iON 27:18
– All they had to do was go across the River Jordan. They was in the promised land, the land of milk and honey. Locusts and wild honey, and they didn’t go there. There’s giants! They sent a spy, they spent a spy. There’s giants in the land. Oh, Lord, they’ve got a paradise. It’s conquered, it’s those Amakalites. Amakalites.
Bert 27:45
iON, when you say giants, are you talking about physical size or capacity of an individual? When you say giants.
iON 27:52
When you start judging giants, there’s no difference.
Bert 27:56
iON 27:58
There’s spaces larger than –
Alissa 27:59
And the Amakalites were the giants?
iON 28:02
They were.
Alissa 28:04
The Amakalites were the giants. Okay.
iON 28:08
Not the Amalekites. The Amalekites were the ones that were there. That was the age; that was right in that age with Bob. That’s waaay back there. That was pre-flood.
Jean 28:23
Where is home for the Amalekite?
Alissa 28:24
So, which one are you – wait, there’s two different ones that sound the same? So, Amakalite and Amalekite.
iON 28:32
What you’re saying – and – are different. Yeah, they’re two different words; they have different, they have different characters that make up their spelling.
Alissa 28:43
Okay, okay. So, Amakalite –
iON 28:47
Yeah, it’s like ass and asshole.
Alissa 28:52
Heh heh. Right. And the Amakalites were the ones that had the crucible with the Fa So La. Correct?
iON 29:09
Yes, yes, excellent. Very good. Hey Bert! Hey Bert. You ain’t the only one. She’s been sort of, she’s been sort of listenin’, too. What about dat doe?
Bert 29:20
Yeah, it’s great.
iON 29:22
It is good.
Bert 29:23
It’s great.
iON 29:24
See, Bert wants everybody to get it.
Nikolas 29:28
So, iON, when Dotti Rambo’s lyrics say, "David lays down his harp and heaven’s bells weren’t ring," is that –
iON 29:36
"Heaven’s bells won’t ring."
Nikolas 29:38
"Heaven’s bells won’t ring." Is she saying when the meatsack is laid down you cannot have any say over your vibrational proximity anymore?
iON 29:47
No, she most certainly is not. –
Nikolas 29:52
What is the song –
iON 29:52
– She’s saying that when mama’s, when mama’s teaching angels how to sing, that David lays down his harp – when mama, dead mama, who’s gone – the words.
Nikolas 30:03
Okay, okay, yes, I get it.
Alissa 30:11
So, it’s a big deal to teach the angels how to sing. That’s why David will lay down his harp.
iON 30:19
Sure, sure, sure. It’s exactly right. And it works, too.
Alissa 30:31
You also equated that song to the frequency of a violin which you said the angels – do the angels hate the frequency of the violins?
iON 30:40
Yeah, and they also hate this (organ plays in background) Hear the low tones?
Alissa 30:49
Mmm. Pipe organ.
Bert 30:55
iON 30:56
One – 128, 128. Here we go. (organ plays)
Bert 31:07
Nikolas 31:07
Wow, that’s amazing.
iON 31:36
Then you go into the fugue. And then it runs into the fugue. Oh God, we got to plug this back up. Nice. Well, it works anyway. So, do you see the point? They hate that, too.
Bert 31:56
Jean 31:57
iON 32:00
Yeah, the 128. When they pull out all the stops, that lowest, lowest, lowest basso runs them crazy.
Alissa 32:08
iON 32:09
Bert 32:13
iON, you said that the diaphragm of a angel appears to be like a harp. So, is that where their irritation comes from, hearing this hearing this music, these vibrations? –
iON 32:24
Bert 32:24
– That’s where?
iON 32:25
Bert 32:26
iON 32:27
It’s the harp, it’s, the harp metaphor, ‘cuz that’s what David – what did David do? He captured the very heart of God by the playing of his harp, remember?
Bert 32:41
Alissa 32:41
Mm hmm.
iON 32:44
Well, hell’s bells! Y’all do know something.
Alissa 32:53
So, how did The Tree of Life apply? Because that’s where the angels and the –
iON 32:58
You’d never find – you’d never – you’d never find – well, there’s a couple of levels. First of all, you’d never find the constellations that you’re supposed to be navigating in-between. It’s kind of like you can’t find the road with the stop sign to see where you turn left or right or how you get to town. From the roads, you got to have some kind of knowing to get you there the first time. And then you can kind of learn your way and go by rote after that. But, if you don’t get that part, you’re just driving around in a circle, making three lefts which turns into a right. You see? So, after that part, that’s the – that’s its point. And also, the root system is how you compare or bring up the connection between what the angels connect to, because remember, the angels were cast down here in the earth, in the earth. Remember? A third of the angels. Well, you were also sent here, too. You were run out of the garden your damn self. Well, you’re not much different than the damn angels that are being punished; only, you chose to come here to complete the war in heaven. Well, hell, the angels is the one that is fighting over it, and you come here as a little man to be so powerful that you can separate yourself from your power and to be able to come back to your place of God. So, you go from the bloom of that tree to the root; dead taproot of that tree. Once you do that, then that’s where the roots of the Tree of Life bloom in Andromeda.
Bert 34:30
Hey, iON, you said that we chose to come to complete the war, the war in heaven. That’s news. I remember you saying war in heaven. And when we went through the Revelation series, it was never addressed that we chose to come to complete that. So, you’re saying –
iON 34:44
Yeah. –
Bert 34:44
– now –
iON 34:45
– You’re so powerful. You’re so powerful, you wouldn’t have if you didn’t choose it. You were a god. –
Bert 34:51
Okay. Right.
iON 34:52
– You were a god. And so, you wouldn’t have chosen it – you wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t had chose to.
Alissa 34:58
Mmm. Yeah.
Bert 35:00
Yeah, that’s true.
Nikolas 35:01
iON, is the constellation, the Orion’s Belt, going to align with the pyramids again?
iON 35:08
It does now. It does right this hot second, right now.
Nikolas 35:14
So, are the three stars aligned right now over the pyramids perfectly?
iON 35:21
Yeah. Yeah.
Nikolas 35:24
Wow. And the –
Bert 35:25
Okay, iON, also, ah, – go ahead.
Nikolas 35:29
– and the significance of that, iON? Because, they haven’t aligned for millennia.
iON 35:38
For a – for iON’s Belt? And the three pyramids? (group laughs and iON mimics theme from Bonanza)
Bert 35:52
iON’s Belt?
Nikolas 35:54
iON’s Belt.
Jean 35:54
Nikolas 35:54
We’re behind the iON Curtain. We’re behind the iON Curtain now.
Michael 35:58
It seems that way.
iON 35:59
You leave, by god, you leave Margaret, you leave Margaret Thatcher out of this. Ha ha ha.
Michael 36:03
Nikolas 36:08
She’s got a dog in the fight here, iON?
iON 36:11
Hell, yeah. She’d tear it up, too, now. Yeah, she’ll blow up your shit.
Nikolas 36:15
Linda R 36:17
So, when you’re saying that we are bringing heaven to the earth, and heaven is Andromeda, then we’re bringing – are we bringing Andromeda here or are we bringing here to Andromeda?
iON 36:30
Okay. Okay. Here we go. The answer to that question, is this live or is this Memorex?
Michael 36:38
Or is this Memorex.
Nikolas 36:41
So, are we pulling in heaven to earth?
iON 36:44
Listen! Live or is it Memorex? The point is you can’t tell. So, it’s moot to argue the point. You can’t tell the difference. ‘Cuz whatever we say, it’s gonna be half wrong. We don’t know which half; it’s gonna be half wrong.
Linda R 37:05
Okay, So, the Garden of Eden is actually Andromeda.
iON 37:14
Nahh, no, that’s the conduit.-
Linda R 37:17
That’s what we’re going back to.
iON 37:18
– Let’s say it’s the con – well, Genesis, it’s what you’re going back to. And Exodus 36 is very clear of how it lays that out. Yeah. So yeah, you’re going back to it. So, that would be the end of that circle. Doesn’t say where it starts from; it’s in the beginning, you see. God, you, created the heaven and the earth. Heaven is home. Earth was created here. So, the answer is still yes, you’re right. You’re right. You’re right. That for those Sodomites and those few Edomites, gotta watch out for them, but – and don’t buy diamonds from the Syrophoenicians. We told y’all 1000 times just not to do it. Never goes good. Never goes good. Never (overtalk).
Alissa 38:06
iON –
Nikolas 38:06
They cross through here a lot, iON, those Syrophoenicians.
Alissa 38:10
Bert, I’ll go after you.
iON 38:11
Boy, let me tell you.
Bert 38:13
iOn, iON –
iON 38:14
Hey, hey.
Bert 38:16
– okay. Orion’s Belt is here and it’s lined up with the pyramids. But I’ve also heard you say that the Washington DC is aligned with Orion’s Belt. Is that still the case?
iON 38:27
It is. It still is. Those points and the way it’s made up; but now, they, they run a little – they line up, but now they – the centrifugal aspect of that does do it from the, from the phases – from the third – see, they’re not on the 33rd parallel; Washington’s not. So, it can get the pitch – the radius, the radium gets off from the different solstices. So, it only lines up perfectly four times a year in Washington; perfectly. But, they’re in the same range. You can’t tell the difference.
Bert 39:05
iON 39:07
Nikolas 39:07
So, so this triangulation –
Alissa 39:09
iON, is –
iON 39:10
Wait. She was next. Go ahead, darlin’.
Alissa 39:14
iON, is one black hole the live and the other black hole the Memorex?
Bert 39:19
Good question.
iON 39:20
No, no, they’re both they’re both black holes that go down different – we’re gonna call it a starshoot. We’re borrowing words, we’re borrowing words now –
Alissa 39:33
Mm hmm.
iON 39:34
– ‘cuz that works as good as any other words, but why you’d call it that is like, shh. It’s a sharp slide. It’s a race, it’s a race to the bottom. That’s what it is, it’s a race to the bottom.
Alissa 39:50
Okay, the answer "no" is all I need for that. Okay.
iON 39:54
Bert 40:00
Susana 40:00
You break into that – sorry. You break into that theme from Bonanza, that song, that tune. What is the, what is the significance? Is it the definition of Bonanza?
iON 40:15
Would you prefer the Big Valley with Barbara Stanwyck? That was a good one, too.
Susana 40:25
Well, I just thought –
iON 40:26
Oh, no! You know what our favotite – you know what – no, no, no. You know what our favorite was? It’s Ronald Reagan’s first wife in "Falcon Crest." That was the best, and maybe we’ll do that one from now on. Yeah. That wasn’t the Waltons. That was "Father Knows Best." This is a Jane Wyatt. Yeah, not Jane Wyman. She was the mama on "Father Knows Best." But, Jane Wyman, that was –
Alissa 40:52
That’s a perfect – that’s a perfect segue to talking about the Phoenix on Isis’ crown.
iON 41:01
Yes, it is.
Alissa 41:02
Nik –
iON 41:03
Exactly right.
Alissa 41:03
– Nik, you were gonna say something, but can we do it – can we go into this Isis crown thing and then go back to what you were saying?
Nikolas 41:09
No worries, Alissa.
Alissa 41:11
Okay, so "Falcons Crest," Isis’s crown. You talked about the sun and the snakes, but let’s talk about the Phoenix.
iON 41:23
Ah huh. What does the Phoenix rise from?
Nikolas 41:28
The coals.
Bert 41:29
The carbon.
Alissa 41:31
The ash.
iON 41:31
Ashes, ashes, ashes. What are ashes?
Alissa 41:36
iON 41:37
Susana 41:38
iON 41:39
They connect. Good for you.
Alissa 41:41
iON 41:42
You’ve done this before.
Alissa 41:46
It’s kinda feels like that. Even –
iON 41:50
Well, and see, here’s the fun part. Here’s the fun part. You know stuff. When we first started off, you can’t know nothing, you can’t find nothing, and you can’t figure out nothing and every time it’s somethin’ different. iON just makes it up as he goes, you can’t figure it out every time you try to prove somethin’, we can’t even find 121 Depot Street. We don’t know who the Queen is, we don’t know where the gold went, we don’t know how this all works, we can’t do nothin’. The caldera didn’t blow; the Mississippi River didn’t go backwards; it did snow in Maui, but it was just a little bit; and all of California hasn’t burned, god dammit. Why can’t all of it burn? It needs to all burn. Okay, well, whatever works. Give – put in something in a nice pentatonic scale and we’ll see how it goes. So, then you find that this – within the Telecaster you start finding routes and rudiments. Routes, not group, not root, that’s (indistinct), not that. Not that, it’s the other one. Routes and rudiments. Okay, that’s good.
Alissa 42:58
Thank you iON. Yeah.
iON 42:59
Your welcome, darlin’. Did that suit you? Is that what you wanted to know? Uh oh.
Alissa 43:06
Yeah, it suits me; it suits me just great.
Jean 43:12
Okay, Nik, I’m after you before I butt in.
Nikolas 43:16
So, iON, the, the Orion’s Belt and the pyramids, is there triangulation going on there? Is what we need to be looking at in terms of the significance of that alignment?
iON 43:29
Would you please, would you please do an exegeses of what you just said, and tell us what the hell you’re talking about.
Nikolas 43:39
So, the, the, the alignment of the Orion’s Belt over the pyramids, or with the pyramids should I say, is there a triangulation going on between that, Orion’s Belt, the pyramids, and say, the 33rd parallel? Is that what’s going on there?
iON 44:00
It’s – Bert knows this one. It’s called a triangulum.
Nikolas 44:06
Ah, you mentioned that early on. Okay, gotcha. Okay.
iON 44:11
We just had to be clear ‘cuz what you’re (slight pause) – lines up, that’s what lines up for the somethin’s lining up for the – did it line up with what is lined up to? Okay, if that alignment is what it lined up to, did it line up to that? Yes, it applies. Okay. Yeah, we said that but when – if it alines up to it, then – yeah, okay, we, we got lost again. So, we don’t have a clue. Then it’s back to the early days if you can’t know nothin’, can’t find nothin’, can’t figure out nothin’, you know.
Nikolas 44:40
I’ll retract that question then, iON.
Alissa 44:42
Well, wait. The triangulum –
iON 44:44
No, no, we’re not warring, we’re not warring. She’s got it. She’s got it. She’s gonna ask the right question. There’s a great question into it. You just got to get there. You’ll get there.
Alissa 44:52
Yeah, so, the triangulum is a really effective word, a brick word –
iON 44:58
Oh. Wow. What’s that mean?
Alissa 44:59
– so, did you say, did you say to Bert that a triangulum was a galaxy?
Susana 45:08
A constellation.
iON 45:09
Bert said that. Bert said that. We didn’t say shit.
Alissa 45:12
Ha ha. Okay, so, what is the triangulum that Nik is talking about?
iON 45:25
Well, look it up.
Nikolas 45:28
I just posted the Triangulum Galaxy on the, on the chat, Alissa.
iON 45:32
Oh, he said it’s a galaxy. Okay, he knows somethin’. Okay.
Nikolas 45:37
2.73 million light years from earth in the constellation Triangulum. It’s catalogued as Messier 33 or NGC 598. The Triangulum Galaxy is the third-largest member of the local group of galaxies behind the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.
Jean 46:01
So, Orion’s belt in the Milky Way is triangulated with the Triangulum Galaxy and the Andromadan Galaxy?
iON 46:14
Andromeda. Ahhhhhh, no, but that does how you connect the United States of America to Orion; you know, you got Orion’s Belt? Well, if you take all of Orion, that’s the United States of America; it lines up with America perfectly, including fucking Alaska, too. It’s the craziest thing ever.
Jean 46:41
All the stars in Orion’s Belt, not just the – just the belt, or the whole –
iON 46:46
The whole thing.
Jean 46:46
– Orion configuration?
iON 46:50
Yes. You’re so smart. We like smart.
Alissa 46:56
Did you see that the Triangulum is a figure of an isosceles triangle?
iON 47:02
Yeah. That’s a, that’s a bitch ain’t it?
Alissa 47:05
Ha ha.
Jean 47:07
So, is there any relationship to Giza’s pyramid in that? In that?
iON 47:12
No, but there is one to Bill. No, but there is a connection to Bill Anderson. Yeah.
Jean 47:20
Ah, jeez, iON.
iON 47:24
Ask Bob. It’s Bob’s run. Challenge Bob and see how it works out for you.
Jean 47:28
Bill Anderson. The singer, Bill Anderson? Whisperin’ Bill?
iON 47:28
Yes. Whisperin’ Bill, that’s exactly right. Bob doesn’t even know that. Bob doesn’t know. –
Jean 47:28
Grand Ole Opry.
iON 47:36
– He doesn’t care. He just found, he just – at the Ryman. The Ryman, not the new one. He died, he’s gone since the new one, the new auditorium. He’s in the Ryman. There’s a difference. Sounds are different in the Ryman.
Jean 47:58
In the Ryman.
Ryman Auditorium, yes.
Oh, okay.
Alissa 48:04
The old Grand Ole Opry.
Music 49:13
(background tallking during music)
iON 50:29
See, that’s one of the – did you hear the words? "I Get the Fever."
Jean 50:34
iON 50:35
Pack my bags and get out of here. Yeah. Can’t stand to watch her and I can’t stand to leave her.
Jean 50:40
He’s put lots of dust and clay between him and yesterday.
iON 50:46
There you go.
Alissa 50:48
Jean 50:48
Dust and clay. Okay now, iON, you said that the earth was, I think you said – I got a few notes – that the earth was dropped into the time space continuum and that it’s being held.
iON 51:05
Well, all 10 planets were.
Jean 51:08
All 10 planets, but not Andromeda, not the Andromeda galaxy? Or that, that system?
iON 51:16
Listen to what you’re sayin’, darlin’.
Jean 51:21
Well, all 10 planets of the Milky Way I’m hearing you say, were dropped in, like –
iON 51:29
Wait a minute! Hold on. There’s more to the Milky Way than just these little, then just these planets. It’s just one star; one sun. There’s a whole bunch more in the Milky Way to see. Galaxies are big.
Jean 51:45
Okay, well, –
iON 51:46
The 10 planets, the 10 planets – hold on. The 10 planets were dropped here, in here. They’re not Andromeda and they’re not like Andromeda. That’s a different, whole different thing. That’s why they segregate it to call it, like, heaven and earth kind of thing. You know, like that.
Jean 52:05
Well, that’s – I wanted to get some clarification because my question is, so when we go back home, we’re getting out of that time space continuum? When we go back to Andromeda then we’re not held anymore.
iON 52:19
Yes. Yes.
Jean 52:20
All right.
iON 52:20
That’s right. And there’s no time, and there really is no time. –
Jean 52:24
iON 52:24
– And there really is no space.
Jean 52:25
No space.
iON 52:26
Good. You’re in heaven. That’s where the streets are paved with gold.
Jean 52:30
And is that what the lines and the spaces are? Is just the representation, the 2D and 3D? The lines and spaces just draw out –
iON 52:42
No, no.
Jean 52:43
Yeah, thank you.
iON 52:44
Too simple, too simple, too simple. It’s the degrees of the tatting and the Chantilly lace. That’s a better way to say it.
Jean 52:55
Oh. The lengths between the knots and the tension?
iON 53:06
You’re addin’ words. We didn’t add all those words. You did, we didn’t add all that.
Jean 53:10
I know. I’m just, yeah, I’m shootin’, shootin’ in the dark.
Alissa 53:17
So, wait, wait. Let’s cover – let’s go back. So, the lines and the spaces are the degrees and what of the tatting of the Chantilly lace? iON, the degrees and was there a second word? The lines and spaces are the degrees and?
iON 53:37
What was it Jean? We don’t repeat ourselves.
Jean 53:39
Oh! I’m trying, I’m, I’m tryin’. It made me think of the links.
iON 53:45
Jean, Jean was addin’ her new words instead of hearin’ our words.
Jean 53:49
Yes, thank you. Thank you.
iON 53:52
You’re welcome. You’re welcome, darlin’. We still fucks with you, though. It’s all good.
Jean 53:57
No, this is good, and I appreciate –
Alissa 53:59
Did anybody else get it?
Jean 53:59
I didn’t even hear degrees.
Bert 54:00
iON 54:00
No, can’t get nothing, you don’t know nothing. Can’t tell. –
Alissa 54:03
Memorex. We’ll get it in the Memorex.
iON 54:10
– Yeah. Ridiculous.
Alissa 54:10
We got it covered.
iON 54:11
Oh yeah? Okay. What if this is Memorex?
Nikolas 54:12
We’ll get it in the live show.
iON 54:17
The live show’s comin’.
Bert 54:11
iON, you said the plants were dropped here.You said that the planets were dropped here. Can we go into that?
Alissa 54:23
Here and here. They said two times.
Bert 54:28
God damn, –
iON 54:29
– you’re Number One. Of course. You’re drivin’ this pony. Let’s go.
Bert 54:33
Okay. Were the, were the planets in this solar system dropped from Andromeda? Because you said –
iON 54:42
Out of the dry dust. Yeah. Out of the dry dust God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth were created and they’re from Andromeda. So, yeah.
Bert 54:56
Okay. And the 10th planet, is that planet – I mean, I remember, we were discussing it and I asked a particular question about it, but you gave me the impression that the 10th planet is the same size as the sun. Is that correct? Or is larger than any other of the planets? What’s, what’s –
iON 55:15
Well, we can’t say that. We can’t say that because the sun’s getting smaller. You already see holes in the sun now.
Bert 55:24
But it –
iON 55:24
Okay, wait. Stop. Just now, you check on your – what is that thing y’all do? The Googler?Whatever that is. Science, whatever it is, they’re finding that when they use their, their filters, there are holes –
Bert 55:42
iON 55:44
– in the sun.
So this, is this planet is larger than the any of the other – it’s the largest planet in the solar system. Can we say that?
It’s a little bit bigger than Jupiter.
Bert 55:58
A little bit bigger than Jupiter. Okay, another question –
iON 56:01
Well, we can’t say – well, hold on, hold on, hold on. You don’t know how – Uranus is still growing, so you can’t say that.
Bert 56:10
Okay. See that? Look at that.
iON 56:11
It’s not set.
Bert 56:13
Uranus is growing. (Alissa, Bert laugh) Okay.
iON 56:18
It’s an ice, it’s a mound of ice, and ice gets thicker; it gets bigger; it gets more dense. We don’t know.
Bert 56:26
Okay. You can also interpret it as your anus. Your ass is getting bigger. But, anyway –
iON 56:31
Your anus. Yeah, that’s fun.
Jean 56:33
Bert 56:33
All right. Okay, iON, I just thought about when you threw at me and now it just popped, the questions just popped in. Our relatives from Andromeda. They’re coming from a galaxy, but we occupy right now a planet. So, those relatives, do they have – each relative have their own planet? Where do they occupy – I mean in the galaxy, which is very large, but their point of origination-
iON 56:55
Yes. There’s no, there’s no limitation. There’s not a limitation. There’s lots. The story is about this planet, but there are other conditions that include and preclude other experiences.
Bert 57:08
Damn, okay. All right.
iON 57:10
That’s where some of your broken – what you call your junk DNA. That’s where some of the broken DNA strands apply from.
Bert 57:21
iON 57:22
Bert 57:23
Jean 57:23
iON 57:24
Bert 57:24
Hello. That’s huge.
Jean 57:25
Yes, that’s, see, is the whole process iON, are we retrieving our dead selves, our many selves?
iON 57:38
Ahhh, you asked two different sides of the same question. So, either way we answer, we’re gonna be wrong on the other. Dead selves, or the – all your selves, or which one is it?
Jean 57:51
Selves. Selves. Both.
Bert 57:55
iON 57:55
Dead selves or selves?
Alissa 57:55
You said dead or all. They want you to (inaudible).
iON 57:56
Dead or all?
All. Okay, let’s say, let’s start with all selves. All of them.
Michael 58:07
Jean, are you saying selves or cell?
Jean 58:11
I started with selves. There’s many, many, many me’s.
iON 58:18
She’s tryin’, she’s tryin’ to, trying to say – and see, Carolyn is a mini me. She’s a little one; she’s good. She’s the world’s tallest midget.
Jean 58:27
Yeah, no, not that.
iON 58:28
Club – she’s the Chairman of Club 22.
Jean 58:34
You know, there’s JW one, JW two, JW three. We talked about, you know, which JW is iON tonight, years ago.
iON 58:43
Here’s, yeah, that’s just a way. That’s a nice way just to give you references or inferences. It would be like someone is a dad and a son and an uncle and a friend and a neighbor and a lover, and an ex-lover, but you can do it like that because they’re different. Dad’s act different than lovers, don’t they?
Jean 59:05
Michael 59:06
If they don’t, they get in trouble.
iON 59:09
Well, that’s right. There’s, there’s the rub. Yep, there you go. There you go.
Jean 59:16
All right –
Michael 59:23
So, Jean, were you wondering if you have selves that are dead that you need to resurrect? Is that what you were wondering?
Jean 59:32
Um, yeah, I’m still on this theme of just who are the dead that we’re resurrecting; and it can go either way, iON. Yeah. Okay, here’s another angle. The Tree of Life can, is often said to represent the chakras in our –
iON 59:51
Yeah, oh now, yeah, but there’s more chakras – there’s more. There’s more branches to the Tree of Life than there are chakras.
iON 0:00
Chakras (inaudible) stars you’re gaining to or drawing from. So, it’s a representation –
Alissa 0:05
I heard –
iON 0:06
– however trite.
Alissa 0:13
I heard 72 branches and 22 pylons today.
Jean 0:19
Well, yeah, well, there’s 22 branches on the Tree of Life, and 22 flowers. I thought it was 21 pylons, and you had told me before that there were 21 chakras.
iON 0:32
It’s held; one’s held out. So, there’s 22. There’s always one you don’t get.
Jean 0:38
All right, one chakra is held. All right, just like – all right. Okay, so, do we apply the inner middle?
iON 0:52
Huh. Why, whoa, don’t, don’t – explain what you’re trying to do. We’re asking –
Jean 0:57
iON 0:57
– how would you apply the three? Why would you ever want to – now you’ve got the answer to the full equation, –
Jean 1:04
Got it.
iON 1:04
– and now can we apply trigonometry, now can we apply trigonometry? Why? You have the complete equation.
Jean 1:10
Inside out.
iON 1:11
Now, do you want to triangulate triangulum? Okay, that’s all right. We, we showed you. Go get Nelson Thall, he’ll help. Ha ha ha. That would’ve been funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Jean 1:39
Tatting. So, what do the knots represent in the tatting of the space?
iON 1:44
Remember the, remember the, who remembers the movie where the loom told the future? They read the loom, did special things, it ran itself and it did, it told the future; it told when somebody was going to die and what was gonna happen, all that kind of stuff. There’s a magical loom.
Jean 1:47
The witch had the loom? Is that, um –
iON 2:07
Who remembers the movie?
Bert 2:08
I forget the name.
iON 2:11
That’s not very smart, you just – you gotta Tech Body right there that knows more than you all do all combined. Why don’t you ask it?
Jean 2:11
I’m gettin’ there.
iON 2:21
Okay. We should, we should speak slower. Is that what you’re tryin’ to say?
Alissa 2:29
It’s called "Wanted."
iON 2:32
Okay. (background noise) Bing! that went. Don’t call Siri a bitch or she’ll play bad stuff on your TV.
Jean 2:42
"Wanted" is the name of the movie?
Alissa 2:45
There’s also one called "Loom."
iON 2:47
"Loom" is the best one. Yeah.
Jean 2:51
I’m thinking, of the fairytale.
iON 2:52
And so, to answer the ques – the answer to the question is the distance between the spaces or the knots precludes a string theory outcome of vibrational proximity which has to do with, ah, what is the angle proportion and what’s the other thing when you want to see if something’s gonna come in order, –
Jean 2:58
iON 3:05
– or if it’s a logical progression. If it’s repeatable. Come on Bert, what’s the word? It’s called a, an actuary calculates the – how often it occurs?
Jean 3:38
Bert 3:39
iON 3:40
Proba – probability, yeah, that something will reoccur. Those are the knots in the spaces in the reference of the loom and also in the setting of how Chantilly lace comes out. That was pretty good.
Jean 4:00
iON 4:03
Like that. Thank God they made this fucked up movie so you’d have something to talk about. Huh?
Jean 4:14
iON 4:19
We hear that often, though, honey.
Jean 4:23
iON 4:24
Not as, not as often as Bert; not as often as Bert, but we hear that often.
Michael 4:34
Wow, Bert.
Bert 4:37
iON 4:38
You strolled, you strolled right into that one didn’t you there. How’d you do that? What about dat doe?
Alissa 4:46
Jean 4:47
Okay, the movie, "Loom" in the near dystopian high-tech future where everything is sterilized and many feel completely detached, a loyal chief technician in one of the plants where meat is grown for food from protein strains, decides to grow something else.
iON 5:04
Do, do, do. (sung like a mystery)
Jean 5:09
The probability of possibilities. Hmm. Well, once again, that went somewhere else, and I’m stymied.
iON 5:29
Nice, but for a very lovely cause.
Jean 5:35
Yes, absolutely. The most lovely.
Alissa 5:46
Okay, I have a question about the Chachi.
iON 5:51
No, Wallis, Wallis Simpson didn’t have anything to do with it. She was just a lover that got hooked up with the wrong one. Nothing you could do.
Alissa 6:03
Am I pronouncing it incorrectly?
iON 6:06
But she was very bitter.
Alissa 6:09
The strata of God from last week that came up in the – what Carolyn went through, is it T-cha or Cha-che, cha cha?
Bert 6:18
Cha cha cha, cha cha. Cha, c-h, c-h-a -c – c-h-a – something like that. Yeah.
Alissa 6:29
Okay, so, iON –
iON 6:32
She does a, she does a good samba, she does a good Samba, but the cha-cha it’s not her favorite. But, she’ll do a mean samba though. That reggae – that little reggae stuff, she likes that. What’s that, ah, you know, what Muhammad Ali used to do? Not the cha-cha –
Bert 6:49
iON 6:50
– it would be more like a samba – a samba, a bit of a samba. Yeah.
Alissa 6:54
Okay. Ah, so, you’re relating the timings. You’re relating different timings to my question?
iON 7:00
We were just riffing on – we were just riffing on Carolyn because we like to do that.
Alissa 7:06
Okay, but maybe the timings apply. So, different people –
iON 7:11
Alissa 7:11
– are gonna, are gonna be in different –
iON 7:14
Did you hear that?
Alissa 7:15
– levels –
iON 7:15
Did you hear that?
Alissa 7:15
– all ways.
iON 7:15
Don’t be asking different questions till you get the answer to that question.
Alissa 7:22
All ways.
iON 7:22
The answer to that question is all ways.
Alissa 7:23
All ways the timings always apply.
Jean 7:26
All ways.
iON 7:27
Ah huh. (inaudible) time, timing.
Alissa 7:28
So, that was really what you laid out what you laid out today about how the stableman is different than the fabric worker.
iON 7:39
Yeah. Bert, Bert, what’s a lapidarist?
Bert 7:46
What’s a lapidarist?
iON 7:49
Bert 7:49
Lapidar – you got me on that one, iON. I got to Google that. Lapidarist.
iON 7:55
Okay. Can we hum a little?
Bert 7:57
Lapidary, lapidarist –
Jean 8:02
Bert 8:03
– Okay.
Alissa 8:04
Mmm. Yeah, gems.
Bert 8:11
Lapis –
Susana 8:14
Memories etched in stone. The lapidarist stone is made of Hollohazi porcelain, an internationally acclaimed Hungarian brand. Porcelain, iON?
iON 8:34
No. One who cut stones.
Susana 8:37
Oh, okay.
Alissa 8:40
Oh, you said stonecutter. Right. The stable –
Bert 8:45
Artisans, yes. –
Alissa 8:45
The stonecutter.
Bert 8:46
– lapidary. Lapidary is the proper word. Lapidarist, Latin.
Alissa 8:51
Yeah, lapidary.
Bert 8:52
– an artist or artisan who forms stone, minerals, or gemstones into decorative items such as cabochons, engraved gems (including cameos), and faceted designs. Yes, lapidary.
Alissa 9:12
Okay, so different people are gonna be in different levels of what they run and control, and I want to check if that relates to last week, iON, when you were talking about the ionosphere and the troposphere and where you enter, come into the picture. Are those the same conditions or are those different, different conditions?
iON 9:47
Mmm, you need to qualify it differently.
Alissa 9:53
Okay. Um, it doesn’t really matter to make the connection, just the fact that that is going to be the case is enough. So, –
iON 10:10
Okay, then do that.
Alissa 10:10
– it’s gonna be, yeah, it’s not – it’s not a hierarchy, it’s a – people are going to be in different levels of what they run and control. Boom. That’s the end of that. So, at that, I think the other side of it or another application was discussed last week with the strata of God. Does the strata of God apply to the different levels of what we’re going to run and control?
iON 10:44
Alissa 10:47
Okay, yeah. Same household. I’m done with that point if anybody has something different.
Roy 11:12
The question about what iON said earlier on. They said degrees and tappings of the Chantilly lace.
Jean 11:20
Yeah, it’s tatting with a "T." Tatting.
Roy 11:24
Tatting, is it?
Alissa 11:24
Thank you, Roy.
Roy 11:25
All right.
Jean 11:30
Okay, iON, a stonecutter strikes the rock like Moses did.
iON 11:35
That’s right.
Jean 11:37
So, it’s the timing of our striking of the rock? And that’s related to the timing question?
iON 11:48
No, we just asked Bert if he knew what it was.
Jean 12:01
Can you explain the significance – will, please, explain the significance of asking Bert what a lapidarist was.
iON 12:09
A lapidarist, a lapidarist has a job. What’s his job?
Jean 12:16
Cutting stone, polishing, developing artistic works of stone.
Susana 12:26
The art of cutting gems.
iON 12:30
Okay, it’s an art, right?
Jean 12:35
iON 12:37
Okay, so it has the capacity to have to see the cuts to choose how to cut the diamond to facet the stone.
Jean 12:49
iON 12:51
What’s diamonds made out of?
Jean 12:54
Bert 12:54
Susana 12:55
iON 12:56
What’s the most hardness of diamonds? Mohs scale hardness of a diamond? The number of planets in this, this –
Jean 13:05
Bert 13:05
iON 13:06
– solar system. Mm hmm. The hardest thing here, and yet, the way the Chantilly lace of a diamond or the pure carbon is, it’s so tight that it becomes an incredibly – made super stable, maybe? But now, an emerald or corundum is as, is almost as hard as a diamond; but it’s very, very, brittle because it has no – the cross, the striation of how it’s created. You can drop an emerald on a counter and shatter it – from the lines. But you can’t a diamond because of the way it’s crossed. It’s kind of like unraveling crocheting and ripping Chantilly lace. It’s (inaudible) to do.
Bert 14:02
Jean 14:02
iON 14:03
Got that?
Susana 14:04
You’re saying the emerald –
iON 14:05
Got that?
Susana 14:05
– is like crochet, is like a crochet-
iON 14:09
Susana 14:09
– piece, and the diamond is more like Chantilly lace.
Jean 14:13
Tatting –
iON 14:14
Good parallel.
Bert 14:16
Jean 14:22
And with more carbon, the – it’s stronger and tighter? With the tatting and the carbon?
iON 14:30
Ehhhh, you always add some bullshit.
Jean 14:40
I’m thinking of the increase of carbon; you know, we want more carbon, we’re increasing carbon.
Bert 14:45
Right, right.
Jean 14:46
Is there, does that – (music starts in background) is there a relationship between that -oh, we pissed off the Tech Body again.
Susana 15:02
iON, but, iON, you say that an emerald is the same hardness as a diamond and yet it’s more fragile. Kinda of an oxymoron.
Jean 15:18
It’s not as hard.
iON 15:20
Oh my god, it’s it. We got it.
Michael 15:24
It would require a very different (inaudible).
Alissa 15:32
What is iON playing?
Susana 15:33
Oh my gosh, he’s playing –
iON 15:36
Of course, everybody knows that. That’s the theme song from "Falcon Crest."
Jean 15:43
Yep, I knew it. (group laughter)
iON 15:55
That’s perfect.
Susana 15:57
Dum da.
Jean 16:00
Okay, so, all right, describe the relationship then of carbon to time, please.
iON 16:12
There is no comparison. Carbon has nothing to do with time and time has nothing to do with carbon. Matter of fact, you carbon date things, you carbon date things, trying to work out some detail about it but you can’t even do that. How about dat doe?
Jean 16:36
iON 16:37
Jean 16:38
Unreliable now. Yeah, that’s unreliable.
iON 16:41
It always was unreliable; but now, now science can’t even, science can’t even substantiate it now.
Jean 16:50
Repeat it. Mm hmm.
Susana 16:53
So, would you say that time is also unreliable and fragile like –
iON 16:59
Especially since there’s not any. Especially since there’s not any. Yeah, we would really support that theology.
Jean 17:11
Okay, so the planet earth; I’m going to start with earth. It’s so dense that it fell in-between two black holes like a rock in pantyhose.
iON 17:27
Mm hmm.
Jean 17:28
And it fell into a, into a time space environment where time and space appear to exist.
Michael 17:38
Fell or placed?
Jean 17:42
Did it fall or was it placed in the pantyhose, iON?
iON 17:47
It didn’t fall.
Jean 17:51
It was put there –
iON 17:51
That would say, that would say that it was due to happenstance. It wasn’t happenstance.
Jean 17:52
iON 17:56
It was very premeditated.
Bert 18:01
iON 18:03
It’s like, it’s like the OJ trials. He did it.
Jean 18:08
And it’s held there by by, by what we consider as gravitational pull which really doesn’t exist, but that’s what we’re calling it.
Bert 18:15
Jean 18:16
It was held. –
iON 18:17
Jean 18:17
– It’s held there. Yeah?
iON 18:20
Jean 18:20
So, –
iON 18:22
In an animated position, it is there.
Jean 18:27
Is that related, did that happen when we fell? When we came down in order to complete the war in heaven?
iON 18:38
No, no, no. He moved to Brentwood early on, but he wasn’t there back then.
Jean 18:43
(group laughter) Who’s he? Who’s he?
iON 18:54
OJ! No more communion wine for you, honey.
Jean 19:06
Oh, man, you just do anything to throw me upside down.
iON 19:10
Ha ha ha ha. But it is, but it is fun It is fun. You got to give it that. It is very fun.
Jean 19:17
I know. I know. This has been amazing. There’s a lot to chew on.
Roxy 19:23
This is the much fun, ever.
Jean 19:26
iON 19:26
Roxanna. She’s in, she’s in. Yes, and.
Bert 19:34
Uh oh.
Nikolas 19:34
She’s plugged in.
Roxy 19:35
I was in another world.
iON 19:40
We know.
Roxy 19:42
It’s, it’s the Muslims.