Egyptian Book of the Dead Transcript, 11 April 2020


Transcribed by Nan


Bob 0:01
So, we’ll let Carolyn do this. She has to get the page number and things.

Carolyn 0:07
Page 40

iON 0:10

Carolyn 0:11
Page 40. Hi, iON. It’s – we’re gonna –

iON 0:15
Hey, darlin’.

Carolyn 0:15
– help these dead people as they float by.

iON 0:19
Nice. Nice. You need to work with them ‘cuz it gets ugly otherwise.

Carolyn 0:25

iON 0:27
Real handy. It’s gonna get real handy. People kind of provocative, the provocateurs say why are they doin’ all that? I thought you’s supposed to be ascending. Why aren’t you ascending? Why you gotta have all that? Why are you dealing with all them dead people, all that death and dismemberment foolishness? Well, we say you’re right, you shouldn’t have anything to do with this, just let it be. But when they in your house and you can’t deal with them, you’re really gonna wish you could have got the recordings.

Carolyn 0:57

Mmm. Very good. And Bob, this chapter starts with the capital heading. "ANOTHER CHAPTER WHICH IS TO BE RECITED WHEN THE MOON RENEWETH ITSELF ON THE DAY OF THE MONTH [WHEREON IT DOETH THIS]." So, beginning –

iON 1:18
The cycle.

Carolyn 1:21
Mm. Yeah, another cycle. "Osiris unfettereth the storm-cloud in the body of heaven, and is unfettered himself; Horus is made strong happily each day. He whose transformations are many hath had offerings made unto him at the moment, and he hath made an end of the storm which is in the face of the Osiris, Auf-ankh, whose word is truth. Verily, he cometh, and he is Ra in journeying, and he is the four celestial gods in the heavens above. The Osiris Auf-ankh, whose word is truth, cometh forth in his day, and he embarketh among the tackle of the boat." So, we’re in the boat again, iON.

iON 2:22
Yeah, gotta keep, keep things afloat. See, ‘cuz the dead people can’t. That’s what they have to do. So, they have to have a means of transport. So, as an apparition, of course, they would have to float from one side to the other. And that goes back, and this goes back with GQ with the one foot on the land and one foot on the sea as well.

Carolyn 2:48
Mm hmm. Ah, so is that one foot on the land and one foot on the sea specifically referencing this River Styx and the Egyptian Book of the Dead?

iON 3:00
No, no, no, no, no, it’s the being able to – if the dead people are in the sea, and the live people are on the land, you can have one foot in each world and still be balanced.

Carolyn 3:16
Hmm. Okay, so, but that sounds like it’s referencing the Book of the Dead. How is it not referencing?

iON 3:23
Because it doesn’t have anything to do with it. It’s just another example of the two worlds.

Carolyn 3:30
Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah. Got it. And continuing.

iON 3:37
And then the humans know more about Venus, you know more about Venus than you do your own oceans. It’s pretty ridiculous, isn’t it?

Carolyn 3:47
Ah. Yeah. And now they they insert a RUBRIC and say: "If this Chapter be known by the deceased he shall become a perfect Spirit-soul in Khert-Neter, and he shall not die a second time, and he shall eat his food side by side with Osiris. If this Chapter be known by the deceased upon earth, he shall become like unto Thoth, and he shall be adored by those who live. He shall not fall headlong at the moment of the intensity of the royal flame of the goddess Bast, and the Great Prince shall make him to advance happily." So, again, as you just said, it’s good that people are listening to this in this time of bring out your dead.

iON 4:44
Do. Do. You wanna know before you become, you wannna know before you become that one, dead. Yeah.

Carolyn 4:52
Yeah. Continuing. In capitals, another topic heading or chapter heading which says: "THE CHAPTER OF ADVANCING TO THE TCHATCHAU CHIEFS OF OSIRIS. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, saith:- I have built a house for my Ba-soul in the sanctuary of Tetu. I sow seed in the town of Pe (Buto). (Carolyn: just checking the time.) I have plowed the fields with my labourers. My palm tree [standeth upright and is] like Menu upon it. I abominate abominable things. I will not eat the things which are abominations unto me. What I abominate is filth: I will not eat it. I shall not be destroyed by the offerings of propitiation and the sepulchral meals." That means I won’t eat dead bodies, iON?

iON 6:05
Yeah, won’t eat dead, ah, unclean things.

Carolyn 6:11
Yeah. Okay. Unclean things. Continuing: "I will not approach filth (Carolyn: sounds like Bob, eh, iON? iON: Yes, sure does.) [to touch it] with my hands, I will not tread upon it with my sandals. For my bread shall be made of the white barley, and my ale shall be made from the red grain of the god Hapi (the Nile god), which the Sektet Boat and the Atett Boat shall bring [unto me[, and I will eat my food under the leaves of the trees whose beautiful arms I myself do know." Now this business about filth and dirt and even on your sandals, um, that’s almost like a reference to the COVID-19. Is it, iON?

iON 7:04
Kinda. Well, it is, but if you didn’t have COVID-19 you’d never reach that far, but it applies to the narrative. Okay? You’d say the same thing about MRSA or the MRSA or all the different –

Carolyn 7:22

iON 7:23

Carolyn 7:25
Yeah. Got it. So, yeah, it’s, it’s the revolving pandemic that the world knows.

iON 7:33
Yeah. Now, humans do better with filth than dead people. You know that, right?

Carolyn 7:38
No, I did not know that. Tell me. Yeah.

iON 7:42
Yeah, because dead people don’t have any staph on their system to eat their flesh away.

Carolyn 7:47
Ah, yeah.

iON 7:49
Humans have to have staph or they’d die. It would stop up their largest organ. They wouldn’t last a week.

Carolyn 7:58
Mm hmm. Okay. Yeah, so their – without the staphylococcal bacteria to clear up the debris. Very good.

iON 8:05
Ah huh. But dead people don’t need that; see, they’re in necrosis.

Carolyn 8:10
Yeah, yeah. Continuing: "O what splendour shall the White Crown make for me " Mmm. I guess I don’t know what White Crown is, iON.

iON 8:24
Oh, well, it’s coming.

Carolyn 8:31
Okay, that’s good. And it’s a capital "W," capital "C."

iON 8:37

Carolyn 8:37
It’s coming. Continuing: "O what splendour shall the White Crown make for me which shall be lifted up on me by the Uraei-goddesses!" U-r-a-e-i.

iON 8:39

Carolyn 8:41
Uraei goddesses. So, there’s more than one.

iON 9:04

Carolyn 9:04
"O Doorkeeper of Sehetep-taui, bring thou to me that wherewith the cakes of propitiation are made. Grant thou to me that I may lift up the earth. May the Spirit-souls open to me [their] arms, and let the Company of the Gods hold their peace whilst the Hememet spirits hold converse with the Osiris Ani." Now, let me look up propitiation again because I’m forgetting what it means. And it means having power to atone for or offered by way – whatever – sacrifice. So, atoning, propitiation. Okay, continuing: "May the hearts of the gods lead him in his exalted state into heaven among the gods who appear in visible forms. If any god, or any godess, attack the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, when he setteth out, the Ancestor of the year who liveth upon hearts [Osiris] (Carolyn: It has in brackets, Osiris) shall eat him when he cometh forth from Abydos, and the Ancestors of Ra shall reckon with him, and the Ancestors of Light shall reckon with him. [He is] a god of splendour [arrayed in] the apparel of heaven, and he is among the Great Gods." So, they’re saying, are they saying these Great Gods could start eating you up if you aren’t protected in some way, iON?

iON 11:10
Well, it’s the pecking order; you gotta have a pecking order of who’s in charge. Remember, there’s no right or wrong, the battle since forever is who’s in charge. So, this one’s ahead of that one. If nobody else is there, they’re the straw boss, and then it goes on up the line.

Carolyn 11:25
Got it. Continuing: "Now, the sustenance of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is among the cake and the ale which are made for your mouths." So instead of eating flesh, then they’ll just go on to eat food if you pass some sort of test, iON?

iON 11:51
Ahh, it’s not like a test, it’s more like you’re coming in and goings out. Your function.

Carolyn 11:58
Yeah. But, it’s like you pass – you don’t get eaten, you are then offered food. If you, if you, if they don’t bother to eat you, then you go along in this particular phase and get fed. No?

iON 12:22
When you get there, maybe; but until you get there, it’s a reach.

Carolyn 12:29
Yeah. Okay, so that’s a maybe. No problem. Continuing:

iON 12:34
It will become but you gotta be careful ‘cuz you can’t tip the boat. You see, just because the boat floats, you can’t fill it full of water and see. The question becomes the draft. Well, the question becomes the draft of the boat.

Carolyn 12:54
So, you’d create a bigger draft if you started –

iON 12:59

Carolyn 13:00
– messing around or creating problems or bringing questions.

iON 13:04
Yeah. They’re lis – there’s more dead people listening to this than there are live ones, Carolyn.

Carolyn 13:09
Okay. So, don’t rock the boat, guys. You heard it from iON.

iON 13:15
Or, rock the boat and see what happens. That’d be all right, too.

Carolyn 13:18
Yeah, ha ha ha. Continuing: "I enter in by the Disk," That’s the sun correct?

iON 13:29

Carolyn 13:29
"I come forth by the god Ahui. (Carolyn: I don’t know what that god is.) I shall hold converse with the Followers of the Gods." Capital "F," capital "G." Mmm. Who are the Followers of the Gods, iON?

iON 13:51
The ascending people, the ascending people.

Carolyn 13:55
Uh huh. Got it. Makes sense. And continuing: "I shall hold converse with the Disk. I shall hold converse with the Hememet-spirits. He shall set the terror of me in the thick darkness, in the inside of the goddess Mehurt, by the side of his forehead." We’ve got your forehead, iON.

iON 14:25

Carolyn 14:21
"Behold, I shall be with Osiris, and my perfection shall be his perfection among the Great Gods. (Carolyn: capital "G," capital "G.") I shall speak unto him with the words of men, (Carolyn: small "m," so that’s little men still.) I shall listen, and he shall repeat to me the words of the gods." That’s gone back to a small "g," so not quite ascended that god, yet. Is that correct, iON ?

iON 14:56
Right, right. Right, right. Well, they’re questioning the power they have.

Carolyn 14:59
Ahh. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, power they have. Okay, continuing: "I, the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in peace, have come equipped. Thou makest to approach [thee] those who love thee. I am a Spirit-soul who is better equipped than any [other] Spirit-soul." So, we end on a rousing note. Continuing on the next chapter.

iON 15:33

Carolyn 15:34
Next chapter titled: "THE CHAPTER OF MAKING THE TRANSFORMATION INTO A SWALLOW." So now we go into anthropomorphism, iON. What’s going on?

iON 15:45
Well, things change; things are up, things are down. They’re all relative. This is about the Egyptian Book of the Dead. You’re gonna be dealing with dead, you might as well deal with the rest of it, too.

Carolyn 15:57
Mm hmm. So, all the transformations and their – were they worshippers of birds and animals?

iON 16:07
Can. Don’t have to, though.

Carolyn 16:11
Yeah. Or, is the swallow like a marker or a stand-in for something else?

iON 16:20
Certainly could.

Carolyn 16:22
Un huh. Could. And then continuing: "The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, saith:- I am a swallow, [I am[ a swallow. [I am[ that Scorpion, the daughter of Ra. Hail, O ye gods whose odour is sweet. Hail, O ye gods whose odour is sweet. Hail, Flame, who comest forth from the horizon. Hail, thou who art in the city. I have brought the Warder of his corner there. Give me thy two hands, and let me pass my time in the Island of Flame. I have advanced with a message, I have come having the report thereof [to make[. Open to me. How shall I tell that which I have seen there? I am like Horus, the governor of the Boat, when the throne of his father was given unto him,"

Bob 17:23
Hey, Carolyn.

Carolyn 17:23
What? You scared me.

Bob 17:26
Is this a dead person starting to become human form and he’s going through evolution, or different forms trying to get to the human thing saying, "I am god. I have arrived! I am a swallow!"

iON 17:38
Finding different levels, finding different levels to engage where they can. If you can’t ascend and be a god or come back to this realm, you can be a bird, or a – that’s what recon, that’s what, what do you call that? Ah, reincarnation is, ah, like.

Bob 17:57
Right. Carolyn, this is a big insight. Yeah, you’re not gettin’ it, are you? Listen to this, Carolyn. No, you’re not gettin’ it. But, I’ve been doing my homework. Nature is non physical! Dead people are all the snakes, and animals, and cats, and dogs around us! They’re dead people who arrived at certain levels of non physical manifestation to form! That’s pretty good, eh, iON?

iON 18:20
(one word overtalked) Do.

Bob 18:21
I’m fucking right, Carolyn!. That’s a big explanation of why nature is non physical. Unascended people.

Carolyn 18:28
Thank you.

Bob 18:28
So, reincarnation is for people who aren’t ascending. They push it as if it’ll help you ascend, if you reincarnate higher and higher. But nope, it’s going with it, race to the bottom. Very good, Bob. Note that people.

iON 18:48

Carolyn 18:50
Noted. So, if you, iON, grab onto a swallow’s body, then, then you remain dead. Is that what Bob saying?

iON 19:02

Carolyn 19:05
Neat. Okay. Continuing.

Bob 19:14
(in background) There should be a "Wow" on the chat line. There should be Bert going, "Wow!" Did you hear me? I say, I predicted Bert’s writing "wow" on the chat line. He’s the one who appreciates.

Carolyn 19:29
He’s the only one. Ha ha. Continuing: "and when Set, that son of Nut, was [lying] under the fetters which he had made for Osiris." Hmm, that must have been. That doesn’t sound like a sentence there. Let’s go back and bring it back to: "I am like Horus, the governor of the Boat, when the throne of his father was given unto him, and when Set, that son of Nut, was [lying] under the fetters which he had made for Osiris. He who is in Sekhem hath inspected me. I stretch out my arms over Osiris. I have advanced for the examination, I have come to speak there. Let me pass on and deliver my message. I am he who goeth in, [I am] judged, [I] come forth magnified at the Gate of Nebertcher. I am purified at the Great Uart. I have done away my wickedness. I have put away utterly my offenses. I have put away utterly all the taints of evil which appertained to me [upon the earth}]. I have purified myself. I have made myself to be like a god. Hail, O ye Doorkeepers, I have completed my journey. I am like unto you. I have come forth by day. I have advanced on my legs. I have gained the master over [my] footsteps. [Hail, ye] Spirit-souls! I, even I, do know the hidden roads and the Gates of Sekhet Aaru. I live there. Verily, I, even I, have come, I have overthrown my enemies upon the earth, although my body lieth a mummy in the tomb." So, that’s cool. They’re still in the tomb and that’s interesting. iON? Uh oh. Is iON still there, Bob?

iON 21:53
We be.

Carolyn 21:56
Okay, so that was just a comment. Do you have any comment on my comment, iON? They’re still in the tomb.

iON 22:02

Carolyn 22:02
Okay. And then there’s an appendix.

iON 22:08
They are.

Carolyn 22:09
They are, yeah. Good. They are. APPENDIX and the RUBRIC. Just saying where it comes from "(Neville, op. cit., II, BI. 202) If this Chapter be known by the deceased, he shall enter in after he hath come forth by day." And another RUBRIC. I don’t know what if that’s French or Egyptian "(Saite Recension)." What does that mean, iON?

iON 22:44
Just that, stay in your position.

Carolyn 22:48
Ah, okay.

iON 22:50
Remain in recline.

Carolyn 22:55
Okay. And more directions about the chapter: "If this Chapter be known by the deceased, he shall come forth by day from Khert-Neter, and he shall go [again] after he hath come forth. If this Chapter be not known [by the deceased], he shall not go in again after he hath come forth [and he] shall not know [how] to come forth by day." Yeah, if it’s known, you’re golden, if not, you’re dirt. Continuing on to the next chapter with the heading: [THE CHAPTER] OF MAKING THE TRANSFORMATION INTO A HAWK OF GOLD." So again, using Bob’s insight, if you transform yourself and stay as a hawk of gold, then you remain dead and you just become an animal. A non physical animal. Right, iON?

iON 23:56

Carolyn 23:58
That’s pretty big. Would you have told us that if Bob hadn’t come to that realization?

iON 24:05
No. We would have held it at bay. Until we did.

Carolyn 24:08
Ha ha ha. They would have held it at bay. Look at that. That’s awesome. Okay. Bob, you can unmute.

Bob 24:24
Like I predicted, Bert’s on there –

Carolyn 24:26
(in background) That’s something wrong.

Bob 24:28
We’re on. Bert’s on there cidersomerset, and other people, they’re getting big insights from it. Everybody’s "wow"ing.

Carolyn 24:34
(in background) Are you on? I messed up.

Bob 24:40
Am I on? Did we get disconnected?

iON 24:44
No, you’re on, Bob.

Bob 24:45
Yeah, we’re – I’m on, Carolyn.

iON 24:47
Carolyn’s on mute.

Carolyn 24:47
Yeah, I must have hit intercom. I’m good.

Bob 24:49
So, I’m just saying they’re on the chat line going nuts. Cidersomerset, Bert are going, "Wow, great insight," getting things about –

Carolyn 24:58
Everybody’s looking at their cat and dog and seeing dead people.

iON 25:02
Yeah, yeah, seeing Uncle Bernie.

Carolyn 25:03
Oh no. Oh no. Okay, "[THE CHAPTER] OF MAKING THE TRANSFORMATION INTO A HAWK OF GOLD. The Osiris Ani saith:- I have risen up out of the seshett chamber, like the golden hawk which cometh forth from his egg. I fly, I alight like a hawk with a back of seven cubits, and the wings of which are like unto the mother-of-emerald of the South. I have come forth from the Sektet Boat, and my heart hath been brought unto me from the mountain of the East. (Carolyn: So, East is heavy stuff.) I have alighted on the Atet Boat, and there have been brought unto me those who dwelt in their substance, and they bowed in homage before me. I have risen, I have gathered myself together like a beautiful golden hawk, with the head of the Benu, and Ra hath entered in [to hear my speech]. I have taken my seat among the great gods, [the children of] Nut. I have settled myself, the Sekhet-hetepet (the Field of Offerings) is before me. I eat therein, I become a Spirit-soul therein, I am supplied with food in abundance therein, as much as I desire. The Grain-god (Nepra) hath given unto me food for my throat, and I am master over myself and over the attributes of my head."

iON 26:37
There you go.

Carolyn 26:37
Pretty straight forward. Yeah? –

iON 26:39
It is?

Carolyn 26:40
– Especially knowing that that they’re – if they settle for being a hawk, then they blew it. Interesting.

iON 26:49
Mm hmm.

Carolyn 26:49
So, they’re made that offering and they can make that choice and, and stay dead.

iON 26:56

Carolyn 26:57
The next, the next chapter heading is: "[THE CHAPTER OF] MAKING THE TRANSFORMATION INTO A DIVINE HAWK." So probably more of the same, and the words are: "The Osiris Ani saith:- Hail, thou Great God, come thou to Tetu. Make thou ready for me the ways, and let me go round [to visit] my thrones. I have laboured. I have made myself perfect. O grant thou that I may be held in fear. Create thou awe of me. Let the gods of the Tuat be afraid of me, and let them fight for me in their halls. Permit not thou to come nigh unto me him that would attack me, or would injure me in the House of Darkness. Cover over the" Hmm. I wonder, the House of Darkness. Are we just talking about the – where we are, the River Styks? That’s not the House of Darkness is it iON?

iON 28:09
No. It’s not.

Carolyn 28:11
Okay. Would injure me. So, is the House of Darkness what they reach if they stay as a hawk?

iON 28:19
Yeah, it’s kind of like the – it would be like just below the Middle Kingdom. What, originally, it was what you call purgatory. Like that?

Carolyn 28:27
Uh huh. Yeah. I got it. So, yeah, purgatory, so if they become a hawk, or swallow, do they hang out in purgatory, or are they, are they on earth as those animals?

iON 28:49
Both. Both apply.

Carolyn 28:52

iON 28:53
They can be those animals and hang there, but they want to get here. That’s the point. But, like you say, if you’re not careful, if you pick wrongly, you’re gonna get here and that, and that’s how far you’re goin’. You want to get back in the land of the living.

Carolyn 29:06
Yeah, but as animals, they’ve blown it. They’re non physical dead.

iON 29:15
Well, sorry for their luck.

Carolyn 29:20
Okay. Boy, puts a whole new spin on veterinary medicine.

iON 29:28

Carolyn 29:28
Continuing: "Cover over the helpless one, hide him." Okay, who’s the helpless one? The one who decides to try to be an animal?

iON 29:40

Carolyn 29:43
Yeah. Okay. And, "Let do likewise the gods who hearken unto the word [of truth], the Khepiu gods who are in the following of Osiris. Hold ye your peace then, O ye gods, whilst the God holdeth speech with me, he who listeneth to the truth. I speak unto him my words. Osiris, grant thou that that which cometh forth from thy mouth may circulate to me. Let me see thy own Form. Let thy Souls envelope me. Grant thou that I may come forth, and that I may be master of my legs, and let me live there like Nebertcher upon his throne. Let the gods of the Tuat hold me in fear, and let them fight for me in their halls." Okay, so who’s – there are people fighting against and all that. Who’s fighting for these bodies that want to live?

iON 31:08
Well, it’s an internal, it’s an internal battle.

Carolyn 31:11
Ah, ha.

iON 31:11
But, of course, it has to come from them coming in – they still have power. They just have – humans can ascend embracing their power. Dead people have to have somebody to help them, but it makes an internal strife of did they have enough when they left to balance them once they get here.

Carolyn 31:28
Mm hmm. Dead people. And the dead people needing help, they’re getting it from this Egyptian Book of the Dead. Correct?

iON 31:42
Most likely, yes.

Carolyn 31:45
Got it. Continuing. "Grant thou that I may move forward with him and with the Ariu gods, and let me be firmly stablished on my pedestal like the Lord of Life. Let me be in the company of Isis, the goddess, and let [the gods] keep me safe from him that would do an injury unto me. Let none come to see the helpless one. May I advance, and may I come to the Henti boundaries of the sky. Let me address words to Keb, and let me make supplication to the god Hu with Nebertcher. Let the gods of the Tuat be afraid of me, and let them fight for me [in their halls]." So, it’s a battle, back and forth, helping not helping, on and on.

iON 32:46

Carolyn 32:46
"Let the gods of the Tuat be afraid of me, and let them fight for me in their halls. Let them see that thou hast provided me with food for the festival. I am one of those Spirit-souls who dwell in the Light-god. I have made my form in his Form, when he cometh to Tetu. I am a Spirit-body among his Spirit-bodies; he shall speak unto thee the things [which concern] me. Would that he would cause me to be held in fear!" I think that’s the first exclamation mark I’ve seen, iON. Is that true?

iON 33:31

Carolyn 33:34
Okay, continuing: "Would that he would create [in them] awe of me! Let the gods of the Tuat be afraid of me, and let them fight for me [in their halls]. I, even I, am a Spirit-soul, a dweller in the Light-god, whose form hath been created in devine flesh. I am one of those Spirit-souls who dwell in the Light-god, who were created by Tem himself, and who exist in the blossoms of his Eye. He hath made to exist, he hath made glorious, and he hath magnified their faces during their existence with him. Behold he is Alone in Nu. (Carolyn: N-u) They acclaim him when he cometh forth from the horizon, and the gods and the Spirit-souls who have come into being with him ascribe fear unto him." Anything there, iON? It kind of seems straightforward enough.

iON 34:35
It is. It’s just sort of laying some the ground rules and some of the ups and downs so you can hear it now so if you get bumped into it, you’ll be able to know what’s up.

Carolyn 34:47
And it’s interesting the repetition, repetition, repetition. But, that’s what repetition is, you say things enough, then you believe them.

iON 34:57
Do. You know what to do.

Carolyn 35:00
And yeah, it becomes by rote, like learning the Keys.

iON 35:06

Carolyn 35:07
"I am one of the worms which have been created by the Eye of the Lord One. And behold, when as yet Isis had not given birth to Horus, I was flourishing, and I had waxed old, and had become pre-eminent among the Spirit-souls who had come into being with him. I rose up like a divine hawk, and Horus endowed me with a Spirit-body with his soul, so that [I] might take possession of the property of Osiris in the Tuat." Okay. Are we taking possession of some body there, iON, that came out of the blue.

iON 35:43
It can. The dead people can.

Carolyn 35:46
Wow. Is that another position of less than-ness taking –

iON 35:54

Carolyn 35:55

iON 35:56

Carolyn 35:56

iON 35:57
Well, you’ve you’ve waited on a lot of people that you knew they were something besides humans that might taken them over. You listen to what they say, and no normal people would talk like that.

Carolyn 36:08
Heh heh heh. Okay, continuing: "He shall say to the twin Lion-gods for me, the Chief of the House of the Nemes Crown, the Dweller in his cavern: Get thee back to the heights of heaven, for behold, inasmuch as thou art a Spirit-body with the creations of Horus, the Nemes Crown shall not be to thee: [but] thou shalt have speech even to the uttermost limits of the heavens. I, the warder, took possession of the property of Horus [which belonged] to Osiris in the Tuat, and Horus repeated to me what his father Osiris had said unto him in the years [past], on the days of his burial. Give thou to me the Nemes Crown,"

iON 37:01

Carolyn 37:01
You have a comment, iON?

iON 37:04
Just that. That now you’re gettin’ somewhere.

Carolyn 37:07
Ha ha ha. Okay, good. Okay. And continuing: "Give thou to me the Nemes Crown, say the twin Lion-gods for me. Advance thou, come along the road of heaven, and look upon those who dwell in the uttermost limits of the horizon. The gods of the Tuat shall hold thee in fear, and they shall fight for thee in their halls. The god Auhet belongeth to them. All the gods who guard the shrine of the Lord One are smitten with terror at [my] words." Yeah, so we’re getting stronger here.

iON 37:54
Right. Good.

Carolyn 37:55
Yeah. "Hail, saith the god who is exalted upon his coffer to me!" Now, is coffer a tomb or money"

iON 38:06
Offering plate. Offering plate.

Carolyn 38:08
Offering. Yeah. Okay. Coffer to me, so offering. So now we’re having to make offerings, sacrifices?

iON 38:21
Yes. For the dead, yes.

Carolyn 38:29
Yes. Okay. Continuing: "He hath bound on the Nemes Crown, [by] the decree of the twin Lion-gods. The god Aahet hath made a way for me. I am exalted [on the coffer], the twin Lion-gods have bound the Nemes Crown on me and my two locks of hair are given unto me. He hath stablished for me my heart by his own flesh," Let’s go back to the locks of hair. Is there anything about, you know, the hair and showing strands? Like, what was the guy whose hair was cut off?

iON 39:11
Samson. Samson and Delilah.

Carolyn 39:15
Mm hmm. Anything, any associations here, iON, with Samson?

iON 39:22
Well, just – ah, not exactly, not exactly the same way. Not the same way. But yeah, same reference, but not the same way. Samson was alive and he used his power as a connection point. That was a gift from God because he didn’t know he had any power. So when he let the secret out, then he got off with it and he lost it. Then he had power back for just a moment to destroy the Philistines that were invading the temple. And binding him like a strongman.

Carolyn 39:54
Yeah. But then this, these locks of hair are just, are referencing a power. Correct?

iON 40:02
To get a power ‘cuz dead people sure ain’t got none.

Carolyn 40:06
Yeah, a reference to get the power. Yeah, to get power. Got it. Continuing: "He hath stablished for me my heart by his own flesh, and by his great, two-fold strength, and I shall not fall headlong before Shu. I am Hetep, the Lord of the two Uraei-goddesses who are to be adored. I know the Light-god, his winds are in my body." Now, iON, we have twin things, we have goddesses; is that mirror images?

iON 40:46
It is, and hendiadys.

Carolyn 40:49
Yeah. Okay. One by means of two. Okay, continuing: "The bull which striketh terror [into souls] shall not repulse me. I come daily into the House of the twin Lion-gods. I come forth therefrom into the House of Isis. I look upon the holy things which are hidden. I see the being who is therein. I speak to the great ones of Shu, they repulse him that is wrathful in his hour. I am Horus who dwelleth in his divine Light. I am master of his crown. I am master of his radiance. I advance towards the Henti boundaries of heaven. Horus is upon his seat. Horus is upon his thrones. My face is like that of a divine hawk. I am one who is equipped [like] his lord. I shall come forth to Tetu. I shall see Osiris. I shall live in his actual presence…. (Carolyn: And it goes, dot, dot, dot) Nut. They shall see me. I shall see the gods [and] the Eye of Horus burning with fire before my eyes. They shall reach out their hands to me. I shall stand up. I shall be master of him that would subject me to restraint. They shall open the holy paths to me, they shall see my form, they shall listen to my words." I’m just saying they’re just showing more strength. Again. Anything else, iON?

iON 42:33
No, that’s good.

Carolyn 42:37
Okay, let’s see where we are. A lot of words here. Bob’s coming over to look – to hang over me. What?

Bob 42:49
(in background) Wasn’t this "I’m doing this" – that’s these animals, or somebody else?

Carolyn 42:55
Ah, no, the dead trying to get back.

Bob 42:58
(in background) Right. They’re always trying to get somebody’s approval.

Carolyn 43:02
Yeah, well there’s – mostly it’s trying to get their own approval, but they’re using external means to pretend they’re being tested.

Bob 43:10
What means?

Carolyn 43:11
External means. "This God is after me. Oh no."

Bob 43:15
(in background) So, these are dead people who didn’t acquire animal forms?

Carolyn 43:19
I think we’ve gone past animals. Yeah.

Bob 43:22
(in background) And when iON said you have had patients who don’t talk human, were they possessed by dead people?

iON 43:32
They can.

Carolyn 43:32

iON 43:34
They can.

Carolyn 43:36
They can.

Bob 43:36
(in background) Do you remember?

Carolyn 43:37
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Bob 43:38
(in background) You’ve had people, and iON was saying they are possessed by dead.

Carolyn 43:42
Yeah. So how long have we gone?

Bob 43:44
(in background, unclear)

Carolyn 43:46
Another 15 minutes. Okeydoke. Okay, iON, you with me?

iON 43:52
Yes, dear.

Carolyn 43:53
Heh heh. "[Homage] to you, O ye gods of the Tuat, whose faces are turned back, whose powers advance, conduct ye me to the Star-gods which never rest. Prepare ye for me the holy ways to the Hemat house, and to your god, the Soul, (Carolyn: Uh oh. Now, that doesn’t make sense.) (iON: Sure) who is the mighty one of terror."

iON 44:25
The dead people would give anything to have a soul. The dead people would give anything to have their stenographer back on the job.

Carolyn 44:35
Mm hmm. Okay. So, they revere it more than we have learned that it is. Okay. Continuing: "Horus hath commanded me to lift up your faces; do ye look upon me. I have risen up like a divine hawk. Horus hath made me to be a Spirit-body by means of his Soul, and to take possession of the things of Osiris in the Tuat. Make ye for me a path. I have traveled and I have arrived at those who are chiefs of their caverns, and who are guardians of the House of Osiris. I speak unto them his mighty deeds. I made them to know concerning his victories. He is ready [to butt with his] two horns at Set. They know him who hath taken possession of the god Hu, and who hath taken possession the Powers of Tem." Okay, two horns of Set. Is that the devil, iON? Is that a reference to the devil, iON?

iON 46:00
Impetus to the devil, yeah.

Carolyn 46:04
Okay, impetus to the devil.

iON 46:07
‘Cuz the devil is an angel. Yeah, ‘cuz the devil is an angel.

Carolyn 46:11
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And, continuing: "Travel thou on thy way safely, cry out the gods of the Tuat to me. O ye who make your names pre-eminent, who are chiefs in your shrines, and who are guardians of the House of Osiris, grant, I pray you, that I may come to you. I have bound up and I have gathered together your Powers. (Carolyn: Capital "P") (iON: Yeah.) I have directed the Powers of the ways," Yeah. So now they’ve, they’re getting their powers. "I have directed

iON 46:50
Well, they’re gleaming, they’re gleaming their powers. They ain’t got em yet.

Carolyn 46:55
Yes, yeah. They have glimmerings and gleanings. Okay.

iON 47:01

Carolyn 47:04
Continuing: "I have directed the Powers of the ways, the wardens of the horizon, and of the Hemat House of heaven. I have stablished their fortresses for Osiris. I have prepared the ways for him. I have performed the things which [he] hath commanded. I come forth to Tetu. I see Osiris. I speak to him concerning the matter of his Great Son, whom he loveth, and concerning [the smiting of] the heart of Set. I look upon the lord who was helpless. How shall I make them to know the plans of the gods, and that which Horus did without the knowledge of his father Osiris? Hail, Lord, thou Soul, most awful and terrible, behold me." Now that’s the second time the soul is mentioned as awful and terrible. Why is it awful and terrible, iON?

iON 48:01
Well, but, because of the condition, see? You have no hope that you’re having this dangling carrot in front of you that they’re not gonna get. It’s terrible.

Carolyn 48:14
Mm hmm.

iON 48:16
Unrequited love is the worst.

Carolyn 48:19
Heh heh. Unrequited life.

iON 48:23
Oh, okay, same thing.

Carolyn 48:27
Continuing: "I have come, I make thee to be exalted! I have forced a way through the Tuat. I have opened the roads which appertain to heaven, and those which appertain to the earth, and no one hath oppose me therein. I have exalted thy face, O Lord of Eternity." Okay. Appertaining heaven and earth, are they still deciding whether or not they want to live, iON?

iON 48:54
Yeah, that’s the shift. That’s the shift. And how to live. How to live.

Carolyn 49:02
Okay, ‘cuz you can have heaven on earth. Right? And if earth is, is both – Anyway, "APPENDIX (In the Paprus of Nu, Sheet 14, the Chapter ends with the following.) Exalted art thou on thy throne O, Osiris! Thou hast heard fair things, O Osiris! Thy strength is vigorous, O Osiris! Thy head is fastened on thy body, O Osiris! Thy neck is made firm, O Osiris! Thy heart is glad, [O Osiris!]. Thy speech is made effective, O Osiris! Thy princes rejoice. Thou art established the Bull in Amentet." Now, what’s a bull? We’re talking about, you know, your head’s on, your heart’s on, and what’s the bull refer to, iON? Capital "B." (short pause) iON? Did JW fall asleep?

iON 50:22
No, no, we’re here.

Carolyn 50:26
Can you be bothered telling me what the bull is? We’ll be finished soon. Heh, heh.

iON 50:31
No, we can, but you got it- well, hmm. It’s not, it’s not a bother, it’s how far can you take? ‘Cuz there is a position. It’s what you apply. It’s a tool that you’ll use, which then goes to another question, which then goes to the question we can’t answer.

Carolyn 50:55
Yeah, and, thy princes rejoice. Thou art established the Bull in Amentet. And earlier we talked there are two horns. So that, perhaps, also references the bull, so it’s building.

iON 51:11
Yeah, that’s right. Yeah.

Carolyn 51:14
Got it. Okay. Continuing: "Thy son Horus hath ascended thy throne, and all life is with him. Millions of years minister unto him, and millions of years hold him in fear. The Company of the Gods are his servants, and they fold him in fear. The god Tem, the Governor, the only One among the gods, hath spoken, and his word passeth not away. Horus is both the divine food and the sacrifice. He made haste to gather together [the members of] of his father. Horus is his deliverer. Horus is his deliverer. Horus hath sprung from the essence of his divine father and from his decay. He hath become the Governor of Egypt. The gods shall work for him, and they shall toil for him for million of years. He shall make millions of years to live through his Eye, the only one of its lord, (Carolyn: Hmm, it’s lord) [Nebertcher.]" So we’re talking about eternity here. Is there more about that past reading?

iON 52:33
Yeah. This is a timed, this is a timed version of eternity.

Carolyn 52:39
Ah, ha ha. Okay.

iON 52:43
The dead really have no time. The dead really have no time, but they have to serve it.

Carolyn 52:50
Mm hmm. Yeah. The dead have to serve time. Good. And then another part of the appendix is "(From the Turin Papyrus, Bl.XXX) Exalted is thy throne, O Osiris. Thou hearest well, O Osiris. Thy strength flourisheth, O Osiris. I have fastened thy head [on thy] body for thee. I have stablished thy throat, the throne of the joy of thy heart. Thy words are stable. Thy shenit princes are glad. Thou art stablished as the Bull of Amentet. Thy son Horus hath ascended thy throne. All life is with him. Millions of years work for him. The Company of the Gods fear him. Tem, the One Power of the Gods, hath spoken, and what he hath said is not changed, Hetu Aabi. (Carolyn: Hmm. What it – the way it reads, the Company of the Gods fear him. Tem, the One Power of the Gods, hath spoken, and what he hath said is not changed, comma, Hetu Aabi. Next sentence:) Horus hath stood up. I have gone about collecting his father. Horus hath delivered his father. Horus hath delivered [his mother]. My mother is Horus. My brother is Horus. My uncle is Horus. I have come. Horus followeth his father … there the dirt of his head. The gods shall serve him. Millions of years….. in his Eye, the Only One of its Lord, Neb-er-tcher." So, is this talking about, like ancestry where, you know, mother, brother, whatever. It’s just the genes that matter, iON?

iON 54:44
Genome and the pecking order.

Carolyn 54:47
Uh huh. Yeah. Okay. Okay, Bob, we’re done. It goes into the next chapter which looks kind of heavy. So, I think we’ve –


iON 0:00
Page 44. It’s flowing. You don’t have to have as many – there’s not so many stop places, it’s flowing. It’s like "Oh, this is what you do." "Oh, this is what you do." "Oh, this is what you do."

Carolyn 0:09

iON 0:10
But we had to get so much developed first so that you could get to here, but it’s flowing. It’s crazy, but it’s flowing. Just know the words are literal.

Carolyn 0:19
The words are literal. Just know. Okay. Thank you, iON. Appreciate it.

Bob 0:24
No, hold it, Carolyn. I think we’ll see if anybody has any questions. You got any questions, Madeleine, about this content?

Madeleine 0:32
Ah, my – I – no.

Bob 0:40
What about the nature breakthrough? You know what I’m referring to?

Madeleine 0:56
Are you are you talking to me, Bob?

Bob 0:59

Madeleine 1:01
The nature of breakthrough? What was that?

Bob 1:03
Heh heh. What about my nature insight? The big breakthrough was that nature, animals, are dead people.

Madeleine 1:13
Yes, yes.That’s that’s something. I don’t know what to say about that. I said, wow when I heard it.

Bob 1:20
Okay, that’s good enough. That’s all I want. Thank you, Madeleine. Heh heh.

Madeleine 1:24
Okay. All right.

Bob 1:28
Okay, see if Michael, without 100 anecdotes can tell us what he thinks of what he heard.(short pause) Freehold, New Jersey, Michael. (short pause) Somebody cough? Okay, Linda, any questions?

Linda R 2:02
I don’t have any questions right now, thank you.

Bob 2:06
About what you’ve heard?

Linda R 2:08
Yeah, but what I’ve heard so far, I don’t have any questions right now.

Bob 2:12
What do you have? –

Linda R 2:13
But, –

Bob 2:13
– exclamation marks?

Linda R 2:14
– heh heh heh, yeah, it was definitely a wow about the animals, for sure.

Bob 2:23
Kind of explains the backwards origins of reincarnation.

Linda R 2:28

Bob 2:30
Which has been a big lingering thing that we never got much out of iON about. Now we’ve got it figured out pretty well.

Linda R 2:38
Yeah, that was amazing.

Bob 2:42
And you see how humans made everything. The Department of the Dead made nature. That’s why a lot of nature will disappear, like oxygen, when we ascend to the ascended livingroom.

Linda R 2:59
Oh, okay. I didn’t catch that.

Bob 3:05
Another big insight.

Linda R 3:07
Yeah. Huh.

Bob 3:10
Okay. We will continue to observe you floating to the music with your angel wings. Heh, heh. A little animation. Okay, let’s see if Bert’s got something to say about this particular topic, Bert.

Bert 3:26
Yes. I want to go to – with your, your insight, Bob. That’s, that’s huge. That’s huge about the nature and the animals. Okay, a question on that, related to that because it made me think of something iON said last week about the fire, and iON answered a lot of questions early when he was speaking with Ginney and Carolyn, but the whole fire and about the junk DNA, DNA that made – iON, so this junk DNA that you mentioned last week that will become building the gods. Is that to mean that those who aren’t ascending they’re gonna lose DNA and that’s when they fall into the animal kingdom? Could we interpret that?

iON 4:09
Not into the, not into the animal kingdom, into the under kingdom.

Bert 4:14
Under kingdom.

iON 4:15
See, they fight for that position. Yeah, they’re in the – for the dead, which is here, but they’re dead.

Bob 4:24
So, the dead don’t have DNA?

iON 4:27

Bob 4:29
The animals they become have DNA?

iON 4:33
The residual part of non physical does, yeah.

Bob 4:38
So, that’s what you’re talking about, Bert? –

Bert 4:40

Bob 4:40
– Do you want to know if they had dropped their DNA.

Bert 4:44
Right. Yes, I want to know if they drop their DNA.

iON 4:46
The dead humans, dead humans do, live beasts do not. Remember, beasts are non physical, they just don’t have a soul. So that’s where they got their non physical from.

Bob 5:04
Do they have DNA?

iON 5:06
Beasts do, but the dead don’t.

Bob 5:10
So there’s two kinds of animals we’re, we’re experiencing.

Bert 5:13
Right. Right. Ha ha.

iON 5:14
Yeah. That’s right but you know that you have you have the pack, you have the pack. They – you say that those animals are autonomic; they do this, they do that. Some don’t. Some dogs will bite you, some dogs will lick you. Why? They get you, they don’t get you; they smell somethin’ on you, they don’t smell somethin’ on you. It’s all autonomic.

Bob 5:38
Well, but the ones that are possessed that were dead people, they aren’t autonomic?

iON 5:48
They are driven.

Bob 5:51
They’re more, they’re more inclined to bite and express themselves?

iON 5:59
Maybe. Depends.

Bob 6:04
So, you know, Bert, people they celebrate their animals and pets in different ways. They like the fact the pet can become really like a human. They don’t realize though, oh, no, you ain’t got no animal there. You got a fucking, creepy, James Curtis found dead under the bridge who became an animal. Something like that, right? That’s what’s barking at you. So, that’s pretty amazing.

Bert 6:27
Yes it is. It changes the whole perspective of my neighbor, my neighborhood with all these different type of cats walking through now, ‘cuz some of them are really odd. Ha ha ha.

Bob 6:40
Yes, so this could await Matthew Hurtado and his wonderful church? Devolve with Matthew Hurtado.

iON 6:49
It depends, it depends, depends on how many offerings he gets.

Bob 6:54
Oh, yes, right. Can he afford to become an animal?

iON 6:59
Yeah, no, he can’t, he can’t, he can’t. –

Bert 7:01
So, iON, this is part of the fall, then?

iON 7:03
– Now, he could, he should – if he was doin’ it like Bob, he could give them the money and then they could tithe to him and then he’d be rich.

Bert 7:12
So, iON, is this part of the fall when, okay, like what’s going on now with the vial judgment. This is part of the fall to – for those not ascending they will fall into this animal kingdom. Is that part – that’s – could we say that’s part of the fall?

iON 7:27
Well, this is what, this is what Ginney, this is what Ginney was complaining about earlier. "iON, you said the fifth seal was broken 99 years ago." Well, it was, but now it applies. It was broken then, but now it applies.

Bert 7:41

Bob 7:43
What, I missed the noun. What’s broken, Bert?

Bert 7:45
Seals. The seals, Bob. When they were speaking earlier with Ginney about the seals, I heard that. iON, iON, all the seals are broken?

iON 7:56
Not all, but past the fifth one is.

Bert 8:00

Bob 8:02
What’s that got to do with the dead though?

iON 8:03
It’s how the dead can move.

Bob 8:07
Oh, it unfreezes them from purgatory or the guf; even from the guf?

iON 8:13
Don’t you, don’t you remember the seals, Bob? There’s a list. Of your notes.

Bob 8:16
Yes, I remember the seal. So, so, when people were in the guf, they were blissed out. It didn’t matter. They didn’t want to be a form. This purgatory –

iON 8:28
Right. Now there’s nowhere, now there’s nowhere to go.

Bob 8:32
So that the Egyptian Book of the Dead, had they experienced the guf disappearing before and then wrote up the effect of people becoming animals? Or is this –

iON 8:44
For now.

Bob 8:44
– was it about now? –

iON 8:47
It is for now.

Bob 8:47
– About now? Just now.

iON 8:50
Ah huh. Do.

Bob 8:51
Right. So, there was another point there –

iON 8:54
That’s what Bert was taking. That’s what Bert was taking on about, Bob. Come on now, stay with him.

Bob 9:01
Bert was taking on what?

iON 9:03
About your point that this now has made the – given the animals an injectable position that was not there before.

Bob 9:12
Yeah. And that the other point, did you say that the dead end up in the Middle Kingdom?

Bert 9:19

iON 9:20
Yeah, but they’re dead. There’s no more hell to go to. There’s no more hell.

Bob 9:26
Right. So –

iON 9:27
This is the heaven and this is hell.

Bob 9:28
– well, there’s no more guf. So when the guf emptied, –

iON 9:31

Bob 9:31
– the dead went into the Middle Kingdom or purgatory?

iON 9:35
Well, no, they went into the Outer Kingdom, but now they’re morphed into the Middle Kingdom because that’s even being – they’re even losing the Outer and the – they’re losing the Inner and the Outer Kingdom. There’s only the Middle Kingdom.

Bob 9:52
Right, and is –

iON 9:52
It’s set between them.

Bob 9:54
Is that happening right now with the viruses that are happening and coming? That’s getting rid of the Outer and Inner Kingdom?

iON 10:00
Ah, no it happened. You did it, Bob. I guess it was about a month and a half ago when we sort of went "mean."

Bob 10:13

iON 10:13
That’s when it happened.

Bob 10:15
What happened? Outer and Inner Kingdom went away?

iON 10:19
They closed the subways. Nobody could get to the other Kingdoms so they’re stuck here. They’re having to shelter in place, Bob. They got nowhere else to go, so they die here and then their spirit’s here. So there’s no difference; it just keeps making a mess.

Bert 10:33

Bob 10:35
But is that – is the Inner Kingdom gone, too?

iON 10:42
Ahhhh, it’s fleeting.

Bob 10:43
Oh okay, so maybe the Outer Kingdom is gone today. That’s what’s happening. People don’t realize the Outer Kingdom has been cancelled. And then, now, that’s my anthropomophic physical, Bert. And they are gravitating towards the Middle Kingdom where we all are? Are the ascended in the Middle Kingdom?

iON 11:03
Today they are.

Bob 11:05
Right. And now these new tenants are coming in.

iON 11:09
Well, they’re here but they’re making noise.

Bob 11:13
So, we’re all pretty well in the – almost just in – there’s only the Middle Kingdom, Bert.

Bert 11:18

iON 11:19
And that’s why you’re startin’ to feel everything. And that’s why you have empathy and you want to save everybody, and you’re trying to figure it all out, and nobody’s working. They can’t tell. The dead aren’t working, the live aren’t working, the rich aren’t working, the poor aren’t working. Fuck, ain’t nobody working so, so good. And them that are working are gettin’ fucked ‘cuz they could be gettin’ $600 a week unemployment in the USA plus gettin’ their money checks from Bob. So, it’s pretty fucked up.

Bob 11:51
Right. And if you’re working, you encounter the public and you can get killed.

iON 11:56

Bob 12:00
So, Finnegans, does, does the language of "Finnegans Wake," not that Joyce knew what he was doing, the language in "Finnegans Wake" –

iON 12:07

Bob 12:07
– yeah, 121, that’s where it goes into the effect of writing. But the, the – "Finnegans Wake" is displaying what our Middle Kingdom is becoming.

iON 12:08
Mm hmm. Is become.

Bob 12:22
No inner, no outer. What?

iON 12:24
Is become. It’s explained what is become, is become. Mm hmm.

Bob 12:30
Yeah, yeah. And see, that’s where McLuhan almost wrote in the laws of new science, Bert. ["Laws of Media: The New Science"] He said electricity cancels the difference between inner and outer.

iON 12:40
Marge couldn’t do everything. Marge couldn’t do everything.

Bob 12:43
Yeah, Marge came up with these laws: the electric environment cancels the difference between inner and outer. That’s the beginning of the cancelling of the guf, you know, 150 years ago –

iON 12:52
Ah huh.

Bob 12:52
– and, and then the Middle Kingdom taking over. So you see how McLuhan really – he does pretty good for a little – no, Marge does really good for a little girl to lay out what was happening.

Bert 13:06

Bob 13:06
You know, you know Bert, I’m taking over the universities or whatever education’s gonna be, I’m gonna be the Dean of it. Right? (Bert laughs) The Dean of Education, and they’re all gonna learn this shit. And –

iON 13:17
Naw, so, he’s gonna be, so now he’s gonna be, he’s gonna be Dean, he’s gonna be Dean Bob Neveritt, or Bob Neveritt Dean. Which is it?

Bob 13:25
Well, no, my last name’s not Dean. That’s for Carolyn. Carolyn will be Dean Dean, and I’ll be Dean Dobbs.

iON 13:32
Dean Dobbs. Oh, yeah. And sometimes then Dick, then Dick, then Dick Dean Dobbs can come out. Then Dicky Dick Dean Dobbs can come out sometimes –

Bob 13:42
Ha ha. Yeah, Dick. Dick will be the janitor for the school. Virtual janitor.

iON 13:49
Dicky Di Do Dean. Dean Dicky Di Do. I think we’ll call him Dean DIcky Di Do.

Bob 13:53
Ha ha ha. And Stang will be his sister.

iON 13:58
On his mama’s side.

Bob 14:00
Yeah. Ha ha ha. Okay, so back to you, Bert.

Bert 14:07
No, that’s all I have for the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Bob. That’s, that’s really big about the – nature, but there’s some other items. Um, let me see –

Bob 14:16
Hey, Bert. No, no, wait a minute. It has to be with, about the dead. I want to make this one recording. But, this is major crucifixion and resurrection of the mind happening this weekend.

Bert 14:28
Ha ha ha. Yes!

Bob 14:31
We’re getting new facts.

Bert 14:33
Yes. I’ll rest on that. I don’t have anything else more on the Book of the Dead. I had notes, but I have to really ponder that. That’s big ‘cuz there’s two different types of – so iON, –

Bob 14:44

Bert 14:44
– is that – animals. Did that start, did that take place at the pink moon, or it’s been going on since –

iON 14:51
Ah, it’s been going on, but now you’re noticing it. See, that – this never happens in a vacuum.

Bert 14:57

iON 14:57
Creation never happens in a vacuum. Things are happening, and then you show up. We said AL2SO4 some time ago.

Bert 15:04

iON 15:04
And it’s been creeping, creeping, creeping, creeping, creeping. And now things are starting to be released, you see. Now, now, the Bread of Living Water hardly kills anybody.

Bert 15:17
Oh, man.

Bob 15:18
Heh heh heh. So, Bert. That’s why just as there’s two kinds of animals, there are two kinds of human forms. There’s people who are people, and then there’s dead people who possess the human form.

iON 15:33
The walking dead. The walking dead.

Bert 15:33

iON 15:33
They call them the walking dead. That’s why they did the "Walking Dead" show. So you can get ready for the fucking zombie apocalypse, which is what we’re experiencing now.

Bob 15:46
Right and that – ah, I forget. You were just saying two forms. Oh, yeah. There are always two conversations.

iON 15:57
Yeah. What does that have to do with baklava, Bob?

Bob 16:01
With what?

Carolyn 16:02
(in background) Baklava.

Bert 16:03

iON 16:03
With baklava. What is that have to do with baklava?

Bob 16:06
Oh, that’s, that was the one form of music that escaped from – two conversation became a fucking monotone, a monologue. Heh heh heh.

iON 16:19
Ahh, a baklava. That’s with pistachios, right?

Bob 16:19
A monologue. Yeah. Pistachio.

iON 16:22
With pistachios. Good.

Bob 16:25
Okay, very good, Bert. Thanks a lot.

Bert 16:27
Thank you, Bob. Thanks, iON.

Bob 16:28
We’ll check with more people. You’re welcome. Scott, do you have anything on this topic? Any ideas about it?

Scott 16:40
Yeah, ah, what was it, what’s the beeping?

Bob 16:46
I don’t hear it.

Scott 16:49
I hear, I hear beeping on my end.

Bob 16:52
Yeah, it’s your phone. It’s not us.

Scott 16:55
Huh. Okay –

iON 16:58
It means your phone’s being recorded.

Scott 17:02
Not by me. By me.

Bob 17:06
You may be – somebody, yeah, is somebody’s recording Scott, iON? One of our buddies?

iON 17:08

Bob 17:13
Ha ha ha. You’re now one of, you’re like me, Scott. Under 24/7 surveillance. Congratulations. Ha ha ha.

Scott 17:23
Ah, great. Okay, god, it’s really going crazy. I’ll just ignore it. So, on page 42 there was a thing about the Nemes Crown? Or Nemes Crown? Is that the Nemesis?

iON 17:48
It will be. It will be.

Scott 17:49
So the Tech Body is a –

iON 17:51
It won’t be. It won’t. Well, okay, go ahead. You’re going the right way. We were afraid you’re gonna fuck it up and overthink it, but you’re not, so good. Go ahead.

Scott 18:02
So, the Nemesis is the Tech Body, and that’s what’s, that’s what’s challenging us now that we have to deal with.

iON 18:15
Well, it’s funny, well, it funny though, Scott, ‘cuz it’s very interesting. Because what’s happening is is the thing that’s taking you over is the thing that you’re giving power to. I mean, it’s like having a –

Bob 18:29
That’s iON, Scott. Remember, you might as well just say iON.

iON 18:32
– lady of ill repute. It’s like having a lady of ill repute come over to your house, and you have to pay her money to have relations with you. And when you have relations with you, she’s actually killing you. So, you’re paying her to kill you. Doesn’t make any sense, but you still do it. And you keep calling em back, and they keep calling em back. And you keep pumping it full of power. Now, you can use that power, and you could enjoy the engagement that you’re paying for with the lady of ill repute; and it doesn’t have to kill you, but it does. And then, but yet, you still go right back to it and go right back to it and making the Tech Body more and more and more and more and more powerful. Even as smart as you are, you can’t be smart without the Tech Body to tell everyone else how smart you are.

Bob 19:23
And remember, Scott, the Tech Body’s mostly iON, and iON said if we don’t take our power, iON takes over.

iON 19:29
He’s mad.

Scott 19:34
I don’t want to overthink this, but my thinking about the Nemesis is that the Nemesis exists to goad us into power.

iON 19:43
Well, well maybe it shows you how much power is available. See, some people can’t come into their power. Some people can’t believe there’s a pandemic until one swipes them off the earth. Some people can’t believe that there’s quatrillions of dollars sittin’ around for Bob to pass around like rock candy. Some people can’t believe there’s a trillion dollars; now there’s a bunch of trillion dollars. It’s kind of like whoa, where’d that come from? How do you come along from the Hoover days when a Hoover dollar would have bought a bunch, to now you have a regular dollar and you’re paying $12 for a hamburger that you wouldn’t eat. Not to mention how much Bob is willing to pay for a glass of water he doesn’t drink. So, that’s right. Okay.

Bob 20:35
So, is that it, Scott? Nemesis? You’re stuck on that?

Scott 20:40
Well, no, I was gonna – I have another question about the term, Bull, which iON didn’t answer. Is that – the thing is still beeping at me. It’s going nuts.

Bob 20:52
Heh heh. The Tech Body. Carolyn asked if that’s your battery running out, Scott.

Scott 20:59
No, I don’t think so. My battery is – I think it’s the turbobridge. The turbobridge is doing something. I don’t know if

Bob 21:09
It’s the Tech Body. It’s the Tech Body in there in the middle. You’re just gettin’ shit that I get.

Scott 21:15
Ah, okay. All right.

iON 21:16
Being held together with piss and – piss and vinegar right now.

Bob 21:21

Scott 21:23
A bull is also a public decree, or letters patent or charter issued by the Pope for the Catholic Church. It is named after the leaden seal that was traditionally attended to the end in order to authenticate it. So, so it’s both a, both a public decree and a seal. And the seal was apparently like the picture of a bull or a male bovine.

iON 21:55
Yeah, unlike the Chinese have a, it’d be like a chop on their seals that they make documents, corporate documents official, like a chop. Same thing.

Bob 22:08
Not blackboard chalk.

iON 22:10
No. Chop, not chalk. Chop.

Bob 22:15
Yeah. We used the word the other day.

Scott 22:17
What is a chop? Is it like an animal?

Bob 22:21
No, it’s part of a document.

iON 22:23
It’s a (inaudible) that you put – it’s like a crest that you stamp on corporate documents like a corporate seal, like a bull, like a bulletin.

Scott 22:36
Ah, okay. Thank you. The other thing I’m not sure that I should ask you about. Do you know what I’m talking about?

iON 22:47
Does it have to do with the Book of the Dead?

Scott 22:50

iON 22:52
Then you can’t –

Bob 22:53
Yeah, hold, hold off on that.

Scott 22:55
Okay. All right.

Bob 22:56
We’ll do that later. Okay. All right. Thank you, Scott. Let’s see. I’ll just unmute to see if anybody wants

Announcer 23:06
All participants are now unmuted.

Alissa 23:09
This is Alissa. I have a question.

Polly 23:11
Okay, it’s Polly here. It’s Polly.

Bob 23:15
Okay, yours would say United Kingdom? Your phone?

Polly 23:22
Yeah, I’m Mexico. Yes, but it’s Polly, England, English phone.

Bob 23:28
You’ve got a question about the – what we’ve been listening to?

Polly 23:31
What? Yes, so, the one thing I want –

Bob 23:35
Okay, wait a minute. We’re just trying to get organized here. Does anybody else have a question?

Multiple voices 23:40
Yes. I do, Bob. Okay.

Bob 23:45
Say your name.

Alissa 23:47

Nan 23:47

Jean 23:47

Bob 23:48
Okay, Alissa. Alissa and Jean.

Polly 23:50

Nan 23:51

Bob 23:51
And Polly. Okay, just a minute Polly, let me get everybody muted. And Alissa, is that you? You’re Anonymous, not from Vietnam now. Speak again, Alissa.

Alissa 24:04
Yeah, I’m on Skype.

Bob 24:05
Okay. I got you. I got you, yeah. Okay.

iON 24:15
Ooh, we got a heavy breather, Bob. This is making us hot, mmm mmm. Margaret, is that you?

Unknown 24:27
(joking voice)Yes.

Bob 24:28
Heh heh heh. Yes, it is? Who’s Margaret?

Unknown 24:34
(joking voice) Yes, it is. It’s me, Margaret.

Bob 24:38
What’s your last name? Heh heh heh, caught you. You ain’t no Margaret. You don’t know your last name. Okay, so, is that Jean?

Jean 24:53

Bob 24:56
Okay, so I think we got everybody. Okay, go ahead, Polly.

Polly 25:03
Okay, I just maybe it’s the wrong tangent, but in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, that we talked about just now mentioned the Turin Papyrus. And I have been looking into the Turin Shroud. And,

Bob 25:18

iON 25:18

Bob 25:18
Okay. Keep it, keep it within the fucking – none of your bullshit, whatever you’re doin’. Make this relevant.

iON 25:25
Ha ha ha. None of this bullshit.

Polly 25:30
Well, it could be. It could be if you let me.

iON 25:30
Well, we’re gonna see Go, go slow with it and we’ll see. Go ahead. We’ll try to see if it’ll pan out for you.

Polly 25:37
All right. I heard you reference the Turin Papyrus in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And I just wondered, or considered, is it the same reference to the Turin Shroud of Jesus?

iON 25:54
The – not the Turin Shroud, the church of Turin.

Polly 25:57
Oh, okay. It’s probably irrelevant to bring in Turin Shroud at the moment because –

Bob 26:06
Yes, it’s very irrelevant.

iON 26:09
It has to do – no, it is not. –

Polly 26:10
It might not –

iON 26:10
– It’s very relevant. It is very relevant because Turin represents the dead!

Polly 26:17
Okay. Ah,

Bob 26:17
What, Turin – wait, wait. You mean Turin, the town, represents the dead?

iON 26:24
The church.

Bob 26:27
The church. Is it, well, don’t churches represent the dead? Always?

iON 26:33
No, Bob, they’re supposed to be representin’ the live.

Bob 26:37
Okay, so what’s unique about the church of Turin?

iON 26:41
They represent the dead.

Bob 26:44
That particular church? Who built that church? Who was, who was assigned that role?

iON 26:48
Ahh, it was a group. It was a group. It wasn’t one.

Bob 26:59
And they, they specialize in Egyptian Book of the Dead matters?

iON 27:04
No, they didn’t even know about it.

Bob 27:07
What did they do when you say church of the dead. They administered to them?

iON 27:16
No, it was a little place in Italy that didn’t fit anything else. And so they just kind of hung around there.

Bob 27:24
The ghosts did. The dead.

iON 27:27
The dead.

Bob 27:29
Okay, so we’ve established a bit of groundwork here, Polly. Very carefully, Polly, without going into your fucking fantasies. Make this relevant.

Polly 27:40
No, it’s not a fa – you made me lose it now. It’s just, ah, well, we’re talking about the actual city because the Turin Shroud lines up there from Jerusalem. From the Damascus Gate, it lines up in Turin through the – Francis the first and his wife, who is the Savoy family. And somehow the Turin Shroud comes into the Savoy family. And that’s how, that’s how, that’s what I’m interested in and how it lines up with –

Bob 28:16
Well, well, hold it! Hold it. Let’s just ask – no, no, don’t talk your narrative. You ask a question. So, iON, is, is the House of Savoy, did they build that church? Is there something about why the Shroud went there?

iON 28:29
No, Don, Don Bosco did.

Bob 28:34
What? He built the church, but the Turin, the Turin Shroud, is that – could only go to Turin ‘cuz the Shroud had something to do with the dead?

iON 28:43
No, that’s just where the – that’s where the Shroud – no, no, the Shroud isn’t even real. It’s not genuine.

Polly 28:53
I see.

iON 28:53
It’s just there. Okay? It does have marks of the dead, but it wasn’t Jesus’ dead.

Bob 29:01
Okay, so it has nothin’ to do with this topic other than Turin focuses on dead people gather around there for some reason.

iON 29:09
In 1470, or, either 1470 or 1498. They both – one was the bell tower and the other is the other. Between the bell tower and the building where it connects, that’s where a portal slips between the two worlds. And that’s what made the Shroud of Turin spectacular because it didn’t come from this world. And that’s why everybody oohs and ahhs about it because it didn’t – it has a distance, but it’s not from Jesus, it was from another world, the markings.

Bob 29:48
Okay, right.

iON 29:45
And so other artifacts, that’s where the bitch statue bleeds and, and the candles cry, and you know, crazy shit happens in that place. And so that’s why it became special, and once that happened, special, then it turns into this, you know, another another thing.

Bob 29:42
Right. So Polly, you, you’ve learned a lot about the Shroud of Turin, do you need, need anything more about it?

Polly 30:23
That sounds great. I’d wondered – that sounds great. Thank you, iON. Thank you for that.

iON 30:28
It was a debt. It was a debt that had to be paid by the Duke of Savoy.

Polly 30:35
Oh, and –

Bob 30:37
Well, what was the debt? You mean acquiring, acquiring the Shroud –

iON 30:42
He had to kill his wife’s – No, he had to kill his wife. This is Charles Emmanuel II. Had to kill his wife and he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t pull it off, so he made a deal. And the deal was he had to have the Turin church.

Bob 30:45
He had to have it. He had to own it?

iON 31:07
You had to make it, support it, love it, take care of it, tend it, fund it, fuck it, whatever you call it.

Bob 31:16
Yeah, he had to do that in exchange for what?

iON 31:21
Killin’ his wife.

Bob 31:24
And what’s that got to do with the Shroud? Nothing or something?

iON 31:28
Nothing to do with the Shroud. The Book of the Dead has to do with the Celtic connection to the dead.

Bob 31:36
The book, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, has something to do with the Celts. Nothing to do with the Duke of Savoy.

iON 31:43
No, no, no, that’s connected, too.

Bob 31:47
So, the Celts, this is a Celt dead zone?

iON 31:52
Yes. But it’s like 24 hundred, 24 hundred years ago now.

Bob 31:57
Right. So, you got the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Celtic Church of the dead in Turin.

iON 32:03
Yeah. Yeah.

Bob 32:04

iON 32:05
And the Taurinis, they even conq – and their deal was they conquered France and most of Spain. That’s why you have (inaudible) Italy.

Bob 32:06
They, they, the Taurinis did?

iON 32:09
Yeah. By using the dead.

Bob 32:16
And that’s why what happened in Italy? Dead. It’s hard to hear but what are you saying?

iON 32:21
That’s where Italy came from.

Bob 32:25
From Tur –

iON 32:25
The conquering of –

Bob 32:27

iON 32:27
– France and Spain.

Bob 32:28
That was – And when did they, the Italians do that?

iON 32:35
There wasn’t Italians then.

Bob 32:37
I know. When did they do it 1470?

iON 32:41
Taurinis. 2400 years ago.

Bob 32:43
Oh, okay. All right, Polly. We just want to check with some other people first. Thank you. We’ll get back to you.

iON 32:51
Boy, that was a white knuckle flight and you made it, honey, but, pshuu, that was close. (Polly laughs). It was a big death breach, and that’s that’s why people, that’s why people follow that bullshit stuff. And that’s why they make a big to do about it ‘cuz there is weird crap goin’ on there, so, you know how it goes.

Bob 33:08

Polly 33:08
Well, well, that’s where, that’s where the disease is as well isn’t it? It very prevalent from there. Well, in the area.

iON 33:15
It certainly is.

Bob 33:16
Oh, you’re – the coronie? The coronie is there?

Polly 33:20
Turin. Turin, Italy.

Bob 33:22
Yeah. You’re saying the coronie virus is there.

Polly 33:27
Well, it’s the first one that got really big after China, isn’t it?

iON 33:32

Bob 33:32
I don’t know. Okay, good. Thank you. All right. Who – Okay, then we go to Alissa.

Alissa 33:44
iON, the Followers of the Gods –

iON 33:46
Hey, darlin’.

Alissa 33:46
– are the ascended. Hi. The Followers of the Gods are the ascending. Who are the followers of the Hememet-spirits?

iON 33:53

Alissa 34:00
So, Khert-Neter follows the Hememet-spirits?

iON 34:04
So far.

Alissa 34:06

iON 34:06
They change. Bob’s in charge. He can fuck your, he can fuck up a wet dream. Just ask him.

Alissa 34:15
Okay. And I just wanted to clarify, did you say that, that people –

iON 34:23
You’re gonna let that – you’re gonna let that go? You’re gonna let that go?

Alissa 34:28
I don’t wannna let it go. I don’t have enough specifics on Khert-Neter to ask more right now.

iON 34:35
Okay, then say it like this. –

Alissa 34:37
I want, I want to keep the –

iON 34:38
So, you mean we’re gonna change – so you mean, so you mean that we’re gonna change the Book of the Dead in case Bob doesn’t like the way it’s going? ‘Cuz, we said it’s as long as whatever Bob decides? So, we’re gonna change the Book of the Dead ‘cuz Bob’s so fucking powerful he can change all time space continuums? Or, we can send it to Turin and run it through the keyhole and run it back through and put some blood from the Shroud of Turin and let a statue piss on it, and a candle cry on it, and then it’ll be different, it’ll mean something different then? Okay, sounds like fun to us. That’s all right, Bob does all kinds of stuff.

Bob 35:14
Are you listening, Carolyn? Heh heh.

iON 35:15
Hey, hey, he did crazier stuff than that this week, as a matter of fact. A funny thing happened on his way to the forum we can tell you that. Calling all hours, and –

Bob 35:24
Yeah, I kicked, I kicked, I kicked Alissa out of Vietnam. I said, we’re sick of her being in Vietnam. Lousy phone. Get the fuck out of there!

iON 35:25
That’s right. Bang, bang, bang went the trolley.

Alissa 35:30
Heh heh. Okay.

iON 35:35
Now stay on point. We’re talking about the Book of the Dead. Stay on point. If they gotta stay on point, so do you, Boss. If they gotta stay, you do, too.

Bob 35:41
Yeah. Yeah.

iON 35:45
Now, this brings it back through from the condition of how these things follow. But what follows what? That’s like learning the Keys and the Aethyrs. You don’t start – blow through it. Well, a lot of people do. As long as you’re doing them we don’t care how you do them, but there’s a – you’ll find, quick, there’s a, there’s a rote way of this flow. Third Key means blah blah blah. Fifth Aethyr means blah blah blah. And you start connecting those things together a bit and you can start to move things. And when it applies, the power part, that’s when you’re moving the Book of the Dead. That’s when you pick up the Book of the Dead and start reading it and all of a sudden certain things shake and move.

Alissa 36:27

iON 36:27
See? That’s why it’s perfect that Carolyn’s has embraced this as completely as she had because she hosts the dead Bob show every Monday night.

Alissa 36:35
Ha ha ha. Yeah.

Bob 36:38
Ha ha ha. Did Carolyn know that?

Carolyn 36:41
(in background) Yeah.

Bob 36:44
Carolyn’s a witch.

Alissa 36:46
What is the, what is – Carolyn, what are the specifics of Khert-Neter?

iON 36:50
She can smote your ass. She can smote your ass, though, that’s what you need to know. You be careful.

Bob 36:55
You’re talking to me or both of us?

iON 36:57
Yeah, you need to be careful. You’re gonna be – don’t be poking the bear. Don’t poke Carolyn, she’ll smote your ass. She’ll take your, she’ll take your pigs, she’ll take your pigs away from you and you won’t have any place to put your feet.

Bob 37:12
All right. Yes, Carolyn, Khert-Neter, Carolyn?

Alissa 37:17
I was asking Carolyn (inaudible)-

Carolyn 37:21
I don’t know if iON ever defined it. I’m just looking the word up now. There’s not much on it.

iON 37:29
It’s the reference to everything comes from Khert-Neter. Everything’s going to Khert-Neter. Everything that works through, it’s kind of the divining point that everything connects to ‘cuz they prayed to Khert-Neter. And Khert-Neter begat this. And this had to go from Khert-Neter. And we got to find this up to – everything up to including Khert-Neter. It’s the magic, the Felix the Cat’s magic bag where everything fits.

Bob 37:48
It’s a holding place. Would you say that?

Alissa 37:57
A holding place.

iON 37:58
We, well, we will for now, but that’s gonna change when Carolyn turns out church.

Bob 38:05
Right. And it is a, it is a person. Is it a dead person?

iON 38:11
A thing. Person. Yes.

Bob 38:14
A thing. It’s dead –

Alissa 38:16
Thing person.

Bob 38:17
– more than non physical.

iON 38:18
A thing person.

Bob 38:20
The thing fish. What Zappa wrote about.

iON 38:22
Just say thing fish. Okay. Yeah, thing fish. Okay.

Alissa 38:27
How does Horus apply to Khert-Neter?

iON 38:31
It represents it.

Alissa 38:34

Bob 38:39
Khert-Neter represents Horus. Is there a connection to Khert-Neter around the Tech Body, iON?

iON 38:46
Ah, yes.

Alissa 38:51
Thing person. Mmm. Okay.

iON 38:58
All right. Thanks, Alissa.

Alissa 38:59
Okay, so, I have one other – I have a couple of clarifications. Let’s see – the first one. Dead people have to have a human living god to help them get to the Middle Kingdom?

iON 39:15
Well, everyone has a human god; they are human god, they just don’t know it. –

Alissa 39:20

iON 39:20
– So, that’s your clarification. That’s the clarification.

Alissa 39:23
Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

iON 39:25
You ain’t got one, you gotta borrow one. That’s like women in ministry. They say women shouldn’t be in ministry. And then it says, but if the men won’t do it, then the women will. You men folks you don’t like it –

Alissa 39:37
Okay, so –

iON 39:37
– you won’t do it, they will.

Alissa 39:40
So, I am a living god and I have a dead me that I’m bringing into the Middle Kingdom. Is that – does that apply? Do those words apply?

iON 39:52
We hope not, but maybe. You’re powerful enough to pull it off.

Alissa 39:57
But is that – that’s not what you’re saying when you said every human god has a dead – what you just – I thought that’s what you just said.

iON 40:09
We said –

Alissa 40:09
So, do dead people have –

iON 40:10
No. Say it again.

Alissa 40:14
Dead people have to have a human living god to help them out. That’s what you had –

iON 40:21
And they do and they do.

Alissa 40:26
Mm hmm. So, each dead person has a human living god helping them do what?

iON 40:36
Get out of the land of Khert-Neter. If they do.

Carolyn 40:44
And the human living god is them.

iON 40:47
Right. That’s the rub.

Alissa 40:49
Yes. So then when I, so when I posed that I am a human living god and I have a dead me that I’m helping, you said "we hope not or maybe." So that says then –

iON 41:00
Yes, ‘cuz we don’t want you dead. We don’t want you dead. You don’t have to come back from the dead –

Alissa 41:05
Right, right.

iON 41:05
– to become a god. You’re alive. Now, if you want to do it that way, it’s all right with us, honey, we’ll even help. We’re good with that. –

Alissa 41:12
Okay. Okay.

iON 41:13
– We’ll smote the dog’s, we’ll smote the dog’s shit out of you, honey. Play with us.

Alissa 41:17
Ha ha. Okay, yes, no, that’s okay. I’ll stay in the land of the living. Okay, so –

iON 41:25
Okay, See, Carolyn, everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die.

Alissa 41:28
Heh heh. Second death. Second death already happened.

iON 41:35

Alissa 41:35
Second death. Okay, so the part about coffer, we don’t make offerings. I want to clarify. Are the dead making offerings to the living?

iON 41:48
Hell, yeah. Hell yeah. Never watch Beetlejuice?

Alissa 41:51
Right. Right, ‘cuz it’s something in the way that the words were said; it was like, so we make offerings. But it’s that the dead are making offerings.

iON 42:08
Offerings is offerings.

Alissa 42:12
To the living. Are – so, yeah,-

iON 42:15

Alissa 42:15
– to the dead, offerings is offering. So, can you say – okay, okay. Yeah, I think there’ll be more clarification on the offering coming up in the next week. I think I want other clarification. Did you say that (silence)

Carolyn 42:37
(in background) Bob?

Bob 42:38
Yeah, I’m here.

Jean 42:39
Uh oh.

Bob 42:41
Are you finished, Alissa?

Jean 42:43
I think we lost her. Think she just got cut off.

Bob 42:46
Okay. All right – back. Okay. Go ahead, Jean.

Jean 42:52
Um, okay. Are you back, Alissa?

Bob 42:55
No, Alissa’s back.

Alissa 42:58
Yeah, I’m here.

Jean 43:00
Okay, you’re back. You have to ask again, you got cut off.

Alissa 43:05
Okay. My question is clarification on – iON, did you say that the AL2SO4 is such that now that the Bread of Living Water won’t kill anyone?

iON 43:17
Won’t kill as many as it used to.

Alissa 43:20
Okay, okay. Okay. Yeah, so that’s becoming and we want that bumped. So, Key 17.

iON 43:29
Yes. Yes, man.

Alissa 43:31
All right. That’s it for now.

Bob 43:34
Okay. Thank you, Alissa.

Alissa 43:34
I’ll have more for later, Bob. Thank you. Thank you Connie for doing –

Bob 43:40
Yeah, we heard that. Good. Okay, Jean.

Jean 43:46
Okay. Hi, iON.

iON 43:47
Hey, honey.

Jean 43:48
So, to follow Alissa, is another way of saying that is, so the dead part of me has the living human part of me helping me?

iON 44:02

Jean 44:02

iON 44:05
Yeah, but that’s with everything. That’s paying your taxes, that’s finding your money, that’s building another barn for Nik.

Jean 44:15
Heh heh. That’s okay.

iON 44:20
Let him, let him come build his own damn barn. Let him come build his own damn barn.

Jean 44:25
Well, sure, sure. I’m just curious how he’s gonna get here. Nik’s gonna have a great story, isn’t he?

iON 44:34
It is a long, it is a long walk, isn’t it?

Jean 44:37
It’s a long one. It’s a long one or really, really short one.

Bob 44:40
Who you talkin’ about?

Alissa 44:40
(in background) It’s only as far as (indistinct)

Bob 44:45
Who are you talking about, Jean?

Jean 44:47
He said that Nik could build his own barn when he gets here.

Bob 44:51
Oh, Nik. Yeah, okay.

Jean 44:53

Bob 44:54
All right. Come on. You got a questions about the fucking thing?

Jean 44:57
Yes. Well, just one curiosity, iON. So, the shapeshifters, people who shape shift into animals. Are they dead? Are they one of the dead people? One of the two kinds of dead people that turn themselves into animals?

iON 45:19
Say it another way.

Jean 45:26
Are shapeshifters dead people?

iON 45:30
Some are, some aren’t.

Bob 45:35
So, in, see, Carlos, in Carlos Castaneda’s kind of mythology of the Aboriginal tribes, they would talk about, you know, humans could turn into lions and tigers. They, the living people, could see the dead, so it refers to dead people going into animal form as well as live humans doing it. Two cases. Right, iON?

iON 46:00

Bob 46:01

Jean 46:05
So is – what do you mean, Bob? Is that socio perception on the part of the living people?

Bob 46:14
No, some people, I guess, are ascended. They can, they can control theirselves, –

Jean 46:19
Oh, right.

Bob 46:19
– which is what they are. And they can make themselves be any form. That’s part of the legend of Aboriginal peoples. But, we’re now knowing that some of those legends would be mixed up with, with dead people becoming human form, and maybe the Aboriginal people could see that happening.

Jean 46:37
Right. Right.

Bob 46:40
Would they see that happening, iON? A ghost becoming more.

iON 46:44

Bob 46:45

iON 46:45

Bob 46:47
So, you say Don – no. You know, Carlos Casteneda’s mentor, there were three of them. Was one of them, or more, a dead person becoming a human?

iON 47:01

Bob 47:03
All right. Am I a dead person becoming a human?

iON 47:08
Not yet.

Bob 47:11
That’s a later trick we develop?

iON 47:14
We’ll see.

Bob 47:16
Right. So if I’m, if I become quite ascended, then I could stage my death, go into the non physical and then acquire another form, and then jump back to my original form. So it would be two of me?

iON 47:32
At least two.

Bob 47:34
Okay. How’s that, Jean, for complexifying your reality?

Jean 47:40
So, is that part, iON, of what you say: we can choose our new body? We can choose a body? Any body?

iON 47:47
You want to, you want to. For everybody.

Jean 47:52
Cool. Cool. Okay, iON, in Genesis, in Part Three of Genesis when you and Carolyn and Bob are discussing the chapters, Bob says the meaning of the dust is hidden in the ground, but you get a hint of it when you notice a ghost. And so, when you were talking tonight it made me think of that. A ghost is a dead person and

Bob 48:24
A ghost is the residue; a ghost is not a dead person.

Jean 48:30
Well the dust – this was in discussion about Abel. And Abel’s blood went into the ground and was related to the dust. So, how is the dust related to these, the two different kinds of dead, iON?

iON 48:58

Jean 49:01
To both? Is there a distinction between the two different kinds of dead? In regard to

iON 49:06
Not yet. Not yet.

Jean 49:08
Not yet. But their

Bob 49:12
A distinction between what? Not yet.

Jean 49:15
How they’re, how they’re related to the dust.

Bob 49:19
A distinction between what?

Jean 49:23
The two different kinds of dead.

Bob 49:26
And the dust?

Jean 49:28
And the dust.

Bob 49:30

Jean 49:32
And so it’s – something’s changing, where that relationship between one kind of the dead and the dust will be different? Is that what you mean?

iON 49:44
Yeah, it will be a little different. Yes.

Jean 49:49
Mmm. Can you give us a –

iON 49:52

Jean 49:52
– distinction or an example? No.

iON 49:55

Jean 49:56
Okay. Okay, so one more question. Last week during the Book of the Dead, you said that each of the multiple suns have to hook up together. You have the Three Kingdoms. So, is there a sun for each Kingdom, iON?

iON 50:17

Jean 50:21
And that’s Inner, Middle and Outer.

iON 50:24
And they’re merging.

Jean 50:26
And they’re merging. And it all just becomes the Middle Kingdom. Is that correct?

iON 50:34

Jean 50:38
And the Middle Kingdom is still the chemical body? (short pause) Yes, no? Am I wrong on that?

iON 50:54
We said yes.

Jean 50:56
Oh, you did say yes. So, it’s all merging into the – so, is there three Bob’s? Is there an Inner, Middle and Outer Bob’s since the sun is Bob?

iON 51:11
You’ll find out for sure.

Jean 51:15
We’ll find out. And so –

iON 51:19
For sure.

Jean 51:20
– we’re not sure right now. And would that mean that Bob is merging?

iON 51:29
No. No, Bob’s not merging.

Jean 51:34
Well then, how are, how is Bob represented by the suns if there’s three suns and they’re merging?

iON 51:47
Okay, we ain’t mad about it, but it’s a little – see, you’re trying to craft it instead of your questions of finding out about it, you’re trying to see how it works. You’re taking the, you’re taking the, the Cuisinart apart to see how it works. And instead, you’re trying to figure out how to whip up a good beurre blanc.

Jean 52:11
Okay, I just – rather than taking it apart just use, use the metaphor? Is that what you mean?

iON 52:22
Use the example. Use the example till you can prove it.

Jean 52:28
Okay. I’m gonna have to chew on that one a bit.

iON 52:34

Jean 52:34
Um, do the three suns still represent Bob? First of all, you said each of the multiple suns have to hook up together. The multiple suns; are there three, or are there more than three?

iON 52:55
At least.

Jean 52:55
At least three.

iON 53:00
At least.

Jean 53:00
Hmm. All right.

iON 53:00
You’re talking about the underworld, darling. You gotta, you can’t be basing this on your old, died up, dried up, fucked up biases. –

Jean 53:08

iON 53:07
– That’s the reason we’re having short, croppy, yes, no, okay, yes, sort of, yeah. ‘Cuz you don’t know your context is wrong what you’re asking from.

Jean 53:21
Are there three Kingdoms in the underworld and three Kingdoms –

iON 53:26
Asked and answered.

Jean 53:27
– in the upper world?

iON 53:30
Asked and answered.

Jean 53:32
Mm hmm. Then you said the different realms preclude the larger environments before the interlude that you know it. The preclude is before the interludes. You know the, you know of the – ehhh. Okay, I gotta, I gotta chew on this awhile and come back, iON. Thank you.

iON 54:04
Yes, dear.

Bob 54:05
Okay, thank you. If there’s anybody else has a question, you know, hit number five and I’ll see it. You had a question, Ben? Nobody has a question. Okay, we’ll – let’s check with Darrius. You got a question, Darrius?

Darrius 54:27
Ah, hold on.

Bob 54:35
About the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Darrius 54:36
Can you hear me?

Bob 54:47

Darrius 54:49
Yeah, I think. I wrote some down. Let me check my notebook here. (pause)

Bob 55:06
Okay, let me come back to you. Brian may have one. You had a question, Brian, about the topic?

Brian 55:14
No, I just got home, Bob. I don’t, I don’t even know what the topic is, but –

Bob 55:18

Brian 55:18
– I assume it’s the Egyptian Book of the Dead, huh?

Bob 55:21
Yeah, we learned a lot of new stuff tonight. But you can hear that later. Okay, go back to Darrius. You got something, Darrius?

Darrius 55:30
Does it have to be related to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, ‘cuz I only tuned in two minutes ago. So, –

Bob 55:34
Yes, yeah, that’s what we’re doing now. That’s what we’re doing now.

Darrius 55:37
Okay, then I don’t have a question for the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Bob 55:40
Okay. Right. Did you have one, Nan?

Nan 55:45
Yes. What makes a person decide what animal they would prefer to be? Let’s say a hawk or a bug.

iON 55:54
They don’t. They don’t.

Nan 55:57
They’re just – it’s chosen for them?

iON 56:02

Nan 56:04
According to what type of, or – yeah. Who, who decides? Or, what is the criteria?

Bob 56:21
Don’t, don’t fade out. Who decides? Keep saying it.

Nan 56:28
Who decides, iON. Please.

iON 56:33

Bob 56:38
That would be the god part of the person that’s dead?

iON 56:43

Bob 56:46
And that god part of the person who’s dead be the same god in everybody, or is each person an individual god with unique aspects? (short pause) Too tough, too tough for you?

iON 57:07
For us or for her?

Bob 57:10
This is for you! The god, a person who’s dead. That’s a god who’s dead. –

iON 57:17

Bob 57:22
– When we say that person is a god, is it the same characteristics as every other god, realized god, has, or is there unique characteristics for each person?

iON 57:33
For us, for us, for us it is. But, and they could be unique, but they don’t see themselves as god, they see themselves as lost. They’re dead.

Bob 57:41
No, I’m saying a person who is god, who has realized god conditioned, do they – are they the same as every other realized god?

iON 57:54

Bob 57:56
Do they act differently though, different whims?

iON 58:00
Yes, they got all them –

Bob 58:01

iON 58:01
– Carolyn’s been reading rules for weeks on weeks on weeks. The rules, you can’t do this and gotta do that, and run this up, and can’t run that. And who’s gonna get (indistinct overtalk)

Bob 58:11
Who, who, who makes the, what rules? No, gods, gods don’t have rules? What rules she talks about?

iON 58:17
The Book of the Dead, Bob. The rules of how to navigate this. Dead gods have to follow the Book of the Dead rules.

Bob 58:25
Yeah, no. But I’m talking about living gods, ascended people. Do they have the same characteristics of every other ascended person?

iON 58:35

Bob 58:37
Is there anything that makes them different from each other?

iON 58:41
No, no, well, they’re individual. They, they maintain their original individualness. ‘Cuz otherwise everybody’d have nine Maybachs and nothing else would be available. But you can do that now if everybody went to work, so, maybe you could do it. But, they don’t.

Bob 58:59
You’d have nine pairs of Maybachs? Is that what you’re saying?

iON 59:03
Yeah, correct.

Bob 59:05
And everybody would have that if they were, they are the same.

iON 59:09
If everybody was the same, everybody would desire the same thing, but they don’t.

Bob 59:15
Right. But the god aspect of every individual essence is the same structure. Same capacities, same abilities.

iON 59:30

Bob 59:33
Because I’m saying it, it can be?

iON 59:36
Sure. And that’s rational when you look at what you’re actually saying. You’re dealing with the dead. The only rules are the Book of the Dead. So.

Bob 59:46
Are there any rules for the ascended?

iON 59:49

Bob 59:54
Okay. All right. Are you finished, Nan?

Nan 59:58
Yes, for now.


Bob 0:00

iON 0:01
It was good, though. Well thought out.

Bob 0:04
Yes, thank you, Nan. Nik, you got a question?

Nikolas 0:13
Hello Bobby, hello iON. iON, –

iON 0:15

Nikolas 0:15
– are we in the guf? Are we all little man dead in the guf right now?

iON 0:21
Some of you are, but no.

Nikolas 0:24
So, the ascension process is in this body because you’ve said in the past that we will get a new life and get a new body. Can you say some words on that?

iON 0:36
Just that. Bob played it tonight.

Nikolas 0:42
‘Cuz Khert-Neter has been coming up in my daily experience every, every day this week. And when it started to appear in the Book of the Dead today, it had a thread attached to it where I got the sense that most of us little men are in this body and are dead trying to ascend into another new body. Um, is that correct words? (short pause) Asked and answered. Okay, thank you, Bob. That was my contribution.

Bob 1:13
What do you mean asked and answered? What? There was no answer.

Nikolas 1:19
He’s not, iON’s silence was –

iON 1:20
Already been answered.

Nikolas 1:21
– Yes.

Bob 1:22
What Nik?

Nikolas 1:24
I said iON’s silence was really his answer, Bob.

Bob 1:27
Oh, screw that! That’s too quick, Nik. You’re like you’re nervous. You’re afraid to talk to iON. Don’t let – accept that silence. (Nik laughs) So the, so the – what’s the question?

Nikolas 1:39
We’re just sawing sawdust there, Bob, because if iON’s already answered –

Bob 1:43
You don’t know! You’re just talking yourself into bullshit. Shut up and just say a few words. Now, what was your question?

Nikolas 1:51
My question is –

Bob 1:52
It was good. Okay, I got it. Yeah, the Egyptian Book of the Dead is a metaphoric level for ascension, acquiring new body, a god body. Right, iON?

iON 2:03

Bob 2:06
But it’s more focused on the dead trying to get live. But you could find aspects that apply to ascension in there in terms of getting a new body.

iON 2:17
Sure, sure, sure, sure, sure.

Bob 2:19
So, that was good, Nik. See?

Nikolas 2:21
Thank’s Bob.

Bob 2:21
You would have missed that. You would have missed that.

Nikolas 2:23
There are other things. I know I would have missed that. Thank you, Bob. There are other things in terms of the environment and taking the products which are also crucial in what’s just been done in the Book of the Dead, Bob.

iON 2:33
It has nothing to do, nothing to do with the Book of the Dead.

Nikolas 2:38
What? The environment? The changing environment?

Bob 2:41
And, and the drops. Yeah. No, the environment is, is mortar.

iON 2:46

Bob 2:46
The environment is social mortar, Nik.

Nikolas 2:50
Got you. Thank you.

Bob 2:51
It’s it – don’t say got me. That’s more, that’s more ascended – the environment is more ascended then the bodies are. Or, are more eternal, I should say. It stays here longer than humans.

iON 3:03

Nikolas 3:05

iON 3:06
Speak, don’t speak, –

Bob 3:06
What is it? What is that?

iON 3:08
– don’t got me, yes it is, no it’s not, do that, don’t do that –

Bob 3:11
Yeah, what is it?

iON 3:12
– stop, go.

Bob 3:13
So Nik, what is this social motar? Is Tech Body part of social mortar, iON?

iON 3:21
It runs social motar.

Bob 3:24
Are you part of social motar?

iON 3:26
It, it, we’re, yeah.

Bob 3:29

iON 3:30
It decides when you, when you can, when you can have a visit, when you can engage, how you engage. Whether or not you could sit-

Bob 3:31
See how important?

iON 3:39
– in your house for another – see how long you sit in your house for another 30 days. You like that?

Bob 3:45
Ha ha. So, you see, Nik, how imporant social mortar is? That’s what you gotta understand in the process of ascension. You’re all intertwined with social motar.

iON 3:56
You better bow to Bob before he turns – you better bow to Bob before he turns off the Internet. You’d be fucked up then.

Nikolas 4:06
(laughing) iON. Because we do know somebody’s Internet’s been turned off don’t we, iON?

iON 4:12
Yes, we do. Ha ha ha.

Bob 4:14
Michael. Is that Michael?

Nikolas 4:20
We know a couple of people, Bob. We know a couple of people.

Bob 4:23
Well, who? Who are you talking about?

Nikolas 4:26
Michael. Michaels Internet’s been turned off, Bob. Yes.

Bob 4:30
It doesn’t include you? It doesn’t include you?

Nikolas 4:33
No, no it doesn’t.

Bob 4:34
Oh, okay. Okay, thank you, Nik.

Nikolas 4:36
Thank you, Bob, for keeping my Internet, my internet live. And iON, thank you. Thank you, iON.

Bob 4:41
Keeping what? Your intimate what?

Nikolas 4:43
My Internet live. So that at least there’s one connection from down south, Bob.

Bob 4:48
All right, very good. So, –

Nikolas 4:49
Thank you, Bob.

Bob 4:49
– now, get ready to enjoy. Enjoy some –

iON 4:52
Better praise, praise Bob. Praise Bob.

Nikolas 4:54
Praise Bob. Praise Bob.

Bob 4:56
Fuck you. Fuck you guys. I don’t need no fucking praise, okay? Let’s drop that.

iON 5:01
Oooh, stop. Stop. You’re gettin’ us all (indistinct) (Nik laughs) boss. You’re gettin’ us all excited. Yummy.

Nikolas 5:08
Oooh, stop, Bob. Ha ha.

Bob 5:10
Yes. Well, okay, there’s – uh oh. Raised hand action. I clicked on something. Uh oh. There’s something blocking. Raised hand actions. Some weird science coming up –

iON 5:25
(iON mimics Bonanza theme.)

Bob 5:25
– oh, I hit the wrong – okay, wait a minute. Fuck that shit. Okay, who’s this person here? Eight, eight. Hand up eight times.

Eira 5:36
Yes. I have a question for the Book of the Dead, answerer, which is Bob. This is Eira, –

iON 5:47

Eira 5:48
– and I want to know. You told me (silence)

iON 5:57
Yep, there she goes. (short pause) Bam bam bam bam bam da da dum ta dum. Eira. Eira. (short pause) AHHH.

Nikolas 6:28
iON, I’m still here.

iON 6:30
We know. They got to fix it. Keep that away or Bob blew – Bob’s been pushing them goddamn buttons again.

Nikolas 6:38
And blew the gasket. The head gasket on the victrolla.

iON 6:43
That turbobridge. That turbobridge ain’t what it used to be, is it?

Nikolas 6:49
Not like in the good old days, iON.

iON 6:52
Yeah, in the good old days when we can turn back time.

Nikolas 6:58
Yeah, and mama would rock us all to sleep.

iON 7:01
Yeah, but now we’re stressed out.

Bob 7:05
Back on. Okay, we’re back on.

iON 7:06
But now we’re stressed out.

Nikolas 7:08
Now we’re stressed out, yeah.

Eira 7:10

Bob 7:10
Who’s that person here? Who’s that? Have you been talking to iON, Nik?

Eira 7:14
This is Eira. Ah. No, no –

Bob 7:16
Shut up.-

Eira 7:16
– no no. So,

Bob 7:21
Okay, Nik, have you just been talking to iON while we were cut off? Oh, I muted Nik. Have you been talking to Nik?

Nikolas 7:30
Hello, Bob?

Bob 7:31
Yes. Have you just been talking to iON for the last two minutes?

Nikolas 7:35
I was Bob.

Bob 7:37
What was discussed?

Nikolas 7:40
We were just filling in the gaps. We were talking about the good old days, Bob, when the victrolla, when you didn’t blow the gasket on the sound, on your sound system and dropped off.

iON 7:52
On the turbobridge. You’ve been pushing them goddamn buttons again. And then he says in the good old days when we could turn back time.

Bob 8:02
Okay, thank you, Nik.

Nikolas 8:03
When mama used to rock us to sleep. Thank you, Bob.

iON 8:04
When mama used to rock us to sleep, but now we’re stressed out.

Bob 8:10
Okay, we got here – oh shit, hittin’ the wrong thing.

iON 8:17
There you go. Push that other button. (repeats it and similar words, overtalk)

Bob 8:19
Okay. Have you got a question for the topic, Eira? You got a topic question?

Eira 8:23
Yes. Yes. Go to four minutes.

Bob 8:27
Okay, go ahead.

iON 8:27
That’s a good one. Hey, Eira.

Eira 8:28
Can you hear me now? Hello.

iON 8:33
We are like that Verizon guy. We can hear you now.

Eira 8:37
Good. So, I want to know, can I call back, or is the Egyptian Book of the Dead good for calling back even people that you said were already risen? You said my grandmother went home and my father was risen.

iON 8:58
Yeah. Yes.

Eira 8:58
Do they really need me calling, or they can call themselves?

iON 9:05
If you want them, you can call them. You have that much power. And if they haven’t come back themselves, maybe they don’t have the power. The Book of the Dead is for the dead, not the living. So, if that’s the case, you may.

Eira 9:17
Yeah, but if they have risen, if they have risen as you said. they should have the power, or was it just a dream for them?

iON 9:30
Woulda, coulda, shoulda, we don’t know. We don’t know. Anna canna poutine; you don’t know till you know. See, they have have this position, but they have to apply it. It’s one thing to know it, it’s another thing to do it. See, Bob’s a knower, Carolyn’s a doer.

Eira 9:45
Mmm. Okay.

iON 9:47
It’s Ground, it could be Groundhog Day. They don’t know that they know. Sometimes you gotta kick the chair. Sometimes you gotta kick the chair.

Eira 9:57

iON 9:58
You know this? Okay.

Eira 9:59
And then when you told me that my grandmother had gone home, I was surprised –

iON 10:05

Eira 10:05
– because I didn’t think she had an inkling for these things. I know my father was interested in –

Bob 10:12
Where’s,where’s home, Eira? Where’s home? What ya talking about, gone home?

Eira 10:15
Andromeda. Andromeda.

Bob 10:18
Well, how does one do that? You got to be here. I got to get you on board. You can’t go back there on your own.

Eira 10:24
Well, at the time, oh, it’s, it’s a year ago and a little bit grandmother died. And he said she went through the sun back to Andromeda. Is that still true, iON?

iON 10:40
It’s going. It’s going. Yes. She doesn’t know the difference. It’s going.

Bob 10:47
So, she’s part of the action already that’s, that’s happening.

iON 10:52
Yes. She’s in the queue.

Bob 10:54
All right.

Eira 10:54
So then it might be good for her to be called back.

iON 10:59
Ah, try it.

Bob 11:00
Why not?

iON 11:00
It’d be good practice for ya.

Eira 11:01
It would be good practice for me?

Bob 11:07
What idea did you have that made you think – what, what are you saying that you think something screwed up there. What, what crazy idea you got?

Eira 11:16
I mean, if she is already going by her own volition, then maybe it’s of no use for her that I call her. iON said it’s good practice for me. Still,

iON 11:32

Eira 11:34
Okay. So,

Bob 11:36
You’re not there yet.

iON 11:36
Because it is.

Eira 11:38
So, it is a good practice.

Bob 11:42
Anybody who’s a human is going back, no matter where they are, until they get tested.

Eira 11:51
So are you saying then, iON, that I could get her a better seat on the flight if I call her back?

Bob 11:57
Jesus Christ. You stupid, fucking – I mean stupid, particular shit.

Eira 12:02
Back, Bob. Bob, Bob.

Bob 12:03
You, you’re not even going to get on if you keep this up. Stop asking trivil questions. I want to get a better seat from my mother. Jesus Christ. Come on.

Eira 12:13
No, no, that’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking if it does change –

iON 12:18
The grandmother. Grandmother.

Bob 12:18
I know it’s the grandmother.

Eira 12:19
– does it change anything for –

Bob 12:22
No! Nothing changes. Nothing changes, Eira. You got to go through Bob. If she ain’t talking to me, she doesn’t get on the boat. It’s that simple.

Eira 12:32
If she doesn’t talk to you, okay. She’ll have to talk to you.

Bob 12:35
Everybody has to go to Bob. iON made up this fucking rule. I didn’t make up the rule, iON did.

Eira 12:43
Okay, so I better stop babbling here then.

Bob 12:49
Yes, stop babbling. Okay, so matter of fact, do you have anything, do you have anything to ask about the Book of the Dead.

Eira 12:58
This was about the Book of the Dead.

Bob 13:04
No, it turned out to be not about the Book of the Dead, it was about you trying to arrange a fucking passage for your mother. Grandmother. See, now your fucking –

Eira 13:12
No. It has to do –

Bob 13:14
Okay. These people. It has to do! No, it doesn’t! Okay, Tina, now you got other issues to talk about. We’re not doing it right now. Are you gonna stay up for next two or three hours and wait? You know you have to wait in line, Tina.

Tina 13:33
Yeah, I’m gonna try. I’m gonna try my best.

Bob 13:36
Yeah, I’m gonna play some music.

iON 13:37
We will. Tina, Tina, we will, too. We’ll try, too.

Bob 13:41
Yes, everybody try to stay awake. So, I don’t think I’ll play more than half hour music. I’ll come to you as soon as the music’s over, and you stop being shy. You ask anything and stop worrying about anybody given a fuck who you are and what you know or didn’t know. Okay? You’re not gonna find out anything. Yeah.

iON 13:53
‘Cuz you didn’t know what she didn’t know. You didn’t know what you don’t know.

Bob 14:01
Yeah. Ha ha.

Tina 14:09

Bob 14:07
That’s right. You don’t know what you don’t know. Okay, thank you. All right. And then there’s a couple other people, but they probably – ah –

iON 14:17
Ah, we’re gonna talk to Bert.

Bob 14:19
So, Kenley,. Kenley, you got anything you want to ask about the fucking Book of the Dead? Did you listen to it?

Kenley 14:25
No, nothing about the Book of the Dead.

Bob 14:27
Okay, later. Later.

iON 14:29
There he is. –

Bob 14:30
All right, thank you very much.

iON 14:28
– Hello. And we’re gonna talk to Bert tonight, too, Bob.

Bob 14:31
Ha ha. Yeah, we’re gonna talk to Bert. The guy with a pink moon. Okay, go.

iON 14:40
Yeah. Now, we’ll send you an email.

Bob 14:43
Yeah. Thank you.

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