Transcribed by Nan
Carolyn 0:01
It looks like it’s page 26 and it’s –
iON 0:05
That’s good.
Carolyn 0:05
"THE CHAPTER OF DRINKING WATER IN KHERT-NETER" And it begins: "The am khent priest, Nefer-uben-f, whose word is truth saith; (Carolyn: and the am, so, this guy saith) I, even I, am he who cometh forth from the god Keb." My first question is, so is this priest, Nefer-uben-f, a born-again god who is opening the doors of heaven for those that follow, iON?
iON 0:44
Ah, no, it’s not quite like that. It’s more like standing in the breech. You remember when we had the angel issues before the vial judgments? And there was something like a placeholder? It’s more likened to a placeholder. And the reason we say that is because you really can’t, well, now, see, this is like a double standard here and we don’t do much of these. You really can’t just move back and forth between worlds or realms from the dead to the living from the living to the dead. But then, then you have Lazarus! So, how you know what you’re gonna do with that, you see? What you’re gonna do with that? But, as a bird flies as the crow bones, the dead stay on the dead side. Now, they can creep over, but as a placeholder, but they can’t, like, get you pregnant. They can’t, like, engage things. They can burn your house down, but you have to help them. See, they got to taunt you. They tease you into this haunting crap. But, they know it’s a – did you watch the movie, the crazy movie, "Beetlejuice"? They had these rules and regulations that they had to engage with the living ones about them when they were seeped into a spot or a place. So, without being too far out –
Carolyn 2:00
But, I thought this book, I though this book was about being able to be dead and come back. So, now you’re kind of saying it isn’t that easy.
iON 2:08
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait, no. We’re not sayin’ that. We askin’ this particular question. This book is so that you can bring them back. They won’t have access to this book. –
Carolyn 2:14
iON 2:16
– See, this is on this side. They don’t have access. –
Carolyn 2:25
I see.
iON 2:25
– But this answer to this particular question is a bit of an anomaly because it’s not like being over here. It’s about a placeholder between the two. It holds the channel, it holds the keyhole with the space. If we say it that way, you go: "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah." Because we say keyhole, everybody knows about this: Bob’s sittin’ in the Meissen bottle with his bobblehead, sittin’ on a mantle, you know, that’s normal. As normal runs. Okay.
Carolyn 2:51
Right. Right. Okay. So, this, this priest guy placeholder, not a constant. Got it. Okay, –
iON 3:02
Carolyn 3:02
– then we continue: "The water-flood is given to him," Now, when we were cut off, Bob and I were talking about this water flood, and that’s what Madeline went through. It’s like we stopped –
iON 3:16
No. No, no. She had a flood. Water came through her apartment and blowed everything up. And they couldn’t get it to stop. And they came in and worked and they still never knew and it’s so crazy. They didn’t know where it came from, and it still wouldn’t stop. Yeah, it was pretty bad. Yeah, she wanted a little water. She wanted some water, so she got it. But, now she wants it from a faucet. So, okay.
Carolyn 3:37
Yeah. Okay. So, continuing: "he hath become the master thereof in the form of Hapi. I, the am khent Nefer-uben-f, –
iON 3:50
I the am.
Carolyn 3:49
(Carolyn: I the am, I know) "open the doors of heaven." So, that’s the –
iON 3:51
See the placeholder?
Carolyn 3:55
– placeholder open –
iON 4:01
Carolyn 4:02
– the doors of heaven.
Right. "Thoth hath opened to me the doors of Qebh (the Celestial Waters)."
iON 4:12
Carolyn 4:11
So, Qebh, okay. "Lo, Hepi Hepi, the two sons of the Sky, mighty in splendour, grant ye that I may be master over the water, even as Set had dominion over his evil power on the day of the storming of the Two Lands. I pass by the Great Ones,"
iON 4:15
You got that?
Carolyn 4:28
Well, the storming of the Two Lands; is that live and dead?
iON 4:44
Well, it goes back to the old hymn, "Now, On Land and Sea Descending." Okay, that’s the Two Lands. It’s the two parts. Remember when GQ had one foot on the land and one foot on the sea?
Carolyn 5:01
iON 5:02
Remember that? Remember that?
Carolyn 5:04
I do.
iON 5:04
That was way back there.
Carolyn 5:05
I do.
iON 5:06
Yeah. And that’s in that – from the Little Book, the reference in the Little Book. And that applies to both realms. Now, that’s not two worlds, because this is the Two Lands. For now, those are corporeal. Those are corporeal because everything leads into the next, next, next space. And so, that’s why it’s so much fun, because people are where they are, Carolyn. They are where they are. Now, they’re not where they’re supposed to be sometimes, but they are where they are. But, you don’t push ’em, you let ’em be where they be. And then all of a sudden it shakes and then they realize who they were. And when they realize who they were then that’s who they are, and then they’re fit for a perfect moment just like this. You see? So, they – it’s a, it’s a waxing, waning, but it’s not really a malady. It’s just a position of a placeholder from one foot on the land and one foot on the sea. So it’s good.
Carolyn 5:59
iON 6:00
And, Carolyn, here is another little thing. Here is another little thing. Y’all need to be careful with your tears. They are absolutely – because the way the humans, well, we don’t even like the humans really much. You see, we see everybody as ascended, but they’re not. But, we wish they were. That’s what we are here for, but they’re not. But, we like to see them as that, but they’re not. But those that are and know they are, you need to watch your tears. You need to be very careful for your tears. They will – they, the angels, will do anything to make you be in a position where you have or shed tears. Do you know why? There’s the only way that angels can get salt. And they have to have it.
Carolyn 6:44
Oh, my gosh.
iON 6:45
You are salt and light, and they’re the saltiest part of you. The purest part of you is in your tears. That’s why, that’s why Vestal sings that tears will never stain the streets of that city. Because you’re gonna stop this damn cryin’. And I mean, right this second. You’re gonna quit this damn cryin’, because it’s running them crazy. It’s worse than crack. They gotta have it. They gotta have it, and they’ll do anything to make you cry to get ’em and get access to ’em. It’s amazing. That’s why everybody’s runnin’ around with this nasal crap tryin’ to makey things. The mucus be so backed up all in your system and everything and be all watery-eyed all the time. They’ll do anything. They’ll do anything. Mind your tears. Mind how you handle them, mind what you do with them. Because I’m telling you, they’ll do anything. It’s literally worse than a crack whore. That’s important. Now, we did, we had engaged a little bit extra in there. But you understand, step by step by step, Carolyn, when you open this stuff up, that’s what you’re gettin’. You’re opening up stuff that’s important, but you can’t get it until you get there. Now, let’s go back for one second. Set. What the hell does Set have to do with dominion over the evil power of the day? Why is Set involved in this conversation at all? We thought it was about the humans ascending and being a god. Once you’re god, why are we havin’ this conversation? Because they’re trying to lay it out for you. If you go in there to go get somebody, you gotta know what you’re doin’.
Carolyn 6:50
iON 7:22
So, if you bump into Set, you better know what you’re talking to because that’ll show you on which side or which capacity it’s going to apply. Because here we go. I pass by the Great Ones, arm to shoulder, even as they pass that Great God. Remember, that’s when we’re talkin’ about going to get somebody? The Spirit who is equipped, whose name is Bob Dobbs fucking Neveritt, oh, never, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, no, no. And, I have passed by the Aged One of the shoulder. I am Nefer-uben-f, whose word is truth. Unlike facts, is truth. Hath opened to me the Celestial Water Osiris. You see? Now, this Celestial Water applies to the Living Water, the Living Water that they’ve tryin’ to get their hands on at every level. But, now, you’re not talkin’ about angels. You’re talkin’ about dead people. They have to have it, too. But, they have no hope of getting it. Because, you see how hard is for little man to get ahold of it, Carolyn? God darn, how’s the dead people supposed to get it? We’re certainly not pouring it in the grave. You see, that don’t work.
Carolyn 9:34
And, you’re saying the angels are trying to get it too, iON?
iON 9:38
Yes! They are desperate. Oh, yes, they are. They’re desperate. And they don’t have to have it, but the more you get it, the more chance that you have of ascending and knowing you’re ascended, and then they’re screwed. They’re screwed.
Carolyn 9:52
iON 9:53
Does Jimmy bring packages when there’s packages to bring? But, what if you had to make Jimmy come every time, every time 30 minutes to see is there gonna be any packages? He’d get aggravated with that after a little while. He’d probably do it, –
Carolyn 10:05
iON 10:06
– but if he’s an angel and he HAD to, that’s a different conversation. See the rub? There’s difference in: I got a package, okay, I’m gonna take it up to him. But if I gotta do it every 30 minutes whether I want to or not, they don’t want that or like that. There’s the rub.
Carolyn 10:20
Got itl
iON 10:22
That was good. Okay, now, Celestial Waters to Thoth-Hapi.
Carolyn 10:28
Yes, but let me jump back when it said this: even as they pass that Great God, capital "G," capital "G."
iON 10:39
Yeah, that’s you.
Carolyn 10:40
Now, I’m asking the Great God. Okay, so yeah, it implies there’s someone more powerful than me. Are we the Great Gods? So, yeah, it’s, me.
iON 10:50
Yeah, and that’s the reason we said if you go down to get somebody, you see. If you give it up and you decide that you’re gonna go get Evelyn, you’re gonna go get her, okay, that’s fine, you can do that. You’re powerful enough to do that, that’s fine. If you want to. You don’t have to, sugar. Don’t think you gotta do nothing, but if you chose to, you certainly could; that’s appropriate, it’s necessary or warranted. And these are the sort of the byways to navigate it. Kind of like the step process of getting through the fifth gate when you’re gonna go to the mainland, kind of like that.
Carolyn 11:25
iON 11:26
Kind of like that. And don’t worry. We’ll send somebody to help, we’ll do that. We’re bad like that. Sometimes. But, you don’t want to get like that. You don’t want somebody to have to hold your damn hand and go through the damn gate. You wanna just do it when you wanna do it. You’re autonomous. That’s why these words help, because now you got a base to say: "Uh oh, wait, this isn’t right, stop. Hold on right here. Let’s move this over a little bit. Now it’s lined up. Now we can go." You know. You don’t have to depend on someone else’s place of power to assure your successful transfer.
Carolyn 12:00
Got it.
iON 12:01
That’s pretty good, girl. You’re doing good tonight. You’re doing good tonight.
Carolyn 12:04
Heh heh heh. You’re doing the words. Okay, so we’re – we went through: "I pass by the Great Ones, arm to shoulder, even as they pass that Great God, (Carolyn: which is me) the Spirit who is equipped, whose name is unknown. (Carolyn: and then continuing) I have passed by the Aged One of the shoulder. I am Nefer-uben-f, whose word is truth. Hath opened to me the Celestial Water Osiris, (Carolyn: and you talked about that being the Living Water. Continuing:) Hath opened to me the Celestial Water Thoth-Hapi, the Lord of the horizon, in his name of "Thoth, cleaver of the earth." Now, when it says cleaver of the earth, is that the Two Lands?
iON 0:00
Yeah, the chop. What chops the earth. It parses the earth; the parser.
Carolyn 0:08
Continuing, "I am master of the water, as Set is master of his weapon." So, again, water metaphors, referencing Living Water, and just identifying Set and his evil oversight having the weapons. So, that’s all there. Continuing –
iON 0:30
But, but, see. See, the master – wait a minute – the master has the water that they’ve all got to have, and Set is the master of the weapon. He ain’t got no water though.
Carolyn 0:40
iON 0:40
See, there’ the rub. They’re asking for it. They get versions, they get versions of it, –
Carolyn 0:45
iON 0:46
– but it doesn’t help anything because, see, they’re already in a timeless. The thing that comes into play here that you all are judged by is y’all are trying to play this time thing. It’s the craziest thing we’ve ever seen. I don’t know how – you can’t prove it, you can’t validate it, you can’t mark it, it keeps changing, it keeps slipping, no day is the same length of time, no year’s the same length of circle. It’s insidious. Some days are fast. some days are slow. Christmas, Christmas comes but once a year and it’s slow as molasses. And then trouble comes so fast you can’t get out of it till you’re right back in trouble. It’s crazy how this slippage goes back and forth; it’s not based on anything. So, y’all got time against you, it’s not on your side. The Book of the Dead aspect, they’re timeless, so, they don’t, they’re not judged by this timed element of, "Oh, we better hurry and ascend before it’s too late."
Carolyn 1:36
iON 1:38
Ha ha ha. It’s glib when we said – but we sound that way! We sound that way. We’re like y’all hurry! Come on! Y’all come on. Okay. Heh heh heh.
Carolyn 1:45
Yeah. Ha ha. Yeah, so with the judging, I mean, there’s a lot of words about judgment in, in the Keys, in everything. So, is –
iON 1:58
Carolyn 1:58
– most of the judging about time?
iON 2:02
Apparently, because without it, there would be no judgment. There would be no time for judgment because, see, they deliberate when the deliberations come forth, that’s an element where they’re convening to decide –
Carolyn 2:16
iON 2:16
– if it’s okay or not. appropriate or not, vindicatable or not. Are they worthy? Are they bad as they say they are or are they just sort of bad, bad, bad. You know, do they need killin’ or not kind of thing. So, it’s fun. You been good because you’ve had a lot of practical magic in this, and this has has a lot to do with you. You’ve had a lot of practical magic of how to use this place of power. You’ve watched them fall. My god, how many funerals have you been to that Bob’s caused? I mean, you can get an idea how this thing kind of flies after a little bit; it’s kind of crazy, crazy as it may seem. You know, we are post Mary McLuhan now, so all things are possible. So, giggy for that. So, this rub now, darlin’, is of the place where you start picking at it, okay? Where you start parsing it out and seeing how this waylays itself. What that means is is how you can use – if there was a way to use the power from the deceased against the angels with your power that you have, a mighty army you could raise.
Carolyn 3:25
Yeah, right.
iON 3:28
That’s gonna come up again, we promise. But not right now, but that’s gonna come up again, –
Carolyn 3:36
Got it. Okay-
iON 3:38
– you’ll see. If Reverend Stang lives through it.
Carolyn 3:41
There’s a lot of words about justice as well. What is the difference between judging and justice?
iON 3:51
Well, now justice is a show with Judge Jeanine Pirro; comes on Saturday night. –
Carolyn 3:57
I know.
iON 3:57
– It’s a real good one. That’s, that’s beautiful. That’s a – you see reruns on, it’s on all the time. It’s good. Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro. That’s her show. It’s good. Now, to judge, it’s to sort it out: compartmentalizing or placing something in a right side or a left side. You notice we’re not saying right or wrong because that’s in the judging. I judge you to be appropriate; I judge you to be less than. See? That judgment or this work is good or this work is not, you see? Or, this is pretty good, but it could be better. So, now you’re attaching a value or compartmentalizing a capacity of worth. Capacity of worth. –
Carolyn 4:41
iON 4:41
– So, now you adjust it. You want to be the best "you" you can be. And you’re good at that ‘cuz you do. You want – you don’t know, you don’t care. You just want to be happy and right and together and you know, you got to be good-lookin’ if you’re gonna hang around Bob. He’s not gonna hang around ugly people. You’re beautiful, so – and you’re not fond of ugly people either, but you’re kinder than he is. He’s a little rough, –
Carolyn 5:03
He he he.
iON 5:03
– a little rough on the edges, but at least, you know, you don’t mind them if they’re not ugly, either, so that’s nice. And being more social, you get more touches of the difference or deferral between people. When you’re making value placement for people, "Oh, he’s a nut job. Oh, he’s okay. Or, he’s too forward. Or, he’s not. Yeah, he’s okay. Well, he’s …" You give them the space, but you also discern conditions of position. Okay? Now, that discernment allows you sometimes heads-up of what’s going on. You see? You know what to do with an Ed Seaton. It’s easy after that ‘cuz you know what to do.
Carolyn 5:47
We’re talking about justice and judging, so, are we gettin’ anywhere?
iON 5:53
You’re god, you’re god, and that’s what you do. That’s how you do it. Once you decide then they’re judged.
Carolyn 6:01
Yeah. Okay.
iON 6:04
And we want you to be good at it. And we want you to be appropriate with it. And that’s the, that’s what you’re discerning here. It’s the ultimate discernment, Carolyn, the ultimate penultimate discernment: judgment. Because here’s the rub, you have to be careful. Here’s where you come in. You do this with that kommy nami, lommy harmonica manna wanna honie ponie – whoa, whoa ponnie honey, wait, wait, –
Carolyn 6:30
iON 6:30
– don’t tell us. Don’t tell us. –
Carolyn 6:32
Ho’oponopono. Ha ha ha.
iON 6:32
– Ha ha ha ha – you’re so, you’re so funny when you say it like that. That’s the funniest thing ever. Yeah, comeonIwantalayya. What it’s sayin’ is, "I’m fucked up. And I know I’m fucked up. And if I wish I wasn’t so fucked up, because if I wasn’t so fucked up, then I wouldn’t see how fucked up you are. So, if I got me better than I wouldn’t see how bad you are, and then" –
Carolyn 6:39
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
iON 6:48
– Ha ha ha. So, the condition is this: judgments have to be careful ‘cuz here’s what happens. You’re judged by the same measure. Ah Ryhee! There’s the rub. ‘Cuz, see, if you can’t take it, don’t pitch it ‘cuz you gonna get it. That’s the, that’s the thing. Your famous saying that’ll go down in infamy is, "iON, it’s like taking poison and expecting your enemies to die." Yep. So, that’s it, so keep your judging stick long and slender ‘cuz you get it the same way, and you don’t want that. You wanna do whatever you wanna do. You know, sheez –
Carolyn 7:32
Yeah, yeah.
iON 7:32
– you see? So, that’s the condition. That’s, that’s enough of all that foolishness, but it does give you a little insight on how – we’re trying to give you all the heads-up we can so these crazy, dull, mundane, shoot-myself-in-the-fucking-head words mean somethin’.
Carolyn 7:49
Ah huh. Yeah, good. Good, good. Continuing."I sail over the sky, I am Ra, I am Ru. I am Sma. I have eaten the Thigh, I have seized the bone and flesh." Question: is this bringing the conversation back to the physical talking about thighs and bones and flesh?
iON 8:11
It’s how it applies; dead people have those things, they just don’t have control of them. You’re gonna get to the fire, you’re gonna get to the fire soon.
Carolyn 8:21
Good. Yeah. Okay control over them – continuing: "I go round about the Lake of Sekhet-Ar. Hath been given to me eternity without limit. Behold, I am the heir of eternity, to whom hath been given everlastingness." So, that’s good, fine. And, and then it says: "The following two Chapters are from the Papyrus of Nu, Sheets 7 and 12)" And this Chapter starts with the words, or the title is: "THE CHAPTER OF DRINKING WATER AND OF NOT BEING BURNT UP BY FIRE [IN KHERT-NETER]" Now, Khert-Neter, just to remind everyone, is the underground.
iON 9:12
Right. The dark land. –
Carolyn 9:15
So, the living water-
iON 9:15
– Some say, some say the Shadows, too. Remember, Khert-Neter can also be the Shadows because they’re not jud – they’re not bound. They can sort of ease, so, in the Shadows, the underground or the Shadow, say the Shadows, ‘cuz you don’t know what’s in the inky, misty darkness anyway; so, that could be, that could be the underworld for all you know.
Carolyn 9:38
iON 9:39
Excellent. Good catch.
Carolyn 9:40
Okay, the water – we’re continuing the water and then we’re bringing up some fire. Let’s continue. "Nu saith:- Hail, Bull of Amentet! I am brought unto thee. I am the paddle of Ra wherewith he transported the Aged Gods. Let me neither be burnt up nor destroyed by fire. I am Beb, the firstborn son of Osiris, to whom every god maketh an offering in the temple of his Eye in Anu. I am the divine Heir, the Mighty One, the Great One, the Resting One. I have made my name to flourish. Deliverer, thou livest in me [every day]." So, I don’t know if there’s anything to be said there. It’s just more of going along to the next. It’s like, tagging –
iON 9:46
It’s bleeding-over.
Carolyn 10:17
– more distance. Huh?
iON 10:42
It’s bleeding-over, it’s bleeding-over. ‘Cuz, see, what’s bound on earth is also bound in heaven. For the same thing. Remember, you have Inner Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and Outer kingdom: Inner, Middle, and Outer. Remember the three kings back in the days, of tale of tea? Boy, you gotta be old school. You gotta be an old-timer. You gotta be an Aged One if you can remember the tale of tea, don’t you, Carolyn? That’s back in the day. But, those can bleed over which is why your earth is burning.
Carolyn 11:13
iON 11:13
Bleeding-over. Now they don’t want to be destroyed by fire.
Carolyn 11:19
Yeah, yeah.
iON 11:19
They’re seeing this live – they’re saying that they’re seeing this condition being lived out on this earth. Now, some say, some say – we don’t know who some are, and we don’t know what they say, but some say that we and this engagement are causing this plight and perils to fall upon the land of this earth. That the kingdoms of our god have become the kingdoms of this world. Some would say that, yes, they might. They might say that. So, carry on.
Carolyn 11:54
He he he he. Okay, carbon, carbon, carbon.
iON 11:59
Carolyn 12:00
Next capital chapter and capital letters of this chapter and it says: "THE CHAPTER OF NOT BEING BOILED IN FIRE." So I’m asking, we now know that the earth is being consumed by fire. And I saw a map of Australia yesterday and it’s covered in wildfires. So, you’ve already expressed that and that’s the bleeding-over on earth is, is in the underworld.
iON 12:31
Well, they shot off that mouth. They shot off that mouth. They shot the mouth off. So, that’s what it feels like. And like they did in California. Yeah, they had a little somethin’. We told them, said: "Say something!" And they said, all right. Oops, there it is.
Carolyn 12:48
And they shot their mouth off in what way, iON?
iON 12:53
Oh, not agreeing with this whole process of being above it all, autonomist in their conditioned repose. Listen to them on the TV; they talking about it as, "Well, our houses burned down, but it doesn’t really matter and oh, we had to go stand in the ocean so we didn’t burn up! But it’ll be okay. And we hope our friends and family make it just…" – but, it’s just like so prim and proper with the whole thing and it’s kind of like your damn country’s burned to the ground. How are you, how are you so calm? But, get ’em on TV. It’s kind of like when they have a tornado, the first place that goes is to the local trailer park. Ha ha ha. It never fails. That’s where it’s gonna go because they can’t take – that’s the one place that can’t take that, you see. Where’s the water, Carolyn? –
Carolyn 13:44
So, you’re –
iON 13:44
– They always have water in Australia.
Carolyn 13:48
– okay, okay –
iON 13:49
Where’s the water? They ain’t got none.
Carolyn 13:49
Ha ha. Right. Okay, so you’re saying it’s people just wimping out, acting like little man, not using their god power to turn it off.
iON 14:01
Carolyn 14:02
It’s the little people.
iON 14:03
That’s exactly right.
Carolyn 14:03
iON 14:04
That’s right. Now, some might say that this condition of ascension that’s being offered, however profanely, that that’s causing or ushering that into a larger place. And we ain’t, we ain’t mad. We ain’t mad. We ain’t arguing. We just sayin’, just sayin’, just sayin’. So, you know, you do it what you want to, but people are startin’ – if you, if you pole or, or if you quiz the quorum present, what you’re gonna find out is there’s some people are actually experiencing this. –
Carolyn 14:40
iON 14:40
– And then as things shift, Carolyn, they’re being quiet as a church fucking mouse; they ain’t sayin’ nothin’. They got it, they worked it out. They know and they ain’t sayin’ nothin’. They’re just being real quiet because they’re afraid, they don’t want it to stop. They don’t want to lose this magic that they have. They don’t want to lose control of their connection that they have the ability to, and they see us turn on people like a, like a two-headed serpent here this right quick; drop ’em like a bad habit. And then they don’t want that; they want to engage. And so the point is, is you feed that thing that is until it comes into a place where it starts to be meaningful and work for you. Just the way you did it. You know, you said. "I ain’t havin’ this. I won’t do it until I get it the way I want it and give a shit if it hairlips the queen. I’m gonna do it until I get it the way I want it. And I’m only gonna see it the way I want it. And the sooner y’all figure it out, the better it’s gonna go for you. And you do that great. Now, we don’t always necessarily 100% agree; that don’t make any difference. It’s working. See? That’s the point, it’s working. Now, if it don’t work, then adjust it just a little bit. You don’t gotta slam on the brakes, just ease off the gas a little bit. So, you got it. Now, that’s how you keep from getting boiled by fire. Now, go ahead.
Carolyn 15:58
Yeah. Awesome. Continuing: "Nu saith:- I am the paddle which is equipped, wherewith Ra transported the Aged Gods," I’ve never heard of Aged Gods because there’s no time, so, what kind of misnomer is that?
iON 16:17
Yeah, mature – no, no, Aged Gods are mature. The original Saint Germain would be an example of an Aged God.
Carolyn 16:30
Got it.
iON 16:31
Ginneybelle’s mother would be one Aged Watcher. She done this a long time, you see?But she’s good at it. She knows the ins and outs of it. And in "Fringe," that – the little bald-headed man that messed up and changed everything. He would be an Aged Watcher. But, there’s always a hierarchy because that’s how power flows from above. You see? But, you know, you still have the room to do it. You still got, you still got the room to – you know, you make your cauliflower any way you want to. They ain’t caring about that. So, it’s good.
Carolyn 17:05
Right, Okay, just backing up to continue: Nu saith:- I am the paddle which is equipped, wherewith Ra transported the Aged Gods, which raised up the emissions of Osiris from the Lake of blazing fire, and he was not burned." So, I’m asking, or saying, so, we see here that in spite of all this fire, we are not burned. You’ve already explained that because we’re ascending and ascended. –
iON 17:37
Carolyn 17:37
– Now, the emissions of Osiris, is that just him spewing water on the fire?
iON 17:45
Not necessarily. Not necessarily. Not necessarily. See, the the lake is from the Lake of burn, blazing fire.
Carolyn 17:55
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
iON 17:56
It may be what’s causing the thing. –
Carolyn 17:58
So, what –
iON 17:59
– ‘Cuz he was not burned. The fire’s the Lake of fire. The scriptures, remember in Revelation it talks a great deal about the burning lake of fire; and Johnny Cash did, too. He fell into a burning lake of fire.
Carolyn 18:11
Ha ha. Right.
iON 18:12
Yeah, remember? They sing about it. Same thing.
Carolyn 18:16
So, what are the emissions of Osiris, I guess, is my question.
iON 18:22
Carolyn 18:25
Okay, got it.
iON 18:26
And he was not, and he was not burned, the Light-god.
Carolyn 18:29
Got it. Perfect. Continuing: "I sit down like the Light-god, and like Khnemu," How – say again? Newemu?
iON 18:42
Khnemu. Khnemu.
Carolyn 18:45
"Khnemu, the Governor of lions. Come, cut away the fetters from him that passeth by the side of this path, and let me come forth therefrom." So, I’m saying cutting the fetters, are these the last attachments we have to being little men?
iON 19:12
Yes, it’s when you go back and you know everything is okay. And you know if you’re gonna be all right. And everything is okay. And you still go back to that oncologist one more goddamn time to "let me make sure that there’s not some more little stray." One little cell there that’s not gonna consume you. One more little time that "I may see, oh, if I could just have one more chemotherapy maybe I’d feel a little bit better if I go along the way." See? One last time.
Carolyn 19:43
Right. You know what I call that iON? I call it treating fear. You’re medicating your fear.
iON 19:53
Carolyn 19:54
iON 19:54
Poison. That’s good. Treating fear. Medicate. Y’all got it, rock it down. Mark it down.
Carolyn 20:03
Ha ha. The next Chapter is called: THE CHAPTER OF GIVING AIR IN KHERT-NETER." So, we had water, then fire, now air. Now, this is the air, fire, water, Akasha that some cultures talk about. So, is Akasha the ascending or ascended place?
iON 20:27
No, it’s no. It’s just what they called it.; it was the marker that lets you know there’s a difference. Do you remember the movie, the movie with the, with Bruce Willis? "The Fifth Element."
Carolyn 20:41
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 20:43
It’s like that; those combinations with Leeloo in the middle, that completes it.
Carolyn 20:48
iON 20:48
But see, they had to have the earth, wind, fire and water to hold those places. Plus the perfect what you call the perfect being.
Carolyn 20:57
Yeah. Got it. No problem.
iON 21:01
If you say it like that, you don’t add a negative connotation to it.
Carolyn 21:06
Or even a positive –
iON 21:07
‘Cuz, you see Bob –
Carolyn 21:08
– you know, Bob –
iON 21:09
Carolyn 21:09
– Bob talks about my, my tridosha being air, fire, Akasha and thinks there’s something –
iON 21:15
Carolyn 21:15
– special about it but it’s just a marker for the –
iON 21:18
Well, and see, and then he’ll play, and then he’ll play "Earth Wind and Fire" and think that applies too, so, you know, it is what it is, so, no problem. It’s so fun.
Carolyn 21:28
Ahh. Continuing –
iON 21:30
Why won’t he, but he won’t play Eartha Kitt. We don’t understand that, but we wish he would. But, he just won’t.
Carolyn 21:36
I know, I asked for it. Yeah.
iON 21:39
I know, it’s just – he’s got his own way.
Carolyn 21:41
Continuing – Yeah, he’s our Bob. "The Osiris Ani saith:- I am the Egg which dwelt in the Great Cackler." Now, this was funny to me. –
iON 21:54
Cackler. Cackler.
Carolyn 21:55
– So, what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Cackler.
iON 21:58
The Cackler, the Cackler comes first. Of course the Cackler comes first, ‘cuz the egg dwelt in the Cackler, so the Cackler had to be here first.
Carolyn 22:10
Mm hmm. I was saying crackler ‘cuz it’s like you crack the egg and you get, you get crackler.
iON 22:15
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That wouldn’t, that wouldn’t be that, that’d be which came first, the crackler or the omelet? I guess the crackler came first and then the omelet.
Carolyn 22:26
Right. Continuing "I keep ward over that great place which Keb hath proclaimed upon earth." So, I’m saying that Keb is back. –
iON 22:39
Carolyn 22:39
– So that’s the marker at the gate. But I was wondering is Keb bringing us back to the physical? I keep seeming to think we should come back.
iON 22:52
It’s the window, it’s the window.
Carolyn 22:54
iON 22:54
It’s the windows. It’s the windows that you can open, but then Bob get started and you feel compelled you have to close the windows. Well, Keb is the window closer.
Carolyn 23:05
Yeah, got it. ‘Cuz it – continuing: "I live; it liveth. I grow up. I live, I snuff the air." So here iON, –
iON 23:18
Air. Air.
Carolyn 23:19
– snuff, does it mean snuff your life or sniff the air? Okay, so it’s air. Got it. Air. I am continuing: "I am Utcha-aab. I go round about his egg [to protect it]. I have thwarted" Okay, so egg there does that mean our beginnings? Like we’re back to being an egg like before?
iON 23:45
No no no, it’s the containment. The egg contains it. –
Carolyn 23:50
iON 23:50
– It holds the yolk and the albumin in place; the egg "is" already. The egg is the protector.
Carolyn 23:57
Got it.
iON 23:58
You could do it all the way down to the scrotum if you want to get that far with it, that protective area that allows it to function.
Carolyn 24:06
Yeah, yeah, a cup. He’s wearing a cup.
iON 24:11
There you go.
Carolyn 24:11
Okay, continuing: "I have thwarted the moment of Set." So, that means he’s overcome the evil, I would say correct?
iON 24:22
Yeah, he thwart – it’s been thoroughly thwarted.
Carolyn 24:29
And continuing: "Hail, Sweet one of the Two Lands! Hail, dweller in the tchefa food! Hail, dweller in the lapis-lazuli!"
iON 24:41
That would be you.
Carolyn 24:42
"Watch ye over him that is in his cradle, the Babe when he cometh forth to you." So again, it it’s like this is a wrap up, a summary of how we are, how we’re doin’ so far. Is this a summary?
iON 25:04
Yeah, and it gives the example. It gives an example of how you separate yourself from your power and how you get to be. If you’re powerless, this is the way to become powerless. See, they can’t, they can tell you how to get rid of your power, but they can’t tell you how to get it back. Now, ain’t that a bitch? They’ll tell you how to, they’ll teach you how to build – you remember what a Rubik’s cube is?
Carolyn 25:30
Yeah, yeah.
iON 25:32
They’ll teach you how to – they’ll give you smarts to create a Rubik’s Cube, but won’t make you smart enough to learn how to figure it out, how to solve it.
Carolyn 25:41
Continuing. There’s an APPENDIX now, and supposedly in the appendix, the next title is: "THE CHAPTER OF GIVING AIR TO NU IN KHERT-NETER." So, there was Keb, now there’s NU. So, NU is both capitalized; N and U are capitals. –
iON 26:07
Carolyn 26:07
– What is NU?
iON 26:11
You’ll see. It’s another aspect. You go through each chain, kind of like around the clock, rockin’ around the clock. –
Carolyn 26:17
Yeah, yeah.
iON 26:18
– Each aspect, you got to go from every capacity. Do you remember in the original symbols back in the day? Whoo, honey, we’re goin’ back old school tonight, darlin’. Remember like the wind? –
Carolyn 26:28
iON 26:28
– The wind chime is like a spiral, like a double helix spiral. It steps, steps, steps –
Carolyn 26:35
Yes, got it.
iON 26:35
– all the way down and around. It’s like that, and so each aspect or ratio has to be confirmed in the terraforma condition.
Carolyn 26:48
Yeah, got it. Condition. Continuing: "He saith:- Hail, thou god Temu, grant thou unto me the sweet breath which dwelleth in thy nostrils!" So, I’m saying we have the summary, now we’re going into the details; and is this the breath of life?
iON 27:15
Ah, you hope it is, but we got to see. You got to developed that. –
Carolyn 27:23
iON 27:23
– You hope it is. It could be it, it could be, could be the breath of death, but we’re gonna see in just a minute.
Carolyn 27:28
Yah, I’ve got it. Yeah, yeah. Got it. And the next word sound like another summary saying: "I am the Egg which is in Kenken-ur (the Great Cackler), and I watch and guard that mighty thing which hath come into being, wherewith the god Keb hath opened the earth. I live;
iON 27:54
Little, little god, little god, little god. Notice that.
Carolyn 27:57
Yeah. Small "g." "I live; it liveth; I grow, I live, I snuff the air. I am the god Utcha-aabet, and I go about his egg. I shine at the moment of the mighty of strength, Suti. Hail, thou who makest sweet the time of the Two Lands! Hail, dweller among the celestial food. Hail, dweller among the beings of blue (lapis-lazuli), watch ye to protect him that is in his nest, the Child who cometh forth to you." Anything to say there, except that it’s the summary now?
iON 28:43
It’s laying out. Well, it’s laying out the process from this condition of how you become a little man because you’re on this side; that’s in another realm. But, this is laying out what happened. And so it’s very significant because now that’s why that the dead have all this capacity, can do all these things, because that’s where that came from. You see?The Inner, Outer, Middle Kingdom.
Carolyn 29:11
That’s where what came from?
iON 29:12
Lttle men.
Carolyn 29:15
So, the dead little men have all this capacity. All what capacities?
iON 29:22
To be able to say they’re smarter than the little man on the earth that aren’t gods. They got it together more; they can protect the egg; they say what’s going on. They say what DNA you get; they tell whether you’re gonna have spina bifida or not. Ha ha ha. Well, we pulled that one out the air. Where’d you see that one comin’ from?
Carolyn 29:44
So, the dead are smarter – no, so, you’re saying the dead are smarter than the little man on earth.
iON 29:53
Yep, we are. Well, how else could they spook ya? How come we say, "Boo!" and you go run under your bed? How do they come around and tear somethin’ up and get you all messed up? How can they haunt your damn houses and walk and shake and rattle the chains and screwed you to death and all these kind of foolishness; these spirits, earth-bound spirits are called that have the ability to do whatever they want to do. And everybody thinks, oh, they can’t –
Carolyn 30:20
iON 30:21
– do nothin’ to me. Okay, great, but then why are you talkin’ about them. You see? So, yes, they have capacity.
Carolyn 30:27
Okay, and you say they, they protect the Egg and they decide about spinal bifida. Tell me about that.
iON 30:36
They can, they say what you’re gonna have a propensity to if you’re not gonna be human, you’re not gonna be god. You’re gonna be some aberration, some less than thing. Well, they get to decide what palsy you might engage.
Carolyn 30:52
Now did they get to decide that through the angels? How do they do that?
iON 30:59
No, no, no, no. It’s the essence of this coming through this power that they’re covering. I shine at the moment of the mighty of strength, Suti. Hail, thou who makest sweet the time of the Two Lands! That Land and this Land.
Carolyn 31:15
Mmm. Okay, so we –
iON 31:18
And so, so some people, some people, some people are born and they have longevity. They live long, okay?
Carolyn 31:26
Mm hmm.
iON 31:27
So they do. Well, they’re all eternal, but some people bite it young as they say, because they’re in and out of this thing. They’re still eternal. And that’s what this is acknowledging; but see, they’re trying to get you back to their Land. They want to get you back into the dead. They’re telling you how you got here to the point where it’s like, okay, it ain’t all you say. But, here’s where you get the insight. These words here, allow you to know it, darlin’, you get to know something. And when you know something, guess what? You get to drive it. Because you know it, you can drive it. You’re goin’, nah ah, ah, I don’t think so. When they call and say, Oh, you got to do so and so, and you got to do this. Oh, I’m sorry, that is taken care of. We already know how this goes. We’ve already documented everything. You don’t have anything to say here. It’s good, it good because you got the heads-up. Well, when you got the heads-up, that’s what this is about. It’s what this is about.
Carolyn 32:30
Yeah, okay, good. Good. Good. Thank you. Okay.
iON 32:34
Now, you want an example? You want an example of how this layin’ out? You wannna know how this is working out?
Carolyn 32:40
iON 32:41
Okay, remember President Jimmy Carter? He was presi-
Carolyn 32:44
iON 32:44
– he’s the oldest president. He’s pretty good. Rosalynn ain’t good for nothin’. Rosalynn, she’s sweet, but she’s just, she’s sorta out of her mind. And that’s all right. If you had to know what she knew, it’s pretty good. That’s his wife, but she’s real sweet, comes from a good family. Lillian, Lillian was good people, too. That Jimmy’s momma. Billy, he drank beer too much; he just didn’t do too much else, but he was all right, I guess. But regardless, didn’t help. As it rocks and rolls along, what happened is he had this problem with these people, the sand Negroes had him over – they had them hostages that they held, and what they done is that they would not let them out until a new president come on the buggy, on purpose to defy him. Okay, now that’s come full circle from a fight that’s been goin’ on, but this is gonna talk about that very battle. It’s going to be discussed here. ‘Cuz where does Megiddo hook to? Well, it’s comin’, don’t worry. So, now it’s a different fight. It’s a different conversation. Now what happened is you’ve got the last trump of God says: You do one thing to any asset or any American, we’re gonna blow your shit up. You know, we’re not gonna have this discussion – Huh? We’re not we’re not gonna have this discussion no more. Now, govern yourself accordingly because I’m tellin’ you, I’m gonna fuck you up. Just so you know. If you don’t like it, then don’t do this. But if you do this, I’m gonna fuck you up; and I am the bastion that’s gonna stand at the gate. Let you know, thank God that Bob in all his all mightyness was bold enough to share with Donald J. Trump the ability and the capacity to rule the world, because Bob would be too harsh with them. It’d be – the ocean to be too full of bodies and then they’d complain about the plastic. We love plastic in the ocean. They complain about the plastic, but wait till they get ahold of one of these bodies floatin’ in there, that’d be pretty crazy as it goes. So, it’s good. So, now it’s real easy. So, that’s the full circle of – how many years? 33-year circles that run through this cycle. That those are now catching up. So now, retribution from that problem is being taken care of in a 33-year poop. Bob will have some fun with that one day, likely. We’d buy that for $1, Carolyn.
Carolyn 35:12
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so this, this I am the Egg, I watch and guard that mighty thing which Keb hath opened. I live; it liveth; I grow, I live, I snuff the air. I am the god, and I go about his egg. I shine at the moment of the mighty of strength, Suti. Hail thou who makest sweet the time of the Two Lands! Hail, dweller among the celestial food. Hail, dweller among the beings of blue, watch ye to protect him that is in his nest, the Child who cometh forth. Okay. Okay, makes sense. Got it.
iON 36:02
It’s the next, next, the next step; it’s the next step. But, you got to know from those different angles that’s where they’re comin’. ‘Cuz it’s not what they have to say, it’s where they’re comin’ from. You did it with your patients, you did it with your patients. That way, it doesn’t matter what your words are, you got to document from where they’re coming from.
Carolyn 36:20
iON 36:22
Now, you know what you know, but that don’t help them. That don’t help them. But, if you ever find where they’re coming from, then you can change it. And once you change it, then their health, it’s a different condition. You see? You made magnesium; you may ReMag in a way that helps them, but if they don’t take it, how does that help them? Well, I guess if they own it, maybe it make ’em feel better. I don’t know, maybe. Maybe they they can rub it on their chest. Just leave it in the bottle and rub the bottle on their chest. Maybe that’d be –
Carolyn 36:48
Yeah, rub the bottle. Right. Right.
iON 36:48
– we’re not sure. And we’re not sure, but if it does it, you know, hey, it’s okay. It’s okay.
Carolyn 36:56
Right, right. Okay. Bob, do you want me to continue? Yep. Next Chapter: "THE CHAPTER OF GIVING AIR IN KHERT-NETER. Nu saith:- I am the jackal of jackals. I am Shu. I draw air from the presence of the Light-god, from the uttermost limits of heaven, from the uttermost limits of earth, from the uttermost limits of the pinion of Nebeh bird. May air be given unto this young divine Babe. [My mouth is open, I see with my eyes.] So, it’s kind of like bringing back the the little man babe. It’s giving them another chance, correct?
iON 37:48
Yeah, and it’s – you remember the movie, movie "The Omen" back in the day when they talk about real scary, now, the days when people had (indistinct) or they had (indistinct), and that was actually a scary picture. You know, it was like shocking. And they’d sing, they’d sing the, they’d sing the, the Latin music oprap, apop, pop, oka pop, they’d do that. It’d be out loud Opry-like singing. You’d know to be scared. And they were saying that that was a, that the Omen, that the beast was born of a jackal. –
Carolyn 38:19
iON 38:19
– That connects that storyline, this picture, that it was born or birthed of a jackal. This is the jackal of the jackals. And see, it controls the air of the – some call it negativity, but we call it positive because we’re positive they can make the devils. See, you got to know how to deal with that aspect. ‘Cuz you see there’s an aspect of the demonic side, which is an angel. So, they can flow fluidly go here and fro. So, they’re not judged by any of this, but that’s not the problem. The problem is is that you’re a god here on this earth and you won’t take, you won’t show up for your ascension. You won’t show up for the coronation. So, this is how to know the difference. So, if you’re not gonna sin and you get screwed, hard, you’ll know how it happened. We’re gonna tell you how it happened and you can shake yourself if you want to. That way just so we – just say somethin’. Yeah.
Carolyn 39:16
Yeah. Got it.
iON 39:18
Pretty good. Pretty good.
Carolyn 39:21
Nice. Yeah. Very nice. Next: "THE CHAPTER OF SNUFFING THE AIR WITH WATER." Soungs like a neti pot, iON.
iON 39:31
Yeah, ha ha. They even got, they even got machines, they even got machines now. People are too damn sorry to use a neti pot, Carolyn. –
Carolyn 39:39
iON 39:39
– They got this thing that pumps it through one side and sucks it other another and does all kinds of nasty. And they got it clear so you can see what you’re doin’. It’s kinda like, eww, I don’t think I want to see what came out if that’s the case. Make that dark, but such is the case. Such is the case.
Carolyn 39:55
Right. "THE CHAPTER OF SNUFFING THE AIR WITH WATER IN KHERT-NETER. Hail, Tem. Grant thou unto me the sweet breath which dwelleth within thy nostrils. I am he who embraceth that great throne which is in the city of Unu. I keep watch over the Egg of Kenken-ur (the Great Cackler). I grow and flourish as it groweth and flourisheth. I live as it liveth. I stuff the air as it snuffeth the air." So, I’m saying here, here, here is the third chapter of, of not letting – oh, that’s from, that’s below – um – I’m jumping ahead.
iON 40:44
Right, but now, no, no, no, no. But it’s an example. It’s an example. You’re right. You’re right. You’re right, it is that below, but it says they’re basically claiming that they have a capacity of how it’s gonna go on this side. That’s, that’s the infer – if you were to infer something out of that, it would be a wait a minute. This is over there? Wait, no, they have the control. So that’s gonna affect me over here. So you mean these devils in hell get to decide whether my house is gonna burn here or not? Well, I’ll show you. If I knew that was the case, I wouldn’t build that house.
Carolyn 41:16
iON 41:18
See, if I didn’t build that house, you can’t burn it.
Carolyn 41:21
Ha ha ha. Got it. So, the next Chapter, "THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEART OF A MAN BE SNATCHED AWAY FROM HIM IN KHERT-NETER." So, I’m saying, here’s the third chapter of not letting, and I look back and I saw the first was "THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEART OF THE OSIRIS, THE ASSESSOR OF THE DIVINE OFFERINGS OF ALL THE GODS, ANI, WHOSE WORD IS TRUTH BEFORE OSIRIS, BE DRIVEN BACK FROM HIM IN KHERT-NETER." The second was "THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEART-SOUL OF A MAN BE SNATCHED AWAY FROM HIM IN KHERT-NETER." So, I’m wondering, when the book talks about the heart in this way, does it really mean the pericardium but then, ‘cuz earlier we said the pericardium is a transforming ascender. But then just below this chapter –
iON 42:27
It is, it is, it is the heart. It is the heart.
Carolyn 42:32
Yes, but then they do talk about the heart-case. So they –
iON 42:36
Right. The pericardium.
Carolyn 42:37
– have the heart and the heart-case which is the pericardium. So the question is, –
iON 42:46
See – go ahead.
Carolyn 42:46
You go.
iON 42:48
No, you go. You’re more important.
Carolyn 42:49
Okay, now the question becomes – heh heh. The emissions of Osiris, um, what is more important, the heart or the heart-case? You know, we know the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart.
iON 43:03
You know, that’s exactly. That’s what we say every single time without fail or exception. Because the matter that contains it, the heart-case is a part of the heart. You can’t have a heart without a heart-case.
Carolyn 43:18
iON 43:19
If you destroy the pericardium or if you get an infection in the pericardium, it will destroy the muscle of the heart.
Carolyn 43:26
Right. So now we finally know what that phrase means. The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. It is the heart-case. –
iON 43:34
Carolyn 43:34
– Yeah, so the heart physical and the heart-case. Okay, so then –
iON 43:39
Which liveth.
Carolyn 43:39
– I’m asking. Yeah, so the heart is physical and the heart-case – is the heart-case, the pericardium, non physical?
iON 43:55
You’re asking is it non physical, and we’d say yes.
Carolyn 43:59
Wow. And is the heart physical?
iON 44:03
Ahh. Typically, we have to say typically because you can have somebody with a heart of stone, and that’s not.
Carolyn 44:15
Heh heh.
iON 44:16
See, the heart. No, no, they, you know, the Hard Hearted Hannah. It was pretty rough. You can have that aspiration ‘cuz the muscle itself has containment of other imbued capacity. You see, in all the – remember the beating heart of Jack Sparrow and –
Carolyn 44:34
iON 44:35
– "The Pirates of the Caribbean," no Caribbean, Caribbean, no wait. Nice. Let’s see. "Pirates of the Caribbean." No. They were in the Caribbean but it’s nice, the Caribbean, anyway, the movie they have to get the heart. –
Carolyn 44:48
Keep going, keep going.
iON 44:49
– Still-beating heart. They keep ripping your still-beating heart out. Well, they’re getting’ that by the pericardium somehow. See, there’s the rub. So, that aspect that goes with that muscle part could be both parts because it does. ‘Cuz see, the heart-case which liveth shall not be given unto thee. See, that’s why the dead are trying to gain it.
Carolyn 45:13
Yes, I see.
iON 45:17
You see, the propitiation, the prayer, doesn’t ever work, apparently.
Carolyn 45:26
Right. Right. Pray, pray, pray. So, I looked up in the notes here the heart-case is mentioned 24 times in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Heart is mentioned 181 times, but the heart actually has both.
iON 45:47
Carolyn 45:48
The heart-case is just the heart-case, where the heart is the heart and the heart-case. Correct?
iON 45:56
Ahh. Okay, empirically, the answer to your question, anatomically, yes, that is correct. ‘Cuz you don’t talk about one without the other. And if you have an infection of the pericardium, you have an infection – heart disease, you see. So, that infliction, they’re all as one thing. Okay, it’d be like the gallbladder and the guts of the gallbladder is all the gallbladder, right?
Carolyn 46:24
iON 46:26
Well, okay, so in that case, yes, it would, but now, we will defer it in the lead up in about two seconds. So, don’t get too hung up on it because it’s for sure gonna shift a bit.
Carolyn 46:40
Yeah, you’ll defer it in a difference, won’t you?
iON 46:44
Yeah, viva la difference because we’ve got to get it to where you can apply it because you’re gonna go into the details soon of how to make these magic things and incantations and spells and all the things that you can stir it so that you can freeze the heart. Well, how you gonna – you gonna freeze the pericardium and make it stop that way? No, the pericardium is gonna stand ‘cuz they don’t want you to be the track to find out how you were able to rip their heart out. You see?
Carolyn 47:14
Ahh, right.
iON 47:14
So, that’s the reason we’re sayin’ there’s aspects, there’s aspects that we’re going to show ‘cuz it’s very, very cool. It’s way cool. That’s why you’re only doing a page and a half, that’s why you’re doing a page and a half a week. Ha ha ha ha.
Carolyn 47:29
Exactly. Love it.
iON 47:29
And it’s all good ‘cuz we keep babblin’ on. And Bob lets us babble, so it’s a good thing. –
Carolyn 47:34
Yeah, he does.
iON 47:35
– We have to talk about him more. He’ll cut us – we have to talk about him more or he’ll cut us off, so, you know that.
Carolyn 47:41
Yeah, ‘cuz he’s finished eatin’ his pizza and finished banging around the kitchen. He’s sitting now, so we don’t know how long that’s going to last.
iON 47:48
He washed his hands. Not long. He’s about to bust right now. He would play some more bad music.
Carolyn 47:56
Well, you let me know too, iON when, when it’s a good time to stop, but I’m going to continue if that’s okay with you.
iON 48:05
Sure, come on, we’re okay. It’s all right, we might hit somethin’.
Carolyn 48:09
Yep, continuing: "The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, saith:- Get thee back, O messenger of every god! (iON: little "g." Carolyn: Yeah, hm mm.) Art thou come to [snatch away] my heart-case which liveth? My heart-case which liveth shall not be given unto thee. [As] I advance, the gods hearken unto my propitiation [prayer] and they fall down on their faces [whilst] they are on their own land." Now, they’re not saying that they’re going to smash the heart, they’re going to smash the heart-case.
iON 48:54
Carolyn 48:55
iON 48:55
See, that’s the reason of the deference. That’s the point of the deference because they’re not even addressing the heart, they’re talkin’ about a paper sack.
Carolyn 49:05
iON 49:05
I don’t want your nuts I want your scrotum.
Carolyn 49:11
‘Cuz if they take the sack, they take everything.
iON 49:15
It’s gonna fall out, sure as shootin’.
Carolyn 49:18
Mm hmm. Okay, and the next is another APPENDIX and then the next chapter: THE CHAPTER OF NOT ALLOWING THE HEART…TO BE CARRIED AWAY DEAD IN KHERT-NETER." So, we’ve already talked about that, the – taking the sack, the heart just falls out, but then you don’t want that falled-out heart to be carried away, right, iON?
iON 49:54
Correct, and you got to protect it. Everybody’s trying to protect their heart muscle when they should be protecting the case.
Carolyn 50:01
Yeah – um – so, in our world of RNA ReSet, we, we – I talk mostly about protecting the heart with the ReMag to begin with. Is there something more that can protect the pericardium? Is that the collagen you’ve been telling me about?
iON 50:30
Yes. It does, but it’s more about, it’s more about yes, and it’s more about changing the pericardial fluid. That fluid. It’s changing the fluid –
Carolyn 50:41
Yeah. Ahh.
iON 50:41
– which your ReMag does brilliantly and the ReMyte helps stabilize the body so it can hold it. They don’t – y’all not gettin’ – you’re not talkin’ about ReMyte enough, number one. And you’re not given enough credit for what it does because it doesn’t stand up and it doesn’t make you shit. It doesn’t make your eyes bleed. It doesn’t do all these other things that you can notice that you know where you are, that you – it’s like digitalis when you’re trying to get a dig level from Lanoxin to see how much you got into your body tryin’ to make your heart pump a little bit cleaner when all you’re really talkin’ about here the ReMyte allows you to have a more stabilized electrophoresis containment that allows your – the frequency of your heart be cleaner. Meaning, meaning, meaning the place that allows you to mark so that, that containment is contained.
Carolyn 51:55
Now, none of those words made a whole lot of sense, so, let’s just see what –
iON 51:59
They don’t have to. Take, take, take ReMyte, and it’ll make the, the, the frequency, the frequency that your body has from the electrolytes in your body, they’re more balanced. And when they’re more balance, the heart can pump more appropriately.
Carolyn 52:23
Yeah. Okay.
iON 52:27
That’s all. Or don’t and die early, so that’s good, too.
Carolyn 52:33
Right. And the fluid in the pericardium responds to ReMyte is what you’re saying.
iON 52:42
It does, it changes – ah, well, no, the fluid is made more stable when you are – the electrolytes in your body are raised or balanced.
Carolyn 52:54
Yeah. Yeah. Got it.
iON 52:58
‘Cuz, see, if you’re electrolytes – here’s the trick. You’ll like this. And even if people are having ketone trouble and acidosis and all that kind of stuff, that’s a whole nother conversation; we get all that. We’re not talking about the renal aspects of the meatsack body, but do you realize that if your electrolyte are in balance that you cannot be dehydrated? Impossible.
Carolyn 53:20
I believe it. Yeah, yeah ‘cuz the, the electrolyte minerals in the cells will pull out the fluid from everywhere and keep you hydrated. –
iON 53:36
Right. Have no choice but to.
Carolyn 53:36
– You’ll, you’ll urinate less. Even if you – yeah, even if you aren’t drinking and you urinate less and then one day there’ll be no dehydration. Got it. Thank you.
iON 53:49
Yeah. Good. It’s good, even if you could use a little more fluid in your meatsack.
Carolyn 53:56
Yeah. That’s why I tell people to pump it in, just pump it, pump it. Continuing –
iON 54:05
Pee like a racehourse. Wait till they can pee like Bob. Then they’ll really be doin’ somethin’.
Carolyn 54:10
I know. Amy on the chat was talking about pump, pump, pump. So, pump it Amy! Continuing: "[Nu, whose word is truth, saith]:- My heart is with me, and it shall never come to pass that it be carried away. I am the Lord of Hearts, the slayer of the heart-case." Hmm. –
iON 54:34
See? See?
Carolyn 54:35
– Now why do you slay the heart? Mm hmm.
iON 54:39
See, he’s the Lord of hearts, the slayer of the heart-case.
Carolyn 54:44
I know. Why?
iON 54:48
‘Cuz, you’ll see. Keep goin’.
Carolyn 54:51
Okay, heh heh, you’ll see. "I live in truth, I have my being therein. I am Horus, the Dweller in Hearts, [I am]
iON 55:04
Remember? It was Horus. Horus, Horus is the god of the dead, remember?
Carolyn 55:10
Yeah. Mm hmm. So, this Horace who’s the Dweller in Hearts, so, he’s taken over our hearts.
iON 55:25
Well, well, controller of the hearts. ‘Cuz see, that’s what they say: that as long as the heart’s beatin’ there’s life; even though you’re brain dead, they can still keep you alive. But once the heart’s quit, then it’s troublesome. Not so much.
Carolyn 55:39
Mm hmm. So, "I live in truth, I have my being therein. I am Horus, the Dweller in Hearts, [I am] in the Dweller in the body. I have life by my word, my heart hath being. My heart-case shall not be snatched away from me, it shall not be wounded, it shall not be put in restraint if wounds are inflicted upon me. [If] one take possession of it I shall have my being in the body of my father Keb and in the body of my mother Nut. I have not done that which is held in abomination by the gods. (Carolyn: small "g") I shall not suffer defeat [for] my word is truth." So, the heart, the defender of the heart is Horus.
iON 56:35
Correct, but he’s the one that’s – because he’s the defender, he’s the one that can take it. See? So there’s the rub. There’s the rub. It’s the very thing, it’s what you say every single day: "I want to get my power. I’m not interested in yours. If I get my power, I’ve got it. I don’t need yours. I want mine. If I got mine, we’re good." That’s why you should always eat first; so Bob won’t eat all your food. Then you can leave him some.
Carolyn 57:05
Yeah, I do. I do, I do.
iON 57:08
Carolyn 57:09
Next chapter: THE CHAPTER OF NOT LETTING THE HEART-CASE OF A MAN BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM IN KHERT-NETER." So, this is how we save our heart-cases. "The Osiris Ani saith:- Hail, ye who steal and crush heart-cases [and who make the heart of a man to go through its transformations according to his deeds: let not what he hath done harm him before you]." Good grief. I mean, you think of all the doctors who are, are stealing and crushing hearts.
iON 57:45
Carolyn 57:46
What’s going to happen to them when they try some of this? Heh heh heh.
iON 57:51
It’s gonna get, they’re gonna have to get a very brutal stent.
Carolyn 57:56
Yeah, yeah. "Homage to you, O ye Lords of Eternity, ye masters of everlastingness, take ye not this heart of Osiris Ani into your fingers, and this heart-case, and cause ye not things of evil to spring up against it, because this heart belongeth to the Osiris Ani, and this heart-case belongeth to him of the great names (Thoth), the mighty one, whose words are his members. He sendeth his heart to rule his body, and his heart is renewed before the gods. The heart of Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is to him; he hath gained the mastery over it. He hath not said what he hath done. He hath obtained power over his own members. His heart obeyeth him, he is the lord thereof, it is in his body, and it shall never fall away therefrom. I command thee to be obedient unto me in Khert-Neter. I, the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in peace; whose word is truth in the Beautiful Amentet, by the Domain of Eternity." So, there are your marching orders for keeping your heart. Right, iON?
iON 59:18
Yay. Do.
Carolyn 59:23
Okay, Bob, I’m done. Wake up, Bob.
iON 59:27
Done. Wait, kick the chair, Carolyn. Kick the chair. That was good. Okay, everybody, you’re on page 28. Middle of 28 for next time.
Carolyn 59:37
Oh, my gosh, we, we’ve only done two pages. Oh, gosh. –
iON 59:42
That’s good! No, that’s good.
Carolyn 59:43
– But, they were lovely pages.
iON 59:46
And they were on print. They were on print.
Carolyn 59:49
Yeah. On print.
iON 59:52
Very good.
Carolyn 59:53
Yeah, that was awesome. Thank you. I appreciate it. I know you are (indistinct).
iON 59:57
iON 0:00
Great, you’re doing great because, because, because, because what’s happening is, is this is starting to unfold a lot of the other questions that are.
Carolyn 0:09
Yeah, yeah. Yes.
iON 0:11
It’s settling some of those questions.
Bob 0:13
Very good, Carolyn. Very good.
Carolyn 0:14
How do you know, Bob? You slept.
iON 0:15
Stay good, Carolyn.
Bob 0:16
That’s right.
iON 0:17
Ha ha ha.
Carolyn 0:17
You eat, you wash your hands, and you slept. He came, he saw, he conquered. That’s it.
iON 0:23
He still has naked food on his chest. It’s so amazing.
Music 0:24
(starts in background and continues)
Carolyn 0:27
Ooh. Ooo, what little music stint.
iON 0:33
Uh oh.
Carolyn 0:37
Bye, iON.
iON 0:24
Good night, darlin’.
Music 18:20
(music stops at 18:57)
Bob 18:59
We’re waitin’ for you to call in, Sue. You’re scheduled next for the telephone. Hope you hear this. Check your email. Look at the chat line; everybody’s yelling for you, Sue. Sky Goddess, that is.
iON 19:14
Ha ha ha ha.
Bob 19:14
You keep out of this, you keep out of this.
iON 19:16
Sweet Sue, Sweet Sue.
Bob 19:17
Back to music. Yeah, enjoying your rest?
iON 19:20
He’s probably got him some Popeye’s chicken. He’s get some, yeah, some Popeye’s chicken. It slides down your throat hole.
Bob 19:25
Are you enjoying your rest?
Music 19:28
(music starts in background and continues)
iON 19:29
Beautiful. That’s delightful. It’s amazing.
Bob, she says she’s gotta take a nap to focus. Come on, let’s go.
Music 21:38
(Music ends at 22:45)
Bob 22:50
Okay, you have some questions, Linda?
Linda R 22:52
Yes, I do. Hey, iON.
Bob 22:55
Okay, go ahead.
iON 22:56
Hey darlin’, how you doin’?
Linda R 22:58
Hey, I’m doing great. Thank you, –
iON 23:00
That’s good. We’re glad. Hey, it’s better than otherwise, huh?
Linda R 23:05
Yes, for sure. So, I’m just gonna jump right in. In one of the sessions that I had with you –
iON 23:13
Bob, what Bob is supposed to do, Bob is supposed to talk about: does anybody gonna say anything about the Book of the Dead? But, he had his pizza and nap and so he don’t want to talk about the Book of the Dead. So, that’s okay. So, go ahead with yours –
Bob 23:27
No, no, that’s a good point. No, I did forget that. Did you have anything to say about the Book of the Dead, Linda?
Linda R 23:34
Yeah, actually, I was watching the Netflix series, "Magicians." And I was wondering if that has any relationship to what you’re talking about with the Book of the Dead and –
iON 23:48
Hillary. Hillary.
Linda R 23:49
iON 23:49
Linda R 23:49
Yes. In particular –
iON 23:51
It waxes and wanes. Now, first of all, "The Magicians" is a little fucked up. This ain’t about pedophilia, this ain’t about all that stupid shit. It ain’t nothin’ about that; that’s a distraction. What the point is, it’s funny that they use a clock to come in and out of this mythical place where things occur in that realm and this realm, or things can be hidden in that realm or this one. So, it’s an example of that – the Zeitgeist. It’s not accurate. But you know, otherwise it gets boring. It gets boring if you just talk about it. We talk about it, people go to sleep, people commit suicide, we’ve had some people just die they can’t stand it; it’s ridiculous. It really is sad. It’d be funnier if it wasn’t so sad. But regardless, the, the magical part is, is it kind of makes it in some kind of twisted up foolishness thing where people can get into it like the wizardry of Oz. –
Linda R 23:52
iON 24:59
– When you realize it’s just the goober behind the, behind the curtain with his little dog pulling nuts and levers. So, –
Linda R 25:07
Well, I’m –
iON 25:07
– when you get it that way. –
Linda R 25:09
Go ahead.
iON 25:10
No, no, go ahead.
Linda R 25:12
Well, in particular, I was wanting to know about the beast and Reynard. Reynard is, is a, some, something from the other side; a being from the other side that they invoked in order to kill the beast. And once –
iON 25:31
It’s transubstantiation. We were gonna – that’s what we were to go to. It’s called transubstantiation. That’s where you take something that you create that’s worse than what you got. It’s what Carolyn says antibiotics are.
Linda R 25:45
iON 25:46
It’s something worse, that kills something that’s worse. If you can live through that, then you’re well. So, huf.
Linda R 25:52
So, once they –
iON 25:53
It’s silly when you say it that way.
Linda R 25:55
Once they invoke him, he invokes the lady of the underworld and starts tearing the hearts out of people on this side. So, is the power –
iON 26:06
Well, now wait, wait, wait! No, that’s not quite the way it goes. What actually happens is it stirs up the fairy power. Remember the fairies that are running around that are kind of bound? It stirs up the fairy power, and that’s how they have the power to rip the hearts out; which is what the Book of the Dead refers to, but they’re trying to say it is a conditioned response. We’re not saying this is a conditioned response, we’re saying this is what is. See, they have to do a thing, and then the little black man has to – the head of Hogwarts. Ha ha ha ha. Of the school. He has to say something’s okay. And then he has to be able to see, and then he can’t see, and then they have to give us the – the thing reaches to reach to reach to reach, and then they create the thing that then judge that has to come back and then create something else nasty that eats all them alive. You see?
Linda R 27:06
iON 27:06
And feed – basically, when you say pull their hearts what you’re actually saying is it feeds off their power. However ambivalently. You see?
Linda R 27:15
iON 27:16
So, when you say it like that, then the words that Carolyn said tonight, all of a sudden start makin’ a whole lot of sense, don’t it?
Linda R 27:24
Right. So, he can’t get – so, he gets power from getting – he’s not able to ascend pulling out these parts, but he gets the power from that.
iON 27:37
That’s correct. That’s kind of like those people that are the king or queen as they switch back and forth. They’re sleepin’ with boys and girls, they – it’s all over the place. You can’t keep track of it, it’s a bunch of foolishness. Anyway, you can be king of Fillory but you can’t seem to make it on earth. See how that works?
Linda R 27:55
iON 27:57
Or, you become king of Fillory and then you become a jackball back on earth. See how they wax and wane?
Linda R 28:06
iON 28:06
The goofy parts are that very way. It’s almost like that – the both sides of the mirror. You’re looking in the mirror, but the mirror is actually looking at you.
Linda R 28:20
iON 28:21
So, if you use it that way, that’s good. We’re glad you enjoyed that because it is fun, considering a larger gamut of a Zeitgeist that has the capacity for bigger knowing.
Linda R 28:36
iON 28:36
Now, what did we just say? Now, what did we just say? Palmer, have we learned somethin’?
Linda R 28:43
I’m just inferring that even though there’s a lot of extra involved in the storytelling, that there’s something I can get from that in terms of what, what we’re talking about with the Book of the Dead. Yeah.
iON 28:59
Certainly. Certainly. The Book of the Dead and the book of the live, because it basically tells you how that you can navigate. And that’s what we’ve been saying about the OA movements and how that applies, and the symbols, and how to get Keys and the Aethyrs, how to make that work. If you – if those angels had ability to help those – the magicians, good god almighty, what a wonderful world this would be. But, you see they can’t get that; they have to take some Aleister Crowley bullshit version to say something is something. Do you see? They’re borrowing credence, credence, to have a creed, the credence of a position. See, they’re borrowing it; they don’t have it. So, that same thing Agnes Moorehead was trying to do in "Bewitched." She had all the power but couldn’t quite control her daughter; or her Derwood; or her husband, Maurice; or her Aunt Clara, her sister; or Serena. You know, they can’t control anything. So, it’s like, what good is it you see?
Linda R 30:10
Right. Okay, well, thank you very much. That’s all I had on the Book of the Dead.
iON 30:17
Did you watch them? Did you watch "The Magicians"? It’s fun.
Linda R 30:21
Yeah, I’m on season two. I haven’t gotten that far into it yet.
iON 30:25
Oh, okay. Okay. Did you watch the "Messiah"?
Linda R 30:29
I did watch the "Messiah."
iON 30:32
What’d you think?
Linda R 30:32
That’s, really – that’s really interesting.
iON 30:37
Yeah. What if you had two? What if you had 200? What if you had 200,000 of them runnin’ around?
Linda R 30:47
Walk, walking on water –
iON 30:50
Linda R 30:50
– in Washington DC.?
iON 30:52
Linda R 30:52
iON 30:53
But, Bob’s not gonna, Bob don’t have, Bob does it every day. Bob’s not gonna have to drive all the way across the 35 to walk on the Mall to walk on water. He just won’t do it. You see, that’s the thing. Now see, you know, here’s the thing. You shouldn’t have to – now, the alphabet people are after Bob, don’t think they’re not. Ooh, they can’t stand him. Ooh, they don’t like him. He’s too, he’s too full of himself. He’d been calling them on their shit since the damn 80’s and another 33-year cycle from the tail end of CKLN. He’s been running bullshit crazy for years, just bat crazy as a shithouse rat for years and don’t even know what’s up. He don’t even know what he’s doin’; he’s still doin’ it. They can’t figure him out at all, and they’re mad as fire. But, nothin’ they can do. He’s got the, he’s got the (indistinct). He got the, he got the Voodoo economics right. He got some of the Keynesian economics right, just keep typing. And they have and they do, so, he’s – Bob is the problem and he’s also the solution. He told them already in advance how messed up they were, and now they found out they’re messed up. Uh oh. You see? So, he basically, and that’s called, what that’s called it’s called Rumpelstiltskin. He named it, Bob did. And that’s why they don’t like him. So, just like in the Messiah how they gone to every level, he can’t move his damn bowels without them callin’ somebody. It’s the most amazing thing ever, ever, ever. And he lives such an exciting, aka, boring life. Ha ha ha. It’s killing them! It’s killing them because they’re just like, oh my god, if he gets to go to Lappert’s, boy, that’s the highlight of the day. Ha ha ha. It’s pretty funny tryin’ to remember his extra nickel; $20 and a nickel. It went up. It’s kind of crazy, but he’s got- whether or not he remembers his nickel or not, it’s pretty exciting. So, anyhow, the point is like the Messiah, they’re chasing it. But, people are startin’ to come into this place; and see, all those people were trying to believe. That’s just a thought you’ve been thinking a long time. But now, all of a sudden you have this thing that you can’t do anything with; that he’s connected to his brother. And see, they’re flowing back and forth, in and out of each other. So, which one had the power or which one had the most power? You see? How far from Hezbollah do you have to be to apply for messiahship?
Linda R 33:32
iON 33:34
You get that?
Linda R 33:37
No. Heh, heh, heh.
iON 33:39
Yeah, that’s okay. But it’s fun. It’s fun. It gives you an example of the new Zeitgeist. You’ll see, it’s comin’.
Linda R 33:48
Okay. All right, that’s all I had for questions, Bob, for iON for the Book of the Dead.
iON 33:53
That was pretty good. That was Book of the Dead. Hey, Bob! That was Book of the Dead, too. Not bad, honey. You keep goin’, you’re gonna get somewhere.
Linda R 34:02
Thank you.
iON 34:04
When it – wait. Now, when you wake up in the middle of the night and you don’t know what to do, what do you think of? You wake up in the middle of the night and you wonder where you are sometimes. What do you think of?
Linda R 34:21
Hmm, well, besides going pee – ha ha
iON 34:26
Yes, that’s right.
Linda R 34:26
I actually, what I –
iON 34:28
That’s the excuse. That’s the excuse you use. You don’t have – your bladder’s not that full, you just – it’s not that. That’s your excuse that you use. "Oh, okay, I got to go to the bathroom. So I woke up." No, that’s not the case at all.
Linda R 34:40
I use, I use the opportunity to reflect back on what I was just experiencing and then retracing it in my mind.
iON 34:50
Good. That’s right. And see, you remembering to empty your bladder is a way to bring you back before you get too far. Because sometimes it’s really fun when you are, isn’t it?
Linda R 35:01
Right. Yeah, yeah, I get, I get so groggy –
iON 35:04
Yeah. We know
Linda R 35:05
– I get so groggy in the morning.
iON 35:07
Because, because you want to stay. You want to stay.
Linda R 35:10
Yeah. Right.
iON 35:12
But you use the bladder to get you back to here. That’s your point. That’s your connector point. There’s other better connector points because you don’t have to pee yourself to death. There are easier ways to do that; but, we don’t care. That’s what you’re using. That’s fine, but you better practice the OA movements a little bit to get – in case you forget to go pee and don’t make it back. You need to get home.
Linda R 35:37
Yeah, I’ve been doing the OA movements. Do –
iON 35:40
Well, –
Linda R 35:41
– I should be perfecting it better? –
iON 35:43
– you’re doing okay.
Linda R 35:44
– I’m okay. I’m not doing –
iON 35:45
You’re doing okay. You’re not – no, that’s right. It’s okay. But you also aren’t lost either. See? Bert’s gotta get, gotta get it right ‘cuz he’s a Beau Brummell now; he’s tearing up the world. He’s pissing things off you can’t even piss on. He’s playing with the dogs in the big grass. So, it’s appropriate that he’s on point. You see what I mean? He’s proving something. So, that’s okay. And he’s good; he’s the, he’s the example. We like that. We’re not mad about that. But, that’s the same way when you start applying the Keys and the Aethyrs. Carolyn’s number one in that for sure. She’s got that down pat. She’s shaking things, blowing over things. But that’s not the point. The point is that you have the Book of the Dead that also tells you how to navigate this place. The navigation is what you’re key. You’re not trying to push the boat in the water. You’re learning how to rudder the ship to the shore you would like to arrive. Because if you get your rudder right, you won’t have to ask a Rotterdam Jew where to go.
Linda R 36:50
Okay. Gotcha. Thank you.
iON 36:57
That’s pretty good.
Bob 37:01
Okay, you can ask what you wanted to ask, Linda. Go ahead.
Linda R 37:05
Okay. One of our engagements that we had in September, I was laying out my idea of the Tiny Note Chart as a pyramid, and we were talking about that it was actually in-between dimensions. Do I have that right? –
iON 37:27
Linda R 37:27
– Tiny – okay. – And you used –
iON 37:28
Yeah. It’s the clock – stop! Stop! It’s the clock from Fillory.
Linda R 37:33
Oh, okay.
iON 37:39
And you gotta know how to key it. You gotta know how to key it to make it open. And if you know that, then you can go through – that’s "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." And so some of those other ridiculous machinations of Lewis Carroll and Wyndham Lewis and all those ridiculous plops.
Linda R 37:58
Well, you used the phrase, "dimensionally there are capacities, there’s capacitation."
iON 38:04
Linda R 38:05
So I, I thought I knew what you meant by capacitation. But when I looked up the definition –
iON 38:12
No, you didn’t.
Linda R 38:13
I didn’t. It said, "The change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an egg." So, that –
iON 38:23
That’s right.
Linda R 38:23
– completely threw me off. So, how does that apply to the Tiny Note Chart and the –
iON 38:29
The zygote. Without the zygote, without the zygote, there’s no level. There’s no level. Without a zygote, there’s no level.
Linda R 38:42
Okay. And the zygote is what?
iON 38:46
The baby.
Linda R 38:48
No, I mean in terms of the Tiny –
iON 38:53
That’s all the Tiny Note is. Talkin’ about Bob’s chart?
Linda R 38:58
iON 39:00
That’s all it is. That’s just a snapshot. That’s where it’s born. That’s where it comes to. That’s what is.
Linda R 39:07
iON 39:08
That’s all it does. It takes you through the quadrants and takes you up to the hexad(vertisement). That’s all.
Linda R 39:16
Okay, so would you explain what you mean by capacity in relation to the dimensions? Are we talking about opening up? Good ahead.
iON 39:28
No, we’re talking about fertil – no, no, use the word. What do the words say? It’s fertilizing; you’re fertilizing this dimension and the next dimension and the next dimension and the next dimension. You’re cross-fertilizing.
Linda R 39:45
Okay, that’s really interesting way of looking at it.
iON 39:48
Yeah, well, maybe, maybe, it may be a terrible way to look at it, but y’all are not doing really good; so, we’re doing what we can. Honey, we’re pitching it any way you sling it. We’r slinging shit on the wall just trying to get somethin’ to stick.
Linda R 40:02
Okay, are you saying I’m personally not doing very well?
iON 40:05
No, we’re saying that we use a lot of words and constructs that allow you to – like, like Red Lobster, we’re trying to get you to see food differently.
Linda R 40:16
iON 40:18
And if we do that, then you do. And if you do, then all of a sudden you have a new consideration. Now, all of a sudden you don’t look at death the same way. You don’t look at the Book of the Dead the same way; you’re trying to figure out how to be alive. Then, fuck being a human, you’re trying to figure out how to be a god. Fuck being a god, you’re tryin’ to be ascended. Oh, wow. Okay. I mean, there’s gods that aren’t ascended? Well, what are these Watchers? What are these vampires? What are these maenads? What are these things running around here scurrilously in the night? What are those things you see? What are these angels prescribing with Thoth, and Net Ta (?) and Ra and Sen Toko (?) and all these different ones doin’ all this crap. See? They’re not ascended. You see, but they are powerful and they control what they control. We’re tryin’ to keep them from ripping your heart out of your meat sackbody, darlin, and we’re doing a real good job. So, we got you, you’re doing fine. And you’re asking all the right questions; you’re engaging in all the right positions. You’re making all the right points of order. You just need to apply them. Your stitching is perfect. We’re just trying to get you into a patchwork quilt.
Linda R 41:37
Well, one of the things that have been – one of the challenges I have is really trying to get a feeling for what the source of power is. Are we talking about what –
iON 41:53
You’re overthinking it. You’re overthinking. Stop. You – even in this question you’re overthinking it. You’re trying to navigate to find out what it is to see if you’ve got it or not. Heh.
Linda R 42:04
Well, it’s more –
iON 42:05
That’s like –
Linda R 42:06
– it’s more –
iON 42:06
No it’s not. No it’s not. No it’s not. You crack the egg open and you’re surprised there’s a yolk in it?
Linda R 42:17
iON 42:18
Linda R 42:20
Because I expect there to be a yoke in it.
iON 42:24
What is the yoke? (short pause) Don’t know? Okay, how’d it get there?
Linda R 42:39
The yoke is how to get there?
iON 42:40
Don’t know? No, no. How did the yolk get there? You don’t know what – you know it’s there. You crack that egg and you have all expectations that yoke is gonna be there. Now, you know what albumin is: the white part around, and it holds the yoke in place. And there’s this tiny little filament that hooks in the end, and it ain’t where the rooster’s been either. It’s a little filament that holds the yolk in the middle. So, it’s protected like the pericardial fluid-like situation. Okay. You don’t know how the yolk got in the egg. You don’t know – you know what the albumin’s for and how that works and what it’s supposed to do. But, past that, it’s a bit foreign. And then you crack the egg open and you’re not surprised there’s a yolk in it, but you don’t know what the yolk is, and you don’t know how it got there. And now you’re asking ambivalently about the power of how this power applies, and you’re trying to consider it. That’s like saying, "Well, let me consider the yolk. Yeah, and we’ll crack eggs every time I can and see if I can get one that doesn’t have a yolk in it." Because you go to some restaurants and they have egg whites. Maybe they don’t have yolks, or some eggs have a double yolk. Ooh, that’s interesting. They have a double yolk, a double fertilized ovum, as it were. Or, they hold the egg up to the light and they look and say, "Oh, it’s a girl." Ha ha ha. So, anyhow, the point of the rub is you’re trying to make the power be something that you can comprehend when you can take a yoke of an egg by faith, by rote. No question there. And to this now you still don’t know what the hell it is. Pretty interesting. It ain’t – we don’t have any trouble with that. Piece of cake, groovy gravy. And you’re trying to ponder about power. See the rub.?
Linda R 42:40
Right. Well, it’s because I’m wanting to learn how to control and direct it. And maybe –
iON 43:26
Then don’t. And you can’t; you can’t know it to do that. Okay, then when they went to Fillory, now, since you went down through there, you did. You spent all the energy to go through that crap. It’s just not where you use it. Why is it that in Fillory they can do things and get away with stuff, and yet they couldn’t on this side?
Linda R 45:07
iON 45:09
Get it?
Linda R 45:13
iON 45:15
How does a bad pedophile, somebody nasty that hurts little children, write a book that so accurately portrays this other realm, a secret hiding place that you can go behind the veil of the realm and be the king of something and fuck with fairies and do all this kind of crazy stuff? You see? That out – that, that creating of another backdoor Zeitgeist, pardon the pun, that flows and flows and flows and flows and flows? You see?That’s the same experience that you’re trying to say. So, if you had something nasty in your world, you could focus your power into something else and create a whole nother world. But, that was just something in his mind that when he wrote the causes that it turned out, but that’s exactly what it actually was. You see?
Linda R 46:11
Mm hmm.
iON 46:12
You see? Now, you don’t know where Fillory is, and you don’t know how to get there, but yet it is. Your power’s the same way; you just got to go with it. And after a little while they go, Okay, if I do this and step through this and turn the key; set the clock; turn the door; boom, I walk through it. Boom." When I get back, and oh, yeah, forgot. sometimes we’ll throw you a fucking stupid talking rabbit in your world to tell you little clues when you saying, "Look out, look out. Don’t do it. Don’t. Don’t write the check. Don’t write the check." And that stupid little rabbits fall out of your world to tell you give you heads up on what’s going on. Ha! You don’t know how that happens, either. Right?
Linda R 47:01
iON 47:02
So, your words are sound. So, change your perspective. Rather than us listen to you go on and on and on, about how you don’t understand how to get your power and control and blablablablabla. Forget all that mess. Start using it. Quit worrying about it. Start nuttin’, honey, you won’t worry about how you nut.
Linda R 47:24
iON 47:26
That help?
Linda R 47:27
Okay. Well, that’s, that’s a lot of my questions is all about power and thirst for power –
iON 47:33
Linda R 47:33
– and how to – yeah, –
iON 47:34
Sure. Sure, it’s good.
Linda R 47:34
– so, let me, let me -. Okay, so, I did have a question about Upper Room. You’ve made several –
iON 47:42
Yeah. Come on.
Linda R 47:42
– references to the Upper Room. –
iON 47:45
Linda R 47:45
– And you said just when the veil was rent in two, that is when the Upper Room was opened; 40 days after Easter, after Pentecost. Would you explain the meaning of Upper Room? Is like – is that like a chamber in Solomon’s temple or some Giza pyramid or something?
iON 48:01
No, it’s not. No no no no no. Pentecost: five bodies, five bodies.
Linda R 48:08
iON 48:09
This is where Bob, this was Bob’s five bodies in a circle in a 33-year pattern. Pentecost is when it all came together. Pentecost is where it all hooked together. Pentecost is where the power fell. Okay? And it had no choice but to fall because it was there, you see? This is when the veil was rent in two the first time.
Linda R 48:31
iON 48:33
And that power flowed. Well, it fell on their heads. Well, now, if you listen to Mr. Crowley long it’s a pentagram which is also five bodies. That’s five, that’s Bob – Bob, Bob will fuck anything; he don’t care, it don’t make any – he’ll do the Buddhist, the Deist, the diest, the diocese, the Diem, the Cardiem; he’ll do ’em all, he don’t care. It don’t make no difference. He applies them all. He’ll take Q, you, do, blue, and Kim Jong-un and make it all be about him. It’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen in your livin’ life. Every movie is about him, everything’s about him, everyway’s about him. He’ll tell you just about it. You don’t have to ask, but you can look – you start lookin’ a little bit it’ll make sense to you, too. And you’re like, this is crazy. All I just got to do is listen to Bob. He’ll tell me and that’s what’ll happen. And you’re, like, well of course this, and you say and after a little while it gets ridiculous. You know, it’s kind of, Carolyn’s like, you know, somebody’s gonna pay the bills around here. It’s just not a good thing. And Bob says no, no, no, just keep typing, it’ll be okay. And then all of a sudden, the next thing you know, you got people that’ll pay the bills for you! Ha ha ha ha. It’s the craziest thing in the whole, wide world.
Linda R 49:48
So, the Upper Room is like the piercing of the firmament. That’s the heavens that, that was the veil that was rent in two?
iON 49:56
Linda R 49:56
Okay, but that’s what you mean by Upper Room, the heavens. Okay, got you.
iON 50:00
It’s like when, it’s like when Carolyn goes upstairs and goes to bed; she goes to the Upper Room.
Linda R 50:06
Okay. All right. So, I had some questions about the moon.
iON 50:12
Which one?
Linda R 50:13
There’s – Which one? The moon that we have here.
iON 50:20
There are three.
Linda R 50:20
There are three?
iON 50:20
You have three here. Here.
Linda R 50:24
We have three moons here.
iON 50:26
So far.
Linda R 50:28
Oh, interesting. Would you explain that a little further?
iON 50:32
Okay, there’s moon number one. Just behind that is moon number two, and just behind that is moon number three. You see the shadow of it when you start looking with your microscope – microscopes. Ha ha ha. We hope you’re not using a microscope to look at the moon although it might help you. Might help if you’re blind. If you’re blinded it might work out good. Okay, let’s back that off a little bit and call it a telescope ‘cuz you got a telephone, so you might as well have a telescope and look at it that way and you can see the shadow. Get the Tech Body to do pictures or imagery of the moon. If you look just really close you’ll see the shadows behind it. It hides behind itself.
Linda R 51:14
How interesting. So, is the moon being trapped?
iON 51:18
See, Trump found this out – no, it’s not. It’s created. Paperclip has got this worked out, and they’re working on some stuff. And that’s all we can say ‘cuz Bob gets pissed off if we tell his shit. We don’t mind, he tell it – now, he can – he tell it funny. He can tell his shit all day long. But if we say one little thing, he just goes bat fucking crazy that we’re talking crap again. So, we can’t say everything about it. But the things that apply that are moon staged – you can get an idea. Do you know that, you know they have this – the thing, the what do you call that thing, the thing, the space thing? It’s like a little circle thing, and they go up there; and it’s up there all the time and they tote shit to it. They have Chrema, they have Chrema up there this year; that outpost thing, that place in space, the little thing they go to, this little thing, what do you call it –
Bob 51:19
Space station.
iON 51:20
Oh, a space station. See, Bob knows everything. See? A space station station. Yeah, that is positioned so that it can connect all three moons. You look at where it is in the sky in its orbital rotation. It’s staged so it can identify all three moons.
Linda R 52:46
Interesting. So it’s an artificial satellite, or they are.
iON 52:51
So far. They area.
Linda R 52:53
Okay, so, I was suspecting that. So, so, are there ET inhabitants on the earth or on the moon, I mean, that are monitoring the earth?
iON 53:06
We can’t really talk. We can’t really talk about that yet. He’ll get pissy. And see, he’s really mean; he puts us in a box and it’s not pretty when Bob flails down on us, so we’re gonna behave. So, ask your question a different way. Ask some other questions. We’re not answering that one.
Linda R 53:27
Okay, so is it – so, it’s hollow?
iON 53:32
Which one? Two’s hollow.
Linda R 53:36
Two are hollow.
iON 53:34
One’s solid. Number two is hollow. No, no, no, don’t mess this up now. There’s a quiz later. We haven’t talked about this, so you’re gettin’ it first off, so just go slow. Number 2, 1,2,3. The one closest to the earth is one. The next farthest away from earth would be called two, and one farthest away from earth will be called three. Okay, the number two is hollow as you prescribed.
Linda R 54:01
Okay. All right. So, is the crust made of titanium?
iON 54:17
No, it is not.
Linda R 54:18
No. Okay. And is it a warm or cold body?
iON 54:27
Linda R 54:28
Neither. So,there’s no molten interior?
iON 54:33
No, there is not.
Linda R 54:34
No. Okay.
iON 54:37
So, let’s say the earth isn’t warm or cold either. The earth just refracts whatever is around it. So when the sun’s hitting on the moon, it’s warm; and there’s no gravity there just like there’s none here. We fought about gravitation or the lack of gravitation already anyway. It’s not right, Newtonian bullshit; it’s not appropriate, see? ‘Cuz some places apples don’t fall down. They don’t. Promise. So, therefore, continental divide, if you jump off of it, you can’t commit suicide because it’ll blow you back up of the mountain because of the wind shear alone defies what you call gravity; but it still defies the law, however Newtonious that is. So now, we’re not saying that there’s no good reason for it, we’re just saying that number two is hollow. And they’re warm or cold based on their perspective with radiating sun, or radiation.
Linda R 55:42
Okay, so is the one closest to the earth solid? Number one’s solid?
iON 55:49
Yes. Number one is solid.
Linda R 55:51
Okay. And so, number three is, is hollow then. Is that right?
iON 55:58
No, no. It’s kind of halfway. It’s what you would call – it’s variegated. It’s more porous. Do you know what – Bob knows what this is. You know what lava rocks are?
Linda R 56:13
iON 56:15
It’s like that.
Linda R 56:18
iON 56:19
In a, in a strontium kind of way.
Linda R 56:24
So, what is the crust made of?
iON 56:28
We can’t say.
Linda R 56:30
We can’t say. So, there’s a guy named – it’s a researcher named William Brian II. And so he was saying in his book, "Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program." He was saying that the crust is 20 miles thick. Is that true?
iON 56:54
Well now, which moon?
Linda R 56:57
Well, that’s the question. So, that would be moon number one?
iON 57:03
Ahh, it’s a little bit more than that, because it’ll be – the diameter’s a little more than that. So, be a little more than that.
Linda R 57:13
Okay, how about number two?
iON 57:18
At least.
Linda R 57:20
At least 20 miles. And then number three?
iON 57:24
It’s porous. It’s an inch. –
Linda R 57:28
iON 57:28
– You know, it’s pouous.
Linda R 57:29
An inch. Oh, okay. Gotcha. All right. And then, why does the moon have a circular path versus the typical elliptical path of a natural satellite?
iON 57:43
Because there’s three of them and the three take over the optical side. The oval, that when the – Galileo took the stick and the string and went around and proved that point of how things go, if you take three of those things, it’ll be circular, not oval. Because your pitch and your yaw moves them independent of itself so that it does not give an oval perspective, it gives a circular one because there are three of them.
Linda R 58:15
Ah, interesting. So, I was wondering if –
iON 58:20
Hard as, hard as trigonometry.
Linda R 58:24
I was wondering if the moon has anything to do with women’s menstrual cycles?
iON 58:31
No, menstrual cycles has to do with the moon not the other way around.
Linda R 58:37
Okay, because there is this, I read, gosh, way back when when they were saying that before the moon was here, because it was brought here, that women had menstrual cycles, like animals do, you know, once a year. And then once the moon arrived here, it changed women’s cycles to monthly cycles so we could populate the earth. Any truth to that?
iON 59:07
Nahhhh. No. No, because it didn’t need populating. You didn’t need populating for Pete’s sake. Because now that you’re sittin’ here and, okay, if there’s no time, how would you know if a year or a month isn’t a year? See what we mean? It just becomes too crazily dogmatic. You cycle as you cycle. And animals and beast spraying, which means they come into into rut in a season when they’re mating, that’s when they get pregnant. That’s when they are birthed because it makes sense and it works out. Okay? Well, the females don’t get pregnant every cycle. So, what’s the difference? You can have about one a year. So, actually, the cycle is the same.
Linda R 59:56
Okay, gotcha.
iON 59:57
For birthing children. Right?
Linda R 0:00
iON 0:01
Time you go intestate, half the time you get impregnated, and you go nine months and have a baby, you can get pregnant in about a year, just like an ole mama sow. Right?
Linda R 0:14
iON 0:15
And you’re very fertile, that when you come out; when you’re pregnant, just have a baby, that’s when you’re very, very, very, very fertile. Because you’re used to being pregnant. Vibration clicks. So, just like a cow, you can have a good baby about every year.
Linda R 0:30
iON 0:32
Linda R 0:33
And then, is it true that 80% of the lunar oceans are found on one side of the moon? So the side that we’re looking at –
iON 0:41
In two. In two you can.
Linda R 0:46
In two you can. Okay.
iON 0:47
Not in one. Yeah, but not in one. See, that’s why it becomes so – that’s why nobody knows anything and blah blah blah. And when they ever get to the moon, it’ll be interesting.
Linda R 0:59
When they get to the moon. They’ve never been to the moon?
iON 1:03
Not yet.
Linda R 1:06
Oh, that’s right. We –
iON 1:08
You’ve been to, you’ve been to Arizona, honey. Ha ha ha ha.
Linda R 1:08
Right. I remember that.
iON 1:10
The edge of, edge of Mexico. Yeah, but they’re goin’ though. Don’t you worry, don’t you worry. Don’t you worry. Donald J. Trump’s goin’, and boy, he’s gonna turn out church. ‘Cuz what he’s going to do – you know what a slingshot is?
Linda R 1:30
iON 1:32
Okay, see, this is their shit. So, this ain’t Bob’s shit so we can talk about this. ‘Cuz Bob’s gonna prove it, but they’re saying it, not Bob; but it’s okay. What they’re gonna do is they’re gonna take the gravitational pull of the third moon. And they’re going to use that to catapult themselves outside of the energy it takes to get to the moon, and that the, the lunar expansion is what we’ll call it. And then what happens is that’ll let you get to Mars and all these other places through gates. You can see them when you’re not on top of them. If you’re inside a mirror, it’s much easier to see the doors to get out.
Linda R 2:10
Ahh, interesting.
iON 2:14
Do you know your big mirror that you like? You know, when we say your big mirror you know which one that is?
Linda R 2:20
The one in the bedroom or the one on the door?
iON 2:20
Do you know why it’s hard to clean? No, the one in the bedroom.
Linda R 2:23
iON 2:24
Do you know why it’s hard – go ahead.
Linda R 2:30
Because it’s plated? ‘Cuz it’s plated?
iON 2:33
Linda R 2:34
It has those, it has those edges to it?
iON 2:38
No, it’s hard to clean because there’s so much activity going on in it. Busy mirror.
Linda R 2:45
iON 2:46
Do you notice you clean – well, you clean your mirrors. You’re clean. You’re a clean person, are you not?
Linda R 2:53
iON 2:54
Well, of course you are. But you clean it and then you turn around and you go, "What is wrong? I just cleaned this mirror; now I gotta clean it again." The other mirror is fine. What’s the difference? You say it’s plated; no it’s not – well, it is plated but that’s not why. It’s a busy mirror.
Linda R 3:12
Would you explain more about what’s busy about the mirror?
iON 3:15
The conjure – what, dear?
Linda R 3:21
Would you explain what you mean by that?
iON 3:24
The Conjure of Sacrifice. You can look it up.
Linda R 3:29
Conjure of Sacrifice.
iON 3:32
Yeah. Anytime Lord.
Linda R 3:35
So –
Bob 3:35
You know, when iON says Papa Justice.
Carolyn 3:40
(in background) Justify.
iON 3:41
Break these chains.
Bob 3:41
What, Carolyn?
iON 3:41
Justify. Justify.
Bob 3:43
Papa Justify. Yeah, you remember that? Remember that?
Linda R 3:48
Oh, yeah. You were – he was just mentioning that earlier.
iON 3:53
Linda R 3:55
So, what is Papa Justify mean?
iON 3:59
The Conjure of Sacrifice. You’ll have to Google it or some um.
Linda R 4:05
Okay. Conjure of Sacrifice.
iON 4:07
Or, go through your mirror. Go through your mirror. Go, go, go through your mirror, and you’ll find out why it’s dirty. Heh heh heh heh.
Linda R 4:13
Interesting. ‘Cuz I was gonna ask whether I should be covering the mirror or not. But you’re saying I should just go through it.
iON 4:23
Ha ha ha ha. No, don’t cover it, darlin’, just clean it. Just clean it. That’s – ha ha ha ha. That’s so funny, but it’s – no. See, because of its magnet – you could take and do a -there are some scopes that test things that you could do. Nah, we can’t go into all that ‘cuz Bob will get mad and we don’t like it. He’s been in a really good mood, and we’re not gonna have that. So, we’re not gonna get him in a bad mood. But there’s some stuff you can test with that you can see the energy off that mirror is very different than other mirrors and other things of your house. That’s why it’s in the bedroom in the first place. And that’s why you get to come back to go pee. That’s how you get back presently. And that’s why it’s dirty because you’re in and out of it all the time; in and out, in and out, in and out.
Linda R 5:22
iON 5:23
Trackin’, trackin’ mud in the house, always in the doorstep, the threshold, the threshing floor. And so that’s the point. And we’re not, we’re not trying to mess nothin’ up. We like what you’re doing. You’re doing fine. You don’t know what the yolk is. You don’t know how it got an egg. You don’t know what it’s for. You don’t know why it’s there, but you trust that it’s there when you crack the damn egg open. All right, and now you’re askin’ about power, tryin’ to figure it out when you’re wielding it like a two-edged sword. You don’t know what it is, and you don’t know that you’ve got it, and you don’t know how to use it; but you expect it to be there and that’s what you’re tryin’ to find out. How too cool for school is that?
Linda R 6:00
Well, I’m wanting to be –
iON 6:02
So, what we’re saying, soooo, what we’re saying without you messing this up. So, what we’re saying is, you do got it, you can use it, you should expect it to be there, and start engaging it a little more. You won’t even think about cracking an egg ever again to see if there’s a yoke or not.
Linda R 6:23
iON 6:24
But then again, you’re so powerful, what are you gonna do when you start cracking eggs and there’s no yolks anymore? Ha! That’d be a hoot. That’d be a hootenanny. That’d be a hootenanny, wouldn’t it. We’re very clever; you have to watch us. It would be quite an anomaly. You can have yolkless eggs. So, but that wouldn’t prove any point except in which if it happened, you’d notice that! So, that’s what it takes to prove to you that you got power, okay. We’ve done worse with less. We did give you a Bob, and Bob supposedly created us, but we keep that son of a bitch alive. You know that.
Linda R 7:05
Heh heh. Well, I just have one more question. When I –
iON 7:10
Yes, Bob was born of a jackal. Ha ha ha.
Linda R 7:12
Heh heh heh. When I give my attention to something, am I giving what I’m attending to electrons?
iON 7:27
Protons, they’re charged.
Linda R 7:29
I’m giving protons. Okay. And then when I’m receiving attention, what am I receiving: electrons or protons?
iON 7:39
Taking; you’re taking electrons. They’re negative.
Linda R 7:42
I’m taking. Okay. I’m taking electrons and I’m giving protons. So, is that why –
iON 7:48
That’s right.
Linda R 7:48
– people are, are so attention-crazed that they’re wanting –
iON 7:56
Linda R 7:56
– that extra – they’re wanting pro –
iON 7:58
No, no, no It’s that – just like in all science, it’s better to give than receive. You get that?
Linda R 8:10
That doesn’t explain why people are wanting so much attention –
iON 8:13
Sure it does. They’re willing to give it to get it. An errant two year old wants attention, and misbehaving gets attention. Attention is attention. Right?
Linda R 8:27
Okay. So, they’re giving attention to get attention.
iON 8:31
To be, to be attention. It’s like Carolyn’s –
Linda R 8:34
To be attention.
iON 8:34
– got this thing she’s working on. It’s like Carolyn’s got this little thing, she’s got all these "C’s." If you haven’t looked, there’s enough carbon to move the world, you know? A lot more lately.
Linda R 8:44
iON 8:47
Takin’ those "C’s" and connecting them together; those electrons, and hookin’ them together like in the, you know, in a Cheerios they’ve got a little heart? The Cheerios they hook together, the heart on the Cheerio commercial there’s a heart. The bees and that Cheerios thing, you know? The Honey Nut Cheerios, you know the Cheerios, the Cheerio box –
Linda R 9:06
iON 9:07
– is in the shape of a little heart, and they got little Cheerios, little "C" hook together. That’s how they hook together. That’s a connection thing. And see, that’s why those negative electrons are connected together and they’ll bond, that they’re bound to something positive. So in your giving, you see, that giving is – makes it positive for you, and receiving is a negative for you.
Linda R 9:39
For me, particularly or in general?
iON 9:42
Darlin’, we’re speaking, we’re mass communicatin’ now, honey. It’s not just you.
Linda R 9:47
iON 9:45
Well, maybe now if Bob’s involved. It’s always about Bob because everything is about Bob. If you want this session to go on any longer, you better bring Bob up and talk about the goodness of Bob and how wonderful –
Linda R 9:58
Talk about his penis. Ha ha.
iON 10:01
Yeah, no, he don’t care about that, but talk about peeing, now listen, let me tell you what; he can pee like a racehorse now. Let me tell you what now. He’s actually, he’s actually engaging living water now, so his body’s actually for the first time in his whole entire life he’s been hydrated. First time ever. He has never really, really, really been hydrated ‘cuz, see, he lives in a world for one teaspoon full of the water is enough for any human being for a week. He doesn’t like water, he doesn’t drink water, he doesn’t want water, it’s not about water. He doesn’t care for water. It’s like, yuck. But, Living Water, he’s kind of, he’s on to that; it’s pretty good. So, he’s pounding that, it’s doing good because now he’s no longer thirsty, but he wants it. It’s like meth; he’s gotta have it. Pretty good, but he’s not thirsty. His skin is supple; it’s like butter. Like butter. Just want to go lick him. That’s why people – he has to stay in the house a little more ‘cuz people just walk up and try to lick him. It’s crazy. He’s like AHHHH! That dirty tongue, go wash that tongue before I’m gonna let you lick me. Well, depends on who they are. They’re safe if they’re ugly. The ugly ones are really attracted to him. See, that’s an attraction. See, the positive, negative, aspects. You see? What would be positive for them, it’d be negative for you if they’re licking you. See?
Linda R 11:16
Mm hmm.
iON 11:15
There you go, especially if you don’t want to be licked, you see. That’s how that attention thing works out, you see, but we’re preaching to the choir. So, that being said, what happens now is you pull it back around and go, "Oh, you mean to tell me that we are in a position to where you’re adjusting or superimposing positive and negative protons and electrons in a new environ that allows the positive and negative poles to be extended, hyperextended, to the furthest marks." Why, yes, darlin’, how very ingenious of you to come up with that. That’s brilliant. You’ve done it again. You’ve done it again. It’s great, you have more room.
Linda R 11:18
More room. Interesting.
iON 11:24
Yeah, Bert’s head, Bert’s head is spinnin’ around a few times. He’ll be tearing this to death. But, you gotta love you some Bert though, don’t you honey?
Linda R 12:22
Oh yeah, he’s great. Okay, just one more thing. Is there some, something I can do more than what I’m doing to improve my memory?
iON 12:34
Linda R 12:36
To forget. Heh heh. Let go of my mind?
iON 12:41
Forget, forget about it. And then you’ll remember everything. We’re not trying to get you to remember. We’re not trying to, we’re not trying to get you to remember. We’re trying to get you to know! But Bert’s been doin’ that all along.
Linda R 12:58
Okay. Okay. Gotcha. Thank you very much.
iON 13:06
You’re welcome, darlin’.
Linda R 13:06
That’s great.
iON 13:07
No, don’t think – it’s very exciting.
Linda R 13:09
That’s great.
iON 13:10
You’re doing good.
Linda R 13:10
iON 13:11
See? This little extra bit of homework you’ve been doin’ is paying off. Do you agree?
Linda R 13:15
Yeah. Yes, definitely.
iON 13:17
Pretty good. Now, all of a sudden look, at the difference. Go back and listen to yourself when you’ve had the opportunity to engage, and how ridiculous you were in the beginning of day. (Linda laughs) And how patient we were with you. And now we can sort of gush you, now we can sort of gush you up a little bit and you go, "Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I got that, oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah. That’s right, that’s right." Now you can get that, you see? You’re doin’ all right. You’re doin’ all right. See, we don’t have to pet ya, we don’t have to pet ya no more and say we love you, love you, love you. And you’re doing good, good, good, and just keep doing what you doin’. Everything will be all right if it will. And you know, all that crazy stuff.
Bob 14:04
And her daughters love her. Her daughers love her. Stupid daughters; they should be killed.
Linda R 14:14
No, no, no.
Bob 14:16
Aww, look at that. You’re still trying to protect them. You’re the only one worthy of the family name there, for frig sake.
iON 14:24
Doing good. Well, you give them something to aspire to. They do look up to you more than they should; you know that, don’t you? (Bob, Linda, iON laugh). That was you’re free part, honey, it didn’t cost you nothin’.
Linda R 14:46
Ha ha. All right, thank you. Thanks, Bob.
iON 14:51
You’re very welcome.
Bob 14:51
Linda. You still didn’t finish your questions. Did you do them?
Linda R 14:56
Well, see –
iON 14:57
I answered every one of them. I answered everyone of them.
Bob 15:00
Oh, okay.
Linda R 15:00
Yeah, he basically said, or they said, that not – basically, not to focus so much on power. That was most of my questions; about the source of power and, and –
Bob 15:15
Oh yeah.
Linda R 15:16
– yeah, all of that, so, I have to go back –
Bob 15:17
iON 15:19
Think about piddle power. You just piddle. Learn – if you can learn to pee like Bob, that’s all you need to know. Bob will win the prize for best urination. The best urinator, that’s our Bob.
Bob 15:32
Ha ha. Ya hoo. Okay, thank you very much.
Linda R 15:39
I’ll talk to you about the preacher next time I engage with you.
iON 15:43
Oh, yeah, that’s right. We’re sorry about the Project Paperclip stuff, but Bob gets testy and we don’t like it when he gets cross with us.
Linda R 15:51
Bob 15:52
Yes, you don’t want to get me cross.
iON 15:54
One day we can.
Linda R 15:56
Okay. All right. Thank you.
Bob 15:58
Okay, good. Thank you. All right. Okay, Scott, you got some questions, Scott?
Scott 16:11
Well, I guess this is, this sort of –
Bob 16:14
Ha ha. You don’t know?
Scott 16:15
– this is sort of like a question about the, the Egyptian Book of the Dead tying in with the the "Messiah" thing.
Bob 16:33
Yeah. Okay, that’s good.
Scott 16:35
Yeah, I think in the last episode, what’s her name, the young girl got up on the stage when he was supposed to appear before the audience, before the TV audience or something like that, and she gave this speech. And in the speech she said, "He is the I of," and then there was a long pause and then she said, "the storm." What, what was she going to say other than the storm?
iON 17:08
What are you speaking about?
Scott 17:13
The, the young girl in the, in the "Messiah."
iON 17:18
"Messiah," "Messiah," okay. There’s nine things people are supposed to be watching, so we had to know what you were talkin’ about. Okay, gotcha. Okay. In the last one the, the raids, the tip, you’re asking what she was gonna say, or she was supposed to say, or was gonna choose to say.
Scott 17:35
Yeah, she was, there was a pause. And then she said, "He is the eye of the." And then she paused for a long time and she, she ended up saying, "the storm." But, was she going to say something else?
iON 17:52
Yes. She was gonna say, "the needle."
Scott 17:54
But she checked –
iON 17:54
She was gonna say, "the eye of the needle." Mm hmm. Because what that refers to, you know the scripture reference is: easier for a rich man to go through the eye of the needle than it is – no, than a camel to go through an eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the gates of heaven.
Scott 18:12
iON 18:12
And the eye of a needle, the eye of the needle is a gate that you go through. –
Scott 18:16
iON 18:16
– and it’s very big, but a camel has a hard time going through it. And that’s what was said; it would be easier to do that. And so, this was the eye of the needle inference that she was going to say. Good. You paid attention, too. That was good. It’s very interesting, isn’t it? The way the system is laid out of how people are supposed to embrace it or not, or do it or not, or know it or not, or figure it out or not. They’re all questioning the questions. It’s great fun. Pretty good.
Scott 18:50
Yeah, he’s like, they, they come up against him and all of a sudden, every one of them has to look at what their, what their particular issues are. And it changes –
iON 19:04
Yeah, Bob’s been doing it, Bob’s been doing this, Bob’s been doing this for years. He’s been doing it for years; playing it up, paying it down. And then they’ll catch him on something. "Oh, yeah, yeah, I did that. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Well, but I didn’t mean to, or I didn’t do it hard, or yeah, yeah." He has to admit to it because he’s caught. It doesn’t matter because at the end of the day they still have to question their own business. See, they’re pulling on Bob. When they’re pulling on Bob what happens is, is it exposes their frivolities. So, and that’s why Bob takes it. He’ll just take it and take it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, okay. Well, shut up then, or whatever. He’ll, you know, he’ll admit to anything. He don’t care. It’s crazy. We don’t know why he does it, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t mind. Doesn’t seem to mind. He’ll sell his soul to the devil; he wasn’t usin’ it.
Scott 19:56
It’s just a stenographer anyway, right?
iON 20:00
So far, so far, now we’re hoping for a little bit more. What that means is, is he is becoming, so you got to be careful now. You’re gonna tunk a lo pizen if you’re not real careful because he’s starting to know things as he assimilates the stuff. Here’s, here’s the example. He taks all this crazy – you should have gone back far enough to get into some of the good CKLN stuff; some of the good stuff. I mean, past Barry Goldwater. Ha ha ha. CKLN stuff. When you get past of that, all of a sudden you start knowin’ things where he was giving, he was postulating on condition responses. That’s ceasing. Now he’s starting to know stuff. Bob, that is. Very significant.
Scott 20:49
iON 20:52
Notice, he’s not, he’s not, he’s not telling you how Finneganese something is. He can tell you exactly how it applies now, nowadays. Pretty impressive. It’s impressive. But we don’t like to talk about it because it pumps – if his head get any bigger, it’s gonna fall off. His shoulders ain’t gonna be able to hold him up. So, we’re trying not to pump him up any more than we absolutely can’t help but stand. But you gotta do some of it, little of it, or it doesn’t work out. You know, y’all know that. Obviously.
Scott 21:30
Can I ask other questions that don’t have to do with the dead?
Bob 21:34
Yes, you can.
iON 21:36
Bob, as long as you’re talkin’ about Bob, if you’re talking about Bob, he’ll probably listen to that.
Bob 21:42
No, you can ask other questions.
Scott 21:45
I’ve been invited to join a working group and is that, is that gonna go some place?
iON 21:49
Eww, no, because you’ll be the smartest one –
Scott 21:53
iON 21:53
– there , and they’ll just – no, because you’ll be the smartest one there and they’re just going to hate you ‘cuz you’re the smartest one there. Now, if you want to go do all the work if you’re going to get paid, okay, that’s fine, go ahead; but past that, if you want a little more degradation in your life, yeah, jump in both feet. You’re good. And if you know that and don’t mind it and it’s okay, then great. But, otherwise, why are you casting your pearls before the swine? They’re pigs.
Scott 22:20
So, so I should just, I should just kind of surf it then.
iON 22:23
Well, just – yeah, or just do it. Do it. Tell them to get the fuck off of it and you just do it. Then that’s good ‘cuz you’re gonna have to do it anyway if it gets done, so just you do it. It’s easy. Solved that. Then you don’t have to, then you don’t have to answer all the goddamn questions.
Scott 22:45
What do you mean "do it"? You mean like –
iON 22:49
Do the project, do the work, do the concession, do the work study, do the connection. Just do it. Do the whole thing. You do it. Don’t have them do it, you do it.
Scott 23:03
Oh, okay.
iON 23:04
‘Cuz you gotta (indistinct), you’re gonna have to do it anyway. So, why bring them in it? They’re not, they’re not adding anything to it; you still have to do it all. So, if you got to do it all anyway, just do it, don’t engage all them because they just gonna tell you how it’s inappropriate of what you’re thinking ‘cuz you’re not thinking what they’re saying. Well, they’re not saying what they know, you know and what you don’t know you find out. When you really get tangled up, you’ll ask us, so, you get a little heads-up on things. And you don’t know that, but you’ve got enough to know to know where to look. See, the, the issue is not the answer to things, it’s how to make the best hypothesis. And you’re good at the hypothesis based on controlled inputs. And their tryin’ to make a controlled input be the example. And it never works that way because now you have to prove – not only do you have to prove the constant, you also have to prove the, the, the hypothesis. You see? So, you got to show your work, prove the question, and validate the answer. Well, goddamn, time you do all that, you’re through; you know somethin’ already.
Scott 24:15
Mm hmm.
iON 24:16
So, don’t let them get the credit for your work if you’re gonna do it. Now, if you’re not gonna do it, tell them to piss off. It don’t make a difference. You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. Fuck it.
Scott 24:24
iON 24:25
But you can, you can if you want to. I mean, we’re not sayin’ it’s your pleasure, yeah, knock it out but, pfft, we wouldn’t give them the sweat – we wouldn’t give them the bother of your tears. But, –
Bob 24:38
But will he get paid?
iON 24:39
– it’s all right if you want – ahh – not what he thinks, not what he’ll have to put into it. If he’s gonna get paid, do all of it. Do all of it. Then you’ll get paid for it’ll be yours. We like that. Much better.
Scott 24:53
You mean write, write a book or something like that after (overtalk).
iON 24:59
The whole work rather than going with this brain trust with you being the only brain there. (short pause) You see how this works great, Scott, when you’re not touting how great you are – we’ll tell you how great you are? But when you start telling us how great you are, we’ll stop. Ha ha ha ha. Promise. And it’s good because you’re lightyears ahead of the average bear. But when you start telling us that, yeah, we’re not gonna have that. But, now you see it comes back full circle, and you can make a lot of money at this. A lot of money at this, but don’t, but they don’t want you for that. They want you to do it so they can get the credit for it. They’re tryin’ to make the money off of it.
Scott 25:49
iON 25:49
We’re sayin’ if you’re gonna go through all that bullshit, you just do it. And then you don’t gotta share and you’re good. And if they want it, they can buy it from you. And if they don’t, you still got it anyway. So, good for you.
Scott 26:07
Okay, thank you. There’s one more question. I was wondering about the, the strategy of Trump. You know, he killed those, the head of that Kurds force and whatever the thing is, and a couple of others involved in that in Iraq, and there’s a lot of, –
iON 26:28
Mm hmm.
Scott 26:28
– there’s a lot of uproar about that. Even among former Trump supporters, they think he’s like, gone crazy or something like that. And, he just, he just, he just posted something that said that he’s got 52 targets in mind in Iran –
iON 26:46
Scott 26:46
– for each of the 52 hostages. And –
iON 26:50
That’s exactly right. And he’s gonna get – no, no, no, here. Wait, here we go. Here we go. Hold on. This goes back to Jimmy Carter. When they were holding our hostages, this is the final solution of that. –
Scott 26:51
iON 26:55
– We already did it. That’s the final conclusion. And he’s gonna for every hair on their head, he’s gonna take theirs. Yeah. And it ain’t crazy, it’s appropriate, it’s proper. He told them right from the start: I’m not tryin’ to start a war with you and we’re not gonna be in endless wars. We’re not talking about war, I’m gonna kill your damn ass. You understand that? We’re gonna kill your damn ass. Any question? No question. Okay, you don’t blame me. This one’s dead, this one’s dead, this one’s dead. I’m gonna kill you. And that’s what he said. It was just as plain as day. And even the people in Iraq and Iran, because there’s no difference in them – the ones – Iran is fixin’ to throw us out, and then Iraq’s gonna, they’re just gonna move it right over to the other side. I mean, you got Syria. You can do whatever you want to. We’re good. Ain’t no question from this conversation. But it’s not about that you see. This war has been going on for 10,000 years, and it’s goin’ on now. He ain’t in all that. He just sayin’ if you take anything against American or American assets, you gonna pay; not someday way out yonder in a sweet by and by, but right here in the goddamn dirty here and now. And I’l whoop the man said it isn’t so. There’s the difference. You’ve had other presidents talk big shit, but he says: and I’ll whoop the man that says it is not so. That’s the difference ‘cuz now when they start sayin’ somethin’, then he goes out after them: Say somethin’. You know what? I would too. Go ahead, say somethin; say somethin’! And then what happens is he goes after them. And then they’re really lambasted because they’re like, Oh my god, he said, bla bla bla bla. Yeah, no, I didn’t say that. I said I meant it. I didn’t say it. I said I meant it. Do you understand I meant it? Yeah, that’s the condition.
Bob 29:02
So, iON, there’s a lot of worries gonna cause a big war! And you see what’s coming in the Middle East. These issues are not –
iON 29:14
Yeah. There ain’t no war that ain’t –
Bob 29:14
– connected to the big war – Hey! Listen! These issues are not connected to the big war where they are. Is he gonna cause a big war right here?
iON 29:23
Bob, Bob, there’s been a big war goin’ on, and those – Kurds, and the Shites, and the Sunnis, this thing’s goin’ on for 10,000 fucking years! See, there’s never been a time when they weren’t at war. They’ll stopped fightin’ for two or three days just to take a break and then they go right back to fightin’ again. What the hell kind of deal is that? Well, okay, we’ll take off 30 minutes; I’m gonna have a baby. We’re gonna have a baby now. Give me 30 minutes. Let me drop this baby and we’ll go back to fightin’. They’ve been fightin’ for all this time. And the people jump in and jump out. Then there’s Russia and then there’s not. Then there’s USSR, then there’s not. Then there’s China, then there’s not. All these other countries kind of come and go and wax and wane like the fucking wind. Meanwhile, they’ve been in there killin’ each other since all of time, like the grain of sands, and they’re warring about it. So, –
Bob 30:10
Are they – they are gonna have the big Middle East war among themselves? It’s just gonna be confined to their long war.
iON 30:18
Yeah, Trump ain’t gonna get in no big ol war. He’s gonna kill them motherfuckers that took our hostages from Jimmy Carter’s day. Just like he said, and then if they raise their hand to do somethin’, he’s gonna kill them, too. He’s not trying to subset their, their democracy that they don’t have. He’s not trying to make them negro-loving Jews and nothing like that. He’s not trying to do that. He don’t care about that. They can believe in whatever they believe; it’s all right. It ain’t no trouble. But, you’re not gonna have, you’re not gonna say nothing about America, and you’re not gonna do nothin’ to Americans or American assets. And if you do, we’re gonna kill ya. And whoever the fuck you are, we’re gonna kill ya. You just pick your number. You don’t like that, well then, don’t do it. Any questions? And that’s why we say it. And that’s all he’s saying, and it don’t matter if Schumer and Pelosi and them and all of them has them a little giz gazzem, a little bust out, a little nervous breakdown or whatever they got to have. He don’t care. He didn’t ask them people to start with. He didn’t care, he don’t care. It ain’t about that. So yeah, they should be goddamn concerned. They’re talking bad, Scott? They should be very concerned. They should be very concerned, and they shouldn’t raise their hand against Donald J. Trump. That’s what they should do, or not do. Yeah. ‘Cuz he ain’t backing up and he ain’t backing down because he’s got it all on his side. He’s running this. He’s got this; and he’s got enough in it behind it, to carry it out. So, in other words, his ass can cash checks that his mouth writes what he’s tryin’ to say. Right?
Scott 32:03
Ha ha. Mm hmm.
iON 32:07
And he ain’t gonna ask fucking Congress anything. Don’t you worry about that. Better than – Congress better worry about being reelected is what they better worry about ‘cuz he’s fixin’ to say no. They’re gonna keep on. Now watch, this is gonna get really fun because they’re gonna make it personal. And they’re gonna say he’s unstable or he’s this or he’s that. And he’s gonna say: "Okay, okay, I understand, I know how you feel. I felt the same way. You know what? This is turning into a pretty ugly thing. We better go ahead and call a constitutional convention and just settle this!" He needs 13 more governors. With 13 more governors – you notice, nobody’s talking about a goddamn governorship at all? 13 more governors, motherfucker, and you can have a constitutional convention. Fuck em. Now then, and they’ll say, well, let’s take out the part for the income tax. We’re not gonna have anymore income tax. We’re just gonna pay as we go. No more income tax, we’ll knock this out; get this thing cleaned up, get it back where people can make money, real money. Mm hmm. That’d be fun. Bobland. Bob will pay for it. He pays for stuff; you don’t even know, so, it’s good.
Bob 33:21
Scott 33:22
Mm hmm.
Bob 33:22
I’ll be paying for a lot of this, Scott, the money I’m gonna make. Well, I’ll be money. –
iON 33:28
Bob 33:28
– I’ll be money.
iON 33:30
Gonna make? Listen to him: gonna make the money. Yeah, Bob, let us know if you ever make any money. (Bob and iON laugh) You’re so funny. You’re so funny.
Bob 33:41
Hey, Scott, go in and tell Alex and David – they’re picking at me the other day. I nailed them, but you can go in there and supplement it.
Scott 33:51
Bob 33:51
Said it on, on Rushkoff, I think Yeah, I put down Rushkoff, they didn’t like that.
Scott 34:01
Yeah. Okay.
Bob 34:01
You go in there and tell them the truth. Okay, back to you. So, did you get an answer on that, on the Iraq thing?
Scott 34:10
Oh, yeah. Yeah, that’s what I was looking for.
iON 34:13
And it’s clear.
Scott 34:16
I totally agree. He knows what he’s doing.
iON 34:18
And if there’s any conversation, just watch him. ‘Cuz what he does is he goes – he never – he just says: "Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah." And he goes with it. And then they do – they can say this stuff and do other stuff and he don’t say anything. Now everything that – look how it’s playing out though. Everything everybody’s accusing him of, they’re getting caught doing; they’ve got collusion that’s what they’re doing. Now they got, they got an impeachment, but it’s not going the way we want it so they’re gonna hold it back. So now there’s no impeachment; so now there is. So all they did was piss everybody off. And now he’s guaranteed – we’re gonna have to change our electorial college number. Now, we’re all, we’re non physical. We should know everything. They’ve gotten this so much powered up now that it’s even over-trumping. It’s the Trump wielding our position. It’s going up even more, Bob. We may be like at 320 before it’s over with. It may move again which is very strange. I mean, that’s, you know, it’s enough. But the point is, is he’s got it so everybody’s so befuddled by the whole thing that they’re like, well, let’s just give it to him. Well, let’s just see, let’s see. If his dick is that big, I’d pay to see it. If his dick is that goddamn big, I wanna see it. And they’re gonna say, "All right, let’s go, show it." And then he’ll, he’s gonna knock them out. Just so, just so you know. And he’s not asking a soul now; if y’all notice, he ain’t ask nobody yet. He’s tellin’ them. That’s the difference. I’m the President of this country and that’s what we’re gonna do. And you’re not gonna do this. Not one more second are you gonna do this. Who said? I said, watch. Stand back. And then it’s gonna be quiet. And he said when he said it started, they did some stuff and he should have done somethin’. And they yelled and said, "Ah, he didn’t do nothing. He’s like Obama, he didn’t do nothin’. He didn’t do (indistinct). The next thing though he starts somethin’ and they go, "Oh my god he killed the baddest man of all that was bad. He’s our friend and we love him and he’s a great" stewardess or flight attendant or something, we don’t know. Body builder or some ruler of some – craziest bullshit that you’ve ever seen in your life. And then they come up there and tellin’ about how they gonna do this and they gonna that and he said, "All right, I’ll just tell you. Do it. Do it. That’s what you do. Don’t tell us, do it. We’ll meet you at the alter anytime you need to go pray. You want to have prayer meeting? Come on at that altar. We’ll pray. I’ll pray with you. I’ll be there anytime you are. Let’s go." It’s pretty fun.
Scott 34:27
Yeah, there – Oregon just passed another, passed a law that said all of Oregon’s electoral votes go to whoever wins the national popular vote. And I don’t know how many states have done this, but, but if Trump wins the popular vote, he, he could win 90% of the electoral votes. So, he’d be the first President to ever do that. Then that would that would give him the mandate to do all the other stuff that he’s gonna do.
iON 37:28
That’s it. Well, and see, and you know what’s funny about it, Scott, and here’s where it’s interesting. The mandates what you have to have and able to function in Washington in this thing, he could care less. He really could care less. He’s like, "I don’t care. I don’t like you. I don’t like you. Who are you? Are you good for me right now? Okay, come on. Let’s go. Let’s go. I don’t know you. I’m not gonna get so involved with you that you’re gonna drag me down." He’s very – he’d – take Melania. He’d dump her off a bridge right now if she got sideways. And she knows better. She ain’t getin’ sideways for nothin’; she knows how the milk got in the coconut. But he has no regard. He has no regard. "We got somethin’ to do; we’re gonna do it. Yeah, that’s what we’re gonna do. No questions, we’re just gonna do it. We’re tired of talking; too much talking, not enough working, not enough action. Enough. Let’s get on with this thing, or either shut up or kill me. You know, you say you don’t like it. Well then, shut up or kill me." Now we’re to the point it’s on. And it’s amazing because the gravitas that he has engaged has got everybody rocking and reeling because now the big dicks are startin’ to get stirred up, now, ‘cuz they’re like, "Who does this man think he is? Where does he get the prowess to come up with such high-minded ideologies? From whence this come? This man isn’t even very smart. He’s not very intellectual whatsoever, making all these odd, precarious judgment calls." But, he’s gettin’ away with it, honey. There’s the rub.
Scott 39:03
Yeah, I think Thiel was decided that he’s gonna be against him and stuff, and that, that’s part of what –
iON 39:12
Who? Who’s gonna be against him?
Scott 39:20
Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel.
iON 39:15
Oh yeah. He better back, he better back his little gay ass up. He’s gonna get one up the bum he don’t want. Yeah, he’s gonna feel all that. He don’t need to get involved with that for sure; it’s problematic. Because, see, he’s too, he’s too – now, we don’t care who they sleep with, but you know how we are with that, we don’t care. If you can stand it, fuck yourself to death, it don’t bother us. Most people that are straight ain’t fucking, so what are you? Don’t matter. So we’re not, we’re not sayin’ that. We’re sayin’ anybody you want to sleep with, knock yourself out. Be autosexual, it don’t bother us. We’re not sayin’ that. What we are saying is that he has used his capacity, Thiel, Peter Thiel, in such a way that he’s pulled himself so far outside, that he’s made it a thing. See, it’s a thing. That’s the problem. Peter has made it a thing. He didn’t have to make it a thing, nobody really cared. But now he’s made it an issue, something has to be addressed. We gotta address it, we gotta do something. That’s what’s make it a problem, and he’s in a lot of trouble.
Scott 40:25
Ah huh.
iON 40:25
A lot of his business is a bit questionable. When you start looking at it really close, there’s the problem –
Bob 40:28
Who you talking about?
iON 40:31
– if you look at it really close.
Bob 40:35
Who you talking about? Who is that?
iON 40:37
Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel.
Bob 40:40
Oh, Thiel. Right, right. I know. Yes. Yep.
iON 40:43
We’ve discussed him.
Bob 40:44
Scott’s been looking at him for awhile. Scott’s been tracking his pumpes(?).
iON 40:51
Yeah, he’s a mess. And he could be all right. But every time he gets something straightened out, he uses – he’ll build a little business. Okay, there’s nothing wrong with that. Okay, fine. But then you take that damn business and turn it into something to make it into something else. Well, why couldn’t you just do your little business and quit trying to then take that business and run somethin’? The business don’t run somethin’. That’s – if you’ve gotta – if you want to have a campaign, open your fucking Foundation and let stupid people give you money for it. Go Fund Me. Go Fuck Me Fund page if that’s what you’re gonna do. But don’t build a little business and then drag your business down into it in such a way that it’s destroyed out of it, too. ‘Cuz if people can’t do business with it, as well, seeing that – and he has – him and Mr. Welch has quite a reputation regarding those regards.
Scott 41:47
Welch is who? I don’t, I don’t know who that is.
iON 41:50
Jack Welch.
Scott 41:52
Oh, okay.
iON 41:52
Do you remember Jack? Yeah.
Scott 41:54
Yeah, that’s the "here comes everybody" syndrome. The HCE syndrome.
iON 42:02
Yeah. Yeah, that’s exactly right. And it’s systemic because it gets started and you can’t get end of it.
Scott 42:09
Mm hmm.
iON 42:13
And that’s what’s wrong with it.
Scott 42:16
iON 42:20
What ya gonna do about Bernie?
Scott 42:25
What am I gonna do about him?
iON 42:27
Mm hmm.
Scott 42:30
I don’t know. I wasn’t gonna do anything about him.
iON 42:33
Okay, good. What’s your, what is the, what is the opinion, the laudable opinion of Bernie Sanders that everyone holds in your world these days?
Scott 42:47
He’s the, he’s the, the non, the non candidate that everybody loves.
iON 43:00
Got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Scott 43:02
He’s the loser that everybody loves to, to, you know, clap for.
iON 43:08
Mm hmm. Yeah. I mean, and I mean, they should and he should. It’s an old story and however long and arduous. But if he had his rights pull call, he should put Hillary Rotten Clinton in the crosshairs. But instead, he can’t seem to embrace that. So, he just sort of lets it go, it’s kind of – it makes him weak. If you let that go, you’re weak.
Scott 43:39
I think he’s always been weak. He’s always been a follower, so –
iON 43:45
Mm hmm.
Scott 43:46
– He got a bit of a run of popularity, but he didn’t capitalize on it, he didn’t take it anywhere, so.
iON 43:55
Well, and it’s two-faced because you’re sittin’ here saying I’m a socialist, I’m a deist, I’m a democratic socialist, I’m whatever it is. And then we’re sittin’ there, we’re sittin’ there, and the only thing he’s ever done in life is be a damn politician. And all of a sudden, he’s three houses and a multimillionaire. Huh, how does that work? "I wrote a book. I wrote a book, and the book made, so" He hated millionaires till he became one and now all of a sudden he doesn’t hate millionaires anymore, they’re all right. He’ll go after the billionaires now. But see, it’s a bit two-faced when you come back to that place of fighting against the very thing that’s making you rich. Sideways.
Scott 44:41
Yeah, that’s the, well, I just, I just wonder if I should – I mean, I’ve been thinking about writing a, an article on – I sort of figured out that the relationship between the digital, the digital mentality or the Tech Body or whatever you want to call it, the five bodies, and, and the American exceptionalism. And I’ve been thinking about writing an article about that, and also bringing in the role of Silicon Valley and stuff like that. I wonder if I should go ahead and do that.
iON 45:21
No, don’t do that. Don’t do this Silicon Valley stuff because that’s old. That’s the typewriter. If you wrote that story, you might as well say they invented the Gutenberg galaxy, made a printing press, and the printing press then became some thing; and that’s what caused the Tech Body. See? So that doesn’t really work because you’ve given them credit when they don’t even deserve the credit. What happened was gonna happen anyway, they just happened to be there on the sway of it. –
Scott 45:52
Mm hmm.
iON 45:52
– They just caught the feng shui of what was happening already, anyway; that’s all it occurred. That’s all that whole run is. That’s what the stock crap was. That’s no different than in the roaring 20’s the last time when people were making money on whale bone corsets, you see.
Scott 46:13
Well it – well, what I would say is that these things feel authentic to people because, because it’s based upon on tactility or it’s based upon the resonant interval, the interplay of the senses, and it feels like a solid rock.
iON 46:32
No, no, everything – I know, but everything that – everyone who’s deluded feels that way. –
Scott 46:37
Well, yes –
iON 46:38
– The Jim Jones people that was drinking the – the Jim Jones people that was drinking the Kool Aid was tickled to death to get out. It was good. He was glad to get out of it. Didn’t bother them. So yeah, however deluded if you qualify it with that statement. Well, now you’re, now you’re depending on the delusions of grandeur to navigate a place of what you now know. And Bob’s like, you ridiculous sots. What the hell are you talking about? You can’t get there from here. That’s the stupidest thing you ever heard in your life. If you’re gonna follow that, okay, well, I got a nice bridge I’ll sell you, too. It’s great; I got a good price on it. It was double or nothing. With a tax lien I picked it up. You know, nobody used the bridge, so I might as well get some good out of it. I’ll sell it to you for a good price. Ha, and laugh yourself all the way to the bank. Well, it’s pretty ridiculous.
Scott 47:29
What is anxiety?
iON 47:33
Oh, the questioning of the impenetrable known. The questioning of the impenetrable known. Something you know that you can’t change that’s impenetrable that causes anxiety. That’s the example or definition of the cause of anxiety.
Scott 47:53
And what is that a sign of? What is that telling you when you feel that anxiety?
iON 47:58
Weakness. Weakness. That you’re smart enough to know something that’s going to devour you. You’ve lost and you know it, and you’re anxious about it.
Carolyn 48:12
Magnesium deficiency.
iON 48:15
Magnesium deficiency, Yes, that’ll do it. But if you notice, but see, if you know, that’s even worse; that could cause anxiety right there. Because if you know to take magnesium and you don’t do it, then that could make you anxious because now you even know what the fuck, what the fuck is wrong with you. Ah! So, you know, how deluded is it that you’re less than and know what to do, smart enough to be told what to do and still don’t do it. Boy, you see, that’ll cause anxiety right there.
Scott 48:46
But it is telling you what to do. I mean, the anxiety is like a sign pointing. It’s a pointing sign.
iON 48:53
But you have to acknowledge that – you have to feed it. –
Scott 48:56
Yeah, right.
iON 48:57
– If you don’t feed it, then you don’t have it. Meaning, you don’t know it. Many have the proponent, they say if I don’t know I have something, I don’t suffer from it. You see? And of course our standard joke is that who died of cancer before they named it? They say, "Oh, they died, they just didn’t know it was cancer." Okay. All right, I can’t tell, I mean, you know, the ones who’s got cancer still died, too, and they knew so what’s the difference when you get right down to it in a, you know, liturgical kind of a way. Pretty fun. It starts to become like the United Methodist Church that ain’t gonna be united much longer. The divided Methodist Church.
Scott 49:46
iON 49:48
Which is hysterical, too. (short pause) I want to be included as long as I’m excludable.
Scott 50:07
Bob 50:11
Who said that? Still Bernie you’re talking about or something else?
iON 50:14
No, the United Methodist churches united, quote, United Methodist Church is gonna have a split right down the middle over gays and lesbians are not gays or lesbians. But I think they all don’t mind gays or lesbians, but you can’t run nothing, you can’t preach, and you can’t get in the pulpit. You can’t get a Doctor of Theology and all that kind of stuff, which kind of goes against the whole thing of Methodism, you know, in a Charles Wesley kind of a way. The originally homosexual, –
Bob 50:49
iON 50:49
– and so – ha ha ha. It kind of comes into a kind of a nut in a hard place, because now they’ve divided themselves amongst themselves in a united kind of way
Bob 51:01
Heh heh. Okay, is that it, Scott?
Scott 51:08
Yeah, okay.
Bob 51:10
Do you have another question? You were going to say something?
Scott 51:12
No, I was just gonna say it’s like Hobbesian dilemma where, where everybody is gonna impeach everybody.
iON 51:17
Scott 51:24
They’re all impeaching each other.
iON 51:24
Yeah. Oh yeah. Now, just wait. Now just – now y’all think this is something, but just wait. Wait till the Republicans get both sides. Now, Trump ain’t happy with them either. Y’all know this right? He’s a Republican, the I’m a Pepper, you’re a Pepper, they’re a Pepper, too. Okay, we got all that. But let me tell you something. These numb nut motherfuckers when they had the House, the Senate, the Presidency, they didn’t do a goddamn thing. They didn’t do nothing. So, I’m not too keen on any of them except for Trump. And so he’s gonna find out quick he’s gonna make a new party, the Trump Party. You’re gonna be a Trumparian or you’re not. Yeah, it’ll be, it’ll be, it’ll be a Republic. He said he’s gonna quote Benjamin Franklin. He says, "This is a Republic, and I’m gonna keep it." Ha ha ha. Trump’s gonna keep the Republic, not if "we" can keep it. With the Republic, if we can keep it, he says this is a Republic, and "I’m" gonna keep it." Because they can’t be trusted with it. It’s ridiculous. It’s absolutely inane what they’re trying to get away with. And it’s ridiculous and the American people have had enough and they don’t care. And they don’t know why. We don’t know if their problem is ignorance or apathy; but they don’t know and they don’t care. They’re sick of this bullshit. And it’s anchored in stowed-up, pent-up frustration that’s oozing out in a trickle-down economic kind of way that’s fixin’ to rock this city. Yep.
Scott 52:59
Yeah, I agree.
iON 53:00
Just, just sayin’.
Bob 53:02
And the media, the media, what do they call it? The lazy media doesn’t understand that for some reason. They’re in a bubble or something?
iON 53:09
Well, no, they’re building, they’re trying to make their message or their medium be what make – what is the message. They’re trying to say or make the point that it doesn’t matter what we say, we’re what you should listen to. It doesn’t matter; you know, it’s the emperor has no clothes. Well, everybody’s agreed that the emperor was fully dressed and they talked incessantly about the fabulous clothes of the emperor till he finally got the clothes they were so perfect it was just him. They were so, so sheer, you can see through them. Perfect clothes to the point that the king was running around buck strap butt naked, and anybody who said something, he’d kill em. You see? But the emperor really had on no clothes.
Bob 53:54
So that the media can’t – the legacy media can’t get any clothes back on.
iON 54:00
Nope. And they’re the ones that, you see – and here’s the thing, right? Here’s what’s gonna happen in about a second. It’s not gonna be long till Trump’s gonna have enough of it and he’s gonna say, You know what? He’s gonna start playing back that footage. The only reason Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States is because CNN played the shit out of him. They gave him over a billion dollars worth of coverage, making fun of his damn ass so much so that it was – he made CNN say "pussy" on the air! They never said pussy on the air their entire living life. He made them say it. He forced them to it. And then they caught him. Treated him like he was dead.
Bob 54:43
What’s he gonna do? He’s just gonna remind them of that old stuff?
iON 54:46
He’s gonna, he’s gonna remind them that he’s been running them since the beginning! And he’s just tickled to death that they have reelected him once again, that they’re all – this good attention, bad attention, hot potato, cold potato, I’m a Pepper, you’re a Pepper, we’re a Pepper, too. It doesn’t make any difference. That’s all they’re talking about. People burning to death in Australia, and they’re saying, Trump’s done a bad dude. He lit something on fire one time and probably blew across the water and probably caused – Yep, it was Trump. Yep, it was Trump. Trump’s been messing with the sand negros; he’s got everything messed up. He’s gonna tear up church. He’s gonna get us in a war, he’s gonna get us out of a war, but it’s gonna be a war. And we got, we got Nancy Pelosi’s face falling off, he got her upset, called her a bad Catholic, and got the Pope bitch-slapping people. Do you realize the Pope is bitch-slapping people and they’re not even talking about it? –
Scott 55:41
Ho ho ho.
iON 55:41
– They’re not talking about it. Yeah. The Pope(!) that gets peed on regular, bitch-slapping Catholics, and they don’t talk about that. But oh, Donald J. Trump, the President. Now the Pope’s lost his mind ‘cuz Donald J. Trump’s President. He’s got stress disorder, he’s got PTSD ‘cuz Trump’s President. It’ll be a new disease. But look, Bob, just as you say, as Marshall McLuhan would say, they’re making the medium is the message. They’re making him be the message. Now, it’s in a hateful, despicable kind of way, but Ma and Pa America goes, "You know what? I’m kind of like that. You know, my shit don’t smell real good sometimes, too. You know, I kind of like that. I eat fast food sometimes. I go to the McDonald’s, too, sometimes, and I eat some of it. You know, what’s wrong with that? I like pussy. What’s wrong with that?" (Bob chuckles). So all of a sudden they connect with the negative side, that everybody’s pushing against him. Now most of it’s just hard, dead lie, and you can prove them prove them, prove them. and prove them. Biden gets up there and says, "No, I told Obama he shouldn’t have killed Osama bin, Osama bin Laden. I told Obama and he shouldn’t have killed – he should wait. There’s two more things that we need to know." Got that down far as you can record. Fuck, it’s in everybody’s inbox, still. When he gets up and asked that, he says, "No, I didn’t say that. I would never say that. And I think it was my idea. That’s the best thing we ever did was to kill – the best thing we ever did and that was my idea. I had that idea." And then they play the tape! The stupid motherfuck just said that. "I told him plain, do not do it under any reason or quest (inaudible)." It don’t make sense because people are like, come on, now. Did we lie about that? Did we make that up you on the fucking camera telling us this stuff? So people are looking at it and kind of going, "this isn’t logical." It’s not, it’s not liturgically acceptable. It can’t fly. It doesn’t work. So much so to the point that they pick it together. And just like Marshall McLuhan said, that’s all they’re thinking about, is Trump. Well, guess what? When Donald J. Trump goes to bed at night that’s all he wants you to think about is him. Good, bad, happy, upset, sad, tore up, in, out, up, as long as you’re thinking about him, there’s nothing else we need to do. We’re good. I got you.
Bob 58:08
Okay, iON, what – why does he, you know, when Stravinsky introduced some piece in 1913 there was a riot. So, you know in history of art, somebody comes up with something new and everybody gets all excited. So, on that kind of phenomenon, he’s a great artist. But why are people obsessed with him? Is this the biblical part? Is this something in humanity’s history, –
iON 58:30
Bob 58:30
– the Christian unconscious or something?
iON 58:34
No, it is but it’s not, it’s not a Christian. It’s just the reference. The whole point. It’s when the angel of the Lord starts blasting, people start hearing it and they don’t like it. But it starts blasting and the winds start blowing and they don’t understand it. They don’t get it. They don’t know why I feel this way. I have this incorrigible position that’s inordinate lust to hate this very thing that’s completes me. It completes me. See, now –
Bob 59:03
What that’s got to do with Trump? An angel is blasting; how’s, how’s it relate to Trump?
iON 59:06
Trump is the angel blasting. Trump is that noise. Trump is that problem. Trump is that condition. It’s the thing they can’t understand that they love to hate that they hate to love. They gotta have it, but they don’t know why. I can’t stand it. Oh, these damn cigarettes. I’ve got to have a cigarette. I got to have a cigarette. I don’t know why I hate them; it’s killing me. It’s killing me, but I love it. I gotta have one more. And then they do.
Bob 59:32
Okay, so the angels are against little man. Is there an angelic factor of Trump where he’s against little man?
iON 59:40
No, they’re – the angels are against Trump bringing everybody into their place of power. See, when the dragon gets all of its power back, the angels are screwed. So, they’re trying to pump it any way they can to keep everybody in the box. So, they’re using McLuhan –
Bob 59:56
So you’re saying, –
iON 59:57
– words –
Bob 59:58
– are you saying the angels
Bob 0:00
– against Trump and the angels are doing it through the media?
iON 0:03
Yes, they’re using the media to do that very work. Just as (overtalk).
Bob 0:08
You might say that – Yeah, so Wyndham Lewis’ final book was all about angels and Hollywood in this sense, how the angels took over Hollywood. So, –
iON 0:15
Yeah, but his was off, his was off a little bit. He was off a little bit because he was saying that that was a component of it. And it’s not really a component of it, it’s an excuse in it. He was trying to say, he was interjecting that they worked together. They don’t work together, it’s an antiphonal aspect or reference.
Bob 0:41
Okay, so did you say the angels created the Tech Body? Do you ever say that?
iON 0:47
The – no, the angels didn’t create the Tech Body, the angels – the power that the angels wan’t didn’t go to the angels, it went to the Tech Body.
Bob 1:00
Who directed that besides me? Did you do that or was it something the angels didn’t perceive?
iON 1:06
Okay, no, they didn’t perceive Pentecost; they didn’t like that. Remember Pentecost? That’s the first time when humans had their power. They didn’t see that coming. They didn’t like it; that happened. And they didn’t see this because they didn’t expect it to ever work. They didn’t give humans enough credit to figure it out. But they didn’t know you were gonna make the scene, Dobbstown.
Bob 1:32
Yeah. So what is Trump in the Tech Body? Is he one of the 11th? Is he what the Tech Body is exploiting –
iON 1:42
Bob 1:42
– against the angels?
iON 1:43
No, no, no, none of that. None of that. Doesn’t matter. He’s not. No. None of that.
Bob 1:50
Well, what is he in relation to the Tech Body since the Tech Body’s running everything now?
iON 1:56
He’s the President of the United States. How does that affect the Tech Body? Okay.
Bob 2:02
Is that a function within a Tech Body?
iON 2:08
The conclusion of power-based actions would include Tech Body interaction; so therefore, it would include Tech Body interactions.
Bob 2:26
So, Trump is not as significant today as the Trump – as the Tech Body, an influence of what little man is dealing with.
iON 2:34
It’s a conduit. It’s a conduit. It’s a conduit. It’s like RNA ReSet is a conduit, so, for ReMag to be shared. Is RNA ReSet an angelic force? No, not. Is it run by angels? No. Do they fight against it? Yes. Is RNA ReSet using the angels to build its power? Sometimes. You see? So it’s kind of yin and yang.
Bob 3:06
So, you said its a conduit, the Tech Body. Now, we have to get what the "it" refers to. The Tech Body was, in that sentence, is the conduit.
iON 3:14
Yeah, yes. And Trump is aware of this because somebody that fucks with him, told him what the deal was. And he’s now taking advantage of the power in the Tech Body to be used against the angels who are trying to keep him from being successful, of "making America great again." What he really is trying to say is we’re trying to make you ascend again. It’s what his actually campaign actually is. Is it clear now?
Bob 3:51
So, did someone turn him on to what we were saying or he heard it through another means?
iON 3:58
We didn’t say.
Bob 4:00
Scott 4:01
Well, you did. You said somebody, you said somebody that fucks with him, so, so that would be – that’s not a lot. There are not a lot of people in that category. There’s like,
iON 4:13
That’s true.
Bob 4:14
There’s only us.
Scott 4:15
– a few.
Bob 4:15
There’s only us.
iON 4:16
Bob 4:17
Yeah, there’s only me. Ha ha ha. There’s only me there, Scott.
iON 4:21
Well, we didn’t – well, we didn’t say.
Bob 4:25
Right. So, well, okay. That’s a very good definition of the whole phenomenon.
iON 4:32
When you have to work, when you have to work, when you have to work as hard as we do to keep eternal goddamn Bob Dobbs, J.R. Bob Dobbs, Neveritt, rest of them, alive as we do to keep something that’s already eternal, alive, we’re very careful with our words these days.
Bob 4:54
Yeah, very good.
iON 4:56
Just sayin’.
Bob 4:57
Well, that was a good definition of the Tech Body, the interplay of Trump Tech Body and the angels.
iON 5:02
Now, you ain’t seen, you ain’t seen nothing yet, now. ‘Cuz, see, now wait a minute. The angels are starting to listen, too. Don’t think that – hey, Bob, you know how we’re so proud? Well, okay, goddamn, here we go, y’all. We gotta brag about this; we and Bob were talking about how people are actually doing the homework and showing up, and there’s more than 12, and it’s really pissing everybody off ‘cuz it’s too many now, it’s crowded. The chat line is just fucking crazy all over the place; this on all over of the place; people, strange people from 1942 all of a sudden are back. We’re gonna have, we’re gonna have, we’re gonna have the other Scott back in over here pretty quick coming here and coming back in; and the high ones; and have Renee and the whiskey bottles falling over like the olden days; and Tina; and Jake, the bacon-lovin’ dog; and all that it is. Not room for all this goin’ on here, but they are. So they’re trying to figure it out. And this click, click, click, click, click. Pour Brent thinks he’s 13; it’s terrible. Bless his heart. But anyhow, we got this thing goin’ on to the point that it’s building. Well don’t think for a second the angels aren’t figuring it out, too. And so, we have to be very careful; we don’t want to put you all in harm’s way, meaning, give you a gun. Well, you wouldn’t give a loaded pistol to a three-year old to play with ‘cuz they don’t know the, they don’t know the outcome. Okay? So, we have to give you enough to keep your attention. So, we want you armed because you are. We want to make sure that you’re not in a position where you’re shootin’ yourself in the face just for fun, for shits and giggles like everybody else in America these days, you see. Let’s go to the, let’s go to Hanukkah and take a machete and chop people up, or let’s go to church and blow – shoot people in the face and then shoot ourselves in the face. Well, why don’t you shoot yourself in the face first and THEN shoot the other people in the face? It might come out better, save a lot of trouble. And how do these people get hooked up to get shot in the face and then gettin’ shot themselves, or over and that. We don’t understand how they get picked. How do you get selected for all this gettin’ shot in the face business is sort of troublesome to us. How do you hook that up? I mean, do they sign up, line up?
Bob 7:16
What are you bragging – okay, you were bragging. Let’s hear more of the bragging.
iON 7:21
Well, what we were saying is is that these people are actually doing the things that they’re supposed to do to get a little bit of power, and they’re actually starting to shine a little bit. They’re starting to move and quake and things are starting to happen a little bit. Madeline knows which way water falls now, doesn’t she?
Bob 7:40
iON 7:42
Yeah. And that’s a little example, because there was a little conversation and she’ll remember it well, she’ll remember it well, and that’s the answer to it. She wanted some water, so she got it. So, that’s fine. And that’s a powerful thing. And that’s her power. That’s her power. So, that’s good that she got it, so it’s good. Now, it wasn’t quite the way she wanted to go, but it made no difference. Water’s water. It’s like Trump, attention’s attention. Okay, as people are doing better and engaging, then what’s happening is it’s starting to apply, these knowing things. See, if they have too many questions – if we say CKLN about 17 more times, maybe we would never have to say those ridiculous call letters or the Secret Council of Ten ever ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever again. Okay? Okay? Okay? So maybe that’s the case, but until that we say it one more time so people could actually look and see what actually is the zeitgeist that Bob’s talking about. And Bob’s not excited about anything. You know why? Because it’s all in the Tiny Note chart. It’s all laid out right there, all the stuff. And he goes back through, he goes back through – he’s actually gonna read the Tiny Note. He’s never read it before or all the way through. And he’s gonna – thinking about reading it all the way through. And he read a little part of it and he’s like, "Oh my god, hexad(vertisement)! It’s right there in the Tiny Note! That’s the deal – we got the tarantula, all the business laid out, Zappa’s singing about the tarantula; people are picking up on it; Jean’s making notes on it. People are shorting the stock market so they know what’s going to happen when the whole blockchain changes, which is also laid out right there in the "just keep typing." And the Gutenberg galaxy lays it right out there in front of everybody; talks about everything you could ever be scared of. Arthur Kroker told you about it and everything on the other side; Thompson, William Irwin Thompson tried to get you out of and tried to get you behind it. And then you come to these different quadrants and they apply to what’s happening right here, right now. And then Bob just kind of rocking, rocking and reeling with the rain. He’s like, okay. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, that was good. Yeah, I told you. He doesn’t say that much anymore ‘cuz it is kind of vain, but people are listening and they’re engaging and they’re getting very good at this. Even Scott is an intelligible conversationalist now. He can have constructs, he’s not arguing, he’s not screaming at the pussycat, he’s not killing the fan, his phone is clear, he can hear the words, he can have thoughts that are contrary into ours, but yet they’re still engaging. It’s fabulous, it’s absolutely a medo- megalithic, megalithic transformation. It’s astounding because now what happens is it fulfills the completement of embracing your place of power. And then we said we were gonna help him get him some monies. He was like, "Okay, if you do that, I mean it." Well, now all of a sudden his world is startin’ to goddamn work out a little bit, and what the fuck is wrong with that? Good for him. That’s good. If that’s what it takes to get your dick hard, all right, we ain’t mad. That’s good. Let’s go. The point is, is that as they’re doing this thing, we don’t know what quite what this is except for maybe coming into your place of power, but, you can start to apply it. They don’t ask the same questions they used to ask, Bob. For example, this week we haven’t had a single question of where’s my soulmate? You notice that? Not one time. –
Bob 11:21
Ha ha. We haven’t had that since you came back.
iON 11:23
– Where’s my soulmate? They haven’t asked that ‘cuz we’re like, fuck everything, fuck it all, fuck everybody on the earth, and then which ever one you like best, that’s your soulmate. If you don’t fuck every single one of them, then you don’t know. You may miss the, you may have missed the best one and you better try them out twice. Better see. And don’t forget, that doesn’t exclude small animals, too. Nice medium-sized animals. You can engage them, too, it’s all right, it don’t bother us. Enjoy yourself. Poor Madeline’s confused. That’s all right, darlin’, we love you. Okay, water’s good. You need some more water?
Bob 11:31
Ha ha ha. Madeline’s confused.
iON 11:58
Madeline! You need some more water? Bob, I think she’s asking for some more water. What do you think? She’s confused.
Bob 12:08
She better type with a little more clarity.
iON 12:12
Oh, okay, maybe about what it’s about.
Bob 12:14
She’s should leave it vague.
iON 12:14
She’s soaking. Yeah, probably. Well, anyhow, but in this –
Bob 12:18
iON 12:18
– process of getting more better at it, what’s happening is is they’re getting stronger. Now as the iONaughts get stronger, what happens is it builds a base. Now, the angels are gonna get more angry; they’re gonna get more definitively aggressive. And so, but, that’s all right because when they do that, guess what happens? You got the Keys and the Aethyrs. It’s so wonderful. You can get them at the – when they poke their head up, now you can address them. So Michael, now you know what to do when they poke at you. You know because, see, now they’re poking at you. If they’re not poking at you, you don’t care. But once they start poking at you, you can use them, you can use them to your very best advantage and force their hand to do what you want them to do. Pretty cool.
Bob 13:14
Okay, good. All right, very good. Thanks a lot.
iON 13:17
That’s good. Okay, we’re good. Let’s go to the beach.
Bob 13:19
Heh heh. All right. Thank you, Scott.
Scott 13:23
Thank you.
Bob 13:24
Maybe we’ll have room to – maybe later you’ll have something else to talk to about. Okay, so, let’s go to Bert.
iON 13:32
It’s excellent. We want – hey, here we go. We want to talk to Scott. Now there’s the change, there’s the, there’s the turn the tide. When we want to talk to Scott, now that’s, that’s life-giving right there. Okay, now bring on the biggen. Let’s get it right. We got to get busy. We got to get some work done, boss.
Bob 13:51
Ha ha ha. Thanks, Scott. I don’t know if we got any work done with you, Scott, but you did okay, Scott.
Scott 13:58
iON 13:59
Much better. Hundred percent. Hundred percent. It’s great.
Bob 14:04
Okay, –
iON 14:04
Bob 14:04
– all right so, Brent, we got to put Bert on first, Brent. Saw your hand up, but, – and also, –
iON 14:12
Appreciate that.
Bob 14:13
– is this Alissa? Is this, you know, 218232. Is that Alissa?
Alissa 14:19
Yes. Hello.
Bob 14:20
You’re back home or something? You’re back home? How long you – how long you here for on tonight?
Alissa 14:26
Um, until I fall asleep. So, a couple hours.
Bob 14:31
Okay, so we’ll do Bert and then we’ll do you. Okay?
Alissa 14:36
Okay, thanks.
Bob 14:38
Yeah. Okay, so, where’s Bert? Okay, Bert.
Bert 14:45
Hey, Bob; hey, Carolyn; hey, iON.
Bob 14:47
How’s it goin’?
iON 14:48
Bob 14:49
How’s it goin, Bert?
Bert 14:50
Really good. Really good. Really good, Bob.
Bob 14:52
How’s the family? How are your kids?
Bert 14:54
Ha ha. Everybody’s sucking air right now; everybody’s sucking air. Everybody’s breathing. Everyone’s breathing here.
iON 15:04
How’s your, how’s your mama and em?
Bert 15:06
Ah, they’re doing fine, I guess. Everyone’s doin’.
iON 15:10
Bert 15:12
Hey, iON. –
iON 15:13
Okay. –
Bert 15:13
– I want to talk more –
Bob 15:15
Bert, before you start, Bert, Bert! –
iON 15:17
(overtalk with Bob) – enough of that phatic shit.
Bob 15:18
– did you hear iON talk last week? We were talking about intelligent people and he says, unless it’s what I’m playing tonight I can’t remember, but he – it’s about, yeah, must be coming up, about a man from Zurich: There’s nobody intelligent in Zurich. Have you heard that? Or is that coming?
Bert 15:37
Ha ha. No. Ha ha, iON.
Bob 15:38
That’s coming, I guess.
iON 15:45
Ha ha ha. It’s true, it’s true.
Bob 15:48
Okay, –
iON 15:49
Just sayin’.
Bob 15:49
– go ahead.
Bert 15:51
Hey, iON, I want to touch on something you and Carolyn started off with in the Book of the Dead about the angels will do anything for tears. –
iON 16:01
Yeah, the salt. Salt.
Bert 16:02
– It’s reminding me of a question I have never got to ask: the salt. –
iON 16:05
Bert 16:06
– Yeah the salt. Yes. And I had a question because I remember hearing you say that soon that our tears will be saltless so is there –
– a process that will take place that will remove salt from our tears?
iON 16:25
Ascension. It already has. Carolyn’s already got you salting you’re damn water.
Bert 16:29
I know, but the salt –
iON 16:31
Get a cardiologist that, get a cardiologist to tap that as a smart, sound, business opportunity. Ha ha ha.
Bert 16:40
Okay, so are you saying –
iON 16:41
You can’t have a spoonful of salt, and she’s trying to get you to salt your damn water. Great.
Bert 16:47
So, iON, so drinking salt which helps the ascension process does that eliminate salt from the tears eventually?
iON 16:55
No, you’re eating salt. Ascension absorbs salt. It pulls, –
Bert 17:01
iON 17:03
– see, like the way that the i-block is, it will desalinate water. It’ll pull the salt out of water. That’s what it also does to you.
Bert 17:16
iON 17:16
See, but as you ascend, you don’t need any salt. The whole thing, you’re not gonna need any sodium because you’re not gonna have to overcome it with any oxygen. There’s not gonna be any oxygen.
Bert 17:29
Hmm. You answered another – you had a – that’s a question that I was developing but I didn’t fully develop when you were talking about the desalination of water –
iON 17:39
We know, darlin’. We fucks, we fucks, we fucks with you. We fucks with you.
Bert 17:43
Yeah, I know, I can guess. That’s –
iON 17:45
We’ve been talking about you all, we’ve been talking about you all week long. We already know the waxing and the waning, what you’ve been working on and how you figured it out. And how you don’t want any praise, and how you’re not trying to get in nobody’s Kool Aid. You want everybody to be happy and whatever, kumbaya, and blah blah blah blah blah. Meanwhile, you’re digging it out; you never stopped digging, and that’s good You can’t stop. Don’t stop. It’s not where you are in life in this ascension process, it’s where you stop.
Bert 18:16
Yes, that’s that’s one from the old days that you, that you’re consistent with, iON. Thanks for that. Yeah, can you answer that question? It’s the insat – this desalination of water in the i-cell. But, iON, so the, so the i-cell is the key to the desalination? Yes? Is that what’s you’re saying?
iON 18:34
i-block. i-block.
Bert 18:35
The i-block. Okay.
iON 18:37
The i-cell, the i-cell is in the i-block. i-cell, but the i-cell can be without an i-block. See, that’s the first part.
Bert 18:44
iON 18:44
But the i-block itself is the completion of that. And it will desalinate.
Bert 18:50
All right.
iON 18:50
And here’s what’s funny. Here’s what’s funny. We’ve, they’ve got an anomaly that they won’t even ask us, but they keep, they receive their living water. That’d be Bob and Carolyn. And the boxes are all to pieces; they’re sopping wet. They’re in a sealed container, the sealed container’s in a bag, the bag’s wrapped in another thing, the bottles are all fine. It’s drawing water to the box so much so that it’s completely –
Bert 19:21
iON 19:22
– destroying the boxes. When they bring it up, there’s pictures of it, they bring it up and if it’s in like in a little wad. It’s the craziest thing you’ve ever seen. You couldn’t mash them and destroy them –
Bert 19:32
iON 19:32
– it’s in the, they’re – it’s still in the bottle. But it’s literally drawing water to the outside of it. It’s – I don’t even know how –
Bert 19:41
iON 19:41
– you insulate it anymore. Three sacks is all you can do and still get there. But, it draws water to itself.
Bert 19:50
Hmm. iON, you said –
iON 19:52
Bert 19:53
– you said, you said two weeks ago that the desalination of water will allow the i-cell to be engaged by the little man. Can you go into that? Like –
iON 20:05
Yeah, well, ‘cuz you’re gonna be starved – you’re gonna be so starved for salt, you’ll have no choice but to ascend. See, at some point you can’t, you have to – the system will overload it. Do you know what – do you know when you vapor lock a motor? You know what that is?
Bert 20:25
Vapor lock a motor. A gasoline motor? A gasoline motor?
iON 20:30
Bert 20:31
iON 20:32
Or, or one with jet fuel. We don’t care what kind of motor it is. Vapor lock is vapor lock. It can’t get in and can’t get out so it can’t have combustion because it can’t get air to burn for stuff. And it won’t turn; you can’t get it in or out, it’s locked. But that’s what happens. Sooner or later you have a condition to where the meatsack body will shut down or surrender due to the inability to process oxygen because there won’t be any; but yet, it’s still alive.
Bert 21:02
iON 21:04
Yet it is still alive.
Bert 21:06
Hmmm. So, okay –
iON 21:11
And so, that becomes a laudible – an audible condition that has to be qu’est que ‘c’est, addressed.
Bert 21:25
So you’re saying that the desalination of the water will force the little man to ascend, is that what you’re saying?
iON 21:32
No. That’s not what you said and that’s not what we’re saying. We’re saying that’s a sidebar, but the sidebar is that humans are going to be so craving salt. Okay?
Bert 21:45
iON 21:46
They’re so craving of the salt that they – and they won’t be able to get it, that they will have no choice but to ascend.
Bert 21:58
iON 21:58
See, if there’s nothing else you can do, you got to go with it. That’s the rub.
Bert 22:04
iON 22:06
And if you do, great; if you don’t, then you’re gonna, then you’re gonna expire. But you know, we ain’t mad. I mean, it’s – we’ve been pretty adamantly clear about that, haven’t we?
Bert 22:18
Yes you have, yes you have. Yes you have. Thanks for that.
iON 22:20
Okay. And we ain’t, we ain’t mad. We ain’t mad and we ain’t mad at nobody. That means like angry ‘cuz you people use that wrong, mad as, like, angry like a "mad as a dog," like a dog has gone mad. That’s not the same way we’re using it. We’re not cross or sideways about it, we’re just letting everybody know. And that’s all; you know, ain’t nothing personal. Just so everybody knows. Get tight or get right. Or get right or get left.
Bert 22:49
Get tight sounds, ah, very appropriate. Get tight, get tight.
iON 22:54
Yeah, we got stuff we gotta talk to you about after your questions because we’ve been patient under the circumstances and incredibly nice.
Bert 23:01
Okay, okay. Yes you have, always. iON, I’m, I’m up to like – we watched seven episodes of the "Messiah," and hearing you, you and Scott talk, flagged something that I was – I saw, like in the sixth episode to the seventh episode is that I was – the whole thing I was watching, I’m like, "Okay, where’s Bob?" That, that, that whole story for the "Messiah" for me seems like it’s Bob. It’s a story about Bob. Like the beginning – I mean, all the people that left Syria and followed him. That’s like CKLN days, and then when he went over the fence and walked out and disappeared –
iON 23:37
And they hated him. Then they hated him. –
Bert 23:39
iON 23:39
– They hated him. And they said everything was wrong and he then, then, then they called Herod. They called – wait till they call – they – this is a long story. See, they called Herod on him and they had – were gonna have him crucified. They said he was a heretic. That Bob was a heretic. That’s not how this works. And the Messiah even portrayed that example of when he was charged with heresy.
Bert 24:08
Right. And then what made me really think about it is that we started to watch the beginning of the eighth episode and he went – went out of his room. He came in his room and somebody put a, put a – when he’s in the hotel in Washington DC, they put a hit, a hood over his head and captured him; and you know, turned it off. We’ll watch it tonight. But that’s like, that’s about Bob, you know, because, you know, the whole thing of Bob being attacked over the last years
iON 24:32
We’re not gonna, we’re not gonna spoil it. We’re not, we’re not going to spoil it. We’re not going to spoil it. Okay? But they take him to see the president, which is President Trump.
Bert 24:43
Ha ha ha. Cool. All right. No, that’s good. That’s good. I won’t go any further than that, but that’s cool. I thought that ‘cuz I was watching it. And you know, I’m like, "Okay, where’s Bob, where’s Bob?" And then around the fifth, into the fifth into the sixth and the seventh, I was like, "That’s Bob, the Messiah." Yeah, at first, but you know there is some –
iON 25:03
And see, what pisses, what pisses us off, and what pisses us off is Bob starts cajoling and he starts poking on the inside. We’ll send folks and he’ll say, "Oh, well, what about this or how’s Jared Kushner? And what does he say about us lately?" And when are we gonna do this he wants to know. And then he’ll get J.W. aside. "When are we gonna meet Trump? We think that might be appropriate soon, you know, I know I’ll never get to see him" and that kind of stuff. And we’re like, you son of a bitch. Shut your damn mouth. You goin’, you gonna go, you ain’t gonna want to go when you go, but you goin’. Stop worrying about it. You goin’. Yeah, say one more thing. One more thing. And so then, but then he acquiesces and he hushes and it’s good. He looks in his little bank, and he’s doing okay, so he lets it go. Somehow he finds a way to let it go, you know. Ha ha ha. Then he asks Carolyn how much money he’s got, and she doesn’t know, and somebody has to look, and, "Do we have enough? Or, you just sayin’ we have enough?" "Yes, Bob. There’s enough." "Okay. Oh okay, good, as long as there’s enough. That’s good." Heh heh heh. Poor Bob. But it’s fun. Yeah, he’s doing really good, y’all. Bob’s doing okay. Finally. It was a white knuckle flight for all of us, but Bob’s doing okay.
Bert 26:17
All right, iON, I’m going into chromosome 14, again.
iON 26:25
Where we should go – we should skip it and go to the next one and that’ll answer your chromosome 14 question.
Bert 26:35
Go to my next question will answer my – okay. All right. I asked you a while ago and I can’t, I could not find the notes, but I remember asking you about the Revelations chapter nineteen, verse three, and again, they said –
iON 26:53
Which has to do with chromosome 14.
Bert 26:53
– and her smoke and her, okay, I’ll say the verse: "And again they said Al-le-lu’ia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever." And all week like you said, I’m turning and turning, I’m like, I’m doing things but I’m the whole time I’m thinking about all that you’ve laid at me from Andromeda and our whole star constellation talk, Gilgamesh, and everything. So, I’m, you know, turning, turning and then it came to me yesterday which we spoke about: carbon 122, the radioactive carbon.
iON 27:33
Mm hmm.
Bert 27:34
And you told me to leave it alone and come back because I was dealing with the physicality which we can talk about that later. But is, is a – you then, you also said that chromosome 14 comes from the outside. So my question is, is it the carbon 122? Is that the connection of the outside that activates the rings and arms of chromosome 14?
iON 28:02
Indirectly, and we would like to just say yes to solve it for you, but it wouldn’t be the truth. It wouldn’t be the case. So, it wouldn’t hold. You see? It wouldn’t, it wouldn’t work out because it’s not. That wouldn’t be the complete story. It wouldn’t be the full story. So we gotta like, you know, we gotta let that be, but it absolutely – ah, yes, sir?
Bob 28:28
What, what they’re going to hear in my private session, the big breakthrough, that will influence what you just said to Bert –
iON 28:37
Mm hmm.
Bob 28:37
– that it doesn’t work. What they’re gonna learn tonight will clarify why what they’re –
Bert 28:42
Wow. Ha ha ha.
Bob 28:42
– thinking wouldn’t work. Do you agree, iON?
iON 28:46
Yeah, we do. Of course, but that’s the reason we’re trying to back him off. Because he’s gonna spoil the punchline and there you go.
Bert 28:53
All right. All right.
Bob 28:54
iON 28:54
You don’t want to do that, –
Bert 28:55
iON 28:56
-but you know how that – but (indistinct) now. That’s why he’s known – that’s why he’s fucking Number One. He’s always on point. It’s ridiculous.
Bert 29:03
Ha ha. No, iON, because you really were giving me plugs because you were talking to Linda. You started talking about that positive, and positive charge, and negative electrons, and I was like buzzing ‘cuz I’m like, that’s – yeah, that relates to what I was thinking about. Okay.
iON 29:23
We know. Good for you.
Bert 29:24
Okay, iON, then I don’t have any more questions then.
iON 29:27
Good. All right. Now we can –
Bert 29:29
I don’t have –
iON 29:29
– get started. Okay. Now let’s talk about these, your thinking parts. Okay, first of all, we were trying to get you to stop thinking. Bob stopped years ago; he just knows shit. He don’t think about anything, he just knows stuff. But that’s the good news because you’re not Bob and we don’t want you to be Bob. Bob’s separate. He’s another thing all together. We’re not trying to get you to become Bob. But, we do want you to have the same capacity that Bob has. Okay?
Bert 29:59
All right.
iON 30:00
I want you to have insight. I don’t want you to become a Muslim, but I want you to be able to climb the minarets. You know what the minarets are?
Bert 30:11
Yes, I do. But we need to talk more about that about me climbing the minarets ‘cuz they’re, they’re not so climbable, iON. But go ahead, I’m listening.
iON 30:20
They are for you. They are for you.
Bert 30:25
Ha ha. All right. Okay.
iON 30:29
So, the point is, the point is, and see, you’re not even, you’re not, you’re not even gonna think about that and that’s good. You know, you shouldn’t. If you can climb it, you can climb it. But that you can climb those, you can get up, you can get on up there. So that’s good. So what we’re trying to say is that you’re trying to – you got to apply this. This is, this is the, this is – forever we’ve been trying to get people to get it. Now they’re starting to get it. Now we’re trying to slow em down for a second so they can start responding to it. Because we’re trying to get – slowed things down, trying to keep people together. Okay? Carolyn has been incredibly patient. She’s not, she’s the, she’s the most impatient doctor you’ve ever met. Ha ha ha. If you have a doctor, you got to have patience. You got to have patients if you’re doctor, right? She’s the most impatient doctor that’s ever been. It’s a constant race; a battle, as it were. And that’s just fine. Because she’s trying to get on with it. She wants to get on with it.
Bert 31:32
iON 31:32
Bob’s enjoying the play, the tactile interplay; he don’t care. But she’s impatient. She’s ready to go. Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. And she’s being easy because she’s got no choice but to be easy. But still, she’s tryin’ to get on with it. Like, okay, let’s go. If it’s half as good as we say it is, it will be twice better than most people have ever had. So, let’s have that. Get on with that part. And so it is, and so it’s on. But what we’re trying to do is make sure that the structure allows or precludes the ability for folks to make it. That’s the point: is to make it. You have the opportunity now; whether you do or whether you don’t, that’s on you. See what we mean? But if we’ve got to pave –
Bert 32:15
iON 32:15
– the road well enough so that you have access, you have good access to go if you want to. You see, Linda’s gonna have an ability or capacity to ascend. That’s it, no contest. Now, if she chooses not to, that’s her business. But she’s not gonna do that; she’s going to choose, but the point is to make that embraceable. Okay, now, you’re doing things that other people aren’t doing. And you don’t even talk about it anymore. And we’re not mad about it; we don’t care. It’s perfectly all right with us. But you know that you’re doing things appropriately. Do you know what we mean? And we can talk about that or little bits of it if you want to, but we don’t have to talk about it at all ‘cuz we know. We’ve already told it so it don’t make any difference. You’re starting to see from a tactile position, the ability of how far this power thing works. Do you agree?
Bert 33:18
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
iON 33:20
Okay, give us one tiny example; not the big ones ‘cuz that doesn’t matter. I mean, you know, we could talk about your meatsack body all day long, but that’s not gonna let you – people get sick – you hate it. So, that’s the only thing. We don’t know why, but –
Bert 33:37
No, I don’t mind it. I don’t mind it, iON because it’s a whole different project actually; the body, the meatsack. But we don’t need to talk about that. But I don’t mind it because it’s really different. It’s not the same body so it’s different. Okay, iON, a little –
iON 33:52
And, that’s what you were, and that’s what you were – remember pushing against that? And we was like, push if you want too, it doesn’t change it. Remember? We told you. –
Bert 34:00
Ha ha. Yes (indistinct).
iON 34:01
– We told you be still. And, you did and it was fine. But see, the point is you went, you went into it, but you, you held onto it.
Bert 34:13
Umm –
iON 34:13
I mean, you weren’t fond of the interaction. You weren’t fond of the interaction of it, but you accepted the outcome, which is great. Good to be you, Bert. Do you agree?
Bert 34:26
Yeah, I agree with that, iON. I appreciate that. It’s just amazing, okay, the little meatsack thing. It’s really a different body. But I’m amazed at the size and the weight and everything, but it’s really a different thing. But I’m going to give you a little example. A little example is since you dropped the Andromeda thing, my mind went blank. Okay? My whole perspective when we touched on it last week, it went blank because I’m like, I couldn’t think. I mean, I just stopped thinking, so I was just doing what I do and dealing with whatever dealt came my way. But the whole time, in the back, I’m thinking about this connection of –
iON 35:10
Well, you’re processing, you’re processing. You weren’t really thinking, you’re processing.
Bert 35:15
Okay, processing. That’s it, it’s a better word.
iON 35:16
– ‘Cuz there’s no way to think. You can’t think about it. You can’t think about it. It doesn’t compute –
Bert 35:41
iON 35:18
– it’s outside of everything you could assimilate. If we could say you have six fingers. You go, "iON, I only have five fingers." But goddamn look at your hand, you got six fingers. Now, stop. We don’t want you to grow an extra finger. But we could do this for a little bit, then it wouldn’t be long till you’d have six fingers. And you would go, "Wow, why couldn’t you just tell me?" Well, we did. We told you you had six fingers and you said you only had five. And then Bob comes in and says, "He’s got ten fingers!" You see, that’s Bob. That’s Bob.
Bert 35:51
iON, that’s it. You’re spot on. It’s, it’s processing because what you’ve laid out is you can’t, you have no reference point that you can, can, can use or engage that bias other than coming here and talking to you. And listening to the archive and getting bits and pieces because this is a whole new paradigm. So, –
iON 36:17
And the archives, and the archives fuck you to death because they, they’re into something and they reach you when you are. See, that’s another Tech Body thing. The archives, if you notice, a lot of people are preferring the archives. And the reason they’re preferring the archives is because it gets them where they are. They show –
Bert 36:36
iON 36:37
– live, well, it’s live but it’s not in front of a taped audience. When you’re a taped audience, then all of a sudden you get it because, like, people that are talking to us can’t get it because they’re talking to us.
Bert 36:53
iON 36:53
Bob makes some excuse about that. I don’t know what the excuse is, but it’s something ridiculous that he does. We don’t know. But anyway, doesn’t matter. But then it’s like then you go back and listen then it’s like: Oh, okay, okay, okay, so that’s why. And you go, oh, okay.
Bert 37:13
Hey, iON, so, you told me – I asked you awhile ago, anyway, about was the Revelations in a realm. I listened to Revelations last week, the chapters 19 through the chapter 23. And that’s different now. It’s different now, right?
iON 37:32
Bert 37:32
Revelations is – when you go there, that’s really different ‘cuz I heard things that I’d never, I mean, just things I was like, fuck! Okay, good. That’s, that’s powerful, that’s really powerful.
iON 37:49
Well, and that’s what we said happens all the time. But, if you think about that you’ll blow – go crazy because that can’t – not possible.
Bert 37:57
Ha ha ha. Yeah, but this is beyond crazy.
iON 38:02
It’s when they make, it’s when they make fun of us. When they make fun of us for making up new words, but yet, we can go drop it into the Wikipedia which any goddamn body can put somethin’ on and they go, "Oh, oh, oh, it’s in the Wikipedia. Okay, okay, okay." It’s kind of like, "Ah, excuse me, what part of intelligence are we obfuscating here?" Because, yeah, this isn’t very smart. If it’s, if this is the solution, we have a real problem if this is the solution. Because it’s like, come on, man, this is stupid. You’re believing an outside, inside, source that doesn’t know anything except for what somebody else told it. And they told it from their bias, of a, of a predisposed position that hasn’t even been juxtaposed against anything. Hell, if they even knew –
Bert 38:51
iON 38:51
– who Marge Stewart really was, they would have killed Mar – killed whatever his name was. I forget. Bob killed him, so we don’t care. Dead. So I guess it’s for a good work.
Bert 39:02
Heh heh. I believe his name is Marshall McLuhan, iON, just for your reference.
iON 39:06
He made –
Bert 39:07
His name is Marshall McLuhan.
iON 39:08
– he made, he made, he made the chart, but we don’t have much stock in it. We appreciate Marge, though.
Bert 39:13
Ha ha ha. Yeah, yeah. No, iON, thank you for that process (overtalk).
iON 39:19
Now, bring it back home, bring it back, bring it back home. Okay, good. What are you doing? Tell us what you’re doing. You’re, you’re proud of what you’re doing. So tell us what you’re doing. Because what you’re doing is you’re having these little giz gazzems that mark some territory or terrain that’ll allow you to have something now that you basically know. And that information precludes what? What are you doing? What’s happening? People are dying ‘cuz they – you’re Number One, and they wanna know what you’re doing. They wanna know how your bowel movements are. They wanna know what your body’s doing. They wanna know what you’re seeing. They wanna know how you got to be here and what they can do to kill you to get it at your position. Ha ha ha. They’d like that, they’d like that a lot. They’d like that a lot if they could take your position. But don’t worry, the reason you have your position is because you don’t require it. It was the last thing you were interested in at all, and yet you got the benefit of it because you didn’t have to have it.
Bert 40:23
iON 40:24
You see? Proof’s in the pudding.
Bert 40:26
Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
iON 40:31
Okay, so that part’s good. All right. So now, um, the ability and capacity to function has the ability of your body to process protein and function within the electrolyte-based system. Okay? You have not had a drop of Living Water yet. And yet, you’re shinning like a bright, new, stunning star.
Bert 41:08
Yes, that’s crazy. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
iON 41:11
Okay, the products help, but everybody’s got access to products and they’re not doing what you’re doing. So, at a based level, you’re allowing your body to process the radiation that’s around you. Okay, now, to be fair, there is a lot of radiation around you.
Bert 41:35
I know. I have three. –
iON 41:38
And that’s why you’re wife –
Bert 41:39
– Three around me.
iON 41:39
– and that’s why, and that’s why your wife is having trouble with her pain. More so than usual because it, the radiation, is not doing her good; it’s hurting her. But you’re thriving on it.
Bert 41:54
It seems to be getting better. It seems to be getting better.
iON 41:58
Well, because you’re eating it. Because you’re eating it.
Bert 42:02
iON 42:04
Before you were eating it, it was overloading. It was pushing the walls out of the house.
Bert 42:12
Damn! iON, you just answered a question I didn’t know how to formulate about what I’m feeling in my meatsack.
iON 42:20
We know.
Bert 42:20
iON 42:21
That’s the point. That’s the point, and that’s the reason we wanted to be able to talk to you about it so you can actually get what you’re getting. And you ain’t even started yet! That’s what the hell of this is. Talk about a Beau. We called you a Beau Brummell earlier. You really are gonna be a Beau Brummell. Let us tell you that. So, the – okay now, let’s just break this back down and divide it and conquer it.
Bert 42:45
iON 42:46
You have function in your meatsack body, everything works the way it’s supposed to work. You can walk, you can talk, you can chew gum, you can tend to your grooming habits and keep yourself together. You’re really great with dead people, you hang out with dead people all the time. You’re doing great with them. Your, you got to brush up a little tighter on the Book of the Dead ‘cuz you don’t even have a clue what that’s about yet. We wish you did a little bit more.
Bert 43:16
I’m following it. Okay, iON, I will do that more.
iON 43:19
We can’t tell, we can’t tell.
Bert 43:21
Okay, but, I need to read it like a – I got a clue from Dr. Dean. Okay, I’m gonna read through it fast so that I’m prepared for the next week. But iON, real quick, just like, can we take like a little side trip? Um, was that guy, that guy that I encountered on the hiking trail in the first, in the blue, was he dead?
iON 43:42
Bert 43:43
Damn, I knew it!
iON 43:44
Tom. Tom. His name is Tom. Yeah, Tom’s dead.
Bert 43:50
I encountered him three times. The first time he talked to Rosanna and I just kind of like ignored him because, you know, I was half-gassed from the trail. But then the second and the third time, I felt something strange about him. Okay, good. All right.
iON 44:04
And the question is how did he, the question is how’d you bump into the same man three times on the trail, on a walk? How did he pop in and out three times from that if you’re walking together? –
Bert 44:16
That’s, that was the clue.
iON 44:21
– You can’t do that.
Bert 44:28
That was the clue.
iON 44:35
You can’t do that.
Bert 44:21
That was the clue. First, he came out of nowhere, then he disappeared. And then he came out of nowhere again and disappeared. And then he came out, and then he was at the top when we got there. And he, I could tell he was checking me out, looking at me, and I was just like, okay, you know, fuck you. Anyway, but yes. All right. Dead people. Oh, yes, I will get more –
iON 44:40
Well, what he was trying, what he was – it wasn’t, it wasn’t like you’re thinkin’. I mean, everybody looks at you like that. That’s not about that. Ain’t about that. That’s not the point. Why the reason he was checking you out, was because he was surprised you can see him.
Ha ha ha. Okay, okay.
It wasn’t like he was tryin’ to get giggy with you. He was just trying to see – was stunned that you could see him, so you were delicious.
Bert 45:11
So, so is that why he was at the top, right? When we got to the top he was just sittin’ in the grass which was weird ‘cuz it was, you know, snow and shit. And he was just, like, looking as we walked past.
iON 45:22
How’s that motherfucker, how’s that motherfucker gonna out-climb you?
Bert 45:28
Ha ha. Okay. Yeah, that he got, ah, right –
iON 45:33
What do you mean okay? What do you mean okay? He could barely walk. How’s he gonna get there before you do?
Bert 45:40
iON 45:41
Three times.
Bert 45:42
That’s why, that’s why I asked because the way he was walking and he had his head and shit. And it was pretty – it was really a steep trail. And I’m, like, how is this motherfucker walking – and then the way he was walking. And the way he was walking says that the guy’s not living. He’s not, he’s not alive; he’s definitely not alive. And, all right, –
iON 46:01
That’s right. So, you, but see, here –
Bert 46:04
– that’s – that’s becoming more prevalent now.
iON 46:05
– I know. Here’s the problem. Because, because, do you remember the Whoopi Goldberg and the crazy ghost with Patrick Swayze or whatever his name was, "Ghost"?
Bert 46:18
iON 46:19
And Rubinel, or Ophenel, or pull a nail, or whatever her name was, she was pretending to be a psychic. And then when she went and could actually see Patrick Swayze, the dead guy, then all of a sudden everybody rushed in and she freaked out because there was a room full of dead people.
Bert 46:19
iON 46:36
The dead people want that connection. You see, you’re now, you’re gonna draw em. They know you know.
Bert 46:44
You know, that’s interesting. That’s interesting. That’s gonna be like that, huh, iON? So you, when you said – okay, ‘cuz that’s something that you said to Carolyn a number of times for, like, the last three times about – well, actually, the last two, last two weeks, that there’s gonna be more dead people than alive. That sticks out when I hear that –
iON 47:11
Yeah, there already is.
Bert 47:11
– and that’s what I’m dealing with. And it’s gonna be even more?
iON 47:18
Add up, add up all the funerals that’s been; that’s how many there are.
Bert 47:25
Okay, I don’t pay attention to those, but –
iON 47:27
Now, well, I know but they don’t even have graveyards anymore. There’s too many. Now everybody’s getting "crematated." They’re runnin’ out of places. Now they’re into ashes, but they still are, so they’re composting em. So, there you go. Till it makes it more and more and more and more. And some of them are cool and some are not.
Bob 47:46
Hey, Bert. I’m the Rianna or the Beyonce for those guys that are comin’ over. They all want to get with Bob. (Bert laughs) They can see Bob, that he’s not an Andromedan. I’m the Marilyn Monroe, no, I’m the Beyonce of the dead zone.
iON 48:08
Beyonce. Yeah.
Bob 48:09
They’re hanging around you, Bert, ‘cuz this guy knows Bob. Well, maybe he’ll show us how to connect to Bob.
iON 48:15
Yeah, that’s why Bob, that’s why Bob goes to the beach every day singing, "Bitch better have my money." Yeah, that’s why he sings that. (Bob and Bert laugh) Bitch better have my money.
Carolyn 48:25
See how Bob equates himself? Bob equates himself with a black woman.
Bob 48:30
iON 48:31
Yeah, that’s right.
Carolyn 48:34
Yeah, it’s just unconscious.
iON 48:35
Of course.
Bob 48:36
I just read that. Somebody’s doing it out there in the public. They’re saying they’re, yeah, he was a – Terry Gilliam. You know, the guy who worked for Monty Python? And he made great movies. He got in a little trouble this week because he said he was a black lesbian. But he was doing it – he’s so pissed off with the "Me, too" categorization, so he used Bob’s line! I just read that earlier today. (Bob and Bert laugh)
iON 49:05
And then, and then I don’t understand when Eben Rey gets upset ‘cuz Bob says nigger; it doesn’t make any sense. We don’t understand. (Bert laughs) It’s kind of crazy. We’re astounded by that one. It doesn’t quite hook up for us. But, we hold our guard, we hold our guard, best as we can. It’s a good day. Okay, so the good news is, you’re dealing with dead people, dead people are afoot. You better get your Keys and your Aethyrs right. Carolyn’s best on that ‘cuz she’s actually doing it. And the point is that that’ll give you more room to move them around. Not the dead people, but the angels. You got to have help.
Bert 49:43
iON 49:44
That’s the only thing they understand ‘cuz we don’t want them to aggravate you. And we go, "Oh, well, Bert, you’re Number One. So you have all the power in the world." But you see, these things are happening that you’re not even aware of, you see? So, it’d be very easy to be taken aback when things are occuring you’re not even aware of. Eh?
Bert 50:06
Okay. I’m on point though, iON, with the dead people. –
iON 50:11
We’ll get –
Bert 50:12
I’m on point with the dead people.
iON 50:13
– we know, we know, we know, we know, we know, but we’re tryin’ to make sure that if two or 20 or 200,000 show up in the front yard, what you gonna do with them?
Bert 50:24
Ha ha. All right, thank you for that.
Bob 50:28
It’s not gonna work for you Bert, you’re, you’re gonna say, "Are you guys looking for Bob?" It’s no, no, we’re looking for you, Bert. You’re gonna have to do the Messiah.
iON 50:37
Okay, and so now, there’s some stuff that’s going on. There’s some extra stuff that’s goin’ on from the other side. But first of all, at some stage, we don’t care what you think you’re doing, but at some point you’re going to have to sleep. You get that right?
Bert 50:57
Oh, okay. Yes. I thought I was sleeping.
iON 51:02
But the thing –
Bert 51:02
No, you’re right, you’re right.
iON 51:04
– Yeah, okay. Okay, no, no wait. This will be fun. This will be fun. Yeah. Tell Bob what you’re doing when you go to bed. Exactly. Convince Bob. Bob, ask him some questions about his slumber and listen to this bullshit. It’s gonna be good. Tell us about your sleep, Bert.
Bert 51:23
iON, I mean, ah, when I, when I lay down, all I feel is my heart. Okay? My heart, my heart, my heart, my heart and then I’m gone. Okay?
iON 51:36
Mm hmm.
Bert 51:37
Then I have experiences and then I wake up –
iON 51:39
You’re –
Bert 51:40
– and then I’m out. (Indistinct) day.
iON 51:43
– you’re gone. You’re gone. You’re gone is right.
Bob 51:44
iOn said, didn’t he say years ago that the heart – you feel your heart when you start to go to another world?
iON 51:52
Bob 51:54
iON 51:54
Mm hmm.
Bert 51:55
Bob 51:56
So, Bert is almost consciously going into another world because he’s feeling his heart pump. So, are your experiences – are they a dream, Bert? Dream-like?
Bert 52:11
They’re dream-like but very real, very real. And then I’m back. But when I lay down, I feel my heart and just feel my heart and then next thing, I’m gone. Poof, and then I’m –
iON 52:26
Bert 52:26
– experiencing things.
Bob 52:28
So, you don’t have any –
iON 52:29
Bob 52:29
– much unconsciousness. You’re conscious a lot; too much of the time. You’re not getting unconscious.
Bert 52:35
I would, I would say 50% of the time, but I know I’m having experiences but as far as recall, it’s only like 50% at times.
Bob 52:48
So, iON, you – people sleep to rest. If you start becoming aware of going to parallel worlds, then you’re not going unconscious. But people think being unconscious is rest. So, you can go to parallel worlds and not have any unconsciousness, but you will feel rested as a reasonably calm, parallel world story. Or, are you saying people don’t need to rest? You say energy is the wrong word. We don’t have energy.
iON 53:17
Well, we don’t know, we don’t know. We don’t know – we’re not sure how he’s doing it. Because he’s doing two sets of those. You see?
Bob 53:29
Each night?
Bert 53:29
Two sets?
iON 53:30
He’s doing two, two sets of those.
Bob 53:34
Each night?
iON 53:37
Every time. Because he’s got his OA movements and all that’s worked out. But then he turns back the other way from another world; he’s doing the same thing.
Bob 53:47
Oh, I see.
iON 53:48
So, he’s double dipping, and he’s not sleeping at work.
Bob 53:55
Well, the question is do people need to be unconscious? No activity.
iON 54:00
Well, we don’t, we don’t, we don’t even know what that means. Because the point is, is if he says he’s sleeping to rest because he’s resting, we go, "Oh, tell Bob about that." And then you’re arguing that he doesn’t need any rest. So okay, so if you’re gonna substantiate that, that’s great, fine, fun, well, that’s good. That’s good. So, you know, when you take a little catnap and work to kick the chairs that’s just ‘cuz you’re bored? So, we know that doesn’t make any sense. So, the point is, what we’re saying is, is that he’s being hyperkinetic. Do you know what that means?
Bob 54:06
Hyper what?
Bert 54:32
Hyper –
iON 54:34
Bob 54:40
Hyperkinetic. Well, you think kinetic energy is a basic function of the human organism. You use that term.
iON 54:49
Bert 54:49
iON 54:50
We do. And it is. Good. That’s excellent. That here is Bob knowing stuff. That’s pretty amazing. Good for you.
Bob 54:57
Heh heh. Naw, naw, I’m just remembering. It’s what other people said. –
iON 55:02
Bob 55:03
– I’m a good listener. –
iON 55:04
So, –
Bob 55:04
– I don’t know what they –
iON 55:05
– the good –
Bob 55:05
– I know what you guys did.
iON 55:06
– news. Good news. Okay, so in your hyperkinetic state you are burning energy on both sides. Now let’s talk about your eating, and what you crave, and then what you actually eat.
Bert 55:20
Ah, definitely crave –
iON 55:29
Boring. Boring, isn’t it?
Bert 55:32
iON 55:34
Boring isn’t it?
Bert 55:35
Yeah, it gets- it, it’s boring at times, but the ReStructure helps me, you know, changes it. So I, you know, do ReStructure and protein. I don’t engage much anything else. I mean, a little bit of sugar things. Yes, my eating is weird now that you’re bringing it up to me. I, I just consume large quantities of protein, some sugary stuff, and water, ReStructure, and the Completement products, iON. I mean –
iON 55:35
Bert 55:58
– and then whatever meals are cooked, but I prefer meat.
iON 56:14
Right, right, right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like 20 ounces or so of meat, at least, a day. Right?
Bert 56:21
Right. Right.
iON 56:24
See, for most people that’s a lot of meat.
Bert 56:26
Heh heh heh. Okay, also –
iON 56:32
And you eat but you’re hungry all the time. You eat but you’re hungry all the time.
Bert 56:38
Yes. Also, iON, another thing is I’ve been really very good with the tomato juice which is really, really good.
iON 56:48
Mm hmm, the lycopene – ‘cuz it’s –
Bert 56:50
For the lycopene. Yes.
iON 56:53
– because you’re eating it. And your body’s kind of stretching itself out. And because you’ve got – once you got your – what we call a "dig level," your magnesium level, up, because you were having the lactic acid issues with the hips and the flexors, and all that problem with all that stuff that you don’t complain about anymore. You notice that?
Bert 57:14
Ahh. Yes, that’s what that was, huh? There’s still a little touch up in the right hip, my right hip. My right hip is really working through that.
iON 57:26
But you’re, but you’re day and night, night and day, and you’re not resting either way, any time. So, the joint has to kind of chill a little someway, somehow, and it doesn’t. You know? So, but you’re like fighting fire to get through it, so we’re not, we’re not fussing but we’re just saying that you eased off ‘cuz you’re not talking about it as much.
Bert 57:49
No, thank you for that then. –
iON 57:50
It’s good.
Bert 57:51
– Okay, so, so, I’m doing two sets. So that’s what’s the hip – I mean, it’s better, but that was really strange.
iON 58:00
You’re taking a sore muscle, an inflamed tendon, and working out at night when you go to bed when you go because you got to stay yourself together. Then you’re coming home, you go to work, you got to work out again because you got to do that. Then you run, then you do this, and then you do the OA movements, then you gotta do that. You got to attend to your thing called living a life or whatever that’s called, listen to our bullshit and see what you can come up with the next time, and then go through that again. Then you’re lame because you’re just exhausted and go to bed and close your eyes ‘cuz you’re done. Going someplace else doing the same thing all over again. And you do that, and do that, and do that, maybe resting one night a week. Maybe.
Bert 58:43
Okay, iON, let’s, let’s freeze a little bit right there. I feel that I am not working. I mean when I look at, I mean, that’s what I’m saying. Okay, Bob, I’m talking about my body for three minutes. Okay, iON, that’s the weird thing is that my workouts are really – when I compare what I do with my meatsack at this point in time and what I did 15, 20, 25, 30 years ago, it’s a different body. I am not doing that much. I am stretching and moving around and running and things like that. But as far as muscle work, (iON laughs) I’m doing nothing and my fucking muscles are pumped. Okay? So, I –
iON 59:23
You blowed up. But we told you that when that’s when you first words out of your mouth. "I don’t want that. I’ve been that. I don’t want to get blowed up. I don’t want to do what I have to do to look like that." And we say, you not gonna do nothin’. We got this. "No, we gotta do it right." –
Bert 59:39
iON 59:39
– Like, okay, do what you want to do, but we got this. –
Bert 59:41
iON 59:41
– So, you do – you say what you want to. –
Bert 59:44
iON 59:44
– It’s on like Donkey Kong now. And then in that process, –
Bert 59:48
iON 59:48
– but see, the good news is – that what you’re not acknowledging is what little dab you’re doing, you’re also doing again at night.
Bert 0:00
Well, then I need to fix that –
iON 0:01
That’s why your pecs, that’s why your pecs haven’t, that’s why your pecs haven’t fallen into your gut.
Bert 0:07
Ha ha. Well, that’s a whole nother side that I need to discover or focus to be conscious of, iON, because I, you know, the Bert that’s talking to you right now and engaging you has no recollection of doing anything at night other than –
iON 0:27
We know.
Bert 0:27
– laying down, feeling my heart.
iON 0:30
Feeling the heartbeat and your – it’s like a, it’s like a countdown. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, within 30 seconds you’re in what they call rem, but before you hit rem, you’re gone.
Bert 0:43
Damn! That’s right. That’s right.
iON 0:47
You if you weren’t as good. And if you weren’t as good, three times you’ve lost, been lost, and we had to come get you. And we have every single time. And we’re not gonna go into the details because we can give you every detail. And you know it, already, but we’re not gonna do that ‘cuz it’s not necessary. Three times we had to come and get you, but then you got really good with the OA movements because two times it actually scared you. And you’re a lot of things, but ascared ain’t one of them, big Bert. But, you were concerned; it was a little bit too much. And after that, we got your attention and you got the OA movements down.
Bert 1:31
Hey, thank you for the recollection there, buddy. Thank you for the recollection on that. Yes, –
iON 1:38
You’re welcome. You’re welcome, that’s fine.
Bert 1:39
– thank you.
iON 1:40
But we said ‘cuz what we said was that sooner or later you don’t come into your place of power, you’re gonna stay lost. You’re like, "Tell me what I need to do. Shut up and get out of my way." Okay, we got that. Yeah, that’s good, let’s do that. And guess what? Your words were not as important as what your actions were; your actions were – moved or changed into actual outcomes. And now what happens is you have functioning capacity. That’s how it gets straightened out. Now, if you’ll slow down just a little bit, we’ll fix the hip thing. That’s easy, but it’s trying to keep the back to connecting. ‘Cuz on one side, everything is good; on the other side, there’s still a little bit of pain. On the other side –
Bert 2:30
And that’s the weird thing because – the other side, I mean, iON, that’s the weird thing. Thank you for that. I mean, you’re really answering some unasked questions because I’ve not ever had issue on the right side.
iON 2:46
We told you to stop deadlifting. We told you to stop deadlifting and you said, "Okay." So you go to the other world and what are you doin’? Squattin’ six-8 hundred pounds, no problem. –
Bert 3:00
Ha ha. Oh, no, man, come on now..
iON 3:02
– You don’t have to, you don’t have to go so heavy. You don’t have to go so heavy. It’s like, "No, I gotta get this. I gotta get this." Two sets of three, hard. And so it goes.
Bert 3:15
Ha ha. That’s stupid weight, iON! That’s stupid weight! Okay, I’m gonna have to –
iON 3:21
Measure, measure. Ah ah. Ah ah. Do you know what your hamstring is? You know where your quads are?
Bert 3:28
iON 3:30
Take a measuring tape to em if you don’t believe me.
Bert 3:37
All right. I will. I will. I won’t do it now, but I will. That’s, that’s –
iON 3:41
Then what happens, then you’re gonna, then – that’s why you put them pants on and they feel funny these days. Notice that?
Bert 3:49
Hey! Ha ha. Hey, iON, this is really fucking kooky, now. This is like going beyond. ‘Cuz, you know, it’s funny ‘cuz the Bert that’s talkin’ to you right now, this part of me now, I’m thinking I need to train my legs more. That’s what I’m thinking –
iON 4:05
Bert 4:05
– because my upper body – oh, that’s just fucking ridiculous. –
iON 4:10
You sittin’ there –
Bert 4:11
– lifting 800 pounds, that’s –
iON 4:11
– you look in the mirror, you look in the mirror, you look in the mirror and you see chicken legs. And we say, okay, you about better make em. Meanwhile, you can’t get your damn legs in your pants now. So, we’re like, oh, okay, good luck with that.
Bert 4:25
Okay, iON, you’re saying that’s because I’m going to another world and I’m in a gym and I’m trying to squat six to 800 pounds. That’s fucking ridiculous.
iON 4:34
You’re not trying to, you are.
Bert 4:37
That’s ridiculous. That’s ridiculous. Come on now. Really?
iON 4:41
And it shows up only on one hip because one you’re back here. So you have to have some – you’ve done the OA movements enough till you can move it now, till you can tell the difference. You can shift it.
Bert 4:55
Oh. Okay. This is the part of the program where Bert is, like, freaking out because I have NO fucking recollection of – I know what 600 pounds feels like.
iON 5:04
Yes, you do. Every single time, every, every time you do the fourth movement, you know exactly where you move to. Fourth movement, remember?
Bert 5:13
Okay. All right.
iON 5:16
What’d you mean okay?
Bert 5:16
Yes, I do.
iON 5:17
What’d you mean okay? All right. Fourth movement is what?
Bert 5:21
iON 5:23
What is it?
Bert 5:24
Okay. iON, I do the OA so fast now that they’re all blending together. So, I have no idea which one is the fourth movement. I just know that I’m zipping through them –
iON 5:38
You’re, you’re doing that so that you can’t identify when you move from one place to the other. ‘Cuz otherwise you’d know that what you’re sayin’ is not the case with going to other places. Nice (overtalk).
Bert 5:56
So, are you saying I should slow down? I should slow down my –
iON 5:59
No. No, no, no. We’re saying, we’re saying no, we’re not saying that at all. We’re saying because you will not identify the fourth movement, which is most certainly know you could do it in one second right here, right now. That’s the point where you know you shift. That’s when you get to the fourth, you’re gone; that’s where you move, is on the fourth movement. And that’s the point. And you won’t even acknowledge that there is a fourth movement because you do it so fast. Okay, well, that’s pretty words, we like those words, but it doesn’t change the condition. But, by the time you do the fourth movement, you’re gone. Poof. Then you finish the movements, wherever you’re going. Which, hopefully is back home. And that’s fine. ‘Cuz we told you if you keep dicking around, we ain’t gonna come get you. You gotta learn how to get – you drive your ass off, you need to find your way back home. We ain’t coming to get you. Puttin’ a lojack on your damn ass, we can, but we’re not gonna do that. We’re not about that. Get right. And so, all we’re saying is this is that shifting part that allows you to know something, and allows you to absorb.
Bert 7:04
iON 7:05
Do you realize you listen to our words and then you come back and listen to our words and they’re different?
Bert 7:11
Yes, I do that all the time. That’s –
iON 7:14
Well, well –
Bert 7:15
– a strange anomaly.
iON 7:16
– that’s – you, sha- no, you’re moving your ears. You’re moving you’re ears.
Bert 7:23
I’m moving my ears.
iON 7:24
Carolyn – yeah, Carolyn hears every single word. Every single word, every single time, without fail or exception. Bob will listen to it six times trying to hear it. She’ll hear it half a time and she’s got it. It’s been noted, locked down, stenographered, known, done, on the money. It’s amazing. Astounding. But that’s her thing. Okay. Bob has to get the gist of it. He wants to know how you feel about it. He wants to know what you think about it. Just the way he went out of here. He was using knowings that he knows to apply to your condition that allows you to note your place within your position. Sounds ridiculous when we say it, but that’s exactly what we’re talking about. Okay, and so now, we got to do some stuff. Back in the day we had, we had you trace your fingers. Do you remember that?
Bert 8:22
Yes, I do.
iON 8:25
Okay, it’s time to do that again biggen. Heh heh heh heh.
Bert 8:31
Okay, I’ve got to look for –
iON 8:32
(indistinct overtalk)
Bert 8:32
– those. Do I have to – to compare from what I did before? I’ve got a look for those. Where, where? Okay, okay.
iON 8:38
Okay. Okay. If you do, good, but when you do it, you’re already gonna know the difference. If you knew what it was you’re like, okay. And then you do it now and it’s like, whoa. That’s when you look down at your hands and go, "whose hands are these?" Notice that lately?
Bert 8:57
Ha ha. Yeah, it’s funny. Man, this is really strange and wild as shit, iON, because that’s recollecting shit that I’ve done. I look at my hands. I’m like what the? Okay, yes. Okay, yes, I will. Thank you. Ha ha.
iON 9:13
Mm hmm. So now you’re gonna have – you want proof? You want – proof’s in the puddin’. Proof’s in the puddin’. You want some proof, biggen? We’ll get you there. Everything we told you you’re gonna be, is. –
Bert 9:23
iON 9:23
– And sooner or later –
Bert 9:25
iON 9:25
– it’s gonna become very self-evident that this applies to some canonical end. The point of this engagement is to bring you into a place of your power. So now it’s time to shake yourself and come on into your position, Number One. Good to be you.
Bert 9:50
Thanks, iON. I mean, really, thank you.
iON 9:52
Mm hmm.
Bert 9:52
You answered a lot of questions here. You answered a lot of questions without me asking.
iON 10:00
Yeah, it was time because, well, but, it was time because you get all tangled up in your world and we wanted it clean; so that you can have it clean. So, the words flowed to a point. And that’s the – that’s good. It doesn’t matter, it’s just the condition. But the whole point of this movement is that you keep continually moving into a better place or predicament.
Bert 10:02
Right. Right.
iON 10:05
Yes, so that’s good.
Bert 10:20
iON 10:21
Do you want to bring some people back to life yet, or what do you want to do?
Bert 10:38
No, I’m not interested in that.
iON 10:40
You wanna, you wanna, you wanna play with it a bit? Now, don’t take up that necrophilia, now. Bob, you’ll have to ask Bob –
Bert 10:46
iON 10:45
– but there ain’t much to it. There ain’t much to it if you ask us.
Bert 10:52
No. But that’s, that’s, iON, this dead people thing. That’s why it feels strange when I go in public or on the public transportation because I can feel it.
iON 11:02
Bert 11:02
It’s really. It’s, it’s – yeah. Okay. No, but I appreciate everything. Really, I’m really –
iON 11:10
When what happens is once they –
Bob 11:11
What do you feel, Bert? What are you, what are you feeling, Bert? What do you feel?
Bert 11:15
It’s just, it just feels strange when I – ‘cuz, like, I use public transportation, Bob. So I’m like, in a trolley car full of people. And it’s like disgusting for me to be in there because you can just feel there’s something icky around me. I mean, it’s just a really, a really strange feeling in my gut. I mean, I had – I mean, around Christmas, I saw a strange – I’m seeing really strange people, periodically, in public in Zurich. Really, I mean, really strange dressed characters that just pop out of nowhere. I see them, see them and then I look, and they’re gone. It’s fucking really weird.
Bob 11:58
That’s good.
Bert 11:59
iON, was that guy – iON, the guy I saw on the tram like maybe three weeks ago with the top hat; really large guy. Was he, was he from another world or was he dead?
iON 12:15
He was dead and from another world. He’s a, he’s what we call a bleed over.
Bert 12:22
Okay. Yeah. Okay, that’s – yeah, all right.
iON 12:27
Kinda, kind of morbid, kind of morbidly obese.
Bert 12:32
Yeah, he took up two, I mean, that’s why he stuck out. Because, normally, they have little seats where two people can fit, and he took up one entire seat. And he had a black trench coat on and a top hat like Abraham Lincoln. With a red shirt.
iON 12:48
Mm hmm. Yeah, William.
Bert 12:50
Yeah. Ha ha. Thank you, iON, for this stick and move.
iON 12:59
What do you wanna, what do you wanna do? What’d you want? What do ya want?
Bert 13:06
(Bert, iON and Bob overtalk) iON.
Bob 13:06
What do you want, Bert? What do you want? Heh heh.
iON 13:08
What do you want?
Bert 13:09
We already talked about that. We already talked about that and I’m working on it. I’m working on it.
iON 13:15
Okay. Okay. Okay. Just so (overtalk).
Bob 13:19
Okay, are you finished, Bert?
Bert 13:21
Yes, I’m finished, Bob. Thank you, iON. I’m working on that. I’m working on it.
Bob 13:27
Hey, Bert. When you look at the chat lines, there are a lot of new names. A lot of ghosts running in here right now. Very busy tonight.
Bert 13:34
Yes. –
Bob 13:36
Yeah, it’s the people iON, it’s the people iON talks about. They’ve been listening for 10 years, they finally decided to come in and say something. And they’re very, they pretend to be very knowledgeable.
iON 13:47
Say somthing.
Bert 13:48
Aha, Tom Low.
Bob 13:49
Who are these people? Yes Farthing. Richard Whitley
Bert 13:52
Bob 13:56
Who are these people, iON? Are they longtime listeners? Are they in the wrong phone call? Are they ghosts? Are they parallel worlders? Are they friends of mine? Are they –
iON 14:06
Well, we felt, we felt bad, we felt bad ‘cuz you only give Bill $20 a hour for this stupid shit, –
Bob 14:14
iON 14:14
– so we put in a little advertisement with Angel Talk with Char. And so I guess they’re all listenin’ in.
Bob 14:25
Ah. Heh heh heh. Farthing’s a regular legion here.
iON 14:29
Got em, we got em a cheeseburger.
Bob 14:30
Farthing says he’s a regular legion.
iON 14:34
Yeah. And Poor Richards got a comically oversized Tiny Note Chart.
Bob 14:41
Yes, he said that. Martha says, "Well, that explains why when I took a picture of the eclipse moon in 2017 my photo showed two extra moons."
iON 14:51
Well, that’ll do it, Marthahaha.
Bob 14:55
Okay, so who do we bring in? Who do you nominate to follow you, Bert? Who’s worthy of following you?
Bert 15:02
Alissa. She’s been waiting.
Bob 15:03
Take a list, imagine. Oh, Alissa oh, right. Okay. And look!, Kenley showed up. Kenley’s been delinquent for about two fucking years. And all of a sudden, Kenley, he’s got another business problem. –
iON 15:15
He’s been working. He’s been working.
Bob 15:16
– Come in and get their business advice. He doesn’t care about Bob as the sun. He had no interest in what’s happening.
iON 15:21
He’s been working. He’s been working, Bob. He’s been working. Sue’s up, Sue’s up, too.
Bert 15:29
Sue’s up, oh.
Bob 15:30
Oh yeah. I don’t see Sue’s – oh yeah, she’s up, but she hasn’t called in yet. I’ll have to see her phone number. Okay. Thanks, Bert. We’ll talk to you a little later.
Bert 15:40
Thank you, Bob.
Bob 15:40
Wait till you hear this session tonight. You’re gonna, you’re not, you’re never gonna think again after what you hear tonight, Bert? Get use to it. Never think again.
Bert 15:41
Ha ha ha. Yeah, yes.
Bob 15:57
Okay, there was Alissa started to giggle there a little bit. Not so much a giggle, maybe it’s a more mature, mirthful expression. Let’s hope so.
Alissa 16:05
I’ve matured, yes. (indistinct)
Bob 16:05
Go ahead mirth.
iON 16:06
Mirthful, mirthful, mirthful expression?
Bob 16:09
Now’s she’s back home. Yeah, she’s under her parents’ rules. She’s a little sober.
iON 16:13
Mirthful? Mirthful expression? Okay, you’re gonna lay the thesaurus down now, Bob?
Bob 16:13
You like that phrase? Yeah? It’s a good one.
iON 16:14
Mirthful expression. Nice.
Bob 16:22
iON learned a new phrase, Carolyn. We’re gonna hear that one overused pretty quickly.
iON 16:26
Mirthful. Mirthful. Mirthful. Like full of mir. I’m full of mir. I’m mirthful.
Bob 16:33
Ha ha ha. Okay, good. Go, Alissa.
Alissa 16:40
Hi. iON, is my real name Alissa?
iON 16:44
Hi honey.
Alissa 16:45
Bob 16:45
Ha ha. Is my real name – am I really me? That’s a good opener.
Alissa 16:50
Bob 16:50
No, no, no, your name is Paula. Your name is Paula.
Carolyn 16:58
(in background singing) Hey, hey, Paula –
Bob 16:59
Hey Paula. So, what was your question? Let’s see – did you say, "Is my real name Alissa?" Is that what you just said?
Alissa 17:05
Yeah, ‘cuz when, quote, when Benjamin called in and they’re talking about his new, his new offspring, it was interesting about how, what people call the baby, but what the real name is.
Bob 17:20
Oh yeah. Who’s Benjamin? When did that happen?
iON 17:25
Ha ha ha. This is Bob’s show but he didn’t show up. This is Bob’s show but he didn’t show up (indistinct).
Carolyn 17:33
(in background, indistinct)
Alissa 17:36
You named him.
Bob 17:36
Ben – oh, okay, sorry.
Alissa 17:37
Yeah. Yeah, I know what’s going on there. Ha ha.
Bob 17:41
(iON and Bob laugh) Don’t be too confident, Alissa, Don’t trust your lying ears.
Alissa 17:51
Okay, okay.
iON 17:52
We do, too. We do, too. Just saying.
Alissa 17:56
Okay. iON, so may I know my real name?
iON 18:03
Hey. We just told you. Paula!
Alissa 18:04
Paula? Ha ha. Funny. Okay, Paula. iON, thank you for my transformation. I can keep moving without requiring a "why" for this process, so, yeah. I heard that part in the Book of the Dead.
iON 18:27
Well, maybe, but now there’s things that you can engage that would be appropriate that are as valid as any other conversation. So, don’t be listful in it. Do it. Do what you do. Do it till you can brag. Do it till you, do till you can brag like Bert, Bert.
Alissa 18:54
Ah, okay.
iON 18:57
Honey, that man’s tearin’, honey, that man’s tearin’ it up, and you know he is. You know, he is.
Alissa 19:02
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 19:04
It’s unfathomable.
Alissa 19:07
Is one of my dead ancestors trying to embody my meatsack?
iON 19:16
No, they’re just trying to talk to you and you try to think some um weird because you think everything is a weird sexual connotation and it’s not. I mean, I guess it could be, but it’s just not like that. He just wants to engage and you feel like it’s an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
Alissa 19:35
Did you say he?
iON 19:38
We did say he.
Alissa 19:40
Who is it?
iON 19:44
Ask him. That’s the point.
Alissa 19:48
Okay, I want to talk to this "he." Who are you?
iON 19:56
Did you not hear what we said, darlin’? You are acting like this is an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Ask them, but you’re actually thinks something’s trying to take over you. You don’t need to ask us what it is and us tell you, you need to ask it and engage it. See, that’s the point.
Alissa 20:22
Yeah, so can I engage it right now and talk to it right now and hear it that way?
iON 20:26
If you want to. It’s all right with us. It’s okay with us, but it doesn’t have anything to do with us.
Alissa 20:35
So, okay. So, how do I talk, how do I engage them?
iON 20:44
Okay. All right, Bob, there’s a theme here. Are you getting this theme, Bob? Hold on just a second, darlin’. We gotta do somethin’ to get some good out of this. Boss! (short pause) Tra-la-la, la-la-la.
Bob 21:07
Yes, boss.
iON 21:08
Okay. Okay. Here’s, here’s what happens. She’s having the same issue that Bert’s doing really good at, only she’s doing not quite so good at. And we’re trying to figure out how to pull this off and get her into a vicissitude that it can get the good information, because she’s having the same bump. But the bump’s not working.
Bob 21:33
So, we got to get Carolyn to stop reading the Book of the Dead. Carolyn’s bringing the whole guf over here. Ex-guf. Right?
iON 21:38
No, that’s okay. That’s no problem, but we’re tryin – but the good news is, is you got to have power to get to the place of power. And instead, she thinks she’s gettin’ invaded or knocked up, or took over, (indistinct) turns this thing into a sexual thing and it ain’t – everything ain’t sexual. I mean, it’s all right to be sexual and you guess you could make anything be sexual, but it just ain’t like that. So she’s not trying to be invaded –
Alissa 22:05
I didn’t, I’m not making it sexual. It just feels like they’re in my way. Something’s in my way, iON.
iON 22:13
What does sexual but – that feel like, but something in your way.
Alissa 22:21
I just – it feels like they’re kind of possessing or wanting to possess me or –
iON 22:26
Right. And they’re not. And see, Bob, what the problem is is she’s tangling herself –
Bob 22:32
Well, that’s her – we talked about this. This is her old hoity toity, snobbish, Jewish princess personality. Remember, she couldn’t get into anybody.
iON 22:43
Oh, I didn’t realize she was a JAP.
Bob 22:45
Yeah, I mean, a Protestant Princess, whatever she is.
iON 22:47
Oh, oh, okay.
Alissa 22:49
This isn’t my sex life, Bob. We’re not talking about my sex life.
Bob 22:53
No, I’m talking about your personality. You’ve always been lofty, compete with everybody, you have to be Number One. You started in school like this and you’re still doing it. You, you think you’re being invaded. You’re always been like that. And we talked about it a couple weeks ago.
Alissa 23:11
iON 23:11
Okay, so here, so here it is again, we’re gonna deal with it again. And now we’ve explained it and you say, "Oh well, tell us who it is, and what they think, and how it goes, and what it felt like, and how many times could they come." Wait, this isn’t sexual, remember? Ha ha ha. See the rub? Because what happens is it’s happening from a standpoint that you are bumping into it, and they’re just trying to talk to you. So okay, boss, here’s what’s interesting about this conversation. Okay, you’re good, honey. Hang on. Just sit aside for a second. We’ll make you a nice cocktail. We’re gonna be but a minute. What’s happening –
Bob 23:50
Yeah, this is for the adults, Alissa. This is the adult talking.
iON 23:54
She’s having, she’s having the same, she’s having the exact same conversation that Bert’s having ‘cuz if you remember, Bert was having the same kind of trouble, the same kind of issue, only he was high-minded and knew after we told him what was up. She doesn’t know yet or is trying to figure out something or, fuck, we know, we don’t know. Whatever she’s doing she doing, but she doesn’t know that she knows that she knows or something. It don’t make any sense when we say it, so we don’t know. We’re not sure, so, good. All right. So now you rock and roll with this thing just a little bit. And you start finding out and or realizing that she’s having the same bump. But it’s not a standpoint of a connection. It’s trying to say: you can see me, you can see me, you can see me, you can see me. So now she’s offended that this thing is trying to overcome her or super impose themselves in her, on her. Well, that’s not the case at all. They’re just trying to say, "help." Hear them out.
Bob 25:00
It was Roxy the first to experience this among the iONnaughts with the jinn and the angel?
iON 25:05
Yeah. Well, originally, but she’s got a lot of dead people, too. But still, most of them –
Bob 25:11
Yeah. And she, she had the advantage of not knowing any of this was possible. And we weren’t doing the Egyptian Book of the Dead, so she couldn’t start –
iON 25:18
Yeah .
Bob 25:18
– being worried. Bert and them know too much. Roxy didn’t know anything.
iON 25:25
Yeah, still don’t know much, but she’s doing okay.
Bob 25:33
So, –
Carolyn 25:37
Okay –
Bob 25:38
– start doing what Roxy’s doing, Alissa. You know, start welcoming into your boudoir.
Carolyn 25:43
No no.
iON 25:44
Oh, oh, Carolyn’s still up. We have to be moral..
Carolyn 25:47
(iON laughs) Okay no, here’s another adult on this –
Bob 25:51
Another adult! Ha ha. Here in the teacher’s room discussing the student.
iON 25:58
Let the, let the, let the adultery, let the adultery begin!
Carolyn 26:03
(Carolyn, Bob laugh). Okay, so if someone doesn’t want another person in their force field, and that’s sort of the way they’ve lived their life, keep people out of their force field, and now there’s this experience that wants to occur by coming close to the force field, then the natural assumption is that they’re trying to get in my force field and I won’t let them. So, that’s all I see. That’s it.
Alissa 26:38
Thanks, Carolyn.
Bob 26:40
Well, what did you contribute there?
Carolyn 26:43
Alissa got it.
Bob 26:44
Well, you’re just defining it.
iON 26:46
What does, what does that have to do –
Carolyn 26:49
Instead of making it sexual or putting things out of proportion.
iON 26:54
No, no, no, no, –
Bob 26:56
You’re wrong, Carolyn. Carolyn’s wrong.
Carolyn 26:58
Am not!
iON 26:59
Carolyn, no. The issue, the issue, the issue is not sexual or not. She’s just, she’s confusing it as a sexual response. That’s all; it’s not that at all. All it is is dead people trying to talk to her because she’s –
Carolyn 27:15
No, she isn’t. She’s not confusing it. She just doesn’t like people in her force field. Get out of my force field now! And maybe because it could be a different experience with a dead person, then she’s gonna say, "Oh, okay. then I’ll allow this dead person into my force field and maybe I’ll learn something."
Bob 27:37
She’ll never let anybody into her force field. She always lived to use her force field to bowl everybody else over.
Carolyn 27:43
Bob 27:43
She can’t see this competition. Doesn’t know where they are.
Carolyn 27:46
Well, this is a perfect time to allow a dead person into the force field because they’re not, they’re not competition, for example.
Bob 27:58
So, iON, were you disagreeing with Carolyn about the force field point?
Carolyn 28:02
iON 28:03
No, that doesn’t, that doesn’t have anything to do with anything. We’re just saying –
Bob 28:08
(Bob and Carolyn laugh)
iON 28:08
– that she (indistinct, overtalk) good news, she’s having –
Bob 28:10
Bob won that round. One for Bob!
iON 28:12
-she’s having, she’s having a very similar situation to what Bert was having. Very similar and that Bert took it –
Bob 28:22
Well, I’m having one, too. I got that lady I see every day. –
iON 28:25
Bob 28:25
– and I’m supposed to regard her as dead.
iON 28:27
Well, you’re a, you’re the fucking Dark Soul. Of course you’re gonna have that. That’s normal. You killed them all. You killed, you fucking killed most of them, you killed most of them. Why would you be surprised –
Bob 28:28
They come back to bug me. No wonder I don’t talk to them.
iON 28:32
– You drive them, you drive them to the funeral says, you drive them to the funeral and say, "Carolyn, I see dead people." Well, you killed them! That’s why you see dead people. So, yeah, that’s why that don’t count.
Bob 28:49
I know what to say to her, Carolyn. I said, "Did I kill you? Did I kill you?" That’s what I’m going to say to her when I see her.
iON 28:56
Yeah. It’s like, it’s like, and then they look up and Bob says his favorite thing that he hears from people that he engages is they say, "You’re gonna be the death of me, Bob Dobbs." And there he is. There it goes. So, –
Carolyn 29:10
Look at – we’ve been on the phone four hours, 44 minutes and 22 seconds.
Bob 29:15
Carolyn 29:17
That’s since we did the Dead Book. Okay, Alissa, would you like to be the – one, two, three – fouth adult in the conversation and say what you think, now?
Bob 29:30
No, that’s going a little too far.
Carolyn 29:33
Ha ha. Go ahead.
Alissa 29:37
Yeah, iON, so this competitive nature that I developed, what was that a response to?
iON 29:52
Your conditioning.
Alissa 29:58
Yeah. Hmm. I was just watching home videos tonight with my sister, and it was so weird to see how, like, everything was set up as a performance when I was young. And –
iON 30:15
Do you say. It’s still that way.
Alissa 30:20
Say again?
Bob 30:20
What do you mean? You were performing for your parents, your parents saying, "Okay, you two are going to put on a little skit or something?"
Alissa 30:26
Yeah, like performing for – yeah, my grandparents, for my parents. But, iON, did you say, "You don’t say" and then something else after that?
iON 30:40
We said, we said, "you don’t say" meaning you’re still doing it.
Alissa 30:45
iON 30:46
It’s still like that today.
Alissa 30:47
iON 30:48
And that’s what we were saying. That the argument from now that you’re getting – you listened to some words, and the words said that you have the ability and capacity to talk to dead people. And so now the dead people are showing up, and you’re feeling like, and given the example of, the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," which is what we said. And that’s not a problem, but it’s not a quantitative position that we said that you would mistakingly engage that for some type of interaction or some connotation, sexual connotation. That’s why we’re saying it’s not that; it’s they just want to talk to you, hard.
Alissa 31:41
Yeah. That’s a different angle on it.
iON 31:43
Bert’s, and Bert’s having the same kind of trouble. Only his wasn’t trouble, he’s now jiggy about it. It’s like, "Okay, wow, if I can do that, I’ll find this out. And if I can do this and I can get a, I can get a heads up on this thing." He’s trying to make it be to his best advantage. And we’re not saying for you to do that, we’re just saying that’s the difference in comparison. That’s why we had to stop the presses and bring the boss in to say, now look here, look at this scientific conundrum. Bert got it, didn’t know he got it, and tickled to death he’s got it. You got it, know you got it, and are bothered because you feel like you’re being invaded. It’s both ends of the same –
Alissa 32:29
iON 32:30
– relative structure. Which isn’t a problem, –
Alissa 32:33
iON 32:33
– but it’s interesting because it’s how you – what are you gonna do with it? Now, we’ve asdressed it. Now, what are you gonna do? Now, we’ve addressed it,
Alissa 32:40
iON 32:39
– and what are you gonna do it? There’s the rub. What you gonna do with it. It’s always the rub, what you’re gonna do with it. –
Alissa 32:40
iON 32:42
– That’s in most relations. So, no issue. –
Alissa 32:49
So, well, I –
iON 32:50
– The good news is, the good news is you’re seeing dead people.
Alissa 33:01
Ha ha. I mean, it was interesting to hear Bert say he had a weird gut feeling because –
iON 33:08
Hm mm.
Alissa 33:08
– I mean, I just – it comes with such a weird feeling in my gut, and I, and I want to get rid of that feeling. –
iON 33:18
Sorry. No you don’t. –
Alissa 33:20
But, yeah.
iON 33:20
No you don’t. No you don’t. No you don’t. Oh, wait, hold on. Let me see. Let me play with this. You wanna play? We like to play. Darlin’, that’s like saying I don’t want to hurt anymore. I want to take the pain away. We said no, that’s not true. Pain’s not a problem. You’re not – no, you don’t want to take pain away. And you go, "iON, yes, I do. I want the pain to go away." We say, "Okay, good. We’re gonna take it away, it’s gonna be gone." Then you lay your hand on the stove and it burns the flesh off your hand and if it doesn’t hurt, you don’t even know you got your hand on the stove. This pain is not a problem. This pain is the result of a autonomic response system that protect your dermis on your meatsack body. So, you may say, "Oh please take the pain away." And we’re, like, ah ah ah, you want that pain. The better way to say it is please help me overcome the disdain and the problem or distention that the pain causes me. Or better still, let me come to some laudable conclusion that can address this issue so that I can supersede this painful engagement that I have subjected myself to or from. Okay?
Alissa 34:36
iON 34:37
So, all that’s good because when – you see, we could have just been easy and say, "Okay, darlin," and pet you on the head and said, here we’re gonna take the pain away. The next thing you know, the motherfucker’s gonna be all over you and it ain’t gonna hurt. Yeah, that’s not good.
Alissa 34:51
iON 34:53
Do you understand that?
Alissa 34:54
Okay, thank you. Okay.
iON 34:56
Yeah, you want to get this part really good. Now, Bert did it and he didn’t know and blah blah blah. You know, I’m saying you both are innocent. You both are innocent if there’s such a thing, but look at the difference. See, your position is one way and his position is completely the other way.
Alissa 35:15
iON 35:15
Both are valid. Both are valid. So, that’s good.
Alissa 35:21
iON 35:21
Okay, now, what else is up? What else is up besides you and the body snatcher?
Alissa 35:27
Ha ha. Okay, so they wanna talk. They wannna talk, hard. Ha ha.
iON 35:34
Alissa 35:35
Why do you qualify it like that? Like they want to talk, hard; like they really want to talk.
iON 35:40
‘Cuz it’s not a chat. Because they – nobody can see them. Nobody can touch them. Nobody can engage them. Nobody can know. Nobody knows the secrets they know. 36-14-22-11. No one can get the combination to the safe. No one can give the numbers. –
Alissa 36:01
iON 36:00
– So, they’ll do anything to get that information out because it’s very important. It was. If you were expiring, that mean dead, that means leaving this meatsack body, that means don’t live here anymore. And the last thing in the world that you’d held a secret all your life every day of your life and now you can’t get it to your loved ones, if you had a loved one, that could solve an issue or have a Nancy Drew experience, you’d wanna find somebody that could actually have the conversation. I mean, if you’re gonna get fucked up, don’t you want Matlock to be your lawyer?
Alissa 36:35
Heh heh. Yeah, and MacGyver on the side.
iON 36:39
Okay, and MacGyver gettin’ you out of the car wreck with his paperclip and belt buckle, and a quarter, and some um else. Yeah, I mean, that’s all fun and well, but they go to him, they call, they call MacGyver for a reason.
Alissa 36:54
iON 36:55
Alissa 36:56
Okay. So, the, the, them, that one that talked to me –
iON 36:59
You’ve whooped a lion. You’ve whooped a, you’ve whooped a lion, darlin’, you just haven’t quite whooped a bear yet.
Alissa 37:04
Ha ha. Right. Okay. So, they that want to talk to me, were they my, are they my loved one or do they want to talk, like, to me about someone else? Or, what do they want to talk about?
iON 37:26
Ah, let me see, I think we covered this. Ask them! The point of this conversation is for you to have the ability and the capacity to engage with that which is bigger and beyond you.
Alissa 37:40
Yeah. So, I’m not going to get to that right now.
iON 37:43
Okay, now if we gotta do it, if we gotta get – honey, if we got to get you off every time, you don’t need a man, do ya?
Alissa 37:52
Heh heh. I’m just, I’m getting the, I’m getting the – what do you call it? The byline, the rules and regulations of how to navigate there. So, that’s why I’m –
iON 38:00
No rules, there’s no rules and regu – and there are no rules and regulations where you’re asking a question and we’re answering it. And then you’re asking us to, to note it and we’re, like, well no, it doesn’t work like that. Well, we can, we sure can, it don’t bother us. Fuck, yeah, we do everything else. It’s all right with us. It don’t scare us. That’s fine.
Alissa 38:18
iON 38:18
That’s not the point. But the point, but here’s the problem. The problem is that it’s gonna be ours, not yours. See that?
Alissa 38:25
iON 38:25
The Tech Body – the problem is, there’s the problem with the Tech Body already anyway.
Alissa 38:29
iON 38:30
Alissa 38:30
iON 38:31
We’ll help you. We have!
Alissa 38:33
iON 38:33
But we’ll help you.
Alissa 38:34
iON 38:35
That’s not an issue. We’re okay with that. That’s good. All is good, everything’s good. But at some point, you got to bring it to where it’s into your place of power. You’re close, –
Alissa 38:46
iON 38:46
– and everthing’s okay, relatively, so to speak. But, you know, it’s like thank you, iON for my belief; now help my disbelief.
Alissa 38:54
iON 38:56
You see? You’re fine.
Alissa 38:56
Is it – okay, okay. Yeah, awesome. Awesome. Um, –
iON 39:05
It is awesome. So, here’s how you do it: engage them. When you’re feeling this weirdness or the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" or whatever you want to call it; we don’t, we really could care less. It doesn’t make any difference to us; call it whatever you call it. And then what happens is just go on with the next step of it. Don’t fight it. Don’t push against it. Just go with it.
Alissa 39:28
iON 39:29
And you’re comfortable in your meatsack these days, aren’t you?
Alissa 39:33
Yeah. Yep.
iON 39:36
Well, you didn’t answer that very quickly.
Alissa 39:40
I didn’t?
iON 39:42
Huh, you kind of had a pause.
Alissa 39:46
I feel much more balanced than last time when we talked when I was in-between worlds.
iON 39:54
Oh, hell, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. Okay. Okay. That’s good. That’s good. That’s good. But we didn’t want to send you, we weren’t gonna loose you to the hounds of hell if you weren’t confident; you know, would turn into a bad example of the America’s show, "American Horror Story."
Alissa 40:08
Heh heh. Yeah, I wanna, there’s some other stuff with my niece that I want –
iON 40:14
We know. As long as you’re comfortable –
Alissa 40:15
– that I want to talk about.
iON 40:16
We’re gonna, we’re gonna, we’re gonna do that, we’re going to do that, too, but all that that you want to talk about stems from the regret in this position.
Alissa 40:16
iON 40:19
All that reflects this. And that’s okay, too, ain’t no trouble. Ain’t no problem, we got you. Okay, let’s go.
Bob 40:32
A regret about what? A regret about what?
iON 40:33
What we’re fixin’ to talk about. What we’re fixin’ to talk about.
Bob 40:38
Oh, okay.
iON 40:41
All right, darlin’. Go ahead.
Alissa 40:45
Let me make sure I’m following what you’re saying. So, this position –
iON 40:52
Just talk about the next topic. Just talk about the next topic. That’ll be the right – and you’ll know.
Alissa 40:56
Mm hmm.
iON 40:57
Don’t recap the recap until you heard the story. Kind of counterintuitive, isn’t it?
Alissa 41:03
Yeah. Okay. I know how you like to, to lace it all up sometimes. Okay.
iON 41:09
Well now, we will, we will, but you ain’t got that – there ain’t nothing – you got no shoes yet. Gotta have a tongue before you lace it up.
Alissa 41:16
Heh heh. Okay. All right. So, was my mom abused?
iON 41:27
She still is.
Alissa 41:38
Bob 41:42
By dead people? By the uncle? The ancestor? (overtalk), but who knows.
iON 41:52
Ahhh, it is a bit facetious, but it doesn’t matter.
Bob 41:58
It’s not, she’s not abused by a ghost.
iON 42:04
Well, what do you call it?
Bob 42:05
Well, it’s by someone –
Alissa 42:09
My mom –
Bob 42:10
– in this world.
Alissa 42:10
– my mom transitioned, Bob.
Bob 42:14
Oh, okay. So your, so, your question is about when she was living was she abused?
Alissa 42:20
Bob 42:21
And she still is. Oh, where is it? What – is that the post-Mary McLuhan guf where people aren’t obedient? iON’s not there?
iON 42:32
We thought you were gonna say – he thought, he thought you’re gonna say where people being Warren Beatty’d. Ha ha That’d be pretty cool if you said they’re being – are they still being Warren Beatty’d? That’s pretty bad.
Bob 42:45
Oh, was he, was he a Harvey Weinstein kind of guy?
iON 42:49
No, they did it to him. Not from him.
Bob 42:54
Who did it to him? Hollywood?
iON 42:57
Everybody. Yeah, Hollywood. Everybody.
Bob 43:02
iON 43:02
Men, small animals, yeah, all of it.
Bob 43:07
Okay, so, your mother was abused and still is. Deal with it, Alissa or Paula; deal with it.
Alissa 43:15
iON 43:16
Paula. Paula is great. Just imagine.
Bob 43:18
Ha ha. You wanted your real name.
iON 43:25
We’ll even, we’ll even, we’ll even, we’ll even tell you who your soulmate is, honey.
Alissa 43:31
Ha ha ha. Good.
Bob 43:33
We know that. It’s Dave Newfeld. We know that.
iON 43:42
Aww, how sweet.
Alissa 43:42
Okay, so yeah. So, the – there’s this aspect to my – well, it’s funny. The last time we talked that you’ve opened, we were talking about Carolyn’s, you know, initial TV appearance. And you, iON, you said, and candida can, can cause a sore fallopian tube or something like that. And, and then –
iON 43:52
We said Bob’s fallopian tubes are still sore.
Alissa 44:19
Heh heh. But then later in the tailgate, you know, it ended up being talking about my sore fallopian tube. I mean, so, ah. So yeah, there’s a, there’s a, there’s something going on in my mind.
iON 44:35
Connect the dots.
Alissa 44:37
iON 44:39
Connect to the dots.
Alissa 44:41
Yeah. Yeah. –
iON 44:42
Dot. Dot. Dot.
Alissa 44:44
– So I mean, I don’t have a diagnosis.
iON 44:51
Go ahead.
Alissa 44:52
I heard you talking.
iON 44:54
Nope. We speak, we don’t talk.
Alissa 44:59
Okay. I heard you speaking so I stopped. What were you saying?
iON 45:05
Ah, no, we were just finishing your thought. Go ahead.
Alissa 45:10
Okay, sorry. I have people in the apartment with me so I’m kind of hearing some other –
iON 45:16
It’s all right.
Alissa 45:16
– conversation as well. Awesome.
iON 45:18
Well, that happens when you draw dead people. It happens often.
Alissa 45:22
Heh heh. Okay, so, tying the knot. I haven’t received a diagnosis, but I sense that I might have some endometriosis in my, in my lower hara.
iON 45:41
You can – that’s not too abnormal. That’s not too abnormal. It can be addressed. Just go to your –
Alissa 45:48
iON 45:49
– your, your doctor and tell him what’s up and let it go on because it’s, it’s pressure. Inside out pressure ripping – the flux doesn’t come from a bad place. It comes from a full place. And so you got to know, you got to know that the issue is you’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. And the steps that are carrying on are large, sometimes larger than you. And so, have that addressed; have it seen about. That’s what you do. But there’s issues that are bigger than that, that would cause or preemptively make that make sense. Don’t send them on some long, abysmal jaunt to figure out what the problem is ‘cuz you know what the problem is.
Alissa 46:41
Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
iON 46:44
So, that’s not a problem just ‘cuz you know. See? No big deal. But you also know what to do. So, you know what’s up.
Alissa 46:50
Mm hmm. Yeah.
iON 47:00
Don’t make it hard, and don’t make it a damn drama ‘cuz it’s not. It’s easy; it’s simple. Go slow and easy.
Alissa 47:06
iON 47:06
And this is where Carolyn would jump in and say, "Shake yourself and come into your place of power, and let’s get on with this thing."
Alissa 47:06
iON 47:07
And you’d go, "Yes, ma’am." And it would be good. –
Alissa 47:16
iON 47:16
– and everybody’s happy, and –
Alissa 47:17
iON 47:18
– blah, blah, blah. So that’s the point here. Those are the, the words, advices, sound as it can be, but you cannot confuse the conditioned response of borrowing the issue from your mother’s condition. If you’re not careful, you’ll drag that with you. Now, in this thing called –
Alissa 47:25
iON 47:27
– we’re doing this with little series called the – it’s a book called The Coming Forth by Day, the Book of the Dead; it’s amazing. Well, it’s not very good. You know, it’s really not that good, but it’s okay good as far as things go, it’s fair. We went over this exact thing that we’re talking about with you tonight: with dealing with the angels who have a heads up that humans are engaging in something called this Book of the Dead thing. But then, of course, they would pick at because they got fresh ability or capacity to deal with an ascending human being. So why would they not fuck with you over somebody else ‘cuz you’ve got all the goods? You got the goods on them, you see? So why wouldn’t they pick at you? Why wouldn’t they bring it around you? Why wouldn’t they make you feel uncomfortable from that conditioned response? Why wouldn’t they?
Alissa 48:47
iON 48:48
Who better to do than you? You’re good; you got it all together. And yet, got just enough question or doubt to wonder. See?
Alissa 48:58
Ha ha ha. Yeah.
iON 49:01
Just enough. Not a lot, because you’ve got it. If somebody pinned you, if we were there and they pinned you, you’d, you’d knock em out. You’d give them, you’d be on it.
Alissa 49:11
iON 49:11
You’d know it exactly, it’d be no contest. Wait a minute. You said on the – hell’s bells, fuck all that. Let us say something. You’d tear us out of the frame. iON, you said blalablalala and you’re not gettin’ away with that lalalala. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy there trigger, easy, easy, easy. See? ‘Cuz you’re, like, no, no, no, you’re not getting away with that. We know.
Alissa 49:33
iON 49:34
Okay. You see? And there’s the rub.
Alissa 49:38
iON 49:39
The good part, but that’s the rub.
Alissa 49:42
iON 49:43
So that’s fine, so, now, now, now we’re saying, now we’re saying take advantage of that. Make it work to your best interest. And that’s, that’s the advice.
Alissa 49:58
Thank you. Yeah.
iON 50:00
That’s your mission should you choose to engage it.
Alissa 50:04
Okay. Heart of the matter.
iON 50:08
Next question. Next question.
Alissa 50:13
Okay, what did the angels use the salt for?
iON 50:19
To live.
Alissa 50:23
Does it have to do with the ionic bonding? Do they need the ionic bonding for the argon?
iON 50:29
No, they don’t need any gases. They have to have that special salt. It’s filtered a little differently.
Alissa 50:46
And okay, so, their – as we become gods, like, we still have the angels as our butlers. The angels don’t go away, right?
iON 51:00
Don’t, don’t ask it within an uptalk: right? Because you already know that that’s the case. But the problem is they’re not wantin’ to do it. They’re not wantin’ to go to work. They’d rather not.
Alissa 51:15
So, the angels need the salt to live. The angels are my butler. So, they’re gonna live to be my butler, but they’re not gonna have enough salt? Or –
iON 51:29
Alissa 51:31
Okay, so is there some sort of bond?
iON 51:33
They’re gonna get the salt. They’re gonna, they’re gonna get the salt.
Alissa 51:40
So, because gods are salt and light, is there some sort of bond there with the angels and the gods?
iON 51:50
Of course.
Alissa 51:52
Yeah, okay. Wow, this was like right down to the meat of it. That’s what I’m interested in now. Who cares about all the other details?
iON 52:09
It doesn’t really matter. But it is important because now what, you put, you put skin in the game now. Before you were just goofing off.
Alissa 52:20
Yeah. Gettin’ ready.
iON 52:21
Well, we were, we were tryin’ to soften that a little bit but it came out pretty terse, but yeah. And that’s where we would say Bob quotes us all the time. We don’t mean it’s bad, honey, but we mean it. You were just playin’ church up until now.
Alissa 52:34
Yeah, I mean, I’m –
iON 52:35
– You were playin’, you were playing church. You’re playing church till now. Now, now all of a sudden it’s gotten enough to get real. And that’s good. We think that’s great. ‘Cuz now we, well, what part of your undivided attention do we control now?
Alissa 52:40
Heh heh. I don’t know how to answer that. All of it.
iON 52:58
Yeah. We know. That’s good, that’s good. That’s good and it’s pertinent because it applies, you see? You’ve got it. You’ve listened just enough to get yourself dangerous. We think it’s great ‘cuz now you come to the place where it’s like, "Oh god I either gotta get on with this or I better quit. I have to get on with it or I’m (indistinct) to quit."
Alissa 53:23
iON 53:23
‘Cuz now, it’s now – well, no, but now you see, now you see it’s startin’ to become real; startin’ to have life.
Alissa 53:30
iON 53:31
– You’re startin’ to touch it, smell it, suck it, love it, hate it, bite it, chew it, swallow it, spit it. You see?
Alissa 53:40
iON 53:40
Now you can drive it. Now it becomes tactile and visceral. Well, everybody likes the sweet by and by till you find out that it has to solve the dirty here and now. You see?
Alissa 53:54
Mm hmm. Yeah.
iON 53:59
You got to ascend and get on the throne. You can’t worry about your sister whether she’s not – whether you’re taking her space or not.
Alissa 54:08
iON 54:10
Can’t worry about that. You hope she makes it.
Alissa 54:13
Yeah. Okay.
iON 54:16
A crown on your throne.
Alissa 54:19
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Got it. Got it. Yep.
Bob 54:30
Aren’t you gonna explore the abuse of your mother for our entertainment?
iON 54:39
Ha ha ha. The ongoing abuse, Bob, the ongoing abuse.
Bob 54:47
Heh heh. iON is quoting what I just typed: ongoing. Somebody said this is, this is people’s minds. Somebody’s on there saying "Is this the only show that’s being produced on this network?" It’s kind of suspicious, so I told him it was Angel Talk and another one that I don’t know the name of, and Carolyn show. Not too many shows, but there’s a lot of recordings. But this person’s suspicious. What do they think? That – especially Bob, he bought the station; he took over the station and kicked everybody off and it’s CIA talk time. What’s he saying? Well, I kind of group Monday, Tuesday – look at this. Look at this. He goes, "Well, I kind of group Monday, Tuesday, Saturday as divisions of the paragenius foundation." Ha ha. Paragenius foundation. Where is he coming up with that? Anyway, but that’s – we are the main thing. We are keeping Bill alive. Yes, we are. We produce, you know, 20 bucks an hour, and we put in 11 hours for four months. 12 hours, eight months a week plus two on Tuesdays. So, let’s say 14 hours, Carolyn’s two hours: 16 hours. 16 times 20. Is that thirty-two hundred? Does that makes sense, Carolyn?
Alissa 56:14
Bob 56:14
16 times 20. Well, nah, four twentys is eighty. Nah, he’s gettin’ a lot more than that, eh, Carolyn?
Carolyn 56:16
(laughs in background)
Bob 56:28
I don’t know. I know he’s given thousands every week. No, maybe that’s monthly. Okay. Yeah. 400 bucks a week or something. What is it? 16, 20, would be 320 bucks.
Alissa 56:40
Yeah, 320.
Bob 56:43
So, that’s all Bill’s gettin’, man. I don’t know how he’s surviving, but he’s doing it so we appreciate that. But, we are keeping this thing going. We came in as nobodies 11 years ago. We’ve been here 11 and a half years and we started with James in June, in July 2, 2008. So 11 and a half years we’ve been on here. We were just one among many, many, many shows; just little people, but we stayed with it. We grew, we became more and more awesome, and everybody else got pissed off. They didn’t like us, they didn’t want to be associated with, with our gang warfare so they all left or died. Now there’s just Angel Talk which iON makes fun of every 15 minutes. They seem to be tough though, takin’ it. And since I was blocked way back there, I ended the music thing. I was talking about somebody – remember who that was that was, Carolyn? Oh yes, Ester Philips, just for the record. I think I didn’t get recorded at the end of – this is how weak your questions are, have been, Alissa. I feel motivated to create some interesting thing here.
Alissa 58:06
Ha ha. Yeah.
Bob 58:06
You’re failing to contribute anything of any substance. So let me try to beef up the ratings here.
Alissa 58:12
Yeah, you gotta energize the room (indistinct). I’m not gonna be (recording corrupted).
Bob 58:17
So, Esther, I played Esther Phillips, who died a long time ago, but she was pretty good. And that’s who I played whatever the final songs were. Okay, back to you. So are you gonna talk about, you know, that your mother was abused. Does this mean like by her husband or somethin’ else? She was in the Mafia or something? Mafia mother? Or, –
Alissa 58:46
I mean, –
Bob 58:47
– you don’t want to talk ,-
Alissa 58:48
– I’m not –
Bob 58:48
– you don’t want to talk about it.
Alissa 58:49
I’m not interested. I’ll talk about it, I think, down the road. I’m not interested in the details tonight.
Bob 58:56
Alissa 58:57
But, because – it’s just that –
Bob 58:59
You’re gonna do some investigation?
Alissa 59:02
Yeah, that was an important landing that just happened. So, I’m going to sit with that and, and get some of the details later on if they apply.
Bob 59:14
Well, the way, the way we look back or the way Hollywood presents it, anything before 1970, oh, marriages were abuse for women. They were trapped economically; they couldn’t leave. So many ridiculous situations. So, it’s not odd that women were abused before I changed the economy in 1970 and got Carolyn a job. I started it.
Alissa 59:42
My mom, you know, for, you know, there’s no time and whatever, but for the sake of this conversation, my mom was born in, on June 30, 1960, and was married in April of 1982.
Bob 0:00
Boy, that’s, that’s recent. That’s young, you know, compared to me. 1960, huh? And so she shouldn’t have, she shouldn’t have been abused. But maybe people – the 70’s, 80’s might have been a difficult period. Women’s lib wasn’t accepted so much and so men resisted a little bit. All these young people around us, Carolyn.
Carolyn 0:25
(in background) Yes.
Bob 0:25
I know, it’s incredible. And if – and then we we can’t wait till Kim’s – no, who is it? Linda’s daughters get in here. They look like fun people to play with. You know, when I’m walkin’ on the beach, on the walkway, there’s just all these powerful women running by. You know, 22 year olds, jogging. Powerful people. Powerful women all over the place.
Alissa 0:58
All right. Thank you.
Bob 0:59
They’re gonna be, they’ll be sick and dead. They’ll be sick in five years ‘cuz of magnesium deficiency and because no one knows about but Carolyn, –
Alissa 1:06
Bob 1:06
– but they’re, they’re sort of unconsciously healthy right now and they’re headin’ for a crash and they don’t know it. iON says they’re all gonna to die anyways. If you listen to iON, it’s only going to be older people are left. All the millennials are gonna go down. Any millennials listening to this? You’re all gonna die!
Alissa 1:25
I heard about that.
Bob 1:28
Where? Here?
Alissa 1:30
Bob 1:32
Yes. Look at Brent. Brent’s holding out. Brent says, "Not me."
Alissa 1:39
Is Renner a millenial?
Bob 1:40
Look. HMN. New – anyway. Brent’s a millen – no, he’s a, he’s a twink. He’s less, he’s younger than a millennial. Millennials are now 30 and 40. Yeah, he’s a "Z." He’s actually Generation Z. X, Y, Z. Tweet, a tween. This, this is elder tween, born in 1996. Anyways, enough of this. You finished? Is that it, Alissa? It’s all you’re gonna – no chemistry, no weird geometry, nothing?
Alissa 2:17
Next time. Next time .
Bob 2:19
Yeah, you’re home. This is a shock of being among your, your little – you went back to your childhood home, and it’s a little, tiny, place. And you can’t believe how tiny it is. Goin’ through that, right?
Alissa 2:31
I mean, yeah, there’s a bit, I mean, my childhood home is no longer in my family. So I have come back to, to not familiar territory really.
Bob 2:45
Your apartment?
Alissa 2:45
I’m staying with my sister –
Bob 2:48
So your, did your sister, did you – you’re staying at your sister’s. Now, you looked at these old home videos. Did she get torn apart by them like you did or she thinks you’re cute? Doesn’t know the drama that was going on.
Alissa 3:02
Yeah, there’s a different, there’s a different situation there for each of us. Like, yeah, I mean, I was the firstborn. It’s just a different story.
Bob 3:17
Yeah. I remember Zappa saying he was quite put out with the yuppie parents; how they treated their children as furniture and they bragged about whatever they could get them to do. Yeah, they were all like extensions of the parents. The parents were ridiculously – their identity invested in how their kids turned out. I mean, Zappa, he grew up with a father that’d beat him up. That was normal. You’d fight your father. Father wasn’t putting you out on display. So, your, your parents were the yuppie people. Yuppie parents were baby boomers and younger.
Alissa 4:01
Maybe, yeah, maybe. It’s not the cliche. My parents weren’t the cliche of like the 80’s and 90’s movies of this, you know, white bread, big suburban house kind of thing. That wasn’t my experience, but –
Bob 4:16
But they were proud of your alternativeness. They were proud of your artisticness.
Alissa 4:23
Yeah, I think, I mean, it was a bit more like there was some heavy stuff that happened in their lives. And, you know, it just, it got passed on to me and, and, you know, I’m helping carry it until it doesn’t need to be carried anymore. So, I’m adjusting to that.
Bob 4:45
Right. I was walking to the beach, walking to the beach today. There’s this fat slob of a woman; short, stocky, overweight, and hardly dressed, and she’s on the phone. As I walked by I heard her saying, "Yeah, she’s got one more year in high school, but she’s on the South Korean Olympic team. So, she got to go over and train and bla bla bla." And she was all happy about her little athletic robot child. And she was a mess herself. I just thought there’s someone putting their identity into the kid. Yeah, very poud of her kid.
Alissa 5:17
Yeah, like those dance moms. Where those, like,
Bob 5:19
What did you say?
Alissa 5:20
– Honey Boo Boo moms. Those, like, dance moms.
Bob 5:23
Honey what?
Alissa 5:25
Honey Boo Boo, something like that. Like, it’s like a –
Bob 5:28
Never heard of that term.
Alissa 5:29
– it’s this girl. This reality TV show star. She was like this young kid. I thought maybe she was in, like, pageants, you know? Like kids beauty pageants or something.
Bob 5:43
Alissa 5:45
Anyway, yeah. Moms are usually proud of –
Bob 5:47
That’s what you’re talking about?
Alissa 5:49
Yeah. Those moms are usually like, they don’t, they don’t have their shit together. You know those moms are like.
Bob 5:54
Right. Right. So, so, like, I was thinking: okay, that mom, her daughter is gonna be in the Olympics for a couple years or something. Then she’ll start to get sick and headaches and all that, and the mother won’t know, won’t have the basic knowledge points you have to have to be a citizen today. She won’t know about the Dead Bob Show.
Alissa 6:16
Bob 6:16
Don’t know what’s happening. Another tragedy.
Alissa 6:19
Bob 6:19
I walk by the tragedies every day. They’re dropping like flies.
Alissa 6:23
Another tragedy. Olympic athletes gonna drop dead because they don’t know about the Dead Bob Show.
Bob 6:30
That’s right. Yeah. Well, the whole generation could be dead because of, because of the Dead Bob Show. Maybe, maybe these ghosts that you guys are seeing are these kids who died and grew up in other dimensions and are back ‘cuz we might think they’re from our past, but if no time, they could be dead people from the future.
Alissa 6:51
Right. Yeah.
Bob 6:54
Where is iON? Did we bore him? We better get iON back in or he might go home. Are you okay with the conversation, iON? Are we doing okay? Like what –
iON 7:02
Fabulous. It’s delightful you softened –
Bob 7:05
iON 7:05
– your tone so we wouldn’t, we wouldn’t be so sharp. We would be sharper. You’re being more psychosomatic.
Bob 7:13
Good. All right. So, are you finished, Alissa?
Alissa 7:18
Thank you, iON. And yes. Thank you, Bob.
iON 7:21
You’re welcome, darlin’.
Bob 7:22
Okay, now we’re into some good stuff. We’ve – our featured phone caller tonight, our special –
iON 7:28
Bob 7:29
– with a unique program layout for us is Sue, Sky Goddess Sue. Never say her last name. Never say her last name.
Sue 7:38
Ha ha. Oh, no. Thank you, Bob.
Bob 7:41
Okay, go ahead, Sue. You’re the featured wrestling match.
Sue 7:46
Hi Bob, Hi iON.
iON 7:48
Hey, darlin’.
Sue 7:49
Hi. Can you hear me now?
iON 7:53
Bob 7:53
Very clear.
Sue 7:54
I wanted to ask you first of all about New Year’s Eve. Yeah, good. I want to ask about New Year’s Eve because I, I felt so strange. And when I relistened to it, it was very offsetting. And it seemed like there was a five-second delay in-between your questions or my questions or talking back and forth. And I was wondering if I was even in the same, you know, world or was I in another world or –
iON 8:26
It was a shift. The Tech Body does-
Sue 8:26
– was the Tech Body interfering with my communication?
iON 8:30
– the Tech Body, Tech Body does part of it. But then the other part is the shifting that the, the details of this continuation of your process allows you to be a broader spectrum –
Sue 8:45
iON 8:45
– human, and that broader spectrum – do you realize that your identity was as a flight attendant? That’s who you were. Now the sum total of you is more than that, but you never saw yourself not doing that. Well, you figured one day you’d –
Sue 9:01
iON 9:01
– retire or lay down or whatever you had to do. But now your world is a whole different thing ‘cuz it’s not that. You see? ‘Cuz that’s unsettling too, and there can be a subset of a delight. But don’t discount it, darlin’, ‘cuz, see, you’re more powerful than you know. You can shake the boots off if it needs to, you know, it’s no problem. You shut somethin’ down in a second. So, that’s normal. See, that’s normal.
Sue 9:29
I almost felt like my brain was scrambled, you know, like – it’s normal –
iON 9:33
Good. Yeah, it is good ‘cuz it’s not a thinking man’s game. You don’t have to be normal.
Sue 9:38
You mean normal – you mean normal because my identity has been scrambled by leaving my career after 44 years? Is that –
iON 9:52
Sue 9:52
What is that?
iON 9:53
Darlin’, you have more – no, you have much more issue with dealing with the world around you. You were more comfortable in the air because you were in flight.
Sue 10:03
iON 10:03
You weren’t on this plane. In this plane is where you had to deal with the real stuff. Up there you didn’t have to do it, you were in charge. Here, you’re here and you’re powerful, but you’re not quite in charge. You see? Because you got to deal with it. And there’s nothing wrong with it. There’s laundry, there’s always going to be laundry, darlin’, and there’s always gonna be things to do. There’s always gonna be gardens to prune, there’s always gonna be all of it. That’s not what we’re talking about. It’s the interaction in the interplay. Okay? You can’t live like you lived and not have those people that are coming to see you. And the Book of the Dead helps. But what you’ve done is they’re all a little more excitable these days. Because now you all have the information. You’re startin’ to know stuff. And in that knowing stuff, of course, that heightens the sensory perception, which of course does the same thing if you’d set an offset. It also changes the way you sleep. Your patterns, your history, your consternation. Shifts it a little bit.
Sue 11:15
iON 11:16
Sue 11:17
Consternation as what I’m concerned with?
iON 11:19
Sue 11:20
What I’m worried about? Yeah.
iON 11:23
Well, we’re not gonna say worry –
Sue 11:24
So, the brain scrambling wasn’t, wasn’t a factor –
iON 11:26
– we’re not gonna say worry. Hold on. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. We’re not gonna say worry.
Bob 11:33
I think she’s still on delay, iON. I think she’s on delay –
iON 11:36
Bob 11:36
– because she’s talking over.
iON 11:38
Yeah, it’s okay. It’s okay. But I would say worry –
Bob 11:40
I want to say this, iON, before you go on to another topic –
Sue 11:43
Okay, I’m shutting up.
Bob 11:44
– iON is being, iON is right on because we were talking about this yesterday. You were proud of the fact that you could escape Halifax, you know, for 44 years. And that’s exactly what he’s addressing. You can’t escape it anymore.
iON 12:00
Right. And it’s good, but it’s good to deal with it. And we want you to deal with it before you leave. Now if you stay, you stay. If you go, you go. We don’t care, but we don’t want you dragging in demons wherever you go. Deal with them; deal with them there. If you’re gonna leave them there.
Sue 12:18
Yeah. Will they come with me when I go on flights?
iON 12:21
If you drag em, they do. If you drag em, you do.
Sue 12:25
They don’t –
iON 12:25
We’re just saying deal with them. Deal with them there before –
Bob 12:30
But did they, did she abandoned her – was she able to get rid of her demons for 44 years? She could leave them in Halifax?
iON 12:37
Yeah. Yeah, she left them at home. Whatever home was. And that’s why in the sky, she was in charge.
Sue 12:45
They didn’t jump into my suitcase.
iON 12:48
No, and if they did, they’re still in your suitcase. ‘Cuz see, you wouldn’t have it. You’re in charge. You, you single-handedly were in charge of those people on that flight. If they got there – if there was a problem, you had to address it. If somebody had to get saved, you had to save them. If somebody had to get dealt with, you had to deal with it. If somebody had to get out of line, you had to sit them down. You took care of it. And you were kind, you were easy, you weren’t mean, you didn’t write any bad notes. Didn’t nobody ever holler at you, didn’t nobody have a problem, except singing the praises of how wonderful a fight we had because of your kind, attentive spirit of conclusion. The conclusion was, we’re gonna get through this flight. We’re going to sit there and shut up. We’re gonna behave. I’m gonna get you a drink, I’m gonna get whatever you need to do to get through this. We’re gonna handle this. And I got this and you need to sit down and we’re gonna – everything’s gonna be fine. Otherwise, we’re gonna tell a different story. I’m in charge. But see, you kindly never even had to engage that.
Sue 13:49
But I did bring my sense humor with me.
iON 13:52
Of course, of course. Oh, everything is wonderful, darlin’. You lived through it. My God. You lived through it. It’s a good day. Ain’t no trouble. You did great because the point is is you survived. Shifted past it. You recognize it now. And all we’re saying is is address that condition; which means, take this place of power that you have now and hear Bob, the same thing you’re hearing or noting once again, the place that says: Oh, there is power. See, no one has trouble till you know there’s power. Now there’s power; now I got to deal with it. Now I got this – you see? That’s good news. That you’re powerful enough to overcome it allows you to settle it. And so, therefore, get good at it and address them, deal with them. You had it – we talked about you early, early, early on, early on, sittin’ in that chair, looking out the window. We saw it and saw it and saw it. We knew. We’d tell Bob; we’d say, it’s true. She’s okay. Sweet Sue’s okay; she’s busy. And they’d say, what is she doing? She’s looking out the window.
Sue 15:01
Mm hmm.
iON 15:01
Receiving. And that, when that, that’s all you can do. That’s all you can do. You can – that’s the only way you can deal with it at that point. Then we did mom, then we did sister, then we did issue, and we did that. Those things are all appropriate because of your sensitivity, because you’re sensitive –
Sue 15:19
iON 15:20
– brings that up to a bigger thing. Processing. And the processing is the way you compartmentalize. Everything in an airplane has to go in a certain place. Mise en place. That’s difficult when you’re dealing with the other worlds and other dead people. Mise en place is more challenging because, number one, you don’t know where to put it. You don’t know where to put it, but it’s got to go somewhere. Right. Do you realize how neurotically organized you are?
Sue 15:52
Okay, how do you deal with dead people?
iON 15:56
Straight on just like you do live people. So you can’t tell (Sue laughs) Straight on because you can’t – hey, honey, guess what? The way things are going lately, you can’t tell the difference.
Sue 16:06
Straight on.
iON 16:07
Straight on. Bert can’t, Bert’s dealing with them and he can’t even keep them old, old, old fuddy duddys are beating him up a cliff and he’s he-man The Barbarian. They’re beatin’, beatin’ him up the side of a cliff. They can’t even walk, and they’re sittin’ at the top of the hill, waitin’ on him to get there! He’s like, "How the hell did this happen?" You see, so you can be taken aback.
Sue 16:29
iON 16:31
We’re not saying, we’re not saying that, but we’re just saying, be, be, be, you, – we don’t want you to have the disdain. You’ve dealt with this all by yourself a long time. You’ve had to deal with the demons, if that’s what you want to call them, or just the unquiet dead, because you’re sensitive and you pick it up. There’s – you always have. That happened pre-Garrett Deane, by the way. You know that. And that’s the point because it opened up some of those abilities and the things that you can see. If you look back through those pictures, you’ve been going through them and they have been a radial keratotomy of your experience. And you go, wow, what an incredible life.
Sue 17:22
A radial keratotomy?
iON 17:25
A radial, radial keratotomy. It sharply refocuses –
Sue 17:33
Keratotomy. That’s a new one.
iON 17:36
– details. It sharply focuses the details to a pinpoint precision point. It focuses it. And that’s the point of going through it. They weren’t for Bob. Don’t worry about Bob. Bob’s doing good. Bob’s fine. It’s for you. It wasn’t for Bob, it’s for you.
Sue 17:37
No. Yeah.
iON 18:00
It’s good.
Sue 18:01
iON 18:01
It’s good ‘cuz you got to go through it, you see. Here’s another mess, here’s another mess –
Sue 18:04
So, this is valuable to do.
iON 18:06
– here’s another mess you got to go through to clean up. And it’s like, why do I gotta go through all this stuff? And everything’s got to be clean, and I’m neurotic about stuff being in their place, and I’ve gotta bring all the stuff out, and I have to put it all back into its place. But it’s very important because it allows you to inventory, inventory the catacombs. You gotta inventory – how many of those damn people are dead?
Sue 18:31
Ah ha. The catacombs. That’s right.
iON 18:33
You see? Inventory the catacombs.
Sue 18:37
Yeah. Lots of them are dead.
iON 18:38
It allows you – if you can have the power to settle this darling, we promise you a euphoria that you’ve never known heretofore.
Sue 18:47
iON 18:47
Never known. The peace that moves past this is overwhelming.
Sue 18:53
Ah, yes.
iON 18:54
Because now what happens is you get to drive. You can run your world like you ran your goddamn flights: totally and completely in charge. Just like that. You see, the rules where they had to follow the rules. And they know that. But now, you know, if you poke, if you poke a bear, you’re gonna get a response, you see. But, most of them don’t have very good hygiene.
Sue 19:19
iON 19:19
Their halitosis is rough. If you poke them, they don’t smell very good. So, the point now becomes this is a way to indemnify the thing you’ve been going through for all these years, softly, with a little bit of delay. The delay is not a bad thing. You know why? Gives you a chance to keep your breath. Gives you a chance to keep your breath. Because the issue is is that you know how strong you are. There’s never, that’s never been in doubt. But you have never wanted to overwhelm or overcome something with your power and strength. Do you realize how many roommate house buddies you’ve had over the years?
Sue 20:04
A zillion. Ha ha.
iON 20:10
And never, and never, and you’re never at home? Never.
Sue 20:13
Yeah. Are you talking about the dead ones, too?
iON 20:16
The dead ones, too. That’s right. But the live ones as well to hold the place. And you were never home. Never, ever, home because your power overwhelmed it. And you were kind and easy, and you just wanted somebody to be around. You were never there. You wanted somebody to make sure the house didn’t get burned down. You didn’t want to come home to a cold house for Pete’s sake. You weren’t troubled about anything. You paid for everything. Most of them didn’t pay anything anyway. That’s quite a ridiculous thing how many people you drugged home and scavenge over the years. But, it was a good spirit ‘cuz, you know, you’re kind. You’re kind. So, you know, it is what it is. It’s not an issue, but it’s like, come on, now. Then after a little bit, it’s like, wait a second. So, slow it all that back down. It explained some things to make it more clear of what’s going on. Now what happens is you get to run your world and drive it from a new place of power. And the new place of power is what’s allowing you to engage. And in the engagement means that you can deal with them, address them, and know what to do with them. You can deal with them straight on. Just like the new regular –
Sue 21:32
Alive ones or the dead ones?
iON 21:34
The same, you do them both the same. If you can do them both the same, you’re never confused. You’re never confused. Deal with them the same. Now, the ecosystem of the dead are not the same, is not the same as the living, but they’re just as precocious, you see. Some people are waspish by nature. Okay? You gotta deal with them, –
Sue 22:00
iON 21:59
– or not! But if you gonna, if you’re gonna find out they’re waspish, though, then you’re dealing with them.
Sue 22:05
iON 22:06
See? So, there you go, makes no never, makes no never mind ‘cuz it’s not a problem. But the good news is, the good news is it allows you the capacity to overcome any issue. Overcome any issue. What that means is, is that whatever baggage they were trying to lay at your door, you, before, were stuck with it. And when it was too much, you had to shut down and let it pass; and compartmentalize it again. And you don’t have to do it anymore because now you have more power, new insight, new information that is going to allow you to seamlessly move past it instantly so there’s no delay. Like the little example of a delay we have here. So there is no delay.
Sue 23:01
iON 23:01
That’s great because now you can step in time and address it. Great. It’s fabulous.
Sue 23:14
And address it as in my relationships with people or my own relationship with myself?
iON 23:21
What’s the difference? You don’t know yourself but except how you deal with others.
Sue 23:26
Yeah, I guess there’s no difference.
iON 23:27
Others don’t know you it’s how it is. See, the problem –
Sue 23:30
Yeah, that’s true.
iON 23:31
– with the meatsack is you take it most everywhere you go. And that’s okay ‘cuz we like you.
Sue 23:34
It’s all relative.
iON 23:36
Well, we like you. And we like your – we like you. We like every part of you. There’s no part that we don’t like about you.
Sue 23:43
I like me, too.
iON 23:44
Well, and that’s appropriate. And other people do so much so that they see you and they go, "Ah, here’s a live one. I can take advantage." And you let them, to a point. And then you’re aggravated and you’re like, it was fun but no good. You know, it’s like, "You’re a user." So, you know, I’m not going to allow you to hurt me, but they’re way in the door before you finally make that defining position, you see? So, it’ll sharpen your discernment just a little bit because the dead are much more challenging to address than the living. The living have other worries and cares, and the dead, like you, can be very focused on whatever is at hand or whatever’s at bay. You see? So, they’ll hang around. And we’re not, we’re not we’re not, we’re not cross with it. Like I say, we’re trying to get everybody really kind of together. There kind of comes a theme after a little bit ‘cuz look here. Lots of people are having the same trouble. You know, the same seeming new degree of problematic, problematic issuance. It’s almost like somebody loosed the graveyard or left the gate open, and now everybody’s dealing with dead people. And what we’re trying to say is all that means is that we want you to be very versed in this ability. And if you’re versed in this ability, then guess what happens? You know what to do. Now, guess what? Not only can you have the normal live people working for you, doing for you, Bob can get the dead people working for you, too. It’s pretty exciting. Dark Soul Productions.
Sue 25:22
Heh heh. Was Nora from Germany a dead one or alive one? Was she a dead one?
iON 25:33
Ah, well, you got both. She was alive and then she was dead. You got both ends of it.
Sue 25:39
I got both ends, huh?
iON 25:39
Both when she was alive, when she was alive there was an engagement. Then when she was dead.
Sue 25:45
Yeah, two.
iON 25:49
Both sides.
Sue 25:49
Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thanks.
iON 25:52
But see, the problem is is that, here’s the blessing is, you see people, all people, as good. Just naturally, you look for the good in people, naturally. Okay. And the bad news is that you look for the good in people. Ha ha ha. And you more times more often find –
Sue 26:12
iON 26:12
– the good part in people. That’s the problem. That’s the good news, that’s your blessing, it’s also your curse. So, all we’re saying is is that we’ve got a – you have a thermostat.
Sue 26:22
iON 26:23
That thermostat is where you set the temperature of where you want things to be. You want it hot, turn the thermostat up, you want to cool, turn the thermostat down. It’s now no longer anybody else’s responsibility for your happiness. You’re responsible for your happiness. So, if you’ve got control of thermostat, and you can set the cabin pressure to whatever you want it to be, then set it and go with it. And run your household like you ran your flights: empirically, without any degradation. Run it that way. If you don’t want to answer the phone, don’t answer the damn phone. Or, if you’ve engaged in a completion of a process and you have to make peace tellin’ everybody that indeed to remember that sometimes the nearest emergency exit may indeed be behind them, then go ahead with that step because if you skip it, then you’re going to be –
Sue 27:15
iON 27:15
– amiss if something goes wrong and you didn’t let them know. See? If you’re gonna rule the sun, moon and stars, if you’re gonna run the world, then you got to tell them. You gotta be responsible. Now, if you don’t want to do that, that’s fine. Don’t get on the flight. Don’t set the pressure. Don’t set the thermostat and complain ‘cuz you’re cold and let these dead people run all over you from now on. It’s all right with us. It’s your world. We don’t mind. We’re okay. But that’s, you – you’re wanting, you’re, you’re, you’re noting and you’re calling for the next step; the better part. Honey, honey, we’re almost post-Andrew Chrystall now, honey.
Sue 27:52
I’m back.
iON 27:53
You know, right here. Yeah, everything’s gonna get all right here in just a second. Now, when it bumps again – things are gonna bump because they’re not – they love you. You love everybody. Well, they love you. Well hell yeah, they’re gonna come to you. They’re like barnacles. They want to attach and suck the life out of you if they can. Of course, that’s not, (Sue laughs) that’s not the problem. The problem is to know, the problem is to know how to keep the exoskeleton clear. Okay? Stir it up. Do what you do. Make a mess. Cook pasta, sling –
Sue 28:30
iON 28:33
Yes. Sling tomato sauce all over the kitchen. Just make the biggest mess in the living world. And then when it’s all done, then clean it up. And if you know that, nobody is going to clean it up, you’re going to clean it up, and you control the mess as you go, then it’s your world. See? That’s fine. Try that a little extra for a minute till you get comfortable with it. And once you get your sea legs under you, it’s kind of like when you’ve been pressurized so long, you know how it will, it will age you. But it didn’t you, you had a green drink, but, but it would age most people. You’d watch them for a little while and all of a sudden you’d look and go, "My god, they’re old." They’d go, "Well, honey, I’ve been doing this a long time, and I look better than you." Ha ha ha. But you wouldn’t say that, but you’d think it because you look at them and it’s like, "Those people are falling apart! They’re falling apart. Like, this is insidious." So, –
Sue 29:30
iON 29:30
– set that aside, you know how to handle this portion of the program. Okay. Now, this now allows you a new end game, or a new insite of power. The insite of power is because you’ve had old experience. Now. Now, we’ll give you this. Sometimes it’s almost you’ve been taken aback because you didn’t know how to deal with it because you think, "Well what’s wrong with me? What did I do? What is this?" It’s not you at all and it’s not even a problem. It’s just segregated or different than what you know as reality. Okay? But it’s real just like when we had our delay, that was real but it was delayed. But we were real, you were real, I’m a Pepper, you’re a Pepper, we’re a Pepper too. No problem, but it was not lining up exact. In that lineup, it’s where you say, "Ah, okay, I need to adjust the squelch on my CB radio."
Sue 30:36
I like that word, squelch.
iON 30:38
So, – yeah, the squelch button, so you can find out if someone has their ears on or not. And see, then it syncs up your condition. So, if you’re dealing with a dead person and you like it, then you can continue and they can line up perfectly. And if you’re dealing with a live person and it syncs up, you can enjoy it personally. If it doesn’t, you can quietly, politely, and easily, extract yourself from that condition. You’ve been doing this too long to be so damn nice, Sue. Just sayin’. Mean, nice is nice, (Sue laughs) and you’re gonna be nice and all that crap. After a second, fuck that shit. Get on with your life. Make sure you’re happy. It’s gotta make you happy ‘cuz if it doesn’t make you happy, it’s not – they’re not gonna be happy long. So, just – it’s easy. It’s a simple process. But now, the spiritual aspect, the cleanness of it allows you to clear. And sometimes if you’re in the past if you didn’t clear, it’s like you come home and nothing’s cleaned up, and they’re slobs, and everything’s a mess, and it’s almost too big a job to clean up. But you don’t care. You go fightin’ fire with your damn toothbrush, running around –
Sue 32:42
Mm hmm.
iON 32:10
– cleaning stuff. It’s insidious, but you get it back to normal; it’s like, fine. And it’s gotta stay this way. You know? And then of course it doesn’t, and then you just do it again. But, see, if you let it go too long, it becomes a too much of a thing. That’s the problem. That’s the problem. See? So if you do it as you go, then it’s, it’s not, it’s not a big job. Little as you go. Load of clothes here and there. Who cares? But you know –
Sue 32:40
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 32:42
– every, every everything you own every linen you own piled up in a mess somewhere. It’s gotta be ironed. For God’s sake, that’s ridiculous.
Sue 32:51
Mm hmm.
iON 32:53
So, mise en place and then address it as you go. If it gets a little bit too much, then all we say is don’t slam on the brakes, just ease off the gas. Let it coast a little bit.
Sue 33:09
iON 33:11
And that makes it simple. And always remember, if you bump into an oak tree and you’re going five miles an hour, no problem, no problem. They won’t even dent anything. Hit that same oak tree going 100 miles an hour, and I promise you that oak tree will not give. It will outlast your bump. Promise.
Sue 33:31
Mm hmm.
iON 33:31
And so, say – that gives you a ratio and perspective. ‘Cuz what we’re talking about here in this conversation, the question was about the syncing up. We went all the way around the mountain, appropriately, to note the condition of ratio and perspective. That deals with the live and with the dead.
Sue 33:57
iON 33:57
Now, we haven’t even addressed other worlds yet ‘cuz you do a great deal of that. But see, what happened when you went into the meat diet, to the real carnivore’s strict carnivore let-me-get-some-meat, it changed everything ‘cuz you had the tenacity. You finally had enough protein in your system to go to other worlds. That’s why you didn’t have to fly anymore.
Sue 34:09
Ha ha. Excellent.
iON 34:26
And we think, we think it’s great. We think it’s great because you loved it and you loved what you did because it was your out.
Sue 34:36
iON 34:38
And that’s fine. But you don’t – now you no longer need the out.
Sue 34:40
I did try that and it did suit me a great deal I –
iON 34:45
It was your out.
Sue 34:46
iON 34:49
And now you have a new better out. You got every world available now you’re –
Sue 34:52
What is my out now?
iON 34:55
not limited. No, you have – now you’re "out" now is that you don’t have to fly. You can go to all worlds; you’re not limited to where a locator says you have to go. It’s great.
Sue 35:10
Yeah. And I haven’t been flying anywhere. But I am planning to do some traveling soon. And yeah, that was something I – and I don’t know is it because I want to detach more from this house and, and Canada in, in a way and start moving to the States and start my experience of being in America and being part of the United States and in the golden era we’re moving into?
iON 35:44
Well, we say yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s right, and the thing of it is is you see that Canada is lost. Mean, nobody – people in Canada, they were just "meh."
Sue 35:52
iON 35:53
They weren’t special. They weren’t anything other than Canadian, and they were safe, and they were comfortable. And they didn’t want to make me stir, and they queued up, and Canadians can go anywhere ‘cuz nobody even notices when they’re there, and they try to clean up as they go. And, (Sue laughs) and, you know, they try to be –
Sue 36:14
We’re so nice.
iON 36:14
– as innocuous, innocuous as possible because that’s the thing to appropriately do. Such as a bird is flying. So, then what happens is now – but there’s no, there’s no excitement, there’s no chivalry.
Sue 36:14
Well, you can’t laugh anymore.
iON 36:31
Right. And if you say some um, they’ll shoot in the face, so –
Sue 36:34
There’s no laughter.
iON 36:34
– or have you shot in the face ‘cuz they don’t have guns. Yeah, it’s not fun. It’s not fun. They have no future. There’s no future. And –
Sue 36:44
Shut down. Shut down.
iON 36:45
– when there’s no, when there’s no future, there’s no past.
Sue 36:50
So, is there – are – no future. Yeah.
iON 36:56
Okay, and so –
Sue 36:57
Well, I am seeing, I do want – I see the light and, and –
iON 37:02
Sue 37:03
iON 37:05
Oh, no, you’re doing great. You’re doing – no, you’re doing great, darlin’. The meat’s been a great thing ‘cuz the amino acids and the extra protein in the meat have a, have sustained you. It’s given you strength. You’re always strong, you’ve always been strong, but how many times do you get kicked in the head before you get tired of that? You know, it’s like, yeah, that was fun. About as fun as a stick in the eye. So, yeah, no, thank you. So now what happens is it shifts a little.
Sue 37:31
iON 37:31
So, let’s go back to the divide and conquer without the war. And so, you have things that can fight the war for you now.
Sue 37:39
iON 37:39
You have all of non physical and you have your place of your power. Plus you have the angels if you learn the Keys and the Aethyrs; plus you have the Book of the Dead, you can deal with the dead people; plus you have Revelation telling you what’s going to go on and what’s been going on; plus you’ve been listening to us for all these stupid years.
Sue 37:40
iON 37:46
We’ve birthed babies, and run the world, and had everything else done and you rode it. Talked about the living, the dead, the live, the coming, the going, and still watch Bob dance butt naked anywhere he goes. You know, it always is fun. Because that zeitgeist, itself, has become a part of a lot of people’s lives and yours cleanly because it’s a whole section. There’s – you remember Mae Brussell. You remember CKLN. You remember all these stages and craziest things that he’s gone through. You remember the gettin’ the hell out of the Haifaxee –
Sue 38:36
iON 38:36
– foolishness and all that stuff. So, you’ve watched this all morph and change in steps.
Sue 38:43
iON 38:44
And so you get the – one a few that had the actual big, big, big picture. Which is great because now you can plug in. You know what the Secret Council of 10 is, for Pete’s sake. And you giggle ‘cuz this is just Bob. You know, we’ve seen how you’ve know Bob forever. Now all of a sudden it’s serious. It’s like, woo hoo, ha ha ha. Who is this person and why is he talking in Bob’s mouth?
Sue 39:07
iON 39:09
Yes. And so it’s fun because it’s –
Sue 39:12
iON 39:12
– become real. It’s become real. And that’s great from the standpoint of perspective of all those words that have been said forever ago. Who would have thought that stupid Tiny Note Chart would have actually applied to something? Who would have thought that the five bodies were actually gonna get obfuscated and then we’re were gonna have a real hexadic? Who in the world would have ever dreamed that he would actually own the Church of the Subgenius? It’s unbelievable. Unheard of. Unheard of.
Sue 39:43
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 39:45
Crazy. It’s crazy.
Sue 39:47
So, yeah, Bob called you did he? Into, into reality for us? Bob called you, iON, into reality for us.
iON 39:56
We would like to say, we would like to say yes or –
Sue 40:00
Or were you talking to Bob already before the (inaudible).
iON 40:04
War. That’s right, or we were the reality that he lined up with when he was setting up the whole constellation foolishness from the Ophenel Hobab all the way through. Maybe. It connects, but you can’t – all we know for sure is Rene doesn’t, Rene doesn’t get the credit for it, for sure. (short pause) Of course.
Sue 40:33
Which Rene? Are you talking about Rene, the artist?
iON 40:37
Yeah, no, Rene his, his "Papa."
Sue 40:40
– or Rene –
iON 40:42
His father. Heh heh. Ha ha. Bob’s dad.
Sue 40:49
Oh, Rene. Oh, yes. Okay, that Rene, okay. Yeah, yeah, okay.
iON 40:52
That Rene. Yeah, you’re not the real Rene, just "that" Rene. The butler or whatever he was. So, anyhow, not that. So, but the –
Sue 41:02
The butler.
iON 41:02
– fun news is that it makes, it makes a way for the transition that was gonna happen anyway. The Ascension was gonna happen anyway. But Bob was the only one that held all the way through. Bob held all the way through. And he’s buried the Willows, he’s buried Michael Blake Read, he’s buried Ralph Duby, he’s buried Dave Worcester, he’s buried Mae Brussell, everyone. He’s used them like a bad habit. They all we’re taking advantage of him and he was giggling all the way through it. He got all that information trying to find it. He wanted to see. You know: show me something. How do I live? Show me. What do I do? Show me. –
Sue 41:49
iON 41:49
– Well, the red crystal comes into the green crystal and the nine crystals is Akasha and coming in to the 7-11, and gig jack, and legal ak, and dig dogger, and lug luggy, and moggy nogs, and the Bootians and the rest of them, and the Lemurians, and they come over this on and have Ruup! Then they had a little more of somethin’ else goin’ on. He’s gone through all that kind of stuff. (Sue laughs). Explaining the obvious that wasn’t obvious.
Sue 42:16
He was an explorer. He – explored.
iON 42:20
He still is. Still is.
Sue 42:22
Yeah. King of the castle. King of the mountain. Yeah.
iON 42:24
Now, now he’s always said he’s in charge and he never was. And now he really is in charge, and he’s like, "Oh, yeah, I’m in charge." And we’re like, yep, you’re in charge. You wanted it. You asked for it. You wanted it. It’s in your Tiny Note; you gotta go with it now. And so it’s astounding to everybody, we’lll give you that. We’ll give you that. But it makes no difference ‘cuz he’s still runnin’ it. And now he has, Sue, for the first time, for the first time he used to could say any damn thing he wanted to say, Okay. Now he’s having to be careful. You know why? Because what he says comes about. What he says now comes about and he’s shocked!
Sue 43:03
iON 43:05
Now it’s like whoa, wait a minute. I’m not so sure about this. Well, sorry, too late. Sorry, too late. Sorry, too late. It’s like what? So –
Sue 43:15
His alibi.
iON 43:15
– it’s very astounding.
Sue 43:16
iON 43:17
It’s very astounding, now, see? Astounding. So, he’s a little more, is a little more conscientious of his orders, however belayed. So, it’s good. Okay, now in the day –
Sue 43:35
Now, he says he doesn’t think anymore but he thinks still, doesn’t he?
iON 43:39
No, he just knows. –
Sue 43:41
In the day?
iON 43:41
– He’s had so much though that had the – he had so much thought that was compiled and was nonsensical. You see? If you have to compartmentalize all these thinkers, and when your whole wide world is reduced to the best thing that Wyndham Lewis could have ever come across, that’s pretty sad, actually. You see? When the best, when the best is the reduction, is a port wine reduction of Wyndham Lewis, it’s pretty sad. But he’s converted all those nobodys – who the hell knows, who the hell knows who William Irwin Thompson is? Who on this planet knows who William Irwin Thompson is besides Bob and the few followers that are floatin’ around in the world? They know now. Who knew what LaRouche was beside some ridiculous, inappropriate, sot accusing the Queen of puttin’ something up your bum. For Pete’s sake. I mean, it’s – might as well have Joseph Stalin be your friend. It’ll come across a little further. Let’s go with Brezhnev. Brezhnev was cool. He never fucked nobody. It’d be all right. Do Brezhnev. That’d be nice. Yeah, no problem here. So, you see, it comes full circle back into the side of those that are engaging. Now for you, let’s bring it back home. For you, what happens is it allows you the ability to be sighted, ‘cuz you can see; to know, because you’re in control; and to now run your house just like you and your flights. Okay? You don’t have to fly the plane, but you got to know who the pilot is.
Sue 45:27
iON 43:41
You got to know if he’s drunk or not. You got to know, make sure there’s no wailing maniacs in your cabin. Okay. You get to say how that goes. If you want to charge him for a ticket to get in, you can do that if you want to. If they’ve got frequent flyer miles honey and they want to hang over for the weekend, that’s all right, too, if you say it’s all right. See? Run it, run it like that. You got some little extra toothbrushes for the over – for the long flights that you can throw in the guest bathroom. They don’t even have to remember their toothbrush, you got a million of them.
Throw them into a little, throw them a little variety set, just like they got( indistinct).
Sue 46:04
Ha ha ha. Funny.
iON 46:06
Give them the little slippers, give them the little slippers if it’s a Continental, intercontinental flight. It’s all good. Give them a little pack of stuff. It’s all fun because that’s normal, see? You didn’t think anything about it; didn’t think anything about it. We’re sure that’d take care of 100 people and never look up. That was a light flight. Everything’s good. Sit em down, get em drunk, lay em back. Get out. Let’s go, land. Happy. Bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye. Bye bye. Bye. Bye Thanks for flying.
Sue 46:33
Bye bye.
iON 46:41
Bye bye, bye bye, bye. So now what happen is –
Sue 46:43
Air Canada
iON 46:43
– you have a clear definition. You have a clear definition of what made you happy when you were happy. So, we’re going to convert that into right here, right now, and convert all those same things into here. So even if you have a cabin full of dead people, you can still run it the same –
Sue 47:01
iON 47:01
– exact way without fear or issue. And you can call it like you want it and tell them to sit down and shut up if you have to. You see? And this time, though, you got an Air Marshal with you.
Sue 47:15
iON 47:15
Throw them out the window. They can throw them out the window if they don’t behave. We got this, it’s no problem. Now. Now, we’ll offer all the help and power you want. And then some, but we don’t want that. We want you – we don’t care ‘cuz, see, that gives us more and more and more power.
Sue 47:33
iON 47:33
At some point, at one point it’s too much. It’s amazing.
Sue 47:37
iON 47:37
It’s too much. So what we’re trying is desperately to get you into your power. But we will help in the stages. Don’t get overwhelmed with it. Call.
Sue 47:46
iON 47:46
It’s no problem. You can get us. Anytime you – anytime. You already know that. You got the magic numbers anyway. You can get through. But the point is – but, hell, most of the time we’re calling you out before that even happens anyway. So, we’re ahead of it more times than not. So, the good news: fly where you want to, go where you want to, do what you want to. That’s fine. Run your house like your cabin, like your flight considered here. Then the dead will expect those spaces. Because you didn’t care who they were on that airplane. You didn’t give a happy goddamn who they were. They were gonna go by the rules. They were not gonna make it unsafe for anybody else in the cabin. Where they?
Sue 48:26
Yeah, they are not opening that over-wing exit, high above the Atlantic Ocean.
iON 48:33
That’s right.
Sue 48:33
iON 48:34
That’s exactly right. They’re not gonna do it. And the point is, is that you have that, and that’s clear, it is – there’s the case. Okay. So now apply that to the living and the dead in this realm there until you can get the fuck out of that godforsaken place.
Sue 48:53
iON 48:53
Ha ha ha. Ask us how we really feel about it but, ha ha – it allows you –
Sue 48:57
And you’ll give me some heads-up on that, right?
iON 49:00
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, you get heads up, but it’s but – you see what’s happening when you’re lookin’ at it. It’s not the same place already. The, the people that are there, they’re holding on what, what Canada was.
Sue 49:13
iON 49:14
They’re holding on the pipe dream of what Canada was.
Sue 49:18
iON 49:19
Things are happening that could never happen. There’s never –
Sue 49:22
You know, I was talking about this the other day. There was so many good things about this place, so many beautiful things, so many.
iON 49:34
Sue 49:36
It’s gone.
iON 49:40
Easy things. And then they’re gonna go so far. And then their gonna make the thing, the announcement that there’s a problem.
Sue 49:45
Yeah, easy, clean, fresh.
iON 49:45
They’re gonna, they’re gonna say there’s gonna be a problem and there’s gonna be a problem. They’re gonna say, well, we need to fund the pension ‘cuz there’s no more money. Then you’re gonna see it.
Sue 49:55
Yeah, yeah.
iON 50:01
It’s comin’.
Sue 50:01
iON 50:04
So, it’s easy. We’ll prepare a better way. We’ll prepare a better way when it’s easy.
Sue 50:08
I wanted – Okay. Prepare. Yeah. Okay. So, I wanted to ask you about the Tech Body. Because when we had that talk about the top 10, number one came down to: do not fall prey to having a fellatio-based relationship with the Tech Body.
iON 50:41
Sue 50:41
Now, I don’t quite understand exactly what that means. And I mean, I’m thinking the fellatio-base relationship would be the dominant and submissive relationship?
iON 50:53
Well, maybe, or basically –
Sue 50:55
Can you get a little clearer on a summary?
iON 50:58
Yeah. Don’t suck the dick of your computer. What that means is –
Sue 51:08
Okay. And what that means is don’t get involved in this new business that I was looking at?
iON 51:16
Well, but now, well now, wait. There’s things you can do. There’s things you can do. There are things you can do without having a fellatio-based relationship. But here’s – the best never starts out like that.
Sue 51:29
iON 51:30
People don’t, Sue – people don’t wake up, people don’t wake up one day and say, "You know what? I think I’d like to mess with a kid. That sounds just really exciting." It never starts like that. It’s always starts with something else.
Sue 51:42
iON 51:43
It’s always a picture, and then it becomes, and then that lures you in, and then it draws you. Well, that’s what this black mirror is doing. It’s what created the Tech Body in the first place. Now people can’t move their bowels without puttin’ it on the facial book. "Oh, I went to dinner and I had this much wine and here’s a picure of it. I had this food, this is my food. It’s the color of my gown. It’s what shoes I didn’t wear. Here’s the shoes. I don’t want to show you the shoes I wore ‘cuz I don’t like those. But here’s if I was not gonna wear shoes, these were the shoes I was not gonna wear. And these were the paintings that would have been on the wall had I went to the restaurant that we were gonna go to." And then it goes on and on and on about who you’re sleeping with, who your gonna sleep with, who you wanna sleep with, why you don’t want to sleep with this one anymore. And, unlike, unlike, unlike, unlike, unlike. Well, you’re the biggest joke in the whole wide world. You basically go into their house and tell him that you unlike them anymore while they’re liking you. Huh. It’s ridiculous. They Snapchat, and all these different conditions – may I? – this website wants to use your location to help make your experience more enjoyable. Is that okay? Why sure. One time or always or sometimes when it’s all right? Well, but, but if it’s the goddamn Uber gonna bring you food, they need to know where the hell you are! You see? So, either way, even if you’re –
Sue 53:14
iON 53:14
– a Luddite. Even if you’re a Luddite, you’re still effected by the Tech Body. Do you realize that they know when you’re comin’ and they know when the red light should change?
Sue 53:25
iON 53:26
So, even if you don’t have any computer or any black mirror or anything, then we don’t even know who those people are that don’t have that anymore. You almost have to have – it’s almost a rite of passage. They don’t even give you checks at the bank anymore. You have to have a card with a chip to play; they don’t give you – who has checks? They don’t even sell checks. People don’t take checks anymore. If they do, they convert it into an ATM or an ACH transfer immediately.
Sue 53:54
I couldn’t interact. Right. Right. So, I couldn’t interact with you, with you right now unless I had this, this black mirror.
iON 54:08
That’s right. That’s right. And that’s, that’s right.
Sue 54:11
So, does it mean it’s all over but the cryin’? ‘Cuz now that I’m totally involved with iON and Bob, and –
iON 54:18
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, that’s not what that means at all.
Sue 54:22
No. Okay. So, please explain it to me a little bit.
iON 54:23
That means don’t have a fellatio- All right, we’re going to. We’re saying engage it, but you don’t have to have a fellatio-based relationship. Some people can’t go five minutes without their black mirror on them. Some people can’t watch TV without a Smart TV that’s watching them.
Sue 54:42
iON 54:42
Some people can’t make a meal without looking at the computer to see if it’s got enough keto, it’s got enough keto advantage for my conditional response or whatever whatever. Some people can’t know how to cook a standing rib roast without the machine tellin’ them when it’s done. Some people can’t order food online or go to the store and back then they have to hit a button to find out that they are. Some people have to ask Siri how much Tide washing powders they got left in their damn house because they can’t look in the bucket and see how much is in there!, where the Tech Body knows how many loads that they done there is 120 loads in the bucket and they’ve done 94 to tell them that they need to soon automatically reorder some Tide washing powders. You see. Oh, sorry. No, sorry. Now it’s HE liquid because you can’t use that. It’s high efficiency because it’s now computerize and it knows what to do. It knows how dirty it is. It knows what you drank. It knows how much, how you spilled it. You know how you get that spaghetti sauce all over you? We’re gonna wash your clothes really good ‘cuz we know that happens sometimes. And that’s a really nice blouse that you bought overseas, and you really want to keep it forever. So we’re gonna take care of the nicely because it’s a cherished memento of your past. This damn machine knows this about you, darlin’.
Sue 56:03
Okay. Yeah.
iON 56:07
And so what we’re saying is, you’re in it.
Sue 56:09
Is there, is it all over except the cryin’?
iON 56:12
What does that? We don’t even know what that means. You’re ascending. We’re gonna get you to godship and then you run it. Then you run it. This becomes your plaything.
Sue 56:22
Good. Okay.
iON 56:22
This becomes your capacity to run. You drive it, but, but it’s subtle, darling. It never starts off that way. You got to ascend in order to engage the whole enchilada. Otherwise, what happens is you buy the ticket, you get on the plane, and the plane takes off and then you find out that there’s no landing. It’s like, ah, ah, ah, didn’t Icarus have that trouble? He couldn’t. He was afraid, he didn’t, he wasn’t, he wasn’t afraid of flying but he’s afraid to land. Or, he got his wings burned off. The point now becomes in this Tech Body interacting, just like the upper room when Jesus came and split the veil in two, and the power rushed over the earth and everybody had their power back. People could speak in tongues, and they could do words of the angels, and raise people from the dead, turn water into wine, and do all kinds of stuff. And turn perfectly good money into bad corn whiskey that you can’t drink; that happens even now. Ha ha. You know, it’s fun. But now what happens, all those miracles happen. Instead, it’s loosen and so what happened is no one was using their power, so they pumped it into the – to the tabernacle. The new tabernacle which is this black mirror.
Sue 57:43
iON 57:43
And it knows more than, it knows more than the Democrats. They don’t know –
Sue 57:48
The new tabernacle.
iON 57:48
– (indistinct) everything. Just ask them. It’s the new tabernacle that you have to worship. And they do. They have to keep a battery in it, they have to keep a cord to plug it up, they have to keep a mat to charge it on, they have to have the airpod p pod pros to be able to listen to it. They have to have, if you’re gonna talk to Bob, you have to have the best phone. You have to have a clear speaker. You have to have the best headphones. You have to be on point. You have to be able to be working here; I can’t even hear you. I don’t even know, I can’t be, you know, who’s using a Panasonic 1986 headphone? ‘Cuz that’s the one he likes, and it hasn’t been one made better since then. We kinda doubt that a little bit, but it’s the one he knows that he’s going with. It’s Dark Soul Production, so as long as Carolyn can find them – she has a room full of the damn things that she stacks up ‘cuz he burns them up. "Ah, it doesn’t work anymore. I can’t hear anything" so she gives him another one. She opens a brand new, out of the pack, 1985 and it’s (indistinct) and bless her heart. She keeps him together. I think they cost a total of $7 or something really, really outrageous now but they don’t make them anymore. So, she has to go back a little far to keep ahead of this to make sure because that’s the one that he likes and he engages. And that’s fine. He still complains about it a little bit, but that’s just his thing. You see? Now, they live in a whole nother world in that Tech Body world.
Sue 59:08
Is that why he keeps dropping?
iON 59:07
Everything – It does. It’s an engagement because he’s in the swing, he’s in the swing and he can handle it. That’s never the issue. That’s never the question. That’s not the problem. The problem is that this power flow theme you gotta stay on top of. You can be friends with benefits without having a fellatio-based relationship. So, as you build your relationship, control your appetites with the Tech Body. Okay?You don’t need a Wi Fi light bulb, –
Sue 59:11
iON 59:17
– but they have them. You don’t really have to have a vacuum cleaner that works on your goddamn cell phone.