Egyptian Book of the Dead Transcript, 7 March 2020


Transcribed by Nan

Carolyn 0:01

iON 0:05
Aamhet. Aamhet. It’s like I am, it’s like IamAmy, Amy, IamAmy. Like that, Aam. Aamhet is like IamAmy, like IamAmy.

Carolyn 0:24
Yeah. Very good. Here we go. "THE CHAPTER OF COMING FORTH BY DAY AFTER FORCING AN ENTRANCE THROUGH THE AAMHET. The Osiris Ani saith:- Hail, Soul, thou mighty one of terror! Verily, I am here. I have come. I behold thee. I have passed through the Tuat. I have seen Father Osiris. I have scattered the gloom of night. I am his beloved one. I have come, I have seen my Father Osiris. I have stabbed the heart of Suti. I have made offerings to my Father Osiris. I have opened every (Carolyn: where are we?)

iON 1:05
Way in heaven and on the earth.

Carolyn 1:07
Yeah, I got a problem. They’re weird things on my screen. I have opened every way in heaven.

iON 1:17
We may have done that.

Carolyn 1:17
Yes, get rid of that icon.

iON 1:21
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Carolyn 1:21
"I have opened every way in heaven and on the earth. I am the son who loveth his Fathers (sic) (Carolyn: And it’s plural. And there’s a (sic) beside it as if it’s an error. So,) "I am the son who loveth his Fathers (sic) Osiris. I am a Spirit-body. I am a Spirit-soul. I am equipped. Hail, every god and every Spirit-soul. I have made the way [to Osiris]. I the Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth." So that’s, they say, is a whole chapter and I don’t know if there’s much to be said there, iON. Any comment?

iON 2:00
Oh, my stars, there’s a ton. Yeah, there’s a ton. Okay. This is – there’s a great big ton and this is why we were hollering at Bert earlier, so he’d be all gussyied up. See, what he’s discovered, Bert, that is, Number One. What he’s discovered is that this, that these arenas that are being laid out here and in this realm are seamless. Okay? And he didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. He just did the OA movements ‘cuz we said, "Hey, big ole Bert! Big ole gargantuan thing, you, do them." He said, "Okay." And then he was so lean and spry, boy, he was like a jackrabbit. Now he’s so lumbering, and all ripply and muscly and all that kind of foolishness, but he can still do it. He’s still agile. He maintained his plurality. Plurality. And so what this says is the distance and conditions that you come to, from, or to, if – there should be an "if clause"; that’s the sic – when you’re trying to find the Fathers "who loveth his Fathers Osiris," like Osiris is not more than one – then you when you get Spirit-soul, Spirit-body and Spirit-soul lined up, then you become equipped. You can slip in and out of these conditions that apparently for the dead are judged by the Tuat.

Carolyn 3:37

iON 3:39
But see, if you’re NOT judged by the Tuat, then you have passed through it. And then you know things, you see things, you get things, you know what’s the difference. Then like Joe Biden you can discern the difference between facts and the truth.

Carolyn 3:58
Okay, so this is another – yeah.

iON 4:03
Okay, now hold on one second. Hold on one second. Carolyn, what this is, is this is acknowledging that there is a mind body, a soul body, and a spirit body. Now, we talked about the Three Kingdoms right after and before the tale of tea. Remember the tale of tea? Burning in the belly?

Carolyn 4:22

iON 4:23
Those apply but they were all segregated then. But now you’re crocheting a great big ole afghan. And the afghan is all knitting together; not with pearls, but with chains. Chains. Papa Justify. Break the chain. Then what happens is once those are loosed, you have to be able to figure out if you’re lost. See, road signs are real handy, they’re good to have. They’re really informative. They kind of give you an idea of what to expect or the conditions of your environ that lets you know that there’s people exiting, that there’s deer in the road, there’s horses or buggies, or the bridge is iced before the road. I don’t know what that even means, but they got big signs that tell you quickly that the bridge is iced before the road. And we go, not in Miami. Sometimes the road freezes before the bridges do in Miami. If the slushy truck turns over, it’s, it’s pretty ugly in Miami. But the signs give you a heads up of what’s up. This is your bulletin board. This is your signage to let you know what’s up if you are equipped. Hail, every god and every Spirit-soul. I have made the way {to Osiris}. I the Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, not facts. Okay? So now you’re noting your position. Now, this is handy even for you, you superior, ascended, god-self, you, Dr. Carolyn Dean. This comes in your wheelhouse, too, ‘cuz you got to be aware of what you’re doing; for example, you start turning something loose, you can be doing that in another Kingdom. Remember the Outer Kingdom affecting the Inner Kingdom? Well, they’re all coming together now, so you can have blow over. And that’ll cause Schumer to get on the television and commit suicide. Huh. Which is what he’s doing.

Carolyn 6:46
Yeah, yeah. Okay, back, back, back, back to where you started when you went off the road to the road signs you said. "Once they are loose you have to figure out if they are alive." And do mean alive or dead?

iON 7:01
Ah huh. Yes.

Carolyn 7:02
Okay, and, and you do that by the signs.

iON 7:07
That’s correct. But what’s the condi – well, when we say that, the signs, let’s say the signs report condition. The signs report condition.

Carolyn 7:18

iON 7:19
You know, if it says, you come up and it says, "alligators crossing the road," you wanna make sure your boots are strapped up pretty tight. There’s alligators in the road for Pete’s sake! All right, but if it’s comin’, it says that your comin’ into the dead, the east side of hell and it’s pretty tough, then you need to know that. But see, if you got your OA movements down, pat, then you can navigate it if you get the drug off somewhere. See, that’s the condition ‘cuz all this stuff is happening. And then you got boss hog, Bob, JR Neveritt, Beveritt, whatever his name is today, stirrin’ up everything, makin’ messes everywhere, doing all kinds of crazy things that pits new, little, things in it. He’s throwin’ sawdust in the – well, look what he did to CERN for god’s sake. Nobody even gives him any grief about that. He destroyed that entire project. They were on the tip, tippy toe of antimatter, and he blowed it up with them damn cookie crumbs. He could have just stayed on the puffs it would’ve been all right. But no, he had to get them Famous Amos cookies and strolled in – well, it don’t even do worth talkin’ about it anymore. It’s pretty sad. But, this navigation point is important. Especially if you don’t have a tweed sport coat with elbow patches and patch pockets on the coat, sport coat, however dapper.

Carolyn 8:47
Okay, so this is an important – could you say it’s a pivotal point, or just a transform, a transition.

iON 8:53
It would be. No, no, no, it would be very pivotal. It would be very pivotal if you’re Bert because now all of a sudden, now it starts to make sense. ‘Cuz these things that are a little odd, a little off, now it’s gonna – Hey Ginney! Ginney ain’t gone to bed yet. Hey, Ginney, this effects, this is you, too, missy. What this does is it lets you see where you are and where you to be, the condition between the two. So, it’s kind of like a signpost, basically, of noting it to keep you out of the side of the dead side; it keeps you on the live side. Keep on the sunny side of life. That’s what they used to sing. Ah, Little Jimmy Dickins. Do you remember him, Carolyn, he was the governor of Louisiana. Him and that that, Little Jimmy. "You Are My Sunshine," yeah, and "Keep On the Sunny Side." The Whites sang that, too, it’s a good song. But anyhow, it reminds you that there’s a condition and an alternative path. See? And sometimes you feel that and you notice. You can notice, like, I’m not 100% or I’m 100% not where I want to be. Ha ha ha. So, that’s how you note that condition. But see, it’s not fair, Carolyn, ‘cuz you talk about pain; it’s the most wonderful thing that could ever be. ‘Cuz you say pain tells me what’s goin’ on. That’s my threshold to let me know what’s up. I got to have that. How else would I know how well-off or bad-off I am. You see? But everybody else, Bob, you could start at him with a pin and he’s ready to kill himself. "Oh, I’m not doing that, get away –

Carolyn 10:30
No, let’s leave Bob out of it. Bob’s eating. He’s not gonna bother us, so moving on, iON.

iON 10:37
Oh, better let him eat pizza then.

Carolyn 10:39
Moving on.

Bob 10:41
(laughing in background)

iON 10:41
Oh, yes. That’s a big chapter. That’s a big chapter.

Carolyn 10:45
Okay, the next – Yeah, they’re little tiny chapters but like you’re saying there’s a lot to be said. Thank you. Next one –

iON 10:52
It’s huge. And they play it that way. They play it that way on purpose so that you’ll lay it by; you won’t give it any credence.

Carolyn 10:59
Yes, yes.

iON 11:00
That’s the Clearwater Revival version.

Carolyn 11:03
So, the next little bitty chapter is titled, ‘THE CHAPTER OF MAKING A MAN TO RETURN TO LOOK UPON HIS HOUSE ON EARTH." So, is that like looking back like Lot’s wife, not to be done?

iON 11:20
No, it’s a way that if you get slipped off and you’re bound in the Middle Kingdom or the Inner Kingdom, or the dead, the land of the dead, you need to borrow a body to get you back to check on the folks at home; see how your mama and em are doing? That’s how you do it.

Carolyn 11:43

iON 11:43
Very handy. See? Carolyn, it’s the thing that you’ve been saying’ that that fucked up biology totally has been saying over – you’re eternal. So, you can be here, alive, or you can be here, dead. Okay? And it’s not some judgment that’s being proliferated on yourself like nuclear annihilation. It’s more like if the condition of nuclear annihilation hits you, how do you survive? How do you work it out?

Carolyn 12:13

iON 12:13
How do you build your Kingdom in that realm? And of course you say, well, we just look at the obvious. We gotta get our body where we can hold up, get that Prussian blue, line it up just right so the body can take those rads and move through it. Don’t you get yourself too perfect. Like, you see, you would just give solution to it. Yeah, that’s what it’s good for.

Carolyn 12:33
Oh, yeah. Yeah, take charge.

iON 12:37
And that’s Key 13. Good.

Carolyn 12:41
Ha ha ha. Key 13, well, that’s knowing the known.

iON 12:49

Carolyn 12:49
Wouldn’t that be more like Key 6, taking action?

iON 12:52
Ah ah. No, ‘cuz there’s no action required. This is so you know. What if you were in the dead, land of the dead and you were stone cold dead and didn’t know it? That’d be a bitch, wouldn’t it?

Carolyn 13:04
Ha ha. Okay.

iON 13:06
There’s the rub.

Carolyn 13:07

iON 13:07
This is what to do once you know. So, you’re doin’, you’re doin’ good, you see. We were gonna say keep typing but now we’re fixin’ to say, "Quit it! Stop! You got em. You done it! You don’t have to do no more, you’re good." Ha ha ha.

Carolyn 13:20
No problem I like it – my fingers

iON 13:21
You tore up, you tore up Maui already.

Carolyn 13:26
Yeah my fingers type regardless. Irregardless. Okay –

iON 13:32
Irregardless, that’s right. Irrespectively irregardlessly.

Carolyn 13:35
Moving on, the Osiris Ani saith, oh, this chapter continues: "The Osiris Ani saith:- I am the Lion-god who cometh forth with long strides. I have shot arrows, and I have wounded my prey. I have shot arrows, and I have wounded my prey. I am the Eye of Horus, I traverse the Eye of Horus at this season. I have arrived at the domains. Grant that the Osiris Ani may come in peace." And that’s the end of that chapter. So, we got the lion, arrows, we haven’t heard of them before. We’re wounding the Eye of Horus. That’s an important symbol. So, it looks like there’s a few things going on there of which I have no idea.

iON 14:29
You’re traversing the Eye of Horus; that’s the point. The point is that you can look upon the house of the earth, because at the domains or whatever the dominion is, that’s where you have to make sure that Osiris Ani can get back and so you can get back, but you can hook it up. Because, see, the Lion is the Leo. That’s a whole – Leo is a whole star constellation. Remember?

Carolyn 15:00
Mm hmm. Yeah.

iON 15:01
Not too far from Gibraltar.

Carolyn 15:08
Okay. Okay. And the importance of Gibraltar?

iON 15:15
It’s just the star constellation to get you back to Andromeda; path home.

Bob 15:22
(in background) Not Gibraltar on the planet Earth.

Carolyn 15:25
Gotcha. Yeah, yeah.

Bob 15:26
(in background) Which is a portal to the Atlantic Ocean.

Carolyn 15:29

iON 15:30
That’s right. Very good.

Carolyn 15:31

iON 15:32
Wash them nasty hands. You go wash them nasty hand before you touch something.

Carolyn 15:37
Leave my tissue alone! Leave my tissue alone. He’s always cleaning up my tissue.

iON 15:41
Wash them nasty hands.

Carolyn 15:42
No wonder he’s washing his hands. And does everybody realize – I’m sure we said it last time, that Bob’s washing his hands compulsively all these years. The whole world has to wash their hands now for for at –

iON 15:56
Or die.

Carolyn 15:56
– least 10 to 20 seconds after every time –

iON 15:56
Or die.

Carolyn 15:57
– they

iON 16:00
They have to sing, they have to sing, they have to sing, "Happy Birthday, kiss my ass" two times or –

Carolyn 16:07
Or "row, row, row your boat."

iON 16:10
No, that’s not long enough ‘cuz, see no, no you can’t do that ‘cuz that’s you have that in sections. That’s row row, row, row, row and sing that choral thing. You have to wash your hands twice as it’s gonna on at the same time. ‘Cuz that’s like a round. Yeah, no, you don’t want to do that. You can do that.

Carolyn 16:28
Oh, what are you doing in group wash? Group wash?

iON 16:31
Oh, good. Ooo. But you can’t have a group. If you have a group you’re spreadin’ the virus. Then you can sing one time sing my nigga. My nigga, my nigga, my mother fuckin’ nigga. You could do that one time and scrub it real good. Carolyn, tell them about the benefits of those fingernail brushes. But don’t – if you can contaminte the fingernail brush, doesn’t that bring that back to your fingernails or no?

Carolyn 16:57
I know! You bleed yourself, so then it’s even worse. Crazy. That’s what they made us do in the hospital; bleed ourselves with scrubbing.

iON 17:08
Yeah. But you gotta scrub it. You gotta scrub it ‘cuz it’s good. If you’re gonna be, if you’re gonna be all that worried about it, you know. But we’d say just go, just go catch it, then you can just get over it and you wouldn’t have no trouble but, pfft – think it’s a little extreme for us.

Carolyn 17:20
Okay, moving on. We have another chapter. Here we go. And it says –

iON 17:26
We’re knocking them out, though. Look it here. They’re knocking them out.

Carolyn 17:30
Yeah, whole page done already. It says: ‘ANOTHER CHAPTER OF THE COMING FORTH OF A MAN BY DAY AGAINST HIS ENEMIES IN KHERT-NETER. [The Osiris Ani saith:-]"

iON 17:43
There we go. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold out. Hold on. Listen to this. This is con – this is conditional. Now listen. We wish they would use "if," but they never use "if." It says, basically, with the, with the inset: "I have divided the heavens," but basically what he’s trying to say is, "IF I have divided the heavens, then I have cleft the horizon. This is what Bert’s been doin’, hard. And he, well, we’re gonna give him credit. He’s pretty bright; he kinda knows; he gets enough to be dangerous. He’s fixin’ to figure it out and it’s gonna get, it’s gonna get hot. Hot, hot hot. So now we’re sorry, we digress. We had to set the stage just a little bit. I have divided the heavens. Go ahead.

Carolyn 18:36
Yes. "I have divided the heavens. I have cleft the horizon. I have traversed the earth [following in] his footsteps. I have conquered the mighty Spirit-souls because I am equipped for millions of years with words of power. I eat with my mouth. I evacuate with my body. Behold, I am the God of the Tuat! Let these things be given unto me, the Osiris Ani, in perpetuity without fail or diminution." So, you’re saying the whole thing should be if, if, if, if, if iON.

iON 19:12
Correct, and you missed the one thing to add that we’ll make sure you get it right here. It brought us back to it, so you did it perfectly. I have conquered the mighty Spirit-souls.

Carolyn 19:24

iON 19:24
You see, now, no, wait. That’s, that’s key. No, it’s key because you did it (indistinct). I’m glad we worked this out in rehearsal, Carolyn, ‘cuz it would just be dead if we’d have done this otherwise. That’s pretty good, huh, huh, huh? So, if you can capture the Spirit-souls, okay? Because, or if you could, because you were equipped for millions of years with words of power. Okay? And you eat with your mouth and shit with your ass, then you can figure this all out. Meaning, you can drive the dead people. Wait a minute. What? Are you saying you can make dead people do stuff? And we go, yeah. We can make the booger man go get on somebody, you can make somebody fall out. You can make somebody wreck their car, you can make red lights change and even run it. But wait, no, no, no, that’s the Tech Body, Tech Body. No, you have this, apparently! Apparently! If you had enemies in Khert-Neter, you can fuck with them. Isn’t that what, isn’t that what Kanye was trying to say? Okay. okay.

Carolyn 20:41
Mm hmm. Good. You can fuck with them. Okay. "APPENDIX." They’re telling us that this is "(From the Paprus of Nu, Sheet 21)" Okay, and then another chapter: "THE CHAPTER OF COMING FORTH AGAINST ENEMIES IN KHERT-NETER." Which is what you just said, we can do that and this looks like how we do it. "The Osiris Nu saith:- Hail, Am-a-f (Eater of his arm). I have passed over the road." Now, who’s eating whose arm, iON?

iON 21:30
Am-a-f. That’s his name.

Carolyn 21:34
He’s eating his own arm, and why?

iON 21:37
That’s what, that’s what his name means. The Eater of his own arm.

Carolyn 21:43
Why would you do that?

iON 21:45
Ah, well, you’re in that kingdom; it’s pretty normal. The scriptures say that if your arm offends you, it’s better to have it cut off than to defile whole body.

Carolyn 21:59

iON 22:01
That’s a gang – that’s a gangrene issue, isn’t it, Dr. Dean?

Carolyn 22:05
Yeah, put that Pico-Silver on. Continuing –

iON 22:10
You’re gonna come up with that; that’s gonna come up again, the necrosis.

Carolyn 22:16

iON 22:17
Well, no, we didn’t mean to bring that up; but, we didn’t mean to bring it up. We didn’t mean to! But we did.

Carolyn 22:21
No problem.

iON 22:22
It’s a good plug for it because –

Carolyn 22:24
Festering. It’s festering.

iON 22:26
That’s right. That’s exactly right. And that’s what this is. If this doesn’t get unrequited, if it doesn’t get settled, it’s gonna go, it’s gonna go gangrene. And then –

Carolyn 22:37

iON 22:38
– you won’t be able to – except this one, no matter how heavy your hands are, you will not be able to debride it. You’re never get good blood flow to it –

Carolyn 22:48

iON 22:48
– ‘cuz it’s rotten. And then necrosis, see, from this will eat itself away. And that’s this point of, and so, when you, when that starts occurring and you have to deal with it, then you can go, "Oh, you must know MRF." That’ll be fun.

Carolyn 23:04
Wow. Nice. Got it. All righty. Let’s go. "I am Ra, I have come forth from the horizon against my enemies. I have not permitted him to escape from me. I have stretched out my hand like that of the Lord of the Urrt Crown. I have lifted up my feet even as the Uraei-goddesses lift themselves up. I have not permitted the enemy [to be saved] from me. As for mine enemy, he hath been given to me, and he shall not be delivered from me. I stand up like Horus. I sit down like Ptah. I am strong like Thoth. I am mighty like Tem. I walk with my legs. I speak with my mouth. I chase my enemy. He hath been given unto me, and he shall not be delivered from me." So, it sounds like we’re taking on all the attributes to make us more powerful.

iON 24:13
Well, you already had that, darling. This is just how it applies. See? That’s our rub. Our position is that you have all this already, but this allows you to navigate from that life. Their rules of cadence in the underbelly are different. They’re different. It’s kinda like when y’all went through the Thompson quadrant of the upside down. Things didn’t make sense; it wasn’t right. Everything that you knew to be the solemn and the case, they said was a lie. Everybody we trusted, Carolyn, during the upside down they said, "Oh, everything’s a scam. It’s terrible. It’s this, it’s that." When you knew better, but that’s the only way it was presented. You’re like, Well, okay, I gotta go with this. I mean, everything’s on fire! What am I gonna do? Well, that’s what happened in that condition. And you lived through that firsthand. Well, Bob, especially, ‘cuz it was no good. Then, then the next thing you know that you had the potential in the Thompson quadrant, or the upside down, that you can almost have the Dark Horse come after you! And instead, whew, you got out, saw it, identified it just like this is telling you how to do it. So, you know how to then stand, and you would say – you are darling – what you would say, "Let’s live our lives in such a way that we have no enemies." Be nice, but it rarely works out exactly like that, you see. There’s the rub. So if you have an enemy, this is how that applies, and you can consume them like unto a fire. Now some people are gonna hear this and they gonna get the big dick syndrome. They’re gonna run around, run around, Sue, run, run, you know that song, "Runaround Sue". Bob will have it and he’ll play it long more than we want him to, but he’ll play it. But the run around Sue, and they’ll try to use it for people that they’re trying to take advantage of. But you gonna find out what happens when you do that, so, go on with your big, bad, self. You all that? Just make sure that you’re, that you’re mouth don’t write checks that your ass can’t cash. That’s all we’re sayin’.

Carolyn 26:27
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s like being angry is like you taking poison and expecting the other guy to die ‘cuz it’s always, always gonna come back on you.

iON 26:37
That’s right. But it tricks you though, Carolyn. They get, they get full of party liquor, get drunk on their own liquor, and they run around like they know something. They’ve got just enough power to be dangerous. They’re going around and running around with a double-barrel butcher knife tryin’ to lop somebody’s damn head off and like you say, they end up cuttin’ their own throat. Ha ha ha. To prove a point. So, but, we want to solve that ‘cuz what if you’re important and you do that? Well, if you end up there, then somebody’s got to go get ya. Well, they gotta be plugged in enough to know you’re there. You got to find out how the Urrt Crown applies. ‘Cuz the Lord of the Urrt Crown, now, that goes all the way to your four and 20 elders. And, no, Mathew Rose, we’re not talkin’ about four 20 marijuana cigarettes either. Ha ha ha. Sorry, we had to give another shout out there; we couldn’t miss it. We had to do, we had to do, keep it interesting.

Carolyn 27:43
Okay, good. Good, good, good. Continuing: "A HYMN OF PRIASE TO RA WHEN HE RISETH UPON THE HORIZON, AND WHEN HE SETTETH IN THE LAND OF LIFE." Back to life, now, we are.

iON 28:04
Ah huh.

Carolyn 28:04
"Osiris the scribe Ani saith:- Homage to thee, O Ra, when thou risest as Tem-Heru-Khuti.

iON 28:12
Khuti. Khuti.

Carolyn 28:18
"Thou art to be adored. Thy beauties are before mine eyes, [thy] radiance is upon my body. Thou goeth forth to thy setting in the Sektet Boat with [fair] winds, and thy heart is glad; the heart of the Matet Boat rejoiceth. Thou stridest over the heavens in peace, and all thy foes are cast down; the stars which never rest sing hymns of praise unto thee, and the stars which are imperishable glorify thee as thou sinkest to rest in the horizon of Manu, O thou who are beautiful at morn and at eve, O thou lord who livest, and art established, O my Lord!" Is Manu, this horizon of Manu, is that earth?

iON 29:21
What’s left of it.

Carolyn 29:24
Heh heh heh heh. You mean when we only have the 28 countries?

iON 29:30

Carolyn 29:32

iON 29:33
Look how it’s laid, look how "as thou sinkest to rest in the horizon of Manu." Is to the end.

Carolyn 29:41
Yeah. Right. Wow.

iON 29:45
But see, there’s no time, so there must be a realm, there must be a realm where Manu is here. And some, your grandmother, Carolyn, your grandmother would look and say, "this is." You know, this is where the devil’s walkin’ on the earth, and dogs and cats are laying together. You know, it’s ruined, it’s over, we’re through. We messed up; this is terrible from their perspective, you see. Civilized humans don’t live here anymore.

Carolyn 30:13
Hmm. Mm hmm. Well, –

iON 30:18
Poor Evelyn.

Carolyn 30:20
Heh, heh, heh. If, as you know, some people are predicting, even you, iON, are alluding to that this, this virus and then the next one are going to do a lot of damage and doom us, I mean, you could see it happening if the airlines are shutting down. One crazy, crazy establishment in Nova Scotia that sells lobsters to China isn’t, is not going to ship to China anymore, as if that could be a problem. It’s crazy the way people are shutting themselves down. And that means they shut off whole countries.

iON 31:07
Well, see, what they’re afraid of, Carolyn, is that the Chinaman has to pay with money; and when he puts the money in the bank and wire transfers it, it may give the corona virus through the wire transfer.

Carolyn 31:22
Heh heh heh. I know. And people won’t even drink Corona beer now because it may have the virus.

iON 31:30
Ha ha ha. Well, they shouldn’t be! They shouldn’t be drinking Corona, they should be drinking Stella Artois. If you had a beer, would it be Corona that it’s so bad that you have to put a damn lime in it to drink the shit, horse piss, it’s not good. Take, when you have Stella Artois; when you can drink something called Stella Artois, it’s so much more beneficial. So yes, they should drink Stella not Corona. Good for em. Good clean up. My, my Corona.

Carolyn 32:02
Whew. So, yeah, this, this, you know, ruining and all that is being said here is occurring right now. No time.

iON 32:13
If you ever get out of, if you ever get out of the fifth gate again and we pray god you don’t. We’re gonna do everything we can to keep you in there. You wouldn’t stay five minutes in Maui if you saw what it was really like. You wouldn’t stay five minutes. You wouldn’t even pack your shit. You’d walk off that bitch. Done. If you only saw it. Oh, that paradise, that queer line of paradise, or parasitic device that you line in that’s perfect. Carolyn, there’s no place that perfect, darlin’, there is no place that perfect. Sorry.

Carolyn 32:53
Well, we have created it and we love it.

iON 32:57
You stay right there with it. Don’t – stay with it. Do what you want to. Remember the Maven no matter what they cut off, it always comes right back? I mean, no matter what they do; they’ll cut the blooms off and the next day the blooms are right back. That’s not exactly normal.

Carolyn 33:12
Yeah. Yeah, okay, okay. Well, we like it. We’re making it.

iON 33:17
Just sayin’. No, no, just stay –

Carolyn 33:19
Key 18.

iON 33:19
– in the fifth gate and it’ll be fine. Yeah.

Carolyn 33:22
Got it. Okay. Continuing: "Homage to thee, O thou who art Ra when thou risest, and who art Tem when thou settest in beauty. (Carolyn: There’s Maui). Thou risest and thou shinest on the back of my thy mother [Nut], O thou who art crowned the king of the gods! Nut welcometh thee, and payeth homage unto thee, and Maat, the everlasting and never-changing goddess, embraceth thee at noon and at eve. Thou stridest over the heavens, being glad at heart, and the Lake of Testes is content." Testes. Is that referring to testicles, iON?

iON 34:14
Yeah. And it’s the, well, actually it’s talking about the scrotum. The sack that holds it all together. It’s what pulls it so it’s hanging outside of the body but yet it’s still part of the reproductive system. The reproductive system, the lymphatic system, is what it’s making reference to.

Carolyn 34:37
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Got it. And just noticing all this "est," everything risest, setest, "est," shinest. What’s with all the "est’s," iON?

iON 34:54
The mostest, the best, the mostest.

Carolyn 34:59
Yeah. Ah ha, yeah, bestest. Okay, so it’s the – not the extreme, but the highest.

iON 35:10
The fullest, the fullest, the fullest amount. The fullest amount.

Carolyn 35:14
Good, better, best. Good, better, bestest. Very good. Continuing: "The Sebau-fiend hath fallen to the ground, his fore-legs and his hind-legs have been hacked off him, and the knife hath severed the joints of his back. Ra hath a fair wind, and the Sektet Boat setteth out on its journey, and saileth on until it cometh into port. The gods of the South, the gods of the North, the gods of the West, and the gods of the East praise thee. O thou Divine Substance, from whom all living things come into being." Okay, so a couple things. We’ve got all four directions here. That must be important, iON.

iON 36:04
Yes, it is. And you see, this is that shaking, the shaking or continuance. This is the contingent plan ‘cuz it’s coming at you from every side, or relief comes from every direction. And look at that now, the problem is comin’ at you from every side. You can’t hide from it. You can’t run from it. You’re gonna deal with it. It’s gonna look you right down your throat hole. And the help, the clear and present –

Carolyn 36:30

iON 36:30
– help that you have for your deliverance to draw up nigh, comes from the same direction.

Carolyn 36:35
Mm hmm. Yeah. Mm hmm.

iON 36:41
That’s pretty good. What’s wrong with Hunter Biden?

Carolyn 36:46
Ho, ho. Poor Hunter, man, everything that comes out about him. It gets worse and worse. Now, this Divine Substance, is that like bone marrow?

iON 36:57
Rhymes with Living Water. Rhymes with Living Water.

Carolyn 37:03

Bob 37:03
(in background) What’s Living Water?

Carolyn 37:05
The Divine Substance is Living Water. Mm hmm. Nice. Bob, get me some Living Water right now.

iON 37:14
We’re so happy. People, people people are comin’ on; it’s comin’ on pretty quick, Carolyn. They’re catching up enough that now the Living Water practically won’t kill anybody. So much wonderful.

Carolyn 37:24
Oh, great. Yeah.

iON 37:27
It’s good. We’re very happy. They’re workin’ hard.

Carolyn 37:31

iON 37:31
That’s good.

Carolyn 37:32
Continuing: "Thou didst send forth the word when the earth was submerged with silence, O, thou Only One, who didst dwell in heaven before ever the earth and the mountains came into being". Okay, so there’s, they’re trying to, you know, they’re talking about time but they’re negating time at the same time, right, iON?

iON 37:58
That, well, it’s, where’d it come from? Where’d it go? Where’d it come from? Where’d it go? How does it apply? Does it apply to me? No, Yes. No. Yes. Does it? Okay, it’s a red light. Does that apply to me or to everybody? Is that red light for them and I can go right on through it? ‘Cuz if everybody else is gonna stop, I shouldn’t have to. Right? It’s a suggestion, right? This is what it’s laying out, it’s what’s a rule and what’s a suggestion.

Carolyn 38:24
Yeah. Got it. Continuing: "Hail, thou Runner, Lord, Only One, thou maker of the things that are, thou hast fashioned the tongue of the Company of the Gods, thou hast produced whatsoever commeth forth from the waters, thou springest"

iON 38:46
Oh, waters? What?

Carolyn 38:49
Water, woo hoo. Bring me that water, Bob.

iON 38:54
Get the good tumblers. No, get the good tumblers. Ya got water tumblers. Get them.

Carolyn 38:59
Yeah, he’s got the good ones. Okay. Hang on. Mmmm. It’s still sweet, iON.

iON 39:09
Quit showing off.

Carolyn 39:09
It’s amazing.

iON 39:10
You still think it’s sweet. Well, it’s better than acrid, we guess, but it’s strange ‘cuz it doesn’t seem sweet. Doesn’t seem sweet, but I guess it’s working; it’s doing you good.

Carolyn 39:22
Yeah, thank you. Continuing: "thou springest up out of them above the submerged land of the Lake of Horus. Let me breathe the air which cometh forth from thy nostrils, and the north wind which cometh forth from thy mother Nut. Make thou my Spirit-soul to be glorious, O Osiris, make thou my Heart-soul to be divine. Thou art worshipped as thou settest, O Lord of the gods, thou art exalted by reason of thy wondrous works. Shine thou

iON 40:06
Oh, so it is your damn fault. Oh, Carolyn Dean. Okay, so –

Carolyn 40:11

iON 40:11
– you admit it. Good, that’s good. And that breathing, the breathing the air that comes from your nostril, that’s ‘cuz the air that comes out of your nostril is carbon dioxide.

Carolyn 40:23
I know!

iON 40:23
So, when you start breathing carbon dioxide, it’s pretty clear they’re settin’ the stage. See, it’s amazing; the dead people have got this shit more put together than you gods have. Craziest thing ever. And we pimping y’all, pimping y’all out for godhood and you still in the dead, y’all spend our time with the dead and play with the Dark Soul, Bob, and get the god – get the dead to become gods to rule the earth again. If y’all don’t hurry up with it, the rocks are gonna cry out, glory and honor. It’s coming. Seven come eleven.

Carolyn 40:57
Yeah. It’s coming. And they said, yeah, breathing air from nostrils. The CO2, is that part of the carbon –

iON 41:05
It is.

Carolyn 41:06
– excess access?

iON 41:08
It is. It is. It will make – it will actually be a, it’ll be a carbon ester. What? What?

Carolyn 41:19
Ohh. Oh, my. And then, let’s look at that –

iON 41:23
And if it gets there before, before negative pH, it’ll be a carbon acid ester, but after negative pH, it will just be a carbon ester.

Carolyn 41:35
Yeah. Mmm. An ester is a chemical compound derived from an acid, which, in which at least one -OH (hydroxyl) group is replaced by an -O-alkyl (alkoxy) group. Usually esters are derived from carboxylic acid and an alcohol. So, carbon and oxygen at play.

iON 42:03

Carolyn 42:04
At play.

iON 42:05
In tow, in tow.

Carolyn 42:07
Heh heh heh. Got it. Um, continuing: "Shine thou with the rays of light upon my body day by day, upon me, Osiris the scribe, the assessor of the divine offerings of all the gods, the overseer of the granary of the Lords of Abydos, the real royal scribe who loveth thee, Ani, whose word is truth, in peace." Now grainery, that’s the first time we’ve heard about grains and grainery. Correct, iON?

iON 42:51
No, they referenced Bread of Living Water a couple of times. They’re just cheeky about it.

Carolyn 42:57
Ah, ha ha.

iON 42:57
See, the rub here, here, here again, here again, the dead got it goin’ on more than some of the live ones do. Just sayin’.

Carolyn 43:05
Yeah, mm hmm. Fun.

iON 43:10
Did you find this batch overdone, or did you find this batch overdone?

Carolyn 43:15
Oh no, I forgot to mention – no, it seemed to me to be pretty perfect. Yep, pretty perfect.

iON 43:22
Okay. ‘Cuz he thought it was, he thought it was overdone; but you would always say, no, no, it was not quite done enough. So, good.

Carolyn 43:30
Well, you know, I just toast mine. So, I do, I change the composition with the toasting. So, maybe I’m not the best judge.

iON 43:40
Oh, no, no, no but in a convection oven, it changes it from a 20 minute to a 30 minutes. That’s the difference of 10 minutes, 350 convection.

Carolyn 43:50
Oh. Oh.

iON 43:50
That’s what we wanted to see. But see, for him it was almost too much, too dark, too heavy. But see, you said no, no if you’re not careful, it wasn’t like – it’s not gummy, but it wasn’t like, like, done, done, done inside; ‘cuz it’s so dense, the denseness is what makes – you have to cook it that long. ‘Cuz normally you cook it 10 minutes and it’d be enough. But there’s so much to it, the girth of it is so – it’s not heavy, but it’s a heavy bread. It’s a heavy, heavy bread. Does that makes sense? It’s not like rolls of puffed rolls.

Carolyn 44:28
Yeah. Well, it has heavy ingredients; the ingredients themselves are dense.

iON 44:32

Carolyn 44:32
They’re not like, you know, fly-away white flour, that’s for sure.

iON 44:37
Correct. That’s right. And it’s still – and notice it’s filling. But, you know how when you – some people who don’t eat gluten and don’t eat bread and stuff, if they eat it, it just lays in their belly and it makes them miserable; you know, just makes them miserable. This isn’t like that. It doesn’t do that in your gut.

Carolyn 44:57
No, no, not at all. Okay –

iON 44:59
Which is, which is odd. It’s odd because the consistency is different. But now you got to be careful ‘cuz here again, here again, you’re laying this in a condition that you’re already in a way different place. You see? ‘Cuz over time, it evolves and does its thing. So, somebody that’s not ascended that’s blown up with GERD and all those other nasty words that we only can’t even say let alone have, of course it would be just like knocking them off. It’d be like givin’ them a painkiller with a 410 shotgun. Ha ha ha. It will stop – 410 shutgun will stop your pain, we promise; it will quit it. Ha ha ha. Not quite what you had in mind.

Carolyn 45:42
I know, it’s like you’re saying, iON, with, with the Living Water and the Bread of Life, they are such revolutionary substances that they’re bound to cause some shifting when people take them. So it’s hard –

iON 46:03
That’s right.

Carolyn 46:03
– to just put them out. It’s hard.

iON 46:05
Well, but now what’s happening, you’ve got enough, you got enough now, folks are coming along enough, now, that it’s gonna be, it’ll catch them up and keep on going. Catch them up and keep going. They’re doing good. They’re actually doing very well. And they know it. See, you can listen to their questions, you can listen to ther talkin’. Now, Bob will get started and he’ll go slay em and chop their fucking heads off. But that’s what he always does. You know, that’s why you have LaRouche quadrant; so you can have something to complain about, of course, but that’s fine enough. But then you have to bring it back to Marge Stewart to say that this message is a medium, not a large or small, the message is medium. And so, the common place – even these words would fit into "Finnegans ‘Woke.’"

Carolyn 46:52
Ah, heh heh.

iON 46:53
These words would fit into the best of "Ulysses," you see. Because it’s what makes Blooms Day valid. You’re like, wait a second. But you understand, Leopold Bloom was the connection between the live and the dead. Right?

Carolyn 47:14
Right. Ah, true.

iON 47:16
Bob will play with that. Oh, Lord, you’re gonna hear it on Thursday, on a bad Thursday night you gonna listen to that for about three hours, Dr. Dean. Sorry! Ha ha ha. You better, you better, –

Carolyn 47:28
No, I’ll just go to bed.

iON 47:29
– you better get you a massage. Get you a massage appointment for about 5:30. Ha ha. You’ll want to get away right quick before he does all that ‘cuz he’s gonna blow that to death as you know.

Carolyn 47:41
Ah huh. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, thank you. We appreciate our Thursdays. Okay, continuing –

iON 48:32
Did great.

Carolyn 47:50
"Praise be unto thee, O Osiris, the Lord of Eternity, Un-Nefer, Heru- Khuti (Harmakhis), whose forms are manifold, whose attributes are majestic [Praise be unto thee], O thou who art Ptah-Seker-Tem in Anu, thou Lord of the hidden shrine, thou Creator of the House of the KA of Ptah (Het-ka-Ptah) and of the gods [therein], thou Guide of the Tuat, who art glorified when thou settest in Nu (the Sky). Isis embraceth thee in peace, and she driveth away the fiends from the entrances of thy paths. Thou turnest thy face towards Amentet, and thou makest the earth to shine as with refined copper. Those who have lain down in death rise up to see thee, they breathe the air, and they look upon thy face when the disk riseth on the horizon. Their hearts are at peace since they behold thee, o thou who art Eternity and Everlastingness." So I get from that it’s, it’s about the eternity that we’re seeking.

iON 49:18
Now, no, it’s about Isis coming to the gratification that it makes no nevermind. So, if your dead, bring em back; if they’re not dead, kill em and then bring them back. Doesn’t make any difference. See, ‘cuz what you lay down in death, you rise up to see. You breathe the air and you look upon the face when the disk riseth on the horizon. You know, that little place on Bob’s neck, the little thing on that side on this, like when he turns his head; like the Sphinx on the side. When that opens up, and the disk in the sky, you can see that place where you start to go to, toward the sun, then you’ll know. Too wet to plow.

Carolyn 50:05
iON, my, my phone escaped. So we’ve got to go back and let’s go back to when I said it’s about the eternity that we are seeking and you said no, it’s about Isis coming to the gratification of, of what?

iON 50:24
Isis coming to the gratification of both; of both sides, of both markers, of both conditions. Both.

Carolyn 50:33
Both with being what?

iON 50:33
So if you’re dead, –

Carolyn 50:34
Eternity or not eternity?

iON 50:34
– if you’re dead, –

Carolyn 50:37
Ah ha.

iON 50:37
– No, no, no live and dead, live and dead.

Carolyn 50:41

iON 50:41
See, you lay down and you’re dead and you can get you up, then death ain’t no big deal. Right? So, if you know how to get back, if you got these things hooked up right, then you don’t worry about death anymore ‘cuz it’s like, well, hurry up and kill me motherfucker. Kevin Gates said it best said. "You say you don’t like me. Well then shut up or kill me." See? ‘Cuz now, if you know this, then you can go right there. And those who have lain down in death rise up to see thee, they breathe the air, and they look upon thy face when the disk riseth on the horizon. That’s when Bob’s – the little thing on Bob’s neck – when he looks at the sideways on his profile on the Sphinx and on his real face and on the real sun, that little disk, when that opens up, when it riseth on the horizon, you’ll be able to see it. ‘Cuz as you get closer to it, what happens is, it looks bigger. Like sometimes when the moon is full it looks like it’s huge, like it fills the whole sky, just because it gives that appearance from the way it goes. That’s the point.

Carolyn 51:51
Yeah. Okay –

iON 51:53
It looks bigger from perspective. What this is talking about, Carolyn, is perspective. Yes.

Carolyn 52:01
But it’s mentioning eternity several times. So, is eternity just a word for being able to get back when you’re dead, so no big deal?

iON 52:13
Yes, but, yeah, well, if you do, see, there’s the rub. That’s right. If you do, it’s great. It’s great. If you do. But if you don’t have this and you get caught in the wrong side, then you spend eternity in the hellhouse.

Carolyn 52:30
Ha ha ha. I gotcha. Yeah, so yeah, the eternity can be in life or in death.

iON 52:42
Yeah, and look here. And it even get our grounding metal, even gets our grounding metal.

Carolyn 52:48

iON 52:47
And thou makest the earth to shine as with refined copper. Remember the anodized copper? The grounding when people have grounding issues?

Carolyn 52:49

iON 52:49
The copper – can you see – can, can they eat copper, enough copper to hurt em? Is there a way you get enough to copper? –

Carolyn 53:08
Oh yeah. –

iON 53:09
– Oh wait, that’s two questions.

Carolyn 53:10
– People got copper poisoning from all the copper plumbing, women from copper IUDs. There’s a lot of excess of copper, but that, but you still need bioavailable copper such as happens to be in our ReMyte in order to run your body properly.

iON 53:32
Right. Good. And see now, in that grounding, some – now that, like you say, you would say some people are sensitive so they’d be – that’s not true. It’s not sensitivity. It’s the amount they need to be grounded. If you’re already well grounded, you don’t need as much copper added to. And sometimes people who have issues – now, they complain about it. We see them as perfect, but they complain or run with it. The thing with the – some people say that they are heavy, but then Bob says everybody’s fat. You know, if you don’t weigh 65 pounds, he thinks you’re morbidly obese. Ha ha ha. You know, when you’re the world’s tallest midget, Carolyn, everybody, everybody’s huge. But, the larger girth, sometimes, is explained from the question of grounding. And we’ve talked about that to death, that you want to be grounded, so, you’ll make yourself be groundable. You’ll make your body shape and form so that you’re not comfortable at higher elevations. Like, you can make yourself big enough that you wouldn’t feel comfortable climbing a ladder to clean out the gutters. But if you’re Bob and you’re 12 pounds, you just shimmy up the ladder. Well Bob ain’t gonna do nothin’, but Bob would have somebody do it. Ha ha, you know. Carolyn! Get somebody to clean out the gutters. You know how it goes. Ha ha ha ha.

Carolyn 54:55
Right. Heh heh. Okay, –

iON 54:59
As that is agile, agility does not mean that you’re grounded. That’s what they confuse, which sometimes makes them wanna hold weight. They see it as necessary. I mean there’s nothing wrong, but you wanna have it balanced so you can function; that’s the point.

Carolyn 55:18
Perfect. Now an interesting next point. It’s, it’s not a chapter, it’s just is in capitals saying: "THE SOLAR LITANY."

iON 55:32
Yeah, that’s Bob.

Carolyn 55:32
Can you say what that refers to. Bob?

iON 55:36
The hole that you’re going through in the sun.

Carolyn 55:41
Oh, that’s the hole in the sun. Oh. Yeah. (to Bob in background) The next line I have is capitals, THE SOLAR LITANY. –

Bob 55:51
(in background) Oh yeah.

Carolyn 55:51
– That’s the hole we go through, the hole in the sun. Yeah! And Bob is –

Bob 55:56
(in background) Finally gets (indisinct)

Carolyn 56:00
Say that in unmuted, Bob. (short pause) He’s getting there.

Bob 56:09
Finally gets to Dobbstown.

Carolyn 56:11
Ah, ha ha.

Bob 56:12
Dobbstown’s role.

iON 56:13

Bob 56:13

iON 56:14
Yeah, with a, with a beer back, with a beer back of Neveritt, with a beer back of Neveritt.

Bob 56:19
Heh heh heh heh.

Carolyn 56:21
And a roll in the hay.

iON 56:24
Yeah. Fuck me hard in the watermelon hay.

Bob 56:27
Solar Government – the World Government was the LaRouche quadrant, peaked in 1960. Solar Government peaked in 1965. That was the McLuhan quadrant. The Universal Government peaked in 1970, Thompson quarter. And the Mythic Government peaked in 1980 with the Kroker quadrant. And 1990 was Lockdown BobRule, 1990 to 2020.

iON 56:27
FEMA cramp, FEMA cramp, FEMA cramp. FEMA cramp.

Bob 56:56
Yeah. Heh heh heh.

Carolyn 56:59
Okay. Are we, are we good here? Will I continue? Bob?

iON 57:06
That’s pretty good. A good spot.

Bob 57:08
Let’s see how long we’ve gone.

Carolyn 57:11
Yeah, I think so.

Bob 57:13
We started at 5:30. Oh, yeah. It’s been about an hour. We used to go about an hour.

Carolyn 57:21
I think so. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I’m good. I could continue, but I think I’m good here.

iON 57:26
That’s page, that’s page 35. That’s page 35. You’re halfway there, Carolyn.

Carolyn 57:32
We did a whole page.

iON 57:33
And you’re halfway there. Your halfway.

Bob 57:35
What is it? 69 pages? 69?

iON 57:38
Ah huh.

Carolyn 57:38
I think so. 60.

Bob 57:40
69, Carolyn.

Carolyn 57:41

Bob 57:42
Yeah McLuhan’s number, 69.

Carolyn 57:45
Thank you very much, iON. Fun again. Much fun.

iON 57:48
It’s pretty good. It’s pretty good. Now, forget takin’ – normally, we say be easy about it, don’t be all serious. Forget we ever said that about this. This is serious. This is serious. If you’re gonna look at it, this is – it’s not Howard Stern, this is the real deal. So, get it or don’t; we don’t care. There is no quiz. There is no quiz. There is no test. You get it, you get it. You don’t, you don’t. It’s all right with us. No problem. Please yourself. Freely is it available for all who will.

Bob 58:19
Cover the whole series?

iON 58:19
Whoso – yeah. Whosoever will.

Bob 58:23
Cover the whole series.

iON 58:24
And that’s good. Yeah. (overtalk, indistinct)

Bob 58:26
Whoever will be smart enough.

iON 58:27
Mm hmm.

Carolyn 58:30
For whosoever will, Bob.

Bob 58:33
Yes, whoever’s smart enough –

iON 58:34
For whosoever will.

Bob 58:35
-to pay attention.

Carolyn 58:36
Thank you.

Bob 58:37
All right. Thank you, iON.

iON 58:38

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