Egyptian Book of the Dead Transcript, 4 April 2020


Transcribed by Nan


Carolyn 0:01
Okay, "THE CHAPTER OF THE NEW MOON. THE FOLLOWING IS TO BE RECITED ON THE DAY OF THE MONTH (NEW MOON DAY)." Now, I, I read this before the March 28th and the new moon of March had just occurred. And I think I mentioned it to you, iON, and you said no, no, I’ll be more important to read it later. So, here we are later.

iON 0:27
The dog, the dog moon, yep.

Carolyn 0:30
Ha ha. So then, we’re not reciting this on the new moon day and I take that to be important because if we read it on the new moon day, we might cause chaos. Is that right? We might have caused –

iON 0:48
Yeah, because the following is to be recited on the day of the month. They’re saying – its parenthetical, new moon day.

Carolyn 0:58
Oh, you mean you can designate any day to be new moon day?

iON 1:03
Well, of course. You don’t have time, darling, so, of course.

Carolyn 1:06
Yeah. Got it.

iON 1:09
These are, these are dead people, darling.

Carolyn 1:12
Yeah. Okay, so we’ll designate this a new moon day and we’ll say these words. Okay. Continuing: "The Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, in peace, whose word is truth, saith:- Ra ascendeth his throne on his horizon, and the Company of his Gods follow in his train. The God cometh forth from his hidden place, [and] tchefau food falleth from the eastern horizon of heaven at the word of Nut." Okay, is the hidden place in the East which is an important direction?

iON 2:00
Of course, of course. That’s the, across the, across the River Jordan; you know, where the giants are. Where the milk and honey flows.

Carolyn 2:14
Heh heh heh. Okay, and is it across the River Jordan that we’re – is the River Styx a corollary to the River Jordan?

iON 2:26
Ooo. That’s a nice word, corollary. That’s a beautiful – what does it mean, corollary? We can’t even say it. Corollary, corollary. I like that word. That’s a good word, corollary. You’re gonna be a sesquipedalian before it’s over with. Corollary? Corollary. I like it.

Carolyn 2:43
Ha ha ha. Onomatopoeia! Onomatopoeia!

iON 2:47
Nice, nice, nice. That’s a good one. That’s good. Yum.

Carolyn 2:52
So, I take it the River Jordan and the River Styx are not – there’s no equivalence between them?

iON 3:00
No, it doesn’t. It doesn’t equal but they are both representative of a – one you’re flowing down. The River Styx are flowing down. It’s a way out. The River Jordan is the boundary you cross over. You don’t cross over the River Styx, you go down the River Styx. That’s the difference. One’s a – you can say it this way. For the live people, it’s a latitude; for the dead people it’s a longitude. Maybe that’s the way to say it.

Carolyn 3:29
Okay, good. Continuing.

iON 3:30
Yeah. Did you tell everybody that they need to be, pay attention to where they are in regards to the 33rd parallel? We’ve mentioned that once; we’re never gonna mention it again. We’re done with that. You’re either gonna get it or you ain’t, but you might better look at where you live. If it’s below the 33rd parallel, make sure you have enough – ah, what do you call that? Supplies? Supplies. Yeah, a lot of supplies.

Carolyn 3:44
A lot of supplies. And that relates to Key number 4, so would you recommend people be looking at Key 4?

iON 4:04
Would, but they don’t do it anyway, so why bother?

Carolyn 4:07
Okey-doke. Continuing: "They (the gods) rejoice over the paths of Ra, the Great Ancestor [as] he journeyeth round about. Therefore art thou exalted," Now you want to say anything about round about? Is this a cyclical situation?

iON 4:33
No. That’s what that – it is, it is ‘cuz everybody’s figuring it out. They’re trying to do this, they’s trying to do that, they’re trying to work it out. And here’s a representative of the dead people running around, running around, running around, running around, trying to figure it all out. They’re going around, they’re busy at it. Ain’t getting nothing done, but they’re busy at it. They’re type, type, typing, just type, type, type, but, we digress.

Carolyn 4:53
Heh heh. Mmmm. Interesting. Got it. And continuing: "Therefore art thou exalted, O Ra, the dweller in thy Shrine." Hmm. So, first time I think that word shrine –

iON 5:13
There are no arks, there are no arks, there are no arks in the land of the dead.

Carolyn 5:18

iON 5:19
There are no arks in the land of the dead.

Carolyn 5:23

iON 5:24
But it’s a capital Shrine, and we know what happened to Ra; he already ascended his throne on the horizon.

Carolyn 5:33
Mm hmm. Okay. So, Ra’s ascended, art thou, the dweller in thy Shrine. Okay, so he’s there. He’s in his Shrine. Okay, Ra’s already ascended. But, as I said a second ago, is that the first time Shrine is mentioned? I mean, are we talking about the Shriner here? Ha ha ha.

iON 6:03
It is. No, well, you could if the – well, yeah, that’s the 32nd degree. You need the 33rd degree, but yeah.

Carolyn 6:05
Ha ha. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

iON 6:18
32nd degree is The Shrine, and you’re trying to go to the 33rd degree.

Carolyn 6:23
Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, I found a shrine, Shetait Shrine in Ra-stau, but that’s not a person on their Shrine. That’s just the position.

iON 6:37
Correct, good. That’s good.

Carolyn 6:39

iON 6:40
We call it maybe a placeholder. Might work well, too.

Carolyn 6:42
Placeholder. Yeah, I think that’s, yeah, placeholder and right – position. Okay. And continuing: "Thou swallowest the winds, thou drawest into thyself the north wind," So there’s Bob trying to figure out which way the wind’s blowing.

iON 7:07
Yeah. And notice this time, in every other equation – sorry, sorry. In every other occasion everyone is concerned, worried, freaking out, about the winds blowing. And this realm people are running around swallowing the wind. We’re retrieving.

Carolyn 7:24
Ah, right. Swallowing the wind. "thou drawest into thyself the north wind, thou eatest up the flesh of thy seat on the day when thou breathest truth." So, this is them gettin’ to be living again. They’re trying to get their breath. They’re trying to get their flesh.

iON 7:46
They’re at – at each level. And you can’t, apparently, can’t get it all at once. Like ascension, you don’t do it all at once. But you’re going to, but it’s like, maybe it’s like ascension, you get a little as you go. Maybe.

Carolyn 7:58
Mm hmm. Yeah, yeah. Bite by bite, bit by bit.

iON 8:03
Mm hmm. Do.

Carolyn 8:05
Okay. Continuing: "Thou dividest [it among] the gods who are [thy] followers. [Thy] Boat saileth on travelling among the Great Gods at thy word. Thou countest thy bones, thou gatherest together thy members, (Carolyn: that’s your arms and legs) thou settest thy face towards Beautiful Amentet, and thou comest there, being made new every day." So that’s the timeless there – alluding to. Correct?

iON 8:44
Yeah, and, and, and it also refers to Ezekiel and the dry bones. Them bones.

Carolyn 8:53
Mm hmm. Mm hmm.

iON 8:53
See how it’s cyclical? It bounces from the living to the dead, and the dead to the living, to and fro. Those kingdoms, each of those kingdoms are representative. It’s kinda like the way you do it. And we don’t war you, of course. We haven’t – if you have an opinion, you gonna say it. We like that ‘cuz you’re gonna say, "I have something to say." And you agree we normally acknowledge it and typically embrace it because it’s on a liturgical sense it’s logical, and it’s the way people would see things sooner or later. So, it makes it valid. In this case, it kind of brings it into a light of how the different kingdoms – you would say, "Well, the Corona virus isn’t gonna be in my world," and you’re correct. No question. But yet, and yet, you’re still effected by this everything around you. You see?

Carolyn 9:48
Yeah, yeah.

iON 9:50
That’s the difference, see? And that, and that’s the reason we, we quantitatively say, okay. But if they buy every roll of toilet paper out of the, out of the Costco, you’re still gonna be without toilet paper even though the Corona virus won’t have any effect or affect you. The effect is that it’s consumed. Otherwise, it can be obfuscated from your realm, even though it doesn’t have anything personal to mess you up. But as you say, "Well, iON, that easy. I’ve got enough toilet paper to last till Jesus splits the Eastern sky and we’re good." So, it’s happy days. See, so it’s like I’m prepared. See?

Carolyn 10:30

iON 10:30
Therefore, therefore, it takes the, it takes the sequencing. This is about sequencing, Bert. Sequencing. We’re gonna talk to Bert tonight.

Carolyn 10:45
Ah, that’s nice. Very good.

iON 10:47
We gotta do it, but he’s gonna, but now wait a minute. Bob’s gonna be – he’s got some bullshit going on, Carolyn, so you may have to stay up tonight, darlin’. Sorry.

Carolyn 10:57
Ahh, I know. He’s gonna play stuff.

iON 10:57
Or, he’ll have to wait – well, but, at the rate he’s goin’, though, you can go to bed, get up, and we’ll be just be gettin’ to Bert. Ha ha ha ha. So, you may – we may work it out. We digress.

Carolyn 11:11
Okay. Continuing: "Behold, thou art that Image of Gold," Now, gold is a capital, so, what’s the – hmm I know gems are important. What’s the significance of gold being marked here?

iON 11:30
Yeah, it’s the, it’s the same thing. The more you burn it, the purer it becomes.

Carolyn 11:37
Oh yeah. Ah ha.

iON 11:38
Okay. And this is – remember all the gold that we’re gonna make into the golden calf, Baal for Bob?

Carolyn 11:45
Yeah. Heh heh.

iON 11:46
‘Cuz he wants fresh pigs to lay his feet on, but with everybody’s been collecting the gold. Now, yeah, he has a lot already but he’s gettin’ some more. And U-tah – and he’s got it in U-tah where it’s close to home. So, that’ll be good. We’re gonna build him a nice, we’re gonna build him a nice golden calf. He’ll melt it and pour it down their throat holes. Pour it down their throat holes.

Carolyn 12:10
Right. So, as we continue – actually, I was just looking, thinking of the Keys in my mind. There was a lot of burning going on through many of the Keys as we burn off the dross and get ready –

iON 12:29
Dross. Mm hmm.

Carolyn 12:29
Yeah. Okay, good. Very important.

iON 12:33
Now, in a welding, in a welding term, the flux that you tap off, the flux, that’s the extra part. It’s what may apply the accelerant to make it burn to seal the weld; w-e-l-d. That, that flux, the leftover part, sometimes that’s the part that’s not pure. And it taps right off once you lay a bead. The welders will know what that means.

Carolyn 13:04
Yeah it can’t sustain, it’s when –

iON 13:07
Correct. It’s too hot and burned off.

Carolyn 13:07
– you actually find out the impurities in your, in your metals when that happens.

iON 13:17
Correct. That’s good.

Carolyn 13:17
My father owned a welding company. He wanted me, he wanted me to take over the company. Ha ha. Ha ha.

iON 13:24
Yeah, yeah. And instead, instead you’ve been welding lives ever since.

Carolyn 13:29
Yes. There you go. Continuing –

iON 13:32
Burning off the dross.

Carolyn 13:34
Yeah. "thou hast the" hmm. Is that unitings? U-n-i-t-i-n-g-s?

iON 13:45
No, unit. Unit- ings. Like a unit. Joining.

Carolyn 13:52
Ah. "thou has the unitings of the disks of the sky," Now, the disk of the sky is supposed to be the sun. So what’s –

iON 14:04
That’s Bob.

Carolyn 14:04

iON 14:05
It’s the units. The sun has a hole. –

Carolyn 14:09

iON 14:09
– The earth goes through the hole. The sun is Bob, and the spot on his neck is the representation of the hole, which now you can see a picture of. If you look at a picture the sun, you can actually see the spot on Bob’s neck; and you can also see the spot on the sun. And you can also see the spot in the Sphinx.

Carolyn 14:34
Mm hmm. Wow.

iON 14:36
And they’re all the same hole.

Carolyn 14:38
Uh huh.

iON 14:40
Don’t let him get that plastic surgery or nothing. We need that spot ‘cuz that’s the direction, and he’ll be the last one and nobody will know where to go if they can’t see his face.

Carolyn 14:50
Oh, for the direction. But how does that relate to the unitings of the disks of the sky?

iON 15:03
Well, go ahead, the quakings. When everything starts turning upside down and hell starts to flow, you got to know what’s up, so you got to look. And so, they have to hook em together. Each of the multiple suns have to merge ‘cuz you have three Kingdoms.

Carolyn 15:25
Okay. Yeah.

iON 15:27
Now, we weren’t being, wait, no wait, no. Hold on, hold on. We weren’t being glib, ‘cuz somebody’s gonna say, oh Jean, I can hear her now. "Oh, there he goes again. He’s off in that bullshit."

Carolyn 15:38
No, Jean doesn’t say that. No.

iON 15:43
The different realms. The different realms. The different realms preclude larger environs. The different realms preclude larger environs. So this – from the dead side of the River, you merge, you have to merge them. And they don’t know the difference, you see. Not a thinking man’s game on the dead side.

Carolyn 16:04
Uh oh, uh oh, here comes Bob looming over me.

iON 16:09
Oh, he’s standing over.

Carolyn 16:12
Bob wants to know, wants me to know, from you, what preclude means.

Bob 16:19
(in background) In that sentence.

iON 16:19
Okay, if you include something, what does that mean? You adjoin it, you adjoin it, include. Preclude means you know it before it’s in advance. It’s a prequel. It’s a preclude. Like an interlude, it’s a preclude. So, it’s before the interlude that’s inclusive. So, you know it before you know it: past pluperfectly.

Carolyn 16:49
Okay, so we go back. Back to – wow, iON’s been talking a lot here. So, ooh, way back. Okay, so all that – well, do you want me to go back to the Egyptian Book of the Dead or what iON said?

Bob 17:13
(in background) He made a sentence with preclude. Recently.

Carolyn 17:16
Got it. So iON said: the quaking when things turn upside down, they have to hook the multiple suns from the three Kingdoms. The different realms preclude larger environs. So, the good side of the river, you have to merge them.

Bob 17:33
(in background) Preclude. That means anticipate larger environments?

iON 17:36
No, no, no Bob, it doesn’t mean that. What it means, in a past pluperfect tense, "had had you knew the suns had to merge together, you would preclude that that adjoining or abutting would be important to this reality of you taking everybody through your neck hole."

Bob 18:02
(in background) Well, that means you would anticipate. You would understand –

iON 18:05
You can, but preclude doesn’t mean anticipation.

Bob 18:12
(in background) What does it mean?

iON 18:12
You can anticipate something forever and never enjoy it. You can anticipate ketchup coming out of the bottle – remember the Heinz ketchup commercial, anticipation? But it never comes, it’s making you wait. This isn’t making you wait. This is what happened, not making you wait. It’s the reality: had had. It’s a done deal. That’s not the problem.

Carolyn 18:33
You make make. You do do.

iON 18:33
Make make. Do do.

Bob 18:40
(in background) You preclude larger environments. In other words, larger environments are coming and you knew that was going to happen.

Carolyn 18:44
And you helped it happen.

iON 18:44
‘Cuz we told you. ‘Cuz you made it happen ‘cuz we told you.

Carolyn 18:48
We made it happen: do do, make make. –

Bob 18:52
(in background) When did we do it?

Carolyn 18:52
– No, do do do, make make make, three kingdoms. When did we do it? There’s no time, it’s already done. Ha ha.

iON 19:00
It’s already done done.

Carolyn 19:02
Dun, dun dun dun.

iON 19:04
(mimics Bonanza theme song) Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun.

Carolyn 19:08
You could anticipate an hour of questioning on that in Bob’s private session, iON! Ha ha.

iON 19:19
Of course, of course, of course, of course. And how Reverend Stang felt while it was falling down.

Carolyn 19:22
Yeah. Uh oh. Continuing: "thou hast quakings, thou goest round about, and art made new each day. Hail! There is rejoicing in the horizon! The gods who dwell in the sky descend the ropes [of thy Boat] when they see the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, they ascribe praise unto him as unto Ra. The Osiris Ani is a Creat Chief. [He] seeketh the Urrt Crown. His provisions are apportioned to him- the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth. [His] fate is strong from the exalted body of the Aamu gods, (Carolyn: plural) who are in the presence of Ra. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is strong on the earth and in Khert-Neter." Oh my gosh, he’s gone back and forth, back and forth, iON

iON 20:27
Mm hmm. That’s what we said. Around about business. Yeah.

Carolyn 20:31
Heh heh heh. Okay, that’s what –

iON 20:33
‘Cuz the wheels on the bus go round and round.

Carolyn 20:37
Yeah, yeah. And continuing: "O Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, wake up and be strong like unto Ra every day. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, shall not tarry, he shall not remain motionless in this land for ever. Right well shall he see with his two eyes, right well shall he hear with his two ears, the things which are true, the things which are true. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is in Anu, the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is as Ra, and he is exalted by reason of [his] oars among the Followers of Nu. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, cannot tell what he hath seen [or] narrate [what he hath heard] in the House of the God of Mysteries." Oh, well, we have to stop there. Is that Bob’s mystery landscape?

iON 21:47
Well, but it’s no longer a mystery.

Carolyn 21:50
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

iON 21:52
So, it’s – the god in the House of the God of Mysteries. Apparently this goes all the way back to the chip body. So, we’re gonna have to dig up pre-Mary McLuhan for 2.3 seconds, but it won’t last longer than that, we promise, of navigating of when things were good. When things were right, to happier days when, when, when girls were boys and boys were boys. And boys slept with boys and girls slept with dead people – oh wait, no, that’s another time. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. When things get all tangled up. When things get all tangled up. They don’t know which is up, you see.

Carolyn 22:34
Before, before things got all tangled up is what you’re saying?

iON 22:37

Carolyn 22:38

iON 22:38
Maybe maybe. Yeah, yeah, we like it. We don’t know how to proscribe it because anyway we write it, the script doesn’t work.

Carolyn 22:47
Mm hmm. Yeah.

iON 22:48
See, we keep going BID and they keep trying to take two once a day, and it’s not like that.

Carolyn 22:55
Heh heh. Okay, so that’s cool. That’s – they’re bringing up the House of Mysteries and we’re beyond that. That’s, that’s gone. That’s gone.

iON 23:06
Well, you’re gonna see in just a second. We’re fixin’ – we’re fixin’ to clean it up.

Carolyn 23:09
Okay, you do that. Continuing: "Hail! Let there be shouts of acclamation of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, the divine body of Ra in the Boat of Nu, who beareth propitiatory (Carolyn: Hmm. You’ll never be able to say it.)

iON 23:31
Propitiatory. Propitiatory.

Carolyn 23:31
Ah, you did it. Yeah. Propitiatory offerings. Now, we’ve got to look that up, iON?

iON 23:35
Yes, we do.

Carolyn 23:43
Can’t let that pass.

iON 23:43
Sure do.

Carolyn 23:45
Conciliatory, soothing, mollifying calming, pacifying. Got it. "propitiatory offerings

iON 23:55

Carolyn 23:58
"offerings for the KA of the god of that which he loveth. The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in peace, whose word is truth, is like Horus, the mighty one of transformations." Let me back up a second.

iON 24:15
Okay, stop. Yeah, yeah. What about – before you do that, before you – okay, hold on one second. Now, you see what happens. You got the mystery landscape that’s been exposed that nobody likes because it the mystery landscape. It’s what made Kroker apply. Okay.

Carolyn 24:15

iON 24:30
We’re not after Kroker, we’re not trying to validate stupid Peter Beter, either. But that’s not the point. What’s happened here is those debts have been soothed. They’ve been paid. They’ve been –

Carolyn 24:45
Propitiated. Heh heh.

iON 24:48
Propitiated, but it’s, it’s a level of socio perception that can allow it to be settled. That’s not quite what this says. But, from a socio perception, it’s not due, it’s no longer owed. It’s like people paying their house payment and they rent. Apparently they don’t have to do that no more. Ha ha ha.

Carolyn 25:09
Yeah. Okay, so, which brings up, ah, will the China debt be dropped with all this crap? That’s what some people are calling for.

iON 25:22
We’ll see, we’ll see. We’ll see. But see, it’s okay because it’s circular. It’s a circular firing squad. ‘Cuz if they do that, then they make the bonds no good. But they make the bonds no good, then it doesn’t matter ‘cuz then all that’s happened is your money, the typing money, doesn’t apply anymore and you end up with Zimbabwe. And so, a bottle of RNA drops, which are available now by the way, a bottle of RNA drops will cost you about $17 million.

Carolyn 25:50
Ah ha ha. Save them up folks.

iON 25:55
C.O.D. Mm hmm.

Carolyn 25:58
$17 million, hmm. Okay, my question was just a little sidebar here with KA. It’s capital "K" and capital "A." Does that have any meaning? Double capital?

iON 26:12
Yeah. Yeah, because you got the dead people are having to give reverie to the ones that are supposed to save them. ‘Cuz the trick of doing all this is to bring them back from where they are to get where you are if you’re on this side of the River Styx or the other side of the River Jordan. See?

Carolyn 26:32
Mm hmm.

iON 26:33
But now, some people might be reading this, Carolyn, that are no longer with us.

Carolyn 26:37

iON 26:37
Because Bob says that they can think. Bob says that they can read. Bob says they have to think and read. That applies to the dead people, too. The boss prescribed it, and he stepped all into it. It’s gonna be so much fun ‘cuz now the dead are gonna think better than some of these live people. Ha ha ha. It ain’t a thinking man’s game, but when the dead do it, it might be interesting.

Carolyn 27:00
Ah, right, but being both letters in caps, is – does – is that referencing each side is important?

iON 27:11

Carolyn 27:12

iON 27:13
Of course, of course. Of course, darling, because, see, the point is, is that they’re where they are. The problem is you seem to have –

Carolyn 27:22
Yes. It’s just as you say. –

iON 27:23
Go ahead.

Carolyn 27:23
– That’s a placeholder for both sides. A "K" here and an "A" there. KA. Gotcha.

iON 27:25
Mm hmm. Basically. And the problem is as we were gonna finish your thought, which was, the problem with it is, obviously, is you seem to take yourself with you most everywhere you go.

Carolyn 27:42
Heh heh. Okay.

iON 27:42
So, if you’re in the live stage, you take yourself with you, and if you’re in the dead stage, you take yourself with you. We can talk to both of you. But now you see, you don’t want to be the top of the dead side and the bottom of the live side. You want to be a god in this, in – god, period. ‘Cuz god can take it – is not limited. So if it’s not limited, then you’re not judged by that realm.

Carolyn 28:08

iON 28:09
Okay. Even if you go, even if you go to another realm, they’ll still honor you as king or queen. Queen Elizabeth, she’s queen. She’s Queen of England, but she gets respect over here.

Carolyn 28:20
Mmm. Mmm hmm. Nice.

iON 28:25
It’s very exciting. Her speech this year, it’s the first time – only the fourth time she’s ever done it.

Carolyn 28:32
Oh, really? The Easter speech?

iON 28:35
Fouth time, ever.

Carolyn 28:37

iON 28:39
Like, in all of Kings, of every King that’s ever been, the speech has only been done four times. This is that fourth time.

Carolyn 28:48
Oh, then, sounds like we should listen to it.

iON 28:53
You’re gonna have to, it’s going to be presented in this country. Everygoddamnbody’s gonna hear it. Whether they want to or not. Yeah, they sure are. Even on MSLSD. Ha ha ha.

Carolyn 29:08
Now is, is this speech being presented at this time, does it have anything to do with the, the lockdown?

iON 29:19
Oh, no, they gotta give you a tip on the hat or a slap on the butt or somethin’ ridiculous that Bob said. So, that’s what they have to do. She don’t have a choice. They put a pistol to her head, she’s don’t got no choice.

Carolyn 29:33
Uh huh. O-kay. Okay, let me find where we were at. Okay, it begins with a RUBRIC, or just says rubric, which means some identifiers of what we’ve just read, or what’s coming up. Is it what’s coming up, iON? Rubric?

iON 30:00
No, it’s – the rubric tells you the pattern. It tells you the scope; it tells you how to apply it. A rubric would tell you how to apply the prep for a colonoscopy; the rubric will tell you how to do it.

Carolyn 30:14
Right, but the question is, is the rubric identifying the next chapter or giving us a summary of the last chapter?

iON 30:23
The last chapter.

Carolyn 30:25
Okay, so this, the last chapter then it says: "This Chapter is to be recited over a boat seven cubits long, made of green stone of the Tchatchau. Make a heaven of stars, and purify it and cleanse it with natron and incense." Natron. Mmm. Is that a sodium? Looking it up.

iON 30:55
Look it up.

Carolyn 31:03
Looking it up. Damn. Excuse me. Natron. Naturally occuring mixture of sodium carbonate, the decahydrate –

iON 31:13

Carolyn 31:13
– (Na2CO3·10H2O, a kind of soda ash) and around 17% sodium bicarb, or baking soda (NaHCO3) along with small quantities of sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. Naturally occuring mixture. Um, let’s see what it’s used for. What did the Egyptians – where did the Egyptians get natron is a question on the internet. It can be made by collecting plants from salt marshes, burning them until they are at the ash stage, and then mixing with soda lime. Well that’s how you make soap, iON. No?

iON 31:59
Yeah, The same way. It is, but you have to have a tallow. Have to have a tallow for a lye, for for a lye-based, but it can become sulphuric acid, and it’s about two marks away from sulphuric acid. That’s another conversation

Carolyn 32:15
And then, natron and it’s use in preserving Egyptian mummy preservation.

iON 32:24

Carolyn 32:24
So, natron. That’s pretty cool. Very cool.

iON 32:28
Yeah. And they’d say, that’s what they can use to scrub up the dead. It’s dead people soap, Carolyn.

Carolyn 32:34
Got it. Oh ho. Very cool. Look at what we’re learning. So, make a heaven of stars, and purify and cleanse it with natron. There you go. Dead people soap and incense.

iON 32:52
Yeah, so you don’t stink.

Carolyn 32:53
Right. Ha ha. "Make then a figure of Ra upon a tablet of new stone in paint, and set it in the bows of the boat." Well, why don’t they say –

iON 33:09
And that’s Bob. That’s Bob. That’s Bob. That’s Bob. He killed, he killed the Gutenberg galaxy. Okay, he destroyed the printing press, and so now they call Ra – it’s called Bob, for a new tablet. A new tablet of stone in paint; not in writing, not in ink. It doesn’t say ink. And then you put it in the bows of the boat. Where’s the bow of the boat, Carolyn?

Carolyn 33:51
Well, they said b-o-w-s, so it must be front and back.

iON 33:55
Gotcha. Front and back, stem to stern.

Carolyn 34:01
Ah ha. Ha ha. What, Bob? That’s yours. Yeah. Bob’s asking me about food again. Any –

iON 34:09
Of course.

Carolyn 34:09
– yeah, Bob. Okay. Ha ha. Bob’s doing all this, he’s running everything but he has to ask me, what can I eat, Carolyn?

iON 34:23
Only half and a little bit more, Bob. You eat only half and a little bit more. That’s right.

Carolyn 34:28
Yeah. Okay, awesome, awesome. Continuing: "Then make a figure of the deceased whom thou wilt make perfect," Now make perfect, that’s make, make alive, correct?

iON 34:45
Whole. Make whole.

Carolyn 34:46
Make whole, make whole.

iON 34:46
They can’t – make whole, make whole because at this stage, see, you’re making – it’s like the little man. You’re pretending – you’re god and you’re convinced you’re a little man. And you’re pretending you’re a little man when really you’re a god. So, these people are dead, so they’re making a person that can be alive. They’re really alive but they think they’re dead. So, it’s metaphorically referencing –

Carolyn 34:54
Yeah, yeah.

iON 35:04
– how stupid it is to be a little man as a god with all the power of the sun, moon and stars, and runnin’ around havin’ to ask somebody when to wipe your butt.

Carolyn 35:22
Ha ha ho ho ho. Hear that, Bob?

Bob 35:27
(in background) Yeah.

Carolyn 35:28
He heard it. Continuing. So, doing all that, inking up and the – no, sorry, sorry, the painting, not writing, putting it in the bows "[and place it] in the boat. Make it to sail in the Boat of Ra, and Ra himself shall look upon it." Make it to sail in the Boat of Ra. So, is that a boat within a boat, iON?

iON 35:54
No, you got to go back one line. Make it a figure of the deceased. Make a copy –

Carolyn 36:00
Oh yeah.

iON 36:01
– of the dead people. To make, and make it perfect. And then put it in the boat. And then that’s what you put in the boat. Make it to sail in the Boat of Ra, which is the boat that you had the bows, only their sides.

Carolyn 36:15

iON 36:16
And Ra himself shall look upon it. If you picture it this way, you might get Bob’s attention. If you go too far, you’ll get chided by Bob and then he’ll make rules. And there’ll be rules that you’ll have to live by ‘cuz he’s in charge.

Carolyn 36:34

iON 36:35
So, don’t piss on Bob unless he tells you to.

Carolyn 36:39
Yes, exactly. And, "Do not these things in the presence of any one except thyself, or thy father, or thy son." Do not. Do not these things? Mmm.

iON 36:56
The things are the rubric. That they don’t do this in front of anybody else.

Carolyn 37:03
That’s what you just said. Got it. Yeah, the grammar threw me.

iON 37:07
No, it’s okay.

Carolyn 37:07
"Do not these things in the presence of any one except thyself, or thy father, or thy son." Or Bob. "Then let them keep guard over their faces," Is that guarding over the faces, the effigy that they made, the statue?

iON 37:27
No, those are those, those are those R95, those are the R95 masks so they don’t fuck around and catch the coronie while they’re already dead.

Carolyn 37:39
Ha ha ha. The masks. Oh yeah, I’ve been wearing them. Okay. Continuing.

iON 37:44
Well, that’s just because, that’s just because those people you keep feeding think you’re gonna poison them or somethin’. If I felt that way, why would I buy food, why wouldI buy food from you if you have to cover up for me? Ha ha ha. It doesn’t make any sense as a bird flies, but, did you have the mask on?

Carolyn 38:03
Well, they shut down the market. They shut down the market this week.

iON 38:07
Oh, darling.

Carolyn 38:08
No more market. No more food. People are gonna die.

iON 38:11
Yaah. Oh well, they gotta die of something. Good thing we’re doing the Book of the Dead. Isn’t it good timing –

Carolyn 38:20

iON 38:20
– that we not been whizzed through it so that they’ll have something to do?

Carolyn 38:22
Oh my. Oh my gosh, yeah.

iON 38:23
Isn’t it nice? But the, yeah, yeah, but the quinine drug looks very encouraging, very encouraging.

Carolyn 38:25
Ha ha. Yeah.

iON 38:26
But you know what’s funny? People who got lupus, people who got lupus don’t seem to get the caroni. How do you figure that out?

Carolyn 38:39
That’s ‘cuz they’re on the quinine. Yeah. And the only people who aren’t taking the hydroxychloroquine are people who hate Trump. So, he is definitely going to get rid of them.

iON 38:52
(laughing) You couldn’t – Carolyn, you couldn’t make this shit up. You can’t make this shit. You can’t – even in Dobbstown, you can’t make this shit up. Isn’t it amazing? It’s not even logical. Bob is, Bob is the most avant garde of all the rulers of all the realms that have ever been; all the way through history. The black death when he killed all the Hebrews. Auschwitz, when he was fucking with Eva von Braun getting all – he was doing them sessions. You know, you had to give him money to pay for them sessions with her psychic. And all that, pulling up through Otto von Habsburg and the Thurn and Taxis. All that bullshit, even that – this is the trompe l’oeil, the defining moment of his coronation.

Carolyn 39:41
Yeah, the Trump trumping the Trump. Awesome.

iON 39:45

Carolyn 39:46
Continuing: "and they shall see the deceased in Khert-Neter in the form of a messenger of Ra." Now why are they –

iON 39:56
Oh, they talk to dead people. They talk to dead people.

Carolyn 39:58
Well, they’re relegated back to being a messenger, iON?

iON 40:03
Well, we’re gonna see. Just ‘cuz you say you’re a god doesn’t make you a god, Carolyn.

Carolyn 40:08

iON 40:09
Just ‘cuz you’re dead and you say you’re alive don’t make you alive. Someone’s got to acknowledge it. Otherwise, –

Carolyn 40:15

iON 40:15
– you become an apparition. You’re seen, but not felt. You’re present, but ineffable. Mm hmm.

Carolyn 40:25
So, and we’re gonna find out who does the acknowledging.

iON 40:31
Well, you can get guess, but yeah. Ha ha ha.

Carolyn 40:34
Ha! Me, me, me me, me, myself and I. Continuing. Now, this is a new header and we’ll continue. I don’t have no idea how long we’ve been going, but Bob’s still in the kitchen, so we’ll leave him there.

iON 40:51
Licking. That’s funny. He washes his hands nine thousand times, but he’s over there licking the counter now. That’s perfectly all right. The counter’s safe; you can lick the counter, but you must wash your hands.

Carolyn 41:00
Oh yes. Our counter. Exactly. If I spill something I just, I just –

iON 41:05
It’s over. It’s over.

Carolyn 41:06
– lick it right up. Yeah, no, no.

iON 41:08
You got to.

Carolyn 41:09
Yeah, – it’s

iON 41:11
It’s too, it’s too –

Carolyn 41:12
– purified. Purified. Okay. The title of the next section, all in caps: "A HYMN TO RA [WHICH IS TO BE SUNG] ON THE DAY OF THE MONTH (THE DAY OF THE NEW MOON) [WHEN] THE BOAT OF RA SAILETH." And then the text begins: "[The Osiris the scribe Ani, whose word is truth, saith:-] Homage to thee, O thou who dwellest in thy Boat." Capital, B, boat, so, we’re in it. We’re on it. We’re doing it.

iON 41:30
Mm hmm. Yep.

Carolyn 41:34
"Thou rollest on, thou rollest on," Heh heh. Row, row, row your boat, iON?

iON 41:56
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s row. This is roll. This is the wheels on the bus roll, so they’re rolling in the row.

Carolyn 42:04
Right. "thou sendest forth light, thou sendest forth light. Thou decreest rejoicing for [every] man for millions of years unto those who love him. Thou givest [thy] face to the Hememet spirits, thou god Khepera who dwellest in thy Boat." So, you got them all, you got them all. You know, what is it (indistinct)

iON 42:33
Mm hmm. That the scythe, that’s the scythe-holding Death Angel, too.

Bob 42:39
Talking about my face, Carolyn. Must be me in there. Millions of years.

iON 42:45
Must be. Yeah.

Bob 42:47
My face. That’s the face of the sun.

Carolyn 42:51
Yeah, we were there minutes ago.

Bob 42:55
Oh, you already agree with that meaning?

Carolyn 42:57
Oh, yeah.

Bob 42:57
Oh, okay.

iON 42:58
Yeah, we did that long ago, Bob, when you were lining up, when you were lining up your crack whores for the end of the evening.

Carolyn 43:07
Yeah. Yeah. Ha ha ha. Crack whores or crack horse?

iON 43:13
Ha ha. What’s the difference? If Bob doesn’t mind, if Bob don’t mind. You fuck one goat and they never let you live it down.

Carolyn 43:22
Mm hmm. I know. Continuing: "Thou hast overthrown the Fiend Aapep. O ye Sons of Keb, overthrow ye the enemies of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, and the fiends of destruction who would destroy the Boat of Ra. Horus hath cut off your heads in heaven. Ye who were in the forms of geese, your navel strings are on the earth. The animals are set upon the earth….. in the form of fish." Okay, we gotta stop here. What’s going on? It’s the first animal incantation.

iON 44:02
This is – well, it’s the representation of how you fell. And you are now – the navel strings, that’s the umbilical cord when you’re coming from the baby side of this position. But it’s still only based on information from the animals. That’s all that they could move, the beast, the non physical, ‘cuz they don’t have that there. There is no non physical in the underworld.

Carolyn 44:31
Mm hmm.

iON 44:32
They have to apply it. Everything has to be aperture science, in the world of the dead. Where here, it’s just the opposite.

Carolyn 44:41
Bob’s, Bob’s looming over me.

iON 44:44
Yeah, he’s having a little bust out. Swallow and wash them nasty hands!

Carolyn 44:49
There is no non physical in the underworld.

iON 44:52

Bob 44:52
(in background) Well, the underworld is non physical.

Carolyn 44:55
He says the underworld is non physical.

iON 44:59
Oh no, it isn’t.

Carolyn 44:59
No. No.

Bob 45:01
(in background) Well, what’s non physical?

iON 45:05
Not the underworld. It’s not the dead. It can talk to the dead, but it’s not the dead.

Bob 45:12
(in background) The dead are not non physical.

iON 45:18
You’re not talking – no, we’re talking about where the dead are, Bob. The underworld is not the dead.

Carolyn 45:26
It’s where the dead are.

Bob 45:27
(in background) Is it the environment of the dead?

iON 45:30
If that’s what you want to call it. We don’t care.

Bob 45:32
(in background) It’s not the non physical where the guf is, or was.

iON 45:37
Correct. That’s not, that’s not – right. No, no no no, the guf isn’t non physical. The guf is what held non physical, but it’s not, there is no non physical in the underworld. Dead people don’t have a non physical.

Bob 45:52
(in background) What’s the dead… Where do they go?

iON 45:54
Well, they’re in nothing. Nothing. Nothing. They got you. Maybe you’re gonna drag their – they’re praying that you’ll drag their damn ass out of the damn hole. Or Carolyn (overtalk) angel (overtalk)

Carolyn 46:05
Hey, iON! Hang on iON! I smell hyacinth off Bob! Seriously, I smell hyacinth off Bob.

iON 46:10
Ooooo. Ooooo. (laughing)

Carolyn 46:12
It’s the angel. Key 8! Run! Run! AH!

Bob 46:23
(in background) (indistinct)

iON 46:23
There you go.

Carolyn 46:24
You’re spreading hyacinth smell on me.

Bob 46:27
(in background) No, that’s just the basil.

Carolyn 46:29
Basil. Ha! Ha ha ha. Haaaaa.

iON 46:30
Ha ha ha. Yeah, and the next thing, Carolyn, the next thing you know, nex thing you know, he’s gonna, he’s gonna tell us cilantro tastes like soap. Ha ha ha.

Carolyn 46:44
Ha ha. No, no, he’s got the good genes. So what? You’re digging your spoon in my pesto for my pizza?

Bob 46:50
(in background). Right. I like raw pesto. I can make some hyacinths with that.

Carolyn 46:56
Ha ha ha. Yeah.

Bob 46:56
(in background) But look, –

Carolyn 46:56
What? Underworld, non physical.

Bob 46:59
(in background) I caught it.

Carolyn 46:59

Bob 47:00
(in background) What non physical? We learned that nothin’ we thought was non physical is non physical! After 11 years!

Carolyn 47:07
Ha ha ha. We thought dead people were non physical.

Bob 47:09
(in background) And I’m not even listening and I picked up on that.

iON 47:11
(iON and Carolyn laugh) Just imagine what he could do, Carolyn, if he ever starts listening. This might be good.

Carolyn 47:20
Oh, I know. It scares the heck out of me. Heh heh heh.

iON 47:23
Do. It’d be a, it’d be a, it’d be a Gurdjieff Christmas for sure.

Carolyn 47:31
Yeah. Oh my gosh. So, note that listeners.

iON 47:34
Bob’s howling. Bob’s howling, Bob’s howling over that one, a Gurdjieff Christmas.

Carolyn 47:39
Ha ha. He is.

Bob 47:41
(in background) (indistinct) Christmas cards, Carolyn. That’s another thing I might do.

Carolyn 47:47
Why are you not, why are you –

Bob 47:50
I’ve never sent out Christmas cards. And probably people can’t do that anymore ‘cuz it kills the mailman or something. You know?

iON 47:57
Ha ha ha. When they lick the stamp, when they lick the stamp, the virus is on the stamp and they’re mailing the virus in the mail! (Bob laughs) You can lick it ‘cuz you got your face wrapped up in a Hermes scarf. And see, Germaine’s got it right. She’s gonna make a million dollars making designer scarfs because Polo is making scarfs and Givenchy is making scarfs since everybody’s doing, ah, they can’t sell any clothes ‘cuz nobody can buy designer anymore unless they’re pajamas in their house. So, they’re all making designer covers. Look what it will save on makeup. You just cover yourself up like you’re a bandit. You’re a bandit.

Bob 48:43
So, Carolyn, we’re gonna start sending out Christmas cards.

iON 48:45
So, at the end of the day, who was that, who was that masked man? And it will be everybody.

Carolyn 48:50
Okay, here’s something –

Bob 48:51
No, Carolyn –

Carolyn 48:53
Mute yourself.

iON 48:53
No, no, I’m going to – we’re going to send out Christmas cards this year. We’re going to say: Wishing you a Gurdjieff Christmas. (Bob and iON laugh)

Carolyn 49:04
That means nothing, nothing to 99% or 99.9% of the world. Okay, here’s a, here’s something now you’re talking about the post office and stamps. Did you see the announcement? The USPS is gonna go bankrupt by June! It’s the only thing that’s holding the world together is people receiving Amazon packages through the USPS, –

iON 49:30

Carolyn 49:30
– and they’re going to bankrupt it. It’s crazy. Crazy, crazy.

iON 49:35
True. Typical. And you start mailing things to zone 8 you’ll think it’s bankrupt. You’ll think bankrupt. You’re funding it. Zone 8 ain’t no joke.

Carolyn 49:45
What’s zone 8? What’s zone 8?

iON 49:49
YOU are zone 8. You are zone 8.

Carolyn 49:50
AH! Ha ha ha. Okay. Next – continuing. Let me get this note here, zone eight. "Every male fiend and every female fiend shall be destroyed by the Osiris Ani," So we’re still fighting them off, iON. Look at that.

iON 50:15
Oh yeah, of course. They think they know something, see?

Carolyn 50:20
Oh, that’s where Bob came up and, and played a hyacinth on me. –

iON 50:24
Mm hmm.

Carolyn 50:24
– So, are male and female fiends, are they related to angels?

iON 50:31
They do. They represent – they can move them.

Carolyn 50:35
Yeah, yeah. Wow. Angels can move fiends. And use them, you mean use them to their end?

iON 50:45
Yeah. They can. They can. They make the limitation, you see. The angels don’t make limitations. The humans make the limitations, then they apply into this – these people are confused. They think they got power. That’s why the dead people will haunt your house because you give them a little bit of power, then they’re doing crazy shit.

Carolyn 51:08
Mm hmm.

Bob 51:10
I haven’t seen such –

iON 51:11
Which ain’t angel, that’s dead people.

Bob 51:11
– fear in Carolyn’s eyes. (Carolyn laughs) When she thought I was an angel, I haven’t seen such fear since, say, July ’72 in Amsterdam. That was the last time I saw such fear.

iON 51:21
Oh, lord, that’s scary.

Carolyn 51:22
And you mistake joking, sarcastic, fear-based eyes, Bob.

Bob 51:30
No, no, when you’re joking you’re covering up the grief, the grievance.

Carolyn 51:36
Can we move on?

iON 51:37
There’s a grievance? You really did seem like –

Bob 51:40
Yeah, wishing you a Gurdjieff grievance. Ha ha ha

Carolyn 51:44
I don’t know about that in-joke. Yep.

iON 51:45
Ha ha ha. Now you just lost the – you had 99%. 99% were lost. Now 100% are lost with the Gurdjieff grievance.

Carolyn 51:53
Exactly. Continuing. Well what it said: "Every male fiend and every female fiend shall be destroyed by the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth. Whether the fiends descend from out of heaven, or whether they come forth from the earth, or whether they advance on the waters," Uh oh. Advance on the waters. So, is that River Stykx or living water?

iON 52:19
No, neither. Neither. It’s one foot on the land and one foot on the sea.

Carolyn 52:26
Ah. Mmm. okay. And continuing, or whether they come from (electric noise). What’s going on? Bob, are you doing something?

iON 52:38
Okay, now, that’s better.

Carolyn 52:39
Or whether they – Okay, you – "or whether they come from among the Star-gods, Thoth, [the son of Aner]," So, how – when did Thoth become the son of Aner? We’ve never heard of him before.

iON 52:55
Yes, no, that’s a reference. That’s like when Bob came from City Island, then Bob came from Canadia, and then Bob came from New York, and then Bob came from California.

Carolyn 53:05
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

iON 53:06
That’s where he came from. It’s stages. You’ll see, it gets better when we start actually bringing – reviving some of these jackasses, it’ll be easier. And then it’ll make more sense.

Carolyn 53:18
And so, Aner, he’s not the baby, baby daddy, he’s just a reference point.

iON 53:24
He’s certainly not the paterfamilias. That’s correct.

Carolyn 53:27
Heh heh. Okay, and then continuing. We have: "coming forth from Anerti shall hack them to pieces." So, this Thoth, the son of Aner, coming forth from Anerti shall hack them to pieces. Gosh, we’re still fighting.

iON 53:52
Yeah. No, we’re gonna – that’s how you – it’s easier to compost them if you chop them up.

Carolyn 53:56
Ehh. "And the Osiris Ani shall make them silent and dumb. And behold ye, this god, the mighty one of slaughters, the terror of whom is most great, shall wash himself clean in your blood, and he shall bathe in your gore, and ye shall be destroyed by the Osiris Ani in the Boat of his Lord Ra- Horus." Is that the Megiddo fighting?

iON 54:25
Ah ha. It lands that way, but it’s also the the references of how you take the body parts from the dead that’s no good. And then you take a human body and turn it to a god. The same way you change your meatsack, you change your blood, you wash, you wash in the – are you washed in the blood of the Lamb kind of thing.

Carolyn 54:48
Yeah, yeah.

iON 54:49
The same thing for the Passover, the feast of Passover, but you don’t even know who Elijah is, so I don’t know how you’d celebrate the Passover.

Carolyn 54:59
Oh dear. Should we, ah –

iON 55:01
That’s for another day.

Carolyn 55:04
For another day. Should we go into that in private?

iON 55:08

Carolyn 55:10
Bob, make a note. Check out check out Elijah. E-l-i-j-a h or something.

iON 55:21
That’s it. You spelled that really quick. You have to print slowly.

Carolyn 55:26
Yeah, yeah. Bob says we know that guy. Heh heh heh.

iON 55:31
Yeah, well, good. No problem then. Then, good.

Carolyn 55:36
Okay, so we know him. Continuing: "The heart of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, shall live. His mother Isis giveth birth to him, and Nephthys nurseth him, just as Isis gave birth to Horus, and Nephthys nursed him. [He] shall repulse the Smait fiends of Suti. They shall see the Urrt Crown stablished upon his head, and they shall fall down upon their faces [and worship him]." Look, fall down on their faces. Where have we heard that before, iON?

iON 56:25
Praise Bob. Praise Bob. Everybody better get to praising Bob or the rocks is gonna cry out. Y’all ain’t lived through crying rocks yet. But you’re fixin’ to, you’re fixin’ to. Trump said it was gonna be a rough week.

Carolyn 56:41
Yeah, that’s Key 10. Those rocks, they’ll – one becomes 1000 and then, pshtt, you’re down.

iON 56:49
Mm hmm. Do.

Carolyn 56:50
Continuing: "Behold, O ye Spirit-souls, and men, and gods, and ye dead, when you see the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, in the form of Horus, and the favoured one of the Urrt Crown, fall ye down upon your faces. The word of the Osiris Ani is truth, before his enemies in heaven above, and on earth beneath, and before the Tchatchau Chiefs of every god and of every goddess." Anything before I go into the rubric of this previous chapter?

iON 57:30
No, it flows, it flows. It’s just not telling you everything. It’s on purpose leaving out some of the gorish, wonderful, gorish, wonderfully gorish details that are gonna be necessary. Some would say like other indemnified conditioned responses, but Bob can clean up all details. So, it’s good. But if we told, if we told every inch of it, and they get sideways with it, they’re still gonna call and say, "Oh my god, I’m in the midst of this and I don’t remember the rubric. Was I supposed to do it before or was it after? Was I talking to Sun Ra or Ra Sun, or Sun Ra Moon or is it Carolyn’s and Bob’s honeymoon? No, Sun Ra, maybe, no. We can’t remember but it was somethin’ about that. Will you please straighten it out for" – so, why go through it 99 times? They’re gonna call anyways. So just go with it. You’re good. That is not a complete representation of everything that just occurred here what it said.

Carolyn 58:27
Now, are we saying it’s not the gory details yet? Or, we’re not going to get there, this is it?

iON 58:33
Yes, you’re gonna get there but they’re gonna get into this just like the OA movements, just like the Keys and the Aethyrs, then they’re going to ask 99 million times. So, rather than go start all this to do it 99 million times twice, we’ll just do it 99 million times when they get there. No reason – it’s not going to help them now. And it won’t, they won’t remember then. So, we’ll save it.

Bob 58:54
Are you in the Chapter of the New Moon, Carolyn?

Carolyn 58:58
(Laughing along with iON) Bob wakes up.

iON 59:06
No, Bob, we’re in the – no, Bob, we’re in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Where are you? Get out of that library. If you don’t lime those bodies better, you’re really gonna get in trouble. You already got the five ones stirred up.

Carolyn 59:20
Don’t worry Bob, we’ve just got one more paragraph to do –

Bob 59:23
Well, I want to join you on the last paragraph. So, where is it?

Carolyn 59:27
It’s just –

iON 59:28
We’re under rubric. Heh heh.

Carolyn 59:30
Yeah, it says rubric, but let’s tell him this – ha ha, you’re bad, iON. It’s above the chapter that says, "Another Chapter." Okay, so –

Bob 59:42
Oh, yeah. Another chapter which is to be recited when the moon reneweth itself?

Carolyn 59:45
Yes, that’s right. So, above that –

iON 59:48
Page 40.

Carolyn 59:49
– page 40, huh? We did two pages. Awesome. So, we’re reading through: "RUBRIC. This Chapter (Carolyn: and so, the chapter we just read, that chapter) shall be recited over a large" Mute, Bob.

Bob 1:00:04
Let me read this, show you how to read this stuff (Carolyn: AAHHH! HA HA!) You know, you’re not too good on the pronunciation.

Carolyn 1:00:09
Yeah, I know.

Bob 1:00:10

Carolyn 1:00:10
You read "Finnegans Wake."

Bob 1:00:12
Yeah, this is the easy stuff.

iON 1:00:13
Those would be, those would be, those would be enunciation then, wouldn’t they Bob?

Bob 1:00:17
Yes, you’re correct.

Carolyn 1:00:19
Okay, I’ll mute. Thank you, Bob.

Bob 1:00:24
Mm mm. I’m clearing my throat.

Carolyn 1:00:25
Bob clears his throat! Ha ha ha.

iON 1:00:26
Mm mm. Mm mm.

Bob 1:00:30
This is gonna be serious.

iON 1:00:31
(mimics hacking up and spitting) Yeah.

Bob 1:00:35
Which chapters is this? Chapter of the New Moon?

iON 1:00:38
The one we just did.

Carolyn 1:00:38
Yeah, the one above.

Bob 1:00:39
Summarizing previous – right. This chapter shall be recited over a large hawk. Hehehe, a large hawk?

iON 1:00:47
What the hell’s a, what the hell’s a large –

Carolyn 1:00:55
Hawking! Hawking! Hawking! A large hawk –

Bob 1:00:55
Yeah, a large hawk. No wonder I wanted to speak.

Carolyn 1:00:55
– iON said that.

Bob 1:00:56
Yeah, this chapter shall be recited over a large hawk standing upright with the right Crown upon his head.

iON 1:01:03
Right Crown? What the fuck are you saying? It’s White, not right. (Bob laughs) Good god! Carolyn, he’s in the hyacinth. –

Bob 1:01:11
Yeah, let’s start over.

iON 1:01:13
– He’s been eatin’ the hyacinth again. (hawk, puuu)

Bob 1:01:18
Okay, this chapter shall be recited over a large hawk standing upright with the White Crown upon his head, (electric noise) Hey, watch your phone there. Mute. And over figures – I’ll do it again. "This chapter shall be recited over a large hawk standing upright with the White Crown upon his head, [and over figures of] Tem, Shu, Tefnut, Keb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, [Suti] and Nephthys. And they shall be painted in colour upon a new tablet, which shall be placed in a boat, together with a figure of the deceased. Anoint them with heken oil, and offer unto them burning incense, and geese, and joints of meat roasted. It is an act of praise to Ra as he journeyeth in his boat, and it will make a man to have his being with Ra, and to travel with him wheresoever he goeth, and it will most certainly cause the enemies of Ra to be slain. And the Chapter of travelling shall be recited on the sixth day of the festival." That’s it. Is this got somethin’ to do with Moon Unit in any way? What is Moon Zappa going through right as we do this, right now? What’s she doing?

iON 1:02:32
Ah, a bad day. (indistinct)

Bob 1:02:34
Having a bad day. Oh, yeah, she’s staying home?

iON 1:02:40
You have to, it’s against the law.

Bob 1:02:42
Oh, yeah. Okay. How was that, Carolyn? There wasn’t that many hard words, though.

Carolyn 1:02:48
No. We’ll have to pull you in another time-ing. And so the last phrase is just that this – the APPENDIX says it’s (From the Turin Papyrus). And we’ll stop here at page 40. And the next chapter is "ANOTHER CHAPTER WHICH IS TO BE RECITED WHEN THE MOON RENEWETH ITSELF ON THE DAY OF THE MONTH [WHEREON IT DOETH THIS]." Okay, iON, you’re good?

iON 1:03:19
Yeah. Aren’t you gonna ask what heken oil is?

Carolyn 1:03:23
Yeah, but Bob sort of took it over and my mind just went into this hyacinth haze. I didn’t – yes, what is heken oil? Keken oil –

iON 1:03:33
It’s a form – okay.

Carolyn 1:03:39
Yeah, I’m just getting helen oil. It’s not getting –

iON 1:03:46
Yeah. Right.

Carolyn 1:03:47
Whoa ho. What is it, iON?

iON 1:03:49
That’s right. It’s a, it’s a form, it’s this form of grains of paradise.

Carolyn 1:03:57
Oh, wow. Awesome.

iON 1:04:00
Especially the new grains of paradise.

Carolyn 1:04:04
Mm hmm.

Bob 1:04:05
I think I read that while on mute, Carolyn.

Carolyn 1:04:09
You read it on mute?

Bob 1:04:10
Yeah, I think so. Anybody care? Nobody’s commenting on it. Nobody was listening.

Carolyn 1:04:16
Ha ha ha. Oh my gosh, funny. Okay, Bob. Thank you, iON.

Bob 1:04:19
No, we gotta do it again! I read it on mute.

Carolyn 1:04:23
I don’t think so.

Bob 1:04:24

Carolyn 1:04:25
I know I –

Bob 1:04:27

Carolyn 1:04:27
– heard it through my –

Bob 1:04:28
All right.

Carolyn 1:04:29
– headphone ‘cuz my phone fell apart when you were, we were laughing so hard.

Bob 1:04:34

Carolyn 1:04:34

Bob 1:04:35
Okay, here we go.

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