Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
ginney happy birthday Carolyn trump’s campaign for viceroy RnA Drops as the new currency carbon cloud computing the 168th generation of the RnA Drops now being made
deborah the judge bob’s battle ascension as graceless reality bob has been studying “piece of earth” goes to Andromeda
deb west wonderful connie ion chafes under ionauts’ contempt connie’s lost earpiece found bob will not be bothered sonic booms from ion’s chili farts kerry of project camelot is tired-looking
bert “Left-Overs” TV show super-ionized low-temperature plasma theta waves no more REM during sleep (REM is a “do not disturb” sign) (no circadian rhythm) (“merger of alpha and theta waves – merger of the Kingdoms”) above 530 hrz is dangerous in theta waves, 7hrz is dangerous in alpha waves) carbonation
bob’s body and astro proton acceleration anti-hydrogen neutron is an anti-particle more on the “Left-Overs” TV show Angels feed off emotions (“needs X faith = motivation”) Fukushima and Iceland (“earth ganglian cyst”) (ion’s isolation) Al2SO4
tina her health her diet her 5-year old is trying to show Tina how to live Tina then talks to Eliza (she had changed Tina’s fridge the last time they talked)
Brian questions for Eliza
bob the dead medicine Florida naked short selling “computer is LSD to business” – McLuhan biden vs. trump
brian naked short selling original Biden has died ion lays out what’s coming
jack carolyn on COVID vaccines Tech Body interview [Tech Body’s origins more on the vaccines (the Big Die-Off) 49 Tables (Ch.23) create an expensive casket how to get closer to ion Keys and Ayers several double helix strands] reverse advertising
germaine no sun in the original continent Atlantis the Pyramids making our world judy garland her chinese customer selling her property in costa rica
eira several of her doubles have died her lack of saltiness