Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
anita fungi boron is important hemp is useful ion comments on her research her RNA hungary is too vaccinated ormond hungary should vaccinate more gmo ruins fungi her victory lap ionauts ask questions del’s urine idea gregg’s idea with our mighty mash
bob’s idea of irradiation as the middle kingdom of the non-physical “add emotion, Anita” (ion plays the piano) creation is “re-noticing” alyssa jean’s questions draconian well chemtrails the world will be destroyed by fire the Flood as abomination
germaine costa rican “cannels” andromedans in the 70s jonah and the whale “mastery” emotion
jack more on emotion and the throat tech body makes humans mechanical bob’s media ecology ion’s taxes talk
anita her experiment her lost hard drive Keys and Ayers
bert “Rip = power of interface” “emotion = tachyon field” gravitational force centrifugal force returning from his “travels” NBA injuries robert de niro
nik draconian well acquifer as big as africa nik’s latest painting his third olive tree the Rip makes people do stupid things golgotha sidney powell
dimitriy plasma field’s donut shape (the 4th state of matter) his level is different but valid Philip Corso sarfatti and our recording cattle mutilations
eira black plague (leprosy) Lord (authority) vs. God (superconductor) nan’s red brick dust French ionauts in Belgium Spanish and Italian devastation linda moulton howe is not “pure” racial superiority do all the Keys and Ayers
roy little man syndrome “the secret of life” is in monty python’s movie astro is not a regular dog bob says a lot of things that are limiting definition of emotion (“a machinery clutch”)
bart QAnon and MJ12 “quantum entanglement” refers to landing bert’s stretching “traveling” techniques
bart “the law made nothing perfect” jesus’ blood ascended (amino acids) elders judge your blood “you are the judge” “bound on earth…” critical race theory, “the end of government, judiciary, and executive” “controlled demolition to controlled burn”