I’ve never ever uttered a non-sequitur.
Come to think of it, I’ve never engaged in argument. I wouldn’t know how to do it… since I don’t have a point of view.
An example: recently iON announced that I have been selected to represent humanity when the Aliens arrive shortly. I have been given certain things to do to prepare for the encounter – which I am doing: “obedience is better than sacrifice” (iON).
I asked iON why me. They said that all previous encounters with these Aliens have resulted in ambivalence because the Aliens erased the memories of the engagement from the mind of the “experiencer” (term for abductees in the UFO subculture).
Apparently, I have a unique gift: I don’t have a mind for the Aliens to erase – an unforeseen consequence, I assume, of not ever having a point of view during the 99 years I have been living on this nosecone.
Neat, eh?
7 June 2021