Helixtrolysis: Cyberology and the Joycean “Tyrondynamon Machine”

We are presently in an environmental stasis (a “Rip”, since November, 2021) which includes the struggles between the friendly Tech Body, the Android Meme, powerful iONdom, arriving Aliens, hostile Angels, and uncorked Seraphim and Nephilim (bottled at the time of Noah’s Flood).

A book has arrived which helps X-ray the contours of this ROUT:

Helixtrolysis: Cyberology and the Joycean “Tyrondynamon Machine” by Louis Armand (born in Australia in 1972).

Taking its inspiration from Donald Theall and Bob Dobbs, it carries us to the doorstep of our Victory Lap which only APPEARS to not have a finish line.

Bob Dobbs

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