Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
bob and ion present some TikToks antarctica earthquake
jack new orleans hurricane ida ion’s wrath on duffellbag seventh seal opening bob plays Blind Mellow Jelly for first time pineal gland changes the spinal fluid to synovial fluid blood changes armageddon now carolyn stopped Big Pharma the elijah-enoch connection Daniel 12:9-13 greg and jack argue, then ion and greg argue
allan definition of “sin” ten commandments/suggestions definition of “the war in heaven” tom macdonald origins of the Tech Body (and its relationship with the Angels) Elon Musk 5G towers is part of the War in Heaven true Blue Moon
linda “getting our bones right” list of angels as educators angels/aliens created APPLE splitting of the atom (Iter is seeking new potential in magnetism) “truth is marching on” god particle Battle Hymn of the Republic the mass die-off white house UFOS in 1952
bert more on the Battle Hymn of the Republic Air Force document and the plasma field (the body) (Iter and Hurricane Ida) merger of the theta and the alpha waves the role of quarks in the plasma field “scaling into the integer” spherical geometry tesla coil “one can only move energy” “the horizontal is going to stratify the ionosphere”
“the EMP will redirect the radio ray trajectories” “the floating plasma solar winds and ionic photoelectrons” mike lindell’s security threat Book of Jude www = 666 (the Tech Body Rev.13:16-17) the origin of Angel meddling with humanity (Hagar) zombie apocalypse Gen.16:1-14
eben jean dixon’s crystal ball (in the Nixon library) how to get a response out of ion white mud Book of the Archons (Sophia) emanation of the monad epanoia like Hoodoo terracotta army the undiscovered Planet Earth (which is a vehicle) why there will be a mass die-off (“forced ascension” to go to Andromeda) the perfect submarine the world is not round
eira white mud (see China) the Black Madonna at the time of the Black Plague the Greater and Lesser Antilles more on Hurricane Ida
alison the Krystal Caves in Bermuda and Atlantis
susana COVID took trepidation out of her body