Radio iON Bob’s Notes | 21 September 2021

NOTE: Times are close but not exact. All times are Hawaii Time. You will need to convert to Pacific Standard Time (PST) for the Achieve Radio archives. Hawaii does not use Daylight Saving Time, so there is an extra hour difference during DST.

Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)

one-hour session with Queen Elizabeth the Second


ginney congratulates Bert on his ESP


piano starts being played in the background – plays for the next 52 minutes


dimitry comments on the piano playing


germaine interested in Bert’s ESP (“quantitative outlet of inhibition”) and JW (wants Balmoral)


linda ion mocks Bob talking with Pres. Trump on this coming Saturday’s PAYDAY show Bert vs. Bob vs. Carolyn in “applying words” choosing her daughter


jack the Queen asked about his Instagram show his mother ion says “we are Zacchaeus sitting in a sycamore tree wondering what God is, trying to pronounce what God is, watching, a doubting Thomas”


alison “the hara is going away because the womb is closing” (the Abrogate is defined by ion) “as the babies are becoming less, the dead are becoming more” (“Bob takes over the Vatican’s CODEX – the NEW Position {the L Factor}”) (“JW misses the clocks in Sandringham making sound”)

ion doesn’t know what emotion is (“Dave moved into a box in her house – once the RIP is quieter, you can open the box”)


susana Angel’s halo is a dulcimer (“controls frequency and environment”) (“humans have auras, not halos”) Carolyn can smote Angels via spits


nik Bert pierced the Veil (“the Piercing won’t affect Bert’s RIP while the general RIP is closed but not gone away – it’s gonna catch up”) (“now the whole conversation is different and Trump is coming back and in charge – the whole wide world is saying ‘fuck Biden!’ – that’s a whole another window comin’ along”)


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