Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
germaine california catastrophe “great awakening” map elon musk zuckerberg’s Metaverse travis scott’s pagan concert ginney iON’s “Finnegans Wake” (the seven aspects) carolyn’s urine topological buffers of exotic matter (4th Ring of “Finnegans Wake”)
gregg COVID rates in Africa why Ascension is the only event left
al baja calif. RnA Drops
alissa her job her ascension Lahaina (“The Last Resort”) earth’s core is slowing down Canada’s Chernobyl plasma shifts in the ionized molecules
bert la palma (“a new vent”) earthquakes are more important “the intergalactic” tesseract trafalgar aliens “the fruit of the loom has been tainted” “Another Life” TV show angels trapped in the Tigris waters
susana the nucleus via the sugar cube the lost Bobs (in 1914)