Bob’s Private Session Transcript, 14 January 2021


Transcribed by Nan

iON 0:00
Everybody knows the — well, they didn’t know the difference. They know what the difference is now, CD4 can vary all the time but them T cells telling you where you are, what your actual viral load includes, and so that they didn’t know that then. So he blew all that fucking money to realize that your CD4 could be one level and your viral load be something else. So, pfft, it’s separates you so you can live.

Carolyn 0:24
Yeah, I mean, the whole polymerase chain reaction measurement. They’re even saying today that it — the guy that invented it said it never worked. ‘Cause they can pick up a little fragment of the virus and then pretend like it was an overwhelming infection. And at the time when I was doing the AIDS study in New York, most of our guys went to the AZT. They bought all the bullshit about it, just like they’re lying about vaccines now. And they all died.

iON 1:01
That’s why Representative Swalwell is comparing Trump to Osama bin Laden. [Bob chuckles] Same conversation. Good.

Bob 1:12
But, but the people are looking at this and saying, the TV viewers or whatever they’re scanning.

iON 1:17
Who are the, who are the people? Come on, be specific, Bob.

Bob 1:20

iON 1:20
You can’t, –

Bob 1:21
Citizens that are mad.

iON 1:21
– this ain’t, this ain’t, this ain’t, this ain’t Mary McLuhan you fucking with Bob, you got to be a little more [Bob laughs] specific than that.

Bob 1:31
Are you — the people are those that have ire that iON’s been going on about for a week and a half. The ire.

iON 1:37
The ire going, the ire, the ire capacities going over the top. Normal people are through; they’re done with it. They know the election is rigged. They know it was fixed, they know it’s fictitious, and how these yellow dog, glib glag gig glob gube globbers are comin’ in here tryin’ to run some um down their throat hole, and they’re not gonna do it. They’re not gonna have it. When they come to their house, they’re gonna shoot ’em. And when they shoot ’em, it’s gonna become a thing. And when it becomes a thing, then the people are gonna go, "Oh, hell no." And when the people go, hell no, they’re gonna say, "Okay, we’re not listenin’ to you because you weren’t rightfully elected, and we don’t really give a damn if you were rightfully elected, we’re not listenin’ to you anymore." Oh, yeah, didn’t George have trouble, didn’t George have tea trouble like that one time before?

Bob 2:27
Yes, yes. Yes. All right.

iON 2:30
Just sayin’. Be quiet. Be quiet. Be quiet. Let that soak in just a minute. [exhales] You need to let that soak in just a minute. Okay, now, go ahead. You might have another one more little epiphany before the night’s through, Bob.

Bob 2:44
[Bob chuckles] But that what you just said, I can play that. I’m gonna play that what you just said.

iON 2:48
Yeah. Okay. Please do.

Bob 2:52
All right, the next question. Simon Parkes is one of these in the know confidential guy who knows everything that’s going on behind the scenes. He says his mother was a medium possessed by an ET. I haven’t seen exactly but it’s something about an ET and his mother. I don’t know if his mother’s dead and she’s coming through a medium. What is that about? What’s happening there that’s real and what’s not real in Simon Parkes’ relationship with his mother?

iON 3:22
Mmm. Almost none of it. It’s his grandmother.

Bob 3:32
He doesn’t know it’s his grandmother.

iON 3:34

Bob 3:36
In what medium is the grandmother speaking through?

iON 3:40
Through the part that disappeared. See, you’re comparing him to the one that, that went away, disappeared in Gibraltar in 1986.

Bob 3:53
A relative of Simon Parkes?

iON 3:55
It’s the same person.

Bob 3:58
Ah, and that person is channeling for Simon Parkes, Parkes’ grandmother.

iON 4:05
Yeah. Well, well, it would be, that would be Margaret Parkes, but yeah.

Bob 4:09
The Margaret Parkes. Did — is Simon in the presence of the medium, or he does it on Zoom or something or on the phone?

iON 4:20
Can’t, can’t, baby, baby, can’t really tell.

Bob 4:25
Is it in Simon Parkes’ head? Is he picking up thoughts?

iON 4:29
Ahh, can’t tell the difference. See, at this point, it’s a little diluted. You see, how do you know?

Bob 4:39
So when he talks about his sources in intelligence, you think of chemical bodies, part of MI6 or something, they’re leaking stuff to him. That’s not at all what it is. It’s his own delusion.

iON 4:52
In essence. Let’s just say in essence. Now it may catch up and become something different maybe, but, but not today, see.

Bob 5:02
All right. Okay.

iON 5:04
Good. That’s very good.

Bob 5:06
Yep. The President has created the National A.I., Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office, the National A.I. Initiative Office. Is that a cover for trying to figure out the Tech Body?

iON 5:23

Bob 5:25
That’s, that’s them investigating me.

iON 5:29
Well, no, it’s tryin’ to validate you.

Bob 5:33
Ah, they know there’s some um goin’ on here or they wouldn’t even attempt to do that. But they are and we hear about this. We, I know more about this now, don’t I?

iON 5:47
You do.

Bob 5:48
Yeah. I have here how many on the board of the A.I. How many aliens on the board of this investigative project?

iON 5:58

Bob 5:58
Aha. So, you get that, Carolyn? The National A.I. Initiative Office is the hen, the hen guarding the fox. You get that, Carolyn? [Carolyn laughs in background] It’s the chocolate got into the milk. Very interesting. So,

iON 6:09
The chocolate got into the milk? What the hell you talkin’ about?

Bob 6:24
Heh heh heh. Yeah, that’s bad grammar. Okay. Very good. That’s, that’s very interesting. I’ll be looking at that more closely even though I know what it’s all about. All right, the next one,

iON 6:37
So, what you’re gonna do is you’re going to give ’em $1,400 a person. So that with the $600 will make it $2,000. That’ll make that work for two grand. And adult dependents (indistinct) earlier around, some with children over age 17. It includes household with mixed immigration status. And then you got, you’ll go down to the jobless will get $400 a week up from $300 a week. That’s the Congress Relief Package. And it would extend payment to the two key pandemic unemployment programs through September. That’s in the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program that exhausted their regular state jobless payments in the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program, which provides benefits to the self-employed, independent contractors, gig workers, and certain people affected by the pandemic. Lawmakers will only provide an additional 11 weeks support in December package that’ll last until March. Nobody’s gonna get throwed out of their house, nobody’s gonna get throwed out of their rent. If you can’t pay, you don’t do. And it’s gonna be a 15% increase in food stamp benefits through September that don’t expire in June. And that’s another three billion to help women, infants and children, and 1 billion for nutrition assistance. And oh, yes, the child credit goes up to $25 billion. And oh, yes, Bob’s spendin’ money like it’s goin’ out of style. And they boost the child tax credit from $3,600 under age six to $3,000 for those between six and 17. Credit be made fully refundable. And then they go on down the subsidies for health and insurance premiums. They want to make everything subsidized to anybody who lost their insurance and got them monies. And mental health so the sick, so the sorry, sick, and lazy can be reinstated into public dichotomies. They can have paid sick and family leave benefits through September from December. And oh, yes, they’re gonna have small business owners are separate from the Paycheck Protection Program. They’re gonna give $35 billion in state and local tribal and nonprofit financing programs so that all the niggar-loving Jews can have all the monies they want. They’re gonna spend $350 million — billion to the state, local and federal government so that New York City can pay their back pensions and get their problem solved because Trump wouldn’t do it. And then they’re gonna have somethin’ to offset the declines in the tax revenues spurred by the people with bad management in the pandemic from the senior Biden administration officials that didn’t clarify the administration didn’t respond to a follow-up email asking for more information. So that lets you know they’re just gonna piss the money away, and ultimately gonna drop an additional $160 billion and then $20 billion in the hardest hit public transit agencies only in the democrat run cities, of course. They don’t have a good subway in Los Angeles. I don’t know how that’s going to quite work out just right. But then they’re gonna have $170 billion for the K-12 schools to help them reopen and operate separately from remote learning. Oh yes. And they’re gonna have $20 billion for the National Vaccination Program. They’re gonna make sure everybody in the world gets their arm up and their ass out. They’re gonna shoot him up in the butt. Yep. $50 billion for the testing and the funds to purchase rapid tests and expand the lab capacity to have schools implement the regular testing for support, and give 100,000 public health workers, nearly tripling the community health workforce. It’s addressing the health disparities by expanding community health centers and health services on the tribal lands, Bob, the Lakota [mimics Indian yell] they gonna get saved by Obama. Obama and Joe Biden gonna save ’em. He’s gonna save ’em, Bob. $15 an hour minimum wage, no matter what. You don’t even have to show up for work. You’re gonna get $15 an hour with a tip. Minimum wage is a sub-minimum wage, especially double that for people with disabilities. It’s gonna be a grand day. It’s gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight, Bob. That’s everything. $1.9 trillion, just spendin’ it like it was ice water, or, or corn liquor at a beach volleyball tournament, Bob.

Bob 6:52
Are you reading something that’s been written out by AOC and the democratic party?

iON 11:25
No, we’re tellin’ you what’s fixin’ to be, Bob.

Bob 11:27
It hasn’t been written out?

iON 11:30
We’re tellin’ you where you approved, we’re tellin’ you what’s been, where you’re gonna spend $1.9 trillion next tomorrow.

Bob 11:38
Okay. And that will be through the Biden administration.

iON 11:43
We don’t know. I guess. We don’t even know who that is. We don’t know who — is he runnin’, did he run for something, Bob?

Bob 11:49
Heh heh. Okay. Okay. Does the White House have an office for the Tech Body?

iON 12:05
No comment.

Bob 12:08
Okay. I have here Scott McKay, one of these independent bloggers. The people behind

iON 12:20
Ahh, yeah. That’s the guy who keeps tellin’ you how he knows everything.

Bob 12:22
Yeah. The people behind Trump that he met with in Texas on January 12, or maybe he didn’t meet with them, but there are rumors that he met with the people behind him. Is that a military faction?

iON 12:36

Bob 12:37
Right. They still support Trump.

iON 12:39
Yeah. It’s the, it’s the, it’s the faction, it’s the — we’re gonna say it this way. It’s just the regular patriots that come from the stem of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Bob 12:54
Did you say skim, s-k-i-m?

iON 12:56
Yeah. And don’t mess that up. It don’t — it’s not the hardcore, it’s not the skinheads or the proud boys or stupid ass shit. This is hard-grained Daughters of the American Revolution patriots. There’s a difference.

Bob 13:15
Yes. Sergeant Robert or Roger Horton said he was the Son of the American Revolution. Those kind of people?

iON 13:24
No, that’s a knockoff faction. These are the quiet people who run things.

Bob 13:29

iON 13:29
They have money, are sordid, and they still own slaves, Bob. Like you.

Bob 13:36
Ha! Okay, so I know the Daughters of the American Revolution put in Obama. Right? I remember that.

iON 13:46
Well, tokens are of a great esteem.

Bob 13:52
Tokens are the great esteem?

iON 13:55
Tokens are of a great esteem. Yes, go ahead. Come on, now. You’re burning up your daylight hours. Let’s go. You wanna go to the beach, don’t you? Hurry up. Let’s go.

Bob 14:05
So Trump met with these people. He knows who’s behind him, supporting him.

iON 14:10
Computer says yes.

Bob 14:12
Did Paul McCartney, the famous Beatle, –

iON 14:15

Bob 14:15
– actually die in 1969?

iON 14:18

Bob 14:19
Yes, Sir Paul McCartney. Did he die in 1969 as was rumored on the Beatles albums?

iON 14:25
Yeah, he did.

Bob 14:28
He did die. You’re not making up any crap. He, he did. And so there are doubles?

iON 14:34
He was replaced. Yeah. That’s why he’s still doin’, that’s why he’s still doing shit and still looks like he’s in his mid-50s. He’s 127 years old now, isn’t he?

Bob 14:46
Yeah. Did the other Beatles know that he was replaced?

iON 14:50
All the other Beatles are dead, Bob.

Bob 14:53
Yeah. Did the other Beatles — Ringo’s still alive.

iON 14:58
Is he? No, he’s not alive.

Bob 15:00
So, all the Beatles were killed?

iON 15:04

Bob 15:04
Long time ago.

iON 15:05

Bob 15:06
So, so the John Lennon that we saw murdered December 8th or so, in 1980, that was a double, or was that the final murder of the last Beatle?

iON 15:17
No, that was the final murder of that Beatle, but there’s been other — ask Yoko. She talks about talkin’ to John all the time and her higher self and her woo woo, and her Arakawa problems that she runs into about not dying and bullshit like that. So yeah, yeah, yeah. No, there’s this what do you call it, what do you call the subcultures? You know, when they have the rave, and the fuck parties, in the underground New York, for the certain people get invited, blah, blah, blah. Those Johns would go to that ’cause nobody cared. Everybody was on X or transdermal DSMA or SDMA, or BDAA, or whatever. Carolyn knows what it is.

Bob 16:02
Yeah, you’re saying. You’re saying John Lennon went to that.

iON 16:06
Yes. The replacement of John Lennon went to those parties, and that’s what Yoko still boasts about. That’s why she’s not — this was not with someone else because she had that John to fuck with.

Bob 16:22
And so people who were at the party see this John Lennon.

iON 16:27
Yeah, but they’re all stripped out on X, and meth, and, and ecstasy, and crack and crick and crank, and Molly, and Dolly, so they didn’t know. They didn’t know. He just became a, see, he just became a dude with a dick. He wasn’t anything significant. He didn’t break out, he didn’t break out in a song that was something unbelievable or somethin’ from the White Album. He didn’t do any of that. So you know, it wasn’t like that. So he was just a dude with a dick at the party. So they saw him. He was, he was memorable, meaning, they liked it, but they were so elevated in their transcendental stated epiphany, they didn’t realize that it was a mocked of John Lennon because John Lennon didn’t fuck many people when he was, like, a Beatle. He was scared. He was like you, Bob. He was sort of a germaphobe. [Bob chuckles]. So, he used to fuck people for just some um to do.

Bob 17:25
Right. Now does Yoko Ono in these parties fuck other people or just her John?

iON 17:32
Yeah, she don’t care. She’d fuck anything, it doesn’t matter. She don’t, she’s just a whore.

Bob 17:36
Okay. Let’s, let’s do the order of death. Was, was Paul McCartney murdered or did he die in an accident?

iON 17:45
Oh, my god. The first one was an accident. Second was a murder. There’s been about four of ’em, Bob.

Bob 17:50
I see. And who was the next Beatle to die? George, Ringo, or John?

iON 17:58

Bob 18:00
Right. Way back in the 70s, a few years after Paul died.

iON 18:03
That’s right. That’s right.

Bob 18:04
Was it some

iON 18:05
And then Ringo, then Ringo after that.

Bob 18:09
Right. Now they were killed in the 70s because somebody had a beef against the Beatles?

iON 18:15
No, it was because the invasion was superseding the, the, the Lady Bird Johnson referendum.

Bob 18:28
So Strom Thurmond, who’s rumored to have tracked John Lennon

iON 18:33
Stop. Don’t say — you’re not qualified to say Strom Thurmond’s name. Don’t you mention Strom Thurmond. [Bob chuckles] Don’t you say his name. You don’t say his name. You can say what he represents. Do you wanna do that? That’s fine, but don’t you talk about Strom Thurmond. Don’t you say it. You can call it somethin’ else.

Bob 18:50

iON 18:50
You’re not gonna say Strom Thurmond around here. He — oh no.

Bob 18:54
Heh heh. He organized the murder of The Beatles.

iON 18:58
Well, yeah, ’cause there was (indistinct) for Pete’s sake.

Bob 19:01
There was what? Fear?

iON 19:03
For Pete’s sake. Foreigners runnin’ around here tryin’ to run some um for Pete’s sake. [Bob chuckles] People runnin’ around, takin’ their brassieres off, and strippin’ off, and smoking Lebanese hash, and runnin’ around here havin’ love power and some bullshit. Somethin’ takin’ over America. Goddamn, that’s like the Chicoms when they tried to take over with the damn — well, ask Lucille Ball what happens when you sign up for the Communist Party. We’ll show you how socialism works around here. The very idea.

Bob 19:35
Okay. Harold Channer. What is he doing now? He’s, he’s dead, he’s in the purgatory,

iON 19:44
He’s afraid of you, he’s afraid of you. You did him in. He was upset that you did him in; you could have saved him, but he didn’t pay attention. He kinda got lost in the sweep and so he’s afraid of you. He’s tryin’ to figure out how he’s gonna make it. He’s not made it on the River Styx yet. He certainly is in what you call purgatory, hell, because he wouldn’t live in heaven while he was here. One of the few exceptions, but that’s because we take a personal stride into this particular ramification, Bob.

Bob 20:20
He wouldn’t accept heaven, did you say, while he was here?

iON 20:24

Bob 20:25
And that, that would have been listening to me; he couldn’t do it. Now, why is he afraid of me? What am I doing to him?

iON 20:32
Well, you doomed him to hell, Bob.

Bob 20:35
Hmm. Well, I

iON 20:37
One drop of water the rich man cried from hell. One drop of water, but not a single drop fell.

Bob 20:46
Huh. So,

iON 20:47
He lived a selfish — Harold Channer lived a selfish life, Bob. Selfish.

Bob 20:53
Yes. So I offered him some heaven. He rejected it, and he knows he rejected it.

iON 21:03

Bob 21:03
And he’s afraid that I’m still after him for rejecting it.

iON 21:08

Bob 21:10
Wow. His partner,

iON 21:12
So, that’s what happened. And so then what happened is, once that occurred and you gave no relief, there was no place to go but down. Down, down, down. Now his partner, you were — we didn’t mean to cut you off. We were just tryin’ to make sure you had something significant to say. His partner, and go ahead, Bob.

Bob 21:31
Yeah, his partner, Maggie, she’s on the ReMag I’m pretty sure.

iON 21:35

Bob 21:35
She’s making an effort to get into Bob’s heaven.

iON 21:39
She’s doin’, she’s doin’ good because she sees how ridiculous his nomenclature. See, he had a binomial nomenclature that was applied to nothing. So therefore, he had two faces that no one recognized. And then when he didn’t embrace you or spurned you, it was over. He had every chance; he had every opportunity. There was nothin’ to say. You didn’t like him necessarily, but you’d let him come back. And you’d even give him a space. You’d let him talk, you’d let him talk his way in or out of heaven. You’d let him engage us.

Bob 22:14

iON 22:14
You’d let it go all the way through. You got no bias. I mean, you hate everybody, you don’t care. You’re not prejudice. You hate everybody. So the point is, is there’s no reason that he should not have been able to affirm, castigate, or deny his morbidity. He could have brought that to us. We would have helped with him. We have, we — fuck, we even fuck with Dave. We not mad, we’ll deal with Dave. It’s all right with us. That’s "watermewell" Dave, by the way. Just in case anybody’s interested.

Bob 22:53
Oh, not Dave Worchester. Okay.

iON 22:56
Oh. Yeah. Just in case anybody matters. He can live. Right here, right now. But do what you do.

Bob 23:06

iON 23:07
We’re not mad.

Bob 23:09
And I can play this.

iON 23:11
Play it.

Bob 23:12

iON 23:13
Play it. We dare, we dare you to play it.

Bob 23:17
Were there many Antifa –

iON 23:21

Bob 23:21
– among the Trump protesters on January 6th in the Capitol building?

iON 23:26
Oh, yes. Every single body that was arrested, not one of them had a Parler account. They were all on Facebook. That’s where they got their wordy words.

Bob 23:37
So a lot of the — these were Antifa people on Facebook and a lot of them got caught and arrested.

iON 23:43
Yep. And then but they don’t talk about that. But they asked the question of how many of them had a Parler account, not one of ’em did. They were all, they all got their hookups from facial book.

Bob 23:55
Yes. Now, there’s footage of these Antifa-looking guys dressed in black going down the stairwell and exiting the building. And the first guy has a pouch in front of him. There’s a lot of stuff in a bag. Was he one of the guys who was carrying the laptops that they stole?

iON 24:16
No. No, no, no. They went through the basement. They went through the basement of the Executive building. There’s, there’s, there’s, tunnels, chunnels and tunnels underneath that at every level.

Bob 24:28

iON 24:28
So you go to the basement of the Executive Branch. It goes all the way to the, it goes all the way to the Watergate Hotel, Bob. You know, if you see it from a distance. It’ll reach all the way over to the Watergate Hotel.

Bob 24:41
That’s part of the network that we talk about the (overtalk) Smithsonian.

iON 24:46
Yeah. The, the network we talk about that we don’t talk about? Yeah, that’s the one. [iON laughs]

Bob 24:51
Yeah. Yeah. And the

iON 24:54
You so damn clever. You so damn clever. Yeah, that’s the network we don’t talk about that we talk about that we don’t talk about. [Bob chuckles] That’s the — yeah, Bob that’s the one. That’s the one we don’t talk about. We’re not gonna talk about what we’re not gonna not talk about that one. Right?

Bob 25:09
Right. And we can play this.

iON 25:12
You keep asking that, but you’re gonna do it anyway. So do it. Hurry up, let’s go.

Bob 25:17
Okay, I have here. Did the CIA kill Antonin Scalia?

iON 25:24
Yes, Bob, you know that. We actually did that a long time ago at the huntin’ club. It’s kind of like, it’s kind of like John Cheney when he — John Cheney. Dick Cheney when he shot his friend in the face on accident. [iON laughs]

Bob 25:37
Right. Right. Did, did that person die?

iON 25:41
It was an accident. I didn’t mean to. Yeah. He did.

Bob 25:44
So he was — the guy didn’t survive it. It wasn’t an accident.

iON 25:47
No. Well, it was an accident. He didn’t mean to shoot him in the face. He just meant him to die.

Bob 25:54
And did he die and it wasn’t reported?

iON 25:58
Was not reported. No.

Bob 26:02

iON 26:05
Stop changing the subject. We’re talkin’ about Trump. We’re not talking about Cheney. Liz Cheney’s gonna get her shit. She gonna get her comeuppance, don’t worry about that. We got this. We got this.

Bob 26:17
I won’t play this.

iON 26:17
No, do. Play it. Play it! It don’t bother us. That bitch didn’t bother talkin’ her shit. Come on, honey. Raise your hand against Donald J. Trump. See how that works out for you! Don’t say nothin’. Do what you do. Do something. Say something. All right? Settle it. That’s what you do. Where is Dennis Prager when you need it, Bob? Dennis Prager would tell ya how the milk got in the coconut. Ha ha.

Bob 26:44
Yeah, who’s that? You don’t mean Jeffrey Prager?

iON 26:47
No, Dennis Prager. P-r-a-g-e-r.

Bob 26:52
I’ve heard of him.

iON 26:53
Yeah. He’s really smart. He’s like you, Bob, he’s really smart; only he doesn’t tell you he’s smart.

Bob 26:59
[Bob chuckles] Dennis Prager. Let’s look that up. He has a show.

iON 27:03
Don’t look it up. Don’t look it up. Keep goin’, Bob, you’re runnin’ out of time. Let’s go. The ice cream’s here! Hurry up.

Bob 27:11
Okay, so the — there’s this guy named Russell-Jay Gould.

iON 27:18

Bob 27:19
And he claims to be the Postmaster General of earth. And he replaced the King of England. And so there’s this video, Roger, Robert or Roger Horton, who goes through how this was created, the Postmaster General. So there’s a lot of details. Is that — and he attributes to an old Masonic control secret bureaucracy. It’s a metaphor of the sea. You’re born in water. When you see the doctor, the doctor receives you, your docked. And then you’re harbored in a maternity ward because you’re a prisoner of the state because you haven’t got your birth certificate yet. When you get your birth certificate, then you’re a commercial entity, and you spend your life being sold. So this guy, Russell-Jay Gould, he says he mailed himself through customs of all kinds of countries, including the Vatican, because he knew the proper way to talk, the proper grammar.

iON 28:29
Yeah. Now the reason he’s tryin’ to do this is because of the Quantum Bank, Bob. That’s what you’re tryin’ to say. The Quantum Bank.

Bob 28:35
Yeah they talk about the Quantum Bank. What’s that? What’s the Quantum Bank?

iON 28:38
That’s where all the money goes. The Louis DeJoy problem.

Bob 28:44
That’s not the May Bank. That’s just recordings.

iON 28:47
No. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. That’s different, Bob. They can’t get into your shit. Goddamn.

Bob 28:53
Right. So the, so the money goes and he wants to get to where the money goes?

iON 28:59

Bob 29:00
Did he get there?

iON 29:02

Bob 29:04
So there is a reality to the networks; the law of the sea versus the law of the land.

iON 29:10
Lamb. Lamb, Lamb County. Lamb County, Bob. It’s in Texas.

Bob 29:15
That’s where the money goes?

iON 29:17

Bob 29:18
And what money is that? It’s not digital typing money, is it?

iON 29:22
No, no, no. It’s US Highway 70 on Farm Road, 1065, in northwestern Lamb County. Mm-hmm. Amherst.

Bob 29:32
And when — Amherst?

iON 29:32
Ah huh.

Bob 29:37
Yeah. When did this money stop being created?

iON 29:43
Stopped being created? Well, it started being created in 1924, but it hadn’t stopped yet, so. It hadn’t stopped, so, well in 1924 you were just a boy then weren’t you, Bob? Up till lately.

Bob 29:57

iON 29:57
So we’ll see how, we’ll let you know, when it ends.

Bob 30:01
What do people do with that money?

iON 30:03
None of your goddamn business.

Bob 30:06
[Bob chuckles] Okay, but it’s irrelevant in the credit card world right now, but if the credit card world

iON 30:13
Credit card, credit card world’s not money, Bob. Credit card’s credit, not money.

Bob 30:18
I know.

iON 30:18
Well you know, why would you ask that? Why do you say that if you know that?

Bob 30:22
Now just listen. When it disappears, cut off, then it’s good to have paper money?

iON 30:27
[whispering] What paper money?

Bob 30:33
You know the stuff that’s in the Texas place.

iON 30:37
Oh, you mean it’s gonna be like Bitcoin? Yeah, we wouldn’t hold that.

Bob 30:43
And you wouldn’t hold the paper money either.

iON 30:45
No, we probably wouldn’t.

Bob 30:47
So why

iON 30:47
Now, we told Carolyn to hold some. Now listen now. We told Carolyn she’s got to give, she needs some money to give to the, to the man who takes off the garbage. She gives them $100 to take off the garbage. We don’t know why, but it’s — I guess it’s that old mafioso when y’all were on City Island and they wouldn’t take your trash out.

Bob 31:06

iON 31:07
So she gave him $100 to take her trash off. [Bob chuckles] We don’t know why, but I guess it’s the old days of pussy. They don’t want to come. She didn’t want to find a horse head in her driveway. The obvious. Obfuscation of the obvious; that might be a meme you can embrace, Bob, but you’ll have to check with Kroker and see how it applies.

Bob 31:30
Okay, so Russell-Jay Gould is talking a language that’s valid, that I would call it a product of the Gutenberg Galaxy and the printing press. And it does, doesn’t hold water in the electric age, in the age of digital typing. Correct?

iON 31:43
Yeah. Llano Estacado. Mm-hmm.

Bob 31:49
That’s a person?

iON 31:50
Llano — that’s a region

Bob 31:55
Where is it?

iON 31:56
L-l-a. Texas.

Bob 31:58

iON 31:58
L-l-a-n-o. Space. Capital E-s-t-a — is that too fast for you? C-a

Bob 32:08

iON 32:09
D-o. Yeah. Llano Estacado.

Bob 32:16
That’s where the money is hidden?

iON 32:20
It’s in the Quantum Banking System.

Bob 32:24
All right, who is using the Quantum Banking System?

iON 32:29
Several people, Bob.

Bob 32:31
Beg your pardon? Several?

iON 32:33
Several people.

Bob 32:35
Did Russell-Jay Gould fail to find, connect with it?

iON 32:39
Yeah, for 22 years.

Bob 32:43
Right. And he was a bit of a genius in figuring out there was such a system.

iON 32:47
Ah, what the fuck, then he’s — if that’s true, then you’re a goddamn genius and we know better than that. Don’t we, Bob?

Bob 32:55
Heh heh. Yeah.

iON 32:57

Bob 32:57
Did — what books or something that you would read to find out about this Quantum-Grammar?

iON 33:08
Yeah, that’s good. Russell-Jay Gould’s Knowledge, Quantum Postal Banking System. That’s a good one. The New Global Banking Construct. Then Postmaster Bank is another one. And then you can also go to

Bob 33:28
Okay, these are books by him. These are books by Russell-Jay Gould.

iON 33:31
Yes. You can go to Major, you can go to Major Kraken who did the whole thing on the Quantum Global Banking System. That’s on the global federal level. You can go to — ah, shit, pick something, Bob. There’s a lot of them if you’re interested.

Bob 33:47
Is Major Kraken a person? Is Major Kraken a person?

iON 33:50
It’s a thing. It’s a thing.

Bob 33:52
I’m talking about ancient texts. What are those?

iON 33:55
Oh, no, that’s bearableguy123. It’s the person, Major Kraken. Major Kraken is bearableguy123.

Bob 34:06
Okay, so he wrote some books, but they’re — did Russell — Russell wrote some books, I think. So, what book would be

iON 34:16
Yes. David Wynn, David Wynn wrote some stuff that was fair, but they’re all opinions. See, they’re opinions.

Bob 34:23
Right. But was there, is there a book from 200 years ago?

iON 34:29
We don’t do time. We don’t know.

Bob 34:32
There are older books before — written about this system before Russell wrote his books. Correct?

iON 34:38
Okay. Yeah.

Bob 34:41
Okay, very good.

iON 34:44
All right, hurry up, Bob. You’re on the four-hour run.

Bob 34:46
Right, right. Yeah, we’re pretty well finished. So Russell-Jay Gould goes around saying he is the Postmaster General of the earth.

iON 34:55

Bob 34:56
And so I think it was Linda watched it. And then I watched him talk, and I said he sounds like me. And Linda laughed. That’s exactly what she thought. Then I realized later last night that, no, I’m the Postmaster General of Non-Physical! So that’s why she thought it was me.

iON 35:13
Yeah, but see, what, but see, what, what you’re picking up on is the Miller right principles.

Bob 35:20
Yeah, you mean David-Wynn Miller, his associate?

iON 35:24
Miller right, Miller right principles. Yeah.

Bob 35:27
Yeah, David-Wynn Miller. He was mixed up with (overtalk)

iON 35:32
Ehhhhhh, yeah, but that’s where the, those principles are what validates that position. You see?

Bob 35:41
Okay, so where did David get them from?

iON 35:43
Ah, you.

Bob 35:46
Okay. Did David — was he murdered? ‘Cause he’s no longer with us.

iON 35:55
Yes, he is. He’s with you. What are you talkin’ about?

Bob 35:58
No, but was his physical murdered?

iON 36:01

Bob 36:04
He just faked his death.

iON 36:07
Well, he’s runnin’ the global monetary fund now, the United States and (indistinct) of the world’s central banking system. What the fuck are you talkin’ about?

Bob 36:15
No, that’s Russell. I’m talking about David-Wynn Miller, who they say has transitioned.

iON 36:22
Ah, no, he’s not transitioned, he’s in goddamn — no, fuck no. He’s up with Jean up in Hoboken, Wisconsin.

Bob 36:34
Heh heh. Is Opheniel involved in the processes that Russell — has he mailed himself through customs?

iON 36:46
No. Fuck you, fuck you. No comment. You’re not gettin’ — why do you want to ply yourself into that bullshit? The big — the next thing you’re gonna ask is if QAnon wants to have relations with you, Bob. Yes, Bob, [Bob chuckles] everybody wants to have relations with you. Yes, Bob. Yes. QAnon. Come on, Bob. You can do better than that. Why you’re gonna get yourself so tangled up? You gonna get where nothing can goddamn protect you. What are you doin’? [Bob chuckles] Shake yourself and know you’re god, you dark soul fucker, you. Don’t do it! Run! Run, Bob, don’t do it! [Bob chuckles] Don’t do it, it’s not necessary. You got this, Bob. You don’t need all this vindicated validation. Please. You need somethin’? Whad’ya need? You need a sugar tit? We’ll give you a sugar tit that’ll make you feel comfortable in your position.

Bob 37:34
I’ve been there. I’ve done that. I’ve been there and done that.

iON 37:37
Well, why you need constant validation of your vindicated validation? It’s ridiculous.

Bob 37:42
I don’t. I don’t need validation.

iON 37:44
Ahh, you keep, you keep pining for it though, big ‘un. I don’t know. Yeah, iron bars are not a prison make, Bob. Just so you know.

Bob 37:55
Thank you. Okay, great session. Thanks for the inside look.

iON 37:59
I’m so glad after five fucking hours you got 35 minutes of sound bites, aren’t you, Bob? [Bob and iON laugh]

Bob 38:06
But it’s only four hours, not five hours. I don’t like the number five.

iON 38:11
Well, it’ll be five when you do the — it’ll be five when you get the damn coffee enema done. So, just sayin’.

Bob 38:21
Heh heh. Okay, very good. Thanks a lot for the privileged accuracy provided.

iON 38:25
You’re welcome. News, news, news tomorrow. News tomorrow. We’ll see how it goes. We’ll see what the fallout is. You know what you know, now you know what you didn’t know. Now we’re fixin’ to see what you know. ‘Cause there’s a quiz later, Bob.

Bob 38:37
All right.

iON 38:37
Tell ’em, tell ’em all to behave themselves till better weather.

Bob 38:41
Yeah, there’s always just a quiz. Okay, thank you very much.

iON 38:46
Happy Days.

Bob 38:47

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