Bob Dobbs | War in Heaven Comes to Earth

My recent important insight is that iON’s 2009 statement that Non-Physical has merged with Physical means that the ancient WAR IN HEAVEN (Non-Physical) has come to “EARTH”.

This means that Angels/Aliens (iON says, for our purposes, there is often no difference) are creating the destruction that Nickson is so upset over.

Nickson is an entertaining writer (like everybody else from Tucker to Chris Hedges to Jessie Waters to CNN and Fox and Jimmy Dore) but misses out on iONdom.

iON says Putin is an “Alien” – that’s why he’s indifferent to human deaths anywhere.

That’s why the “Biden” committee is not listening to anybody.

That’s why the new Aliens (who haven’t gotten here yet, relative to the present Project Paperclip Aliens who’ve been here since the 30s and dictated Finnegans Wake to James Joyce) are making the G20/G7 Summits nervous (all they talk about is “Bob”, it’s been reported to us).

Pres. Trump met once again with JW the other day and says he understands what iON is saying (about the Aliens, etc.).

Trump says he thinks what we have made is “amazing” (this is why Trump is the smartest human politician on the planet – he knows what’s up).

Understanding these points should dampen down your social-media consumption and production.
Even the kids are picking up on this.

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