27 July 2019
Transcribed by Nan
Bert 0:02
Okay, the shewbread –
iON 0:04
Bert 0:04
– is there a way to actually go at it? Like, should I, like, you know, gobble a loaf a day?
iON 0:12
Basically, we’re tryin’ to, well, we’re tryin’ to make it, we’re tryin’ to make it so it’s not like that. We’re tryin’ to make it in different — we’re playing with different levels to see what you’re gonna want to do best. Some people want it made up in like a serving size where you have like a small loaf like a croissant-sized thing a day, which is fine. But you’re gonna want more than that ’cause once you start — Bob, Lord, Mercy, he’s on, he’s on his third butter.
Bert 0:42
[chuckles] I was thinking about Bob this week. Yeah.
iON 0:44
He was thinking about the butter. He doesn’t count how much bread he eats, he counts when he goes to two to three sticks of butter a day, that’s how he can tell it’s been a good day or not.
Bert 0:55
iON 0:55
Pretty fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bert 0:58
Of butter!
iON 0:58
But anyhow, the — oh yeah, he, he slathers it with butter. It’s a good excuse, but it’s fine. But then it’s not fair ’cause he’s gettin’ it hot out of the oven, he’s gotta have to let it sit a minute –
Bert 2:24
iON 1:01
– enough when it’s cool. He’ll take it and he’ll open it up and it toasted and then put more butter on it from there. So, from that aspect, it’s, it’s appropriate. But if we can do loaves, then we could just do like a basket, or say, is it bigger than a breadbox, and then fill that bread box with maybe a bit of an assortment. Then you can kinda, kinda play with it ’cause every application isn’t always the same. You don’t want it to be boring. The whole point of shewbread is that it’s special. The whole point of shewbread is that it has these iCells and the layered building blocks of what made shewbread special in the first place. And it’s very strange; it’s not what you think. It’s not bad. It’s not — it’s very strange. It’s very strange. It’s not normal. You see, it’s not like hardtack, but it’s not like you know, profiteroles either. It has some girth to it, some body, but then it’s light to the touch, to the palate. So, set that aside. What it does though is it energizes as you already know, brings it home. Those grains bring it home for your ascendedness as you described what’s already started to happen to you. This makes it much easier. It’s like when we say take a spoonful of vinegar if you’ve got the, a sour belly, or the hiccups, or the indigestion. But then we say no, eat a pickle and drink a soda pop. The phosphorus in the soda and the pickle keeps the vinegar in your stomach ’cause it washes, the vinegar just washes away. But a pickle as you’re digesting, keeps the vinegar in your gut. Well, the shewbread, what it does is it keeps it in your meatsack body. It’s something to process. Just like your magnesium, you keep it in a balance. And as you use the Living Water, which is incredible, you’re gonna have to adjust your products, ’cause it makes things work. Meaning, it makes your products work better.
Bert 2:49
Bob 3:09
Did you say rings referring to the Angel Diagram about a minute ago? Anybody hear the word rings?
Bert 3:01
I did. Yes, Bob.
Bob 3:20
Yeah, were you saying it — we’re affecting the rings on the — indicated by the Angel Diagram?
iON 3:26
Yeah, we were trying to hide that for when they listen to it the next time, Bob. [Bert and Alissa chuckle] You slipped it in there. We got you damn listening. You got you listening.
Bob 3:30
Bert picked it up, too.
iON 3:30
So then the next week, so then next, next, next, next week, not next week, but next next week for next week. There’s a ring aspect. There’s a ring aspect and it applies to this, and that’s how it affects the cells. So, this is affecting the cell. The Angel Diagram is a representation of the perfect cell.
Bert 3:56
Mmm. Yes.
iON 3:57
We wanna make those cells your everyday cells, not special cells. You see the point?
Bert 4:04
Yes, I do.
iON 4:04
When, when ascension becomes the everyday business, then you really can laugh and play and have fun and engage and play. And it’s great fun. It’s great fun! The whole point of this is so that you can come into your power. That’s it. And the less arguments there are for your limitations, the less limitations there seems to be.