Transcribed by Nan
Michael 0:01
iON 0:02
Hey. Hey.
Michael 0:02
At the end, at the end of the recording on the Keys that you did with Bob, you kind of ran out of a little bit of time there. And right in the last few seconds, you said to Bob, Hey Bob, let’s do a chart with the Keys and some application points. And so, I’d like to do that. I’d like to do that with you now. If we can go through The Eighteen Keys and maybe you could place some intent connectors for each, or just an intent connector for each Key.
iON 0:43
Okay, read ’em.
Michael 0:45
All right, so The First Key?
iON 0:49
Read it.
Michael 0:51
You want me to read the whole Key?
iON 0:54
You damn Skippy. If you want us to do an exegesis on it, yeah, we sure do. [Michael laughs] Or why don’t you just lay down and be real still and we’ll slide it into your throat hole. Maybe that’d be easier. No, you’re gonna work for this if you want it. It’s perfectly fine with us.
Michael 1:11
Okay, okay. "I reign over you, says the God of Justice, in power exalted above the firmaments of wrath; in whose hands the Sun is as a sword and the Moon as a through thrusting fire; which measures your garments in the midst of my vestures, and trussed you together as the palms of my hands: whose seats I garnished with the fire of gathering, and beautified your garments with admiration. To whom I made a law to govern the holy ones and delivered you a rod with the ark of knowledge. Moreover you lifted up your voices and swore obedience and faith to him that lives and triumphs, whose beginning is not, nor end can not be, which shines as a flame in the midst of your palace, and reigns amongst you as the balance of righteousness and truth. Move, therefore, and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: Be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 2:26
Now, listen to those words. Every single thing in that first mark is exactly what we did with Bert tonight during his time. Every bit of it; every piece of it. You get that? From the fire, to the burning up, to bringing down, to controlling the firmament, to bringing the admonition of adoration to his attitude of gratitude in the position. That’s exactly what sends them up a tree. And this what we did tonight is that example you could put underneath there, Bert. Now that’s the first one. Is that what you want or what do you want to do now? You want to connect them? What are you sayin’?
Michael 3:17
I would like you to just maybe sum up Bert’s session in a way of — so we could grasp it.
iON 3:25
We just did. Those words
Michael 3:27
I know you did, but
iON 3:28
Those words, those words, you have a chart. You’re gonna need Ginney Belle, you’re gonna need Ginney Belle if you start chartin’ ’cause she’s the best one in the world at this stuff. She may already have it, too, but secondary, be clear with your asking so we can give you want you want.
Michael 3:43
So, related that iON, relate that to, relate that to angels show yourselves.
Bob 3:51
Hey, Bert, is this the — which supplement is this from, B or C? A is the angel talk.
Michael 4:00
This is Book of Revelation, chapter 3, text for supplement B.
Bob 4:06
Oh, chapter three.
Michael 4:09
Chapter 23.
Bob 4:11
Yeah, chapter 23, supplement B, and this is the, that was the First Key.
Michael 4:16
Bob 4:17
Michael 4:18
Okay, should we do The Second Key, iON?
iON 4:20
Now wait. Wait. We said for you to be clear with what you’re asking. We wanna make sure we’re soothing the beast in you. You asked for something, and is that what you want? You want an example of how to apply the Key in the chart form to see how it applies or how it connects to the other Keys? Tell us what your desire was.
Michael 4:42
My desire was to
iON 4:44
What would you like?
Michael 4:45
Well, maybe to oversimplify it, but to simplify the Key into an intent connector. So, say, in some Keys for example, you said this Key’s for drying up wetness; this Key’s for — so I was maybe being a bit more simplistic than what you’re doing with what you’re saying about Bert. What I get about Bert is sort of coming into your power in the midst of this situation that we’re in with angels, etc., etc.
iON 5:15
Which is precisely, which is precisely what The First Key’s about.
Michael 5:20
Okay, fantastic.
iON 5:22
You see, that’s why it works out really cool for you to do this right here right now from that point. You’ll find some more that’ll — and sometimes they hook with the Aethyrs as well, but we won’t confuse you ’cause that can get a little dicey as you kind of go with it. But there’s no worries but go ahead. That’s good. Next one.
Michael 5:44
The Second Key. "Can the wings of the winds understand your voices of wonder, O you the second of the first, whom the burning flames have framed within the depth of my Jaws; whom I have prepared as Cups for a Wedding, or as the flowers in their beauty for the Chamber of righteousness. Stronger are your feet than the barren stone, and mightier are your voices than the manifold winds. For you are become a building such as is not, but in the mind of the All Powerful. Arise, says the First: Move therefore unto his Servants: Show yourselves in power: And make me a strong seething: for I am of him that lives for ever."
iON 6:43
Now, that’s exactly the precise point to recognize the Ascension and the Ascension process. This segregates you from the little man, the second who came from the first; that is where you stepped down from your power. And this is acknowledging that that power is available. So, this Key is what you would use to connect to your place of power. And how you know it works, we’ve been saying from the beginning that the winds and the waves shall obey your will. Okay? And they will. That’s what this Key is for. You acknowledging your power and the manifestation thereof. So, when you get good with that Key, Bob, you can start waves and stop waves so they won’t have to be flat for you anymore. We had to make it be about Bob or he’ll go to sleep.
Bob 7:40
Yep. Thank you.
Michael 7:43
Right. That one’s clear, iON. Thank you.
iON 7:47
Well, it’s clear as mud. [Michael chuckles]
Michael 7:54
Can we go on to The Third Key?
iON 8:00
Michael 8:00
"Behold says your god, I am a Circle on whose hands stand 12 Kingdoms: Six are the seats of Living Breath: the rest are as sharp sickles or the horns of death, wherein the Creatures of your earth are to are not, except mine own hand which sleep and shall rise. In the first I made you Stewards and placed you in 12 seats of government, giving unto every one of you power successively over 456, the true ages of time: to the intent that from your highest vessels and the corners of your governments you might work my power, pouring down the fires of life and increase continually on the earth: Thus you are become the skirts of Justice and Truth. In the name of the same your God. Lift up. I say yours behold His mercies flourish, and Name is become mighty amongst us. In whom we say: Move, Descend, and apply yourselves unto us, as unto the partakers of the Secret Wisdom of your Creation."
iON 9:18
Okay, that’s acknowledging — there’s a two-fold part here. One is it’s basically proclaiming Lockdown Bobrule. And the second part is the ushering of Bobville. Now, we’re gonna go a little further than we went originally from the sideline, because things have escalated a bit more. It’s basically allowing you to know that those chairs and seats in the "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," the 15 minutes for good and 15 minutes for nasty, that’s where that becomes the point of the inclination from the 6th seat to the 6th seat goes back to the 12. Okay, from the mark and the throne with the 13 original colonies and how justice is to be laid and how the economy is to be wrought. But that’s easier said as this is the example of ushering in Lockdown Bobrule, which Bob has thoroughly done efficiently now.
Michael 10:21
That’s fabulous. Thank you, iON
iON 10:26
Does that help you? See, now you can use, now you’re gonna be able to actually use these for what you’re trying to do. So, it’s good. But now you gotta listen! Pay attention! You be careful with what y’all are slinging. You got the, you got the Clowny Daggers; you start throwing ’em, you better know where they’re gonna land. Okay? Now, we don’t mind. It don’t scare us, but just be aware of what you’re doing. You some fine things you’re gettin’ ahold of here.
Michael 10:58
Thank you, iON.
iON 10:58
Michael 11:00
Okay, The Fourth key. The Fourth Key. "I have set my feet in the south and have looked about me, saying, are not the Thunders of increase numbered 33 which reign in the Second Angle? under whom I have placed 9639 whom none hath yet numbered but one, in whom the second beginning of things are and wax strong, which also successively are the number of time: and their powers are as the first 456. Arise, you Sons of pleasure, and visit the earth: for I am the Lord your God which is, and liveth. In the name of the Creator, Move and show yourselves as pleasant deliverers, That you may praise him amongst the sons of men."
iON 11:55
Okay, got it. This is the representation of the shifting of the earth in the 33rd parallel and how that applies in the numbers and the dichotomy that you’re working against. Everybody’s not going to agree. Okay? But this is setting up where you’re shifting to. Everybody’s in the coming out and going in. You use this Key to help divine where you should reside. Where are you in this kingdom, basically.
Michael 12:31
iON 12:32
So, this key would be specific — wait. We’re not finished.
Michael 12:39
iON 12:40
Direction. This Key has to do with direction. Placement and direction. See, that’s what you wanted. You wanted to make it simple and easy like a ledger. Y’all better get this. We wanna see, we wanna see this written down. Well, we say we want it written down, but sure as you write it down then the angels have got it. Then you got to double down. You got to double down. But that’s all right, it’s time. Y’all need to be, y’all need to get off your ass and do something for this Ascension business. So, this is a good place to start.
Michael 13:11
You’re making it very simple and clear, iON. Thank you.
iON 13:15
Marvelous, darling. That’s what we’re here for. [Michael chuckles]
Michael 13:21
The Fifth Key. "The mighty sounds have entered in your 3rd Angle and are become as olives in your olive mount, looking with gladness upon the earth and dwelling in the brightness of the heavens as continual comforters. Unto whom I fastened pillars of gladness 19 and gave them vessels to water the earth with her creatures: and they are the brothers of the first and second and the beginning of their own seats which are garnished with continually burning lamps 69636 whose numbers are as the first, the ends, and your contents of time. Therefore come you and obey your creation: visit us in peace and comfort: Conclude us as receivers of your mysteries: for why? Our Lord and Mr is all One."
iON 14:22
This has to do with the relegation of time. Relegation of time. The angles and when you slip between the visitors, you use this Key when you’re trying to go somewhere. Going is a piece of cake. Getting back, you better know the OA movements.
Michael 14:45
All right. Fabulous. The Sixth Key. "The spirits of your 4th Angle are Nine, Mighty in the firmament of waters: whom the first has planted a torment to the wicked and a garland to the righteous: giving unto them fiery darts to winnow the earth and 7699 continual Workmen whose courses visit with comfort the earth and are in government and continuance as the second and the third. Wherefore hearken unto my voice: I have talked of you and I move you in power and presence: whose Works shall be a song of honour and the praise of your God in your Creation."
iON 15:39
You use this for application of potential kinetic energy. We’re staying this specifically this way because what it really is is a power Key. The words ring the heavens. Ring the heavens. The mountains cry out. (indistinct) shit then you don’t have to call a bulldozer to do it. But it is for commanding specific kinetic energy.
Michael 16:14
Wow. Thank you. The Seventh Key. "The East is a house of virgins singing praises amongst the flames of first glory wherein the Lord hath opened his mouth: and they are become 28 living dwellings in whom the strength of man rejoices, and they are apparelled with ornaments of brightness such as work wonders on all creatures. Whose Kingdoms and continuance are as the Third and Fourth Strong Towers and places of comfort, The seats of Mercy and Continuance. O you Servants of Mercy: Move, Appear: sing praises unto the Creator and be mighty amongst us. For to this remembrance is given power and our strength waxes strong in our Comforter."
iON 17:18
This is the application after you have the power, it’s how it lands. So, let’s say you have a — let’s do it this way. Let’s say you have a spell where you called down power on something, but you need to exclude a certain area or a certain part or certain place. This is what you would use to divert potential kinetic backlash. It’s a glimmer. It’s the glimmer. To glimmer.
Michael 17:58
The Ninth Key. "A mighty guard of fire with two edged swords flaming, which have Vials 8 of Wrath for two times and a half: whose wings are of wormwood and of the marrow of salt, have settled their feat in the West and are measured with their Ministers 9996. These gather up the moss of the earth as the rich man doth his treasure: cursed are they whose iniquities they are in their eyes are millstones greater than the earth, and from their mouths run seas of blood: their heads are covered with diamond, and upon their heads are marble sleeves. Happy is he on whom they frown not. For why? The God of righteousness rejoices in them! Come away, and not your Vials, for the time is such as requires comfort."
iON 19:06
Okay, this is divination. Divination, where you are in your place of power, and you are the judge. The divination where you judge that which is uncomely. The same thing would be the case — that was the same Key that they used when they had to drink the blood — the blood [iON correct itself] — had to drink the golden calf, Ba’al. That was the same Key that causes that unction. It runs crazy people — oh, do it to dope people, people in the dope gang. It runs them crazy. They can’t stand it. It’s like — ’cause they’re already out of themselves, so it basically wipes them over. It literally takes them out. Get ’em on the Dilaudid or Lortabs or some Roxies, oxyies, Bennies. Get ’em on them things and let me tell you what. They’ll go crazy. Just stand right there in front of them if they’re –especially if there’s like an issue, and just read it out loud. They’ll just fall down and start throwin’ their — bashing their head against the floor and blood everywhere. It’s — waxing is amazing. You’ll see.
Michael 20:16
All right.
iON 20:18
Now, what’s the answer to that one? We said a bunch of words. What is that used for? What’s the answer to that one?
Michael 20:28
What I got from it is a kind of a self-defense Key in a way.
iON 20:33
Okay, then use those words. Don’t say self-defense. Say defense mechanism. ‘Cause it will work different ways –
Michael 20:42
Yeah. Okay. Or containment?
iON 20:44
What if you just get, what if — mmm, yes, containment. Because what if you got mad and just — well, don’t do it in anger. What if you got cross — oh no, don’t use it then. What if you are okay and you just kinda got done with it and it’s like enough and decided you didn’t want to deal with it anymore? You see, that’s not self-defense when you’re causing it.
Michael 21:05
Yes, yes. Yes, yes.
iON 21:07
So, we wanna be, we wanna be clear that both, both conditions apply.
Michael 21:18
iON 21:20
Now y’all startin’ to get an idea why the angels are pissed? You can use this against them, too.
Michael 21:25
[chuckles] All right. Thank you, iON. The Eleventh Key.
iON 21:34
Michael 21:34
"The Mighty Seat groaned and they were 5 thunders which flew into the East: and the Eagle spoke and cried with a loud voice, Come away: and they gathered themselves together and became the house of death of whom it is measured and it is as they are, whose number is 31. Come away, for I have prepared for you. Move therefore, and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 22:17
Okay, this is allies, calling forth allies when you need somebody to have your back, or you need to commandeer backup. This would be always wait for backup.
Michael 22:29
[chuckles] Okay. Okay. And now we’re moving to The Twelfth Key. "O you that reign in the South and are 28, The Lanterns of Sorrow, bind up your girdles and visit us. Bring down your train 3663 that the Lord may be magnified, whose name amongst you is Wrath. Move, I say, and show yourselves: open ye Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 23:21
Okay. That’s uncover. Make known the covered up. Bring forth that which is obfuscated from you. Now that’s — and we say it, those words very carefully because it could be information, it could be people trying to talk about you behind your back. It could be you trying to figure out what’s up. It could be you trying to solve an issue that you can’t quite find your way to. This forces them to basically make it of your sight. Makes it known.
Michael 23:55
Can it also be showing me what — showing me with my lying eyes aren’t letting me see?
iON 24:01
Well, yes, but see, we don’t — we’re not — yes, but we’re not gonna do it from that side because you’re not gonna have any lying eyes anymore. There’s not gonna be lying eyes. So, your words are okay, but we’re not gonna have that anymore. See?
Michael 24:15
iON 24:15
Here we go. There’s not a Key to grow back limbs. There’s not a Key to grow back limbs. Do you know why? You’re not gonna lose any limbs.
Michael 24:23
iON 24:24
Right. That’s it, that’s it. Good. Good. That’s good.
Bob 24:30
Hey, Michael, people are saying you left out The Eighth Key and The Tenth Key. Do you want to do The Eighth Key now?
Michael 24:38
Really? I don’t think so, Bob. The Eighth Key was The Midday? Oh, let’s do The Eighth Key if we’ve left it out but The Tenth Key,
Bob 24:53
Just to make sure, are people — are you people correct? Mike, Amy and Bert, they’re saying this. If you double check everybody, we don’t want to have a repeat. People are saying this.
Michael 25:09
Bob, so we’re not gonna have a repeat. We’re gonna do The Eighth Key then The Tenth Key, and then we go on to the
Bob 25:15
Twelfth — or maybe Thirteenth, I don’t know. You could look at the Twelfth. Did you just do Twelfth?
Michael 25:26
No, he just did The Eleventh Key.
Bob 25:28
Okay, so let’s do eight and ten.
Michael 25:32
No, we’ve just done The Twelfth.
Bob 25:35
Right. We’re gonna do thirteenth. Let’s do eight and ten.
Michael 25:38
So, remind us Bob, we’re going to the thirteenth.
Bob 25:42
Michael 25:43
Okay, The Eighth Key, iON. "The Midday, the first is as the third heaven made of Hyacinth Pillars 26: in whom the Elders are
iON 26:06
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on! Read that one more time.
Michael 26:07
"The Midday, the first, is as the third heaven made of Hyacinth Pillars 26:
Bob 26:18
Hold on. What kind of Pillars? What kind of Pillars?
Michael 26:21
iON 26:23
There’s a clue. There’s a clue. Goddamnit, there’s a clue. What about dat doh? What about dat doh?
Michael 26:32
Yeah, alrighty.
iON 26:33
We might have –
Michael 26:35
Might have.
iON 26:36
– seems vaguely, seems vaguely familiar, Mr. Corso. Yes.
Michael 26:40
Yeah, we might have. Okay, so I’ll read it again. "The Midday, the first, is as the third heaven made of Hyacinth Pillars 26: in whom the Elders are become strong which I have prepared for my own righteousness says the Lord: whose long continuance shall be as bucklers to the stooping Dragon and like unto the harvest of a Widow. How many are there which remain in the glory of the earth, which are, and shall not see death, until this house fall and the Dragon sink? Come away, for the Thunders have spoken: Come away, for the Crowns of the Temple and the coat of him that is, was, and shall be crowned, are divided. Come, appear to the terror of the earth and to our comfort and of such as are prepared."
iON 27:47
You got that? When they start beefing, know how to get the hell away from it. Isn’t that what we said? Hey, Bert, when you smell that, get out. That’s what that means. It shows you how to navigate around and you can know it from the Hyacinth Pillars. And the nastiness that comes with it because it will — see, you start this — Eddie Murphy said it best. He said, don’t start nothin’ and there won’t be nothin’. Well, you’re startin’ something. You see, now you’re starting to take your power and command it. Some premature ’cause they’re not that far along yet, but we’re not waitin’ anymore. Time to giddyup and go. Let’s get on with this thing. If you’re goin’, let’s go. If you ain’t, don’t worry, it’ll be over soon. So, it’s good. So, the answer to this one is how to navigate safe passage away from the battle.
Michael 28:31
Yes. How to navigate safe passage away from the babble. Fantastic.
iON 28:51
Battle. Yes. And that’s your war, their war, any war. ‘Cause see, it could happen, it could happen in a mall, a shopping store, a place you go buy things. It could be anywhere ’cause it’s gonna be about everywhere because the whole "bring out your dead," there’s gonna be a lot of that. Just sayin’.
Michael 29:09
Yeah. So, if Bert’s walking along past the forest and he smells that smell this is a, this is a good Key to
iON 29:18
Step away; get away from it.
Michael 29:21
Yeah. All right, The Tenth Key. "The Thunders of Judgment and Wrath are numbered and are harboured in the North in the likeness of an oak, whose branches are Nests 22 of Lamentation and Weeping laid up for the earth, which burn night and day: and vomit out the heads of scorpions and live sulphur mingled with poison. These are the Thunders that 5678 times in ye 24th part of a moment roar, with a hundred mighty earthquakes and a thousand times as many surges, which rest nor nor know any echoing time between. One rock brings forth 1000, even as the heart of man does his thoughts. Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo, yea Wo be to the earth! For her iniquity is, was and shall be great! Come away: but not your noises."
iON 29:35
Okay, that’s setting loose, that’s loosing the battle. That’s loosing the issue. That’s loosing the things that would hold things all pretty and nice and beautiful and rah rah rah. This gets down to the dirty. Now that opens it up. When you start this Key, it’s on like Donkey Kong now.
Michael 30:32
Let’s get it on.
iON 30:51
Let’s get it on. Get it on. That’s it. Don’t miss it, be there! Like Gordon Solie with the WWF. Don’t miss it, be there!
Michael 31:09
Fantastic. Okay, we’re up to The Thirteenth Key now, Bob.
Bob 31:15
Michael 31:15
"O you swords of the South which have 42 eyes to stir up the wrath of sin, making men drunken which are empty. Behold the promise of God and his power which is called amongst you a Bitter Sting. Move and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 31:26
All right, did anybody watch "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy"?
Michael 31:53
Yep, long time ago.
Bob 31:54
All right, did anybody — they went to the supercomputer to ask what the secret to life was. They went through and they had to come back and think about it. And the answer to life, the secret to life was what?
Michael 32:07
Bob 32:08
42. Okay. That’s what this applies to as far as aligning knowing with knowledge. There’s a difference between knowledge and a difference between knowing. You can know something and it’d be outside of your scope of knowledge, but you could have knowledge of something and not have an idea of what you know. Yes? This clears, this clears. So, this becomes an understanding if you’re lost and undone and can’t get it. This is what you would use to get clarity. It’s a clarifying Key.
Michael 32:52
Ah. That’s clear, iON. The Fourteenth Key. "O you sons of fury, the daughters of the lust, which sit upon 24 seats, vexing all creatures of the earth with age, which have under you 1636: behold the Voice of God, the promise of him which is called amongst you Fire or Extreme Justice. Move and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 33:36
Okay, this sets forth the scope of the elders and how they apply. How it connects. You have connections from the lampstands to the elders. This Key aligns those coverings. It aligns the coverings. You’re fucked up, you’re out of whack, you don’t know what you’re doing. You need some help; you don’t know what to do. You don’t know where you are. You can’t find yourself and you’re stuck like Chuck. This aligns the elders from the lampstands so they can find you. It’s a divining Key. You understand?
Michael 33:36
iON 33:39
Good. Don’t bump your head then.
Michael 34:42
The Fifteenth Key.
Bob 34:43
Is this fun? You liking this all right?
Michael 34:47
I’m really liking this, iON. Thank you so much.
iON 34:49
Oh, good. We had to get — we’ve gotta get some — it’s all been lollygagging, dip dappin’ and comin’ all over the place. We gotta get some meat in that damn thing or people will quit us. And we done lost three to CNN, so somebody’s gotta get some work done around here. Let’s go.
Michael 35:07
Okay. The Fifteenth Key. "O you the governor of the first flame under whose wings are 6739 which weave the earth with dryness: which knows the great name Righteousness and the Seal of Honour. Move and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 35:37
Okay, we’ll work you. What do you think this Key was regarding? See if you got us.
Michael 35:49
This one was — for this one that I got was if — for vexation, for keeping naughty angels out of my business, maybe keeping Lucifer out of my business if he’s in my business. That was what I got from it.
iON 36:11
Okay, now listen. Here you go. Here’s the Key. Now, look here. Here’s the Key you read, and you came to a conclusion that it was a hedge of protection. Okay, that’s what it does. To open your eyes so you can see what the Key does. And that’s exactly what the Key did in and for through you. You see?
Michael 36:40
Yeah, because it’s Gabriel, I mean it’s – yeah, it was Gabriel. Yes, so — no. Yeah, it’s speaking about Gabriel, so it is to do with — yeah.
iON 37:02
Yeah. All of them, all of them are here to fuck you up. There’s none of them here to help you. You have to make them help you. Everybody thinks that Satan is the baddie and he’s actually giving you more peace than the others have.
Michael 37:20
I got confused there, iON. That Key I actually thought was about drying up wetness. The Key about getting out of my business was The Seventeenth Key.
iON 37:34
The wetness is the lost, the wetness is the lost part. Wetness is the lost part. So, if you’re gonna call it that, then you’re gonna say ’cause I’m drowning and I can’t find my way and I need divination out of it. That’s what you want to use it as. But no, you were more correct. See, you just read the Key and you got it straighter than your notes. [Michael laughs] See how perfect that is? It’s smarter than you. It’s a Smart house. It’s a Smart Key, the Smart Key that’s smarter than you. Good.
Michael 38:06
All right. Okay.
Bob 38:08
See how it cleans itself up? It’s self-cleaning. And that’s why this is a Key. That’s why this is Key — pardon the pun.
Michael 38:15
Yes. Yes. All right, The Sixteenth Key. "O you second flame, the house of Justice, which has your beginning in glory and shall comfort the just: which walks on the earth with feet 8763 that understand and separate creatures: great are you in the God of Stretch Forth and Conquer. Move and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 38:56
Okay, this one is bringing back together what was yours. If you’re expanding your kingdom, this is how you do it. If you’re making your business bigger, this is how you do it. If you’re looking for a better, bigger sandbox, this is how you achieve it. Conquest. The Key of conquest.
Michael 39:23
The Seventeenth Key. "O you third flame whose wings are thorns to stir up vexation and hast 7336 Lamps Living going before you, whose God is Wrath in Anger, gird up your loins and hearken. Move and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 40:01
Okay, that calls for amino acids. There are amino acids that are lost to you. You have to have those to shine in your power and glory with these fire coming down from heaven. Without them you are consumed. So, it would be
Michael 40:34
Is it in any way calling forth water of life and bread of life or
iON 40:41
No. No, no, that’s separate. That’s separate. You gotta have that to get — if you ain’t got that, you ain’t gettin’ this far.
Michael 40:49
iON 40:50
See what I mean? Do you have to have a throat to be able to speak? No, ’cause you should already have a throat if you’re speaking.
Michael 40:56
Yes, yes, yes. Got you.
iON 40:58
Okay, good. Now, here we go. The toaster is not the toast.
Michael 41:04
The toast. Okay.
iON 41:05
Yeah. You got that. Good.
Michael 41:09
Okay, The Eighteenth Key. "O you mighty Light and burning flame of comfort which opens the glory of God to the centre of the earth, in whom the Secrets of Truth 6332 have their abiding, which is called in thy kingdom Joy and not to be measured: be you a window of comfort unto me. Move and show yourselves: open the Mysteries of your Creation: be friendly unto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true worshipper of the Highest."
iON 41:49
It’s how you bed a woman you want or a man you want. It’s how you make government to give you what you asked for. It’s how you command your desires. But just know what you want. Hey, did we mention that?
Michael 42:14
Desiring (indistinct).
iON 42:15
Perfect. And it better be that ’cause you’re gonna get it, and you can’t get rid of it. It’s like the clap; it just keeps on comin’.
Michael 42:24
Yes. And it’s powerful because in this Eighteenth Key, we’re talking to all the angels.
iON 42:32
Right. Do. All of them; the good’ns and the bad’ns. Oh wait, we can’t tell the difference.
Michael 42:40
So, iON, I’d like to do something. Thank you very much for that. I would like to do something similar for the Aethyrs. Is it possible to for you to give one word if I say the Aethyr? For you to give one word as a
iON 42:58
No. No, it’s too much to digest. That’s too much to digest, work it. You’re not ready for that either. We’ll even connect the Keys to the Aethyrs and that’s fine, but you do that another time because it’ll be too much. You’ll get ’em confused. You can only digest so much at once. Otherwise, it makes you
Michael 43:16
Okay. This cancels questions two and three. Thanks.
Bob 43:21
Excellent, Michael. Excellent.