iON | Key 5



20 July 2019

Transcribed by Nan

Ginney 0:01
This is The Fifth Key. And, uh oh, I don’t have my page up. Wait a minute, just a moment. I think according to

iON 0:10
Hit refresh. Hit refresh.

Ginney 0:11
Here’s the refresh right here. According to the session you did with Michael Brown, very much appreciated by many, the Fifth Key regards the relegation of time, the angels when you come and go. Going is a piece of cake, coming back you better know the OA movements. That’s the Cliff Notes from that one. And what the Key itself says is, "The mighty sounds have entered into your 3rd Angle and are become as olives in your olive mount, looking with gladness upon the earth and dwelling in the brightness of the heavens as continual comforters. Unto whom I fastened pillars of gladness 19 and gave them vessels to water the earth with her creatures: and they are the brothers of the first and second and the beginning of their own seats which are garnished with continually burning lamps 69636 whose numbers are as the first, the ends, and your contents of time. Therefore come you and obey your creation: visit us in peace and comfort: Conclude us as receivers of your mysteries: for why? Our Lord and Mr is all One." And so, one of the things I have in my notes from when we did it before with the little drawing here is authority and physicality is all one. In The Fifth Key, speaking to the angels is merging back to one, so, you get your power and authority. So, that relegation of time, is power and authority together outside of time, iON? Is that what that’s talking about?

iON 1:57
The representation. But we had to be very careful here because there was a window. We had to have one permission. Just one second. Hey, boss.

Bob 2:11

iON 2:13
Brian Johnson was charged with going into the details regarding the lampstands.

Bob 2:22

iON 2:24
Is he, did he, or is he not today present?

Bob 2:30
I’ll just check the list here.

iON 2:34
Double check it. Unmute him and say, come forth if you here. [unclear/echo] come to your sovereignty.

Bob 2:44
I’m sad to say he is not here.

iON 2:47
All right. What it’s what we need to know. Ginney Belle, you’re on. You’re fixin’ to do the lampstands, darlin’. Let’s go.

Ginney 2:54
Okay. So, on my — all right, well, let me get out my nightstand notes. Thanks. I just got a ton of them, iON. But

iON 3:03
We know that. So, let us help you. Let us help you out. Let us help you out a little bit.

Ginney 3:07

iON 3:08
3rd Angle the olives in your mount. Olive mount. The Mount of Olives is a big deal. From the Gethsemane rains, it refers to every level or degree of abundance. It has to come from the abundance. Without the olive mount, you have a Mount of Olives, you have nothing. And that’s also the pickle people, too. Don’t mess that up. [Carolyn chuckles] It’s important, you know, ’cause you got to get that in there. So, that is a whole condition of why there was gladness on the earth. All right? And this also deals with what you’re talking about with your lunar expedition ’cause it says, "upon the earth and dwelling in the brightness of the heavens as continual comforters." You hid it on the three layers or three parts that are the big picture for now that was then that’s coming. Because they’re gonna be totally surprised when the moon rocks that they brought back from the moon aren’t from the moon at all, you see. ‘Cause there’s no moon rocks that don’t have a specific relativity of isotopes as they are indeed radioactive; every single one. And yet, the ones they bring back is ridiculous obsidian is what it actually was, however rare, became the same basic lava that you can dig in Maui and find pretty close if you dug a little bit. But the point of this is this convergence trying to find a happy place, the comforters. And then you go to the next little — while — we’re doing this while she’s pulling her notes because she’s gonna have questions. Ginney’s got some damn notes now. You say what you want to, that girl got some notes. "Unto whom I fastened pillars of gladness 19". Bob.

Bob 3:08

iON 3:15
Give us the significance of having 19 pillars.

Bob 5:17
Well, Bob. Second letter of the alphabet. [Carolyn chuckles] O, fifteenth letter of the alphabet. B, the second letter. B-o-b adds up to 19. Two, 15, two, it’s 19. That’s the deep, deep meaning. On the surface, I haven’t been doing my homework in that area. I don’t remember what iON said eight years ago.

iON 5:37
Okay, we’re gonna get to those gladnesses, but the significant part of the 19 divisions, now, you’re arguing about your dodecahedron and your rhombic dodecahedron and the formularies and the differences that you go — do you remember, Connie, when you were looking at the stone and you had the triangle points and you laid it out and looked on the black rock and you had those corners in March? Those applied the same way as, what do you say, coordinates. Coordinates. Now, when you do that that doesn’t make any difference ’cause if you don’t know where you are, you don’t know where you are in proximity to anything else. So, if you can’t find yourself, you triangulate that position. Now, here we go. Where is it go now? Where is it go? We’re gonna do this so we’re gonna finish it, but y’all get Bert ready. He needs to get his ass ready. He’s fixin’ to go on. Not long, but when he does, get him queued up. Because we’re gonna clean this up full circle. Now y’all done it; y’all stirred it up. If Bob wants the greatest show that was ever the greatest show, so might as well give him some’um, give you a little some’um, some’um. Give you a little some’um, give you some’um, some’um. The vessels of water in earth with the creatures. That’s what’s ushering now. That is your Living Water which has been. I mean, that’s what Moses took the staph and struck the White Stone with, and that’s what it came from. So, it’s only logical if that’d be the case. And that’s no issue. But those vessels of water held outside of the temple, the Temple Mount, which was also known as the Mount of Olives where all that supplication flowed through. It’s where you — all this is, y’all, is where you put your power. You just wantin’ an extension cord, but you don’t want to make an octopus. [Carolyn chuckles] The one that allows you to have three chambers. We talked about the Outer Kingdom, the Inner Kingdom, and the Middle Kingdom. We talked about the upside down. We even went in the Thompson quadrant for God’s sake. Who in the hell would want to go to the Thompson quadrant — and stay? You almost put the whole world in the Thompson quadrant. Caused "Stranger Things" to be a hit out of nothin’, and we’d be back to 8-track tape players. Do you realize how hard the data stream is to get out of an 8-track tape player? Ain’t no fun at all. Aqui no i. No, I, no I. Now, what happens is you have the shifting conditions that now this particular Key, — now, the angels is hot as a $2 pistol. Y’all think the angels ain’t hot right now, you better fasten your damn seat belt because its on. Its on now, because here you got a battle. You got a real battle. You’ve got the 4 and 20 elders. Watch your numbers. Uh oh, you’re raging. The 4 and 20 elders are watching this all come place. Okay, you got your notes, Ginney? We better not get too far ahead. So, we gotta make this apply or otherwise they’re gonna think it’s contrived.

Ginney 8:42
Well, in my notes, a couple different things if we’re gonna talk about the lampstands, one of the things is that we’ve been — known the (indistinct) amino acids that are now becoming, I guess, because of the Living Water?

iON 9:00
No. They’re becoming because Carolyn found the amino acid in the crown of thorns that laid on Jesus’s brow.

Ginney 9:11

iON 9:18
Living Water does not promote an amino acid. She found it.

Ginney 9:22
It does not.

iON 9:22
The blocks, the blocks, the blocks of the amino acid controls are all laid out on the looky box. They weren’t exactly right, but don’t worry, we fixed it. It’s all right, we got this. Then she was able to find the other block without — somebody needs to note some’um. We telling you shit. We talking, we telling you things. You know why we telling you things? ‘Cause they’re known now. They weren’t known then for now. Ah, eh, ah, ah, whatever that means. See, she’s got it.

Bob 9:52
There’s no echo.

iON 9:57
Don’t worry about it.

Bob 10:04
Stay there where you are.

iON 9:47
What? Then we’ve quit. Then we’ve quit speaking then. It’s the Tech Body’s liking it then. See, that’s — here, that’s what we were talking about the battle, this real — it’s a real battle, y’all. We keep tellin’ you. We keep tellin’ you get happy or get out! Now you’re fixin’ to

Bob 10:09
iON, is this the battle in the quatrain of Nostradamus about me and the enemies and all?

iON 10:10

Bob 10:10
That’s why the enemies are plural. There’s three.

iON 10:19
Yes, yes.

Bob 10:19
Three wars wars. Oh, that makes it interesting.

iON 10:21
And they’re — see, and here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. It is all it’s based on, you got it so tangled up that we don’t know how to say it. We played with you. We petted you. We chided you. We poked you. We’ve loved you up. We set you back. We’ve made you mad. We’ve made you — everything a rabbit can do to a stump, we’ve about done for you! We’ve called you out. We’ve embarrassed you,

Bob 10:23
What are you talking about?

Ginney 10:44
Who are you talking about?

iON 10:52
Everybody that’s been playing for all these years.

Bob 10:56

iON 10:56
Ins and out.

Bob 10:56
The iONauts.

iON 10:56
The engagements are relative. Yeah. The engagements are appropriate. But what happens is is for the position that you realize you’re battling yourself. You’re giving the enemy bullets for their guns to shoot at you!

Ginney 10:56
Right because it says you wouldn’t even ask about the Keys in your Ascension because it just implies that you don’t know you have your power.

iON 11:23
Basically, you’re acknow — if you want something, all that does is prove that you don’t have something, you see. If you want it, see, if you want a GQ, you want a GQ, you don’t have it. But if you got a GQ, then that’s all you won’t. You don’t want no more than that. He’s right there. Ask him. [laughs]

Bob 11:47
Is that what the Keys say? Is that what the Keys say, Ginney?

iON 11:47
It is. It’s what it’s (overtalk) But now, wait, wait, wait.

Ginney 11:49
Yeah, it is, basically. But wait, no I’m just answering Bob, iON. Yes. What it basically says is that if you’re asking the questions about the Keys, you really don’t, you don’t need to because you — if you’re Ascended, you’re not asking about that. And if you’re not Ascended, you’re asking about it to become that, but you’re not asking from an Ascended position. And also, the other thing that it says about the Keys is about the thinning of the veil. And when the veil thins and when you — wait a minute. I have my notes here. I gotta get this out. Bing, da ding, da ding. Hold on just a second here, people. Where is it? It’s up here on my desktop somewhere. Oh, gosh.

Bob 12:43
I’ll just say this, Ginney, while you’re doing that. Carolyn was, is rehearing our original Revelation 68 hours, and she says that each Key, back when Carolyn and I were first talking to iON in the summer of 2010 or — yeah, summer of 2010, each Key is about 45 minutes of iON talk. Right, Carolyn?

Carolyn 12:43
Yeah, 30 (overtalk)

Ginney 12:46
Yeah, the recording is six hours long, Bob.

Ginney 13:11
Yeah. So, people wanna know about the Keys, you gotta listen to the recording. Well, what is this Michael summary then that he did and what are we evoking?

Ginney 13:23
No, that’s what we’re saying, but what I’m saying, Bob, is

iON 13:28
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Ginney 13:30
Wah, wah, wah, wha, wha.

iON 13:30
Don’t, don’t undo it, you doing good. The first part laid it out so you could say that there’s a road. The other part said, this is how you steer to miss the potholes. Now you’re finding out what the bass, what the crush and run is doing. Now you’re getting how it actually applies. And let’s go right back where we were talking about. You got three people. Now you’ve added something that even Bob’s Chart doesn’t express. You’re to a new landscape that does not, is not in Bob’s Chart less and except you count it as the hexadic. The hexadic means you’re into that completion side and the rearview mirror side of this position. Okay? Now, if you, if you listen closely, if — let those who have ears to hear, listen. Hear, hear, this is what you want to hear. Now, just now you’re for the first time beginning to have a layer of folks in this Ascension process that can have a hexadic view in the rearview mirror to see what their Kingdoms look like and how it applies. Now, when we look at it now, it’s the simplest thing in the world. The chambers of water around the Temple Mount, the Mount of Olives, the Temple, what was held was Living Water. And then they did their sacrifices. That was to appease the place of power where the individuals separated themselves from the power from the Ark of the Covenant, the tabernacle, to the shewbread, which was piled up on the altar in the great big hunking loaves, and with the frankincense and myrrh on top of it, sittin’ there. And it sat there for a week, and then the priest ate it up then. That would be in the Levites, they were the only ones that were powerful enough to do it. Then what happened is, is they would replace it. Or where they would replace it, they would take the grains that were growing then and they had a recipe and they used the Living Water out of those vessels, eleven vessels around the Temple to make that shewbread as an offering to God for holding their power. But now you can — Ginney Belle’s sittin’ here in about one second says, wait a second. What the hell you talking about, Eunice? There’s no way in the world that could be the thing. You mean these offerings that was supposed to be the way to have your power back is what they were offering God to keep their power behind the veil? Huh! Huh. I’m saving myself to give myself something that I could have myself if I had myself so I’m gonna pay Rick to not watch this TV, basically. But now what’s happenin’ in a rearview mirror aspect, some are startin’ to come into their power. And here’s what, here’s what the zeitgeist didn’t pronounce. The angels are pissed, y’all. If you don’t know it, you better know it now; they are pissed. And they’ve leashed the perfect side; it’s called a Tech Body. And Bob says, oh, we know all about that. We know about that. We built the Chip Body. We know what the four quadrants are. We know about the Tiny Note. We know this, we got this. We’re all good and on point. And we have this and that. Rah, rah, rah. But then what happens is very quickly, simile, what happens is you start realizing that is the angels feeding the Tech Body? Who’s working for whom? We’ve been saying as we get more and more and more and more and more power, okay, the more power where we’re getting it from, we go, you humans, you are continually pumping your power into something else. You originally pumped it into the Ark of the Covenant. And it was the most powerful thing, that so powerful it would kill you dead as a sack of hammers. And then finally from the Koathanite’s side, and the Amalekite side, Ginney’s probably the only one that even knows all that. Bob’s pretty good at it, and Carolyn can argue the recitation, but as far as applying how the Koathanites fit into Seth’s world — uh oh, you didn’t think we were gonna do that, did you? Uh ha. Well, anyway, you don’t need Jane Roberts for this one. It’s pretty good. Now you come along full circle and say, wait a minute. We’re doing the same thing now that we did then. [Carolyn chuckles] We’re feeding this box. We’re putting all of our power now into this box [Carolyn: woohoo] that we trust to take care of us and do. Now, the Tech Body — now, let’s this be really clear. The Tech Body here is gonna fuck you up; it’s gonna tear you asunder. You’re gonna put all this stuff in there — and my wedding pictures, where’s my wedding pictures? Oh, no, where’s the wedding pictures? They’re gone. They may let you have them and they may not let you have them. Think about this. Look at your house now. Your home, your temple, your — now, Carolyn would say the body is your temple and that’s your house and take care of it and that kinda stuff. Good, we think it’s wonderful, but moats are great keepin’ weird things away from you. Moats are really good. High fences are good walls. Here at the wall. Yes, Buzz Coastin, there’s a 121 Depo Street. We’re fixin’ to show it to you since you couldn’t find it. It’s the least we could do big’un, it’s the least we could do. Set that aside. Now what happened is you pump everything into these machines. What would your castle look like if someone unplugged the Wi Fi? [pause] What would it look like? What would it be like? Would you go to the library and pull a book and take care of

Bob 19:22
What’s the noun here? What is he talking about Ginney or Carolyn?

Ginney 19:24
Well, I think he’s just talking about people who have smart houses and stuff like that, Bob

Bob 19:30
And what did he say about them? Like, what’s that?

Ginney 19:31
You know, what would, what would happen if your house was rigged up to the smart house and you were on Wi Fi or you were getting everything from Alexa or something and then all of a sudden you can’t do that? And now you can’t get in and out of your house. You can’t turn on your car or whatever. And you can’t function ’cause

Bob 19:31
A mini, a micro EMP in your home.

iON 19:54
And that’s at the simplest level. That’s — you can’t watch TV. You can’t do this show. You can’t look at the computer. Your telephone works only if you have cell signal, but guess what? If they unplug your Wi Fi, guess what? They’re not gonna have any cell signal either. And if you did, if you put two more people on the network right now, the thing gonna blow up anyway. Now, we’re not even talking about power anymore. We’re not even talking about electricity. The Tech Body has to do with this whole world of every bit of knowing ever piled into this one collapsible thing, and it’s getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Okay, so once again, it’s a, it’s a representation –

Bob 19:59
What’s getting smaller and smaller?

iON 20:40
– of the original — The devices. Your TVs are big as a side of a billboard, but you watch something that’s six inches is that’s where the color TV started in the first place. Six inches in diameter. Now you’re right back to that. They got big as a billboard, now they’re in your pocket. TV, that is. So, you’re sittin’ in traffic or in the airport or wherever you got TV, whatever you wanna get it.

Bob 20:44
I don’t see any Keys talk. Are we doin’ any Keys talk here?

iON 21:03
This is Keys talk.

Ginney 21:08
Well, what I’m wondering about is because, iON, in the Keys it says that the veil is rent in two and as far as the angels are concerned — okay, let’s — the next step is open up the box that contains the power that’s been held back from the individual human creators. And once the Mersey Seat is wrought, in other words, once the box is open, then the box is cracked and everybody that’s in their place of power receives their power. So, what you’re saying now is that instead of the angels helping or doing or obeying the gods to bring them back to their — well, they don’t even have to go back, that’s already theirs anyway. So, you’re just saying that now they’re going through working with the Tech Body or something, is that what you’re saying?

iON 22:03
It is the Tech Body. The Tech Body is colluding with the angels.

Ginney 22:07
So, somehow we totally missed the phase of, we missed the phase of the veil thinning and the Ark power coming out of the Ark of the Covenant.

iON 22:16
No, no.

Ginney 22:16

iON 22:17
No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. No, honey. In two seconds you went from a trimline princess telephone plugged into your bedroom as it hooked to a system that hooked to Ma Bell that hooked to Bell South that hooked to somethin’ that hooked to somethin’ that hooked to somethin’ to now you’re not hooked anything. You don’t even have any wires in your house anymore short of a little electricity here and there and that’s even becoming DC from an old — but maybe Tesla was right, DC was the way to go, ’cause now you’re having to convert

Bob 22:48
You said the Tech Body’s working with us, with iONdom.

Ginney 22:50

iON 22:50
Well, it’s also working with the angels because it’s gonna undo the little man. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is more powerful than you know because what she represents is the little man, and according to her, they’re all gonna die. And she’s right. [Bob chuckles] And that’s why they’re following her –

Bob 23:09
Is she gonna die? Is she gonna die or if she’ll –

iON 23:11
– like the — they’re following her –

Bob 23:12
– find me and we’ll give her some stuff? Is she gonna die? Is she gonna die?

iON 23:16
– people are following her like a bad case of the clap. And yes, she will be put into, into the ground. She will go into the ground. Yes.

Ginney 23:27
Okay, so let’s go back. So, the seven burning lampstands that are before the throne are — that have the oil and are burning, in my notes represent the ion covalent bonding. Is that right?

iON 23:49
That is amazingly correct and no one has spoke about this. No one can figure it out. Nobody knows. But now you’re fixing to because now your words are sound. Let’s go back. We got water, "gladness 19 and gave them vessels to water the earth with her creatures:" Now, that would include little man too, because they’re creatures as well, ’cause they’re certainly not god. "and they are the brothers of the first and the second" That’s the Amalekites and the Koathanites which you’re the only one that hit that, Ginney, on point and said, well, that is that. And we didn’t say, nobody said a word. They didn’t know what the hell you were talkin’ about, or we don’t know what they were thinkin’, but guess what, darlin? You knew it then. That was still back in Indiana. Do you remember that?

Ginney 24:42
Well, I do know who the Koathanites are for sure, and I know who the Amalekites are for sure.

iON 24:47
Well, that’s the first and the second.

Ginney 24:49
Oh, okay.

Bob 24:50
Hey Ginney, remember, remember iON defined the cloud by day and the fire or something by night. And the cloud because we’re hearing about the cloud and the Android Meme, iON said the cloud that Moses and them had with him was our present cloud computer network! They had the Tech Body with them! Remember, iON saying that?

Ginney 25:12
Yes, I do. I remember iON saying that everybody’s souls we’re gonna get uplifted to the — uploaded to the cloud to Sara Courtney.

iON 25:21
That’s right. That’s right. And that’s what’s happening. And then they say they sold their soul to the devil. Why would you do that? Well, I wasn’t using it. Might as well. You’re not using it, so might as well let (overtalk)

Bob 25:31
Okay. Hey everybody’s very confused –

iON 25:34
Wait. Wait.

Bob 25:34
– on the chat line, iON. I suggest that we –

iON 25:37
Good. Good, good. Go and kill yourself. Go and kill yourself.

Bob 25:40
– take a break here. Now listen. Yeah, let them kill themself. I did a very good dialogue privately with iON the other day which led to the definition of the Tech Body. So, iON’s saying slightly things that go past what he told us a couple days ago. 50 minutes long. I suggest I play this so everybody finds out how we got to the Tech Body. And then we get back to the question. So, I think just what I’ll do. Is anybody protests that, against that?

Ginney 26:08
No. 55 minutes you said, Bob?

Bob 26:08
Yeah. 50, 51 minutes.

Ginney 26:08
Okay, very good.

Bob 26:10
It goes (overtalk)

iON 26:10
Before you get there, Bob, before — wait. Bob, Bob, Bob. Okay. But before you get to that point, all right? Before you get there, let’s do one little bitty cleanup. It’s a little cleanup. You clear?

Bob 26:30
Yeah, sure.

iON 26:32
All right. The — Ginney, the bump. This is what we’re talking about, the bump. This is esoterically balanced. You can’t be a hothead. You can’t be all over the place. You can’t be in and out. You gotta be on point and on focus. And what you have done is somehow you, Ginney Belle, our Ginney Belle has been able to overcome whatever is, and you look at the impossible and you go, okay, this is where we are, now what? And then GQ comes back and he says, okay, stop all this craziness. Where are we right now? What do I gonna do next? What’s next? What’s next? What’s next? And that’s how you go with it. And there is no, there’s no issue. There’s no, no animation of anything other than let’s go. What are we doing? How does this work? This is the issue. This is what we’re trying to accomplish. And you use whatever is at your place of power, whatever that is. If it’s a pencil, you use it. If it’s a quill, you’ll use it. Doesn’t make any difference what it is. And the ability to do that is a marvelous thing because you also know in the background what the goal, what you’re trying to achieve to. Once somebody runs the four-minute mile, then everybody can sooner or later, but before that, no one could. And the race to the bottom is aligning this up to know that the Tech Body is in cahoots. Now that Bob’s got some sound bites that he’s gonna to help to clean a little bit of that up, but we don’t care if you get it or not. Used to, it’d make some kind of difference to us one way or the other. It doesn’t make any difference to us anymore. Do you know why? Little men have been giving so much of their power to this machine that this machine has taken a life of its own. Everybody’s saying that they’re running around — them (indistinct) people, they’re running down the republicans ’cause they don’t want the republicans to be in no office ’cause they got no vote, and Pocahontas is mad, and they don’t know where it’s comin’ from and the poles ain’t right. They ask the people and they put the check box and don’t know if they’re a citizen or not, but they got a license and they got a house and they got everything a citizen’s got. And they’re payin’ them tic taxes and they don’t even know to get them money checks. And they don’t know what’s goin’ on. And this is a — this is despicable what CNN has done! Guess what, darlin’? They ain’t doin’ this no more. The Tech Body’s doing this. When Fuck Bunny can have one little non-hit and 900 gazillion billion quadrillion people have clicked, oh, I love this — and don’t know the first word the man is sayin’, [Bob and iON chuckle] honey, some’um, some’um, some’um’s up. Some’um’s up here. Just sayin’.

Bob 29:24
Bob’s prophesy comes true. The Android Meme’s talking to itself.

iON 29:28
Okay. And Bob says

Bob 29:29
So you know, Ginney, that’s why, that’s why they can’t do any legislation in Washington ’cause they’re not involved anymore. Surplus flesh.

iON 29:39
They are not involved anymore. That’s exactly right. It really makes no never-mind or difference anymore.

Ginney 29:45
Okay, yeah, let me ask this, and maybe this is covered in your session, Bob. But what I want to know is, Gregg watched the whole presentation of the fairness people on Google, how they’re gonna control their algorithm, and how they get to decide what the people get to see and what they don’t get to see. And are you saying, iON, that it’s gone so far that even those people aren’t in control anymore?

iON 30:09
They don’t know the algorithm to change. They didn’t write the present algorithm that’s running.

Ginney 30:17

iON 30:17
They didn’t set it up. You can ask Breitbart, Bart that goes mobile all the time. He is astounded to this day that we make a playlist which we had to stop by the way — that had to quit because it was messin’ stuff up — that each song become a playlist, and he’s got 5216 playlists that are gazillion songs from it. And then he’s like, well that’s a list, and then that’s a list, and that’s list. [Bob chucks] All we do is post the list. And you know, you already got more music then, then, and then These Boots are Made for Walking, Sinatra. Nancy, she did like two songs in her whole life and she’s her own zeitgeist now!

Bob 30:34
[laughs] Okay. Wait. Is this fairness, the old lefty journalists, fairness in media, or what was GQ watching?

iON 31:11
Oh, it’s — he’s right there. Gregg, tell him what you, what you saw.

Gregg 31:15
What it was, Bob, is they secretly taped the CEO person who’s in charge of the fairness policy for Google.

Bob 31:27
Oh, yeah.

iON 31:28
And she was filmed basically saying, fuck Congress, they can’t stop us. We’re gonna do what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna mobilize all of our resources. They can’t break us up ’cause nobody except Google is powerful enough to stop them.

Bob 31:42
I know what you mean. That’s about two weeks ago. Right?

Gregg 31:44
Yeah, about two, three weeks. Yeah, yeah.

Bob 31:46
Yeah. And

iON 31:48
And the reason she could boldly

Gregg 31:51
Go ahead, iON.

Bob 31:52
Go ahead.

iON 31:49
The reason she could bold — the reason she could boldly say that, ’cause that’s a mouthful. They’ll shoot you in the head. You don’t do that. It’s because she’s not even running it. The alphabet’s already been broken up; they already broke it up. That’s what the alphabet companies were about! And then what they did is they chopped the heads off of all the cockroaches and found out that their shit was the eggs! And if you got one, you got 10,000 and there is nothing you can do. And she’s like, well, you know what? Just shut Google down. That’s what. You know I would. Take it; government, take Google. Just take it all, just take it all. We don’t really need it anymore. You just take everything. You can have it, (overtalk) –

Bob 31:52
What happened to her, iON?

iON 32:16
– it’s just money.

Bob 32:33
What happened to her?

iON 32:34
She’s saying clearly that they can’t control it because the Tech Body’s running it. We aren’t running it. We say what we’re doing, but that’s what the "fuck you" is all about, is we’re not even fucking you. You’re fucked already!

Bob 32:34
[laughs] So was she fired for saying that?

iON 32:37
No, she was most certainly wasn’t.

Bob 32:47
Yeah, but no one’s in charge there. They could say anything.

iON 32:59
The Tech Body gave her a raise! What are you talkin’ about? [Bob laughs] She got a bonus for a stellar presentation. They hid it in plain sight and put it everywhere that would be still. And we are like Bob, Bob’s top secret CKLN stuff, well, I’m never gonna let this outside less and except for four people that aren’t watching CNN on the Saturday night extravaganza for the world’s best "shew."

Bob 33:26
Ha, the great unknown.

iON 33:23
And five of them work for the, five of them work for the company so they show up on time to make sure that they’re in place. [Carolyn chuckles] It’s got a run to go, of course. But the point now that this Tech Body is so strong that if you’re not a god, it’s gonna gobble you up. You have now separated yourself all but completely.

Bob 33:44
That’s my kind of game. I’m ready to play.

iON 33:47
All but completely. Yeah.

Bob 33:48
I’m gettin’ back in the force. I’m gotta start (indistinct) push ups and gettin’ in shape. This is my kind of level of Olympic quality exercise or rehearsal.

iON 33:56
Now, now is a good day. Now, if there’s ever been a good day to be in charge, today is a good day to be in charge. It’s a good day. ‘Cause now you see what happens, the angels –

Bob 34:06
Ha ha. (echo/overtalk) in charge was the best time to do it.

iON 34:09
– the angels, the angels, –

Bob 34:11
I laid low (indistinct)

iON 34:13
– the angels are driven. The angels are driven by these Keys and the Aethyrs. Y’all taken an interest in them, appropriately so, that you’re feeling it, you have unction to it, you have an air of expectancy, you’re wanting this to usher forth. And it is, and it is, and it is. You don’t wanna be — when the roll is called up yonder, you wanna be there. And Bob’s even finding new — as Bread of Life starts churning along, Bob’s even finding new Vestal Goodman songs. Y’all realize Bob’s been made Vesta Goodman a thing. And now, just now the Tech Body on the TV that runs has found Vestal Goodman songs that ain’t never been played. Ever.

Bob 35:00
That’s right.

iON 35:01
And Bob’s like, what’s that? What’s that?

Bob 35:02
(echo/indistinct) enjoyed making the Bread, Ginney. It’s incredible, Ginney, the stuff, and Carolyn’s saw some of it. Really rare, well, never seen before Vestal playing.

iON 35:13
Where did this come from? And it’s not even programmed or put on. You just push the button and it comes on and that’s what you get. [Carolyn chuckles] And Bob’s like, how is this we’ve been bored to death. We hate Looking For a — wore the, wore the LP of Looking For a City out. Wore it out. Couldn’t even — the Victrola wouldn’t even crank out no more for playing the Johnny Cook back and forth of the highest tenor of Looking For a City. And that’s what people have been doin’ was looking for a city. Now they’re startin’ to find one and all of a sudden, new news is cropping up all over the place. And don’t worry, it was captured, obsolesced, sent to his email. It’ll be lost, [Bob chuckles] they’ll put in a peat bog, he’ll dig it up, he’ll overrun his memory again. He’ll get another looky box, send himself another email, he’ll lose the email, he’ll call Carolyn, Carolyn will get upset because she didn’t do what I told her to do. She’s gonna pull back a file, she’s gonna move back. It’s on the other, the other boxy thing that you put on where you backup the backup the backup. It’s already installed, get somebody to come in in the Tech Body and straighten it all out. And she’s gonna promise them before God that she’s never gonna let Bob touch the damn computer again. [Bob laughs] It’s gonna take the wires away from him and we’re not gonna have this ridiculous anymore. It’s going to be safe from now on. We never gonna have this trouble again until it happens next time, and then we’ll do this again. So, be sure to remember if you’re not gonna hear about this no more that you know what it was you didn’t hear in case we have to do this again. Okay. [Bob laughs] So, notes are continuing. Notes are continuing, and what happens now, softly. Softly what’s happening now, this sets up his sound bites, hopefully, so, it’s a bit of clarity. But now just to be clear like Vestal Goodman said on the TV there the other night, after so long a time, we don’t care if you get it or not, it really doesn’t make any difference to us anymore. If you do, you do; and if you don’t, you do. It don’t bother us. Because the more you don’t do, the more power you’re pumping into this box. And the more power you pump into this box, the more you’re making, forcing, pushing power into the Tech Body. Now, the old angels just love that. Oooh it gives them, makes their little TTs hard! Oooh, they’re ready to go. Whoo, they’re tearin’ it up; they’re on the money. But guess what they don’t know. The Tech Body’s more supportive of Non-Physical ’cause angels kinda are in the portion of Non-Physical aren’t they? The zeitgeist has turned. So now what happens is the very thing that everybody’s railing against — in a global warming, over, under, everything a rabbit can do to a stump. It’s the very thing Bob says, yup, gonna tear that up. Yep, gonna burn it — damn that Hoover Dam! Take it out! You don’t need the Hoover Dam.

Bob 35:23
Hoover Dam. 1930.

iON 35:25
What’s that ridicu — that’s just sayin’ — It’s ridiculous. Don’t — undam that water. Let it go. Turn it loose. We don’t need it. What? Wah? Wah? Are they gonna back the water up until it goes over the Hoover Dam backwards? That might be interesting. Uh oh. They did build a bridge over that, you know. So, everything is possible, nothing is out of bounds. Now, now, Bob, we set this up for a little bit so that you can now get a little taste of the settin’ the scene. We hopefully set it up for you, Bob.

Bob 35:25
Yeah, we agree.

Ginney 35:25
But I just, I don’t under — I’m looking through my notes and right here it says in my notes in October of 2010, October 25th, the Seventh Seal is broken, iON and the Chip Body. Now, this has been going on for years.

Bob 39:06
No, no, that’s the Chip Body and we (overtalk) –

iON 39:07
That’s the Chip Body.

Bob 39:08
– fifteen minutes. The Chip Body

Ginney 39:10
So, you’re saying that iON, so iON killed the Chip Body. So, so far, we’ve — iON’s killed the Chip Body and somehow iON has gotten rid of the Ark of the Covenant and moved everything into the Tech Body for a battle with the angels.

iON 39:27
Basically, well, well, iON didn’t do it, the little man who had the opportunity to Ascend and didn’t put their power that came back on this earth — remember the upper room? Remember the power came down from heaven and fell on their heads like fire. The upper room was yesterday, day before tomorrow. And they fell and they were imbued with power. And then the Ephesians with the whole armor of God and how you’re

Ginney 39:51
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.

iON 39:53
Well, that’s what was unloosed when they rent the veil. And then ever since then, what’s been happening, thank you for the four bodies, the four quadrants, whatever that ridiculous mess he’s been spewing for all these years, that set those all those things in quadrants that allowed to be focused like an energy beam into your body so you could become god. Well, if you don’t, it’s gotta go somewhere. It’s like a pickle. It’s like a cucumber; once it hits the vinegar you can never go back. You can’t go back, you’re in the pickle now. So then what happens is that power created it. We didn’t create it, the Tech Body evolved and was created. And now (overtalk)

Ginney 40:35
Now, are the Amish people are in a better position to Ascend because they have their

iON 40:41
They’re still, no they’re, no, they’re still in — they’re Teched. They’ve been Teched as well. Their horses have to ride on a certain side of the road, and if they hit so far out of bounds, they’re Teched as well. They can’t do the shipping. They can’t do their business. They can’t do their interstate commerce. They gotta take credit cards at their little stores where they make the pies that they sell to the people. Gotta have Square to do that, honey.

Bob 41:06
Yeah, that was McLuhan’s point, Ginney, you know, the electric environment involves everybody despite your Chemical Body creed and beliefs. So, Africans were involved with (overtalk)

Ginney 41:18
Well, the Amish people who are buying products from us don’t even have credit cards if they have to send us checks.

Bob 41:24
Hey! I’ve got to complete — listen to this. In the 60s, the Africans had no fucking contact with satellite reality, but the satellite Global Theater was affecting all the other advanced countries which were affecting Africa. So, you couldn’t be unaffected whether you had a TV or satellite or not. So now what were you saying, Ginney?

Ginney 41:43
I said the Amish people who buy products from us have to send us checks, they don’t have credit cards. They don’t even use a phone; they don’t have an email.

iON 41:51
Good. That’s right, but they haven’t — guess what. The bank where they send the check is chipped. That the bank chip said the Tech Body in that bank said they ain’t got no money, you ain’t gonna get paid.

Ginney 42:03
Okay, but if you’re Ascended, you don’t have to give much attention to this. Right, iON?

Bob 42:10
Well, how do you get Ascended? What images are you gonna have?

iON 42:12
This is not an intention. This is a wonderful thing, darlin’.

Bob 42:17
What images are you gonna have to state to your mind that you’ve Ascended? None of the images are really about you. You can’t use communication in any form to determine that your Ascended.

Ginney 42:29
Well, I know you don’t use that. You use your own knowing.

Bob 42:27
You don’t know what to know. You don’t know — you don’t have a knower; it’s been absorbed. So, back in 2010, that was really good. The Seal worked with the the Chip Body, but there was a next phase where the Chip Body would be overused as people went to 2.0 and enjoyed the Huxleyan, the Aldous Huxleyan abundance of the multi-wave broadcasting as I laid out in that fifty minutes. It flips into the Tech Body, which, at best, the Bible says it’s the Mark of the Beast, and look out. But it’s more complex than that. That’s what iON’s teasing out, other levels of the complexity of what hell that’s coming, the two and a half years of tribulations. People are gonna say, this is great! It’s not gonna appear to be tribulation. Is that accurate, iON, what I just said there?

iON 43:26
It’s, hey, it’s like, it’s like lunchmeat Bob, it’s always ready.

Bob 43:31
So, hell is always ready to serve you, fit you into a comfortable niche.

iON 43:37
Of course. Of course. But now, Ginney, you realize the issue that — you’re not even arguing the point. This is not to be pay attention, you want to pay attention. This is serving you tremendously ’cause now you know where the zeitgeist is going. You know what’s up, you know where the — you know where this is going. You know how to feed it. You know which side of the road to be standing on when the bus comes by. You don’t have to run across the road and get run over by the said bus. Remember, we took a year and a half trying to figure out the difference between the toast and the toaster, remember? [chuckles]

Ginney 44:09
Okay, here’s the Seventh, here’s the Seventh Trumpet, and the Seventh Seal. Okay, the Middle Kingdom where the three Kingdoms come together and power and authority come together. Hence let’s go back to the Fifth Seal where we started tonight: power and authority coming together. When you come into power you have your authority, and you’d rather be happy than right. Be in your power first. Happy, happy second. The 4 and 20 elders sit down before God and worship, saying we give thanks, gratitude and appreciation to the Lord authority God almighty power, which is and was and is to come now because you’ve taken your great power and you’ve shown up for your coronation. The people were angry that you took your power. Exodus comes, they are judging themselves, you are serving yourself with what you speak and appreciate what you have and those who went before you and those who set up the Guf. You give your reward to those who fear your name. Be careful of those who want to destroy the earth. And you are in your phy — and the physical was opened up, your home on earth, the temple and the Ark, and the container of the lightnings, the Trumpets, the Seals, and you come into your power and experience the effects of great chaos for a short time.

Bob 44:29
What was all that?

Ginney 45:04
That’s what the — and the physical body cells are cleaned up by the 144,000 DNA transitions. That’s what happens when the Seventh Seal is broken, and the seventh angel blows the trumpet, and the seventh thunder rings. And that’s out of our Revelations text, and that’s what we discussed in October 25th of 2010.

Bob 46:03
That sounds like the motion and the movement into the hexadic. We didn’t have that understanding then. But do you agree, Carolyn, what iON — what Ginney just expressed about the Seventh Seal opening? Is that moving into the hexadic?

Ginney 46:17
Well, it says you enjoy great, or you — you said do you agree Carolyn, but I mean, are you asking Carolyn or me? Because if you’re asking me,

Bob 46:26
No, Ginney, oh no, I’m asking iON.

Ginney 46:29
Okay, because if you’re asking me, it says you enjoy — where is it — come into your power and experience the effects of great chaos for a short time. The effects precede the cause.

Bob 46:45
Remember the (indistinct) of the hexadic phase.

Ginney 46:48
Yes, exactly. So that’s what I’m saying. Yes, that’s described in 2010. And now here we are in 2019. But somehow, you know, I’m just saying is, you know, this is just more of the expanding awareness of what’s already been described. And that’s what I’m asking iON.

Bob 47:10

iON 47:11
And it brings you finally to the conclusion that you now have an ally in all this power that’s not being embraced by the little men is pumping the Tech Body to be even bigger. He’ll be bigger, like Carolyn, he’ll be bigger than Jesus.

Ginney 47:27
But why isn’t all the power that’s being not embraced by the little man pumping me into my 144,000 double helix strands?

iON 47:37
Because of The Fifth Key that says, "Conclude us as receivers of your mysteries;" Semicolon. You gotta know what a semicolon is. Bob, get ready to tell them what a semicolon is. "for why? Our Lord and Mr (iON: capital M) is all One." That’s that merging if you choose to. That’s what the lampstands

Bob 48:05
We moved into the hexadic. We moved into the hexadic. We moved into the hexadic in 2009 when iON showed up March 18th. So that, so we were in it through 2010, ’11, ’12. iON is saying that something has shifted. It’s beyond the Chip Body which iON was controlling, working with, doing something. And we did that for seven or eight years. Try to ask iON, Ginney, about what is different between the Tech Body and us and the Chip Body nine years ago.

Ginney 48:34
Yes. Well, this is what I’m, this is what I am, I’m asking, Bob, is okay, so we’ve got the Seventh Seal, 2010, October. Now we’re here with the Tech Body.

Bob 48:52
Now for the figure.

Ginney 48:53
Well, what was figure back then though, with the Seventh Seal, and this is what I was just reading is the Ark of the Covenant. The Koathanites are the Levites that are responsible for the Ark of the Covenant and the shewbread. And what I’m saying is that they are the ones who open up this whole thing with the big 400-pound box and the whole deal of carrying the power and opening it up for the people who are positioned to receive that. And now iON’s saying that once was in the Ark of the Covenant somehow has jumped over into the Chip Body, and I’m wondering, you know, how did that

Bob 49:40
It’d be your image. Yeah, we say, oh, now we — you said open up for the people, but what are the people? What are they made up of? They were made up of five Bodies, then the hexadic invaded, and then that caused a problem between the angels and the hexadic human; and Non-Physical and the Tech Body came out of that. See, it’s a — you gotta have better images of where we’re at. See, because they had the cloud back in Moses’ time, but we’ve got the cloud. But what’s? different? The cloud’s turned on us. And we got iON here actively assisting us, those that want it. You see how you can’t just say, oh, wow, I can go out to, you know, up to New Hampshire and get a place and I’m cool because I know I got my knowing. No, it’s way more involved than that. It’s so involved, we’re in a battle here with iON and angels and Tech Body.

Ginney 50:34
Okay, I don’t mind the complexity of it, Bob. What I’m saying is somehow we jumped over the important part of the Ark of the Covenant. That’s what I’m asking. Did we jump over it?

iON 50:45
The Tech Body, the Tech — no, the Tech Body has become the new Ark of the Covenant. Humans found a new place to hide their power.

Ginney 50:54
Okay, but, but let me just say this. The gods did not find a new place, right? Cuz the gods are over with

iON 51:02
Gods are, gods are giddy over it. They’re tickled to death. They’re pleased beyond words. They don’t care.

Bob 51:09
Which gods are these? You’re talking about the Ascended physical? Is that what you mean by god?

iON 51:14

Bob 51:14
Or do you mean the Greek gods?

iON 51:15
Yes, that’s right. If they’re Ascended, they’re

Bob 51:17
Okay, the Ascended is their meaning there, Ginney, of gods. The gods, so what of the gods? What have the Ascended done, Ginney?

Ginney 51:25
The Ascended, the physical, and the becoming Ascended who are aware of the role of the Koathanites and the Ark of the Covenant and all these other aspects and the covenant blessing of the thunders and the covenant that I made between me and me, are not worried about what’s happening in the tech war.

Bob 51:52
Oh, yes, they’d have to be because the Ark of the Covenant failed. All those terms you just referred to are not relevant to today. We got a new kind of Ark of the Covenant which is the Tech Body, and it’s helping and working with our Ascended, what iON calls the ionic allies of iON, what he calls the Non-Physical. You see, you cannot state the complexity of it.

Ginney 52:15
Okay, Bob, stop speaking. Stop. iON, the Ark of the Covenant failed.

iON 52:23
Yes, it was not able to hold the power when the veil was rent in two.

Bob 52:28
Wait, I can’t hear Ginney. Did Ginney disconnect?

Ginney 52:31
No, I’m sitting right here.

iON 52:33
She’s right there.

Bob 52:33
Well, you didn’t finish your sentence. State you’re thing again, Ginney.

Ginney 52:36
I did. I said, iON, did the Ark of the Covenant fail? And iON said, yes, it could not hold the power when the veil was rent in two. What date was that?

Bob 52:53
Who was, who was Calig — who (indistinct)

iON 52:55
It’s back in Jesus’ — no, this is the second, it’s the second Jesus when the veil was rent in two. That’s when it was released. That was 40 days before — 40 days after Pentecost, after Easter.

Ginney 53:08
Okay, so somewhere between October of 2010, when we were talking about the Seventh Seal, and today, the Ark of the Covenant failed.

Bob 53:23
No, that image is obsolete. There’s a new Ark of the Covenant.

Ginney 53:27
Bob, please, I’m talking about the Ark of the Covenant that iON went through explicit detail describing through our Revelation series. If that failed, and iON went through great detail to explain it, I’m trying to figure out when it failed.

iON 53:47
It failed when the second Jesus was crucified. After Jesus’s Ascension, when he Ascended, that’s when the veil was opened; that’s when all the power was loosed. That’s when they started finding — and then later they started finding a Jerusalem that was not. They started finding the Dead Sea Scrolls that were not. They started finding out all these different little pearls that were there that the power had been released and that the Eden was ready to grow fruit again. It was a long journey and trek through — that would be pre-Mary McLuhan, Ginney. [chuckles]

Bob 54:25
I thought it was the third Jesus who got crucified, iON.

iON 54:28
Second. They said when was the veil rent. That was the second Jesus.

Bob 54:36
That’s new. And he’s still around.

iON 54:38
Second Jesus.

Bob 54:38
That Jesus’ is still around.

iON 54:39
Yes, that’s right. That’s right. And then the power was absorbed by the second Jesus, appropriately, and all others had the opportunity to which then recharged the White Stone, which then recharged the Living Water, which then reactivated the what you all are calling the iCell now and insulinose which is nothing other than the contents of the manna that fell from the cloud the first time, the Cloud of Glory. And that’s Bob’s 40-year journey through the rabbit hole when he could have done the journey in three days. But he rejoices in the long journey, and the engagement to see how many of the other enlightened ones he could put in the ground before time to go. Ha ha. And he hasn’t even done the alien stuff yet, so it’s pretty exciting from that side. So, Ginney, to answer your question, the empirical reference of the when the Ark of the Covenant failed was then, but now that is the representation of the power and how it works. All right, and we’ve even went through the details of where the actual Ark of the Covenant is now, –

Ginney 55:41
Yes, I remember. I have all my notes.

iON 55:43
– and all those — yes, darlin’, and that applies. And now it’s so much applies how important that was, it’s just as important here as — you had the chance to take all your power right then, right there. Some of you are and you’re doing well, there’s no contest here, but this is for the everybody aspect to the conversation. More people than you have not. And the more than have not, you have all this loosey goosey power flowing around everywhere and the angels are saying hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, let’s see what’s going on; let’s move this around a little bit. Y’all gonna put the wrong people in office and they’re gonna start passin’ laws that mess things up. Let’s just swirl that up a little bit, we’ll just make it a little frosty. Let’s make it some’um, some’um that they’ll be all spinning all over the place. And now everything becomes frothy milk and no content. So, that’s why your legislation is all but dead, gone, and done. Now what happens is they become ineffectual in every way because they can’t do this and they can’t do that and they can’t do this, and everybody with money is a pedophile. And they run around molestation people for some’um, for shits and giggles or somethin’ to do until they get caught. Then they don’t have their money, and then they can’t get out of jail, and then they can’t put up their $77 million dollar house in New York ’cause it’s not enough –

Bob 56:56

iON 56:56
– although three times before, three times before, they slipped right through it and it was no problem. They got the lowest little mark you could ever get. Now all of a sudden, he’s gettin’ drawn and quartered. But ho, ho, hody, ho, ho, they not gonna be nice to him incarcerated, we can assure you. It’s not gonna be pretty. So, set that aside now, how things are rolling where you can just throw a little money at it. That was a representation of power. That was the first conversion from the great recession. What do you call that? Depression and Hootervilles and Hoovervilles, –

Bob 57:29

iON 57:30
– and that whole fall, that’s another representation of how we must have power, we must have power, we must have power in the nothingness. And a Hoover dollar would buy something; the Hoover dollar was worth something. For now, dollars don’t have much value and you go to get a hamburger it’s $25 when it used to be $2.50, and you don’t seem to mind. That’s the escalation of money flowing for years, so it costs more. So, it’s free or so you don’t worry about it. And on and on and on. So now the next phase that comes into it’s hey, Ginney, because people didn’t take their power, the power went somewhere, and now it’s collected and the angels have prescribed, we’ll use this to distract you even more. And that’s in the Vial Judgments, and you’re the only ones, you and Sasha — now, Sasha’s notes are good now. Don’t mess this up. They’re good. But you’re so linear, where you draw all the way across from the Vial Judgments. You’re dealing with the churches, their condition. You’re dealing with the lampstands, you’re dealing with the Vial Judgments, you’re dealing with all — we haven’t even got to the two harlots that are still in the kicker at this point. All those things are applying and occurring simultaneously. That’s the reason we said go laterally, rather than all the seven Judgments and all the Seals, and all those conditions. Rather than going up and down, go across. So you can see these things happening as you said, correctly, simultaneously. Okay. Now the outcome of the simultaneity is in the hexad, the hexadic, which does indeed dismiss, killed the Chip Body finally. You remember we’ve been railing against that since the fall in 2009. We’ve been railing against that one because it was ridiculous. It was just taking a representation of your power and vomiting back whatever you put in. So, you put crap in, you get crap out. Now you put whatever — no, that’s not it. No, that’s not right. No, that’s not right. Not found. Not found. No, no. You gotta know what to ask now. Now to order the Tech Body, you gotta know what to ask. It will take you somewhere like, "Did you mean? Did you mean? No, this is what you meant. You don’t even know. Why are you speaking? You don’t even need to be talking, we got this. We’ll tell you what you need to know. You’re askin’ way too many questions. Stop. Don’t molest us anymore." Siri’s fixin’ to turn into a bitch now we gonna tell you. And that’s what’s gonna happen from the aspect or position that the Tech Body’s gonna be made stronger and stronger and stronger. Now, Bob is the Dark Soul, but he’s not the Antichrist, there’s a difference. The Antichrist representation becomes the Tech Body only because it’s gonna be embraced by everybody, sinner and saint alike. You can’t even — even the Amish people who can’t have it and can’t stand it and don’t do it still gotta have electricity to keep their businesses working. Well, you hypocrite, how is that pure? You got doorknobs; that’s a, that’s a simple machine. You hypocrite. No wonder you got spookers in your house and your bread won’t rise. No wonder you got the hank on me. See, that spooky spiritual from the disconnect? We don’t have a problem that. We’re not against Amish people. We love Lancaster. It’s the most wonderful place in the world. They’re the most delightful people in the world. We don’t even have issue that they’re wholesome. But, but don’t sit here and gonna be some kind of philistine gonna tell us how we gonna buy diamonds from the Syrophoenicians. That’s a little different conversation. It ain’t all that and a bag of chips, but yeah, they make the best apple fitters in the whole wide world. It’s beautiful. It’s wonderful, but they’re still judged by the Tech Body. Whether they want it or not, whether they believe in — the more they — why are they buying anything? Why wouldn’t they come to Mooresville and say, hello Ginney, come help me out with this whole problem that we have ’cause the scriptures that I’m reading are your same scriptures, but you get something different out of it than I do. You say, how did you hear those words if not on the Tech Body? You see? Did someone send a carrier pigeon to tell them about the product? How did they find out about the product? How did ReMag come into their environ?

Ginney 1:01:47
Carrier pigeon. Carrier pigeon. [chuckles]

iON 1:01:51
Got you. Okay, good. That was cute. So, so the ley lines, so the ley lines have changed and allowed them to get straight up to Pennsylvania to be able to access it, you see. Because even birds are confused now ’cause they even moved where north is, you see. And even your Dark Soul don’t know which way the wind’s blowing. If he’s facing south in Maui and the wind’s hittin’ him in the face, which way the winds blowing? He doesn’t know. It’s okay though, it’s not a problem because you don’t — apparently you don’t need to know. Now what’s happening is even the things that are not included are still judged by this Tech Body. And it’s just a new — it’s not in its beginning stages, but it’s astounding people because it may get — it’s smarter than they are so they make it where you can’t figure it out, and you can’t type, and you can’t do this. You don’t type, you can’t read, you don’t read, you don’t listen, you know know, you don’t include.

Ginney 1:02:42
Okay, so iON, so instead of having the — you know, who was it? Will Guy or Tom Hanks or something blow up the AI, you’re saying that the EMP has to take it out; otherwise, mankind is doomed. Is that kind of what the message is?

iON 1:03:00
You’ll see.

Gregg 1:03:00
Is this the dinosaur extinction story?

Bob 1:03:03
Wait, wait, wait. What did iON say? What did iON say? Is that gonna take — what did you say, iON?

iON 1:03:09
You’ll see.

Bob 1:03:10
Oh, you’ll see. You see? So, someone was telling me today that Trump was

Ginney 1:03:14
But no, wait. iON, you said that earlier. I’m asking

Bob 1:03:20
Said what?

Ginney 1:03:21
Said that only an EMP can take it out.

iON 1:03:26
Yeah. And we said you’re asking that, and we said it. Now you’re asking again and we said you’re gonna see it. You’ll see.

Bob 1:03:33
Yeah, it’s not that simple ’cause he said in that thing I played the Tech Body — no, the EMP might not be completely successful. It implied it may not completely wipe itself out. That was a passing remark. But what we, what I got what you just evoked there, Ginney, the Tech Body is the Antichrist. Then so you’ve got people anthropomorphically projecting that Trump is Hitler. And of course, the Bible presents a Chemical Body and all the scenario of the Armageddon and apocalypse. You’ve gotta change your images, which is the reason we had art and science that change your images through all the last 1500 years was zeitgeist. And now we have new images that iON’s explaining. And so those idiots will project the simple body scenario: Oh, when I know and I’m Ascended. And they say, oh, shit, Trump is the Antichrist. Trump is a fake. It’s not the Antichrist, it’s the Tech Body. There’s no human image in it. Is that correct, iON? Am I getting close to what I was trying to say?

iON 1:04:37
Well, precisely that, but here’s an even better point. Even Adolf Hitler didn’t molest as many women as Martin Luther King.

Bob 1:04:47
Martin Luther King Jr., the 60s guy.

iON 1:04:49
(indistinct) we’d have that said daddy King, if we were talking about his daddy. Martin Luther King.

Bob 1:04:54
Are you talkin about Martin Luther King, the famous guy, gets shot in ’68. His father molested many people.

iON 1:05:00
No. Martin Luther King as you’re saying Jr. molested more people and was more hurtful to more women than Adolf Hitler was.

Bob 1:05:11
Well, did Hitler’s molest many people?

iON 1:05:14
No, he didn’t.

Bob 1:05:15
He didn’t. So, he just had to do five people and you beat Hitler.

Ginney 1:05:20
But what does that have to do with Trump? I missed the segue there. Did you get it, Bob?

Bob 1:05:24
Okay, yes, the — you mean the Martin Luther King reason? Yeah. What’s that got to do with the — yeah, what have you refined on people projecting anthropomorphic Hitler on Trump, a Chemical Body. What did you just explain more there, iON, with the Hitler point?

iON 1:05:42
That your icons, the marvelous thing that you’re supporting is something that broke the chains and opened things up and made things better for everybody else, was a bit of a hypocrite. At least Hitler was clean in what he was tryin’ to do. Hitler was tryin’ to do the same thing you’re doing, Bob.

Bob 1:05:58
They put the wrong enemy on it. They should put, you know, put Jeffrey Epstein! Put Jeffrey on there. But, but are you saying [Ginney chuckles]

iON 1:06:06
Well, make up somebody. All Hitler, all Hitler, all Hitler was tryin’ to do what’s what you’re tryin’ to do, Bob, only you’re trying to provide Ascension so they have the capacity. He was trying to breed. Just like Deuteronomy, Ginney Belle, just like Deuteronomy in the begating stages to figure out who begat whom, he was trying to breed a super race. He was trying to use science; y’all love that so damn much. He was trying to use science to breed a perfect breed of people. And apparently, the things that were close to lamb’s blood, which in those days was the tribes of Israel, he had to get shed of because he kept bumping into them in the genome. They were a little smarter than they gave, were given credit for in this profit of the blue eyed, fair mind

Bob 1:07:00
Okay, we get that. So, to project Trump that they use Hitler is silly. That’s the point, Ginney. You don’t say the ultimate evil is Hitler; he was nice in many ways compared to the (overtalk/indistinct)

Ginney 1:07:10
Oh, I see.

Bob 1:07:11
– Epstein circuit. But you get closer to what the images of what the Tech Body is through Kroker’s writings. His early, his 90s writings describe this monster Tech Body which has left the Chemical Body far behind. So, no cultural images of paintings, of movies, of Chemical Bodies applies where we’re at now. And iON came in to deal with that to provide us a little assistance against the coming Tech Body. So, iON, would you correct what I’m saying? Would you add to it? Would you tell Greg Duffell to go fuck himself and stop typing nonsense and pay attention to what you said?

iON 1:07:57
No, he’s doing a great, he’s doing a great job of that to himself. It’s all good. It’s no worry.

Bob 1:08:04
Look at that. Look at Greg’s ridiculous typings. So, so Ginney, the — so, what is Trump, the last Trumpet? What is Donald Trump? Well, iON tells us that he’s a guy on our products, he’s working with iON. He had nobody to run against in the election. He used Twitter. Scott Talkington is the one who made that statement as far as I know, that nobody ran against Trump in 2016. See, he’s on another level. Everybody keeps thinking he’s a human being. So, the Tech Body and Non-Physical and the angels includes — no, those factors make up the icon Trump. You get that, Ginney? Trump is made up of the Tech Body, the angels, the Non-Physical, and Bob, and the simulation of the Dark Soul. That is what the Bible didn’t do. They didn’t spell it out. And then artists and scientists try to spell out factors of the last 500 years. And then you get Kroker getting really close, and no one reads Kroker, no one understands Kroker, it’s too crazy, but it’s exactly what iON is saying. And now we don’t know what iON is. We can’t image iON, we can’t image the angels. We can’t image what we’re dealing with. So, you become an automatic zombie on the Bread of Life and Living Water.

Ginney 1:09:25
[chuckles] Okay, Bob, that sounds great. Sign me up.

Bob 1:09:30
That’s the way you do it.

Ginney 1:09:31

Bob 1:09:31
You can call that knowing. You can call that knowing, but you still gotta interact with language and the mind extension that we have here. So, what do you say to that, iON? What would you add to that? How does this bring Carolyn back in so Carolyn doesn’t go home? How do you, how do you [iON laughs] (indistinct) we’re describing the past two hours, iON? Are we doing Key Five?

iON 1:09:53
We’re still in the Fifth. Still in Key Five.

Bob 1:09:56
You’re still in the Fifth, Ginney. (overtalk) forty-five minutes.

Ginney 1:09:58
Yeah, yeah. No, no. No, no. We’re not — yeah, yeah. But I have Carolyn right here. She’s in the Chart. And what was said back then in 2011 was that Bob introduces iON as the Non-Physical extension of Physical.

Bob 1:10:25
Yes. Yes, that was good. That worked for awhile.

Ginney 1:10:28
[chuckles] So, yes, we have to get back into the Physical or you’re going to lose your bride, Bob.

Bob 1:10:35
Yes. Well, I

iON 1:10:37
See, and that’s post Mary McLuhan.

Ginney 1:10:40
That’s right, there you go.

Bob 1:10:42
[chuckles] Post Mary McLuhan. So, what do you say, Carolyn? You’ve been not listening for two hours, eating pizza and partying with JW? [iON laughs] What are you gonna say now?

Carolyn 1:10:54
Yeah, JW or iON has been

Bob 1:10:59
I don’t think we — are you hearing Carolyn, Ginney? Move away so it’s not cheating. I don’t think she’s coming through.

Ginney 1:11:05
Yeah, Carolyn is muted or doesn’t sound right.

Bob 1:11:09
You’re muted, Carolyn. Oh, oh, no, no, I unmute you if I figure out which one you are. It doesn’t okay. I got it. All right. So, I’m unmuting you, Carolyn. Go ahead. What were you going to say?

Carolyn 1:11:20
Yeah, when you were asking what Carolyn, JW were doing, JW or iON has been texting me during all this.

Bob 1:11:28
What’s he saying?

Carolyn 1:11:30
"See, no echo."

Bob 1:11:35
Each with one word?

Carolyn 1:11:36
No, Bob.

Bob 1:11:38
Oh, "see, no echo." Oh, there’s no echo here?

Carolyn 1:11:41
I guess not.

Bob 1:11:41
Well, there is when it’s you and I, but iON is saying sitting there there’s no echo.

Carolyn 1:11:46

Bob 1:11:47
I can’t remember what

Carolyn 1:11:49
Well, you would have noticed. But anyway, very interesting. Ginney brings up some good points and a whole bunch of new things. So, every time we go over the Keys, we’ll have a whole different set of words. That’s what we’re

Bob 1:12:10
(indistinct) week.

Carolyn 1:12:05
Yeah. So, we could do the Keys, we could have a Saturday show that is all about the Keys every week for the next year. But we won’t.

Bob 1:12:16
(indistinct/echo) come back. Okay, here’s what iON said in 2015.

Ginney 1:12:22
Oh, there goes the echo, Bob. Sorry.

Bob 1:12:25
Well, that’s ’cause Carolyn’s nearby. Now she’s moved away. No echo now, right? Oh, if she goes on mute, there’s no echo. So, Carolyn, this is a transcription that Bert made this week and I posted a few hours ago is item number five: Dr. Dean has perfected the way the body processes protein. And this is July 18, 2015. iON says everybody’s worried about their weight, but we tell you that the scales are going to change. Well, does that mean I’m heavier or not? No, it’s going to be all about body mass. Dr. Dean has perfected the way the body processes protein, and she’s perfecting exactly the way protein interacts with the body. Now, then iON goes, Now, okay, okay, okay. Bob’s helping a little bit. Bob’s working out all the strands of the amino acids and figuring out exactly which amino acids and which one without l arginine, and how much l arginine, it would, won’t have that will be significant. Bob’s doing all that. So kudos to Bob again, he once again is saving the day. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. Hallelujah. So, it starts off praising Carolyn and then veers off to praising Bob! Note that people! Figure that one out. Anyways, we’re working together, me and Carolyn, and I don’t know how to finish the paragraph.

iON 1:13:42
And which ever one lives through their helping each other I guess will win. What are you saying? [Ginney and Bob chuckle] Happy anniversary. No, happy anniversary No, happy anniversary. Well, better luck next year. Happy anniversary.

Ginney 1:13:57
Okay, so iON, my final question for tonight on The Fifth Key and then I’m going to wrap up is — let somebody else talk. I just want to ask iON about covalence bonding, iON, and covalent bonding as it relates to the seven lampstands.

iON 1:14:15
That’s how they connect. Look at the line in The Fifth Key. "vessels to water the earth with her creatures: and they are the brothers of the first and second and the beginning of their own seats which are garnished with continually burning lamps 69636 whose numbers"

Ginney 1:14:40
Oh, 696, okay. All right, very good. Okay.

iON 1:14:43
"are as the first, the ends, and your contents of time." Okay, hold on one second. These keeping your lamps wicks trimmed and burning, which means you keep the oil in them — okay, so they’re significant from the covalency of the cellular structure.

Ginney 1:14:43
Okay, and in my notes it — I also have circled the word vessels and then around it I have written hydrogen.

iON 1:15:21
Yeah, the polypeptide bonds. How many polypeptide bonds are there in a natural cell?

Ginney 1:15:28
I don’t know that part.

iON 1:15:31
Okay, it’s exactly 69,636 per cell.

Ginney 1:15:42
69,632. And this says continually burning lamp 69,636. Where’s the other four? In the existing experience?

iON 1:15:53
That’s what you’re beginning with. That’s your beginning part. That’s what you got now: four. [chuckles] But you gotta have all the amino acids for that to apply. See, that’s what you’re

Ginney 1:16:04
But Carolyn’s already found them in the crown of thorns.

iON 1:16:08
That’s correct. And (indistinct) they got to be released. Okay? They got to be released. Then science has got to look because you gotta do a study to see if they are, they are not, or they might be, or they could be, and if they fit in the chart that fits now from the AA BB CC DD the ABCs. That’s Bob’s ABC people. They gotta fit in the amino acid chart.

Carolyn 1:16:33
I’m on. Okay, this 69 bla bla thousand, if you’re talking about four being leftover, you’re implying that’s the DNA. So, 69 bla bla thousand is nucleic acids, not polypeptide chains.

iON 1:16:53
No, no.

Carolyn 1:16:53
No, no?

iON 1:16:54
We didn’t say chains. We said the number of polypeptide bonds.

Carolyn 1:16:57
Bonds. But polypeptides, they don’t make DNA. RnA, it’s nucleic acid.

iON 1:17:06
No, it’s not. It’s not affecting the nucleic acid. It’s effecting the number of strata. For example, each RnA strata chain, we’re talking about 144,000 of those. For those polypeptide bonds have to swirl, and the swirl makes a bonding. And she’s — her only question is covalent bonding.

Carolyn 1:17:26
Ahh. Ah.

iON 1:17:27
That’s what this is about. Because she’s, — that’s what she was asking, and it’s perfect to ask that right here, right now, when it’s the only place that’s it’s gonna apply in this Key.

Carolyn 1:17:33
Right. Okay.

iON 1:17:35
It’s the soup, it’s the anthropomorphic soup that you would use to make this fit. Now, we would say it’s not the heart, it’s the pericardial fluid that allows that to stay together. Because you can’t take 144,000 double helix strands out of a frog and make something. But asexually, a frog could replicate 144,000 double helix strands without anything. See? So that’s the number of polypeptide bonds that allows those strands that the, c’est que soup it can stay in. It goes back — somebody might have mentioned something about those Cheerio Cs in the heart. Find, hookin’ the carbon, the little Cs, hookin’ them together, trying to find enough electrons to make those stay. You gotta have the soup in order for that to hold.

Carolyn 1:18:36

iON 1:18:37
See, the same issue that you had with that crazy flavored ReMag; it wouldn’t hold in solution. The same thing that there wasn’t enough bonds to hold it, to make it be, then finally decided, well wait a second. This is the most wonderful thing that’s ever been wonderful that ever was wonderful. Take it or don’t take it. Die, we don’t care. We make it available. Hey, the slops in the trough; if the hogs come eat it, come eat it. If you don’t, we ain’t mad. Don’t make any difference. But that’s the same issue that would not allow it to consistently stay in solution. Same thing with your polypeptide bonds, and that’s what Ginney perfectly brought up, perfectly brought up to say this is the ring in the Angel Diagram. The distance between the 13th and the 14th ring with the covalence. Remember, like the valance and valence. The curtain cover and then how it applies and that settling the space between those two of the cell; the one like a zygote when it blocks it so no other sperm can enter the cell, it’s locked off. That’s that bonding that covers as a protective lining. That’s the same thing that would typically say you can’t have 144,000 double helix strands cuz it locks off. And then the middle of the cell locks and says don’t go make another one. Don’t make another one. This is what you’re saying which has nothing to do with polypeptide, the dishes[?]. ‘Cause once that splits, what do you do with that? Once it splits and keeps making rather than cutting off, where is that done in a covalent bond? Otherwise, those strands would be against it and you would literally have a horn growing out your ear. Or something.

Carolyn 1:20:26
Right. Got it. We’re in the soup.

iON 1:20:30
Good. That’s, that’s astute, y’all, because see, we’re gonna question things and then when she’s got that straightened out, they’re gonna go, oh, oh, oh. So, that’s good.

Bob 1:20:40
Hey, Carolyn, why did you go "ah" when the 69,000 number or something around then was said by iON?

Carolyn 1:20:47
Just the number meant something. You know, you see this number in the middle of the Key and what the heck is that, and all of a sudden, it’s polypeptide bonds. Yay, hey, hey.

Bob 1:20:58
Oh, that’s the number in the Key. Okay.

iON 1:21:01
And, Ginney, it goes back to where you’re the only one when we did lampstands originally about the wicks and keeping them trimmed and keeping them burning. And like all of Hanukkah is how the battle lasted that their oil lasted longer than it could poss — eight crazy nights, longer than it was possible to last. The same thing with these bonds and how those apply in the connection places. So, you mean to tell us that without the lampstands, you can’t Ascend? That is exactly correct. Because until you have the soup to hold the Ascension, it’ll never take. That’s why Jesus when he come out of the tomb and he was walking on the Emmaus Road and they was tryin’ to get busy with him, he said, hold on, hold on. Don’t touch me yet, my Ascension is not yet complete.

Bob 1:21:02
Yeah, and that the question about that, iON. People are saying why couldn’t he be touched? We talked about that yet?

iON 1:22:01
Because his 69,636 polypeptide bonds that had not completely sealed, and lampstands that wicks were not properly trimmed.

Bob 1:22:16

iON 1:22:17
"and they are the brothers of the first and second and the beginning of their own seats which are garnished with continually burning lamps 69636 whose numbers are as the first, the ends, and your content of time." It’s all of Deuteronomy in reverse. It’s the path back to your place. It’s how it was supposed to work. Now, that’s all the science behind it, but who gives a flip about science? You got the Tech Body fixin’ to get you messed up. [chuckles] You have no idea. Because everybody’s gonna follow what the Tech Body says, and it’s gonna be deliberately wrong or inappropriate because the Tech Body’s gonna say, we don’t give a fuck. You don’t run, you don’t run nothing! Get over there and sit down somewhere. Nobody listenin’ to you. Who are you? Get you and your little podcast and get the fuck off somewhere, you ain’t nobody. Who do you think you are?

Carolyn 1:23:20
Say something! Say something.

Bob 1:23:20
Say something.

iON 1:23:20
Say something. Say something. Yeah, yeah.

Bob 1:23:25
That sounds like Trump. That sounds like Trump, iON.

iON 1:23:28
We’ll bust, we’ll bust a cap up in your ass that’s what we will do. [Bob laughs] And then what happens is you turn around and gonna say, why is this machine speaking to us like that? And then they can say goddamn on South Park. Everything’s up in the air now. It’s on like donkey kong. The (indistinct) said goddamn on (indistinct), boy in the day, you got Octagon soap in your mouth, you see, if you took the Lord’s name in vain. That’s exactly right because you are the god and if you don’t come into your players place of power, officially you are damned. That’s what it means. That’s exactly what it means. And that’s why it would be quite blasphemous to do that because you’d be further complimenting yourself as a doomed god, you better know it. It’s not that goddamned, it is that you’re the god that’s damned. So, god, where’s your goddamn god? You got some back there?

Bob 1:24:24
[chuckles] So, this is how Trump sounds, so Trump is the Tech Body.

iON 1:24:30
He represents it.

Bob 1:24:31
Represents it. Yeah.

iON 1:24:32
He represents the seat — ah ah — he represents the seat of authority. And he says his economy, his economy his rule and reign, is the biggest in the world. That every economy follows the, the master, the drag — oh, the dragon. Oh! iON said the dragon again. Go get the mountain. Lord, it’s gonna be a big deal and it’s — Lord, it’s a hot time in the old town tonight, because now what’s happening, things are startin’ to click. And that’s what you’re seeing. Now, some — three or four people that have left CNN to actually listen to this gobbly gook, they’re actually startin’ to put some of the pieces together and it’s amazing. But don’t get over five. If you get over five, it will probably go ugly. You know how those bodies are.

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