Transcribed by Nan
Greg 0:01
I have to agree. I am having a difficult time just figuring out what the scam is.
Bob 0:14
[laughs] As most of the (overtalk)
Greg 0:11
Believe me, I think about it a lot. I put one piece over here and another piece there [Bob laughs] and I go okay, this that. And you (indistinct) somewhere. And I’m just trying to figure out what is the scam? [Bob laughs] I know there’s a scam. I know it. I know there’s one, but I just can’t sort it out.
Bob 0:30
Yeah, you’re not in a minority, Greg. That’s most people are trying to figure it out. That’s right. You know, they are. They don’t know what the hell we’re doing. They don’t believe that iON helps Carolyn’s products be super. You know, they don’t get that. But that’s the only way you could say that’s a scam. We’re making up shit about products, which then makes people when they take them think they’re getting better because iON’s done a mass hypnosis on everybody. That’s as far as you get with that, but you can’t prove it. So, you’re left with nothing again. Yeah, but it’s a perfect thing, Greg. I figured out the perfect crime. [chuckles]
Greg 1:12
I know. I know, and you seem to be profiting by it.
Bob 1:15
Greg 1:15
One — that’s the other thing is just figuring out how are you profiting from this exactly?
Bob 1:20
Greg 1:21
How, how are you getting even this show? How — we’re like, I’m doing it for nothing. Clinton’s doing it for nothing I guess with Brian. [Bob laughs] Right?
Bob 1:30
Greg 1:31
But Bill? I mean, he can’t do all this for nothing. He has to be paid, but why are you paying Bill exactly?
Bob 1:40
[laughs] Because we like doing the show.
Greg 1:42
Bob 1:43
And we can afford it. We can afford it.
Greg 1:45
It’s peculiar. [Bob laughs] It seems very peculiar. And here, and here iON or JW or whatever, meeting all of you. You’re all into the profit motive. I mean, you see me as some kind of heretic.
Bob 2:00
Yeah. [laughs]
Greg 2:02
I mean, even, even, [chuckles] even I believe in surplus value, right?
Bob 2:09
[chuckles] Yeah.
Greg 2:09
Whereas, whereas you guys,
Greg 2:12
Not only we made profit, we tell how there’s no money in the world. Okay? That’s a major theme. There’s literally — that’s why Mr. Rothschild — you guys didn’t hear my discussion –
Greg 2:12
No, I saw
Bob 2:14
– I read my correspondence with Rothschild.
Greg 2:28
I caught wind of that. I saw it in one of Steve’s — was it Steve Reimer’s email where he said that somebody
Bob 2:34
Yeah, he told you to click on — yeah, you click on it, and you’ll hear. You click on that link, and he tells you start at the 11-minute mark. And you can hear me doing what I did on the radio last night. But it blew everybody away. Alissa said, "This is what I always imagined. If I hung around with Bob, he’d get me into the Illuminati room, and I’d hear him be part of the Illuminati." And I did it last night. I read out the correspondence.
Greg 2:59
All right.
Caller 2:59
How far did you get?
Greg 3:00
I’m sorry. Hahaha. [recording ends/short pause] Hello. iON, just before I begin, I’d like to address Pentium. Pentium, we posted something — what was that a week ago? And oh, yeah, the secret, the secret revelation of Carolyn doing her real knowledge exploration with iON; all this chemistry. And I fucking interrupted and overlaid it and said, "Hey, my fingernails are fixed!" And you, you fucking dummy, you think the whole thing is about the fingernails and you post some hack shit guy who has a solution for fucking fingernails is the problem, Pentium. You’re not paying attention. You go back and listen to that. Forget about the fingernails. It had nothing to do with it. And listen to what was going on between Carolyn and iON. Okay? You got that Pentium if you’re still here? Okay, iON, we’re ready to do their business. Guess we’ll go to Ginney. You ready, Ginney?
Ginney 4:17
Hey, Bob. Hey, iON. Hey, Carolyn.
iON 4:20
Hey, darlin’.
Ginney 4:20
Awesome, awesome. Okay, here we go. Now I’ve got a lot, [chuckles] a lot of questions tonight. Okay, so let’s see where to get started. I want to start with the session that you did with Bob way back in the early days, and that one is called –oh, gosh, where did it go? It’s right here. Hold on just a second. I gotta pull it up. I just made all my notes. Okay, that was called Emotion, Soul, Essence. Okay.
Bob 5:01
Emotion what? Soul what?
Ginney 5:09
Bob 5:11
Oh, emotion, soul, essence; three things.
Ginney 5:15
Emotion, soul, essence; three things. Okay. The first statement: life begins when the cell is fertilized and has Non-Physical from the Guf attached to it. Is there an update to that statement, iON?
iON 5:37
Well, there’s always a little clean up, but what’s, what’s your point?
Ginney 5:43
Well, the point is, is that the Guf has emptied. So now where is Non-Physical coming from that the Guf is empty? Is the original statement that life begins
iON 5:54
Well, it’s here.
Ginney 5:55
iON 5:56
It’s here, it’s here.
Ginney 5:57
It’s here. Okay. Very good. All right, this is — okay, very good. All right. So, it’s here. So, the soul, next statement: the soul embraces the Non-Physical and the meatsack of the baby. And the soul is here too. Right?
iON 6:20
Yeah, but you don’t know where here is. The answer’s yes, but you don’t know where here is.
Ginney 6:25
Okay, then where’s here?
iON 6:29
You don’t know.
Ginney 6:30
Because here is — no, no, no.
iON 6:32
Ginney 6:33
Here’s a big
iON 6:33
Here’s relative. Here’s relative.
Ginney 6:37
Okay. "Here" is a big part of this conversation, the “here” of the soul
iON 6:44
Did you watch Strange — the last season of Stranger Things?
Ginney 6:48
No, you know, that kind of stuff creeps me out.
iON 6:50
Well, it gave you the answer to what you’re tryin’ to figure out. So, you’re given a juxtaposable position, you’re given a juxtaposable condition of response. The response is, if we knew where "here" was, we could calculate the transcendence of the soul from where it is to where it is to be. Here is here to be. So instead, what you gotta do is you gotta do an 80s culture iconoclast to calculate where we were to how we came from there to here. And then as Bob says, jokingly, it’s why you get surprised when you start repeating history ’cause you don’t know where here here is, or the there there is.
Ginney 7:31
Okay, you said in this particular segment, iON stated that the "here" is they used two words: this plane and the earth.
iON 7:44
Essence. Yes, that’s correct.
Ginney 7:47
Okay. So, you are
iON 7:48
The Earth has, the Earth has many planes.
Ginney 7:53
The Earth has many planes, okay. Life begins when the cell is fertilized and has Non-Physical from here attached to it. And the "here" has — is the many planes of the Earth. Is that an accurate statement?
iON 8:15
Yes, yes. Yeah.
Ginney 8:18
Okay. The soul embraces the Non-Physical and the meatsack of the baby. The Non-Physical is not the soul.
iON 8:32
Ginney 8:32
The soul is separate. Okay.
iON 8:35
That’s as laid out in John, chapter 14, 1-6.
Ginney 8:44
Okay, John, chapter 14, 1-6.
iON 8:47
You don’t have to look it up. You know it by heart for Pete’s sake. You digested that so many times it’s disgusting.
Ginney 8:56
Yes. But I’ve been speaking –
iON 8:59
Sorry. We know how much you hate it.
Ginney 9:00
– to iON for the last (indistinct) hours. So, okay. Oh, many mansions. Okay. So, okay. So, the soul has many mansions?
iON 9:14
Yeah, the space. The house has many mansions. The Earth has many planes. The constituency of the — ah, Babylon has to be contained or separated, or you’re in it. For example, –
Ginney 9:40
iON 9:41
– in Lot’s version of the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah, the angels got into Sodom, right?
Ginney 9:53
iON 9:53
And the crowd was knocking down the doors, saying, "Bring them angels out here so we can get some angel nookie. We want some angel strange." And then Lot said, "No, no, no, I’ll give you my daughters; they’re pure. My daughters (indistinct) protect the angel." Oh, hell, no, nah uh uh. No, we want that angel. Mm-mmm. That’s what we want." So even that infiltration of where is "here," that’s where they were. Okay? And then Sodom, Sodom fell. Sodom and Gomorrah fell from that condition. And then once you separated from that plane like Lot’s wife who was told not to look back, looked back and was turned into magnesium citrate. Oh, no, sorry. [Ginney chuckles] It was salt. It was salt. Mm-hmm, it was salt. So, these are the differences. And so this fall of against or far where you’re to or from is relevant. Now see, that’s where Bob gets lost, and he will spin your hair into a twirled up little Afro when you start talking about this because he’s gonna take you straight down to the Mechanical Bride. He’s gonna take you straight down the McLuhan bullshit to make it where you can’t figure out anything. So now you just gonna have to get rid of words altogether, that you’re now trying to qualify words to calculate the essence of planular reality. ‘Cause you’re not, you’re really not asking about here, you’re asking about reality. And we like that ’cause you like the update. Well, there’s the update. Oh, wait, that was the update. [laughs] Now ask your question.
Ginney 11:28
Well, the update is no, no. I’m always asking about Ascension. But what I’m going to is through this process of what you’ve laid out previously and how to track it into this now, this current now, this moment.
iON 11:47
The one that’s ever shifting and changing, and up and down. And the one where Trump’s not the President. And the one where gasoline is $2.95 a gallon or no, no, $1.75. No, $8 a gallon. See, those things are shifting and those are all real! They’re real, but it’s not based on reality. See the difference?
Ginney 12:11
Yes. Okay. Let’s keep going because I want — yes, let’s keep going. Okay. You said
iON 12:17
We had to get that far. No, wait, hold on. We had to get that far to make what you’re fixin’ to say be cohesive because otherwise, it just turns into a soundbite. So, if you do this right, you’re gonna get somewhere. So, but we laid that down so the next thing you’re gonna talk about should help. Go ahead.
Ginney 12:38
Okay. You said the soul residue. When a person lays their meatsack down, there is a residue or a soul that remains in that plane or in the Earth, and it is again that mystical here.
iON 13:03
Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. That’s right. So that’s why, that’s why, that’s why an example of that is that’s why they say some places are oddly precariously inhabited by the unquieted dead or earthbound spirits as it were. That’s why houses can get haunted. That’s why people can be invaded like Legion. See, that’s a little different conversation, but it applies the same way. Okay?
Ginney 13:31
Okay. So, you said that the residue does not have a consciousness, it is not aware of itself, –
iON 13:41
Ginney 13:41
– and it never evolved beyond itself. It is just like a –
iON 13:47
Ginney 13:47
– recording that keeps playing.
iON 13:50
Right. That’s right. That’s what, and that’s what the stenographer of the soul is, is the calculator or the counter of the realized and unrealized creations. That’s what the soul is.
Ginney 14:05
Is there a physics or no, I shouldn’t say is.
iON 14:08
Ginney 14:08
There is a physics –
iON 14:09
Ginney 14:09
– to that residue.
iON 14:11
There is. Mm-hmm.
Ginney 14:12
What is that physics?
iON 14:16
You’re not gonna get that, baby. Sorry. It was a nice try though.
Ginney 14:19
Is it plasma?
iON 14:20
It was a nice try. It was a nice try. Hold on one second.
Ginney 14:23
Is it a plasma field?
iON 14:25
We gotta fix, we gotta fix our audio. Hold just a minute. Just a minute. Okay, is that better or worse? Better or worse?
Ginney 14:39
[chuckles] It’s like being the eye doctor. That’s funny. Oh, that sounds better.
iON 14:49
That’s better? That’s better.
Ginney 14:51
That’s better.
iON 14:51
We don’t want Bob — we’re tired of Bob screaming at us so we’re gonna fix it to start with. So, that’s better. Okay. Now, you were gonna carry on our wayward one.
Ginney 15:03
Yes. I’m saying the physics of the residue field of the soul, is it a plasma field?
iON 15:15
No, but it is plasma enhanced.
Ginney 15:18
iON 15:19
So, you can take — okay, no, wait. No, that’s a good thing. They were — do you remember — not, not hoodoo, Houdini. You remember Houdini, –
Ginney 15:31
iON 15:31
– when he started playing in that, that, that, that supernatural area? And he would take nitrite powder and, and light it, and he would be able to capture spirits that were among them. That’s when he sort of got started getting weird with his tricks, and he was trying to go into that, what you call supernatural, or extra. They would say super imposed natural. If they said it that way, everybody would understand it. They’re trying to say that it’s something else, and it’s not something else. It’s the simple, the simple run. So, that’s how that applies. So now your plasma-induced capacity has to be able to function, be engaged. Well, it’s a marking place to see where you stopped and where you started. We would say the same thing with your knitting. You know how to knit? You should know how to knit.
Ginney 16:32
iON 16:34
Okay, and your knitting, you gotta knit one, purl two. You gotta keep track of it. It’s not purl two, knit two; it’s knit one, purl two so you can keep track of it. And it makes a pattern ’cause that pattern’s what you’re coming back to. And what you’re coming back to is what you came to in the beginning in the first place is hooking you to you. And that’s why you’re asking the questions of when you separate the soulish man from the condition of man livingness, –
Carolyn 16:58
(in background) No.
iON 16:58
– it doesn’t go away. Doesn’t go away, but it’s — no, yes, Carolyn? Or no?
Carolyn 17:06
No, Bob was trying to throw something away, and I
iON 17:10
Don’t throw that away! Do not do that. She will throw, she will throw chocolate bars at you. Do not do that. She would do that.
Carolyn 17:18
[chuckles] I will make you fatter!
iON 17:20
That’s right. Nice. That’s nice. That’s nice. And so then what happens is after a little while, you start calculating the — it’s not the, it’s not the rhythm of the music, it’s the beat that sort of repeats itself. And so if we can say it like that, that’s when we would fit you quickly into a pentatonic scales reproach of this calculating the distance between the soulish man and the man, you see.
Ginney 17:53
iON 17:54
Can a human be alive without a soul? That’s the question you should be asking.
Ginney 17:59
Yeah, it’s coming. It’s coming.
iON 18:02
Oh, yeah, we know. We know. We know. We know. We know.
Ginney 18:06
Okay, let me do this though first. So, here’s the soul residue in the plasma field. It doesn’t know its own consciousness. It’s like a recorder, never
iON 18:21
It doesn’t have a consciousness. It doesn’t have a, it doesn’t have a consciousness.
Ginney 18:24
Okay. Doesn’t have a consciousness. Like the recording, it never evolves beyond that. But another thing you said was that the soul is the active collator of the human experience, and it takes care of the peptide interaction.
iON 18:44
Yeah, we didn’t say bonding; you notice that? We said interaction.
Ginney 18:48
That’s right! That is exactly correct. So, would a — so, but the Non-Physical will do the peptide bonding. Is that right?
iON 19:06
Say it — can you say it a different way that you like better?
Ginney 19:10
Well, the soul, again, is that recorder and — okay, the Non-Physical part of you is the eternal part of you. Boom. Done. Right?
iON 19:29
Correct. That’s correct. That always has been.
Ginney 19:33
That always has been. Okay. So even though the soul has its own fields, its own plasma fields, it does have a place in the physical body with these peptide interactions. It is not the bonding. In other words, it doesn’t do the the bonding or the kneading or the gathering together of the physical and the Non-Physical. Right?
iON 20:03
Right. That’s right. That’s right. That’s the easy part.
Ginney 20:07
Okay, very good. All right. So now, you said there’s a trilogy and a Trinity. The Trinity is the separation between the meatsack, the Non-Physical and the labyrinth of the mind. And you said the trilogy is a story that is told, is one story told in three parts, and the soul is the first part of the trilogy. But you never did say what the other two parts of that story are.
iON 20:46
Yeah, no idea. Not gonna say. [Carolyn chuckles in background]
Ginney 20:50
Don’t know. Very good. Okay.
iON 20:54
We know, we just not gonna say. We just not gonna say. We don’t have to say.
Ginney 20:59
What completes the
iON 21:00
It’s good to say.
Ginney 21:03
Okay, okay. So when, since the — so here comes to the question of, is there, does every human flesh connect to a soul?
iON 21:20
Not necessarily, used to. In the old here, in the old here, yes, ma’am. Absolutely. Without fail or exception. But in this here, see here? In this here, this here is now here. The now that’s here was the here that was now that was now here. See here? So, the here can have humans that have no connection to a soul. They call ’em, they call — see, they make jokes about it. They talk about, "You soulless bastard, you," ’cause they are. And then, and then that goes into the same repose. That’s what’s gonna be the best thing to make the Spam out of for the aliens. They so hungry. Ooh, they’re so hungry. And you can’t compost all of the humans. So, those are the ones that would be great to make Spam with because they won’t (overtalk).
Carolyn 22:13
Generation Z. That’s Generation Z.
iON 22:16
Yeah, Generation Z. Generation Z. Yeah. Don’t know what that is, but that which she says it is, so go with it.
Ginney 22:22
Okay. Okay, so back to this whole thing, though. Okay. So what you said and I understand the old here, okay, the old here was that the egg is fertilized and then the Non-Physical from the here, Guf, that used to be from the Guf but is now here,
iON 22:45
No, no, no, no, no, no. That’s a hard — you’re doing the long way home. The old here was when Canaan’s land attached to the River Jordan to this land. Now Canaan is not across the River Jordan, it has expanded. That’s different.
Ginney 23:09
Canaan has expanded into the River Jordan?
iON 23:13
Beyond it. Used to, you could just cross the River Jordan and go to Canaan’s land. Not any more. That, that ship has sailed. That’s why you’re gonna have to take a, you’re gonna have to take a very large Earth ship that’s not your home back home without the benefit of the internet. Without the benefit of the internet. [laughs]
Ginney 23:40
Okay, so the — if the human flesh that does not connect with the soul is now here in this experience and the –
iON 23:54
Ginney 23:54
– if it doesn’t connect with the human soul, does it connect, does it meet that Non-Physical position?
iON 23:54
We would say no. We would say no.
Ginney 23:58
iON 23:58
Do you know what, do you know what an ILK or an Inth is?
Ginney 24:15
An Inth or an ILK?
iON 24:16
Yes. Do you know what that is?
Ginney 24:18
Isn’t it like a jot or a tittle?
iON 24:22
It can be, but it can be another way to describe one when you have an unsuccessful lobotomy.
Ginney 24:29
Oh, I don’t know about that.
iON 24:32
And you become a Rose, and you become a, become a Rose Kennedy where you just don’t know anything. You’re still alive. You’re still functioning, but you don’t know anything. You know, that’s when they have to start keeping you in the back of the house. You know, that kind of thing.
Ginney 24:50
Okay. All right. Carolyn said that you said — I did not personally hear you say this — that all the babies that are being born now are angels.
iON 25:05
Mm-hmm. At least half. Miscegenated.
Ginney 25:10
Does that mean that the two people on my staff who’ve had babies within the last 30 days have both had angel babies?
iON 25:19
Look at ’em. Look at ’em. My God, honey, you don’t need to ask us that. Get ’em in your hands and see what happens. They float. You held those babies?
Ginney 25:30
iON 25:32
Why not?
Ginney 25:32
I haven’t seen ’em. But I mean that just saying. I’m just asking if they are angels.
iON 25:40
Get ahold of ’em. Get a get a hold of ’em. They’re half. Yeah.
Ginney 25:44
They’re half. Okay. All right. So, now in the here that we are in now,
iON 25:51
But now, that’s a big, that’s a bigger deal. That’s why there’s no milk.
Ginney 26:01
iON 26:01
Oh, that’s the wrong word. That’s the wrong word; it’s formula. So, formula.
Ginney 26:08
Okay, there’s no formula because they’re angels.
iON 26:12
Angel baby don’t drink that. They don’t need Similac for Pete’s sake.
Ginney 26:19
Yes, the one baby is having a hard time tolerating any formula.
iON 26:24
That’s right. That’s right.
Ginney 26:29
Okay, very good. Okay. Now,
iON 26:33
But make it while you’re out, while you’re out and about, go get your damn hands on one of them babies. We don’t care which one, go get your hands on them babies and you’ll be havin’ a whole bunch of different questions. Get ahold of them.
Ginney 26:49
iON 26:50
And don’t be on them like, wherever their mamas or whoever’s around them, don’t be all up in their Kool-Aid. Get that baby out from them ’cause they — it’s called a tracer that the angel can trace the connection to the parents. Okay? So what you gotta do is you gotta get that baby a little bit away from them. You know, you know how you walk with a baby and la la la, all that kind of foolishness. Do that. Get away from the baby just a little bit and you’ll see.
Ginney 26:50
iON 26:53
Look at it right in their eyes. Look at it right in their eyes. See what you see.
Ginney 27:30
iON 27:31
Make sure, now make sure to make sure you’re clean. Don’t be all hot and sweaty and all that kind of stuff. Be clean.
Ginney 27:38
[chuckles] iON, you know I’ve never been hot and sweaty a day in my life. Okay. Now,
iON 27:48
[laughs] But be real clean. Be real clean. ‘Cause then you need to do that because you’ll be able to tell the difference because that, that child will pick up you. See?
Ginney 28:02
Okay, very good.
iON 28:04
It’s fun.
Ginney 28:06
All right. Okay, I will check it out.
iON 28:08
That may call, that may call for a new cocktail ring. You know that don’t you?
Ginney 28:13
It might. Yeah. Well, I know they’re ReMag babies. I do know they’re Completement formula babies. I could tell that much about ’em
iON 28:21
Yeah, that’s good. So, that’s good, that’s good.
Ginney 28:25
Yeah. Okay, so what you said in this particular session was — Emotion Soul Essence — was your words will change. And you will call your meatsack body Non-Physical. And you’re going to call your spiritual Non-Physical, your physical.
iON 28:53
In essence. Yeah. You’re stating your base. You know when you used to play chase, tag, you’re it, and then you have base? All that’s happening there is base is changing. Base is moving.
Ginney 29:09
Okay. So, in order to really know that you are eternal, you HAVE to know that your meatsack is your Non-Physical.
iON 29:21
Of course. Otherwise, you go back to your very first question of figuring out where here is here.
Ginney 29:30
And then in that regard, your physical meatsack body and what you said was if you don’t line it all up correctly, you can’t go to other worlds and come back like you get on a plane and fly –
iON 29:45
Ginney 29:45
– to L.A. and come back. Because
iON 29:47
Correct. ‘Cause what we would say, what we would say, what we would say is that unfortunately you have this bad habit of taking yourself with you most everywhere you go. But if you don’t come to that realization very quickly, soon you won’t be taking yourself with you in places that you go. So, the splitness — remember when we had a riff? A riff. When the thing went into the upside down. Remember when we did that?
Ginney 30:16
iON 30:15
Well, that separation of conditions brought you to a reality that you were connected to but there’s no way you could possibly believe it! It’s impossible to believe it. It’s the crazy thing ever heard. Joe Biden, President of the United States. That’s the craziest thing ever.
Ginney 30:37
But your words at the time was there was no world where Joe Biden was President. So, I don’t know about that.
iON 30:43
There wasn’t. There isn’t! There isn’t! Still isn’t. What you’re
Ginney 30:50
Because he wasn’t elected or because he was
iON 30:53
Ginney 30:54
iON 30:55
What you’re fixin to find out is he was
[1900 hour]
iON 0:00
…selected the President of the United States of America. That’s what you’re fixin’ to find out in about a second.
Ginney 0:07
Well, we, we, because of you, iON, know that. We know that he was never elected. Okay.
iON 0:14
Great. And now, and now, and now, and now everybody’s accepting that position. Some say it was a mistake. Others say he was never the President. And then it’ll come back and then they’ll make a ruling, and they’ll go, oh yeah, that’s right, the electoral college was out of order and they didn’t have the ability to rule those votes. So, it was out of order. It was done all wrong. Pence messed up. He made a mistake. So, there’s no cancel, there’s no redo. He’ll just be stepped away or walked back to Delaware where he’s — I don’t know how they’re gonna walk him to Delaware; that’s where he is all the time anyway. So, they’ll put him back in the basement. He’ll be all right.
Ginney 0:55
Okay, and that’s when Trump ascends to the viceroy position.
iON 1:00
Well, we’re gonna — just slow your roll. Slow your roll. Now you’re trying to, you’re trying to take up prestidigitation. Slow down a little bit. Just slow down. You gotta see how this plays out. Because now you’ve got CERN phantom shit that’s unbelievable. I mean, it’s crazy stuff. They put a K in Chic-fil-A for God’s sake! How ya gonna fuck with Chic-fil-A all of a sudden?
Ginney 1:33
Carolyn, if you’re typing, it’s coming through through the phone.
iON 1:39
With the echo.
Carolyn 1:41
That’s bizarre because I’m on mute. Bob mute yourself.
Bob 1:46
I’m muted.
Carolyn 1:47
We’re muted. It’s a miracle, Ginney. A miracle!
iON 1:50
[laughs] He’s got the sound loop open when he was
Bob 1:58
Gregg is, Gregg is typing. Gregg’s typing.
iON 2:01
Well, how, if y’all are both muted, how are we hearing you?
Bob 2:04
I unmuted. We unmuted. I’m now muting myself.
iON 2:11
Uh oh. [laughs]
Bob 2:12
Okay, keep going, Ginney. This is very good. Keep going, Ginney. You’ll get fucked up here. Go. [iON laughs]
Carolyn 2:20
Oh, I know Bob’s on the crazy headphones. You’re on the crazy headphones, Bob, not your phone.
iON 2:27
He’s on the sound loop.
Carolyn 2:28
He’s so addicted to his wireless headphones. And we’ve had echo the whole time with Ginney.
Bob 2:34
Okay I’ll mute my headphones. I’ll mute my headphones. Yeah, it could be causing the echo, Carolyn.
iON 2:43
It’s all gone. Echo’s gone. You did it.
Ginney 2:47
Bob 2:49
I haven’t done it yet. I haven’t muted it yet. [chuckles]
iON 2:51
[laughs] Well, don’t do anything. It left. Don’t do that.
Bob 3:02
Ginney 3:03
Okay, so iON, let’s
iON 3:04
Did you wash your hands? Did you wash your hands? Did you wash your hands?
Greg 3:08
[recording] I have to agree. I am having a difficult time just figuring out what the scam is. [Bob laughs] Believe me, I think about it a lot. I put one piece over here, and another piece there [Bob laughs] and I go, okay, this that. And (indistinct) somewhere. And I’m just trying to figure [recording ends]
Bob 3:31
I was laughing a lot at that one. (indistinct/echo)
iON 3:34
It’s the worst, it’s the worst best scam of all time. It’s so bad a scam you can’t figure it out. All right, it’s so good a scam you can’t get to it. It’s the craziest thing ever. That’s if your gonna have a scam, I guess that’s a good one to have, one you can’t get to.
Ginney 3:54
Okay, the human flesh that doesn’t have a soul would not have any residue either. Right, iON?
Bob 4:05
I’m gonna, I’m gonna — hey, Ginney, I’m gonna mute right now. Let’s see if it’s any better. Yeah, I’m muting right now.
iON 4:11
[laughs] Hey, hey, Ginney, let’s go get our clothes off and go dip in the cement pond while he’s still fartin’ around for the next two hours before bedtime. What do you think? Have a nice swim.
Ginney 4:23
I think that’s a very good idea.
Bob 4:25
Don’t let him interrupt you. Don’t let him interrupt you.
Carolyn 4:28
Don’t let Bob interrupt. [iON laughs]
Ginney 4:31
Okay. So, iON, the human flesh, the human flesh that in the here of the now that we’re in now, that does not connect with a soul is just that meatsack. So, composting is a very good solution. Right? I mean, there is no soul.
iON 4:55
Ah huh. There’s nothing to lose. You’ve not lost anything. And the soulless –
Ginney 4:59
iON 4:59
– man wouldn’t be offended because it’s already forfeited the body.
Ginney 5:05
Yes, because it, well, never connected with the body so it could never be offended. Right? Now, okay, what you said in this Emotion Soul Essence session was that what happens is the soul embraces the Non-Physical and the meatsack of the baby after that connection with Non-Physical is
iON 5:29
Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but you makin’ it hard. All that does is holds it together
Ginney 5:33
No. Let me
iON 5:36
No — okay. You’re gonna go the wrong way but go ahead.
Ginney 5:37
Let me, let me ask my question! No, what I’m asking you now is if — is this the soul reject the human flesh that’s coming now because it’s gross or something?
iON 5:39
All right, no.
Ginney 5:42
iON 5:42
No. No, no, no. No no. See, the reason to have all that coalescence was to hold the what you call mind body spirit; to hold that together in a format as a little man until you had the ability or capacity to Ascend. And once you have that ability and capacity to Ascend, that falls away ’cause it’s futile, you don’t need it. It’s kinda like when you’re weaned off the tit. Once you’re weaned off the tit, you don’t need milk anymore once you’re weaned off. So when you wean off then you have the choice where if you’re separated, then you’re not going to Ascend. And if you keep it together, then you have the ability to Ascend. And that starts with one cell, one drop, one talking to Bob, one fa-la-la and a partridge in a pear tree, and you can Ascend.
Ginney 6:41
When you call your meatsack body your Non-Physical and you know that it’s eternal. And you, what you said in that session was that your soul remains but takes a different not role, but it finds its place in that relationship. Is that still a
iON 7:01
A biscuit. Yeah, it takes, it takes a scone or a nice biscuit not a roll.
Ginney 7:08
Biscuit, not a roll. Very good. Okay. Now you said that when, if you drop your physical body, anybody who died last week, they dropped their physical body, that was their one life.
iON 7:27
Ah huh.
Ginney 7:27
Their soul stays and everything, all their stuff stays here in the earth plane, whatever. And then they go off to reconcile themselves — well, they, the Non-Physical eternal part of them. That’s the eternal part is Non-Physical. It goes through its process. Okay, now
iON 7:50
And look. And look. You’re gonna blame, now you’re gonna blame this on COVID or known all this the zombie apocalypse, gonna blame it on something. I don’t know what they’re gonna blame it on, they’re gonna blame it on some’um. But you know, you used to celebrate the dead. Had home goin’ services and had the casket and had, had tater salad and fried chicken and scalding off them birds and they had some and some yard pimps. They’d be cooking off them yard pimps and eaten all that. They’d have all these party things, but they don’t do that anymore. They don’t have a funeral. They don’t have a — they just have maybe have a little graveside and just one or two. They don’t celebrate that separation anymore because it has no value anymore. And now when people are fallen over dead all over the place, it’s changed the way people see death. Used to people would be all tore up about it. Now they say, "Oh, nanny died. Okay papi died. Yeah, yeah, the baby died. Yeah, I liked them real good, they was fine. But you know, you know things happen. So, let’s move on." That’s what’s sort of happening now. They have placated that whole position. And that’s our example of this change that you’re describing with the physical, Non-Physical death. The –
Ginney 8:06
Good. Okay.
iON 8:52
– lifeless, the lifeless death.
Ginney 9:11
iON 9:12
Or is it, or the difference to that would be a deathless life.
Ginney 9:20
Ascension would be a deathless life.
iON 9:22
Ginney 9:24
An eternal life in
iON 9:26
And now, and now, and now you can.
Ginney 9:31
Correct. Where before you couldn’t. And you said that on the recording 100 years ago you couldn’t do it. Well, let’s say what you said was there were a handful of people who figured it out but not in large numbers.
iON 9:44
That’s correct. That’s correct.
Ginney 9:46
Okay. Okay. Now. So now what happens is I am — my Non-Physical is actually my physical. I am here eternally; I get to keep all my stuff. I’m not dropping any residue, I’m not dropping anything, and I have access to all worlds. When I know this when I really know this, that’s when the fun can really begin.
iON 10:17
Yeah. And some red, and some red, and some red fingernail polish. So, get some red, red fingernail — why don’t you get the French tips with the red on the end of the tips? That’d be fun. Why don’t you try that?
Ginney 10:30
You said that to me twice so I’ll do it the next time. How does that sound?
iON 10:34
Yes. You do that like a, like a taupe, like a taupy beige like. And then do the red tips on it just to be different. It’d be fun.
Ginney 10:43
Okay. All right. Okay. All right now
iON 10:46
‘Cause not everybody’s got fingernails — now, you don’t need a pistol. You got enough claws, you can claw their eyes out. You don’t need a pistol. [laughs] You can get it the good way. It’s all right. Ain’t no wrong with that.
Ginney 10:59
Very good. Okay, so now we’ve got all this worked out. And here’s our Ascended self, and we’re good with that. Okay. So, I want to change — oh. No. Here’s the other thing though. Bob brought up the part — oh, so I listened to a different session. It was called You Only Have One Life. And you talked about this eternal experience, and Bob was asking about his mother and how JW could have seen his mother at the beginning of the whole encounter. And you said that his mom had died and dropped her body and she had the residue. And then you said that
iON 11:56
And that was, and that was the, that was the sweetest jackal we ever met. That was the sweetest jackal we ever met.
Ginney 12:05
Oh. Jackals are kind of mean, aren’t they?
iON 12:09
Well, she had a tendency to; she was, she was no nonsense. She was no nonsense, you can know that. No, we’re making a difference from a woman who raised Bob and then the jackal that, that had the butt that Bob fell out of. So, that’ the difference.
Ginney 12:25
iON 12:25
But his Bob’s was the one that looks — kinda like she favored the Queen. And she always wore sensible shoes.
Ginney 12:32
Very nice. Very nice.
iON 12:35
She’d put up with no foolishness! She wasn’t gonna put up with no foolishness, them girls comin’ there runnin’ around and no no, no, no, no, no, no. You can sit down. Be straight. I run this household, not you. Sit down. Sit up straight.
Ginney 12:50
Okay. So, in that part and he also talked about Anne Boleyn and some other things and Hitler and this and that. You, what you said repeatedly was Non-Physical has the connections. So, Non-Physical is what makes the connection between the single, typical life space
iON 13:12
That’s how we know stuff. That’s how we know stuff. That’s how we were able to talk about your mama. That’s why we know how much you exactly — we’re the only thing in this realm that knows how much you love those damn dogs. Do you know this? [Ginney chuckles] We’re the only one. Gregg Sanders ain’t got a prayer! He ain’t got a prayer. You love them dogs more than anything and it’s crazy. Don’t make no sense to us, but it doesn’t change it, you see. So, that Non-Physical is that connection that gives us the inside out. That’s why –
Ginney 13:44
‘Cause that’s the cotton (indistinct)
iON 13:42
– we can, we can roast. That’s right ’cause we can roast Bob when he’s doing all this ridiculous stuff and tell him everything something different. We go, ah huh, ah huh. So Bob hushes ’cause he knows we know. So, [laughs] it’s like, okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay. Okay, good. Okay. But it’s fun ’cause it’s not a problem. It just shows you how it connects. Now, what we say the rest of it is the good part is, is that nothing we do, everybody should be able to do. Nothing we do isn’t any more than everyone else should be doing. You see?
Ginney 13:47
Because everyone has Non-Physical.
iON 14:06
We thought this would be all worked out, would be in their power, they’d be in their power! That’s exactly right. That’s what you’re trying to reconnect to and open back up in you! You believe God is love, you just don’t know for sure if God loves you.
Ginney 14:33
Well, no, no, no, hold on just a second. You’re connected to Non-Physical from the minute that life begins.
iON 14:43
When does it begin if you’re eternal?
Ginney 14:44
So the labyrinth
iON 14:45
Uh uh. When does it begin if you’re eternal? See, that’s where we kinda get fallin’ out ’cause it’s like, wait, no, no, no. You’re adding a body part to something that’s already eternal. And then if you lose a body part, that eternal is still eternal. And we’re saying if you divide this mind, body, spirit, you can have the full body, the full meatsack and, and have the eternalness or become God in this form. Then you have to go into the Bible and see what God looks like with the feet of brass and the hair of cotton and the sword of the Spirit, blah, blah, blah, all that stuff to take on those positions. Because you’re going into a carbon-based reality. Everything is gonna change. So therefore, the shift is gonna have to make you see thing — you’re gonna have to be like Red Lobster, you’re gonna have to see food differently.
Ginney 15:45
Okay. Hold that thought. One of the things that — okay, life begins when the cell is fertilized. That was the statement you made. But life, I mean, do we, do we actually quote unquote, create life? I mean, isn’t life an "is" and an "are" like, for example, energy; you can’t create or destroy energy? And you said
iON 16:12
We would like to say, we would like to say yes. We would like to say yes, but instead what happens is if we say yes then you use that as a reason why you don’t or didn’t Ascend. You’ll use it as a separation point to say, "Oh, well, I didn’t get it. 100%. Oh, well, I didn’t show up on time. Oh, I didn’t wipe the doorknob before I went out last night and I’m supposed to wipe the doorknob really good when I go outside. Pisses the cats off all the time." So, you know, those kinds of things that just sort of happen every once in a while. These — the rudiments, don’t break down — and the, the Ten Commandment thing you’re fixin’ to do, that’s great. That, that goes right along par along with it. So, if you take the rudiment and face that, protract it out, if you’re using it for how you can Ascend, we say great, but that’s not what they’ll do. They’ll use it as an excuse of why they can’t Ascend more times than not. So that’s why we had to break in and say easy. And now you can go ahead with your words.
Ginney 16:12
Because we didn’t, well, if you, if life "is" and an "are," in other words on the Ten Commandments then, you can’t kill anybody ’cause you don’t — if you don’t create life, you also don’t create death. I mean, you can’t take a life either.
iON 17:29
That’s why every death is a suicide. If you’re gonna do it, you do it to yourself. I mean, even if somebody murders you, they don’t have that power. They can’t murder you.
Ginney 17:38
iON 17:38
But if they do murder you, that’s your suicide. Every death is a suicide. And now what’s happened is the sanctity of life now has no value. If you look at your — well, you don’t watch that. Well, you don’t, well, see, so much of it you don’t engage. And, I mean, you may have to go back to the, you may have to go back to the bar and wallow with the hogs, Ginney Belle. You’re a little too high and mighty these days. You may have to go get dirty again. [Ginney chuckles] But what’s happening is if you watch it, that uncomeliness and unpleasantness that’s goin’ down, what you start seeing is is that people now have no regard for life. They don’t have a regard. They don’t care for their neighbor, they don’t help people. They don’t reach out and do nice things. They don’t care, it’s all about a "I, me, my, mine" mentality, or the reason I don’t have something it’s because you took it away from me. Or I want a government so big that you give me everything and I don’t have to do nothin’. That’s my kind of government. Ooo. Yeah, Duffy doodle-doo for President. Hey! We’ll get Duffy to run our scam, Bob. That’s what we need to do. He can be a candidate ’cause he can’t find nothin’ wrong with it. We’ll let him be responsible for it. And we can get Matthew David Hurtado to have a prayer meetin’ on our regard. Wouldn’t that be nice? That would be beautiful. The Golden — we’d bring Chad back. We can bring Chad back and he could, he could do the analytics. [laughs] That’d be fun.
Ginney 19:06
Lord. Okay. Okay. Now listen. When egg and a sperm hit, they already are connected to Non-Physical. And then what you said was Non-Physical, when that egg is fertilized, Non-Physical comes in and actually
iON 19:27
It becomes, it becomes, when it becomes, when it becomes a zygote. See, and here’s the thing.
Ginney 19:34
iON 19:34
There’s all that creation is already worked out. But you cannot — there’s a whole lot of super swimmers if you’re doin’ it right. [Ginney chuckles] There’s a lot of super swimmers. And once that one egg pierces that ovum, it seals off and then you have a zygote. Now that sets the position, sets the position of that creation. But the reason it has to happen like that is ’cause you’re gonna have a whole bunch of other swimmers that hit it same time. It’s gonna like, whoa, whoa, whoa. I got, I have 10 children. No, I only have one child, but he has 20 arms and legs. See? You don’t want that.
Ginney 20:17
Okay, so then when the zygote is set, you say that’s the creation and that is where Non-Physical comes and attached to it. And you
iON 20:28
Once it attaches — no, wait. Once it attaches, once the zygote attaches to the uterus, that’s when that connection takes place. It’s got to connect, because otherwise they can be a toxic [blurred]. We can’t even say it, don’t know how you can have it. Anyway, the one that ends in a D&C. It’s gotta attach to the uterus. And once it attaches, then you’re set. Then that’s when the connection starts. And that’s an example of what you have in the regular human being with the mind, body, spirit. The whole scenario. So, this is a perfect way to segue it into real creation of life. That’s what they call it: creation of life. And that’s why the Yellow Dog Democrats is havin’ a nervous bust out ’cause now they have the same number of abortions that they’ll always have, but the states will decide and not some presidency somewhere. See the rub?
Ginney 21:23
When — Yes. When the Non-Physical, which is the eternalness of that creation, that creation becomes eternal the minute that it is attached to Non-Physical. Then that creation, that eternal creation right there, right then, and then picks up it’s soul with the first breath. Okay, got all that. And you said — where is the angel? How is that coming out as an angel?
iON 21:55
You mean now? You mean now? You mean now or then?
Ginney 21:58
Yes. Now.
iON 22:00
Now. Okay. The same way. It’s the, it’s the same way, the creation story for Jesus. And the angel came down and was with Mary. And she was a virginal, which is hard to be married with three kids and be a virgin. But anyway, she put off I guess it’s okay. [chuckles] I guess it works out okay. So anyway, once that engages, you can have the angels in this world in this realm, that have an affect or cause an effect in the same condition. They have access to the same power of God. That’s where angels got their power from. That’s where you get your power from, except you’re the God. So it’s not odd for that angel to interact. Carolyn stomps down hell hill every day, slayin’ this one and movin’ that one, jumpin’ on this one and makin’ this happen, makin’ everybody happy. There’s a lot of miserable people that are happy today ’cause of Dr. Carolyn Dean’s interaction with them angels. And they’re furious about it! They’d rather be miserable, and she won’t let them be miserable. [chuckles] She’s gonna make them be happy or die. So, that’s the interaction. And because of, because of that interaction, it interacts.
Ginney 23:20
Okay, the angel Gabriel said to Mary, behold the handmaiden of the Lord, you are with child. Now, the angel Gabriel is a voice that’s speaking to Mary. But that doesn’t explain how Non-Physical is being attached in the uterus. That’s what I’m asking, is the angel being attached in the uterus? What’s going on there?
iON 23:42
Neither if that, if that’s what — if it’s an angel baby, than yes, if it’s an angel baby, because all it does is it makes the sticky. It just makes the sticky. Once you make the sticky ’cause every time you do the dirty you don’t get pregnant, right? It’s got to click. And so the clicking is what we’re talking about. And they have the ability and capacity to do just that. That’s where the Nephilim came from in the first place. Same way, same song, different verse. The angels from the realm of glory are Godish. They’re Godish. They got power; they just don’t have the power of God. That was new. You ever heard us say that? Some Godish? That’s really good. Godish.
Ginney 24:27
Right. That’s what I’m hearing now. And so they’re Godish, but they don’t have the power of God. So what do they have?
iON 24:36
Well, they have, they have God’s power. They have to do what he says, they have power to capitulate. But when it comes down to bow, that knee’s gonna bow. Every, every knee shall bow.
Ginney 24:49
I see.
iON 24:49
And that’s why they’ll have to worship God ’cause the whole battle is over who’s gonna sit at the right hand of God. So, the angels are coming in trying to get first place. They’re trying to beat it and then Lucifer’s trying to beat it. And Gabriel’s mad, and then, and then, and then, and then. Chamuel’s havin’ a nervous bust out. You know, things happen.
Ginney 25:10
Okay. All right. So having said all that, I want to ask about this next clip that I listened to called Elvis, which is in my series of Creator, Universe, etc. And the one after Creator was Elvis. And what you said about Elvis was that he was a leading edge of, leading edge of creation creator, and that he wasn’t going to have it, he was not going to allow his creativity and his full expression to be suppressed. And as a result, he changed the culture, etc. And you did talk about Wanda Jackson. But the question that Bob didn’t ask that I wanna to ask now is did Elvis lay down his meatsack body and die?
iON 26:06
Not yet.
Ginney 26:08
Very good. And the young kid, the Austin Butler, who played, portrayed Elvis in the movie "Elvis" that’s out right now, did he meet with Elvis?
iON 26:23
Ginney 26:26
iON 26:31
It wasn’t, it wasn’t
Bob 26:31
Consciously? Consciously?
iON 26:31
Yeah, but it wasn’t announced come right over here and we’re gonna have cocktails and then we’ll let you meet the real king that you’re playing. It wasn’t quite like that, you know.
Bob 26:40
Well, did he know who he was interacting with? Did he look like Elvis?
iON 26:43
No. Not really. Not exactly. Like you don’t look like you did when you were beatin’ Bobby Orr back in the day, Bob, so you don’t look the same.
Bob 26:53
When I was doing what with the oar?
iON 26:56
Beating Bobby Orr.
Bob 26:58
[chuckles] Oh, Bobby Orr, number four of Boston. Yes. Number four. So, Ginney, the important thing for me and the Elvis thing is the end. iON said that Elvis added to nature. Remember that part?
Ginney 27:12
Yes. I do.
Bob 27:14
So what people think is trivial entertainment is actually new matter. New nature.
Ginney 27:20
Yes, he changed it.
iON 27:23
But now, but now, Ginney. Hold on Ginney, hold on. You’re on to something here. But now listen now. Y’all, y’all clever. Oooo, y’all clever, y’all, y’all can’t see, ooh Lord, you can’t, can’t sneak nothin’ by y’all. Y’all on it. But here’s what you’re not engaging or not calculating in your calculations. There’s a hyperverse. Y’all talkin’ about a multiverse and the universe, but there’s a hyperverse. And that’s going to change and affect a lot of things that you damn know. LOTS of things that you know.
Ginney 27:56
Okay, this is very exciting to me. Okay, because I actually realized by watching that Elvis movie that you can raise the dead.
iON 27:56
Ginney 28:01
But iON, yes, and this Austin Butler accessed something through his process. Maybe he accessed the residue. It wouldn’t have been the residue if Elvis didn’t lay down his body. So he would have to have met him in person, but maybe not even known who he was as you said.
iON 28:30
Correct. That’s correct. And the same thing, the same thing goes into the whole nother effect. Now, here’s where you have to be really careful. You have to be real careful. It’s kinda like why JFK’s casket was closed; it was never opened. It wasn’t because he was so shot up. They can fix anything to make it where that would have been okay. It’s because of the cloning aspect. They knew how to do clones then. So you can have a whole nother aspect of a history-changing relative event that wasn’t that person at all from a completely understandable — like Dolly. Remember, they cloned Dolly?
Ginney 29:09
iON 29:09
The sheep. So, they’ve proven it can be done, and they’ve been doing it for a long time. But we don’t focus on that because that’s a sub cult. See, there’s another one of those soulless things but it has a bit of the imprint, the fingerprint, but not the body.
Ginney 29:26
iON 29:26
It has the same fingerprint, but not the body. You gotta watch that.
Ginney 29:31
So, I’m
iON 29:31
So now here we are now in the hyperverse. In the hyperverse you got to be real careful, for y’all fixin’ to see all kinds of crazy shit. You ain’t seen nothin’! We keep saying that, but y’all really gonna see it and then they’re gonna like, they’re gonna say, "Hey, iON! I just found that I hadn’t seen anything yet!" [laughs] It’s gonna be fun.
Ginney 29:52
Okay, this is in the hyperverse. Okay. All right. So
iON 30:01
Now your question, your next question should be if you’re on point just say, "Oh, iON, so is this like another riff? Is this another riff? Or a rip? Ha! With a P?" And we say no, it’s another — a parallel version of your so-known — let’s say, you’re so-known reality. So-known reality.
iON 30:28
S-o-u or s-o-w as in you sow it and we reap it?
iON 31:27
No. That you know. K-n-o-w.
iON 31:33
Oh, the one that you know. The one that you know the way it’s supposed to be.
iON 30:46
Yeah. The known reality. But it doesn’t mean it’s real. We’d, we’d be like JR Ewing. Or, no. No, no that’s not — Sue Ellen. Sue Ellen would say, she’d say, she’d be talkin’ to Miss Ellie and she says, "Well, you know what JR told me? He said are you gonna — I caught him in the bed in the arms of another woman buck ass naked. And well, she didn’t say buck ass naked, she said, she said ‘doin’ the dirty.’ No, she didn’t say that. Miss Ellie would have slapped her in the mouth. Anyway, she said, she said, she said, You know what JR told me? He says are you gonna believe me, honey, or them lying eyes of yours? Them lying eyes of yours." And then she went and got a drink and forgot about it. [chuckles] She didn’t have to worry. I guess it was all right. But see the rub? This is the point. You can’t — now Carolyn, she don’t believe nothin’. And she’s right. She don’t believe nothin’. Don’t believe it. It don’t matter ’cause it don’t matter. It is, it is. It ain’t, it ain’t. Don’t matter. Don’t believe it. Don’t get too involved in it. Good. But that’s reasonable. Did you get that? That was pretty key for the right here, right now. You know this, right?
Ginney 31:52
Yes, yes. Okay.
iON 31:55
Ginney 31:57
All right. So
iON 31:59
Do hummingbirds, do hummingbirds like sugar-free syrup?
Ginney 32:06
Do they? How would they get their electrons? I say no.
iON 32:11
Correct! That’s correct. All right, so how are humans eatin’ fake sugar? How are humans eating fake sugar and getting sustenance?
Ginney 32:20
I don’t think they are.
iON 32:21
Okay, but there’s so much goin’ on in the way their body’s changing that where Carolyn would say, "You want to die an untimely death? One teaspoon of sugar and you’re dead!" You know. [chuckles]. No, no, no, that’s only if you chase it with antibiotics. But, but other than that, it’s like eliminate. And now they’ve made sugar-free good! It actually tastes good. It doesn’t taste like saccharin. Remember saccharin? Or what is that? What is that used to be — Diet Rite. Now, Tab was good. Tab was good. But Diet Rite was terrible. It was too much like saccharin. Remember?
Ginney 32:59
Tab was good. And Diet Rite tastes like tin. I hated that stuff.
iON 33:03
Sure, it was — Oh, what about, what about Fresca? When’s the last time you had a Fresca?
Ginney 33:10
Well, I think when I was a junior in high school.
iON 33:14
They still make ’em.
Ginney 33:16
They do?
iON 33:17
They don’t make Fres — they don’t make Fresca. All of a sudden now in the multiverse you get all the Fresca you want.
Ginney 33:23
iON 33:23
A grapefruit soda pop that’s sugar-free. Real Fresca. Sure is.
Ginney 33:30
Now in the multiverse, yeah, Bob said, I mean that’s kinda sounds like Andromeda. Bob said when you get to Andromeda it’s just gonna be like your ideal situation. Is that still right?
iON 33:41
He don’t — you can’t listen to him. He can’t even hook up with a fucking cat in a wall. He can’t even connect with a cat on a wall. Why are you listenin’ to him? He unsays everything he says. No, you can’t listen to him. You just have to talk to him; you don’t have to listen to him. Just talk to him! Y’all got this all wrong. [laughs]
Ginney 33:59
[chuckles] iON, that’s mean, iON.
Bob 34:05
That’s the Tech Body talking. iON would never say that. That’s the Tech Body talking.
Ginney 34:09
Okay, very good. Well, I want JW four back then. No Tech Body. Okay
iON 34:16
True. I know. There’s gettin’ fewer and fewer; there’s fewer and fewer of them left now I’ll just tell ya. It’s gettin’ kinda hectic as Bert would say.
Ginney 34:24
Well and they’re not left because what? They — where did they go? I mean they’re eternal and they’ve got
iON 34:32
Some are, some are, they’re — some are consumed, some are put into a position where they become the — what is it called, Bob? Bob says very nasty things about it. The ban — he calls it the banshee sect. That they become the banshee sect. Once you’ve drained all the life out of them, there’s nothing left. They’re just, oh, what is that? What’s the movie where the fella was cloning himself and then he made, they’re all a little bit different but the same, and the last one was all goofy. After you use them up they turn goofy in the splittin’, in the splitting of this position. So yeah, that’s another conversation. And we never would talk about that before, but now because that’s just gonna become normal. That’ll become normal. You’ll see. You’ll see in just a second.
Ginney 35:24
Okay. Let’s go to my final favorite topic in the whole wide world. And
iON 35:30
Motormouth Maybell! You goin’ to Motormouth Maybell? Oh, my god, we’re
Ginney 35:34
No. No, we’re talking about Donald John! Donald John.
iON 35:41
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. [chuckles]
Ginney 35:41
Well, my favorite topic other than Bob, of course, is Donald John Trump.
iON 35:46
Sure, that’s fair. That’s a good save there, honey, that’s a good save. Good save.
Ginney 35:50
Okay, so I honestly do not understand the viceroy thing. And I was asked to
iON 36:00
That’s because there’s no, that’s because there’s no democracy. There is no country, there is no governance of a body. There is no capitalism. There is no socialism. There is no fascism. There is no Nazism. There is no Neo Nazism. There is none of that. It’s all going back to the realms. Realms. Kings rule their realms, but they have viceroys to do their business. Feudal. Otherwise, you just have to run around killin’ everybody. And that’s all right, apparently. Apparently in California you can do that. They won’t even put your ass in jail! So, good. Don’t worry about it.
Ginney 36:39
Okay, iON, hold on now. All right. We’re going back to Kings. Is that it? I mean, I thought, okay, so, in — Ascension was supposed to be like an evolving or an Ascending or something was — how can you go back?
iON 36:58
No, it’s coming. No, it’s coming back to God. You’re not, you’re not Ascending, you’re coming back to God. You were God. You are God. We’re just trying to convince you. The problem is between you and you.
Ginney 37:13
Yes. Okay. I’m God, so Donald Trump is my viceroy?
iON 37:20
He will be. Mm-hmm.
Ginney 37:23
‘Cause I can totally go with that. Now, the dream I had, he asked
iON 37:27
Yeah, because he’s ridiculous. Because he’s, because he’s ridiculous. [Ginney chuckles] And he does terrible things, but he makes all the right choices. He’s ridiculous.
Ginney 37:37
He does.
iON 37:38
He says terrible things. Terrible things. And then makes all the right choices.
Ginney 37:47
Yeah. Yes, I liked him for a lot of different reasons. So, one thing I liked him is because he doesn’t really care about what anybody thinks. He loves his enemies as much as he loves his friends. He can use both sides of the energy equation to push himself forward.
iON 38:06
Ginney 38:08
Okay. All right.
iON 38:11
For him, for him, everything is a gangster deal. The gang — a bad drug deal. And he just uses it to his best advantage. And now what he’s done, he steps back and let’s them — he says now everybody’s still trying to hate on him. Fuck this. They’re still trying to impeach Trump and he ain’t even in office! They’re gonna impeach him AGAIN for fuck sake. So, you know this is like this is insane.
Ginney 38:37
So, they’re going to, they’re already setting it up with the New York
Bob 38:44
Hey, Ginney, who’s gonna teach who again? Who’s gonna teach who again?
Ginney 38:49
Impeach, Bob. Impeach. They’re trying to impeach Trump again.
Bob 38:53
Oh, impeach. Okay. Will they, will they get to that point, iON?
iON 38:57
They’re doing it right now.
Ginney 38:59
We’re doing it right now, the J6.
Bob 39:01
Well, will it affect Trump?
iON 39:04
No. It’s not. All it’s doin’, he’s laughin’ his ass off. Now they wanted — they finally, they wouldn’t let Steve Bannon, they wouldn’t let him, they wouldn’t let him — wouldn’t. No, no, no, no. You’re not goin’ — and he went to court to try to say, "Oh no, no, no. I’m not goin’. Go to hell. Sons of whore bitches, go to hell. Put me in jail, motherfucker. I don’t care. I’m not tellin’ you nothin’. Now, you wipe my ass, I don’t give a shit! No!" And now all of a sudden, he says, "Oh, I’d like to testify." And they go, "Oh, we want you to testify!" And then they found out that he was fixin’ to open it all up to find out that it was the Democrats who did J6. And he’d had the good on it to be able to prove it. So they have postponed his reconciliatorial deposition. They’ve decided that they’re gonna postpone that for just a little bit. We got time to think about it just a little bit. [laughs]
Bob 39:54
Yeah. Everything’s happening over there at Mike Lintel’s [sic] pillow place. That’s where the information is. What’s that called? Little? Lindell.
Ginney 40:07
Mike Lindell?
iON 40:08
Mike Lindell. Mm-hmm.
Bob 40:10
That’s where all the good unknown researchers are, not the Cam [?} or Tucker Carlson types.
iON 40:18
Oh, yeah. And that damn Dan Bongino dude.
Bob 40:23
Yeah. All those ex-military.
iON 40:25
Here we go. Here we go. What you didn’t ask is — you got it right about Kings, but do you know what Kings is about?
Ginney 40:36
In the Bible or in life?
iON 40:39
Or in Vanity Fair? [chuckles] Vanity Fair’s okay, we don’t know. The Bible! Of course the Bible.
Ginney 40:50
iON 40:51
If we’re back to Kings, if we’re back to Kings, what’s the Book of Kings and Chronicles about?
Ginney 40:57
It’s the history of Israel.
iON 41:01
And? Joshua, –
Ginney 41:04
The Kings!
iON 41:05
– Judges and the book of, books of Samuel. This is putting those kingdoms back together. And then Chronicle logs it all.
Ginney 41:22
Okay, the book of
iON 41:26
It completes the history of Deuteronomy, or the Deuteronic-iss-iss history. [chuckles]
Ginney 41:35
Okay, but it, it also has — okay, so we left Revelations and we’re on our way to Genesis. And if we were at Kings, is that what you’re saying now in the, in the hyperverse, we’re in the book of Kings and this is where Babylon falls. Right?
iON 42:02
Correct. The collapse. Now that was Bob would say that’d be 586 BC, but he gets time off a little bit, sometimes. Just a little bit. He’s not real — numbers aren’t his strong suit. Bob has trouble with numbers.
Ginney 42:21
Okay, so that means there’s many kings.
iON 42:27
Or everybody’s a king. You’re gonna be a king.
Ginney 42:29
Everybody. Yeah.
iON 42:29
I’m a Pepper, you’re a Pepper, she’s a Pepper. I’m a Pepper, too.
Ginney 42:32
[laughs] Okay, very good. All right. Okay. So, since I don’t, I’ve never been a king, or I don’t remember being a king. I can’t remember what it’s like to have a viceroy. But essentially, I’m a king and Donald John is my viceroy.
iON 42:52
And here’s what’s happening. You got ten tribes. Ten tribes (overtalk)
Bob 42:56
Ginney, he’s my viceroy. He’s my viceroy. I’m the king of all the kings. That phrase in the Bible. I’ll be king (overtalk) I’m a little more…I started it.
iON 43:10
Bob’s the King of Kings and the Bob of Bobs.
Bob 43:13
iON 43:13
Bob of Bobs.
Bob 43:14
As iON recently said, you wanna, you wanna get into the kingdom of Bob, way better than the kingdom of God. Yes, he said that three weeks ago.
Ginney 43:24
Okay. Very good.
Bob 43:26
Yeah. Hope Pentium’s listening. This has been very instructive if Pentium was lucky enough to hear all this. Pentium would have (indistinct) –
Ginney 43:33
Who’s that, Bob?
Bob 43:34
– to say now, if he’s reasonably
iON 43:38
Scott. Scott.
Ginney 43:38
Okay. Anyway. Okay. Back to okay, but even so, Bob, if you’re the King of Kings, that still means I’m a king but you’re the King of Kings and that’s okay because you’ve always been my king anyway, so we can work with that. But that’s not the point. The point is Donald John is the viceroy. Okay.
Bob 43:59
For me. Don is Bob in the White House. That’s why he’s –
Ginney 44:05
Well, there is no White House.
Bob 44:06
– in charge of the White House. He’s doing everything; he’s making millions in Afghanistan or billions. He’s raking it all in and watching Trump prove, watching Biden prove how great he was.
Ginney 44:18
Yes, but there is no more White House. I don’t think he’ll go back there. Won’t he just be in Mar-a-Lago?
Bob 44:22
Depends on wherever I send him if he’s doing business for me. I’ve got a lot of business to do in the next while, Ginney, and I’m not doing most of it. I have people do for me.
iON 44:33
He said most, MOST of it? What part ARE you gonna do Bob?
Bob 44:38
Yeah, I’m not even gonna show up!
iON 44:39
She’s, she’s listening closely to see which part you’re actually gonna do, your part that you’re gonna do.
Bob 44:44
I have to hide from the alien angels, the alien cats. Hairy bureaucracy is what I live, Ginney.
iON 44:52
Trump. Trump. When, when Trump came down the escalator after he made his first big speech and made his announcement with the Simpsons and the people dropping the piece of paper and the whole nine yards, doing all that stuff. Then he got on there and he said, "Well, it’s the greatest. It’s the people’s house, it’s a great place, but it is due for a tear down."
Ginney 44:57
He did say that.
Bob 45:11
He did it on that day?
iON 45:13
He sure did.
Bob 45:14
I wonder if that was a Saturday. I wonder if we were on the air when he did that.
iON 45:19
How can you have, how can you have the greatest people’s house in the world and have the leader of the biggest country in the world, the best thing of everything that’s been the best and the biggest and the grandest and the wonderful, and you can’t have 300 people in a dinner in the White House, in the people’s house? How does that work? Well, we’re gonna ask
Ginney 45:37
Well, they’re saying he’d rather be at Trumps or at Mar-a-Lago and Melania wouldn’t live there in the beginning, remember?
iON 45:48
Correct. That’s right. That’s right because it was like disgusting. You know, you move into a rough neighborhood, a bad house in a rough neighborhood. So, it’s — yeah, with old people’s stuff. [chuckles] But now,
Ginney 46:04
Thinking of Bob, think about all the residue. All the residue.
iON 46:04
Yeah, yeah, yeah. From, from the worst residue of all was from that President, the one that needed lots of ball room. [Ginney chuckles] Oh, yeah, that one. The one that replaced, the one that stood in when Kennedy took a nap.
Ginney 46:24
Oh, Johnson.
iON 46:31
He has lots of residue.
Bob 46:34
What’s her name, Mrs. Johnson, actually. Lady Bird.
iON 46:37
Lady Bird. Lady Bird. Lady Bird Johnson.
Ginney 46:40
Did anybody die in the White House? Any President?
iON 46:45
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Taft did. Got stuck in the bathtub.
Ginney 46:51
Okay. Very good. [chuckles]
Bob 46:54
Roosevelt did.
iON 46:54
He was a big — Roosevelt did. Well, they was dragging him out tooth and nail. I think it was the south lawn [laughs]
Bob 47:04
He made it to the south lawn, and they killed him.
iON 47:06
He was chasing his goat. He was chasing his goat cuz his goat got out and he was chasing — he said, "I’m gonna get your goat!" He said, "You better not get my goat." And then that was the end of him. They got his goat. [laughs]
Bob 47:21
[chuckles] Hey, who’s that heron that just walked in, JW? What’s he, what’s he all about? That big white bird on my hedge. What do they call it, Carolyn, heron? Egret. Egrets. It’s an Egret.
iON 47:33
Egret. Egrets. Negret. A white negret.
Bob 47:36
Yeah, negret. [chuckles]
iON 47:34
Bob’s talkin’ about white negrets! White negrets. Lord have mercy. Al, we’re sorry. He’s a racist, misogynistic, pessimistic, antagonistic, evolutionist. He’s an Ebenlutionist; he believes in Eben.
Bob 47:53
Who killed Ivana Trump, iON? Who killed Ivana Trump? Or what killed her?
iON 47:58
She had to go, boss. She had to go.
Bob 48:00
Had to go, Ginney. She just had to go.
Ginney 48:03
Well, she was probably triple double vaxed. I mean, I just thought vaccine right away. Is that right or wrong, iON?
iON 48:10
She was, she was vaxed and they told her not to, but she did it anyway.
Ginney 48:15
Bob 48:16
It’s like they did to Justin Bieber and his girlfriend who are in bad shape now.
Ginney 48:22
Well, just like they did to 250 million Americans who are all in bad shape. I mean, yeah. Okay. So, Donald John may or may not
iON 48:32
We tried. We tried. We tried to tell ’em! We tried to tell ’em. That’s all, we tried to tell ’em.
Ginney 48:38
Yeah, you sure did. You did not try, iON, you do. You do. You do tell ’em.
iON 48:44
True. True.
Ginney 48:45
You do. So, hey, wouldn’t that be great if Trump went in and built — because you know, he sold his hotel at the post office. So, maybe he’ll just come in, tear that shit down and build a brand new Trump Tower. Something really bougie and wonderful.
iON 49:02
Mm-hmm. I like bougie. I like bougie with those, with those — we need to get some, we need to get some Versace gold lame curtains. That’d be over the top. It’s not Versace, it’s Versace [different pronunciation] Versace.
Ginney 49:19
iON 49:20
They changed that, too. They changed that. Giovanni would die if they changed his goddamn name. Versace, not Versace.
Bob 49:25
You finished, Ginney? You’re ruining your session.
iON 49:28
[laughs] You have to talk about Bob.
Ginney 49:32
He’s not ruining my session. No, no, I got all my ducks crossed and my T’s and my I’s. I’m gonna check my notes one more time, but I think I got it all done. And I’m very hard and one of these days — oh, iON, I know what you said. You also said that the residue is like a recording. It never evolves before that, but you also said it is a technology. So just to come back to that for a minute. The soul’s residue being a technology if it is like that plasma. Is that part of the Tech Body?
iON 50:14
Not every single time, but yes.
Ginney 50:18
Okay. All right.
Bob 50:23
Hey, great session there, Ginney. We’ll excerpt this and make it a special headline on iONandBob. We’re gonna make Pentium do his analysis of it. And he better not fuck up. He better fuckin’ [indistinct] –
Ginney 50:33
Bob 50:34
– his nonreason to the facts.
Ginney 50:38
I don’t know who he is, but I feel it’s
Bob 50:41
It’s Scott Talkington. Pentium.
iON 50:42
Scott. Scott. That’s Scott.
Bob 50:45
Yeah, well, the dumbest [indistinct]
Ginney 50:47
Oh, Scott.
Bob 50:47
– on the planet.
Ginney 50:50
Well, I certainly hope he gleaned something from it, you know.
iON 50:54
Well, maybe. We’re just try to — we just, I think he might feel better if we could get his butcher knife back, and his tent poles back, and his canvas [indistinct] and they lost a really good tarpaulin. A really nice tarpaulin. [Bob chuckles] We’ll try to get that back. You know, after some new thread and needles to sew on his shoes, you know.
Bob 51:14
He’s just gonna have to start thinking more clearly about iON.
iON 51:18
Ahhhh. Don’t worry about
Bob 51:19
It’s disgusting what he said so far. The little mind
iON 51:22
Don’t worry about — he’s thrown himself out of everything he’s ever involved himself in. [Bob chuckles] So, whatever. It’s all right with us. It don’t make no difference.
Ginney 51:29
Well, you know,
iON 51:29
We’re just thankful. We’re thankful we got thrown out of his program, too! So, good. Bucky Fuller
Bob 51:36
We’re gonna end at the Pentium part. The Scott part will be added at the end of the epic session. Everybody will hear all about Scott at the end of Ginney’s epic interrogation. [chuckles]
iON 51:44
[chuckles] Don’t waste, don’t waste your time, Bob, there’s good people that don’t listen to anything.
Bob 51:50
Put Duffel in there, too.
Greg 51:51
[recording] I have to agree. I am having a difficult time just figuring out what the scam is.
Bob 52:03
[recording] [Bob laughs] As most of the (overtalk)
Greg 51:59
[recording] Believe me, I think about it a lot.
Bob 52:06
[recording] Yeah, you think about it a lot.
Greg 52:06
[recording] I put one piece over here and put a piece there [Bob laughs] and I go, okay, this that. And (indistinct) somewhere and I’m just tryin’ to figure out what is the scam. [Bob laughs] I know there’s a scam. I know it. I know there’s one, but I just can’t sort it out.
Bob 52:22
Listen to me laughing, Ginney. [recording continues] …you’re not in a minority, Greg. That’s most people are trying to figure it out. That’s right. You know, they are. They don’t know what the hell we’re doing. That they don’t believe that iON helps Carolyn’s products be super. You know, they don’t get that. But that’s the only way you could say that’s a scam. We’re making up shit about products, which then makes people when they take them think they’re gettin’ better because iON’s done a mass hypnosis on everybody. That’s as far as you get with that, but you can’t prove it, so you’re left with nothing again. [recording ends]
iON 53:00
Well, we can trust, we can trust Amazon. We can trust Amazon. We can’t take, we can’t take testimonials, but we can trust Amazon to sort it out for us. It’s okay. As long as Amazon’s behind it, we’re okay. No problem. But these people are good people.
Ginney 53:15
The only thing I was gonna say and I do you wanna say this to Scott and Greg Duffel is you know, iON said from the beginning they would never do parlor tricks. And if you’re missing something and you want something back, that’s not the way to get it from them. But if you actually engage with iON and you embrace what they’re saying, they’ll do parlor tricks for you all day long.
iON 53:36
We’ll hide it in plain sight. We’ll hide it in plain sight. We’ll tell you one way that we will never answer your question; we will not. And then in two days later we’re answering your question in explicit detail. You’re not even there to hear the answer. Haha. And you won’t listen to the archives to get it then. So, Bob is the, Bob is the great necromancer.
Bob 53:57
[chuckles] That’s why I remain on top. Everybody’s so fucking dumb. How are they dumb? They don’t have any patience. They don’t pay attention.
iON 54:06
Bob, Bob.
Bob 54:07
That little extra mile. All you have to do is just pay a little more attention even when it hurts.
iON 54:12
Bob, don’t do that. Don’t do that. You know full well you’re the bottom
Bob 54:14
That’s my secret, Ginney. I pay attention a little longer than anybody else.
iON 54:14
Bob, Bob, Bob, you bottom
Bob 54:15
I kept this stuff comin’ out two days later.
iON 54:22
You bottom, you bottom more than you top. We know.
Bob 54:25
I pay more attention to Carolyn than anybody else.
Ginney 54:28
[chuckles] You bottom more than you top. [iON laughs] iON. That and the cauliflower pizza was one of the best things I’ve ever heard. Okay, you guys have been great. Thank you so much. Thank you, Carolyn.
iON 54:44
You’re welcome. You’re welcome. And tell, tell Gregg, you tell Gregg, you tell Gregg that diamond cocktail rings is cheaper than yard work. So, tell him to get over it.
Bob 54:56
Hey, Ginney, check the chat line. Look at people’s questions during your seminar. You know, the past hour and a half, and see if any questions are relevant to something new you would say or ask.
Ginney 55:07
Oh, right now? Look right now? Okay.
Bob 55:09
Yeah. Well, when you can. Just scan through the past hour and a half of the questions people asked.
iON 55:15
That’s three days. Over the last, just gently over the last three days, Ginney. [laughs] That’d be good.
Bob 55:20
No. No.
Ginney 55:25
I will, Bob. Thank you. Thank you, iON.
Bob 55:28
Oh, you like that song by, um
iON 55:31
No. Didn’t like a single thing you played.
Bob 55:34
Toploader. I said Toploader and you said some other band did it. That’s right.
Ginney 55:34
King Harvest.
Bob 55:38
There were several names to the song. What?
Ginney 55:41
Yeah, it’s King Harvest, Dancing in the Moonlight.
Bob 55:46
Oh, okay, cuz I looked at that. And then I thought they were saying Toploader was King Harvest. But I was just scanning it. It doesn’t give the song band in the recording I got. [iON laughs] The truth comes out says Blankface.
Ginney 56:02
Oh, you know what? Maggie asked iON on here and if you want to answer it is if two vaccinated people are conceiving, what’s getting attached?
iON 56:15
No. They, no, most of them can’t conceive at all. Most of them. That’s what the mothers were all having a fit about that they were going to have to get "vaginated." And that their, that their vaginas couldn’t take the vagination. So, they just couldn’t do it. So, there’s the problem. It cuts you off. See, you gotta watch your codons. The codons gets you messed up because once you start changing it, you’re only one snippet between an orangutan. You and an orangutan, one snippet. And so you start changing it up, you start changing up the soup and you start growing extra feet and crazy stuff, you know. But now for amputees it might be a good thing; you can grow some’um back. I don’t know if it’s gonna come in the right place or not, but we’ll have the stuff.
Ginney 57:03
Very good. Yeah, it’s just, it’s most important to talk about Ascension. Ascension is the only thing. And the poor vaccinated people, there’s nothing we could do. But like you said, you told them, and I know a lot of people tried to warn them. And Carolyn did and we said our words and now we just have to go on and Ascend. Right, iON?
Bob 57:26
No, you don’t Ascend. You go to retrieve God. Retrieve God in yourself. [iON laughs] Gnostic. Gnostic.
Ginney 57:34
You’re not… very good.
iON 57:41
So, so what he’s tryin’ to say is that you have to take up a sober life of being unhuman.
Bob 57:50
Yeah, so Ginney, tonight in the bowl in the private session, two hours and 10 minutes then, what is Babylon is revealed. What is Babylon?
iON 58:03
Oh, shit! Oh, shit. You didn’t edit that?
Bob 58:04
Mark Stahlman’s gonna have, Mark Stahlman and Adam Pugen are gonna die.
iON 58:10
You didn’t edit that? Oh, my! Bob, you didn’t edit that?
Bob 58:12
No, I didn’t edit that. I didn’t edit it out, Ginney.
iON 58:13
Heads, heads are gonna roll, Bob! Heads are gonna roll.
Bob 58:16
Yeah, yeah. [Ginney, Bob, iON chuckle]
iON 58:23
You better wait. You better wait till way after Bert so Carolyn’s got a chance to go to bed or this gonna end bad.
Bob 58:29
Oh, Carolyn’s not gonna hear this. She’s not allowed to hear this kind of stuff.
iON 58:33
Oh, okay. Phew. [Ginney laughs]
Bob 58:36
Carolyn keeps Babylon alive. Carolyn keeps Babylon alive.
iON 58:40
[laughs] Well, just go and play the damn session now, Bob, if you’re gonna tell everything you know. [laughs]
Bob 58:48
No. No. Okay, thank you very much, Ginney.
Ginney 58:52
All right. Bye, Bob. Thank you, iON.
iON 58:54
Yes, darlin’. Always. Happy days. Go buy some’um pretty.
Ginney 59:00
Going to. Thank you.