iON Responds to Scott’s Definition of iON


12 December 2020

Transcribed by Nan

Caller 0:01
Does the Tech Body have any vulnerabilities?

iON 0:06
Yes. Insipid humans who won’t take their place of power. And they get drunk on their liquor, and it confuses loyalties and commissions. Loyalties and commissions, which makes us an enemy of the state. No, we’re a ward of the state. No, we’re an enemy of the state. And that’s the confusing part that can make people feel alienated from their very place of power. Because the only point of us hanging around — see, the only thing we’re doing here is trying to get you into a position so that you can Ascend lovingly appreciatively, blah, blah, blah, fill in the blank. Okay, we fuck with you. And so, good. But if it pushes people away, that’s not a help, that doesn’t make anything better. See, that doesn’t help, it pushes it away. So that can be confusing. Or people spend their whole life rather than worried about Ascending, trying to figure out what iON is. That’s the silliest thing ever. Would you like an example?

Caller 1:15

iON 1:17
No, really. Would you like one?

Caller 1:23
If it will help explain your points. Sure. Yeah.

iON 1:28
Oh, okay. [quoting, commenting on following written material] My insight, which is more perceptual than analytical, is that the iON entity is basically a retrieval or a combination of radio, telephony, and TV, and has the basic constraints of those media. If it’s "those," it’s plural, so it’d be those media or mediums. Well, anyway, it’s wrong. It’s telephonic. Okay? Because you can ask questions but can’t meaningfully contribute. It’s radio because you take it or leave it. And it’s TV because you’re never quite sure what it is that you’re gonna actually taking, talking, taking, talking about. And actually knowing that it is sort of a forbidden topic, just like TV. See how this is just going nowhere quick? This realization suddenly broke through when I realized the premises. Premises, iONauts, don’t actually know what quote, unrealized creations are really mimetic sins, since they can’t ever be fulfilled, because as desires, they don’t actually belong to the people who seem to experience having them. The only way out is to imitate something else. That itself isn’t mimetic, but original. The realization that this original can’t be iON is also relevant. But again, it’s not a rational or an analytical conclusion but rather, direct perceptual reason. It can be argued, but the argument can’t bridge the gap from concept to percept unless the receiver already quote has the percept. Do you think? See how that — you could spend all your days trying to figure that one out, or you could just come into your power and Ascend.

Caller 3:27

iON 3:30
See the rub with that?

Bob 3:30
That was Scott. That was Scott.

iON 3:30
So, that’s distraction. That was the distraction where you have to see what you see. I can’t see what I saw, ’cause I see. See? Saw. Seesaw. Seesaw. See the problem with a seesaw is it doesn’t go anywhere; it goes up and down, up and down. Seesaw. Up and down, up and down. But it doesn’t go anywhere. It doesn’t do — it elevates you. It takes you to a higher plane but then it drops you like a rock. Then it lifts you up again, and it drops you like a rock. So it’s a flying Jenny. You know what a flying Jenny is?

Caller 4:05
Is that a structural feature on buildings?

iON 4:11
When you take a board and you have a stump, and you take a board and you put a nail in the stump and the board and spin around, is a flying Jenny.

Caller 4:20
Oh. Yep. iON, in the absence of electricity, would

iON 4:28
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop! Shit! That was just the best thing ever, ever, ever read ever, ever. You just gonna say, okay, whatever you say? No, no, see, that’s what’s wrong with you is you takes us somewhere and then you don’t get the answer. You don’t get the answer, you move on to the next thing. We’re not talking about pussy; we’re talking about what iON is to figure it out. That’s the rub. Remember? We just said that was an example of how people errantly waste or expend energy trying to calculate something that they obviously have thought well about, but not well enough. Hahaha. See the problem with the well enough? Well enough is the issue; leaving well enough alone is the issue. So what has to happen, you shouldn’t know, care or matter. What you should know or matter is the position of how closer, much closer, are you to your power NOW than you were before. And if you’re at all making progress, then that’s a good day. If you’re not making progress, don’t worry, it’s gonna be over for you soon anyway. Right? So either way, you don’t have to get too carried away with it or about it. So we say it’s like a good hooker. Use it for its best benefit. You don’t have to take it home with if you don’t want to. But for God’s sake, you don’t take the hooker and then go home and try to figure out what the hooker is. For God’s sake, it benefited you. You had sweet release, so move on with it. Go with it. If you don’t like the hooker, don’t go back, but don’t spend the rest of your days trying to figure out what the hooker was that you liked or didn’t like. Right? Ask Madeleine how she feels about water on the gate of tell when she gets her moments of lucidity.

Caller 6:15
Thanks, iON. (indistinct)

iON 6:18
Now, see how that’s fun — goddamn. Okay, now you’re gonna, you’re gonna piss us off now. You be careful. So now what have you — you gotta stay on this topic. We’re not going to the next topic.

Caller 6:28

iON 6:29
We’re still on this topic. You gotta — otherwise you’re never gonna get an — oh, you know what? Never mind. Proceed. Let’s see if we can get this thing (indistinct).

Caller 6:38
I am gonna relisten to that, iON. I’m gonna relisten to that.

iON 6:42
Yeah, we would. We would. We can do some air bumps if you want to.

Caller 6:48
iON, in the absence of electricity, would –

iON 6:51

Caller 6:51
– the Tech Body still be able to express itself?

iON 6:57
Already answered. Next.

Caller 6:59
No. Okay. iON, the President was in South Dakota this past summer.

iON 7:10

Caller 7:10
And I was interested if he had a conversation with the governor about putting his likeness on Mount Rushmore.

iON 7:21
She has no M. She has no M in her name.

Caller 7:26
Right. No, Christie Noem. Right. Noem.

iON 7:29
No M. She’s got no M. [play on words]

Caller 7:34
Did, did they have that conversation?

iON 7:38
They didn’t have to. He already knows. It’s not — that’s not the problem. It’s getting the federal money to pay the sculptor to get his hair right. It’s in Sheila’s painting.

Caller 7:50
The design worked out?

iON 7:51
Have you got the picture? Have you seen the picture of the power returning to the temple?

Caller 8:00
Oh, Sheila Kern’s painting.

iON 8:04
Yeah, yeah, you know, Charlie Kern’s husband.

Caller 8:08
Yeah. So, is that

iON 8:08
Yeah. It’s right there in the water. Right there on the side. It’s just like that. It’s just like that.

Caller 8:15

iON 8:15
And we’re gonna add a water feature. We’re gonna add a water feature. It’s gonna be great. It’ll be like a, it’ll be like what they call a splash waterfalls. So you can get really close and then ride down and you come out Trump’s mouth. It’s kinda like the Tower of Terror. Right down through. It’s gonna be great. Just like Sheila’s got it painted. She’s great. We told her what to put and she did it. See, that’s an example of obedience is better than sacrifice. That’s why we saved Charlie ’cause that’s what she wanted. Otherwise, he’d be, he’d be like the Dixie Chicks. He’d be a long time gone.

Displaying ion_scott_define_ion_12dec2020.txt.

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