The Tech Body & the Tiny Note, Part 1 & 2

What Youth?


28 May 2019

Transcribed by Alissa [Bracket edits, CAPS and bold highlights added by transcriber. *Special Note: Clinton is named Caller in the transcript. However, his youtube handle is included.]

iON: The one thing, the only NOTABLE that Marshall McLuhan ever said was, THAT THERE’s A BODY, there’s a body, there’s a body what do you call that body? You doing your own work? What do you call that body? is called…?

Alissa: The new body.

iON: No, not the new body. What’s it called?

Alissa: You mean the Tech Body?

iON: Yes! the name of the body. Is it the…it’s not the chip body, right? Not the other bodies. Which is the new body?

Alissa: Tech Body

iON: Technology body, yessssssss. See what happened before, the chip body was what you put INTO IT. But the tech body takes what you’ve given it and turns it into its own thing. Now they DECIDE what goes on the Beat/Beep. Now they decide. Now you have to get clever and you have to put under spaces [underscores] and you can’t say this word, you can’t say that word or they will cut you off. They’ll turn you off if you’re a- if you’re not a bleeding heart liberal rag Democrat.

Alissa: Right yeah.

iON: So, there’s- so what happens is. That’s what Marshall was saying that the Medium is the Message. Look out! That’s where they mess you up. You’re looking at stuff. You’re doing it all WRONG. They’re about to take over and they’re coming to get you. You’re watching TV. No, no TV’s watching you. Now all of the sudden you can’t open that on the Facial Book [Facebook] and then rubbing it right back in your face. It’s all good. Thank God there was Wyndham Lewis, thank God Beafheart thank God TS Eliot didn’t kill himself (well he should have but…) Thank God all these things things was worked out so that people NOW, JUST NOW in this body [Tech Body] is here, Marshall McLuhan’s words. Because they certainly didn’t hear his [HMM] words then. Who the fuck listened to that man then? Not a living soul except for Bob and 3 idiots in the East Village Grille oh and HebbieGebbie’s on 84th Street. That’s about the sum total of that ridiculous stuff from that side. And Bob is..he’d do push ups on a dollar bill. [iON’s compliments to Bob ensue. Alissa says she’s almost the only one talking about Bob’s push ups in NYC etc. meaning Bob’s Media Ecology etc.]

Bob: We figured out what Tech Body is. You know the new Facebook [inaudible, may regime?] kicking everybody off, that’s the Tech Body, that’s pretty good. You know what that is Alissa? That’s the chip body becoming an art form. art form is defined as programmed by people are calling

iON: Before it’s obsolesced. JUST before it’s obsolesced.

Alissa: Don’t tell Caller [aka Concerned Netizen]

iON: Ahh well…Don’t worry, if he don’t get over it’ll kill him. Don’t worry. These people who don’t get over this, they’ll be gone. Poof! They’re gone. Just like Pharaoh. It’s just like Egypt and Pharaoh they’ll wipe every name off of every stone. And baby if you go 10 pages deep it’s like they can’t even find your zip code they can’t SSN. If you’re 10 pages deep it’s over. They can’t find you at all, you don’t exist, you’re not. And that’s what–

Bob: –Alissa! I just checked- yeah Caller just came in! Did you hear that Caller? That warning to you Caller, your days are numbered.

Caller: I’ve been here for four to five minutes.

iON: We’re praising and lawding your exculpatory work. So amazing!

Caller: Oh, yeah I heard…the Chip Body…

iON: Hold on we didn’t call you yet. You are a guest here and you can remain a guest here till Bob…We’re not finished. We were talking to the sweet one, go ahead.

Alissa: (Giggles) You can call me FA SO LA it’s fine 😉

iON: Ooo girl! Let me tell you that whole position of the vibrational frequency. There are some things that will affect the Tech Body. That’s REAL. Okay, the FA SO LA, that frequency can never be touched. The whole thing will fall away but that frequency “AHHHHH” will always stay. It’ll stay. Okay? Because it PERMEATES, even those bodies. Now here’s what cannot fucking forget–You CANNOT forget. Okay, if you forget this Clinton. it’s not going to go good for you. The Tiny Note cleans all of this up. If you don’t get the Tiny Note, you can get stuck at any step of the way. You almost got lost in the Larouche quadrant! (That mother fucker’s dead thank God.) We almost got [stuck] in the Thompson quadrant. Some of you didn’t survive that! You lost some of them in the Thompson quadrant Bob. and they never made it BECAUSE THEY FORGOT THE TINY NOTE! When everything is obsolesced now these bodies have made a whole ‘nother body. All right, the chip body was supposed to be the End. And then the lost Android Meme all of a sudden is obsolesced. And then we got The Mechanical Bride, see? And McLuhan told you all this! He made it all up, but it didn’t affect THEN. It wasn’t about then. He was talking about eight-track tapes but he wasn’t anything about an eight-track tape player. He was saying that That Technology would turn into Another Technology. THAT’s what he was saying. And that’s what happened! (I guess ’cause he said it maybe he said it– that damn Danny Hall that’s what screwed everything up, put that bitch on TV and then everything goes to hell. And that’s what happens. But anyway, set that aside.) What’s happened is you gotta have the Tiny Note to retrieve when it’s retrieved. The Tiny Note cleans it up. To basically put it – the Tech Body- (what is “it”?…there’s too many pronouns, too many words) to put IT in its place. That means the TECH BODY in check.

iON: Bobby Fischer, poor Bobby Fischer [chess player]. See? He didn’t think, the computer– if you tell the computer how to think [algorithms] the Tech Body will use it against you. You see?

Alissa: Yeah.

iON: The machine is the “what’s happening.” The machine is what’s typing! Nobody’s working. Nobody goes to work. They sit in traffic and got a car and they got a cell phone and got an iPhone. They got a PeePod. They go somewhere. They stand around for a little while and exchange some monies or they don’t, or they have some monies or they’re buying ice cream with something they tap their phone and their phone says “yes, you’ve been a good boy, have some ice cream.” That machine–you could be a billionaire and they could turn that machine off in a second. “Sorry insufficient funds. Tap again.” So your whole world, the Golden Eye, The Eagle Eye, y’all remember that movie? All these things can be tapped, not from your government strategy, the body ITSELF is taking over getting ready for Bob’s meeting in air with the aliens! You heard it here first!

Bob: You heard it first! I’ve been holding it back, but iON’s fucking squeeze it out!

Alissa: Bob’s meeting in the air!

iON: We told you not to tell ’em! What the hell? We snuck it by. We could have left it right there and it would have been alright but you said something so there you go.

Alissa: Did you say meeting in the air…?

Bob: with the aliens

iON: You’ll never catch us repeating gossip

Alissa: Ha! Ha! The tech body is the AM [Android Meme] Squared.

iON: [Sings the “repeatin’ gossip” song and Alissa sings along]

Alissa: So the carbon computing…

iON: Nah! We didn’t say nothin’ about…Hold on Maude, we didn’t say nothing about no carbon computing. You’re talking about something else now. So Bob’s got to make a new note. Open a new email Bob. Carbon computing, you’re asking a question about that… Okay, now if you’ve been talking about the carbon computing, we can talk about that. ..So is that what you want to do? Are you through? Are we going to something else now?

Alissa: No. I’m not through– I’m not through. Ummm. So the chart latticework that Bob and I were doing…

iON: Yes

Alissa: The tiny note will clean up the tech body. And the tech body doesn’t need to be acknowledged in the chart because the tech body is AM squared.

iON: It would be AM cubed, it’s not squared.

Alissa: Okay, okay.

iON: Because it’s The Body of The Body. This is 2 x 2 x 2 is 8. It’s not 2 squared, that’s 4. It’s 2 cubed that’s 8. The Octad is Eight. This isn’t hendyadis now darlin. This is the birthing of a body! this is a body squared. A squared square.

Alissa: Two Bodies had a body.

iON: No no! Five Bodies had… No no, because each of those bodies or parts– see the quadrants? You have the quadrants. And they all have to be obsolesced and retrieved. But if you don’t have the Tiny Note, it doesn’t clean it up. So you can get stuck in any one of those different quadrants. And it’s a trick so Bob could slang other people off of the flying ginny. Like Bob Carr and Ralph Doobie and those CKLN people and [iON word riffs] Reverend Mr. Stangy Stingy. Well, he’s stanky now, Reverend Stanky. He [Stang] can’t get a zip code to Bobville to Bobstown. The zip code of Bobstown is where The Tiny Note brings YOU OUT OF, if you’re able to come out. But this Tech Body, nobody talks about nobody knew. We–McLuhan told you. Larouche warned you of it. Thompson said it couldn’t be that it was going to happen anyway because you can’t believe anything. And of course Wyndham said that the Nazis is gonna take the Jews off of the planet while they was in the process of painting people’s ears they don’t get it anyway because that’s what happened. That’s a really weird thing as you get to that side. So the issue becomes the dogmatic repose [cessation or absence of activity / rest] that those different positions APPLY TO. Not what they apply OF. What they apply TO. And so therefore it’s [Tech Body] NOT the carbon body–that’s [the Carbon Body] is what’s going to replace this.

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