What Youth, 28 June 2022, Hour 1

What Youth?

Part 1

28 June 2022

Transcribed by Nan

Bob 15:43
Well, I don’t see Bert here. Let’s see. Did he come in in the last second? I’ll unmute everybody.

Announcer 15:52
All participants are now unmuted.

iON 15:56
Bert’s there. You just keep pokin’. You keep poking. He’s there.

Bob 16:00
I unmuted everybody.

iON 16:03
We know. Bertron.

Bob 16:13
He’s not used to coming in this early.

iON 16:15
Naw, he’s here.

Bob 16:19

iON 16:21
He’s there.

Bob 16:23
Okay, so he’s not there. I’ll wait till a new name comes in.

iON 16:26
Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Don’t — just un

Bob 16:30
Look. All names are identified. He ain’t here.

iON 16:33
Well, you say that, but that doesn’t mean anything. So, whatever. Good ahead.

Bob 16:33
Yes, it does. It does mean a lot.

iON 16:41
Mmm. Okay. Well, we’ll sing a song of six pence, a catcher in the rye. Do whatever you wanna do. I don’t care. Do what, do whatever you want to do, it didn’t matter really. It doesn’t matter now. Let’s go.

Bob 16:57
Okay. Here’s somebody come in from Poland. That’s gotta be Bert.

iON 17:01

Bob 17:02
Hello, Bert!

Bert 17:06

Bob 17:07

Bert 17:07

Bob 17:08
Did you not notice that iON was calling five minutes ago, demanding your presence?

Bert 17:15

Bob 17:17
You did notice that?

Bert 17:19

Bob 17:20
And it took awhile to get in.

Bert 17:22
Yes, my sip wanted to renew. So I had to

iON 17:25
Okay, that’s all good. Quit arguing for your limitation. Let’s get some work done. We’re tired of this shit.

Bob 17:31
Yeah, Bert, stop arguing for your limitations for fuck (indistinct/overtalk w/iON)

Bert 17:36
I handled limitations.

iON 17:31
We put up with a great, we put up with a great deal out of the circumstances. Hey, Bertron, what’s going on? Tell us a little something about what you would like to know about, big’un. Wait! Wait! Wait! Stop!

Bert 17:51
Damn. You just — okay, all right. Yep.

iON 17:53
Just calm down. Just calm down.

Bert 17:55
I’m calm.

Bob 17:56
You calm down, iON!

iON 17:57
No, fuck that. We don’t gotta do that. Listen. There’s a whole lot parlayed on what you’re gonna say. You’re gonna say the right thing. That’s appropriate. But there’s a lot of people holding on to things that work into your best advantage. So, we’re trying to be soft and tenderly in saying, Hey, Bert, is there something interesting that you’d like to talk about tonight?

Bert 18:31
Yes, iON, there were a lot of things that came in my circulation –

iON 18:37

Bert 18:36
– after you told us about the acceleration of a black hole.

iON 18:40
Yes. Yes.

Bert 18:45
And the ethers were working in my favor, and I found a series on HBO series

iON 18:59
Is Dark Materials? Is Dark Materials?

Bert 19:02
Get out of town. Yes.

iON 19:04
Yeah. Fuck yeah, that’s, that’s very significant. Now, now wait. Stop.

Bob 19:09
Yeah, he told me that or JW told me that a few hours or an hour ago or somethin’. He named that stuff. He said we gotta talk to Bert about Dark Materials. I said dark matter? No, it’s Dark Materials.

iON 19:16
That was three days ago, Bob. It was three days ago. Three days ago.

Bob 19:26
No, it was just an hour and a half, an hour ago, Bert.

iON 19:29
(laughs) Poor Bob. Poor, poor Bob.

Bob 19:33
Are you surprised he came up with it? That he named it, Bert?

Bert 19:37

iON 19:37
Okay, now listen. Now listen. Listen, listen listen. We got some things to say. We got some things that’s very important. There’s timelines that are being construed. They’re laid out. Some people have daemons which is d-a-e-m-o-n-s. That’s their outside force beside themselves, like in a critter, a varmint, an animal like whatever, whatever, whatever, that are separate. And if you kill the daemon, you kill them. But then others in another forest don’t have that. Now, that would be recompense regarding the Thompson quadrant, but that’s not really the big picture here. The big picture here is that there’s lines that you can find your way through to step across into other worlds.

Bert 20:15

iON 20:17
You see the rub? And that’s what we’re talking about. And then, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Now what’s happening right now, they’re stepping across other worlds, causing a bit of travail. Now, some call that angels, some call it angels. We don’t, we don’t, we don’t, we don’t necessarily prescribe it exactly like that. But, but, but, but, but, but they’re powerful. If they turn you, if they turn you out, they’ve, they’ve done their work. Eh?

Bert 21:00
Ah, yes, sir.

iON 21:04
So. So, so, so you’re saying, so what you’re noting based on our saying is, it makes a logical progression of what’s going on here. How can we get — you smile and you go, "How the fuck did we get here? Where are, how did we get here!?" This starts to explain some of the "here," here. It starts to explain the "here" here. Okay, we said enough words. Eugene’s had a bust out, she’s had a little gizgasm. All right, what you — want else you wanna say? We’ll do that

Bert 21:45
iON, that’s a very

iON 21:46
Yeah. Don’t, don’t, don’t get Alissa started up; she’s gonna be giggling Don’t worry, we got this.

Bert 21:53

iON 21:53
Be focused. Be focused ’cause all eyes are on you. You’re the high man on, your high man on the totem.

Bert 22:01
Let me say something. Can I say something?

iON 22:02
You didn’t want, you didn’t want to be on the totem, but you’re all that and a bag of chips. So, please say whatever you’d like, honey.

Bert 22:13
Well, it opened up a question, some questions. I don’t have them –

iON 22:17

Bert 22:17
– now because I’m still in the process, but it was some long-standing questions that I’ve had about black hole –

iON 22:17

Bert 22:25
– and dark matter. Because dark matter is the underlying theme, and they call it dust. And the whole theme — I just finished the first

iON 22:36
July the fifth.

Bert 22:40
Oh, boy! Hey, hey, hey. Ding, ding, ding. Hey, iON, that’s pretty wild because after I saw — I don’t — what, what, what’s going on. Hold on. Hold on. I have my notes in front of me. After I watched the — where is it? Hold on. Searching, searching, searching. Okay. After I saw the — then where is it? Okay. Sorry, sorry. Four winds. Hey, iON, okay. It was after the second episode. They started talking about electrons and dark matter and every — and dust.

iON 23:26
Yeah. Yeah.

Bert 23:26
And then something went ding, ding, ding. And I have notes. And I found the December 9th, 2009, CERN thing that you did with –

iON 23:37

Bert 23:37
– Carolyn and Bob, and I had a ton of notes. And questions, you know, long-standing questions about the CERN thing. And you, you outlined the whole CERN, dark matter, black hole. And it just blew my head off.

iON 23:51
Cookies, cookies for Famous Amos. Famous Amos cookie crumbs. The whole nine yards. Yes. Poor Bob. Poor Bob. Bob always shows up. He doesn’t know where the fuck he is. He doesn’t know where he is right now. But he’s always on the leading edge of some fucked-up condition that someone’s got to recover from. It’s amazing. It’s really amazing.

Bert 24:11
Of course.

iON 24:11
We don’t know how he surv — we don’t know how you survived it, but we support it. He’s the boss. We just don’t know what he’s the boss of. He’s the boss. Just don’t know what he’s the boss of, but he’s in charge. But it’s all good. He’ll, he’ll displace it pretty easy. We’ll ask Carolyn was she’s gonna let him be in charge of. It’d be great. And then that’s what we’ll do whatever she says. It’d be great. Mm-mmm.

Bert 24:35
Okay, so iON, are we

iON 24:39

Bert 24:42
Can I finish? Okay. Are we in the

iON 24:44
Please do.

Bert 24:46
Are we in the process of engaging dark matter at this moment? At this time?

iON 24:52
Yes. Fuck, yes. Fuck, yes, of course you are ’cause you don’t know the difference.

Bert 24:56

iON 24:56
You’re calling something dark matter and you don’t know what that is. You don’t know what, you don’t know what that is. That — yes, you’re absolutely are embracing it, you’re engaging it.

Bob 25:07

iON 25:07
You’re — sorry.

Bob 25:08
Let me focus this for you, Bert.

iON 25:10
Hey, boss. Hey, boss.

Bob 25:12
The boss has got some’um to say. That black, little black cat with a white beak, white face or whatever, been missin’ for six days, Bert. They murdered it! Somebody murdered the little cat!

iON 25:25
They sliced, they sliced — his guts, his guts — hey, hey, Bert. Hey, Bert, his guts was slung in the roadside ditch. Yesss.

Bob 25:35
[chuckles] Who got in? How did they kill this angel trapped in the fifth gate without causing a breach and allow more crap in? Or what? So, I’m not really sure if he’s been killed, or it’s been killed.

iON 25:47
We’ll see. We’ll see.

Bob 25:48
iON, I don’t think has made a definite statement yet.

iON 25:51
You need to calm down. You need to calm down. You need to calm down. You need to make sure everything is correct. You need to make sure your lines

Bob 25:57
Yeah. Here’s the next (indistinct). The CERN is gonna blow everything up –

iON 26:03
The fifth.

Bob 26:03
– on July 5. And what is that, Bert? That’s X-Day, July 5, 1998. It’s when the aliens come. [Bert laughs] So, there’s something dramatic happening on July 5th.

iON 26:14
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no. Say it — no, Bob. Bob, Bob. No, no, soften this. Soften it. Regular media ecology can’t take this. Do you realize there are people trading on the stock market that are now meme traders? Meme traders! So, your words are, your words are wrong. You have no good words. Those are ridiculous words, not the right words. Here’s what you’re tryin’ to say, Bob. What you’re tryin’ to say is that the dichotomy has a new, visceral tactility. That’s what you’re sayin’. You’re tryin’ to say that everything has a new middle ground or a new position that’s outside of media ecology. Now, that’s a big ole word the nobody knows what the fuck — Susana knows what it means, but nobody else knows what that means. So, that’s all good, because we challenged her on it. So now what happens is you’re startin’ to see the lines and the spaces. Now, stop this conversation. If you don’t mind, Bob, if you don’t mind, hold your thoughts for a second. You have good thoughts, we’re not mad about that. We yield. We yield, goddamnit. We don’t like to, we don’t like to, we would love to put your dick in the dirt! But we’re not gonna do that right now. What we’d like to do is just yield for one second. We wanna ask Bert about the daemons or [pronounced differently] daemons and conditional responses between the worlds and let him say some words that we can maybe pull some things together in the Arthur Kroker quadrant.

Bert 28:03
iON, seems to me that in this show, the daemons were serving

iON 28:11
You’re saying it right. You’re saying it right. Daemons, it’s like they are demons, but they’re daemons, they’re a part of themselves. So, a beast represents the subconscious or the soul –

Bert 28:27

iON 28:27
– of the individual person in that realm. If you say it that way, –

Bert 28:32

iON 28:32
– if you say it that way, look what happened. When they’re immature and before they mature, their daemon shifts, changes. It becomes everything. But once they come to the age of enlightenment or of age, we don’t know what that, we don’t really know what that means. We don’t know what that means. But once they "set" their place, then their daemons don’t change.

Bert 29:00

iON 29:01
They’re set. See the rub?

Bert 29:04

iON 29:04
Then, then, then in certain worlds those daemons run side by side with the human. So, they gauge. It’s kinda like — you know Flip Wilson and the devil made me do it. On one side, it’s good; on the other side it’s not good. Well, he got somebody to talk to in their world.

Bert 29:23
Okay, yes.

iON 29:24
And that’s a fine line. Now, listen. You got to work at — do you remember the Fruit of the Loom? Wait, stop. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Slow down. Remember we spoke about to you, to you specifically for hours regarding the loom and the threads and the shuttle and putting the thread through and pulling it up tight?

Bert 29:44

iON 29:45
All those details, that’s an example of what we’re talking about here. And every single one of those threads is a different reality.

Bob 29:52
(barely audible) Sorry. Would you say that again?

iON 29:54
Oh, shit. Now you got ’em all, now you got the Tech Body stirred up now. Hope you’re happy. You got ’em all stirred up. So, each one of those lines is a timeline or a reality. One reality allows (Bob/inaudible) — stop. No. One reality allows you to come to the United States, be processed, be put in, and you’re in like flint. Another reality gets you to the third gate and sends your ass back. Goddamn, wait a minute. How I gotta go back; that’s not right. I did everything I was supposed to do. I went toe to toe with the angels. What happened? What, what are we talking about here? You see? So, these details of where you are in that capacity allows you to embrace your quote quote reality. Now, if you make it, great. If you don’t make it, okay, that’s fine. Renew it, readjust it, recalculate it. But don’t think that you’re gonna fuck with the angels if you don’t know who you are in God and win! They will grind you into a fine powdery pulp. We love ever goddamn one of y’all. We adore you. We will help you, blah blah, blah, blah, blah. Bert, tell ’em about stompin’ up when they broke up the goddamn pavement in the driveway over some bullshit. There wasn’t even, there wasn’t nothing going on. They broke up the goddamn — well, sorry, we’ve said too much.

Bert 31:35
Boy, iON. Boy, you — that’s pretty compressed there, buddy. You brought back the Fruit of the Loom, so that’s where I was as far as seeing that.

iON 31:42

Bert 31:43
And so does, is that involved in this movie, in this series? The Event?

iON 31:49
Of course. It’s an example. It’s an example of it so that you can see how it plays out. From world to world to world. Now you have people in another world that come into that world and they (indistinct). Now you got witches that are –

Bert 32:04

iON 32:04
– having power. The witches have power. Well, a lot of people have power. Dr. Carolyn Dean has power; she’s got a lot of power. And she’s very careful how she wields it. You see? Is she a witch? No, she’s not a witch. But she understands how that power applies. You sneak up on Dr. Carolyn Dean and see how it goes for you. Not gonna go good ’cause she gonna see you comin’. Ain’t no trouble. No problem. Just sayin’.

Bert 32:39
Boy. Mm-hmm.

iON 32:41
Too many tulpas. Too many tulpas in the conversation, eh?

Bert 32:48
Yeah, iON. Can we roll this back here? I have a question that you brought up

iON 32:52
Whatever you wanna do, honey bunny. Honey bunny, honey bunny, you got all that and a bag of chips. You have been faithful in good service. You have been tunk a lo pisen and not been found wanting so you ask what you may. We will answer it just now.

Bert 33:14
Okay, is it still are — maybe I’ve asked you this, but there’s something that I got out of the December 9th CERN thing, and I don’t know if I asked you this, but I’m gonna ask you again and if you — does dark matter originate from you?

iON 33:37
Okay, we’ll solve that real easy. Hey, Bertron, what’s your definition of dark matter?

Bert 33:46
Well, you know, I’m like a parrot of you as fucking T says.

iON 33:49
Well, no, no, no. Well, bless T. We love T. Bless T. We’ll, we will fuck, we will fuck T to death. We love T. Mm-mmm! We’ll — Lord Jesus, we will work him out, it’ll be good. Phew. It’d be, he would, he would never see — mmm. Yeah, we can do that. And that’s not what we’re trying to do, but we would! Yeah, poor T.

Bert 34:18
Okay. Dark matter means that it’s, it’s a place where light has never been.

iON 34:27
No, well. Mmm.

Bert 34:31
Easy. Easy.

iON 34:32
You’re, you’re havin’ a problem. You’re havin’ a problem with luminosity.

Bert 34:39
Okay, so has that changed? Has luminosity changed?

iON 34:43
No, but it a — no, no, no, but you’re using the wrong word. Dark matter. It’s a component of the universe whose presence is discerned from its gravitational attraction rather than its luminosity. See? It’s not the absence of light, it’s dark.

Bert 35:07
Okay, so then you’ve updated the definition because

iON 35:10
Oh, you call it dark, you would call it dark energy, but we’re not mad about that ’cause we don’t know what that is either.

Bert 35:22
See, there you go, dropping some more

iON 35:24
So, you need to look up, you need to look up light bosons.

Bert 35:29
Light bosons. Should I do that right now or

iON 35:32
Quantum, quantum chromodynamics ions or axions. It wouldn’t hurt.

Bert 35:43

iON 35:50
A-x-i-o-n-s. You know, like the water. [laughs]

Bert 35:58
What? A-x-i-o-n

iON 35:58
Bob is so clever. A-x-i-o-n-s. Bob is so clever. Bob’s very clever. Did we mention that, how clever Bob is?

Bert 36:11
Okay we’re talking about quantum chromodynamics.

iON 36:16

Bert 36:16
Oh, shit. It’s a strong interaction between quarks mediated by gluons.

iON 36:24

Bert 36:22
Here we go. Here we go.

iON 36:26
And see, this is where the hadrons are trying to set protons, neutrons and pions. And they — doesn’t, doesn’t work. Now, it’s theoretical physics, okay, but there might be a part or a mark that would imply within and without the cloud. Q-C-D. QCD.

Bert 36:55
Oh, is a type of quantum field theory called the non abelian gauge theory with

iON 37:05
Yeah, but don’t say nothin’. But don’t say nothin’. Eugene’s not gonna give a fuck about this; she will not give one fuck about this. It’s all right, you got it. No problem; it’s no problem. But you need to mark the mark so that you can say, "Oh, you mean" — and then fill in the blank. So, there you go. Okay, next. What else is next? There’s your nickel’s worth there, honey bunny.

Bert 37:30
Boy, I mean, how many minutes have I been on? Man, iON, that is pretty

iON 37:34
Twelve. Twelve.

Bert 37:34
I mean. You’re combing shit,

iON 37:36
Well, we were listening, we were listening to Bob go on and on and on with his stupid, ridiculous — we’re gonna take over this goddamn music soon enough so it’d be something enjoyable. With all this goddamn elevator Muzak, it’s pretty ridiculous. We’re gonna get some, we’re gonna, we’re gonna help God pretty soon get this over with or we’re gonna, –

Bert 37:54
Ah, man.

iON 37:53
– or this is gonna be a 15-minute show and get it over with. We had to get some things out that, that line up with what you’re tryin’ to say. So, you want an overview? What are you tryin’ to say?

Bert 37:54
Okay, okay. Ah, you know, it’s kind of dangerous because I have no prepared notes, so I’m gonna be shootin’ from the hip. But, iON,

iON 38:14
I can do it. We’ll put it in, we’ll put it in your box. It’s all good.

Bert 38:18
Okay, good. Put it in my box. But, iON, okay, now, there was a lot said in the last maybe 20 minutes or so, I haven’t been checking. But CERN, July 5th. Are they working? Is this something that they’re playing with?

iON 38:37
No comment. No comment. But it depends on, it depends — no, no wait, whoa, whoa. No, we’re not shutting you down now. We’re gonna see what Bob does. See, this is all about Bob. Everything’s about Bob.

Bert 38:52
Oh, of course.

iON 38:52
Bob’s in charge, Bob runs everything. He controls the world. He shut down the Federal Reserve. He’s got all the money that he can’t receive. He’s got all of Maybank that he can’t cash a check on. He’s got all the details of everything that was. He controls the Sun, Moon and stars. He’s gonna line up everything to go back to Andromeda for those that are qualified and worthy and within the 33rd parallel. He’s gonna set the stage or the, the quantum dynamic physical capacity that allows the individual humans to be included or not be included. So, that’s our Bob. We adore our Bob. He’s in charge, no problem. So now what happens is we have to see if the QCD is going to embrace or allow the capacity of this high fold — mmm, watch the ohmage, this high fold — watch the ohmage energy transference to shift the world to a different capacity. That’s what we’re waitin’ on. Now, praise Bob from whom all blessings flow. But you need to watch for the SU(3) color.

Bert 39:39
The SU(3) color?

iON 40:17
SU parenthetical 3.

Bert 40:20
Parenthetical 3. Yeah. And it involves color.

iON 40:23
But see, that’s gonna change. Well, that’s going to change the wave of the particles. You’ll see. You’re talkin’ about vectors now. And remember, remember you watched the show. You watched the show, and you saw the different lines.

Bert 40:37
I’m not finished.

iON 40:38
No, wait, you’re not. That’s okay. The lines where somebody would be someplace, and they’d step through the gate into the little forest in the little park. Then they’d step through a thing and the next thing you know, they’re in another world. And then the Golems were there to tear them up and la, la, la, la, la. And then on and on and on. You got a variegation of these different realms or worlds. Those are occurring right here, right now. And if you look at your fucked up world right here, right now, you’d say, hell yeah, this is fucked up! These people are crazy. These people walkin’ around here like, "We’ll kill a niggar. We were kill a — niggar’s gonna get killed. We’re gonna kill a niggar. Niggars are gonna get killed." Like, goddamn, where did that come from!? So now, now ain’t nobody having no babies except for angel babies, and now Roe versus Wade is gone. And you can’t kill a niggar in New York City. And, and, and, and, and they are gonna they’re gonna tear up the, the — fuck, what is it? (indistinct) plants. What is Lori Lightfoot, the black, gay woman who lives with a white woman who Clarence Thomas lives with a white woman. Fuck Clarence Thomas ’cause he don’t know what’s goin’ on. Come on, now. [chuckles] It gets, it gets a little, it gets a little cheeky after a little bit. ‘Cause you start lookin’ at it from a, any type of an hourglass, and you go, this is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. So, step by step by step. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there’s already — now listen, there’s already enough fentanyl in the United States of fucked up America to kill everybody, every human being in the United States of America. So (indistinct). You don’t got to take it. You don’t got to take it. You just gotta smell it.

Bert 42:39

iON 42:39
You don’t got to take it, you just gotta smell it. You see the rub? This is like an invasion. We aren’t mad. This is gonna be the basis now. What’s your question? You’re gonna ask some questions, but we’re not gonna wait for you to go on and on and on. We’re just gonna clean this shit up. Here’s what’s happening. Bob knows this very well and Bob’s being nice. Y’all need to behave! Y’all better behaved now ’cause Bob don’t always have to be nice. Bob’s nice but he don’t have to be. Just sayin’.

Bert 43:25

iON 43:11
Don’t negotiate his generosity. You can do what you want to to us. But you better be easy with Bobby ’cause, shit, yeah, don’t, yeah don’t, we wouldn’t do that. Here’s what’s happening. You’re having a — now the new condition, if you flip the Thompson quadrant, this is now

Bob 43:31
X-Day’s coming, Bert. July 5th, X-Day. That’s my day! X-Day, July 5th! The aliens are gonna take advantage of the CERN screw up to fucking get me past the little cat!

iON 43:43
Now, now, now, here’s what, here’s what happens. What happens now is it’s a forced Ascension. You’re gonna Ascend or it’s done. You’re gonna have your window; it’s like the slot machine where you put your $100 in and you hit it, or you hit the money or you don’t. It’s like a slot machine where it’s a guaranteed win or not, but you gotta stage it. You’re no — let me tell you something, Bert. You’re no longer gonna go toe to toe with the angels and tell them how it’s goin’ on. You better know who you are in goddamn God before you go toe to toe with them from here forward ’cause they got your number.

Bob 44:29
Yeah, you should quit while you’re ahead, Bert. [chuckles] You better go back to Cassidy, –

iON 44:30
They got your number. They got your number. This is gonna

Bob 44:31
– Project Paperclip or whatever they call those Cassidy worlds.

iON 44:32
Oh, lord have mercy. Project Camelot. Project Camelot.

Bob 44:34
James Martinez. You need to join the James Martinez [iON laughs] and Mathew Hurtado [Bob laughs] faction.

Bert 44:42
No, thank you. No, thank you.

iON 44:43
You gotta get a, you gotta get a, you gotta get a brown, you gotta get a brown lunchsack and put all the money you can put in it and send it back to Mathew Hertado as a tithe to Dr. Carolyn Dean. That’s what [laughs] — that’d be a good day. No, listen, we’re being cheeky. But you can’t fuck with this anymore. They’re on to ya. [Bob chuckles] That’s the rub. They’re on to ya. So now you gotta — now, you’ve been playin’ church, now it’s time to be church. You gotta come into your place of power or not. We love all y’all, we adore you, we want to help you blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, motherfuckin’ blah! We’re done! Do it or don’t do it, we don’t really care! We don’t care. Because the train’s fixin’ to move out of the station. The long, black train is on. So, gosh, Bob, is that so sharp. We don’t want to be sharp or terse. Do we mean it like that?

Bob 45:42
Very irrelevant, iON. It’s past you. We’re dealing with the Tech Body now. You blew it.

iON 45:49
Clean this up, Bob. Clean this up, Bob. Clean this — no, really

Bob 45:53
I am!

iON 45:53
Clean this up, Bob.

Bob 45:53
We’re putting you aside. I’m answering all the questions from now on.

iON 45:54
We would like to, [Bert, Bob chuckle] we would like to soften it to a point to say Kumbaya or almost persuaded or just inside the gate or, or the Eastern Star or the, you know, whatever Vestal would sing, or the God’s own chariot’s comin’ in the morning. You know, all those words that apply. But now what’s happened is is if –we would say if you’re not already ready, it may be too late. But we’re not trying to drive that as a moniker. We’re not trying to say that it’s the end all, be all. We’re just saying you’re a little late in the game if you decide to wake up, Matthew Rose and decide you want to be a part of the goddamn team.

Bob 46:45
Oh, yeah. Mathew Rose was part of that faction, too, Bert.

iON 46:48
Too late. It’s a little late, it’s a little late if you want to jump on the program and see. And they’re all Steve; there’s Steve Reimers, the Steve Jameson’s, [Bob laughs] all the Steves. All of them Steves.

Bob 47:00
All the Steves are kaput!

iON 47:03
All the Steves, you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do. We ain’t mad, we’ll help ya, we’ll help ya. We love, we’ll fuck with a niggar. We’ll fuck with a niggar. We love a niggar. We love the niggars. We ain’t mad.

Bob 47:15
[laughs] iON’s trying to get us busted by FCC for frig sake. He’s goin’ all the way.

iON 47:19
Ahh, fuck the — who the fuck is the, who the fuck –

Bob 47:21
He started a Supreme Court case out of this.

iON 47:23
– who the fuck is the FCC? [Bob, Bert chuckles] They don’t even acknowledge themselves anymore. They lost all their funding. They don’t even know that — shit, don’t worry about that. Yeah, sue us. Put us to the Supreme Court. We have friends in high places, Bob. It’s okay. We, we’re with the Gorsuch, we’re with the Gorsuch crowd. It’s gonna be

Bob 47:43
[laughs] I’m with the Gorsuch. I’m with the Halls [iON laughs] over there in Kansas.

iON 47:51
Okay, now let’s get back. Let’s get Bert back calm because he’s trying to

Bob 47:53
Yeah, let’s get back to where we were, Bert. [laughs]

iON 47:55
Bert’s just trying to make a point. Now, what was now, now be sober, be sober, Bert. Go back to your ask — we set a bunch of stuff. Don’t let that change what you were gonna embrace. We’ll go to that; we support that. Now, we had to say a lot of stuff because fuck, enough, you’re out of time. Let’s go. But we wanna be (indistinct) —

Bob 48:17
You’re out of time (inaudible).

iON 48:18
— that you were asking about. We were asking what you wanted to know about. So, bring it back to there.

Bert 48:25
Because of all that you just laid out in the last 40 minutes or however long again, it’s been,

iON 48:29
51 minutes.

Bert 48:30
I have a question about where I’m standing with my feet. iON, for the last week, we had five, I mean, it’s been sunny during the day.

iON 48:39
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Bert 48:39
But then we have a strong electrical storm with winds, lightning and thunder.

iON 48:40
Yep, every night. Every night.

Bert 48:49
So, is that part of the QCD, CERN, no, July 5th, 4th, no.

Bob 48:56
Xists. Return of the Xists.

iON 48:59
Hadron. Hadron. It’s the Hadron calculating perturbative copulation.

Bob 49:09
I think the Hadron is the LaRouche quadrant on my Chart, Bert.

iON 49:13
It is. We said that. We said that already. It’s meson.

Bob 49:13
You never said LaRouche. I would have heard that word.

iON 49:19

Bert 49:19
You said Kroker. You said Thompson and Kroker.

Bob 49:22
Yeah, it’s the wrong word. Hadron is LaRouche.

iON 49:27

Bob 49:27
I got my — look at the subatomic particles on the Chart.

iON 49:32
The distribution is important for the studies of heavy Quark productive, QCD and leading order in QCD CSG quarks, produced back to back with the alpha theta and PCT cc equals 0.0. Including the NLO correction, the distributions broaden. The data which tend to disagree, but the NLO calculations suggest significant contributions to non-perturbative effects, which is what you’re experiencing.

Bob 50:10
Non-perturbative. You mean we don’t notice them?

iON 50:15
Well, he just — Bert just now is, but they’ve been going on for a bit now. Now,

Bob 50:21
He’s just not noticing them. He’s just not noticing them.

iON 50:23
But now the charm particle decays are starting to be noted. See, the charm

Bob 50:31
Okay, so on my Chart let’s maybe update this. McLuhan quadrant is meson.

iON 50:34
No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh god

Bob 50:35
The McLuhan quadrant is meson. The Thompson quadrant’s the baryon. The Kroker quadrant’s the diquark, and then you got daemon nuclei. Now you’re talking daemon, d-a-e-m-o-n. Is that the Dobbs quadrant where we used to have daemon nuclei?

iON 50:48
Photons. That would be, that’s photons. That’s correct. That will be known as photons.

Bob 50:54
Yeah, I got that reference.

Bert 50:56
Yes, you did, Bob.

iON 50:56
That’s the charm particles, that’s the charm particles that are produced by the interaction of photons.

Bob 51:03

iON 51:04
That’s a 180 GeV average energy and segmented BeO target.

Bob 51:09
Well, is the quark the container of that or just another player?

iON 51:13
Well, we’ll see. We’ll see. We’ll see how far the FOCUS runs.

Bob 51:17
You don’t know.

iON 51:16
Well, it’s — see how far the FOCUS. F-O-C-U-S, capitol, ran with an updated version of the E687 spectrometer because the vertex detector includes 16 planes of a silicone strip detector. You gotta gauge it within that.

Bob 51:35
(indistinct) third technology. (indistinct) black box.

iON 51:42
Four of the planes, so four of the planes are interweaved with the BeO target elements, and 12 are located downstream of the target. So charged particles are reconstructed in the spectrometer using five five-bodied multiwire proportional chambers. The momentum determined by measuring the deflection of the particles trajectory and the two analysis magnets of opposite polarity which is what we’ve been saying since the beginning of fucking Adam and goddamn Steve. Particle identification is performed by using measurements from three multicell threshold Cerekov counters. And there you go. No problem.

Bert 52:33

iON 52:35
Yes, baby.

Bert 52:37
This last tranche of TikToks that I’ve got received.

iON 52:42
OH! You! You gonna go to the good stuff. Ooh, Lord — hey, Bob, he’s going deep now. Okay, you got all those wordy words. It don’t matter, Dmitriy worked it out.

Bob 52:51
Hey, hey, Bert. What iON just did, iON just had to spell out some stuff to affect what’s going on on July 5th.

Bert 52:59

Bob 52:59
So, he had to be on the air, and he had to get you on to evoke this. And now he said it and it’s got something to do with July 5th.

Bert 53:08

Bob 53:08
I don’t know if you need to research it, he did it.

Bert 53:10
Well, no, it involves like two TikToks iON sent me 22nd and the 26th. iON, so what you just laid out in the last whatever.

Bob 53:22
Two minutes.

Bert 53:22
Is this the cause of the hype? Is this what you’re outlining as far as they’re saying that CERN’s gonna start on July 5th with the highest level energy ever? That’s what

iON 53:32
Yes. It’s called (overtalk/indistinct)

Bob 53:33
And iON says it all ends on the 5th. It’s all over on the 5th.

iON 53:37
Shhhh, shhhh, shhh. Don’t, don’t

Bob 53:40
He said Bloomsday was bad, you know. Things were lost. I figured it was, oh, it’s Bob’s day, July 5th.

iON 53:47
Calm down. Calm down, Bob, calm down. You got things to do Bob, you do your work and everything else will work out.

Bob 53:52
[chuckles] I don’t have anything to do.

iON 53:53
Calm down. Just calm down, Bob.

Bob 53:54
As long as I don’t do anything, everything’s relaxed.

iON 53:57
Calm down. Calm down. This is — hey, okay, Bert. This is AOP and deconfinement. This is thermal field theories. This is what you gotta work with. This is what you’re talking about here. That’s what you’re trying to

Bob 54:15
The CERN people are listening, right, iON? That you’re helping them.

iON 54:18
Of course. By God, they better listen! ‘Cause Famous Amos, Famous Amos fixin’ to show up. (overtalk/indistinct) Famous Amos, Famous Amos

Bob 54:24
[laughs] Here, my show, my show! Dave Rubin can’t say this. Jack Sarfatti can’t say this. You gotta go on Bob’s show to fix the surge of that.

iON 54:32
You don’t have an edge. You don’t have an edge. You don’t have an edge. Jack Sarfatti doesn’t apply. You don’t have an edge, you got to have an edge in the conversation or Jack Sarfatti doesn’t apply. So, you’re looking at a finite temperature QVC. So, what you’re working with here are these different levels of what you call physics. It’s not really what it is. But it’s how good evidence that sufficiently suppresses a temperature or a high temperature shift from a lower quark from the gluons that are permanently bound in a hadron in a high temperature phase. They can’t hold that way. So, what you’re trying to see they’re gonna juice it up wide open. They’re like, "Oh, okay, I got so many horsepowers of engine, so I’m gonna put jet fuel or ether or what is that stuff you spray — ether? Yeah, in the manifold. And I’m gonna blast this motherfucker. And I’m gonna blow it." You’re gonna blow it, you’re gonna blow, you’re gonna sling a rod through the engine. Right?

Bert 55:39
If you say so, iON. [Bob laughs] This is more than I can fuckin’ take here, buddy.

Bob 55:48
You’re not a member of CERN. He’s not talking to you, Bert. Do not get distracted by iON saying your name. It’s a ruse.

iON 55:55
So, what you gotta work, what you’re working with, what you’re gonna watch for when it all goes to hell, which is what Bob indiscriminately was speaking out of turn regarding. [Bob chuckles] You’re, you’re trying to cause the inter effect of internal quark loops.

Bert 56:16

iON 56:17
So now you got a problem. It’s an example.

Bob 56:20
Where does the quark, the quark (indistinct/overtalk)

iON 56:21
Virtual quark — ah, ah, ah! Easy. Easy. Wait, we’re not through yet. Hold on one second, Bob. Hold on one second, one second. Just a minute. Just a minute. Okay, so what you’re talking about now is you’re talking about — we have to be careful. Virtual quark-antiquark pairs if they’re neglected –

Bert 56:51

iON 56:51
– would allow — no, no, no, don’t say nothing. Don’t say nothing. We’re not finished. What this will allow is considerable

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