Marshall and Corinne McLuhan’s wedding anniversary (August 4, 1939) is as appropriate a day as any to make an important statement.
As is shown in Mark Hansen’s previous lecture that I posted, and in the present lecture, Hansen gets pretty close to what iON and I are saying when iON and I “agree” occasionally on my post-Fivebodied model’s mosaic of the Tech Body as demonstrated in my Tiny Note chart (1995). Hansen doesn’t know exactly what the Tech Body is but he is elucidating some of its effects in a precise style and nomenclature.
And it’s well he does because it has just been indicated to me that the Bilderberg Group (led by Sir Evelyn Robert Adrian de Rothschild and the present Pope) will now adopt my Template which they’ve decided is more useful in a post-Periodic Table era. It will be imposed on all educational curricula around the world as the main meme for management of the retrieved Solar Government (“Build Back Smarter”).
My success in this endeavor establishes the first time an “outlier” (the mouse-that-roared syndrome) has penetrated the inner chamber and program of the historical elites.
Marshall McLuhan attempted this trajectory and failed, as did Northrop Frye, Walter Ong, John Culkin, Samuel Huntington, Neil Postman, Derrick de Kerckhove, Robert Logan, Bruce Powers, Bruce Powe, and many others in academic circumstances and elsewhere, such as Fritz Kraemer, Aleister Crowley, Peter Drucker, Buckminster Fuller, Andrew Marshall, and Frank Zappa.
To become the “triggerman” was a positioning that was well-policed, and was always being forced to adapt to new problems.
The Efficient Cause of my victory was the fact the enormous amount of wealth I generated on multiple fronts could not be stopped.
The Formal Cause is iON – the merger of Non-Physical (“Heaven”) and Physical (“Earth”) on March 18, 2009.
[[ McLuhan’s final definition of “medium” was the “Past” for a society – all the technologies that make up a society’s environment before the new technology starts to have an impact as a general addition to the presently achieved environment.
The last extension of human bodies was the satellite technology – it being an extension of the Planet itself, or perhaps one could say, an extension of “consciousness” (human).
Once a society (the Global Membrane – 50 years ago) enters the digital impact, there are no extensions of human faculties anymore. One has to see that Digital techne is an extension of human technologies, not humans. The subsequent environment of the “machinic”-extending-“machines” is appropriately called the “Android Meme” (GROUND from 1960 to 1990, then FIGURE from 1990 to 2010).
Up until 2010, all technologies before 2010 can be described as extensions of the Physical.
After 2010, we are in a completely new situation with the extensions of the Non-Physical. The Non-Physical becoming “Physical” is the present GROUND – out of which comes the “Tech Body”. ]]
Bob Dobbs’ Speech in Manhattan on March 28, 1998 (as predicted at the end of the talk, this situation occurs exactly 25 years later)
Would Non Physical be retrieving Mythic Government, in juxtaposition to the retrieval of the Solar Government you mentioned above?
I don't think iON cares about "government" since that's the world of "mortar" and "media".
If iON does engage "government", then it's the final phase of "holeopathic retrievals" warfare.
From Memo to Prince Charles #1, June 4, 1987:
[[ Therefore, from 1990 to 2020 we will witness Orphic (Orpheus tuned the whole world) battles of mythic stages (tribal and techno solipsism) to run "cover" for the lockdown of BOBRULE in response to the discontinuous hidden grounds of tiny, diluted "holeopathic" retrievals, "holeopathic" meaning a combination of homeopathy and hologram. ]]
Read this:
And all the Charts, so far:’s%20Charts
More complete answer:
{{ No.
I don't think iON cares about "government" since that's the world of "mortar" and "media".
If iON does engage "government", then it's the final phase of "holeopathic retrievals" warfare.
From Memo to Prince Charles #1, June 4, 1987:
[ Therefore, from 1990 to 2020 we will witness Orphic (Orpheus tuned the whole world) battles of mythic stages (tribal and techno solipsism) to run "cover" for the lockdown of BOBRULE in response to the discontinuous hidden grounds of tiny, diluted "holeopathic" retrievals, "holeopathic" meaning a combination of homeopathy and hologram. ]
Read this:
And all the Charts, so far:’s%20Charts
Or click on "Bob" on the horizontal bar along the top and scroll down to "Bob's Charts" (in black type near the top of the inventory):