Transcribed by Nan
Carolyn 0:00
At two minutes and 24 seconds on the Private Session September 15, 2022, you said that Elizabeth had a baby before Charles with a Stuart that is the real Royal. Can you tell me more about that?
iON 0:17
Correct. Yeah, it was one of the little concubine babies. He was a loose cannon. He was a loose cannon.
Carolyn 0:30
So, there was a male.
iON 0:30
And actually, Camilla, actually, yes. And actually, Camilla had two — well, she had one miscarriage and one DNC, an extraction, with, with, with, with Charles, but that’s not who this one was with. And he is in New Zealand.
Bob 0:53
(in background) Carolyn, I can’t get the nouns down.
Carolyn 1:00
Yeah, let me — Bob, I’m typing it! [iON chuckles] And in a second, I’m gonna ask the question. Get out of my face!
Bob 1:08
(in background) Get into the question. [iON chuckles]
Carolyn 1:09
(mocking) The nouns are all wrong, iON. You said –
iON 1:15
Okay, let’s fix them. Let’s fix them.
Carolyn 1:17
– Elizabeth had a baby before Charles. Did you mean Diana or Camilla? Who did you mean?
Bob 1:25
Both! Both. Both. Both. We thought you were talking about the real, real — okay, there’s two parts; it is messed up. There is no more HRH at all. So, the one that is King Charles the third could be crowned King, he’d have to be known as legitimate. He is not. Elizabeth did indeed have another baby. But they’re not — and it is a Stuart — but it was the whole issue from Victoria wasn’t. Queen Victoria also was not legitimate. ‘Cause see, the king consort which would’ve been Prince Albert, because that’s how that went. They had to hook this together. And what ended up happening was she had an affair with the Stuart. Now, Bob’s gonna jump on this, and he’s gonna redo this again. And he’s gonna say. "It was the Hanovers! It was the Hanovers!" And then we’re gonna go to Kent. And then we’re gonna go to Kent. [Carolyn chuckles] And then it’s gonna go to Mary of Teck. And then we’re gonna go all the way through that ’cause he keeps pushing.
Carolyn 1:25
Okay, then, I don’t — yeah. Then I will let it, let Bob dig out this quagmire. But somehow Camilla got in there.
iON 2:41
No. It’s all wrong. It’s all — and Camilla’s in there too. And Charles has — and that’s the whole thing with Diana who is a Stuart, and she is Royal. Her babies, not by Charles, but by her, her groomsmen, the little redheaded one. You remember him, little Harry. He, he’s not even Charles’ child.
Carolyn 3:07
Yeah, okay. Yeah, I’ve heard that. Okay, and I don’t, I don’t really care about that. Does that make me a bad person? No. [chuckles]
iON 3:20
No. That makes you sane. That makes you a sane, that makes you a sane person. That’s what that makes you.
Carolyn 3:27
Okay, Angel chart. Here we go. Starting at Ring 8. You say this is the frequency zone, the symbolic nervous environment. So, okay, there we go. Ring 8 question. To give this ring one name, can we call this ring names and crosses?
iON 3:51
Are you asking or are you quoting?
Carolyn 3:54
That’s a question to iON. You know how —
iON 3:58
Carolyn 3:58
— I like to give the… No. But then it’s
iON 4:01
Not that. No, no. Not crosses. Markers. Call them markers. Don’t call them — okay, okay, call ’em, call ’em nomenclatures ’cause they’re more accurately used to describe; and markers. Nomenclature markers.
Carolyn 4:17
Yeah. Right.
iON 4:17
If you do it that way, then you leave yourself an "out" because they don’t all necessarily every time apply. Because you gotta remember, this is sort of a schizo gyroscope and so you can’t put markers to say, "Okay, this is where this is gonna be" because it’s not like that. It’s perpetually moving. That’s the rub of the lotus.
Carolyn 4:36
Yeah, nice. Schizoid gyroscope. Perfect. Yes, because the words you’ve given prior were seven names, seven crosses/markers of delineation. So then my question is, what do the names and crosses represent which you’re now calling them as glitters and markers?
iON 5:00
The markers of the position. Okay. The Catholic church called it the Stations of the Cross. That’s what they called it. And what happens this representation is the conditions of how you apply this new place of quote quote power, which all that does, that stabilizes the blooming lotus. Do you realize how long a lotus will bloom if its everything about it is — if the environment that it’s in is perfect?
Carolyn 5:14
How long will it bloom or stay bloomed? Two weeks?
iON 5:37
Stay bloomed. Or if it’s in perfect conditions, it will stay forever.
Carolyn 5:44
Wow! Wow.
iON 5:45
But you can’t have oxygen. You can’t have strychnine in the, in the, in the pond of the water. [chuckles] You’ve got to have — the conditions have to be very controlled if they don’t have to wither. And without oxygen, there’s nothing to make them, to make those stamens stop yielding, you see.
Carolyn 5:45
iON 5:46
Especially in a moving — just like the human body. People say, "Well, you got to die! Well, of course everybody’s got to die." Well, Enoch didn’t. Bob didn’t.
Carolyn 6:18
So, is a lack of oxygen like a preservative?
iON 6:23
Right. Oxygen oxidizes. It’s what makes —
Carolyn 6:26
Yes, of course.
iON 6:27
– what makes your dermis fall off. That’s what all this nasty is about. That’s why Bob needs to go wash them hands again!
Carolyn 6:36
Mm-hm. Okay.
iON 6:37
Carolyn, we’ve got to get him one of them little brushes to get under his fingernails ’cause they’re pretty filthy too.
Carolyn 6:45
No, they’re not. I’ve never seen a speck of dirt on them. [iON and Carolyn laugh]
iON 6:53
This is the, this is the most fun ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever.
Carolyn 6:57
Okay. Under the next sentence, you talk about new DNA replication via RNA. The question
iON 7:08
Can we say bifurcation? ‘Cause if it’s gonna be bifurcated, you know that. That may be a newsflash, so just put that to the side. We don’t wanna disturb your question. But we can tell you stuff.
Carolyn 7:23
iON 7:26
Carolyn 7:31
Are you talking about the way the 144,000 are created?
iON 7:39
Carolyn 7:41
Oh, that’s how they get to be so quantified?
iON 7:48
Carolyn 7:52
iON 7:52
See, to bifurcate you got to have something that you can split. But we’re not trying to split it to divide it. We’re not trying to divide it, but you have bifurcation, has to take place to make it perfect. Thus, the rub. We want this perfect. Then it will only have to do it one time. ‘Cause once you get a perfect cell, you don’t have to have another cell. Now, all the cells in your body have to Ascend, but that stops this whole process once it’s done. And that’s the whole point. You get the whole armor of God then.
Carolyn 8:29
So, yeah. You went from talking about one cell to all the cells. So, you said one cell has to be perfect, but then how does that one cell make it to 144,000?
iON 8:47
By bifurcation. Bifurcation.
Carolyn 8:51
Okay. So, but then that bifurcated cell, it has to reproduce to get 144,000.
iON 9:04
Yes, it does.
Carolyn 9:05
But what you’re saying then we’re at least guaranteed that they’ll all be perfect ’cause the first one was perfect.
iON 9:17
Correct. Yeah. How do we say it? You play stupid games you win stupid prizes?
Carolyn 9:25
Ah huh.
iON 9:25
[chuckles] You start off with rotten, rotten DNA, and you have to then transfer the RNA to make a clean DNA, and then the body can get ahold of it. But it will copy what it is. It’s like a copy machine, and you know what. But you know that from MIHR. You know that from MIHR.
Carolyn 9:41
[chuckles] Okay, great. So, have to make clean DNA and wanted that to be — I think there’s something there I missed but it’s good enough. Sounds awesome, the detail.
iON 9:57
You’re developing — no, no. Look, here’s what’s happening is you’re starting to develop it; you are developing it. And now what happens is you have the ability and capacity to connect the dots. Not everybody is gonna be able to do that, but you have to be able to do it so someone smarter, so Pamela Wall doesn’t come and says, "Oh no, I did that. That’s my creation." [laughs]
Carolyn 10:25
Ah, that’s right.
iON 10:26
So, they can’t put the dots together. You’ve got to be clean about it. You’re not trying to be haughty because you’re not that way. You’re not that way. If you had to be that way, you wouldn’t do it at all, but you got to be on your — on point and just matter of factly, this is what we’re working with. Boom. Then move on down the road.
Carolyn 10:43
All right, got it. So, Ring 8 seems to be more focused on the individual. So, can we say the Rings 1 to 7 are kind of generalized, and then 8 to 14 are individual?
iON 11:04
Okay, indivisibly individual. Doesn’t make any sense, does it? But each one is a part.
Carolyn 11:13
iON 11:17
Okay, good.
Carolyn 11:17
Nice. Like that. So then, there was a note about the names on the inside of an outward-pointing triangle. "El" was God, "Me" was me. "E14" was you. "I age" was — I don’t know if that’s a mistake, I with age.
iON 11:42
No, no. It’s right. You were right. Go ahead.
Carolyn 11:43
"Akele" was kneel. "Ardobn" was adorn, and then there were "Stemcul." The names, what are the complete seven names and what do they represent? So, you’re saying I do have the names correct. And what did they represent?
iON 12:07
Yes. As we said, the way that Catholics do the Stations of the Cross; they’re point holders. This is the part that will give you the color of the lotus. It’ll give you the pitch of the lotus. How, you know how some lotuses they don’t all — they’re not all the same. Meaning, they don’t open the same. Sometimes they have broader leaf pedals, sometimes they tighter, like a chrysanthemum. You know chrysanthemums? Like that, sometimes. So, that, that gives you the pitch and the yaw of it all. Yeah.
Carolyn 12:40
Yeah. Wow. Awesome. A question. To give the Ring 9 — we’re on Ring 9. To give this Ring one name, can we say emotions?
iON 12:59
As long as you’ll make — you can, but you gotta make room. You got to also make room for stability. Is there such a thing as a stable emotion? Is there such a thing?
Carolyn 13:19
iON 13:20
Okay, but this has to be stabilizable. And if it’s not, then don’t call it an emotion because it’ll end up badly. You see, you’re building you’re building boxes. Little boxes, little ticky tacky.
Carolyn 13:34
iON 13:35
So, that’s okay, ’cause you gotta — ’cause you’re saying, "No, I’m not, iON. I’m most certainly am not. I’m doing building blocks." [Carolyn chuckles] We go, okay. Okay, that’s all right. We like that. That’s all right. But then you gotta be able to move those building blocks around it with ease, but not make a box that you can’t get out of. So as long as that’s the case, we’re good. But the second you get it pinnin’ it down the wrong way, it gets ugly.
Bob 14:01
Have you done Ring 8?
Carolyn 14:02
Bob 14:03
You’re finished? Finished it?
Carolyn 14:04
Yeah. Okay, thank you for that, the stability of emotions. So, is there something about being Ascended then that would stabilize our emotions so we don’t have to worry?
iON 14:21
You don’t have any emotions anymore.
Carolyn 14:24
Ah ha.
iON 14:24
You don’t have any emotions. Your emotions — you get like Bob, don’t have an emotion. If Bob hollers, he doesn’t even know what he’s hollering about. [Carolyn chuckles] If he hollers, he doesn’t know what he’s hollering about, and it’s over before it ever gets started! He don’t have any emotions. He’ll say what he thinks or says or vomits up whatever it is. But after that you get, "Don’t count on me for a position; I don’t have one." Quotin’ Bob. You get more time if we talk about Bob, Carolyn. [laughs]
Carolyn 14:54
Yeah. He’s busy putting his $20,000 worth of CDs up on his shelves. Geez.
iON 15:03
[laughs] Oh, the cracker racks. On the cracker racks. Next, we’re gonna have to save up and get him a CD player next. That’s what we gotta do next. [laughs] Gotta have one of those.
Carolyn 15:11
Yeah, that’s right. Damn, they don’t even make them anymore.
iON 15:16
True. [laughs]
Carolyn 15:17
So, then these seven higher emotions and you call them "mediations of mortar" and seven effects of mortar. Now, these are interesting: patience, kindness, not proud, long-suffering, lack of envy, not rude, not provoked. So, the "nots" have it here. So, this is what you’re saying. Don’t have that.
iON 15:17
Carolyn 15:17
Don’t, don’t do that.
iON 15:28
Absolutely. That’s exactly right. Because once you do, once you do, you’re gonna put yourself in a box. Now you’ll have an ill-tempered, you have an ill-tempered emotion that will lead you down the road to perdition. The road to perdition.
Carolyn 16:06
Nice. And there are numbers in this Chart, and I haven’t
iON 16:19
Carolyn 16:19
I didn’t bring that up to look at them. I have a note here about explaining the numbers on the Chart. Any point?
iON 16:26
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Bob got lost in space on his little "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum." Bob started picking up numbers in numerology and 6 and 8 is 7 and 9 is 3. So, it had to be in there too, ’cause he has to be able to explain it through the Tiny Note. Because if he can’t explain it within the Tiny Note, then this Chart doesn’t work, nor does his Big Note apply, you see.
Carolyn 16:54
I see. Cool. I’ll let him ask more about that.
iON 16:59
Those are the connectors. Those are the connectors. Those are the connectors. And Bob’s gonna work that out because he just got to tweak it just a little bit. Well, Alissa’s got to [laughs] Alissa’s got to tweak it. Tweak it just a little bit.
Carolyn 17:13
I know.
iON 17:13
And then it’ll be, then it’ll be perfect for him. [laughs]
Carolyn 17:15
Ah, man. So funny. I know. He’s just — he enslaves people. He enslaves them.
iON 17:23
You cannot believe it. You just can’t believe it. And they’re happy to! That’s the rest of the story. They’re happy to. It’s fun.
Carolyn 17:31
Yeah, I know. Ring 10. To give this Ring a name, can we say seven churches? But you also talked about 49 boxes.
iON 17:42
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yes. Okay. But you could — you know what you could also call them? You should call them that those churches would be the outcomes of the vile judgments. And that seems to be what the church does. If you’re gonna bifurcate them, of course you’re gonna have an up and a down. You see? So, if you include that, if you, if you don’t have to have a prequel, but you have to unwrite the story so you can figure out how this all goes together, okay, then that’s, you know, okay, that’s fine. But if you do, then we gotta do something — you know, we’ll have to do this a different way. So, if you can do the two parts, the churches and the vile judgments, because that’s all the church does, is judge.
Carolyn 18:29
Yeah. Cool.
iON 18:32
See, you gotta be lost if you’re gonna be saved.
Carolyn 18:36
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Got it. And the 49 boxes, I have here 49 boxes slash seven churches slash six degrees of separation plus the completion slash fragmenting effects of the printed book. See the alchemical quibble in the Ring.
iON 19:08
Okay. So, okay.
Carolyn 19:09
iON 19:09
Got it?
Carolyn 19:10
iON 19:10
Here we go. Here’s how that works. If you take
Bob 19:13
Hold it! Hold it!
Carolyn 19:13
Oh, hold it. Bob’s here. Bob’s hanging over my shoulder.
iON 19:17
We got it. We hear him. Yes, Bob.
Bob 19:19
You’re saying 49 boxes while I’m taking the CD boxes upstairs. Are they the 49 boxes? [Carolyn laughs]
iON 19:26
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you got it. But you will like this part. You will like this part. And you’ll, you’ll be able to talk to Sasha about it when she comes back on the show. So, it’d be good. So, make a little note somewhere: talk, chat with Sasha. Okay, good. Now, what’s gonna happen now is you’re gonna take the — they made the linear, the linear chart, not up and down. In Revelation, remember when we did one through seven, and then we did one through seven. And then we went, we said, no, no, no, no, no. It goes long ways across ’cause they match. And if you do that the right way with the seven churches, and then the seven stations, the positions that you — you end up with 49 different corporeally-sound positions.
Carolyn 20:10
I see.
iON 20:09
‘Cause it could be the church at Ephesus with the fifth vile judgment. So, you gotta go through each one of those those ways, and you make this block. You have to be able to lay it out that way ’cause otherwise somebody’s gonna pick it apart. And we’re not — come on, let’s go. You wanna go to task with us? Let’s go. Let’s get it. Let’s get it. Because it’s completely clean. That’s what, that’s the only thing that Bob has got going for him is however ridiculous his words, they’re clean. It’s on point. This is the point. There’s no place you can say there was no letter to Prince Charles. There was no place where there was not including a Furry Lint. Who’s afraid of Furry Lint? There is no place that that’s not, that that’s not established. So, if that’s the case, it’s clean. So, you can tell, "I don’t like it." Okay, that’s fine. Now you have an opinion. So, Bob ain’t gonna talk to you after that anyways. Opinion. What does that mean? What does — you’re startin’ to sound like Clinton.
Carolyn 20:56
So, there’s another seven here; the seven layers of heaven. But that’s not part of the seven, is it? Seven layers.
iON 21:07
No. Those are, those are the landscapes.
Carolyn 21:19
Oh, yeah.
iON 21:20
Remember, you have the mystery landscape in the five-bodied model.
Carolyn 21:25
Yeah. Okay.
iON 21:26
‘Cause you have to have those churches in different positions. I’ll give you a good example. You have a service of something in the United States of America that they do a certain way. Well, they don’t do the same service, say in Izmir, Turkey. They might have the same type of service, it’s not quite the same. So, that would be a different landscape. And that’s what they apply. So, you’d be able to cover every incremental position. Like in China, their whole dynasties are set up different, but they’re no different than yours, you see. They just call them different things, different canonicals, different canonicals. Those are the landscapes.
Carolyn 21:26
Right. Now, six degrees of separation is mentioned in this Ring. But that’s not part of the seven. Why is that there?
iON 22:22
Correct. Because it has to, you have to be able to adjust it or make them all work without the who, what, when, where, why and how. We don’t even know what — who, what, when, where, why, and how. You got to be able to make this work without those. Because if you start pitting those, then this block is not gonna fit with that block. It’s not gonna fit with this block. So, now, just like they do, just like they do in the church, the Ephesus, the Ephesians, they hated the Galatians and the Philippians. And they thought they was heretics! You’re a heretic[!} because of the degrees of separation.
Carolyn 23:00
iON 23:00
Their judgment. So, that’s a slide rule to say avoid this or you end up in a trap. Avoid this or you’ll end up in a trap.
Carolyn 23:10
Yeah. Avoid this. Yeah. Wow.
iON 23:13
Now, iIf you’re smart like Bob, you can go through it and engage it! [Carolyn chuckles] Play with it. Make it into play dough. Get your hands all dirty, but you’re gonna stop till them hands get clean before we go any further. So, it doesn’t last long. You see, it’ll be Wuthering Heights.
Carolyn 23:30
Hopefully he has his — I’m sure he has his gloves on as he’s moving the boxes right now. [indistinct]
iON 23:37
HA! But the, but the gloves, the gloves aren’t clean. The gloves aren’t clean!
Carolyn 23:53
[quietly mocking] Don’t say that. Stop. Stop. [iON laughs] Carolyn, get me some disposable, some disposable, little, synthetic plastic gloves –
iON 23:53
Get me some clean gloves. Yeah, clean gloves.
Carolyn 23:59
– to put inside my big, dirty gloves.
iON 23:59
Nitrile. No no, I have to have nitrile. I have to have nitrile. I have to have nitrile gloves.
Carolyn 24:04
Purple. Purple ones, yeah.
iON 24:06
Carolyn 24:07
Ring 11. To give this Ring one name can we say seven crown jewels? Because it’s all about the seven crown jewels.
iON 24:17
Just say, seven crowns. Seven crowns. Because that’s what you’re working on. Just call it crowns. And I’m sure there would be bejeweled, no contest, but don’t make it a distraction. Because we’re gonna go into that. We got a lot of obsidian work to do later. So, it’s okay. Much to do. Much to do.
Carolyn 24:39
Yeah, the obsidian. Is that because we’re gonna be fightin’? Are we going into battle?
iON 24:46
You’ll see. Some say you already are. Some say you already are.
Carolyn 24:53
iON 24:53
It’s a fun transition, though.
Carolyn 24:58
Yeah, yeah. [chuckles] So, we have seven crowns, then is what we’re saying.
iON 25:04
Carolyn 25:05
And who is bearing the crowns?
iON 25:12
Bearing or burying?
Carolyn 25:16
Putting them on their heads. Bearing.
iON 25:20
Oh, the four and 20 Elders.
Carolyn 25:23
Okay. And why were
iON 25:27
That was the whole point. That was the whole point of the
Carolyn 25:32
The whole point of?
iON 25:33
Of this process of changing.
Carolyn 25:41
Well, the four and 20 Elders does not add up to seven, so,
iON 25:46
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Or should they. You said who is going to crown, who is going to place the crown. And that would be the four and 20 Elders.
Carolyn 25:58
Oh, I’m sorry. Who is going to wear the crown?
iON 26:02
Those that have sinned; the ones who have sinned.
Carolyn 26:05
Got it.
iON 26:05
And God is the judge. And God is the judge, and the four and 20 Elders will put a stamp like the Archbishop of Canterbury. [laughs] They’ll give their red-letter stamp with their red heifers in play in tow that Bob bought with the Church of the SubGenius years ago.
iON 26:10
[chuckles] Right. You leave Bob out of this. He doesn’t have to be in every Ring. Stop it!
iON 26:32
[laughs] It’ll go better for you, Carolyn. I’ve done this. We’ve done this. [Carolyn chuckles] It’ll go better for you. Just sayin’.
Carolyn 26:38
No, he’s gonna drag this out so he can keep on packing the boxes. You know it. So yeah, maybe you should talk about him. That’ll drag it out. Okay. Yeah, so those that Ascend and God which is us, is our judge of whether we Ascend or not. Boom. Very good. Ring 12. To give this Ring one name, can we say 40 sines and cosines?
iON 27:10
No, you should call it that’s the Ring of sines and wonders. Sines and wonders. ‘Cause that’s what, that’s what it provokes.
Carolyn 27:20
And it this s-i-n-e-s? S-i-n-e-s.
iON 27:23
Yeah. Uh-huh. Not like sign on the wall, a sign like a sine or a cosine, and wonders. So, you’re basically marrying the two.
Carolyn 27:37
Yeah. So, is this the triangulation that you apply to the stock market, this Ring 12?
iON 27:52
It’s almost too simple. Almost too simple. But in essence, if you take the essence of it, yes. In essence.
Carolyn 28:01
Got it.
iON 28:02
But, you know, sometimes it’s a reach.
Carolyn 28:07
So, then there’s a whole bunch of words which this is an interesting phrase. You gave us 40 numbers, ratios, slash sine waves vertical, cosine horizontal in our cells! So, are we triangulating ourselves to get the 144,000?
iON 28:29
You are. You are. You’re triangulating because until you thicken the pericardium wall, you might as well go lay it down, because you’re not gonna make it. The heart of the matter is a matter of the heart. That’s gotta come right. And you’re working at it. And thank goodness, thank goodness that you have stridently with much travail often, made the Completement Formulas available. Now, what they do with it, two tears in the bucket. You know, "psstum." [Carolyn chuckles] It’s fine. You know, it’s available. "I did my part. Now you can do what you want to. I did my part! It’s there. You go, help yourself, but you know." Caveat emptor.
Carolyn 29:14
Whosoever will. Whosoever will.
iON 29:16
Whosoever will. And you got to be easy with that. You got to be easy with that because that’s good. Now, Fatalists would say, "Well, that’s already been prescribed because there’s no time. So, everybody that’s a God is gonna be a God." We go, well wait. We see everybody as Gods! We’ll let ’em do nasty things and then let ’em –drag, walk right back in here and say, I’m sorry, I fucked up. Carolyn, can I sit over here? Yeah, come on in. Shut up now. You’ve got some splainin to do, Lucy. You got some splaining to do. But yeah, come on in. You’re all right. Do what you wanna do. It’s good. Please yourself.
Carolyn 29:16
Okay, look at this.
iON 29:27
Sorry you got fucked up.
Carolyn 29:40
Right. Look what you said: "Until you ‘sit’ in the pericardial wall"? WTF?
iON 30:03
Yeah. Exactly right.
Carolyn 30:05
What does that mean?
iON 30:07
You have to, you have to find yourself in the pericardium. You have to find yourself inside the pericardium. It’s got to be your, your stave. Your stave, the thing that you hold to. Some might call it, some might call it, some might call it a quiver. Some might call it a quiver where you hold your fiery arrows.
Carolyn 30:33
Yeah. Interesting. I mean, considering
iON 30:36
And we’ve taken — we’re being a little bit libertine. We’re taking a little bit of a libertine position ’cause we have to use enough words to make this interesting. Otherwise, it just becomes a textbook [Carolyn laughs] geometry of how to do plain geometry, or vulgar, vulgar precepts.
Carolyn 30:36
Oh, so that’s your reasoning. That’s your reasoning with all the fiery words.
iON 31:00
Bob will never get, Bob will never get those CDs put away if we don’t make this go a little longer. [chuckles] That’s not gonna happen.
Carolyn 31:08
I figure. So, this is interesting because you’re talking about a quiver in the heart, a lot of people on their Ascension journey will have a bit of fibrillation in the heart. So, that’s the heart quivering. So, those of us who have, have found our symptoms in the heart, does that mean we have found ourselves in the pericardium?
iON 31:37
When you, when you start, when you start having a little dot, a little dot of bradycardia. Bradycardia. A little dot. ‘Cause then your system — now, now, now, now, were not talkin’ about tachycardia. We’re not talkin’ about that. Because you can do that with a, with, with Bob’s porn channel; you can do that, that’s easy. [Carolyn chuckles] No, we’re talkin’ about the larger level. We’re talkin’ about a little larger level where you can have a bit of bradycardia. Bradycardia, so that you can simmer. It’s a simmering. It’s a simmering.
Carolyn 32:14
iON 32:14
The pressure is gonna be increased so much, you’re gonna have to have bradycardia to keep it from blowing. ‘Cause the pressure is gonna — take all the muscles out of your body that you can rip and break and replace them all with tendons. You start looking like an alien, an alien stick people. Remember them alien stick people everywhere?
Carolyn 32:15
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 32:38
Like that. Like that. Like that.
Carolyn 32:42
Yeah. That’s what my feet and ankles are doing right now; it’s going into tendon land. So, bradycardia that’s — it’s slowing of the heart. So,
iON 32:58
To reduce the pressure because it’s gonna be so constricted anyway, it slows down the pressure or it allows for a larger capacity. It makes room for a larger capacity for pressure. The bigger the pipe, the bigger the pipe, the smaller the pump. The bigger the pipe, the smaller the pump. I don’t mean the physical pump, I mean the capacity of two pumps, let’s say. You see? If you have a large area, it will just flow to it. And this is not like a — you’re saying, "Well, iON, you’re saying that it’s like a siphon." No, we’re not. The aorta now works like a siphon because it’s divided between the arterial and the ventricle system. The up and down, in and out, back and forth. And they are the same, but they’re not connected except at the ends. Right?
Carolyn 32:58
iON 33:09
What we’re talkin’ about, they’re all gonna be the same. All gonna be the same. You will have a vein or an artery. You’ll have a piston.
Carolyn 34:09
iON 34:09
And it cleans up all this problem ’cause then the heart doesn’t have to go through — well, see, the heart’s not oxygenating the blood anymore, too. That’s a whole nother kicker.
Carolyn 34:19
Oh, yeah, yeah. Cuz that’s its main job. Yeah.
iON 34:22
Correct. So, you’re gonna free it up. Free it up for what you call joyful obedience.
Carolyn 34:31
No oxygen, okay. Okay. Then the next words here in 12 are sine and cosine of frequencies of ourselves spelled out from the action of the ionosphere. So, is ionosphere a representation of you, iON?
iON 34:58
It represents the placeholder that Non-Physical fills. It would be the part that if you took the cell of everybody’s body and took the space out of it, it would be that space. That wouldn’t necessarily be what you say "us," but that’s what we are. But see, we have to be careful ’cause we’re trying to get you into your power, not into ours.
Carolyn 35:21
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
iON 35:22
And what you see happening here, and what you see happening here, and you’ve commented on it quietly [chuckles] is the — we’re becoming more powerful.
Carolyn 35:33
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 35:35
And it’s like, uh oh. It’s like, uh oh. And we’re not mad ’cause Bob’s with it. As long as Bob’s all right with it, get over it. Lockdown Bobrule. If you want, if you want to have a different outcome, you better talk to Bob. That’s what you better do. If you notice, he’s careful now. He’s startin’ — he’s feeling his oats a little bit. He says, "Well, I’m NOT [yells]… goin’ on…" Whoa, ho, ho. He has no idea what he’s doing, but it’s great fun though. [Carolyn, iON chuckle] As long as he keeps the, as long as he keeps the blood off his hands. He nervously washes his hands from the blood that just won’t go away.
Carolyn 36:11
Yeah. Okay, this next sentence I’d like some help with. It just says: has all the emotions possible that apply to the Escher. Now, the emotions was back there in 11. What’s this Escher and emotions business about?
iON 36:36
The flips in and out. The flips in and out. In and out. In and out. In and out.
Carolyn 36:40
Un huh. Okay.
iON 36:42
In the Escher, like the Escher staircase, it keeps moving. And so, this moving [short pause]
Carolyn 36:44
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 36:54
Oh, by the way,
Carolyn 36:56
You okay? What’s up?
iON 36:58
Your, your, your, your, your Ian, that sort of made ’em have a pretty damp day down in "Floridia," they got a little damp down there. Well, it hit land and then it’s a normal, regular tropical storm because it’s over the entire state of Florida for fucks sake. But it decided to go back to being a category one and it’s still [Carolyn laughs] on land, and it’s goin’ back to category one.
Carolyn 37:29
So, that’s good because category one is the least.
iON 37:33
No, but a tropical storm is nothing. It peters out after that. And instead, it’s building back energy from the land. And when they get over the land, they don’t build back energy. The next category one once it hits the Atlantic which it will soon, hot, hot, hot. Hot as a $2 pistol. It’s hot! It can go right back up to a five depending on if it stalls. If it moves — but now, you understand now that got moved. That was supposed to hit Atlanta, Georgia straight on. You know that, right?
Carolyn 38:06
Yeah. Yes.
iON 38:07
It got moved over.
Carolyn 38:08
I heard.
iON 38:08
It got moved over. Now, here’s what’s gotta happen. We got to stay, you got to stay this side. You got to stay the Hawaii side of Charlotte. You can’t (indistinct).
Carolyn 38:19
Uh huh.
iON 38:18
Although she’s got a building. She’s got a building that can withstand it. I’m just sayin’. We’re not saying that, but
Bob 38:27
What cannot we stand?
Carolyn 38:29
Can. We can.
iON 38:30
It can. It can.
Carolyn 38:32
What Bob? So, we’re keeping it away from Ginney. We’re keeping it away from Atlanta.
iON 38:38
Yeah, gotta go between. It’s gonna be ugly. It’s not just gonna fall away. Because the reason we got to do this is for the distraction. Everything has crashed. Everyone will remember the 24th. They just hadn’t got the news yet.
Carolyn 38:55
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Everything has crashed. Yeah. Britain is down I heard. Wow.
iON 39:04
Australia is gone. New Zealand’s been gone, I mean, but — and see, they don’t even talk about Deutsche Bank anymore. They don’t even talk about Deutsche Bank. Nobody will acknowledge that it is. Very interesting. So, and they, they’re just basically keeping everybody so distracted. But then they say, you know, Britain with 50% inflation, and then they get on the news. "We’ve had about 11%. 11%"
Carolyn 39:28
Oh, my gosh.
iON 39:28
But things have gone up half as much. They’ve gone up — if it’s $10, now it’s $15. That’s not 10% inflation, you see.
Carolyn 39:40
Yeah. Geez. Okay, so we got.
iON 39:44
And so now, and so now, and so now the sidebar. So, now, what does your fictitious President get up on the thing and say? You’ll have to look that up. Bob will have so much fun, and he’ll probably have to get a little liner of it. It’s hysterical. He said, "Okay, Florida, all you Trumpies down there. We have compassion for Trumpies. Trumpies gonna be alright. We’re gonna give everybody that lost a house $38,412 apiece; every fucking body in Florida!" We don’t know why.
Carolyn 39:49
What? What?
iON 40:05
We’re gonna give everybody in Florida that lost something in Florida, $30,000. Because he’s tryin’ to get — and oh, and he’s gonna rebuild all the schools. They’re gonna pay for all the cleanup; all them trees down or — "We’re gonna take care of that. The Federal government’s gonna take care of all that. We’re gonna rebuild your state. We’re gonna take care of all of it."
Carolyn 40:47
Yeah. Wow.
iON 40:47
The purpose is to create the rest of the money, because now they’ve got to print that money so they can have the money to give to Bob. It’s crazy. It’s crazy.
Carolyn 40:59
[chuckles] Well, to give to Bob and to give to the students. It’s like, well, if we’re gonna give it to Florida, then we have to give it to the students. It’s another excuse.
iON 41:09
Of course. Of course, of course. Of course.
Carolyn 41:13
Okay. Not good. But stupid.
iON 41:16
It doesn’t, yeah, but that’s the thing. It doesn’t matter. See, that’s the thing. He’s saying words because they have to do this. They’re, they’re done. They don’t have a choice. You know, it’s, it’s the ransom of Red Chief. It’s over. [chuckles] It’s over. It’s over. And then now, now they don’t want it.
Carolyn 41:37
Yeah. Right. Yeah, I wanna see what DeSantis says cuz he’s always on top of things.
iON 41:46
Well, he’ll probably get up there and say, "Thank you, Mr. President. We’ll clean up our own mess. We’ve done this before. We know how to do it. We know how to fix this. We’ll have an economy when we’re through."
Carolyn 41:58
Yeah. He’s got a surplus budget; that’s what it was meant for. Okay.
iON 42:03
Because you have problems. Everybody’s insured, but you’re sittin’ here paying, gonna take care of everything. And everybody’s goin’, "Oh, well, Margie, we don’t gotta worry. We’re gonna – we only be at $1,200. for this trailer, we’re gonna get $38,000 for it. That’s good. In fact, we’ll give us a double wide. We’ll get us a double wide this time." In Florida, in a hurricane day on the ocean, you’re gonna live in a trailer park. Nice. Good idea.
Carolyn 42:28
Okay. Here’s Bob. Here’s our boss. Whad’ya want, Bob?
Bob 42:31
So, when I go into more details of the crash, this will be the reason there’ll be no midterm election?
iON 42:38
Oh, yeah. I mean, what’s the point? What’s the point? You ain’t through with the 24th yet, Bob. You ain’t through yet. Just hang on, it’s comin’. She’ll be, she’ll be riding six wide slaves when she comes, Bob. [in background, Bob laughs] [chuckles]
Carolyn 42:55
Next question. Great line here: That’s where you have the XY chromosome, a set of values of positions as in XY in a graphed grid, sine, cosine. So I’m saying then you’re saying it’s the XY chromosome and implying that our genetics are graphed as sines and cosines. I mean, it’s kind of a stupid question, but is that what you’re doing?
iON 43:29
Yeah, you have to have, you have to make the, you have to set a level of parity. Parity, not parody. Parity. You’ve gotta make it to be definable. Because see, this is the whole, this is what Bob has been wantin’ since day one. "Stop all this talking and just tell me how to Ascend! I don’t need no double talk, [Carolyn chuckles] just tell me how to do it and just shut the fuck up and we’ll do it! We won’t have to go through all these ebdb ooby dooby dooby doos when we can just do it and be done with this! Enough. And if it’s great, if it’s half as good as you said it is, iON, it’ll be twice better than they’ve ever experienced." So, good.
Carolyn 44:06
Okay, but, but, but, but, you know, let’s get clear here. You’ve got an XY chromosome. How is that? Was it men XY, women XX. So, how is that related to the 144,000? That’s the first question.
iON 44:28
Okay, bifurcation. Bifurcation, because that’s where it splits because each male and female does produce a level of estrogen. Just some are more predominant than others. Right? Others have levels of the way the dopamine exchange works. From the synaptic neurons, the way the dopamine exchanges work. And now you see what’s happening, everybody’s a male, everybody’s a Schnauzer or a Pitbull, or everybody’s a walrus, or a LGBTQRSTYZ, whatever that is. But what’s happening is everybody’s becoming all but an autosexual. They’re all independent and showing off their wares to the world if anybody will look. But it’s made it to such a degree that, "Oh, look there. She’s got crooks and nannies, so let’s look at that real close." It’s like, come on now, it’s — there’s just not much to it. There’s not much to it anymore. So, all that’s doing is it’s taking the XX and the XY and making them moot.
Carolyn 45:31
iON 45:31
And don’t say that "I identify as XX, YY, or an XYXX. Y see why, Y? No. Why? I don’t know why I’m an XY. See Y? I don’t know, I don’t see YX. Like a whole nother parallel position.
Carolyn 45:49
Yeah, that’s very interesting. So, yeah, we’re just — it’s like I’ve been saying for decades; I’m not a woman, I’m a human being. Are we all just gonna be human beings, or we’ll just say we’re just Ascended beings?
iON 46:07
No, no. You’ll reference yourself as God or maybe even your Majesty kind of thing. You know, your Highness. Whatever is convenient. Whatever you let your, your — whatever you let your minions call you.
Carolyn 46:22
Mm-hm. Awesome. Wow.
iON 46:25
Did you want some, did you need some extra illegal aliens at the house to help you with things? There’s a lot of them extra. We can ship ’em over. They’re all at sanctuary cities.
Carolyn 46:33
Oh, yeah. I’ll put them on the farm.
iON 46:38
They’d be happy to work. All you gotta do is cook a, all you gotta is cook the tacos. Call ’em breakfast, breakfast tacos.
Carolyn 46:45
Now, that’s racist, iON. Racist.
iON 46:48
[chuckles] Well, that’s what I heard at the "Bo-ga-da." That’s what we heard at the a "Bo-ga-da."
Carolyn 46:48
Ah, ha, ha. You’re so funny. Yeah. Dr. Jill didn’t, didn’t know her pronunciations, did she?
iON 47:03
Yeah, yeah. She’s a doctor’s doctor.
Carolyn 47:06
Yeah. The last line in 12 here is: gauge vibrations to discern, decide, apply which value. So, are you just saying the value of me being Ascended is what I’m gauging here?
iON 47:23
No. No. No, no. No, no. Okay, this goes back — we went through, we got a whole section of "I’m hot. Hotter than what? Hotter than I was. I’m cold." Hot, cold, you don’t know until you know both sides. You don’t have a value capacity until you experience it. Do you see?
Carolyn 47:40
Ehh. No.
iON 47:40
Is that enough words or you need more? Okay, some more than. Ask it a different way and we’ll clean it up. Okay? That’s fine. We just soften it because we make it soft because there’s all these intricacies, okay, that you have to find a way that — we can say placate. "I’m not poor. I just don’t have any money." Okay, whatever how you feel about it, that’s fine. And then the next thing you know, you find out that you do get stuff. And you become a Mr. Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life, givin’ all you can get to everybody else.
Carolyn 48:16
Yeah, the words again were: gauge vibrations to discern, decide, apply which value. But if you’re Ascended, you don’t care. I mean, you know, you
iON 48:28
This is the process of getting there. This is the part of getting there. And then you’re gonna have to deal with people who aren’t Ascended, and then you’re gonna have to do the King Solomon sword. "Okay, girls, y’all fightin’ it out. Cut the goddamn baby in half. We’ll settle it." And then the real mama says no, no, no, no, no. Don’t kill my baby, give it to the bitch. I don’t want my baby dead. And the other one says, that’s a good fair trade. I’ll take a half. Which half though? That’d be the next question. Which half do you want of the baby?
Carolyn 48:58
Okay, got it. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. And in 13 it’s about the ionosphere. So, I’m asking to give this Ring one name. Can we say ionosphere? Ionosphere.
iON 49:14
No, call it — in old South what you’d call it as, you’d call it the vapors. Call it the vapors. Got a bad case of the vapors. [Carolyn chuckles] The vapors. Because that’s what happens. That’s what you’d call it when you turn around you get in this mess. You go, "Holy Smoke!" It’s the vapors.
Carolyn 49:40
Okay. So, the mess
iON 49:41
Things change, Carolyn. All things change except for words.
Carolyn 49:45
iON 49:45
All things change, Carolyn, except for words. All things change. And your, your ability as, as the perfect Ascending chameleon is roll with the tide. It’s a high tide, it’s a low tide. It’s a good tide, it’s a bad tide. It’s a, it’s a Yuletide. It’s a yule log. And you adjust; and being able to do that keeps you sane. Well, if you can say that living with Bob, we’ll give you that. [Carolyn chuckles] We’ll give you — you do get some bonus points. You do get some bonus points. You get some bonus points for "Bobitis." People catch "Bobitis" often.
Carolyn 50:21
Absolutely. Okay. So then the vapors that we’re getting in 13, it looks like the way the next lines go we’re talking about 40 sets times 300 as in the Spartan bottleneck. 12 sets of variables which is the tribes of Israel, and that’s 3600. So, it ends up a new number, 144,000 again as the double helixes all attach to one chromosome 14.
iON 51:01
Carolyn 51:02
So, this is, this is where it all gets mashed together. We’re, we’re fighting to get Ascended, we’re, we’re fighting the angels. It’s, it’s causing vapors if we don’t get focused. Is that what you’re saying?
iON 51:19
In essence. Well, you’ll suffer from what you call brain fog. [Carolyn, iON chuckle] You’ll get sideways. You’ll derail yourself trying to figure it out. You’ll derail yourself trying to figure it out. And Bob says, "I don’t care! I’m not figuring out nothing! I don’t have an opinion. I don’t like it. I don’t not like it. I’m good. You Good? Good. Let’s go. Get in the truck."
Carolyn 51:48
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 51:48
He actually does that rightly. It’s silly, but it’s correct. It’s silly, but it’s correct.
Carolyn 51:56
Yeah. Are the Rings kind of an Ascension ladder to where now when we get to 14,
iON 52:09
Well, okay, okay. If that’s true, was Avaton necessary for this journey to be fait accompli?
Carolyn 52:18
Yeah. Yeah, we had to go through that. Yeah. Those silly people.
iON 52:22
[laughs] But, but you would parallel that to a purge. You would parallel that to a purge! Yeah. Coffee enemas are good. Yep, yep. Yep. That’s what we gotta do. [chuckles] Miss Vikki. Miss Vikki. All right. So, the warm fuzzy aspect is one thing, but you’ve got to have the counterpart. So, if you say it that way, and you did, then we can say okay. But you got to make, you got — then the inky, misty darkness you got to be able to relegate where you are in a parody. Parody, the comic version of a parody of what life is or what the life is about. Because Bob could sit here right now and have a three-hour, eight-hour, 10-hour, 24-hours, 36-hour, two-week conversation talking about everything we don’t know about human beings that you think you know. He can undo every single one of them every single time. And he wouldn’t even use the McLuhan quadrant to do it! Now, that’s a stretch, isn’t it?
Carolyn 53:26
So, I mean, that’s you saying both sides. We have to live both sides.
iON 53:32
Yeah. Yeah, you gotta work out, you got to settle it. You gotta settle it on both sides. You don’t have to embrace it. You don’t have to embrace it, but you gotta settle it. "Okay. I’m not a murderer. I just killed a few people." [laughs]
Carolyn 53:50
[chuckles] Nahh.
iON 53:51
No smoke, only fire sometimes, you see. [laughs]
Carolyn 53:57
Yeah, that’s it. Yeah, of course. So, it’s like in the middle. We’re making these adjustments in the middle of "anything goes."
iON 54:07
Yes, yes. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. There’s a song like that, Anything Goes.
Carolyn 54:14
Tru dat. Okay, Ring 14. To give this Ring one name, can we say angels?
iON 54:38
Carolyn 54:42
No, there’s, I mean, then there’s the elders, there’s the valence, valance. There’s, I mean, this is where the lotus blooms, so, if anything, we’re fighting the angels. We’re fighting the angels off.
iON 54:56
You’re settling. You’re settling the battle. You’re settling the battle between the angels. You’re settling the battle. You’re finishing the battle. So, if you want to call that — now, you got to get your valance, valence side. So, mm, yeah. So, let’s call it, let’s call it the valiant lotus. The valiant lotus. That includes everything, and it says everything, and it will be valiantly done, or it won’t be done at all.
Carolyn 55:41
Yeah, uh huh.
iON 55:42
If you got a better one — Bob may change it. He has the ability to do that, he does have that. And we don’t have to like it, but he has the ability to change it. So,
Carolyn 55:50
Right. Right. Yes, so then the other words in this Ring are: orbiting valences are symbols for our creation of angels. How’s that for a kick in the teeth?
iON 56:08
Yep. You made this mess that’s now judging you. Ha!
Carolyn 56:12
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Okay. And are the angels judging us or they’re just trying to, you know, screw us up.
iON 56:27
They’re bating you. They’re bating.
Carolyn 56:28
iON 56:28
No, no, they’re bating you. They’re baiting you. They’re trying to lure you into, "I don’t care whatever you got, but don’t you come in here! Don’t you do it! Do not sleep with him! Don’t do that! Don’t. No, no, no, no, no, don’t you eat that. You know, you can’t eat that. Don’t eat that." And then they giggle all the way to the bank.
Carolyn 56:52
[chuckles] Okay.
iON 56:52
‘Cause they’ve got to keep you Little Man so they can win. That’s the point.
Carolyn 56:56
Yeah, yeah.
iON 56:58
And there’s a bit of a segregation that’s coming about that was not necessarily in tow. But now you got to realize quickly that the Tech Body is gaining enough indigenous creativity, that it’s gonna go a little faster. Indigenous creativity gonna get a little faster. But it’s almost like who cares? The world is over! Well, I didn’t notice! Didn’t notice. What do you mean the world fell? I have banks full of money. What do you mean? See?
Carolyn 57:11
Mm-hm. Amazing. Orchestrated by — well, orchestrated by angels and aliens. But at this point, is there any difference?
iON 57:51
You don’t wanna make a difference because you don’t know which is which. You don’t want to, we don’t want to call it out like that because you don’t know the difference. You wouldn’t be able to tell the difference most typically. So, if you go at it like that, then it’s like, "Oh, okay, I got it. I got you." And that makes it simple. So, then you have a, you have a, you have a what we call, we call a predicate. You have a predicate to work with. ‘Cause see, Bob just hates nouns. He hates pronouns even worse, but he hates nouns.
Carolyn 58:24
Are you kidding? Look when you ended the sentence with. He’ll go after you for ending the sentence with "which."
iON 58:33
[laughs] Of course. But of course.
Carolyn 58:36
I heard some banging upstairs. I think he just knocked over a bookshelf.
iON 58:42
Another cracker rack. Another cracker rack.
Carolyn 58:44
Woo hoo. Yeah, he just coming in with more boxes. Okay. So, Ring 14. We’re almost done, Bob, get ready. Oh. So, finishing up Ring 14, you have "predicate to work with." Chromosome 14 consists of valence and valance. Now that’s pretty interesting. So, we are at the Ring where there’s chromosome 14, where there’s the lotus, correct?
iON 59:15
Correct. And you’re trying to open that, open that lotus, and you have all the steps to do that with. And you have all the corporeal means to achieve that, and you have now the access to the informational superhighway that will validate that.
Carolyn 59:38
iON 59:38
So, if you can get a rich man to vote like that, you’d be in business.
Carolyn 59:45
Wow. Okay. And then you end with — I gotta make a note to relisten to that because my program crash.
iON 1:00:01
Because those are the links, those are the links. That link can go all the way back to where you kind of started with the XX and XY. You go all the way back from there and apply it that way, then you’re gonna have a different perspective. That’s what we were saying. Don’t get in the box, in a cardboard box. Livin’ in a box. Don’t get in the box, give yourself room. Make it like a block rather than a box. Good.
Carolyn 1:00:27
Right. Yeah. Because yeah. And that’s why you’ve always said a lot of the Rings interact back and forth.
iON 1:00:34
They have to.
Carolyn 1:00:34
So, they’re trading, trading memes the whole time. Okay.
iON 1:00:40
Yeah, because that’s the only way you can stay ahead of, if you’re going toe to toe with an angel and you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, chances are you’re gonna wake up with a sore behind. Promise. You think monkeypox is bad? Screw with an angel and not know what you’re doin’. They’ll beat you to death and make you live through it. That’s the rest of the story.
Carolyn 1:01:04
Hehehe. Okay. And then 14, Ring 14 brings in the elders. 420 elders. Now there’s some weird mathematics here: subtracting two, you get 418, or you add two and you get 422, or 24 elders when Ascended. What’s that all about, that jumping numbers?
iON 1:01:31
The number, the number jumps. That’s what Bob does. He jumps numbers. And they’re ridiculous, but he’ll make all kinds of, he’ll make all kinds of sense out of it because he’ll let you know how that all fits in the LaRouche quadrant.
Carolyn 1:01:45
Okay. Yes, yeah. Gotcha. Gotcha.
iON 1:01:48
Cuz it does.
Carolyn 1:01:48
And then — yeah. And then looping with Ring 1 with the winds and gases. And that Ring 1 opened up with chromosome 14 itself.
iON 1:02:02
Carolyn 1:02:02
So, we move back.
iON 1:02:05
And that’s Marilouise. Marilouise Kroker. Marilouise Kroker. That’s that all about.
Carolyn 1:02:14
Oh. Is she — Marilouise is chromosome 14 or what?
iON 1:02:18
No, no, no. That quadrant. We don’t like to say Arthur Kroker. It’s like that. We give her the credit. She built that city.
Carolyn 1:02:26
Got it. And then there’s the lipids. Now, when that word came up, the lipids were just put there. Is that there because lipids do make up the membrane of the cell, and this is the outer membrane of the Angel Chart. So, is that the correspondence?
iON 1:02:46
As long as you include the pituitary gland, yes. Another little clue. Another feather. Another feather, another feather in the bed. It’s another feather in the bed.
Carolyn 1:03:07
[laughs] Okay. Yeah, another crumb in the bed that the princess could feel on top of 12 mattresses, she was.
iON 1:03:20
Nice. Nice. The pea under the bed.
Carolyn 1:03:22
As long as you — okay, well, I’m gonna, as Bert would say, "I’m gonna look into that one." Okay.
iON 1:03:31
It’s where, it’s where this all — Okay. You have a landscape. You gotta build it. We’re talking about what — the question that everybody should be asking is what is God? That should be the question. What is God? "I’m becoming a God. Well, you are a God. Well, I can tell. Convince me I’m a God." Well, ask what a God is! That’s a good place to start. What is God? And if you’re not that, then you’re not God. And if you can become that, then you are that. Ta da!
Carolyn 1:03:40
What is God? Me!
iON 1:04:09
Kids today. Kids today. Kids today, whatcha gonna do? [chuckles]
Carolyn 1:04:18
Yeah, that’s, I mean, that’s good. I’m a God, so I know what a God is.
iON 1:04:23
Yes. And if there’s any doubt, if there’s any doubt, validate your own, your own creation. If there’s any doubt, validate your own creation.
Carolyn 1:04:34
Yeah, winds and waves obey my command. Validated every day.
iON 1:04:39
Except when Bob takes a shower, and then the water sometimes goes right down the stairs.
Carolyn 1:04:45
He’s better with that now. And so I’m finished with that second half, but I have here left over from the Angel Chart. One, session one in September 1st, I brought up the A N, the lettering in, the lettering in
iON 1:05:11
You’re talking about the markers? You’re talking about the markers. You’re talking about the markers in the letters that apply.
Carolyn 1:05:18
iON 1:05:19
‘Cause they vary. And see, that’s when you apply — that’s why — those aren’t stationary. They move. That’s the whole point.
Carolyn 1:05:26
Right. Markers moving. Darn. I apologize. I didn’t put what Ring this is from.
iON 1:05:34
That’s all right.
Carolyn 1:05:34
I said there’s — A N stands for RNA. I didn’t go over what the other letters are in this Ring with iON. So, my question back then was, "Any point going over the other letters?" And you said it’s huge, but not today.
iON 1:05:54
Carolyn 1:05:55
"There’s a twofold thing that has to happen." And then you say, "Do you know Ring 11?" And I
iON 1:06:00
And one, and one of those things, and one of those things has happened: The end of civilization. Not Western civilization, civilization.
Carolyn 1:06:11
iON 1:06:12
And so, the second thing that’s gotta happen, well, we can’t spoil it because we can’t tell Bob. He’ll make it go faster. And then, then you’ll have a lot of splaining to do, Dr. Dean. So, slow the roll. We’re trying to get this worked out correctly, but now it’s happening perfectly. That’s the thing. Everybody’s jumping up and down, screaming, crying, wailing, gnashing of teeth, blah, blah, blah. You can’t change it. There ain’t enough angels in heaven or devils in hell to have one cubit’s worth of an effect on this outcome. We know it. That’s not the problem. Do you, can you convince the rest of you that it’s gonna be okay? There you go. But you can’t just say it, you gotta have it, you gotta have a Tenacious D to say, "Whoa, okay."
Carolyn 1:06:55
Okay. Okay.
iON 1:06:59
And then those steps. You have to know that Completement Formulas are affecting your body. Then everybody says, "Well, iON, everybody knows that!" Well, we can’t tell. [Carolyn chuckles] You look at the order line who bought what. You bought one bottle of ReMag nine years ago. You must be on a low dose. You must be on a low dose. See the rub?
Carolyn 1:07:21
Yeah. Yeah. Okay, then, since the second thing hasn’t happened, then this question can’t be answered right now.
iON 1:07:30
Just yet. But now, what’ll happen is now you’ve opened it up as Bob says, "Oh, Lord. Now you’ve creased it, you creased it." You know what creases are? You creased it. You know the vegetable creases? Creases. Once you start it, if you get a few creases, you’ll have creases everywhere. So, you’ve opened it and so now without going into the explicit details, we’ll tell you how to make the babies. Don’t worry, we’ll tell you how to do it.
Carolyn 1:07:59
Got it. So then the other, the whole
iON 1:08:05
We promise right now, we promise right now, we promise right now it will absolutely be as clear as mud.
Carolyn 1:08:11
Uh huh. But it will be as clear as mud. Yeah. Got it. Bob might go into it. "Oh, is it Trump? Is it me? Is it iON?" [chuckles]
iON 1:08:30
[laughs] Opheniel. Opheniel Hobab. Yeah.
Carolyn 1:08:31
"Is it Opheniel again?" Okay. And then there was something about Ring 5 not being complete. Something to be redone, but I don’t — shoot. For sure I have something on Ring 7. Can we say this Ring [mumbles to herself]. No. No, I’ve hit a roadblock. I will look over those for better input.
iON 1:09:05
Yes. That’s right. Because you’re — now what happens is, you’ve got a feel for it now.
Carolyn 1:09:08
iON 1:09:08
Before you didn’t have a feel for it. It seemed like it was too much. Now you’ve broken it down piece by piece and you go, "Oh, like this. Oh, like this. Oh, so if you break your femur, this is how to set it." Setting a femur is a pretty big job. But you know how to do it. See the difference?
Carolyn 1:09:26
Mm-hm. Okay.
iON 1:09:26
If you got enough popsicle sticks. If you got enough popsicle sticks. [laughs]
Carolyn 1:09:35
Yeah, that’s, that’s what we use, that’s for sure. Okay, now I’m gonna say to Bob, it’s your turn. But he’s up there. He’s probably more interested in doing his CDs than talking to iON. How can that be possible?
iON 1:09:54
Oh, boy. He’ll be bolting down the steps. He’ll be bolting down the steps now.
Carolyn 1:10:00
Okay, so let me then continue since he’s not here. Right. Here’s the question. It was discovered in 1963 that men who normally have an XY chromosome pattern lose their Y chromosome with age! So, is that an Ascension observation?
iON 1:10:29
Depends on how it’s applied. Okay? Because also, as the women, the same conversation, once they get to a certain level with their estrogen levels all perimenopausal, they start growing hair on their face and on their feet and all kinds of crazy stuff [Carolyn chuckles] that they normally would not either. See, they take on the progesterone position sometimes as well. So, they’re both
Carolyn 1:10:57
iON 1:10:59
Yeah. And progesterone.
Carolyn 1:11:04
I see. Okay, but I put this question down ages ago, and it’s only today I found out about the XX and XY will become obsolete.
iON 1:11:23
Carolyn 1:11:24
So, is this part of the observation of obsolescence of XY chromosomes?
iON 1:11:32
Correct. Correct in that ’cause see, that’s why everyone’s androgynous now. So, basically, when you look at the pictures of the space aliens, you know, they’re really skinny. They talk about the big head and the big eyes lalalalala you know, the picture everybody sees. You really can’t ever discern if they’re male or female. Can you?
Carolyn 1:11:54
Oh, right. Yeah.
iON 1:11:59
And that’s what the world is trying to promote, the glams. They’re making it so now the men can wear fingernail polish, and rouge, and base, and foundation, and what is that spray-on stuff? Powder, face powder. And ooh they can get their self all fixed up and shave their legs and slick up real good, and have their, have their butthole waxed. You know, they can do all kinds of fun things now. [Carolyn chuckles] All right, and that’s perfectly acceptable. Perfectly acceptable, no problem. All right. And then on the other side, you can go more of what you call butch or a butchier look. You know, you can wrap your breasts, your mammary glands, so that you almost have no protrusion. So,
Carolyn 1:12:44
I know.
iON 1:12:45
That’s the whole rub instead of being who you are. But then you can change who you are anyway. And you do. One way is I’m doing with what I say I think I can do. And the other one is by actually changing who you are. So, if you’re if you’re a man trapped in a woman’s body, with what we’re working with, you should be able to grow a penis. What? What?
Carolyn 1:13:08
Okay, moving on. May I move on? [chuckles]
iON 1:13:15
Oh, sure. Sure.
Carolyn 1:13:16
On What Youth, Tuesday, July 19, 2022, you said that the Tech Body is the same power that went into the Ark of the Covenant. Now, there are some more words here: our transcriber, Tech Body. So, I don’t know what my question was here, but I put that down to further delve into this business. The Tech Body is the same power that went into the Ark of the Covenant. How’s that possible. iON?
iON 1:13:53
Sure. Power’s power; it’s exactly the same power. That’s what it’s trying to get back. We’re trying to get you into a position where you take your power back. Your power is what went into the Ark of the Covenant. You put it in there ’cause you didn’t, you couldn’t stand being God.
Carolyn 1:14:06
iON 1:14:07
And so now they want that power back, same power. Power is power. Good power? Oh, it’s real good power. Bad power? Oh, it’s bad power. Yeah, that’s too much power. See?
Carolyn 1:14:18
Got it. Awesome.
iON 1:14:20
‘Cause that electric stove with the electricity in it, it can cook, it can cook your man a meal, but can also cook you a man.
Carolyn 1:14:27
Mm-hm. Ark. Arcing with power. Yeah, welding arc. It’s like, you know my, my life as a welder.
iON 1:14:42
Yes, indeed.
Carolyn 1:14:44
February 25th, 2021.
iON 1:14:47
A MIG, a MIG, a MIG welder. That’s a good one; it does fine work. MIG welder’s good. Fire.
Carolyn 1:14:53
Oh. Tiny. Okay. Question: Does obfuscation of chi mean that as Ascended we won’t rely on chi?
iON 1:15:07
You won’t have to be grounded. God isn’t grounded.
Carolyn 1:15:11
Oh, wow. So, is that what all these energy
iON 1:15:16
Ginney can take the copper off the — Ginney can take the copper off the bed. It’ll be great.
Carolyn 1:15:22
Wow. So, is that what all this energy medicine is, to ground us?
iON 1:15:27
Mm-hm. It is.
Carolyn 1:15:30
iON 1:15:30
What’s happening, what’s happened here is we are all but double backing on the Tech Body. We don’t care. Not for us. But we can also use this newfound Tech Body capacity. And with one 30-second video reach more than the entire media ecology in this cabled news in a second; less than a second.
Carolyn 1:16:03
iON 1:16:05
You see? That’s why everybody’s so upset because of used to, they’d just got up there and said something on the national TV and everybody stopped everything and be quiet. Don’t let the dog out. Sit down and listen to the word. Now nobody even turns it on. They don’t even care. Oh, did he have somethin’ to say? Who is that? That’s the President! Nah, get out, that’s a goofball. Ain’t nobody gonna listen to him. [Carolyn chuckles] That’s crazy talkin’.
Bob 1:16:33
Is that what I’ve always been trying to do, iON, not be grounded?
iON 1:16:37
Correct. You fought it every step of the way. And went through and destroyed so much Non-Physical power, you can’t believe it, ’cause you wouldn’t have it. Or you just spelled them. Poor Willows. The poor Willows. What you did to those (indistinct) [Bob chuckles], Lord have mercy.
Bob 1:16:53
Yeah, Carolyn, I would erase everything all the time. If people would get grounded even with what I said, then I’d take that ground away. Because the real thing was to get used to the ground. The concepts were just a Band-Aid so they could handle being non-grounded.
iON 1:17:09
Then he pimps us like we’re the resurrection of Jesus Christ walking on the face of the earth, giving you all the insights and all the cues and clues and news and blues of the world systems and how everything works. And you have to talk to iON. Then you get on the tailgate, "I don’t listen to iON! He’s always (indistinct) [Bob chuckles] None of it right! I don’t know. I mean, if you believe that I guess you’d buy — I’ve got a nice bridge for sale. It’s next to the Brooklyn Bridge; it’s the little one. The little one is the better value, the little bridge. That’s what we’ll do." So, it’s like they don’t know what to do ’cause they’re like, "Well, Bob said that we had to do this. And now he’s saying whatever you do, don’t do it! Like, which is it?" [Bob chuckles]
Bob 1:17:49
So, what was that last thought? Darn. The — I don’t know. Oh, so, iON’s making — the TikTok comes out of China. COVID comes out of China, and TikTok comes out the same time. But COVID is an agency of iONdom. And the TikTok world is run by you. And you’re using that to mass communicate, right?
iON 1:18:17
Better than mass communicators are communicating.
Bob 1:18:21
iON 1:18:21
Which is exactly, exactly what Thompson said was gonna happen.
Bob 1:18:27
That what? That the individual communicators would outdo the mass communicators?
iON 1:18:32
Yep. That’s right. Which, which is a slap in the face for McLuhan. Because see, McLuhan says, no, no, no, the media sets this up and you’re duped. You’re doomed to follow whatever it is that they say.
Bob 1:18:44
No, he said, we were moving to individual autonomy. The new medium emphasized individual autonomy. He saw that coming. But McLuhan was
iON 1:18:53
But you’re not autonomous.
Bob 1:18:56
Yeah, and he would point it out, that you’ve grounded yourself in a medium that makes you think you’re autonomous and even not grounded. And ultimately, he was trying to — he was a prophet of Bob trying to make people get used to no ground.
iON 1:19:10
Well, why doesn’t Clinton sound like you?
Bob 1:19:12
Well, I don’t know. But I was just thinking now he did, he can. [iON laughs] Listen. He did pretend that the Catholic Church was his final ground. Right? But that — get him alone, he didn’t necessarily need the church to be grounded. Would you agree with that, or did he really need the church?
iON 1:19:12
Yeah. No. No, he borrowed the church. He had to cover up his incredulous life of love leisure that he was libating over.
Bob 1:19:33
[chuckles] Yeah, he had to cover up the fact he was predicting Bobdom and all that, you know.
iON 1:19:49
True. That’s true.
Bob 1:19:51
And that meant that he could do whatever he wanted to do.
iON 1:19:53
Ivan Stang may never recover from it, too.
Bob 1:19:57
I’m ready to go. And probably since I only get an hour and a half, we’ll do — they’re not necessarily quickie questions, but a lot of topics.
iON 1:20:05
Okay. But there aren’t any long stories involved.
Bob 1:20:13
The other day I thought I saw — whatd’you say?
iON 1:20:11
There aren’t any long stories anymore, Bob. Everything’s 30 seconds or less. 30 seconds or less. Maybe two minutes if it’s huge. If it’s huge! Or has to do with a Trumpy. Alright, TikTok Let’s go.
Bob 1:20:23
But I would say that I don’t have any more questions because I’m in what I wanted to become. I’m involved in what’s happening. We are
iON 1:20:31
What did you want to become? What did you want to become? What you, what you said you always were? You wanted to become that which you said all along you always were?
Bob 1:20:41
No, I wanted to manifest and make a new civilization. Which is what we’re doing.
iON 1:20:45
Oh. Well, but, but the memo is though, is that you had to first destroy the present civilization [bing sound] to make room for your new civilization. Right?
Bob 1:20:56
Right. Right. And I’m doing that, too. I’m in the middle of it. And I don’t need to keep track of it. [iON chuckles] Maybe this would be the way of keeping track. Hey, Carolyn, I just heard a bing. Did someone come in or did someone go out?
iON 1:21:08
No, you got email. It was an email.
Bob 1:21:10
It was an email. Okay. So, the other day in the corner of my eye I thought I saw somebody. I look, and I thought, oh, nobody there. But that could be a ghost. But the body startles. Our instincts are startled if we see, we think we see a ghost. So, what’s protecting us from — in our being — from seeing ghosts so we’re not startled all the time?
iON 1:21:33
Settling. Settling. It’s like the same thing with JW last night at the Pancake House. The Pancake House, where he didn’t even flinch. He didn’t even flinch. It was as though it was no big deal. Three feet away, bam! He didn’t even flinch. Then, and then, once the body hit the ground, he took another bite of waffle! [iON laughs] Never (indistinct). Bam.
Bob 1:21:58
[chuckles] And the guy’s face, the guy’s face was just blown out. It would be tough to look at.
iON 1:22:02
Oh, yeah. Well, yeah. And that, yeah, it was not. Yeah, it wasn’t pretty.
Bob 1:22:09
Right. That is what we’re talking about, the Lemurian. I think we did this in the last session. The Lemurian court couldn’t see anybody. JW couldn’t see anybody. He was Lemurian as the Evergreens described the Lemurians. You know what I mean?
iON 1:22:26
Yeah, the rest — okay. The words suck because you add a lot of connotations that don’t apply. But –
Bob 1:22:33
iON 1:22:33
– the foundation is secure because, in essence, it displaces it as that that’s normal. That is normal. That’s what’s new.
Bob 1:22:46
Yeah. It’s normal that, that we can’t see people below us.
iON 1:22:49
And or, and or that somebody can get shot in the face and you don’t even have any, any regard. It’s like, well.
Bob 1:22:54
iON 1:22:55
Like sorry for your luck. Hey! Sorry for your luck. [laughs]
Bob 1:23:01
Right. So, you’re saying that we’re, we’re protected from seeing ghosts that would startle us by settling. What is settling? Grounding ourselves in an illusion?
iON 1:23:12
No, no. Settling. To settle. To settle it. I say this way, you say that way, we say this way, then you settle it. [bing sound] And then all of a sudden you go, well, it’s okay. Yes, see, that’s an email, Bob.
Bob 1:23:25
Yeah, I hear that. Yeah.
iON 1:23:28
That’s fine. And so,
Bob 1:23:31
Is that — that’s a Facebook. Oh, that’s interesting.
iON 1:23:36
Ah huh. A new, a new blibble. A blibble.
Bob 1:23:39
So, what do you think, Carolyn, about this settling? Oh, I settle in my stubbornness to refuse to acknowledge them and that protects me.
iON 1:23:51
Okay, it’s all right with me.
Bob 1:23:54
After a while though, I could drop that and not be worried about seeing them. But I just feel that the body
iON 1:24:00
No, you’re gonna get mad, you’re gonna get mad if you can’t see them.
Bob 1:24:07
Yeah, if I can’t see them. Okay, I came back yesterday.
iON 1:24:11
Now you’re gonna find it, now you’re gonna find it that you wanna know where the motherfuckers are! Oh, you’re not sneaking up on me. You broke back, bitch back, broke down thing. You get the fuck out. You gotta get, you better not, better not go to Cape Hatteras. Gonna get ugly, Bob.
Bob 1:24:29
Instinct. Like when I’m swimming, if I think I see an animal in the sea, a shark or somethin’, my body goes "zing!" You know, adrenaline rush happens. Would I have ever stopped that? Is that a human limitation to always have the adrenaline go off?
iON 1:24:44
I don’t think it’s adrenaline, Bob. For you, for you it’s not like that. It’s a different thing. Different, not like adrenaline. It’s more like a corporeal review. Can we say corporeal review? Okay, you look at everything like a judge would look at everything. Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts, just the facts. I don’t need all your chit chat. I don’t care. You don’t qualify to be in this conversation. So, just slow your roll. I’ll tell you what you’re qualified to engage. So many examples that are more than you can number.
Bob 1:25:22
Okay. So, is Mitch McConnell long transitioned and we’re watching a double or a clone or an alien impersonate a double or something?
iON 1:25:35
Alien. There’s gonna be a lot of those lately. But they’re about — they’re so, they’re so leveled. They’re so leveled exposed that it’s not even funny. They keep patching up, they keep patching it up to keep trying to hold — they keep saying, well, we’ll just tell you again. No, we’ll just tell you again. Okay, we’re out of money. We’re havin’ a money problem, so here’s the solution. Here’s another $16 trillion. We got it worked out. Florida, we got your back, baby. We’re gonna rebuild Florida bigger and better. It’s gonna be wonderful.
Bob 1:26:02
Okay, so then you’re saying the people
iON 1:26:06
We’re gonna change the name from Florida to Biden alley.
Bob 1:26:10
[chuckles] So, people are — you’re saying that humans are starting to figure out that these people in Washington are aliens? Is that what you mean by them being exposed?
iON 1:26:19
Correct. Yeah. Sure. They show pictures of their eyes changing and the lizard eyes. They show things that their mask not workin’. They show things of every, every degree that would make you literally question their capacity to being human. Cuz they’re not.
Bob 1:26:37
Yeah, I saw a video of Hillary complaining about people at Trump’s rally doing the Nazi salute, which she claimed was the Nazi salute. But I for the first time was lookin. I said no, that’s not Hillary. That’s — I could see the imposterness. So, it was that an alien?
iON 1:26:53
No, that’s a double. The aliens are using doubles too ’cause see, now they’re gettin’ found out; it’s becoming normal. And some of that they wanna do. They wanna do a little of that.
Bob 1:27:07
You mean they want to be found out? That was the logic of what you just said.
iON 1:27:10
Yeah. A little bit.
Bob 1:27:10
They wanna be found out.
iON 1:27:11
A little bit. A little bit, but not all at once. Not so they all get hauled up to, to the, to the Nazi court.
Bob 1:27:22
Right. So, Hillary, the original Hillary, like Obama, is long dead. Right?
iON 1:27:28
Yes. Yep.
Bob 1:27:29
Okay. Is the double — do they feel special pretending they’re Hillary? Do they think, wow, it’s pretty neat when I know and no one else knows. Do they feel that way?
iON 1:27:39
It’s John, it’s John Wilkes Booth move, Bob, John Wilkes Booth. They go into persona, they go into the role. They, they become, –
Bob 1:27:48
Yeah, they’re an actor.
iON 1:27:49
– they become Montague. They become Montague in Wuthering Heights.
Bob 1:27:54
Yes. But do they feel a conscience about, I’m fooling the people. Why should
iON 1:28:00
No. Bette Midler, Bette Midler didn’t, didn’t feel bad about making The First Wives Club. It’s a role. They just act. Actors act.
Bob 1:28:10
They can assume that the people who hired her, him/her to do Hillary know what they’re doing, and it’s working out for the people. Right? They can rationalize it.
iON 1:28:21
Ah, I don’t know that they even go through that motion. You know, I mean, it’s like being out, it’s like going to a restaurant and going to the bathroom and saying that you’re not being faithful because you strayed away from home. You should use the bathroom at home. So, you strayed away from home so now you’re, now you’re no longer, you’re no longer faithful. [Bob chuckles] And that’s why — no, people don’t think about it like that. Same thing, same way here. They don’t think about it like that. Actors just act; that’s what they do. It’s like, oh, yeah.
Bob 1:28:53
I what? Just act?
iON 1:28:56
Actors act.
Bob 1:28:58
Oh, okay.
iON 1:28:59
They act. They don’t care what you — they hope you like it. They hope you treat ’em like they used to treat Meryl Streep. You notice they don’t do that any more.
Bob 1:29:07
The present double that’s doing Hillary, did that person have to practice for six months to become and look like Hillary? Be Hillary?
iON 1:29:17
No. They can – they download ’em. It’s just like, it’s just like WebMD you can get it on, an app for it, and it basically plugs you in. They plug it in. And they put a little ear earpieces in their ear, and a little topic, then it kicks it off. Then they — becomes easy. It’s like what you do, Bob. You just go with it.
Bob 1:29:37
Right. Yeah, do they
iON 1:29:40
Bob 1:29:41
They don’t have a chip, a chip in their head or anything?
iON 1:29:43
No. No, no, no, no, no. They can, –
Bob 1:29:46
They’re a guide.
iON 1:29:47
– normally don’t.
Bob 1:29:48
They’re guided and
iON 1:29:50
‘Cause see — sort of. But
Bob 1:29:51
Do they practice? Did they practice for a day or so?
iON 1:29:54
They’re not good. No, they’re not — Hillary wasn’t good at being Hillary Clinton. [Bob chuckles] Hillary wasn’t good at being Hillary Clinton. It was really easy to be Hillary Clinton, you just get up and say stupid stuff. And get up in front of them and start talkin’ "South," and when the, when the South rose again. That imitation crazy southern thing that she did; everybody’s still talking about that bullshit. Or, or Biden goin’ to a — signing a law for the woman that got killed; she got killed. Okay, it was in her honor, and they made a law about it. She was a Representative for 100 years, or 20 years or somethin’, and maybe it’s that — made a law. And went up there and Biden got up there and called her name out and wanted to know — he’s said, "Well, I guess she doesn’t want to come up here." Huh! The dead woman! [Bob, iON laugh] And then he has the nuts to say, the nuts to say, "Well, I guess she doesn’t want to come up here. Where is she? Where is she?" Everybody’s lookin’ like, "Stupid man, she’s dead!" So,
Bob 1:31:01
Okay. Is that Biden that was making those faux pas? Was that a clone or an alien?
iON 1:31:05
No, that’s a, that’s a bad clone. A degrade
Bob 1:31:06
A bad clone.
iON 1:31:10
They got — Carolyn. No, Carolyn — no, that’s the wrong word. The right word is a degrading clone. Each time you do it, it gets a little less from the original if there is such a thing.
Bob 1:31:23
So, when Dr. Beter talked about organic robotoids, which he said was not a clone, but he said they’re working on clones back in the — 50 years ago, 45 years ago, he was, he was having access to information that the Pentagon aliens were doing. I assume the Pentagon aliens taught people how to make the clones, right?
iON 1:31:43
Yeah. And other things. And other things as well. ‘Cause that’s where all this new fancy — how do you make one little app that now everybody in the world has access to and even if you don’t have the app, you still get infiltrated by it? [Bob chuckles] That’s pretty good, Bob. That’s pretty good. ‘Cause now everybody’s talking about oh, did you see something on TikTok? I don’t do TikTok. But then they tell you what the thing was. And then you laugh and laugh and laugh how the little dog jumps in the commode or some’um fun or some’um stupid. Or the cockatoo said fuck you. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck you. Then that becomes, that takes over and that becomes a medium. Good.
Bob 1:32:22
Or the meme. The meme.
iON 1:32:24
Well, we’ll see. We’ll see. That’s the rub. We’ll see.
Bob 1:32:28
What’s the difference between a medium and a meme?
iON 1:32:30
Oh, the medium is the, is the agar that you gauge it from. The meme is the idea or construct which you’re trying to purport. You’re tryin’ to introduce a meme. The medium is the agar. Agar. Yeah, agar. Yes.
Bob 1:32:46
Well, one substance, matter, and the other is idea.
iON 1:32:50
Or ground. Might say ground. If it takes,
Bob 1:32:54
Meme is ideally
iON 1:32:55
Yeah, and if it takes, it becomes ground. It can become ground ’cause now people are afraid of hurricanes.
Bob 1:33:04
The mind is our basic ground that we have to get rid of. It’s the grounder –
iON 1:33:11
Bob 1:33:09
– it’s the thing we’re — so the ideas are more than matter, more important for ground.
iON 1:33:14
Or for the millennials you’d be a bummer. The mind is a bummer.
Bob 1:33:19
[chuckles] Okay, now we’ve just — oh, the Danny Casolaro. I don’t know if you spelled it out precisely. He didn’t know what he was seeing. He saw and it was accurate, the dots he connected. But he didn’t know that it was the alien secret in the Pentagon. Is that what he almost discovered?
iON 1:33:44
Almost. Almost, almost, almost. But now you have another element that’s affecting this now, too, because now your great work at CERN now has tipped another little ice bucket over and somebody — Carolyn’s gonna have to clean that mess up too like every other mess you make these days, apparently.
Bob 1:34:00
[chuckles] Yes.
iON 1:34:01
So, see how that goes. But you got another little tipsy problem that is changing the way people see what reality says. Changes the way what people see that reality says.
Bob 1:34:15
Well, what is that?
iON 1:34:17
That’s real; no, it’s not. Yes, it is. Well, exactly! Exactly!
Bob 1:34:21
Well, is that — there’s a technology that’s making people be that way?
iON 1:34:25
Yeah. There sure is.
Bob 1:34:28
Have they, do they know it’s happened? Do the CERN people know?
iON 1:34:32
Well, no, obviously, Bob, or it wouldn’t be — no, or if they did, it wouldn’t be an issue, would it? [laughs]
Bob 1:34:39
Yeah, if they did know,
iON 1:34:40
If they knew, if they did know, they wouldn’t have anything to do with it; they’d would’ve, [Bob chuckles] they’d reject it. They would fuss, they would complain, they would expose it! They’d call Dan Rather. Oh, wait. Walter Cronkite is better. Al Roker. They’d call Al Roker.
Bob 1:35:01
So, this is an example. Yeah, this effect, this thing that’s happening, it’s affecting people, everybody on the planet. That’s an unforeseen effect of what they were doing at CERN and thought they were molding new technology or finding technology.
iON 1:35:16
No. No, no. No, no, no, no, no, they were trying to make the secret. They wanted the chemical flip of the matter, antimatter, and they wanted to use the hive mind. Well, if they got this part worked out correctly, which they don’t thank goodness, thanks, thanks to you, Bob. Then what happens then is there’s no way that it will ever take hold. It can’t take hold. Because see, the what you call the zeitgeist won’t allow for any comparative religions or comparative persuasions to go beyond or go beside what you see to be as reality because reality is ever so changing. Reality is ever so changing. And now you got people believing in conspiracy theories because they come true ’cause they really weren’t a conspiracy theory; they were the truth. So now the only way to get something to be true now, you have to present it as a conspiracy theory! [Bob chuckles] Oh, my God, the Department of Justice is dealing with the FBI. The FBI has been crooked since J. Edgar Hoover in his little tutus runnin’ around with his little party dresses on for fuck sakes. This ain’t nothing new. Now they act like well, we’ve lost our, we’ve lost our questionable position. These are the fabrics of a democracy! And they go, democracy? Oh, yeah? Okay, so I don’t like what you said on the telephone last night so 45 FBI G-Men bust in your house and drag you out feet first. [Bob chuckles] And they don’t care about that! They don’t care about that. "Margie, they took the telephone! They took the telephone! What am I gonna do?" That’s what Mike Lindell, and now Mike Lindell said, and all they did was take the telephone. And now everybody’s running away from My Business, My Slippers, My Hat, My Coffee, My Shit, My Pussy, My Whatever. They’re runnin’ away from it ’cause they’re afraid that he’s been bit by the FBI bug, and if they’re in that same thing too, the FBI’s gonna come bust their door down and not take ’em to jail, but take away their telephone! [Bob laughs] They can go to jail as long as they have a telephone.
Bob 1:35:39
Ah, what were you starting off there? Oh, J. Edgar Hoover. Did he actually have homosexual relations with associates, or he just liked to wear women’s clothes?
iON 1:37:45
He was, he did, he did everything. He did everything. He did everything. That was back before, that was a little bit before the pedophilia thing was such a, such a to-do. You know, he’s a little bit taboo. Or if you did it, you really had, you know, it’d be like in what they call snuff films. You remember. You remember those snuff films, Bob.
Bob 1:38:04
iON 1:38:04
Yeah, you enjoyed them, I’m sure. Snuff films. But it was very, very safe. You had to be very safe. And in a little, a little cabriolet, a little cellaret somewhere so nobody could ever find out that you’re watching filthiness and nastiness, but you’s watching that filth cuz it’s strictly against the law. So, that became, that made it taboo. Well, when you make some’um taboo, then it becomes the thing you got to have. So, then that led into they told two friends and so on and so on and so on to the point that he was in all kinds of crazy frivolities.
Bob 1:38:40
Okay. So, he was doing pederasty and everything.
iON 1:38:45
Bob 1:38:45
iON 1:38:47
All of it.
Bob 1:38:49
Basically, he’s acting ungrounded. And that’s Ascended.
iON 1:38:55
Well, in his world he was trying to operate that way. But then yet, he had to, he was balancing the gaze of law. Because if he didn’t present it, there was no breaking of the law far as the Federal Bureau of Investigations go. So, he decided who was credibly innocent and who is credibly guilty. ‘Cause, you know, if the Feds go after you, 97 and a half percent of the time you lose if the Feds come after you.
Bob 1:39:26
Yeah. But the — he was not following any personal laws himself. But what he
iON 1:39:34
Bob 1:39:35
He felt Ascended because he had that superior position that he determined what the law was. And that’s not Ascended.
iON 1:39:42
He was more powerful. He was more powerful than Presidents. He borrowed his power from his authority. He didn’t have any power; he had authority. And then he had to turn it over to the Justice Department to give him his power. So, if you bumped into him the wrong way — you know, what you do with people that you don’t like; you have them done in.
Bob 1:39:49
iON 1:39:50
You know, the run, Bob. Nothin’ odd or strange about it. You shoo them away.
Bob 1:40:09
Well, I can handle my ungroundedness. He was acting ungrounded, but in the end it was not in the Ascended condition because it was based on a lot of other kingdom situations that he was founded on.
iON 1:40:21
Well, if he had’ve done it in the right way, no one would have ever found out about it. See the rub? If they had never found out about it, who would have cared? Would it have mattered? No. So, but don’t come in now saying that, oh, they’re despicable, terrible things, blah blah blah blah blah. ‘Cause they’ve always been that and more.
Bob 1:40:44
So, don’t be outraged when you find out Hoover was like that or anybody else in authority. What is the lesson you should realize? Don’t pay attention to anything in the Outer Kingdom. Don’t have an Outer Kingdom.
iON 1:40:56
Not anymore. Well, you’re gonna go to feudal law. And then if you don’t agree with me, well, I’ll kill your ass. And then you can. Ta-da! I won.
Bob 1:41:03
Feudal law means no written equal before the law situation. No law, no police to protect you.
iON 1:41:10
No. My law. My law. No, there is no protection. You protect. Feudal, feudalism is, I’ll protect mine. And if you don’t like what I say, I will kill you. And we’ll settle this. You wanna settle this? Step out behind the barn. Step out here. We’ll have a duel. We’ll have a duel, chop each other to death.
Bob 1:41:27
So, that’s partly why. Yeah, so that’s why it’s not because they’re not funded. The police are not coming because we’re in a feudal situation and they’re not there to protect you anymore.
iON 1:41:38
Correct. Ta-da!
Bob 1:41:40
[chuckles] You mean ta-da, that’s a big insight? Never said before?
iON 1:41:45
No. Ta-da means you finally figured it out, Palmer.
Bob 1:41:45
See that, Carolyn?
iON 1:41:47
You finally figured it out Palmer.
Bob 1:41:55
[cackles] That’s supposed to be Donald Duck. It was whoever made noises like that. Okay.
iON 1:41:59
Yeah, you’ve been talkin to Duffy too long.
Bob 1:42:01
What’d you say? So, it is the iCell that’s dangerous to Little Men.
iON 1:42:07
No, it’s the iCell that’s — oh, to Little Men. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. It’ll cause early onset Ascension. Early onset Ascension. It sure will.
Bob 1:42:08
So, it starts changing the body chemistry in the parts and that you — mind can’t take. So, you die of shock from the rapid change.
iON 1:42:28
Yeah, toxic, toxic shock. Yes.
Bob 1:42:32
Because it does a — it creates a lot of toxins in the alchemy.
iON 1:42:36
Well, you already have a lot of toxins.
Bob 1:42:40
So, they start moving around, and you can’t take it. So, that’s what you understand, eh, Carolyn? It’s just basic toxicity release. Right, Carolyn?
Carolyn 1:42:51
(in background) Okay.
Bob 1:42:52
That’s the logic of it. You understand that? Right, Carolyn?
iON 1:42:56
Carolyn 1:42:56
(in background) Yeah.
iON 1:42:58
Well, let’s say in essence. Let’s say in essence, because she would go all the way to the syndrome aspect, which is normal, but it’s okay.
Bob 1:43:06
Okay, here’s some questions. Gurdjieff said that the moon feeds on us. Is that true?
iON 1:43:16
Feeds as in is your supper? No.
Bob 1:43:21
Does it consume our output of energy distribution or
Bob 1:43:26
Bob 1:43:26
It doesn’t do that.
iON 1:43:28
Too many, too many words. It has to use the earth to gain plasma; it’s plasma. So, it does use the energy from the earth, not the humans, as a way to replicate plasma. Plasma will degrade. So therefore, you have to reenergize the moon. And that’s why — and how you know that’s true is why the fuck would the moon affect, the moon phase, affect the tide? And whether or not people are having babies or not, you see.
Bob 1:44:04
Okay. Was Paracelsus — okay, I’ll do it this way. Paracelsus would be kicked out of a town after a while. He was so –boasting about all the healing he was doing. He could actually help people, but he boasted and be a social nuisance. And so, he’d be kicked out and be wandering. So, he’d often be wandering, and no one knew where he went. And then he’d show up a couple of years later in rags as if he’d been living in the forest. Was he parallel worlding?
iON 1:44:33
Somewhat. Somewhat, but he didn’t know it. He didn’t know it. He thought that was normal. It’s kind of like the charlatan, John of God.
Bob 1:44:44
Right. He was — so, he was experiencing things in other worlds, and he thought that’s just what he was experiencing in this world.
iON 1:44:50
That was normal. Yes. You have done that, Bob, but you never remember. You’re not good at remembering unless it a date. You use a date pretty good.
Bob 1:45:00
Yeah. So, he, he had these strange experiences, and they would keep him interested and not have to eat or sleep. He was living free without a ground, but didn’t fully know the actual
iON 1:45:00
Bob, how did it turn out? How did it turn out? Not good.
Bob 1:45:22
I have here: was he murdered? I don’t remember what was said in the book I was reading. Was he murdered?
iON 1:45:29
He was done away with. He was quietly put away.
Bob 1:45:33
iON 1:45:33
That’s what the Queen
Bob 1:45:34
By normal people or by
iON 1:45:35
Well, he was ridiculous. He was ridiculous. The way the Queen mum would do it. She never murdered anybody. She just had a lot of them put away. [chuckles]
Bob 1:45:44
Where would they — she would send them to some place and then forget about them.
iON 1:45:48
Or they’d be interred somewhere and be quietly put away.
Bob 1:45:55
Removed. I mean, poisoned or just killed. That’s what you’re saying?
iON 1:45:59
Destroyed. Destroyed.
Bob 1:46:01
Destroyed. And she would have no knowledge of how it was done and wouldn’t care.
iON 1:46:06
Well, that was beneath her. And if she did, she wouldn’t say anything. You won’t catch her in a tutu!
Bob 1:46:13
Oh, wait. I just said she did not know how they were destroyed. You agree with that?
iON 1:46:18
Yes. And if she did know, you’d never catch her telling tales about it. She would never discuss it. So, whether she did or whether she didn’t would not be an affair that would be engaged by anyone.
Bob 1:46:33
But she usually didn’t know, so she didn’t care.
iON 1:46:38
Well, maybe. Well, maybe. You know, these people that hang out, they sort of pick things up after a little while. Carolyn’s gettin’ good at this. She’s starting to notice things. Anything?
Bob 1:46:49
You’re saying she, the Queen mum, would notice things. She would figure it out what had happened. Okay.
iON 1:46:55
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bob 1:46:56
All right. Here’s this person. And the history of the Thesophical — what is this, the Golden Dawn? The most well-known story of the Golden
iON 1:47:10
Theocracy? Talkin’ about Theocracy? Is that what you’re tryin’ to say?
Bob 1:47:12
No, not that. The most — it says here in this book, "The most well-known story of the Golden Dawn’s origin, which is most likely apocryphal, concerns the Cipher Manuscript found in a secondhand bookstore in London’s Farrington Road. Wynn Wescott, later a member of Madam Blavatsky’s inner group, could not decipher it and he asked a friend, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, for help. Mathers was an eccentric character. He combined a natural predilection for magic with a passion for military history, and an inveterate taste for fantasy and self-dramatizing. Oddly enough, he was also married to Henri Bergson’ sister, Moina, herself a medium. So, Mathers and Wynn Wescott cracked the cipher. It was one devised by Paracelsus teacher, Johannes Trithemius, and recognized (So, these two guys recognized that it contained magical rituals and material on the Tarot.) as well as a letter from a fraulein Anna Sprengel, S-p-r-e-n-g-e-l, in Nuremberg. The letter gave her address and also said that if more information about the cipher was needed, to contact her. So, Wescott wrote fraulein Sprengel, who told him that she was the head of a magical order called the Golden Dawn. She also gave him a charter to start a branch in London, which Westcott, Mathers, and a colleague, William Woodman, did in 1887. When Westcott wrote to fraulein Sprengel again, he received a reply saying that she had died and that no further help would come from Germany. If he and his colleagues wanted more information, they would have to contact the Secret Chiefs, the true heads of the Order themselves." So, stopping there. Was there a fraulein Sprengel that they were corresponding with? When she
iON 1:48:52
Yes. But no, no, no, now hold on. Hold on now. Don’t go addin’ stuff on it. First, is she? Yes. Okay. Now, what’s your next point?
Bob 1:49:00
She — is she. She existed.
iON 1:49:03
Bob 1:49:05
Was she the one who answered Westcott’s letter and said she was the head of the Golden Dawn and –
iON 1:49:12
Bob 1:49:12
– they can start a branch? She didn’t write that letter.
iON 1:49:15
No. Correct.
Bob 1:49:18
Now, she says, "If you want more information, contact the Secret Chiefs, the true heads of the Order." Was she in touch with the Secret Chiefs?
iON 1:49:27
Yes. But she didn’t write the letter. It goes back to the Garter. The Order of the Garter, Bobby.
Bob 1:49:36
Well, that comes out of the Royal family.
iON 1:49:38
Bob 1:49:40
So, the Royal family was behind the Order of the Golden Dawn, the creation of it.
iON 1:49:45
Agreed. You notice we didn’t say yes. We said agreed. Isn’t that different? You like that?
Bob 1:49:50
iON 1:49:51
Bob 1:49:52
Yeah. Yeah, you — that’s your new policy. You’re saying you agree, but it’s not, it’s not correct.
iON 1:49:57
Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see. Could be. The way you run quarks, you can undo it and make it so. The next thing you know, next thing you know, you’re gonna make — the next thing you know, next thing you know, you’re gonna make Ivan Stang the President of the United States. That’d be fun. [Bob chuckles] Just to get him out of the way. Just to get him out of the way.
Bob 1:50:19
Was Anna Sprengel a Blavatsky kind of character in touch with an elite bunch of Ascended people and she
iON 1:50:29
Too many words. No. People that were seers bumped in and they find their own way. Seers see. That’s what they do. So, they normally notice when other people are being seen or seeing. Therefore, therefore, they would equally easily engage with other sighted seers.
Bob 1:50:56
Was Sprengel — when Wescott wrote back to her, he received a reply saying that she had died. Had she died?
iON 1:51:04
No. But that’s the only way they could get away from, that the only way they can get away with her not really writing the letter.
Bob 1:51:12
Right. But had she been murdered?
iON 1:51:15
No. No, no.
Bob 1:51:16
No, wasn’t murdered. So, she existed and carried on.
iON 1:51:19
But as the writer, but the writer of the letter said, had to say, oh, she’s dead. Sorry, she passed away. She died in a fire three times. She fell up the stairs and caused a fire, and caused so much (indistinct) and she was so fat when she died it took six pallbearers to tote the ashes.
Bob 1:51:36
Was she aware of the person who wrote the letters?
iON 1:51:40
Bob 1:51:43
Did she care? Did she have to know?
iON 1:51:44
No. No. Carolyn laughed about the six pallbearers totin’ the ashes. She thought that was clever.
Bob 1:51:51
Is that — you’re a little muffled. Watch out where you are. Are you
iON 1:51:56
I’m in hell, Bob. I’m in hell! That’s where we are. We’re in hell!
Bob 1:52:00
Are you talking about the pallbearers for the Queen, II’s fake casket funeral?
iON 1:52:06
No, no, we’re makin’ fun of –
Bob 1:52:08
Okay, so
iON 1:52:09
– the woman who, the person, the person who wrote the actual letter had to make a cover story to keep her, the real, the real author –
Bob 1:52:19
Anna Sprengel.
iON 1:52:21
– covered.
Bob 1:52:22
Well, meaning the Secret Chiefs, not Anna Sprengel. Keep the cover for the Secret Chiefs. Did Anna Sprengel, did she carry on interacting with the Secret Chiefs while the Golden Dawn started its procedures?
iON 1:52:37
Bob 1:52:38
She was indifferent to the Order of the Golden Dawn.
iON 1:52:42
Bob 1:52:44
Okay, so that was — there was that. Roger Bacon, alchemist, did he transition or is he still with us?
iON 1:52:54
Almost. He’s not in this world.
Bob 1:53:09
Did he parallel world and get stuck somewheres?
iON 1:53:13
Bob 1:53:16
Right. So, they didn’t bury him?
iON 1:53:19
Bob 1:53:21
Okay. And maybe that’s not talked — I don’t hear anybody talking about that. So, that was covered up or something. Nobody cared. Something like that?
iON 1:53:31
Bob 1:53:31
All right. Now another famous alchemist. So yeah, famous alchemist in Paris. Nicholas Flamel, 1300s 1400s. We went to his restaurant which was in his home when we were, Carolyn and I were visiting Roxy in Paris. So, he’s a famous character for the tourist industry. Is he still alive?
iON 1:54:01
Bob 1:54:03
So, he transitioned. He didn’t make any progress, didn’t even get stuck in a parallel world.
iON 1:54:10
Bob 1:54:10
Okay. Was he an accomplished alchemist?
iON 1:54:16
No. No, he would borrow alchemy. He would borrow alchemy. Borrow alchemy.
Bob 1:54:25
Okay. There’s a name, Vincent Beldon. B-e-l-d-o-n. I read something. Zappa used the name or claimed he was influenced by Vincent Beldon. Who was Vincent Beldon?
iON 1:54:46
Um, he was an artist.
Bob 1:54:49
That Frank met?
iON 1:54:52
Bob 1:54:54
And so he had an influence on Frank; on a young Frank.
iON 1:54:57
Bob 1:55:02
Yeah, you couldn’t really influence Frank, –
iON 1:55:05
Bob 1:55:05
– but he was’t really — somebody maybe Frank admired. You could say it that way. Right?
iON 1:55:05
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Bob 1:55:16
So, what happened to Vincent Beldon?
iON 1:55:19
Who mostly — he moved and became Dwayne Beldon.
Bob 1:55:24
Okay, but mostly. You started to say mostly what?
iON 1:55:28
Mostly he was just a sidebar. It was Frank’s side piece.
Bob 1:55:34
Okay. All right. I’ll have to go back and find out where I got that from but
iON 1:55:38
Dwayne Vincent Beldon.
Bob 1:55:42
And did he become an artist in galleries or a musician or something?
iON 1:55:46
No, no, no. Musician. He’s on Spotify right now.
Bob 1:55:49
He’s still alive.
iON 1:55:53
Bob 1:55:56
Okay, what band is he in? What would it be known as?
iON 1:56:00
His own.
Bob 1:56:01
Okay. So, I can look up Wayne[sic] Vincent Beldon and not find him. Not find him ’cause that’s what happens with iON. But we’ll know he’s out there even though I can’t find him. Correct?
iON 1:56:13
No, you can do it. Its on. Jio Saabn. J-i-o-S-a-a-b-n @JioSaabn.
Bob 1:56:27
What is that? Are you spelling out a name or something?
iON 1:56:31
That’s how you find him.
Bob 1:56:34
You put in those letters, which I ask you to repeat. It was a bit blurred. Do that again.
iON 1:56:43
J-i-o. Capital S-a-a-b-n. And you put the @ sign in front of that.
Bob 1:56:54
You put a what?
iON 1:56:56
@ sign.
Bob 1:56:59
What’s that? What’s an "ax" sign?
Carolyn 1:57:01
(in background) @
Bob 1:57:02
Oh, @. So, Saavn. S-a-a-v-n. That doesn’t even have any vowels between the V and the N, but that’s how it’s spelled.
Carolyn 1:57:14
(in background) It’s an url.
Bob 1:57:15
Oh. It’s an url. Or it’s an email. There’s no .com there, Carolyn. So, you use that and something comes up? J-i-o. And only one letter’s capitalized, the S. Correct, iON?
iON 1:57:35
Correct. It’s in Carolyn’s box. Just let her send it to you. Shit. You’re killing me. Killin’ it all.
Bob 1:57:42
Okay. All right. Now, an important person for Cosimo d’Medici, the original great guy, the father of all that d’Medici world, he brought over from Constantinople maybe because this would be 14 — no, when would that be? 1453 or whenever Constantinople got in trouble and got knocked out, and so everybody went to Florence — D’Medici invited them over. So, there was this guy George Gemistos Pleython, P-l-e-t-h-o-n. He was like the top scholar. Did he transition?
iON 1:58:24
He’s in Florence right now. He’s in Florence right now.
Bob 1:58:29
So, he made himself — they have him dying. He went from 1355 to 1454. So, he’s 99-years old, supposedly, when he transitioned. That was all staged and he just made his exit and disappeared.
iON 1:58:41
Correct. Yep, yep, yep. Yep. He does great. He’s in a little villa, in a little villa in Florence and acts like just a regular old Joe, an old boob. People kinda go, remember — people that are really, really old remember him when he was really, really old when they were little. [Bob chuckles] Well, he’s still really, really old. So, he’s really, really, really, really old now. So, they remember him. It’s kinda like there’s a little lore that goes along with it. And you’d talk to him and he’s like, "Now, how silly is that? You’re talkin’ about my grandpapa. You’re talking about my great uncle, and you know how that goes. That wasn’t me. I can’t live 400 years for Pete’s sake."
Bob 1:59:22
[chuckles] Is he a parallel worlder or an Ascended person?
iON 1:59:26
Not Ascended, but he’s still alive.
Bob 1:59:30
Does he know about us? Does he keep up on things?
iON 1:59:33
No, no, no, no, he’s very — no, no, no, no, no, no.
Bob 1:59:38
But he did, he did set Cosimo into the Renaissance. He got them going. He had a lot of
iON 1:59:44
Cosimo. Cosimo d’Medici.
Bob 1:59:47
Yeah. Yeah, he is the father of that Renaissance, the famous Florence
iON 1:59:53
Ahh, now you gotta be careful ’cause you got the Borgias in there, too, now, so don’t get too carried away.
Bob 2:00:02
Okay. So, I’ve got here page 241. What’s that? Page 241.
iON 2:00:08
What have you been doing with your time, Bob, if this is your only questions you got? The whole world civilization is falling. You’re asking about dribble in the Dewey Decimal library system? What the hell.
Bob 2:00:23
Look. I know that I caused everything. I don’t need to talk about me. Okay?
iON 2:00:29
Oh, Carolyn! Listen! Bob — now it means that we don’t have to talk about Bob. We don’t have to talk about Bob.
Carolyn 2:00:36
(in background) I heard. I heard, yeah.
iON 2:00:37
Oooh, Eira will be delighted. Eira will be delighted on that one. We don’t have to talk about Bob. Oh lord.
Bob 2:00:46
[chuckles] No, that’s not gonna happen. So,
iON 2:00:48
[laughs] Okay, next question. Sorry, your Majesty.
Bob 2:00:58
Yeah. Okay. "For the hermeticists, certain colors, scents, music, natural forms, minerals, times of day, numbers and other items were associated with different celestial and planetary energies. In some way, these are able to absorb beneficial forces from the stars. So, ‘Ficino’s Hermetic therapy,’ (that’s in quotes) work by using the knowledge of these correspondences to create an environment that would attract the stellar influences one desired. Hence, Frances Yates,
iON 2:01:30
Same way MHIR worked. Same way MHIR worked. Exactly the same.
Bob 2:01:37
Okay. "Hence, Frances Yates wrote a book on the hermeticists at the time of the Renaissance. Hence, Frances Yates remarked that someone following Ficino’s hermetic prescriptions was rather like the client of an expensive psychiatrist who could afford to buy beautiful objects and spend time meditating on paintings or listening to music." You just said no, it was more than that. Right?
iON 2:02:02
Bob 2:02:00
"Strumming a lyre, singing an Orphic hymn, burning incense
iON 2:02:04
Lyre. Lyre [ˈlī(-ə)r ], not a lyre.
Bob 2:02:08
Yeah.. "Strumming a lyre, singing an Orphic hymn, burning incense, drinking wine and meditating on a talisman while at ease in your private chamber was a means by which Ficino’s therapy worked." That’s not true, is it?
iON 2:02:19
Pacino? [sic] No. No, Pacino never gave you anything but gas and heartburn.
Bob 2:02:25
Yeah, but you said it worked like MHIR. MIHR solved problems.
iON 2:02:29
And they’re not using, and they’re not using MIHR now, are they?
Bob 2:02:31
Yeah, but it solved problems, didn’t it?
iON 2:02:35
It did. Yeah.
Bob 2:02:37
Why aren’t they using it?
iON 2:02:40
Good question. Start it. You want to start it? You wanna, you wanna to take that on as a — put it — you can plug it into the Church of the SubGenius if you want to, Bobby.
Bob 2:02:49
So, so Ficino had some alchemy or something going on that helped people. No, it didn’t. You’re saying it didn’t. He didn’t use the technology properly.
iON 2:02:58
No. It wasn’t — right. Right, right, right, right. He had a bulldozer and he was using it to stir tea. [Bob chuckles] He had a bulldozer and he was using it to stir tea.
Bob 2:03:06
Okay, so, "Ficino’s patients, through their knowledge of the hermetic correspondences, they could create a kind of celestial strange attractor, funneling the stellar influences into their own home." Did any of that happen with the technology, the MIHR thing they had? Is that the explanation: funneling the stellar influences into
iON 2:03:26
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s just say yeah, and don’t beat it to death. But yeah, it’s close enough. It’s not perfect. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good enough representation that someone listening, Bert, could whittle it out and go, oh, oh. And he’d make something out of it. But you know, here you’re just sort of throwing shit on the wall to see what sticks.
Bob 2:03:43
Yeah, so there’s more to this, what Ficino was doing than the author’s, then the world recognizes in these books.
iON 2:03:43
And that the world knew. And that the world knew ’cause they’re just doing a representation of what they think they represented. They don’t have a clue. They don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, Bob. It’s like a waste of ink.
Bob 2:04:02
Alright, so were these celestial energies what Plato meant by the forms, the archetypes that were higher than they were?
iON 2:04:08
Mystery. Mystery. Mystery landscapes. Mystery landscapes. Good. Excellent.
Bob 2:04:14
iON 2:04:16
You’ve been practicing, Bob. You’re doing better.
Bob 2:04:18
Right. Sir Isaac Newton predicted the end of the world would be 2050. Was he accurate?
iON 2:04:26
No, there’s no time. He’s still tryin’ to work out, he’s still tryin’ to work out causal realities, Bob, with his apple problem. He had an apple addiction, Bob.
Bob 2:04:36
Right. He predicted second coming happened in 1948. What happened that year? Israel and everything.
iON 2:04:41
Well, yeah, yeah, you can have — yeah, yeah, you can have multiple.
Bob 2:04:42
Wait a minute. You said Jesus came back, I think, in ’47.
iON 2:04:49
Bob 2:04:49
I think 1947.
iON 2:04:51
Bob 2:04:51
So, that’s pretty close to Newton. Is that a second coming? That they’re just coming back?
iON 2:04:56
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Multiple ejaculation is very common, Bob; it’s not that big a deal.
Bob 2:05:02
Naw, I’m not talking about that coming. [iON laughs] The third
iON 2:05:07
We couldn’t resist. We couldn’t resist.
Bob 2:05:08
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The third Jesus Ascended, and then he came back in 1947 I think iON said.
iON 2:05:16
Bob 2:05:18
And what’s he doing here?
iON 2:05:20
Bob 2:05:23
Is that what Newton picked up on when he said 1948?
iON 2:05:27
Yep. He’s picked up on it, but he didn’t do anything with it. I mean, he’s a charlatan. He would borrow stuff. I mean, you know, he’s like Francis I. He would figure out some little clue and then run a whole diadem on the whole little clue and then make it all be from him. There you go.
Bob 2:05:45
Yeah. And he thought he could build Solomon’s temple and that was a delusion.
iON 2:05:49
Right, right. Right, right. Same thing. If he had the ring of Solomon he maybe could have, but instead he just talked about having the ring of Solomon and never did shit. So, you know, always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Bob 2:06:05
Okay, 307. We’re gonna look up a guy. "Newton read widely alchemical literature and built up an extensive library on the subject, one of the largest of his time. (And names these people) Raymond Lowe, Basil Valentine, Michael Maier, Michael Sendivogious, the Rosicrucian manifestos, Jacob Boehme, and other important alchemical authors found space on Newton’s crowded shelves." Let’s see. Who is Basil Valentine?
iON 2:06:50
Somebody that Pynchon should have included in Gravity’s Rainbow.
Bob 2:06:56
Did he transition?
iON 2:06:59
Yes? Dead as a sack of hammers. He probably owed you money, didn’t he, Bob? Are you sure? I’m not sure.
Bob 2:07:07
[chuckles] 307. The Hermetica.
iON 2:07:11
Ah ha.
Bob 2:07:12
Who wrote, who wrote the Corpus Hermeticum?
iON 2:07:18
San Salvador Bouchala [sp?]. Bouchalla. Like, like Bouguereau, but Bouchala.
Bob 2:07:27
Did he live at the time of the pharaohs in Egypt or
iON 2:07:31
Still livin’ now. Still livin’ now.
Bob 2:07:35
Did he know Opheniel?
iON 2:07:39
I think they had a tryst or two. Yeah.
Bob 2:07:44
So, what he wrote was written from an Ascended perspective?
iON 2:07:48
No, but the information contained therein was from an Ascended perception. It’s like James Joyce, he didn’t know what the hell
Bob 2:07:54
Wait, wait, wait! You said something new perception. Didn’t make sense. What were those syllables? He wrote
iON 2:08:01
No, no, didn’t say that. Didn’t say that. He wrote it from an Ascended position, but he wasn’t Ascended. He just didn’t know what he was writing. He just wrote some words, and the words came out from an Ascended position, but it wasn’t his Ascended position.
Bob 2:08:19
And he wasn’t Ascended at the time he was engaged with the book.
iON 2:08:23
Correct. Written words.
Bob 2:08:25
Was he like, was he like JW channeling iON? Was he, was he channeling something?
iON 2:08:30
Ah, not like that. He just, he would take the feeling. He used emotion to be culpable drivers. He used emotion to be culpable drivers. And so then that became the meme. And then you go to Marshall McLuhan and la-de-da-de-da-de.
Bob 2:08:47
All right. Did he exist at the time of the third Jesus?
iON 2:08:54
Bob 2:08:56
So, he wrote this during the Egyptian dynasties?
iON 2:09:05
Well, Bob, someone said Egyptian dynasties are going on even now. So, okay, yeah, but it’s a bit vague.
Bob 2:09:10
But like it’s a false term. Like, you say the Emerald Tablets were written in 32,000 BC, so to speak.
iON 2:09:22
Bob 2:09:24
Everything came from the Emerald Tablets, so this came — was he reading the Emerald Tablet and
iON 2:09:31
No. No, no. No, no, no, no, no. He wasn’t reading the Emerald Tablets. They were being translated to him. Translated to him.
Bob 2:09:40
Yeah, the Emerald Tablets were.
iON 2:09:42
Yes, that’s correct.
Bob 2:09:43
What does that mean? Channeled to him or somebody read
iON 2:09:47
No, no, somebody else read it. Somebody else read it. He couldn’t read the writin’.
Bob 2:09:51
Yeah, it said here other important signatures. So, the knowledge of how this can be done can be found in nature. "But it was also found of what Newton called the sacred signatures, works of spiritual truths such as Genesis, the Book of Job and other biblical texts." Then he said
iON 2:10:07
Book of Enoch. The Apocrypha.
Bob 2:10:07
Right. "Other important ‘signatures,’ (signatures in quotes) were the Corpus Hermeticum and the Emerald Tablet which Newton translated in about what he wrote a long and detailed commentary." So, his commentary on the Emerald Tablets which you did, his was ridiculous compared to what you did.
iON 2:10:10
Bob 2:10:12
Compared to — correct?
iON 2:10:17
Well, he used it as his base. He’s used it as his base to substantiate Newtonian physics for Pete’s sake. What a joke.
Bob 2:10:36
So, the Emerald Tablets, 32,000 years ago, that existed sometime maybe 15,000 years ago is when Corpus, when the author of Corpus Hermeticum that you named did the work.
iON 2:10:50
It was the, it was the day before tomorrow, Bob.
Bob 2:10:53
Yeah, way back there. Okay.
iON 2:10:56
Day before tomorrow.
Bob 2:10:58
So, Newton was a fraud and
iON 2:11:01
Now, now, now, he just, he just took a lot of liberty. Somebody would say you’re a fraud. You just take a lot of liberty, but the only difference between you and Newton is your shit came true. His didn’t. [Bob chuckles[ That’s the only difference.
Bob 2:11:13
Okay. The age-old quarrel between Newton and Leibnez. Did the Leibnez world come more true than Newton’s world?
iON 2:11:22
Ah, you know, it’s a "tomater, tomatter," Bob. It don’t really matter end of days. They’re over.
Bob 2:11:28
Yeah. They’re people that were made famous by the printing press. All those people of the Gutenberg era are dummies compared to actual people like some of the monarchy people you list, and the Stuarts in the 1700s. Those people had more abilities than Newton and Leibnez. Correct?
iON 2:11:46
By far, by far. But they had memes. See, Newton had no Sir; he wasn’t always a Sir, you see. He wasn’t always a Sir.
Bob 2:11:57
So, you’re saying that the royalty had memes? M-e-m-e-s?
iON 2:12:01
Yes, they did. And they kept it. They slowed their roll. They wanted to be safe.
Bob 2:12:10
Yeah, they didn’t make themselves known.
iON 2:12:13
Exposed. They didn’t make themselves exposed. They wanted the power. They wanted to wield the power, but they wanted to get their fame, fortune and money, and position and power. But see, if I hold the sword that makes you a Sir, I control you. That’s what they wanted. They wanted to control you. They didn’t want to know what you know, they wanted to control you, the one that had the knowing. And [indistinct] was Sir Isaac Newton if he didn’t know anything. He was borrowing influence. Borrowing influence.
Bob 2:12:57
The royalty that you were saying wanted this control, is that an Ascended position, ruling things?
iON 2:13:03
Well, they rule.
Bob 2:13:03
Beg your pardon?
iON 2:13:03
They rule.
Bob 2:13:08
Alright, so you seem a little, slightly blurry. Check your mic and what you’re doing.
iON 2:13:14
We’ve done all he can do. We’re in the files of nothingness, Bob. It’s amazing we’re gettin’ to call at all.
Bob 2:13:19
Oh, that’s right. You’re not at home.
iON 2:13:21
It’s terrible.
Bob 2:13:21
Okay. Was Madame Blavatsky special in any way? Did she transition?
iON 2:13:30
She was special, but she didn’t transition, she slipped. She slipped. Meaning, she went to another world to live for a while. She may come back.
Bob 2:13:40
Like Roger Bacon.
iON 2:13:42
Basically, yeah.
Bob 2:13:44
But she’s a little more conscious of it. She knew about parallel worlding. She’s involved in it.
iON 2:13:49
Well, no. No, she had enough dreams to find herself in dreams, so know how dreams work.
Bob 2:13:49
So, she thought she was dreaming, but it was actually parallel worlding.
iON 2:14:01
Bob 2:14:03
Yeah, she became a lucid dreamer she thought.
iON 2:14:07
Bob 2:14:07
Now that’s interesting.
iON 2:14:08
But they can’t tell, they can’t get the diff — she can’t tell the difference. Okay, big’un, if you push the element here, YOU couldn’t tell the difference. That’s the hell of this. You couldn’t even tell the difference actually. So, it’s like, oh, okay.
Bob 2:14:22
Yeah. So, people can stick to their opinion that no, your mind is, your Chemical Body mind is doing the dreaming and you’re dreaming these events. And you can deny parallel worlding. But you would be parallel worlding, but that concept doesn’t go with you, so you claim you’re dreaming. That’s not an Ascended position, but you can do that.
iON 2:14:41
No. But it’s a way that it placates your mind to allow you to have a reality that you may or may not have engaged. May or may not have engaged.
Bob 2:14:42
Right. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion have a very bad reputation’ it’s considered antisemitic and I think it’s considered to have been written in Russia. Are they just fraudulent National Enquirer bullshit? Or is there something more significant to the Protocols?
iON 2:14:54
They’re closer to the Star than the National Enquirer, Bob.
Bob 2:15:13
[chuckles] But it is a bunch of bullshit for all intents and purposes.
iON 2:15:17
Yeah. Well, but now, they can turn it into something. Hell, are you kiddin’? Joe Biden would probably finance it if they’d promised to spend to $2 or $3 trillion. He’d probably financed it for ’em to give you a little more money. So, you know, he’s tryin’ to do — he’s working hard for you, Bob. He’s working hard for you.
Bob 2:15:35
Septemper 24th, part which never ended. Here it is. The deluded think it’s September 29th, but it’s still September 24th, and the environment that that established. Okay?
iON 2:15:51
No, no, no, it all happened on the 24th if there’s a date. If there’s a time, it did. That’s when it all went down. It’s just now taken all this time to catch up for you to start — that actually people are actually talkin’ about it. That they’re actually noting that world systems are gone, and their Florida has been eviscerated, and there is no more country economies, that there is no more money, and everybody has got to come in and tomorrow’s what date? Tomorrow’s the 30th, Bobby. Tomorrow’s the 30th.
Bob 2:16:21
Okay. Did Queen Elizabeth II give birth to a baby that no one knows about?
iON 2:16:32
Two of them, yes.
Bob 2:16:34
Who was the father?
iON 2:16:40
Well, you’re not going to agree with us so we’ll just agree with you and say the House of Hanover.
Bob 2:16:48
That’s not Prince Phillip.
iON 2:16:51
No. Oh, no. No, he’s, his grandmother was Queen Victoria just like Elizabeth’s grandmother was Queen Victoria, for Pete’s sake. Come on now.
Bob 2:17:01
You mean that’s too closely related to have children?
iON 2:17:06
No, no, no, no, it’s not. That’s third cousins, but they shared the same grandmother. So, that wouldn’t be a change of lineage. The issue you gotta go back to is you gotta get it back to the Plantagenets, the Hanovers, which is what you said all along. You’re pissin’ us off what you did.
Bob 2:17:24
I never said anything about them.
iON 2:17:26
You most certainly did.
Bob 2:17:27
The Hanovers compete with the Stuarts?
iON 2:17:31
Yes, they do. Still are.
Bob 2:17:35
Okay, so did they — I saw a documentary on Queen Elizabeth. When she was first married or something, they went on a long trip, she and Prince Philip. And I think she was away when her father died, and she had to go back or she didn’t go back. But she was by herself it seemed. Is that a time, those kinds of times where they say, yes, she was off traveling, and she kept to herself. That’s what she had. She was pregnant and gave birth to these babies.
iON 2:18:01
Correct. But that was before, that was before papa died, George died.
Bob 2:18:07
Was she married to Philip?
iON 2:18:10
Bob 2:18:11
So, she would have affairs. She wasn’t being a faithful wife to Philip.
iON 2:18:17
Neither was Queen Victoria. Neither was Queen Victoria, the virginal queen. [Bob chuckles] So, you know, things happen.
Bob 2:18:25
Yeah, so she had a little fun like Princess Margaret was having.
iON 2:18:29
And Elizabeth I.
Bob 2:18:32
Right. And Queen Victoria.
iON 2:18:35
Oh, of course.
Bob 2:18:36
So, where are those two babies right now?
iON 2:18:42
They’re safe.
Bob 2:18:45
Are they, is one of them going to become a king or a queen?
iON 2:18:49
Nostradamus says it’ll be a king that you didn’t expect. [laughs]
Bob 2:18:55
No, you’re blurry. You said a healer?
iON 2:18:59
A king. Nostradamus said that the King who is crowned would be a king that no one expected to be king.
Bob 2:19:14
Right. But the word in the first sentence was healer, ruler, some’um like that that we didn’t get.
Carolyn 2:19:20
(in background) No.
iON 2:19:21
It’s recorded.
Bob 2:19:21
Okay. All right. So, how will — and so Nostradamus said we don’t expect it, so it’s gonna be one of her babies. Because she was not a Stuart, so she got pregnant by a Stuwart –
iON 2:19:44
Bob 2:19:38
– which you’re saying is the House of Hanover? Or she was House of Hanover and she infiltrated the Stuarts?
iON 2:19:45
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. The Stuarts, that’s how the Stuarts now — here’s the problem. Diana was a Stuart as well. She was more Royal than Queen Elizabeth, actually. Actually. Between Elizabeth’s illegitimate child, which was begat by a Spencer, and Harry — uh oh, William. William. Well, wait. Harry and William were both begat by Spencers. See? See the rub?
Bob 2:20:18
Male Spencers?
iON 2:20:22
Bob 2:20:22
Or are you talking about Lady Diana?
iON 2:20:23
Diana Spencer. Lady Diana was a Spencer, and Queen Elizabeth II’s lover was a Spencer. But it came from the House of Hanover. You gotta go back to before Mary of Peck to figure this out.
Bob 2:20:36
I know. This is
iON 2:20:37
I’ve only said this 10,000 times.
Bob 2:20:40
Listen. Here’s what I know. In the 1700s, 17 bastards were made and hidden away. And those bastards infiltrated the House of Hanover and all over the place.
iON 2:20:49
Bob 2:20:49
So, the Stuarts are in the mix all the time.
iON 2:20:51
Yes. Always.
Bob 2:20:52
And that’s — yeah. So, one of those bastard people or descendants of them screwed Queen Elizabeth II.
iON 2:21:03
Which makes that offspring the legitimate heir.
Bob 2:21:10
So, how are they gonna make that person we don’t know an heir? Take over the throne.
iON 2:21:16
Just look at iONandBob. It’s all laid out there. It’s all online at
Bob 2:21:21
You can’t bring in — are they gonna announce, Queen said, oh, I forgot to mention I had another baby; I had two of them, and so therefore one of them, the first, is the rightful heir. She’s gonna say
iON 2:21:33
Bob, the duchy is gone. The duchy is gone. The only money left, what little is left after the Duchy of Cromwell [Cornwall?], of Cromwell, that’s the only money that’s left. They don’t have any power to say anything. They’re fixin’ to start sellin’ the carriage. Why would they come up with a carriage, the Queen’s carriage, and say how much money it’s worth, how much gold is in it and all this kind of bullshit? Why would they bring that up? It’s like it’s fixin’ to go to Sotheby’s for sale. [chuckles] They’ve been start peddlin’ them crown jewels, Bobby. The jig is up!
Bob 2:22:05
Was there something that was just sold?
iON 2:22:05
No. No, not yet. No, not yet, but why would they bring it up? Why would they bring it up? Why would it even be in conversations? They don’t take pictures of the paintings in Windsor Castle in the 1500s and say, oh, we have this marvelous Renoir; it’s gonna be for sale. [Bob chuckles] It’s worth so many millions of dollars. Why would they go — why don’t they do that? Have a tag sale. We could have a garage sale at Windsor Castle. It’d be great. It’d be great. We can sell the, we can sell the cover from the Queen’s grave. That’d be good; it’ll fetch big money. Good. Take the door knobs off the bathrooms. It’d be great.
Bob 2:22:23
Is that what’s being discussed in the news lately, what you’re talking about?
iON 2:22:41
A little bit. A little bit.
Bob 2:22:47
Okay, so
iON 2:22:47
A little bit. ‘Cause they’re making big references there to what should not be making reference to.
Bob 2:22:47
That there should not be references to these things. Is that what you said?
iON 2:22:57
Bob 2:22:57
In the media.
iON 2:22:58
Correct. Just like the Queen’s foundational garments. Why would they talk about the Queen Elizabeth II’s panty drawers? Why would they be talkin’ about that?
Bob 2:23:06
Okay. Okay, I got that. So, how is — what’s that got to do with the announcement of the legitimate heir and the scandal that comes with that? How was that gonna be overridden?
iON 2:23:18
There’s so much chit chat chatter that’s coming along here, that it won’t be any surprise at all — "Oh, yeah, here’s pictures when she was pregnant before she had kids. Oh, she’s riding the pony. Oh, she looks pretty hefty right there. But wait a minute. That’s not Charles. Charles was born much later. Oh, my stars, how did this actually work? My goodness gracious. So, Charles was born when she was Queen, but this pregnancy happened long before when she was in Buenos Aires. Oh, my stars, wait a minute. What’s, what’s afoot here? Oh, it must be a timeline problem. [Bob chuckles] Those archetypes are so easily exchanged, you see. Just don’t worry about it." And then, and then, and then next thing you know, they’ll have Winston Churchill’s being at the birth. He’ll be present at the birth to sweep the baby away so it can be held in infamy, which is why she could not be crowned Queen ’cause she was in labor with the second baby.
Bob 2:24:21
So, Winston Churchill knew all that?
iON 2:24:24
That was your, that was your free part. That was your free part. That’s your free part.
Bob 2:24:28
Yeah. (overtalk)
iON 2:24:29
Charles was born when the second baby — yes, Charles was little, but Charles was born when the second bastard baby was born. Born.
Bob 2:24:38
So, does King, does King Charles III, the fake King, is he aware that he’ll be replaced by the real baby, the Queen’s first baby?
iON 2:24:47
Yeah. He’s more — yeah, he doesn’t care ’cause there’s nothin’ to rule. That’s the rub now. There’s nothing to rule. Without any efficacy, they have nothing to say. They don’t have any power now, but they had all the money. Well, now who’s going to pay for Balmoral? It ain’t worth pretty much unless you really interested in the countryside. You see?
Bob 2:25:13
Okay. So, you’re saying that there will be no King; there’ll be no monarchy is what you’re saying.
iON 2:25:25
In essence. In essence. In essence. Or in feudal law, in feudal law it went back to the Lancasters that go all the way back. Go all the way back to the Plantagenets you’ll have a — well, it’ll be feudal. The score of the roses, Bobby.
Bob 2:25:46
The War of the Roses is back. And the Queen, Queen Elizabeth II is allied with us. She made the right move.
iON 2:25:54
She had to get out of the way ’cause it was fixin’ to get ugly and she didn’t want to be in the fall. It’s one thing to transfer your — to give up your, your scepter and your colors, and your crown, and your orb, to lay it down or have somebody take it away from you. It’s a little different, you see. Right?
Bob 2:26:19
Yep, that’s excellent. So, all right, so we would — let’s see. I think that’s the end of today’s topics. I’ll remove myself. So, there is a duchy that you talk about.
iON 2:26:36
Two. Two duchies.
Bob 2:26:39
Yeah, you’ve been talking about two different duchies. I’ll let Bert sort that out who the duchies are, but they don’t have anything going. I have all the money. So, you have those troops
iON 2:26:50
No. They’re collecting the money to give to you. That’s what’s happening right now.
Bob 2:26:55
iON 2:26:55
You’re draining the world coffers. And now they’re having to make up money to make money to have enough money to pay you. You’re very insipid.
Bob 2:26:55
Yeah. On Monday or Tuesday they showed footage, might have been TikTok of all these amazingly khaki dressed soldiers coming into London. They were coming in to monitor and control the riots that are coming tomorrow and the next day as the banking crisis becomes obvious. Correct?
iON 2:27:26
Yep. But they gotta — see, the problem with the standing armies, you gotta feed ’em and pay ’em. That’s the problem.
Bob 2:27:33
iON 2:27:33
You gotta feed ’em, and you got to pay ’em. And if they don’t get paid, they don’t get paid, they’re not gonna do — it’s like Ukrainians. It’s like the Russians fighting in Ukrainia; they don’t get, they don’t understand. They don’t understand when there’s no grocery.
Bob 2:27:47
Yeah, the Pentagon aliens brought those soldiers into London. Correct?
iON 2:27:54
Agreed. [chuckles]
Bob 2:27:56
She says, "I wanted to contact Bob to ask him about this alien encounter I had in my dream a couple of weeks ago. (Which would be at least a month ago.) I saw a pyramid-shaped UFO come down with gray blue and green pale lights coming down from it, and Joe Biden was holding his hands up saying something about Raman. (I guess the food Raman.) I was hearing sounds that sounded like a telepathic language coming from the UFO. Then I was in a room which looks like a cubicle office, and there were a bunch of humans sitting with extraterrestrial mentors, and everyone was taking turns turning into a bluish light frequency that teleported into a computer screen. Once my turn came, my mentor turned me into one of the light frequencies and it was very painful. I then was in a giant computer screen. It was very odd. And I was wondering if you guys know anything about this. I’ve never had an experience like this, but I know Bob knows a lot about aliens and whatnot. If you have any insight on this, I would greatly appreciate it." Can you give me something to tell her, iON?
iON 2:28:57
Yeah, of course. It wasn’t a dream; it was an actual reality that she went into and engaged because that’s how — most people don’t feel pain in a dream. And if she’ll look at her wrist, her right wrist, there’s a little bitty mark that she got while she was there to prove that it wasn’t a dream.
Bob 2:29:17
Was she interacting with a extraterrestrial?
iON 2:29:21
An alien, un huh.
Bob 2:29:23
Aliens. Okay, so what — is this the alien sending a message to me or something?
iON 2:29:31
Bob 2:29:35
Did she interact with the aliens that I’m going to meet that come through the Fifth Gate, the Eastern Gate?
iON 2:29:39
No. No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. She just got a representation. And she borrowed old archetypes and plastered them into the vicinity to have descriptive words that would be impressive: a pyramid fell from the sky, and blue lights and O’Biden, O’Biden was standing there smiling, welcoming us all. You know, you borrow those things to make words.
Bob 2:30:07
But some, but she was taken somewhere where there were aliens, –
iON 2:30:11
Bob 2:30:11
– but she didn’t see what the aliens look like.
iON 2:30:13
No, no, she saw it. She saw it, but then she had to add words to make it make sense. So, she turned it into a pyramid with multicolored neon lights. You know, it was Studio 54 on meth.
Bob 2:30:30
Okay. All right. Can I play this in public?
iON 2:30:32
Yes. Sure, it’s all right.
Bob 2:30:34
I won’t, I won’t name who they are, but it’s an interesting experience that –
iON 2:30:38
Bob 2:30:38
– a human had. Okay.
iON 2:30:38
Certainly. Happy days.
Bob 2:30:41
Thank you very much. And a lot of new stuff.
iON 2:30:42
And very welcome. Now, go to work. Go to work. Go to work. We’re workin’ at it. See you soon.
Bob 2:30:48
Thank you very much.
iON 2:30:50
Get JW home.
Bob 2:30:52
Yes. Okay. Good night.