Excerpts, 3 December 2022


Transcribed by Nan

3 December 2022, 2300 hour

Jack 11:12
Okay. Does the armpit have anything to do with Ascension?

iON 11:20

Jack 11:23
What does it have to do with Ascension, the armpit?

Bob 11:25
(in background) Fireworks!

iON 11:25
That’s where it connects — stop screaming, Bob. It’s how you, it when you

Bob 11:30
(in background) Fireworks. Yeah, they got fireworks.

iON 11:32
Firecrackers! So now he’s got the fireworks goin’ on. He’s got

Bob 11:34
A holiday. A holiday.

iON 11:35
He’s got firecrackers. Oh, Lord.

Bob 11:39
What’s today? December 3rd. Okay, carry on. That’s Walter Bowart had his last close at McLuhan coach house on December 3, 1979. It’s the last lecture on MKUltra. That must be what they’re celebrating. Back to you, Jack.

Jack 11:57
Okay, so what were you saying, iON?

Bob 12:00
Yeah, what were you saying, iON? [chuckles]

iON 12:02
We were telling Bob to quit screaming. We were telling Bob to stop screaming.

Bob 12:04
[chuckles] Before that! Before that!

iON 12:06
Oh, before that. Oh, before that, we were talking about how the armpit connects. How the armpit connects. And what the armpit does, that’s where you have these lymph nodes. And that’s one of those main ones; it’s kind of guarded. And so it’s one of the first ones that connects to all the other lymphatic systems. ‘Cause see, the lymph system is different than a lymph node; it becomes kind of a case of a filter. And the other ones in your body are important, but that’s just the one that connects it.

Jack 12:43
So, what does that have to do with Ascension?

iON 12:46
Well, that just where your body catches the easiest way to begin the process.

4 December 2022, 0000 hour

Jack 0:46
Okay, so my next question is, what does the spinning of the veil have to do with spinning crystals?

iON 0:55
Oh, that’s the hexadic. That’s the hexadic. And so, the spinning crystals, those are the things that change in the environment and then that will make elements spin. Like coagulated blood, it will spin it out. It will make a separation. The spinning crystals will force these elements in the Earth to change, in essence. That also leads right back into the AL2(S04) as well.

Jack 1:27
So, that means that’s when our cells will begin to spin as well until they match.

iON 1:32
As well. That’s right. You become those crystals. You become those crystals in you meatsack body. That’s where they are.

Jack 1:41
And then where’s the connection place with that when the cells start to spin and it connects? Where’s that connection place?

iON 1:51
All — most — the first place is in the armpit.

Jack 1:55
Mmm. That’s very interesting because you think about the armpit. You’re always meant to put something on top of it, but you gotta put zero on [indistinct]. Like, you almost block that connection place. Was that done on purpose?

iON 2:18

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