First, we extend our senses.
This process is completed by the Satellite which is an extension of the Planet as humans know it. I call that the “analog” phase.
Then we extend the machinic, which is machines extending themselves. I call that the “digital” phase.
Then when iON showed up in March, 2009, I eventually realized we we’re going to experience the extensions of Non-Physical. The main agency of that is the “iCell.”
iON says there is no tactility in the Non-Physical, so the Tetrad would not apply. I’m not sure about the Pentad.
The Non-Physical would include Aliens and Angels, although iON says humans find it difficult to tell the difference (they each have different motives in relation to humans and their extensions). This would be the “Hexadic” phase predicted by my Tiny Note Chart.
In my Lewis insights post, this would be #3:
[[ 3. Mystery Body Binary = Zuckerberg’s AI/ is to iON’s Tech Body/Alienscape (Dobbs Quadrant and Hexadic Phase of my Tiny Note Chart) ]]
The above pattern is a pretty nice sequence of left-hemisphered logic.