Bob Dobbs on Tactility & iON, March 2010

Notes from the Mystery Ground by Chad

3 March 2010

This excerpt illustrates how iON came forth with the solution to the dilemma of living in a post-word, tactile environment.

Bob Dobbs explains the tactile situation and how iON overcomes the problem of using words to communicate.

iON prefigured / conceived
Examples of iON being prefigured / created on forum a year before iON appeared in 2009.

Bob: what is needed now is conscious mediumship

Chad: Pan-conscious maximumCHIP

These descriptions are pretty close to what iON became.

In an April 15 2011 session, iON explained:

Numbers / math are non physical, the only invention of man that is non physical. That’s how iON could play in the chip body–because its essence is numerical.


Tactility is contrast, resonant interval / interplay

13 is the jumping platform between spiral helixes (in the Dial-A-Mile symbol legend used in parallel world traveling)

13 is interval.

Jesus was at interval. Cross intersection shows the interval.

Eg. I know, I don’t know. On / off. Good news / bad news.

Tactility / contrast is the essence of the physical world.
The juggling and waxing and waning is understanding the tactile interface of how you can’t get rid of contrast in physical but it can grow strangely dim.

You can take any trinity and see the forth position is the ratios between them (eg. the tetrahedron)


Three kingdoms

Inner Kingdom and Outer Kingdom only connect through the Middle Kingdom.

Middle is now.

Middle is result of the tactile interplay of everything.

Middle is the tactile.

Mind sorting out what is and what ain’t (or what is to BE).


Waiting for Go-DOT

Samuel Beckett plays show tactility of human communication.

Beckett plays (eg. Waiting for Godot) not meant to get anywhere. Meant to show interplay of the IS that wants to get to the then (BE) and how that is frustrated.

Preliterate cultures naturally have a sense of the tactile. Eg. Zen says it’s not the message nor the thing pointing to the message but the thing in-between (tactile interval). McLuhan: TV environment externalized the tactile interval, sped up by computer and digital until by EnRon, had no way to measure their accounting.


The New Tactility

In Mystery Landscape, new tactility is deciding what’s real from what’s not real, knowing we don’t have a real to base the argument on anymore.

Bob Marshall believes iON can’t transcend the need to use words to communicate.

Bob Dobbs argues that iON does transcend that because it massages your Non Physical: iON is post word but not in the dilemma and massaging but entertaining on the word level.


iON’s first description of itself

The alchemy between Bob, Carolyn, and JW


Doctor iON
iON is an incredible psychoanalyst – we’re all on the couch and iON x-rays us all, but without any value judgement.

iON completes the use of words and then communicates past that on the Mystery Landscape level.

  1. Nice write up, just completed Episode 6 of Bobs new book with Cameron. Starting to see how the Tech body curl-de-sac is being described.

  2. Great post Bob, that you planted in. My original comment, was based on reading only the words of this post after completing Episode 6 of your discussion with Cameron. Today I finished episode 7 further developing the Table of Contents of your book. The developing of understanding the Tech Body has been great. “Media Environments are the new Archetypes of the collective unconscious”. Tech body as the implosion of the Media Environments. Bob now exploring the Interior Landscapes with iON to re-orient the un-oriented.

    After completing Episode 7 I felt moved to actually listen to this Audio while re-reading the caption. Brilliant material. Contributes some necessary foreground for the continuation of your book.

    Thank you!

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