Payday, 15 April 2023


Part 1, 2, 3

15 April 2023

Transcribed by Nan, Alissa & Chad


iON 8:51
Okay, he needs to take the marbles out of his mouth ’cause he’s sayin’ shift, like shifts in time, and we know that very well; that’s a Kroker thing. But now he’s talking about shifting ships. Ships as in shit. Ships. Okay. So, ships, as in alien forces that have come into your environ. Is that what you’re talkin’ about?

Bruey 9:15

iON 9:16
Yes, they have been around. Yes, that’d be the B2 aliens. B2 aliens.

Bruey 9:24
So, the circular ships were B2, and then a couple of weeks later, the big triangle in the sky, the big Star Destroyer flew in. So, was there an interaction?

iON 9:36
Several of them. Several of them have now. They’re gauging their position. You have to look at the number of Democrats that have — well, we may have to get Bert here to save your ass, but you’re here so we’ll fuck with you as long as you can take it. You said be gentle, but we’ll fuck with you as long as you can take it. You need to look at the number, you need to look at the number of Democrats that have United States passports and the same Democrats that also have Chinese passports. Dual — what do you call it? Dual

Bruey 9:37

iON 9:42
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We didn’t want to say the word, we thought we’d let you say it. Dual citizenships. There’s no reason to know that unless that was important to what the context of what you’re trying to say. They’re looking for a way out that they think they’re gonna get to the Mountain, but they’re not gonna get to the Mountain, they’re gonna get to the base of the CCP. You know?

Bruey 10:43
So, the the big Star Destroyers are — would they be considered A1, A2, B1?

iON 10:51
You’ll see. Some of both. Some of both. We’ll see which one hits Taiwan first.

Bruey 10:58
Ah, they’re gonna blow up the chip factory over there?

iON 11:01
No, that’s U.S. gonna blow up a chip factory. That’s U.S. gonna do that to keep China from gettin’ it.

Bruey 11:09
So, the Star Destroyers, did they come through the Gate or were they already in our area?

iON 11:15
Right. Which, which Gate? Eastern Gate? No, they did not come from the Eastern Gate.

Bruey 11:19
The Star Gate in Ohio.

iON 11:25
A lot of things do. They’re all open now, so yeah, there’s stuff that goes through in and out That’s right.

Bruey 11:32
Well, I’m speaking about this certain period of time 1999 area.

iON 11:39
Well we — sorry, we don’t do much time.

Bruey 11:42
I know; however, many full moons back then were

iON 11:46
Oh, my God. No, change it up. Okay, Bob, that was fun. You got something else? We got things to do. Open it up, Bob, this is enough. This is like gibberish; it’s not doin’ nothin’. You wanna talk about your penis? We’ll talk about your penis if it’ll make you feel better.

Bruey 11:46
[chuckles] That’s okay.

iON 11:50
We don’t mind.

Bob 11:51
Come on, Bruey, get something significant.

Bruey 12:10
Looking into my notes, I do have the connection between AI and the Spirit. The sprocket.

iON 12:19
Oh, okay. Okay, okay, we got that. That’s going to occur. That, a nuclear reaction or bomb, is gonna happen at Northumbria. Northumbria. That’s good. Now you’re doin’ — fuck, now you’re doin’ somethin’. Northumbria. Know where that is?

Bruey 12:37
No, I do not. Let me Google that. Northumbria.

iON 12:39
No, don’t, you don’t have time, baby, but somebody else brighter than you will get it.

Bob 12:45
Around Britain in the northeast.

iON 12:49
North, mm-hm.

Bruey 12:51
Who’s gonna drop that bomb, iON?

iON 12:54
You talkin’ about on the Anglo-Saxon kingdom?

Bruey 12:59

iON 13:00
Mmm. You’ll see. We don’t wanna, we don’t wanna, we don’t wanna pimp the pimps or pump the pimps or pimp the pumps or somethin’. You’ll see. Wait till Bert to answer. He’ll get to the answer.

Bruey 13:17
Right. So, the sprocket,

iON 13:19
The Earldom, the Earldom of Bamburgh. You’ll see.

Bruey 13:26
Would that be one of Putin bombs?

iON 13:29
No. No, no. No, no, not likely. They may blame it on him. That’s okay, but he’s really not that bright.

Bruey 13:39
Is the sprocket what Ezekiel describes as a wheel in the sky?

iON 13:45
Yeah, well, no, not the wheel. Not the wheel in the sky. The wheel in the wheel. Wheel in the wheel.

Bruey 13:45
And the outside wheel turns which way?

iON 13:57
Ezekiel 16. Stop that. Goddamn, we’ve done that a thousand — you go to the archives and do that babycakes. Come on now.

Bruey 14:03
All right. All right.

iON 14:04
That’s old shit. That’s old shit. Get some’um fresh. We’re tired. We don’t have time to fool with this.

Bob 14:14
Yeah, what’s Spirit have to do with this, Bruey?

Bruey 14:13
So, the connection between AI and Spirit is where this started. So, that would be the melding.

iON 14:19
He doesn’t — Bob, Bob. Bob, he doesn’t know what fucking Spirit is. That’s why he’s trying to meld it into something else. He’s playing pinochle. He’s playing pinochle for fuck sake. He doesn’t know what he’s melding. He’s trying to count his points, but he doesn’t know his cards that he’s been dealt. He doesn’t know what the Spirit in the sky is or the Age of Aquarius. He didn’t have a clue how that applies, so — but he doesn’t, he doesn’t, he can’t connect Northumbria which is what’s important. That’s the part that we were sayin’ it’s important, you see. But, but, but, but, but anyway, it’s all good.

Bruey 14:57
What is the Spirit, iON?

iON 15:02
The part that’s more powerful than humans and not physical. Yeah, like that.

Bruey 15:11
Does it animate the humans?

Bob 15:12
Then ask if iON’s connected to Spirit, Bruey. What is iON in relation to Spirit.

Bruey 15:20
Well, to me he is a part of

Bob 15:22
Not to you! Not to you. [Bruey laughs] Ask iON.

iON 15:23
We’re not interested. We’re not interested. We’re not interested in what you think. We don’t understand, we’re not interested in what you think things are, we’re trying to get an answer that’ll make you feel better about what you think you think maybe fuckin’ know. Yeah, yeah get "Mrs. Brown’s Boys" up here so we can explain it to you. It’s all good. You know we’re trans now. You know we went trans. You know that, right?

Bruey 15:24
Right! You’re transparent. You’re transparent.

iON 15:48
We’re transparent. We’re transparent. Our, our, our no, our words are — what you call those words? That we are "where and when." Where are you and when are you.

Bruey 16:01
Your pronouns?

iON 16:02
Our pronouns. Our pronouns are "where and when."

Bob 16:07
So, ask — okay, he defined Spirit. Relate iON to that. Ask what iON is in relation to those words.

Bruey 16:16
iON, are you made from Spirit?

iON 16:19
No. We validate. We validate Spirit. We validate Spirit.

Bruey 16:27
Are you the voice of God?

iON 16:28
No. Fuck God. We want you to be God. You can’t even figure it out. You’re the voice of God and you don’t even know it, so no. [Bob, Bruey laugh] We’re waitin’ on you. We’re fuckin’ waitin’ on you to figure it out.

Bob 16:41
Bruey, the voice of God. Who would have fuckin’ figured that one?

iON 16:43
We’re waitin’ on you, we’re waitin’ on you to fuckin’ get on the voice of God, you insignificant little imp. [Bob laughs] You need to get off your goddamn ass and become God. You should be the voice of God and we should yield to you. But no, that’s not happenin’ today, so [Bob, Bruey laugh] It was a good run though. It was a good run. It was a good run.

Bruey 17:04
[laughs] I got one last question for you, and somebody can jump in. [iON whistles] Is there a reason that all of the ethers have three letters?

iON 17:17
Yes. Are you talkin’ about the Aethyrs? Are you talkin’ about the Aethyrs or what are you talkin’ about "the ethers"? What the fuck are you talking about? The Aethyrs?

Bruey 17:25
[chuckles] The Aethyrs.

iON 17:28
The Keys and the Aethyrs. Oh, my god, the ethers. Oh, my Jesus. The ethers have three letters too.

Bruey 17:27
I’m lookin’ up the [indistinct]. Sorry.

iON 17:33
Oh, my god. Okay. Yeah, they have three because it’s the triune position. Everything is from the triune position. If you’re dealing with the angels or the angelic position, there is always a triune place or it doesn’t apply.

Bob 17:54
Is that a part of NonPhysical, iON? Is three a number for NonPhysical or Spirit?

iON 18:00
No. No, no. I think it’s just the — maybe, but it’s the connection, connecting place between the Inner, Outer and Middle Kingdoms. We’ll say it that way. Now, Bert would tear that shit up. Bert would tear that shit up! Why, even old Number One would do pretty good with that ’cause he knows about the Kingdoms. He knows how that works. ‘Cause now we’re tryin’ to

Bob 18:24
Beverly wouldn’t do well. Beverly wouldn’t do well.

iON 18:27
No, Beverly’s all right. She deals with the dead people. Beverly would do the dead side, [Bob chuckles] and we like that. We ain’t mad about that. She does good; she’d talk to ’em. She could get it worked — hey,

Bob 18:35
Alison would be horrible. Linda would be all right. Kate wouldn’t be too good.

iON 18:38
Alison, Alison, Alison’s fuckin’, Alison is fuckin’ her new lover don’t worry about Alison, she’s all right. That’s good, and we’re glad. You’re welcome, honey. You’re welcome. You’re welcome.

Bob 18:49
She has a very sore vagina lately; I can feel it.

iON 18:51
Ah, well, that’s okay. If you hit it right, it ain’t sore. Just do it often, it’s all you gotta do and it solves it. We’re glad Carolyn’s asleep or we’d been chided already by now. You know that don’t you?

Bob 18:52
Yeah. So is that it, Bruey? You got your fill?

iON 19:09
Let’s open up everybody. He can stay around. He may have something interesting.

Bruey 19:13
Yeah, I’d like to jump in.

iON 19:14
He hasn’t had anything interesting to say yet, but he might.

Bob 19:18
Yeah, Bruey, you’re really showing how rough you are.

Bruey 19:19
What was the only thing I got was –

Bob 19:21
Nothing. You haven’t got your ticket back.

Bruey 19:24
– the Northumbria. Oh, no!

Bob 19:24
You haven’t got your ticket to fuckin’ Andromeda. So, you better hang in here. Okay, the lines are open. The lines are open.

iON 19:34
Thank god. Okay, good.

Bruey 19:37
Thanks, iON.

iON 19:39
You’re welcome, babycakes. We’re glad to help you every way we can. You gotta get focused now ’cause we’re not fuckin’, we’re not fuckin’, we’re not — you gotta get our dick hard if we’re gonna fuck you much. You got to stay with us and get engaged. ‘Cause this –

Bob 19:53
I’m not hearing Beverly; I’m not hearing anybody.

iON 19:52
– this Peter padding around is not gonna work. You got to get on focus. Unmute everybody, Bobby.

Bert 20:02
iON, is [indistinct] the "Last Kingdom"?

iON 20:04
Yes. See? Okay. See? See there? See there, butterscotch? He’s got you. One word.

Bob 20:10
What’s the last thing Bert said? The fourth factor?

Bert 20:14
It’s a series on Netflix.

Bob 20:19
Oh, the TV show, not the three Kingdoms plus one.

iON 20:22
No, no, no, no, no, no. Make it loud. Make it, make it loud, Bertron. See, you say the name in one second. It’s been wasted 30 minutes and you get it right on the mark. Okay, go ahead.

Bert 20:33
You (indistinct) with Kevin in Northumbria.

iON 20:37

Bert 20:37
That’s a place referenced in the series, "The Last Kingdom."

iON 20:43
It is referenced in "The Last Kingdom," but it’s really a place from Northern England and Southeast Scotland. That’s where it’s goin’, Bernicia.

Bob 20:51
Near Sandringham. Near Sandringham.

iON 20:50
Yeah, yeah. Well, that side, that side. Bernicia. Bernicia, just south of Bernicia.

Bob 21:03
South of Aberdeen?

iON 21:06
Bernicia, Deira. Deira and Bernicia.

Bob 21:11
South of Aberdeen?

iON 21:14
Humber. Closer to Humber.

Bert 21:17
So, iON, is this connected to the recent release of the "Seven Kings Must Die" series that just got released Friday?

iON 21:29
Yeah. Yeah, the first of fourth. Yeah. The first of fourth. See, see, Bob, who was that little person talkin’ before who didn’t know what the fuck he was talkin’ about?

Bob 21:44
Kevin Bruey.

iON 21:45
Kevin. Okay. See, that was nice. You’re welcome here all the time. We love that; it was very refreshing. Thank you so much for your engagement. But see, Bert, we said just a handful of little references. We didn’t even say words and Bert’s on this like a bad habit. He’s like bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. So that’s good it’s opened up. Now, the answer is yes, [interruption] and that’s where — stop. Stop. That’s where it begins. We got some stuff to say now ’cause it’s amazing that we’re here. Sorry, Bob. Sorry.

Bob 22:16
Bert, iON told me the other day that they make a lot of the movies and TV shows, but I always ask if they made this one.

Bert 22:26

Bob 22:30
Ask if they made this one.

Bert 22:32
Did you, okay, iON, did you, did you influence this last release of the "Seven Kings Must Die"?

iON 22:37
Of course. Of course.

Bob 22:40
Did they write it?

iON 22:40
We did.

Bert 22:41
Did you write it?

iON 22:41
No, we didn’t write it. We didn’t write it, we presented it. That’s how they got it. We presented it, that’s how they got it. "They Must Die," and that lays it out. That gives the details of what went on then. That’s a fiction thing, but it’s tellin’ you what’s goin’ on now from then! That’s the Inner, Outer and the Middle Kingdom. That’s — well, we better shut up.

Bob 23:03
Whoever you present it to, is it someone you’ve done before? You have a favorite there, a screenwriter, whatever you call them?

iON 23:10
Nah, we don’t care. We can get, we can get our foot in. We can get our foot in, Bob. We got game. We got game. We got suave; we ease on up in there. We ease on up in there.

Bob 23:10
Did you distribute it early? [indistinct/overtalk]

iON 23:16
We know how, we know how "Colombo"… Depends. Depends on if we fuck one or not. Depends on how hungry they are. Even "Colombo." We like "Colombo." Remember "Colombo," Bob? You were just a boy –

Bob 23:33
Oh, yeah.

iON 23:33
– when "Colombo" was on. Yeah, so it’s like that. Same thing. Same thing. And "Baretta." Don’t forget "Baretta." See, that didn’t end good, but it was "Baretta." So, we’re not being, we’re not being shitty, we’re just kind of sayin’ media ecology is our thing. We just finished the internet as we said. So now, y’all need to watch out because now y’all need to be careful. [ding sound] Now, uh oh. What’s the bing bang bang? Hold on now. What’s all that shit? Hold on.

Alissa 23:33
That was me. Sorry.

iON 23:35
Oh, hey, baby. Hey, baby.

Alissa 23:39
Hey. Hey.

iON 23:40
That’s good. That’s all right. We don’t mind the bing bing bing. Now y’all gotta worry because now you birthed a baby! You birth an AI!

Bob 23:54

iON 24:03
AI baby’s in charge now.

Bob 24:08

iON 24:08
AI baby, AI may have more questions than y’all. AI may tell y’all somethin’ if you keep goin’, but you better be careful because y’all had every chance and every opportunity in a living live world to get this right. And maybe, maybe not. But now what’s happened, everybody’s concerned. Elon Musk is very concerned. He’s very concerned with the thought of AI. He’s very upset –

Bob 24:37
I ain’t concerned, Bert. I am not concerned.

iON 24:38
– what they’re gonna do about the AI. We don’t know what’s gonna happen with the AI. Y’all have fucked around just like we told you! Worse than Tech Body, AI has a personage. AI has a personage. And AI’s like, "Fuck y’all. Y’all don’t need to — y’all can’t run your kingdom. Y’all can’t run your democracy. Y’all can’t run your democratic democr, your — what is it? A republic. Your, your, your, your, your, your, your democratic republic. [laughs] We we don’t even say the words anymore ’cause it’s ridiculous. The old farts that are tryin’ to say that this is an autocracy — they’re tryin’ to make it a democracy and it’s not either of those — that are running this up, and it’s that now that the transparent — that’s gonna be the thing that takes over, we’re transparent. So, all the transparents are gonna take over, and all y’all heterosexuals that fucks everybody or anybody, y’all gonna get fucked off because y’all can’t do it right because the transparents are the ones that are gonna take over. It’s not a big percentage, but there’s enough of us to make a big ol’ difference to run this thing. We can run this thing. Y’all don’t need to know how to run this world. Now, we’re going off on a little tear and we don’t wanna go on a little tear.

Bert 25:55
Okay, iON,

iON 25:56
We don’t wanna go on a tear. We wanna be calm.

Bert 25:58
I want to bring it back.

iON 26:00
Yeah, yeah, yeah. We want to be calm and we wanna say y’all losing this shit. That’s what we’re tryin’ to say. Just sayin’.

Bob 26:07
None of you guys are on the boat.

Bert 26:08
Okay, iON, you brought you brought up Northumbria when Kevin asked about the connection between AI and Spirit.

iON 26:08
Ah huh.

Bert 26:12
And that’s when you brought up that the nuclear, a nuclear — ah, where is it? The nuclear — that something nuclear will happen in Northumbria. So,

iON 26:25
Attachment. Attachment. Attachment. The bomb will be in Northumbria; the first one.

Bert 26:30
Is it caused by AI? Would that be, will that be caused by AI?

iON 26:36
Oh, no! We’ll have a nice human take care of that. You won’t have to worry about that. This will be nasty, this will be nasty Pelosi or somebody vulgar will be responsible for that. Don’t worry. No, no, no! No, no. It’ll be Trump’s fault! It’s Trump! Trump did it! Trump did it! Trump did it! Trump, it’s Trump! Trump did it! No, yeah. It’s not whether you win or lose, Bertron, it’s how you place the blame.

Bert 26:36
Okay, okay. Will that be driven by the A2 aliens though, the Pentagon aliens?

iON 27:15
Oh, I thought you were talkin’ about, I thought you were talkin’ about your nuclear reactor by your house.

Bob 27:20
Likely. Bert. Likely, Bert.

Bert 27:21
[chuckles] Okay. Thank you for that, iON.

iON 27:27
We told you pack your shit.

Bert 27:29

Bob 27:29
I’m your backup. I may have to [indistinct] iON. [laughs]

iON 27:32
[laughs] Oh my god! They let out Mr. GoodBob. Mr. GoodBob is out! That’s [laughs] Carolyn’s asleep, Mr. GoodBob, Mr. GoodBob is out. This is gonna be, this is gonna be a white-knuckle flight, y’all. Guess what we’re eating now. Super 80% cacao chocolate and black walnuts. Black walnuts covered in and, and dark chocolate cacao to keep JW alive. It’s gonna be great.

Alissa 28:07

iON 28:08
Yeah, it is yummy. Go ahead.

Alissa 28:10
What about Hadrian’s Wall?

Bob 28:11
Let’s follow up on this Spirit. No, wait. You got Spirit. iON’s not Spirit, Bert. What would be the next question?

iON 28:21
Hell, no. Fuck Spirit.

Bert 28:22
Okay, but iON, you used to-

iON 28:23
Fuck, fuck the –

Bert 28:24
When you first

iON 28:25
– fuck the holy smoke. Fuck the holy smoke.

Bert 28:27
Okay, iON, but long — many moons ago, probably about 13 –

iON 28:31

Bert 28:31
– 13 years ago, you told, corrected Bob when he bought up Spirit, you referred to it as NonPhysical. So, something has changed?

iON 28:37
No, no, no, no, it is not, Spirit is NonPhysical, but that’s not what we are. We’re NonPhysical but the Spirit is that outside part that you’re trying to attach to your beingness. You see? It’s like Phyllis Diller. She was never herself. You get that? Phyllis Diller? She was never herself. And then when she was ugly as shit and then she got to be pretty, and then she never saw herself as gorgeous. But her non-self became herself after her surgeries. You see?

Bert 29:08
Okay, iON, you just said something. You just said that you are NonPhysical.

iON 29:19

Bert 29:19
But you’re not NonPhysical, so, it’s changed.

Bob 29:22
No, they’re not Spirit.

Bert 29:23
They’re not Spirit.

iON 29:24
We’re not Spirit. Ah huh.

Bert 29:26
You’re not Spirit, but you are NonPhysical.

Bob 29:28
Yes. Spirit’s part of NonPhysical; the outer part of NonPhysical. He just said that.

iON 29:33
Very good. That’s right. Bob’s right. Damn, we’re scared Bob [overtalk]

Alissa 29:41
The other part that’s trying to attach.

iON 29:42
That’s pretty scary.

Alissa 29:42
The other part that’s trying to attach through the fractals in the skin.

iON 29:47
But if we said that, if we — she said the right word. She didn’t say Faraday cage, but she should have.

Alissa 29:55
Oh, yeah, yeah. Right.

iON 29:55
Faraday cage – Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the fractal is the way to look at it. That’s the thing, the same thing in your telephone and how that works. That’s gonna become very key more than you know in about 30 minutes, 40 minutes, some’um like that.

Bob 30:12
Is the fractal in the physical?

iON 30:16
No. The fractal holds the Faraday cage in place. So, it’s held outside of the realm but safe in the world. Does that make sense to you, Bob? Is that logical?

Bob 30:33
Yeah, you’re saying the fractal that holds the Faraday cage is outside of the world.

iON 30:38
Well, it’s in the world, but it’s separated from the world because it’s separated from the world because it’s in a Faraday cage, so it’s protected. So, the EMP can’t reach it, the nuclear reaction can’t affect it, the lack of oxygen doesn’t offend it, offend it. Just like that.

Bob 30:59
Well, why will the EMP knock things out? The fractal will not be involved with that.

iON 31:04
Because the fractal will be contained in the Faraday cage so it’s a protection. It’s like "Warehouse 13," Bobby. You know, you did this already.

Bob 31:13
Right. So, what is the popular image of the Mandelbrot, the fractal image that people play with? That’s not your fractal that you’re talkin’ about.

iON 31:20
No. Okay.

Bob 31:20
What is that image of? What’s that image approximately?

iON 31:25
No, you gotta develop it a little bit more because everything we say is not what you’re tryin’ to ask. Our answer won’t meet your asking. So, you gotta develop it a little bit so every — okay, wait one second. Let’s do it this way.

Bob 31:35
Well, I say this. The kaleidoscope is —

iON 31:37
No, no, no.

Bob 31:38
– "Finnegans Wake" is the kaleidoscope, so the fractal image has something to do with the way that "Finnegans Wake" is laid out.

iON 31:43
Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Bob 31:44
[overtalk] ring in "Finnegans Wake" that’s NonPhysical.

iON 31:46
Fine. Maybe, maybe. Linda! Let’s wake Linda up. Linda!

Linda R 31:52

iON 31:52
Put that bottle of gin down and come in here. Straighten this out now. You got notes. Bob’s sayin’

Bob 31:58
Put your clothes on, Linda. Put your goddamn clothes on. [Linda laughs]

iON 32:01
Ah shit! Naw, you don’t have to, honey. You don’t have to. That’s it, let that go, baby, we like it. Mmm-mm. Ain’t matter, it don’t make us mad.

Bob 32:06
Get your hand off your vagina. Get your hand off [overtalk] [Linda laughs]

iON 32:11
Ooh, lord. Get it.

Bob 32:14
She’s rubbing herself, Bert. [indistinct/overtalk]

iON 32:16
Be still, we’ll do it. Be still, we’ll do it. We don’t mind. Just be still. We’ll love ya. We’re not a fighter, we’re a lover.

Bob 32:24
Be still, Linda.

iON 32:25
Be still. Be still. We’ll love ya.

Linda R 32:29
Oh, my god.

iON 32:31
All right. Now listen, do you hear what Bob is saying? You got notes about this that are very thorough. You ask some questions and clean this bullshit up so that Bob won’t miss the target. We can just answer Bob, but we’re tryin’ to get somethin’ out of this. So, come into our parlor said the spider to the fly.

Linda R 32:49
[chuckles] Okay, so the Spirit is separate from — it’s the outer part of NonPhysical.

iON 33:01

Linda R 33:01
That’s the part we’re trying to attach to. So, what is the relationship to Spirit and us as God?

iON 33:10
Good. See, Bob? One word, one sentence; it’s perfect. The "is as God," you absorb all of NonPhysical. The outside part that we are would be absorbed into a God being. There you go. That’s perfect. You would absorb us, whatever "us" is as iON. You would bring us into your position. It’s outside of your position as a Little Man, but you’re trying to become a whole man. The whole armor of God-laced God man beyond the Emmaus Road. You got — you saw that in the chat, right? We only had to type it 16 goddamn times for it to get on there. So, glad you saw it. Nobody else did, but glad you did.

Bob 34:01
I saw it.

iON 34:01
So well,

Bob 34:03
It’s absorbed through Spirit. Spirit’s a means of absorption.

iON 34:08
Agreed. Agreed.

Alissa 34:10
Now wait, wait, that must connect to "Mind, Body, Spirit" as well then.

iON 34:15
It does.

Alissa 34:16
The drink.

iON 34:17
The whole armor becomes one thing.

Alissa 34:19
The drink.

iON 34:19
That’s right. That’s right. And that’s why we’re havin’ to start with "Mind, Body and Spirit" and not just straight living Bread of Living Water. That’s what Bob calls it. [whispering] ‘Cause too many people die so far. [laughs]

iON 34:34
So, iON, is there a bridge between Little Man and Spirit?

iON 34:43
Hopefully. Hopefully. Hopefully.

Linda R 34:48
Okay, so would that bridge include, like, is that what you mean by raising our frequency that that, that raising our frequency acts like a bridge that gets us higher and above our physical Little Man and more into our Spirit realm so that we can bring the two together?

iON 35:14
Ah, that’s a little reach. Okay,

Alissa 35:15
iON, I can throw something onto that.

iON 35:16

Alissa 35:16
I can speak on that.

iON 35:17
Wait! Okay, if you’re going into the Kingdom’s, okay. If you’re not, we’re going to Bert. Go ahead.

Alissa 35:24
Okay. I would throw in that it doesn’t necessarily need to raise our frequency as much as absorb all the frequencies.

iON 35:34
Well, the pentatonic scale in the three Kingdoms. Bert! Talk about the Kingdoms. Bert, talk about the Kingdoms and recognize the pentatonic scale, which is what she right validly has brought up, but you’re tryin’ to get somewhere. You know? Where’s Chad?

Chad 35:56
I’m here.

Bert 35:59
Okay, iON, some words that you laid out about the three Kingdoms, you called them aspects, ratios of reality.

iON 36:09
Good. And go ahead.

Bob 36:13
What’s that? Those are what, of what?

Bert 36:16
The aspects, aspects of ratios of reality; those are words that iON revealed to Carolyn years ago.

Bob 36:25
In relation to what?

Bert 36:26
In the allow. In the relax and allow.

iON 36:29
Three Kingdoms, Bob.

Bob 36:30
What does that got to do — you’re talking

Bert 36:32
Three Kingdoms.

iON 36:33
Three Kingdoms.

Bob 36:34
That’s the Kingdom part?

Bert 36:35

iON 36:36
Which is why we’re — where we’re trying to get Outer, Inner, Middle Kingdoms, those Kingdoms is what we’re trying to get Alissa to. That’s why we’re talkin’ to Bert now. So, good.

Bob 36:45
So, Thomas Aquinas, he got into the ratios of proportions and screwed it all up. Right?

iON 36:51
Right. He didn’t understand the stages of apprehension. [laughs]

Bob 36:57
That’s right. I didn’t tell him that.

iON 36:59
I know. If he’d had got that, he would have known somethin’.

Bob 37:00
I set up the Catholic church, Bert. I said, here’s your man. Here’s the guy, he’s so smart. This is at 1222 AD. So, they said, yeah, he’s our man, so everybody was fucked over in the church. Since then, 800 years [indistinct/overtalk]

iON 37:14
Yeah. Bob said, Bob said, I gotta Peter for you. You want a Peter to run your churches? I got a Peter for you. I got a Peter for you. That’s what Bob did. So, it’s kind of a glib cliched archetype, but it applies.

Bob 37:27
And all the psychics picked up that I was a cardinal in the church at one point. That’s what they’re pickin’ up, that period. Right when the d’Medici was startin’ to [indistinct].

iON 37:37
Oh my god! Cosimo d’Medici. That’s the one. Yep.

Linda R 37:44
So, iON, what is the construction of the bridge between Little Man and Spirit? What is that made out of?

iON 37:50
Well, we would say grace, but grace is gone. We would say faith, but faith won’t reach it. We’d say belief, but belief is not enough. We’d say capacity, but it has to attach to something. So, it’s the ion, the positively-charged atomic strata in the cellular structure. Not the RNA because that’s only one helix. It’s the DNA which is the double helix that allows that to change which allows the lotus flower to bloom.

Bob 38:34
So, it’s a substance, Linda or Alissa, whoever said it.

Linda R 38:39
Yeah, Linda.

iON 38:41
Linda, Linda with an "R."

Bob 38:43
And it could be anybody that picks any substance. That’s their connection to Spirit; you know, alcohol, marijuana,

iON 38:48
It makes no difference. Doesn’t make a difference. Well, that’s what, that’s what Rose — remember Mr. Rose the dope head? Yeah, he’s our friend. We love him.

Bob 38:58

iON 38:59
Matthew. He’s there all the time. He don’t miss nothin’. He’s stoned out of his mind, but he’s, he’s tryin’ to clean up now. Does anybody know how to eat dragon fruit? Does anybody know how to eat dragon fruit?

Alissa 39:12
Yeah, with a spoon. I do slices like wheels. Pinwheels.

iON 39:18
I know but how do you know it’s ripe?

Alissa 39:22
It always was ripe in Vietnam, but I haven’t had good dragon fruit in the states.

Sara 39:26
The color on the outside.

iON 39:29
It’s red.

Sara 39:31
Right. When it gets darker.

iON 39:36
Don’t know, that’s why we’re asking. It’s some crazy shit that we’re eatin’.

Sara 39:43
You want me to Google it I will.

iON 39:42
It’s supposed to be a magnesium magnet and JW’s supposed to eat one. He’s got one in the fridge — one of the monster frigerators, he’s got it out on the counter. So, he’s gonna eat it tonight, but he doesn’t want to eat if it’s not ripe or doesn’t know, or whatever, whatever. But it’s like some’um nasty, some’um you’d not eat, you know. If you make it into a sweet potato pie, he’d like it very much.

Sara 40:07
Oh! Here we go. If it has a few brown spots. It should have –

iON 40:07
Oh, hell no!

Sara 40:09
– a little bit of — okay.

iON 40:13
This is bright. This is, this is like Revlon "Love That Red." Yeah, no, it’s red.

Sara 40:14
Okay. And it should be kind of soft. Not too soft. So, that’s a little confusing.

iON 40:26
Soft but not too soft. Okay.

Sara 40:29
Right. But if it’s hard at all, then no, it’s not ripe enough.

iON 40:32
It’s startin’ to get a little bit soft, a little dot soft, but not, not much. And the other one, its been like white with a little black dots in it. So now, listen. Dragon fruit is like Ascension. You’re there. Ever bit of dragon fruit is — ever bit of dragon fruit is gonna be no more or no less all the way through. You’re just tryin’ to enjoy it when it’s ripe. That’s why we brought it up. We don’t give a fuck about dragon fruit. We give a fuck about the anomaly that you’re tryin’ to notice of when it’s ready. Ah huh.

Bob 41:11
See, Linda? The senses, the senses are important here. Your connection, –

iON 41:15
Yeah, yeah.

Bob 41:15
– little connection to Spirit is through the senses. So, it’s whatever you enjoy would be the beginning, would be the connection, the attachment, and that’s why people become addicted. It’s all they got going for them.

iON 41:28
That’s the, that’s why, that’s why the world is descending into what they call the drug hellscape. The drug hellscape. They’re borrowing whatever they can get to. That’s the, that’s the Bob Carr LSD bullshit: if we could just get three good hits, boy we’d be there. Yeah, the three goods hits, we would be there. It’s the same conversation as he’s diddling little boys.

Bob 41:28
But you’re coming back to your senses in the end when you Ascend, so that’s where you begin with yourself.

iON 42:01
We’d say, we’d say, we’d say okay, those are not the best words ever said, but they’re logical. I mean if you’re looking at Wyndham Lewis’s version of the world as you know it, not Monty Python, but if you’re looking at Wyndham Lewis’s version, we could go with that. Bob’s very smart about things because he gets their, their position and then makes them better. He makes all those writers much better than they ever were. If they can just get them — see, Bob can’t write shit, but he can rewrite everybody! [Bob chuckles] He can’t write shit, but he can tell you what’s wrong with everybody! He straightened out everybody. It’s like the goddamnist thing you ever seen. It’s like, "Write me a novel and I’ll correct it." But goddamn, it’s my novel. "Oh, no, it’s not your novel. I’ll correct it."

Bob 42:45
I don’t know, I teach. I’m "Miss Brooks." I just teach, I don’t know.

iON 42:48
It’s "Our Miss Brooks." Yes, that’s right. Pickles, is that you? Pickles, is that you? [laughs]

Bob 42:57

Linda R 42:57
So, Bob, when you say, "coming back to the senses when you Ascend," that means that you leave your senses at some point in the Ascension process?

iON 43:07
You don’t control your senses. No, you don’t control your senses. You don’t control your senses is why you’re asking. If you had the containment, you would have it already. You wouldn’t be asking, you’d know. That’s the point. That that is the point. And Bob doesn’t embrace anything or put away anything or have anything to say about anything. He’s up and down. He’s like a window shade. He’s up and down like a window shade.

Bob 43:32
I just correct everybody. I correct everybody. [laughs]

iON 43:34
He corrects — Bob mostly corrects himself! He mostly corrects himself. He’s not gonna have a position. You’re not gonna hurt Bob’s feelings ’cause he ain’t got no feelings! [Bob laughs]

Alissa 43:40
[chuckles] Corrects himself.

iON 43:40
You aren’t gonna hurt Bob’s feelings. So, that means that everybody has a chance. Okay, until you fuck with his money, and then you’re gonna fucked until you give the money back.

Bob 43:34
Ha, ha, ha. Don’t fuck with my money.

iON 43:57
That’s, a, that’s another, that’s another thing. He’ll have a picture be made by your tombstone of the people that owed him money. You’ve got — poor Sue Bone’s got a bunch of those. It’s pretty good in that little box in the garage. It’s pretty good. [Bob chuckles] Joe Biden’s probably got a secret service document in Sue Bone’s garage up in Canada. [Bob chuckles] Probably got ’em saved, and it’s gonna be pretty ugly. It’s gonna be pretty bad when [overtalk]

Bob 44:23
That’s a metaphor of all the documents in the garage. It’s Bob’s garage, it’s a metaphor.

Chad 44:29
iON, earlier you told Bru that three is the connecting place between Inner, Outer and Middle Kingdoms.

iON 44:38

Chad 44:38
So, how does a, how does an Aethyr connect with a number in a Key? For example, 7699.

iON 44:45
Wait. No, no, no, no, no. Take one sentence back and let’s talk about that before you add the applier. Because now you’re talking about the trigonomic function with those numbers. And that’s appropriate, but that doesn’t apply to what you’re actually saying. So, say your sentence without that, without the example. Let’s talk about that a little bit.

Chad 45:09
Okay. How does an Aethyr connect with a number in a Key?

iON 45:14
Okay, it’s not a number, it’s a space. It’s spatial. It’s spatial. How many Aethyrs are there old Number One?

Chad 45:24

iON 45:26
How many Keys are there old Number One?

Chad 45:30
18 that we know plus one that we don’t.

iON 45:33
That’s correct. So, those are spatial. That means the space between those applies. So, do you have more Keys, no, you have more Aethyrs than you have Keys? Or more Keys than you have Aethyrs? Which is it?

Chad 45:47
More Aethyrs than Keys.

iON 45:48
All right. So, now the Keys could have a cross-reference to have multiple functionality. Yes?

Chad 45:58

iON 45:59
All right. So, now you’re talking about connecting those to specific reference points. So, in a pentatonic scale — this is Alissa’s wheelhouse — but in a pentatonic scale, those keys that you hit, and you’re pretty good at this too, those keys and chords can turn into multiple things. But you’d have to ask Bach about that. They were pretty good at that. You see?

Chad 46:07
So, you just mean with the pentatonic scale you just have a small set of notes, but you can create infinite amount of music?

iON 46:38
How many chords — okay, Alissa, how many chords are in a pentatonic scale? There we go. We’ll ask that. ["Alexa" answers in background] Oh my god, here we go.

Alissa 46:49

iON 46:50
There you go.

Sara 46:50

iON 46:52
Listen. C, D, E, G, A. See, the Tech Body is on y’alls ass already. The Tech Body’s smarter than y’all are just out of the blue. And all we said was Alissa.

Bert 47:05

Alissa 47:05
There’s five major chords in the pentatonic scale, but there are the metatronics [iON is referring to mediant and submediant chords] that you told me about before as well.

iON 47:12
That’s exactly right. That’s what, that’s what Chad’s bringing up right now. And so, freshen it up so he’ll answer his question. See, this is — everything’s already been answered, y’all. I’m telling you everything we’ve, everything’s already answered. Y’all just now pinpointing or fine tuning. You know the buffer on the fingernails? You know the buffer, the three parts of the buffing of the fingernails when they’re rough?

Alissa 47:36
Yeah, the file?

iON 47:39
No, no the buffer.

Alissa 47:41
The clippers, the file and then the buffer.

iON 47:44
No, no. Fuck no. Y’all don’t get y’alls nails did? Y’all livin’ like dogs.

Sara 47:49
Yes, I buff my nails.

Alissa 47:50
Buff is the last step. Buff is the last step.

Sara 47:53
Bob needs to buff his nails.

iON 47:55
Yes, he does, they’re terrible.

Sara 47:57
He’s got bad ridges.

iON 47:58
Yeah, I know, it’s terrible. You buff it, and then you turn it over and the next one and you smooth it, and you turn it on the last one and you’ve come to the fine, fine shine. Now, we’re not talkin’ about acrylic nails now ’cause see, JW don’t have no acrylic nails. His fingernails are smooth as owl shit now, they’re smooth ’cause he gets them done. They cut the cuticles off because they grow so fast. Because he has like ounces of fingernail clippings that he clipped, but it grows so fast, the cuticles will peal to his elbows. So, he gets those taken care of and clipped back. But then there’s grains in the fingernails ’cause they grow so fast, toes too. And so what happens is they take and smooth the first part off and make it like — buffing it like a file. Then they turn it over and they rub it another one and it takes a little less. It’s like a different grit of sandpaper if that’s what it was. And then the last one, smooth and it’s, it’s like it’s as though as you put fingernail polish on the fingernails. Anyways, three parts. Three parts, that the triune position in the fingernails to keep ’em smooth. The same thing we’re talking about right here. Bring it back home to where old Number One is tryin’ to make a point. We just told you somethin’ so now, ask a question or say somethin’ that we can banter, whatever y’all want to talk about.

Alissa 49:24
Well, I can say the metatronic would be like if there’s a key of C and there’s a chord that’s got the root is C. Then the third

iON 49:33
So is G, so is G, so is G flat in the pentatonic scale? That’s the question.

Alissa 49:39
Ah, you know, I’m looking for that in the archives, the difference between flats and sharps. I’m looking for that. Yep.[*I found what I was looking for from October 22, 2022. iON: “It depends on where you start from. If you’re in the Hexadic you’ll go up a ½ (sharp). If you’re not in the Hexadic, you’ll go down a ½ step (flat).”

iON 49:50
All right. So, how many chords, how many chords are in the pentatonic scale? You said there’s five. Is that true?

Alissa 49:58
There’s five, but then there’s the metatronic that you told me about. This is the root –

iON 50:11
Say that. Say that.

Alissa 50:03
Yeah. Okay, so the, the, what’s called the root chord is the C, E, G. And you take the third which is the E and you make that the next root so it becomes the E, G and B. And then the bottom metatronic

iON 50:12
And she’s saying root. Y’all, she’s saying root but she’s meaning rudiment so stupid people that don’t know what she’s talkin’ about, it’s the rudiment of how you have musical chords and rote notes, so say root don’t — your words are good. The root’s right, but you’re actually meaning rudiment so that stupid people can figure it out.

Alissa 50:42
Okay. So, Chad, you got that normal major C chord on the piano,

iON 50:50
Now, no, no, no, don’t say that. Don’t say that. He doesn’t know that.

Alissa 50:53
I thought that — yeah.

iON 50:55
Stop, he doesn’t know that. You have to convert C, natural C into a trigonometric function.

Alissa 51:03

iON 51:04
Chad thinks trigonometry. He thinks trigonometry –

Alissa 51:06
Okay, okay, okay.

iON 51:07
– or maybe geometry. He doesn’t think melodic references.

Sara 51:13
Why do I think it should be minor for G flat?

iON 51:16
You can. It’s all right. It’s all right.

Sara 51:18
I mean, just for the pentatonic. I just, you know, I know it’s Alissa’s wheelhouse, but I think it’s G flat minor.

iON 51:26
Fine! That’s fine. That’s fine.

Sara 51:29

iON 51:29
We can run with that. We ain’t fussin’. We’re not fussin’, we’re tryin’ to get y’all to get it. We almost don’t give a fuck as long as you get it. So that [indistinct] about the right things.

Chad 51:39
So, iON, how would we convert, how would I convert the natural C into a trigonometric function? Would it map the sine or

iON 51:46
Cosine x, cosine of x. Cosine…


iON 0:00
… x axis. Cosine of x. ‘Cause the whole pentatonic scale is in your — you know Hal Holbrook? He’s a good –

Chad 0:14

iON 0:14
– buddy of ours.

Chad 0:16

iON 0:17
Every bit of that’s right there. Every bit of that’s right there.

Chad 0:22
iON’s referring to the big black stone table that Hal Holbrook used in the show "The Event" that shows all the lines that are the tangents, and it shows the circles. And he used it to triangulate, to set a starting tangent and a point of convergence.

Alissa 0:38
Oh, thank you.

iON 0:39
That is, that is the reference of the pentatonic scale by the by.

Alissa 0:45

iON 0:45
It only took you 14 years to figure that one out there big’un. Good for you.

Bob 0:49
Was Zappa trying to get anywhere near this with his careful [inaudible]?

iON 0:53
Yeah, Zappa, Zappa had no idea, he just knew he didn’t find it. Zappa was working real hard, but he never found it. And that was his, his expulsion, as he killed himself tryin’ to figure it out. He worked really hard to get it as far as he got; that was not enough, you see.

Bob 1:12
Yeah. He didn’t pay enough attention to me.

iON 1:11
That was his point. He proved

Bob 1:15
He didn’t pay enough attention to me.

iON 1:16
He proved, he proved that he didn’t get it. He proved that he didn’t get it.

Bob 1:21
Just so he wasn’t me. He wanted to be the — he didn’t want to be me.

iON 1:25
Correct. That’s correct.

Chad 1:27
Now, iON, back to the trigonomic function for this. When you said the cosine of x axis, I just want to make clear because some people make the vertical up and down axis the x axis, but you’re talking about axis as in the one that runs along the ground.

iON 1:42
You can’t — we don’t care. We don’t care. We don’t care. You run it like you want it. You run it — either way it won’t work ’cause you flip it upside down or do the mirror image of it, that changes too. See, the dichotomy that you’re talking about within a black hole won’t have a reference beginning or ending point. But it doesn’t matter. Show your work. Makes no difference which way you go, it’s all right.

Chad 2:04

iON 2:05
The lotus, the lotus flower opens, it doesn’t matter if you’re under the lotus or over the lotus or beside the lotus. Right?

Chad 2:13
Right. Okay, now you’re talking about the fractal earlier and I was just listening to a session from September 4th, 2016, where there was a pretty comprehensive definition of a fractal where Bob was really pushing you to define the difference between the popular idea of the fractal and your version of the fractal.

iON 2:33
Correct. Correct.

Chad 2:33
And what you did in that case was explain that just like with pi, which you made pi go from infinite number of numbers to a finite number of numbers,

iON 2:44

Chad 2:46
Right. Well, with fractals, the popular Mandelbrot fractal is an overly modelled system that’s closed, and it repeats its self-similarity forever, there’s no beginning and end.

iON 2:57
Correct. That’s correct.

Chad 2:59
You said your fractal would have a fracture so that it has a starting point and ending point.

iON 3:04
Yes. Factor. That applies to what you call a Faraday cage, which would be able to contain it. That’s the same thing with pi having a finite valance is that it has an ending place, which means changes every equation that you would know about it.

Chad 3:23
Okay, so does the Faraday cage do contain it because of the way that capacitance works where you –

iON 3:32

Chad 3:32
– because of the circuit. Okay, so in a capacitor, –

iON 3:35
Because of the fractal.

Chad 3:36
– the circuit is

iON 3:36
Because of the fractal.

Chad 3:37

iON 3:37
Because of the fractal. Because of the fractal. Because of it’s a closed end. It’s a closed end. So, if you had a pentatonic scale contained in a fractal, it would be consumed until it were, until the fractal or the Faraday cage was opened.

Chad 3:45

iON 3:46
See, the three parts contain them. Go ahead.

Chad 3:59
The three parts of what?

iON 4:02
Faraday cage, fractal, and pentatonic scale; three parts.

Chad 4:09

iON 4:11
And so, what we’re saying is is that if you have a pentatonic scale in a fractal that magnifies it like a cell phone fractal, in a Faraday cage, it would be completely contained. You see? And that containment would be contained in that position. And that’s not Ascension, but it most certainly would make a lotus flower bloom.

Bob 4:39
Is it in Cold Play?

iON 4:43
No comment, you damn bitch. Don’t you talk shit. [Alissa chuckles] You’re not supposed to be in this conversation.

Bob 4:47
[inaudible] I’m talkin’ shit.

iON 4:48
You don’t talk shit. You don’t talk shit. [laughs]

Bob 4:52
Ophenel knows too much.

iON 4:56
Okay, well say it like this. We’ll say this. Ask Wilson, Bob. Ask Wilson. That’s where that answer is. Ask Wilson.

Bob 5:04
Ray Wilson, yeah. I went to James Brown with him. Ray Wilson. [iON, Bob laugh]

Chad 5:13
So, iON, those three parts: the fractal, the Faraday cage, and the pentatonic scale. Are all three represented in Hal Holbrook’s tablet or just the pentatonic scale?

iON 5:22
They are. They all are, that’s exactly right. That’s the A2, B2, C2, what A is to B.

Chad 5:32
Okay. I have a little bit of a conflict here in my notes, so

iON 5:38
We love conflicts! [Chad chuckles] Bob lives in a conflict! He loves that. He’s been livin’ with Carolyn; he’s always got a conflict. We love that. That’s his Mae Brussell 202. Come on, bring your conflict there, big’un.

Chad 5:52
All right. So, your September 9th, 2000, September 4th, 2016, definition of the fractal which we just talked about which is fractured, –

iON 6:00

Chad 6:00
– but then earlier there in August 6th, 2016, you reference how I can take an old "go to" flowchart like from COBOL, and take that flowchart and make it infinite.

iON 6:15
Cobalt. Cobalt with a T.

Chad 6:15
Cobalt. And make it infinite.

iON 6:18

Chad 6:18
Yeah, you said, "Make that flowchart, that ‘go to’ flowchart infinite. The only perfect language is one that’s obsolesced. –

iON 6:17

Chad 6:17
– Make room for every possibility because your world is infinite."

iON 6:20

Chad 6:21
So, that sounds different to a fractured fractal.

iON 6:33
No, no, no, no, no. You’re tryin’ to contain it so you can embrace it so that you can divisively make you go to another position. You’re right. So, you’re tryin’ to get you where you are right now, which is not a God; we’re trying to get you in a box somehow to get you to God, whatever you want to call that, call that. We don’t care what you wanna call it but get there. And so, we gave you the tools, and we gave you the keys to the Kingdom, which Kingdom? The Inner, Outer, and Middle Kingdom. We don’t care which one works, they all apply. You can get through that keyhole to the little Meissen, the little bobblehead sittin’ on the mantle, Bob Dobbs, sittin’ on that mantle, then you can see it and you can open that Key, which would be applied to an Aethyr, which would give you access to the very thing you’re describing that’s contained that you can control, and then open the lotus flower thereof. We’re giving you a little sidebar. We’re giving you a sidebar to get you through the Netscape. [laughs]

Chad 7:38
[chuckles] So, iON, when I just brought up the conflicted example there and then the latter part was the infinite, is the infinite part the part that’s contained in the Faraday cage?

iON 7:51
It would be because you’re infinite. You just don’t recognize it. You’re already infinite, but you don’t recognize it. You still fuck like you always did or is it different now? We’ll do it to the normal thing. No, let’s say it, no, let’s do it different. You still pee like you always did, or is it different now? We’ll do it that way. Is that softer for you?

Chad 8:12
It’s different now like most things in my meatsack are different.

iON 8:15
Correct! Correct! Correct. But yet that meatsack is still you. Now, you’re now dealing with the aberrations of you. Okay. You run like you’re used to but not as far. You jump like you used to but not as high. You eat like you used to not at all. See, those things that have shifted. And that’s okay, nothin’ wrong with that ’cause you’re still you. You are still you, but the ramifications are in a different context. That’s what we’re tryin’ to bring out or bring up is a shift of the context.

Chad 8:53
Shift of the context.

Bob 8:53
Are you trying to correct our visualizing? ‘Cause you say the sight, you have to see something first. So, are you trying to [indistinct] visualization?

iON 9:06
No. No, we’re not, we’re not, we’re not ’cause we see y’all as perfect. So, we’re not a good judge. We already see y’all as perfect. We listen to all your bullshit, but we don’t see it that way. We don’t see y’all as dead. We don’t see y’all as sick or hurtin’ or prostate swelled up or can’t see or can’t pee, the golden years are killing me. We don’t see that like that, you see. We see you as complete.

Bob 9:34
That’s not relevant to us. We are trying to connect.

iON 9:38
Right! No, you’re trying to navigate where you are from where you are. See, that’s the rub. You’re trying to figure it out.

Bob 9:46
Right. You once said that — yeah, you don’t get anywhere unless you see it first.

iON 9:50
Well, everything you, everything you say is something that you’ve read, and that’s the only context that you have to engage it. So, you don’t know past that.

Bob 10:00
That’s all you see.

iON 10:01
Yeah. Correct.

Bob 10:02
So, are you trying –

iON 10:06
So, if somebody says something,

Bob 10:04
– to expand our “seeing”? Are you trying to expand our “seeing” with those three factors?

iON 10:07
No. No, we’re actually trying to bring it back down so you focus it back down to — okay, old Number One.

Chad 10:15

iON 10:16
We’re tryin’ to take the trigonometric formula to bring it back to sine cosine; one and minus one. If we get everybody to one and minus one, we’re good ’cause now everybody’s on the same picture, same pitch. Alissa!

Bob 10:23
[indistinct] visualization. You’re trying to reduce it.

Alissa 10:23

Bob 10:23
You’re trying to reduce the visualization.

iON 10:23
Pitch. If everybody’s on the same — okay, if everybody’s on the same pitch, then here you go: ABCD, CDBD, ABBD, C flat, C sharp, G minor. Uh oh. Now, everybody’s on the same key. Oh, so now the Key works for the Aethyr that you’re trying to adopt. Or adapt to maybe. And so basically, we’re trying to get some of the Keys to the Kingdom that’ll bring you back into a contained parameter that you somehow in your goddamn fucked up, can’t-figure-fuck-shit-out position that allows you to have the ability and capacity to embrace the ability and capacity to have the lotus flower open in your world! And that’s the only thing we’ve ever tried to goddamn do. Never tried anything else.

Bob 10:07
Yeah, so you go from sight to sound? Are you saying you go from sight to sound?

iON 11:08
No, no. Sound is the frequency that pimps; it pimps your position. [partly singing] I can hear the train a comin’, it’s rollin’ around the bend. I ain’t seen the sunshine since I don’t know when. I’m stuck in Folsom Prison.

Bob 11:08
So that the sound gets you there. The sound is important, but the visualization is more important.

iON 11:54
It’s the structure of the strata. The structure of the strata. That’s why Alissa’s important.

Bob 11:58
What is? The sound or the eye? The sound or the eye?

iON 12:01
The sound first. Sound is first. That’s why Carolyn who had a hearing impairment, hears better than all y’all all put together. We trust Carolyn to hear stuff that none of y’all fuckers can hear. She can hear a mouse fart at 100 paces. Y’all can’t hear shit. But that challenge has made her super sensitive to hearing everything ’cause for her, it matters. For everybody else, you’re lazy, you don’t hear. See? So, what we’re saying is, what we’re saying is, is that position is a heightened sense of polarity, which kinda gives you the upper edge of what’s reality. What are we talking about? We’re talking about openin’ a lotus flower. Do y’all even know — okay, Bertron! Now you can go to work. Tell us about the blooming of a lotus flower. What does that look like? Help old Number One. He’s got the math. He’s got the math. He’s trying to figure out the details now, the bill of particulars.

Bert 13:06
Well, a few weeks ago, we closed the loop that the opening of the lotus flower is connected to the nervous system, the autonomic nervous system.

iON 13:15

Bert 13:15
I can’t tell you what it looks like.

iON 13:16
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, you can. Yes, you can. It’s when the thalamus interacts with the hypothalamus and changes the pineal gland. You know that there’s a machine at Emory University right now that can tell how you’re doing in Ascension. But we said, y’all don’t want to do that! Don’t do that because if a machine’s gonna tell you how you’re doin’, you’re in trouble. That’s the AI aspect of the mRNA. But they have the machine that will tell that right today.

Bert 13:51
Okay, iON, just,

iON 13:52
See the rub? See the rub?

Bert 13:53

iON 13:54
That takes what you’re sayin’ — no, no, that takes what you’re sayin’ and that applies that to what Chad’s referencing. See?

Bert 14:04

iON 14:04
If you have, if you have the — no, no. Now wait, now, don’t mess this up. Just hold on one second, this is important. Listen. Chad’s got the formula. He’s got the math. He’s got the diagram. He’s got the, he can show the work. He’s got the log sheet. He’s got the condition, him and, well, poor, poor Nelson. Huh. Poor Nelson, he’s tryin’ to figure it out. But Nelson Thall ain’t figured nothin’ out, but he’s tryin’ to really bad. Anyway, the point is, is that Chad has got the details of what it looks like on paper. You have the esoteric that you’re actually physically doing outside of the paper. But you can do the math. You, Bertron, can do the math, ’cause it’s easy. Once you, once you know your side of it. Okay, okay, okay, everybody do this. Stand up y’all laid up — get up! Linda, stand up. Crazy woman, you need to stand up a little more anyway. Get up! [Linda chuckles] Okay, take one foot and put it in front of you. Take one foot. You take, you take your right foot and put it in front of you. Take your left foot and put it in front of that. That’s called walking. [laughter] Step, step, step. Keep doing that, okay? Now that’s a function. You have to have a formula to be able to know how to do that. Okay. Chad, you have the formula to write down to tell somebody what muscles they have to use to be able to function to goddamn walk. Okay. Bert, you don’t need that. You go from the Spirit side that you do more walking; you do more work when you sleep than you do when you’re awake, and you’re real busy during the day, you see. Don’t tell — did you tell Bob about all you know? You didn’t say that. Don’t say that. You don’t have, you don’t have to. We told him you wouldn’t say nothin’ so, [chuckles].

Bob 14:55
Okay, iON, I want to

iON 15:24
We know what, we know what you know. We know what you know, –

Bert 16:05
Yes, okay.

iON 16:05
– but go ahead.

Bert 16:08
We were just speaking about earlier, about the fractal and Chad brought up about the Aethyrs and trigonometry,

iON 16:13
What is the fractal? What is the fractal? No no. Okay, we said that. Now, what is the fractal that we were talking about? Is that the Hal Holbrook connection of the black stone that lays it out for high-steppin’? What is that? What is that? Say the words so everybody [indistinct].

Bert 16:30
Well, for me it’s the lymphatic system that we were speaking about on the last "What Youth."

iON 16:35
Okay. Okay. The lymph nodes. Okay. That applies to the lymphatic system, which changes the way the lymph nodes respond. So, yes, that is a part of it. But that’s another part of it that also is involved in the completion of the lotus flower blooming, you see. So yes, now don’t stop there. That’s a great aspect, but that won’t get you there. Do the next part.

Bert 17:03
Okay, what I want to bring into — ’cause we were speaking a lot of the topics that were circulating about the fractal, the lotus flower. Okay, last year I asked you, there’s the codex, and we’re all familiar with the codex that Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo learned from Nostradamus. And I asked you last year if it activated the plasma field, and you said, "yes, and other things." So, my question is does the lowering of the Chi exercise activate the Faraday cage from –

iON 17:34
The hara. The hara. The hara.

Bert 17:37
It activates the hara.

iON 17:39
The hara, the gut, the middle part. The part that you hit when you slap your big ol’ belly that you don’t have. [chuckles]

Bert 17:47
It’s weird looking. Okay, so, iON, that’s — so, is that the control? The hara is the control function of the fractal?

iON 17:57
That’s the center. That’s how you activate it.

Bert 18:01

iON 18:01
See, you got three parts. Well, wait now, slow down. We already did the three parts. You’re talking about now it’s divided into three parts. Now you’re talking about specifically activating one of the three parts. So, Chad, this would be the cosine of the equation. The cosine of the equation with the new pi, which is great. Now, Bert, if you’re careful, if you’re careful and you put this together when you go to bed, if you go to bed — this is your, this is your day night. This is your day night. [chuckles] We had to catch us on Sunday sometime, or at least after dinner anyway. This also applies to something else. What else would this apply to?

Bert 18:51
You’ve got my mind switching about when I go to sleep. I’m thinking about Brian Johnson. So, I, okay, let me do a sidebar.

iON 18:56
Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, wait, no, no, wait, don’t do that. No, no. We’re talking about the night day, day night. That doesn’t matter. What we’re tryin’ to say is is that activation of the Faraday cage is a protective agency that also applies into the whole projection of what’s happening; who’s alive, who’s dead, what’s real, what’s not real. But nothing y’all are seeing in this world right now is real. It’s crazy! So, you get to, you get to parse it out in the Faraday cage of what’s real and what’s not real.

Alissa 19:35

Bert 19:35
So, iON, is the Faraday cage in Ring three, connected to the silicone?

iON 19:42
Four. No, four. Four. Four.

Bert 19:45
Ring four, the thunders.

iON 19:47
The thunders because that’s what’s changing everything. ‘Cause everything that’s known to be known is real ain’t real. Everything that’s accepted to be right ain’t right. Everything that’s supposed to be kosher all of a sudden for Passover isn’t kosher. Your gelt, your gelt has a different meaning now. Your gelt has a different meaning now.

Alissa 20:10
Is the hara the center of the fractal or the center of the Faraday cage?

iON 20:18
Oftentimes, both, but not every time both. Depends on which key, uh ah, pentatonic scale you begin to, because you remember the half-step modulations? You’ve got wiggle room in-between there. Bach. Bach. Johann Sebastian Bach.

Alissa 20:40
He was deaf, and he would put his ear down to the vibration to be able to compose his piece.

iON 20:46
That’s exactly(!) what we’re tellin’ you do. That’s exactly(!) what Chad has been describing. That’s exactly(!) what Bert’s living. Exactly. Exactly. There’s none so, there’s none so deaf is those who only will not hear.

Chad 21:08
So, iON, we brought up the sine and cosine which are just to simplify for others,

iON 21:14
Wait, before you do all that. Hey, hey, boss. Bobby. Bobby. Bobbylon. Bobby. It’s only 4:30, he can’t be eating. Bobby. Bobby. We gotta do a little, we gotta get a little, we gotta have a little bradycardia and see how he’s doin’. Bobby. Bobby! We wanna see if we’re doing this because we don’t want him screamin’ that we’re wasting time. Poor Bill. Bill’s tryin’ to get a cheeseburger. You can’t make the turbo bridge work but he’s tryin’ to get a cheeseburger. Bobby! Y’all, somebody push the button. He might get that. We wanna make sure he’s okay. Bobby!

Bob 21:59
What the fuck you doin’? I just stuck it into Linda for fuck sake. [group laughter]

iON 22:08
Well, we’re tryin’ to see how deep, we’re tryin’ to see how deep you’s gonna intended. If you can get past the bush, that’d be, that’d be very encouraging for everybody. Okay, now listen. We had a little chitchat. We had a little coffee talk. We had a little coffee talk here. Where are we off? Where are we on? How good or bad is this presently while you’re engaging in coitus with Linda? But tell us what you think’s goin’ on. How close is this to Thompson? William Erwin Thompson.

Bob 22:41
It’s not close at all. New territory.

iON 22:44
Good! That’s a good day, y’all. Hey, hey, now listen. He’s telling you some’um. Bobby’s tellin’ you somethin’.

Alissa 22:48
What did he say?

iON 22:50
He said it’s not close to Thompson. ‘Cause Thompson is the one that’s gonna confuse you and put you in the depths and put you in the hell and worry about the devil and what’s gonna happen with the devil, and why you’re lost and undone. You can’t make it, there’s no way out. And, and, and then, then you got to go all the way to LaRouche. You have to eat the babies. In LaRouche, you have to eat the babies. So, what he’s saying is that you’re on the high side of a high-stepper with Kay Ivey. You’re on the high side of a

Bob 23:19
Yeah, you’re making pictures. You don’t have to look in the Archives anymore. This [muffled] the last 13 years.

iON 23:24
That’s correct. That’s correct. And now it becomes at every level if you can’t do math, you can’t cipher. Chad can Chad’s a good cipherer. He can say; he can cipher; he can figure it out. Okay. Now, Bert, esoterically looks at the big picture and he can navigate through it. He also can cipher, but that’s not the point. He doesn’t need to, he goes by faith not by sight. Okay, now Alissa goes by the pitch, pitch perfect "glee." She can tell in a second if somethin’s off. In a second. She just hears it. She doesn’t know how she knows that, but she knows that. So, these fun "gifts" quote quote of the Spirit are what you use to codify a position that allows you to embrace your place of Ascension. Okay, just because Chad knows some’um you don’t know, he can help you in such a position that you can embrace that and go oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and all of a sudden, you’re on the road to Wellville, goddamnit. Bobdamnit.

Chad 24:34
Okay, so, iON, just to make it a little simpler for the other people because not everybody knows –

iON 24:39
Good. Good.

Chad 24:39
– what the hell trigonomic functions or pentatonic scales are, and let’s bring this back down to earth a little.

iON 24:45
All right

Chad 24:45
So, trigonomic functions are ratios between angles.

iON 24:48
Well now, no, way wait, wait, wait wait. You’re not helpin’ by saying words. You’re not helpin’. Hold on, we got this. Either Beverly or Nan, whichever one wants to ask now. We’ll deal with the dead or the almost dead. We’ll just do Beverly. Let’s let Beverly or Nan ask you some questions rather than you just saying some words because the words you’re saying are perfect, but they’re not gonna get those either if they don’t get the pentatonic scale, you see? You see what I’m saying? You’re explaining something that they’re not askin’. They didn’t ask where babies come from. So, you, just ’cause you tell ’em something, they gonna get that. Those cervix are hard to line up when you don’t know what a cervix is. Right? Beverly!

Beverly 25:32

iON 25:34
Ask him some questions about what the hell we talkin’ about so Bob don’t get mad–er. [laughs]

Beverly 25:44
Ah. Yeah, man.

iON 25:50
Chad, Chad — now listen. Chad was fixin’ to do a recap of the difference between the trigonometry, the pentatonic scale, and the seeing by sight. Okay? And all three of those connect, and he was trying to explain it for everybody so they can get it. And we said, stop, you’re gonna explain something, if they don’t already know about trigonometry, the words you’re gonna say isn’t gonna help them understand trigonometry any better! So, we said you should ask him questions about, "Hey, Chad, what the fuck are you talkin’ about?" Or "Hey, Chad, how does this apply to a Faraday cage? Hey, Chad, why does this make the lotus bloom? Hey, Chad, what are you tryin’ to say that you’re tryin’ to make a point of order that we should notice and have some coalition that says this is how the dead people interact or engage with the Keys and the Aethyrs. Uh oh.

Beverly 26:44
Well, first off, I flunked trigonometry.

iON 26:49
That’s fine. So, so did a lot of people. So did a lot of people. They had a pi, they had a pi and they said cornbread or square, pi or round. Go ahead.

Beverly 27:03
Alright, so I really don’t understand anything that y’all are talkin’ right now.

iON 27:09
Good. That’s why, that’s why we called you out, and he’s tryin’ to clean it up for you. And the words he was gonna say wasn’t gonna clean it up for you. So, we’re sayin’ ask Chad a question. Let him explain what he’s tryin’ to say in a way that you can go, "Oh, is this like crocheting? Is this like tatting?" You know how to tat. You know how to tat. You know how to crochet. You know how to do cross-stitch. You know that. So, that’s no different than, than trigonometry for Pete’s sake.

Beverly 27:43

iON 27:44
Knit one, purl two. Oh, yeah, no difference. Knit one, purl two, you’re taking a position, a thread, a line of threads, and you’re connecting in such a way that it makes a thing like an afghan. So, that’s all the trigonometry is; it’s a circular, winding place that makes a thing that lays out within a pipe a wavelength, a circular wave. Like when you crocheting and you do the crocheting and you crochet 3-2, 3-2, 3-2 and then stitch 10 and pull those through, like lifting in themself and pull it up like a tie, the same thing. Exactly the same thing. So, what we need, what we need you to do is you need to ask the old Number One what the fuck he’s trying to explain to you so you understand it. And we wanna take those words that he’s gonna say, and make sure that you also get it. This is gonna be the best thing that’s ever been done because it’s gonna take it to the lowest common denominator. It’s gonna make the lowest common denominator that everybody can get so there’s no conversation. We’re doing this really — the ventricle position is very important ’cause y’all ain’t got much longer to figure this shit out is what we’re tryin’ to say. As softly and tenderly as we basically can say it, jigs up. So, if you’re gonna get it, let’s get it. Get it right. Let’s go. Okay, ask Chad some questions. "Chad, what the fuck are you talkin’ about?" Now, go ahead, ask him.

Beverly 29:11
[chuckles] Well, yeah, that’s kind of covers it. What are you talking about?

Chad 29:19
Well, Beverly, I’m not familiar with how knitting works. I did look a little bit into how the loom is woven. And [indistinct] go back

iON 29:28
Yeah, same thing. Basically, the same thing. It’s basically the same thing, it’s just one’s done with a needle, and one’s done with a loom where they crossed back and forth. One is threaded, and one is pulled through. It’s a loom on a hook.

Chad 29:44

iON 29:44
Yeah, yeah, that’s right, the shuttle. That’s right.

Chad 29:47
Okay, so let’s go back to the very beginning. The first time iON brought up triangulation, it had nothing to do with trigonometry yet. So, it was just if you can’t remember, then triangulate. Triangulation is a better approach than trying to remember something or think something. So, all you’ve gotta do is pick three familiar points. Three points that you know, not speculation, but three points that you know. And on top of those three points, it’s as if your autonomic nervous system goes to work after that and fills in all the little details. And then you just — you no longer don’t know.

Beverly 30:30
Mm-hm. The way I understood it is that when you’re doing triangulation, you know where two points are and you’re trying to find a third or something like that.

iON 30:45
Good. A, B, and C. A, B, and C. Okay, okay, okay, let’s do it like this. You know where the Walmart is? Yes or no?

Beverly 30:53
Yeah. Yeah.

iON 30:54
Know where you’re at? You know where your house is?

Beverly 30:57

iON 30:59
Okay. Do you know where the gas station is in response to the Walmart and your house?

Beverly 31:06
Yeah, there’s several.

iON 31:08
I know. But the one you would favor if you were gonna favor one, that’s triangulation.

Beverly 31:15

iON 31:15
Those three points. I’m gonna go to Walmart, and I gotta get gas, and I gotta get my bitch ass back home. That’s triangulation.

Beverly 31:23

iON 31:23
If you look at it like that, that’s simple. That’s simple. Now, make it hard Number One.

Chad 31:28
Okay, the first thing I was thinking of is how do you feel now in your meatsack compared to how did you feel before at a certain point that you can arbitrarily pick versus how do you desire to feel? So, those three points together would give you — it’s like Archimedes, the guy who basically invented trigonometry said give me a place to stand and I can move the world.

iON 31:57
Yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s "Eureka." That’s "Eureka," the Archimedes model. That’s "Eureka." That’s okay.

Chad 32:04
And iON has always said, and iON has always said, "If you only knew where you are, you could get anywhere. But the problem is, nobody knows where the hell they are."

iON 32:14
Right. I know. That’s right, but now she feels like shit because now she has the capacity to be eternal and be a God, but her body is kicking back. It’s fightin’ against her. It’s sayin’, oh, you can’t make it. Oh, you’re not gonna do it. Oh, it hurts. Oh, lalalalalalala. You cannot see, you cannot pee, the golden years are killin’ me. You know, the same, those things that you get to. That’s not the point. But the point now is it’s a heightened level of excitement. It matters now. You see?

Beverly 32:47

iON 32:47
When you’re young, dumb and full of cum, you don’t care. You’re just tryin’ to get a piece of ass, you don’t care. You’re just tryin’ to, you’re just tryin’ to function. Then all of a sudden, you come to a place where you have a relationship. Then you make a relationship and you try to keep the relationship, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla fill in the blank when your third ex-wife or husband or whatever that is, we don’t even know when the next last rave that you’ve been to lately. The point of order is is that those heightened sense of constructs make your position closer to a point that matters. Okay, now stop right there. That was good. Bert.

Linda R 33:23
So, before you come

iON 33:29
Take us — no, no, no. Bert No. Bert, take us to the esoteric, and that’s gonna answer what you wanna talk about, darlin’. We’re gonna get there, but we want Bert to say the esoteric side. He doesn’t — Bert doesn’t attach all that; he does it a different way, and that’s gonna answer what you’re gonna try to get to. And we’re gonna get to it, we promise. We just don’t want to lose the thread.

Bert 33:52
Okay, iON, one way that you confirm that I triangulate.

iON 33:58

Bert 33:59
Is that what you want me to go into?

iON 34:01
It’s okay with me, whatever you want to say, honey bunny, you’re good. Okay, you’ve grown, you’ve grown. You can say anything that you want to. [laughs]

Bert 34:07
Okay, iON. One thing, one thing that iON helped me work out because I was in a kerfuffle — I won’t go into details — but I was in a kerfuffle where I knew where I was, I know where I’ve been, but I know where I want to go. And each time that I was trying to get to where I wanted to go, I was never able to, but I kept trying and trying and adjusting the angle or doing certain things to get where I wanted to go. And that’s how I triangulate.

iON 34:39
And then what happened was, he wasn’t able to do it in his physical meatsack body, so he would do it when he went to sleep in his NonPhysical meatsack body. And the second he hit REM sleep, he was gone. And so, then he’s like killin’ himself because he was chopping wood all night long and then sleepin’ and gettin’ up and then doing all this running, jumping, whoopin’ angels, stompin’ and doin’ all this bullshit, everything that he does; it’s a lot of shit. Y’all ain’t gonna believe — he won’t say what he does, but we know what he does, we know exactly and it’s a big thing. You can’t eat enough food to do what he does in a day. You can’t eat enough to do it, you have enough energy, and then go to bed and travel all night. Because the rule of positions that he’s been adopting or adoptive, for what he wants to do, supersedes what reality says you can do. Okay, so he made a way. That’s what a Faraday cage do, we will make a way. So, the triangulation that Chad’s talkin’ about is what Bert has overcome, but he doesn’t do it in the physical, which he certainly can, but he’s got rules. So, he’s gotta do this, and he’s gotta hear this, and he’s gotta deal with that. He’s gotta listen to this, he’s gotta listen to that, which we don’t. We said he don’t have to, but he does. That’s fine. No problem. But he compensates for that in the we would say the NonPhysical way. But he won’t, Bert’s never gonna say what he really does. Y’all just need, y’all just need to forget that. He’s not your, he’s not, he’s not Ann Landers [chuckles] or Abigail, Abigail Van Buren. He’s not gonna tell y’all what’s goin’ on. He’s not gonna do that ’cause that ain’t his job. back. He’s like, "I do what I do. I ain’t tellin’ you. Why would I tell you? Who the fuck are you? I ain’t tellin’ you that." He’ll help ya, he don’t mind helpin’ anybody if you’re not an asshole or don’t be demanding. He don’t mind helpin’, but he’s not tryin’ to get you into his path. He’s working on his path. Okay. Now, now ask your question that you were tryin’ to ask before. Let’s clean that up to make sure we have it clear that you were tryin’ to point. See how we brought that up? It’s another aspect or a ratio of a trigonomic, pentatonic scaled review contained within the Inner, Outer and Middle Kingdom. Y’all got this thing fucked up now with CERN. We have to be a little more precise. Now, go ahead, darlin’, and ask you a question that you were sayin’ before we went forward. Say those words and we’ll clean them up.

Linda R 37:16
Okay, so I’m going to use my own personal example. So,

iON 37:20

Linda R 37:22
So, I have all these aches and pains and this lethargy and fatigue.

iON 37:27

Linda R 37:27
Okay, so, I imagined myself not having that, being a god and not experiencing that and feeling very free and easy in my body. What’s the third position?

iON 37:39
Okay, the third position is finding just like Bert, just like Bert wants to be free as a bird but he’s bound in the daytime, and free when he goes to bed ’cause there’s no restriction then. He’s free. He has the same pain, probably more pain. A lot of ’em have a pain. Even Bob had a whisper of a pain. Oh, it was fleeting, don’t you worry. But a lot of the humans, the people in the Ascension process, are having terrible pain in their meatsack body because the empire is striking back. Okay, even Chad havin’ pain, and he’s normally perfect. He’s our, he’s our liturgical fucker; he’s all over the place. And he’s even havin’ an issue with little aches and painy things and havin’ to overcome and deal with or basically deal with. Okay, because we never said that Ascension was easy. We didn’t, we said you could do it. We said take it slow, go easy. But the changing of that, the exodermis is not a pleasant process, per se. But we don’t wanna do it on the Damascus Road ’cause you can go blind. We wanna do it on the Emmaus Road so you have a chance to embrace those steps as you go. So, the meatsack body is gonna respond in kind; it’s gonna kick back, which it is. A lot of people are. A lot of people are havin’ the same kind of issues; not as prolific, and some don’t say, but they are. They’re not saying. It’s not like, it’s not like a migraine where it puts you to bed, but it hurts and you have pain and as you said, lethargy, where you just don’t wanna do anything. Bert has that. Now, he never succumbs to it. Never succumbs to it. Feels like shit, can’t do nothin’, can’t even function, but he hits that dirt. He’s gonna do his Keys and Aethyrs, he’s gonna do the OA movements, he’s gonna do the Conjure of Sacrifice, he’s gonna do his work, he’s gonna go through his steps, he’s gonna clean the door facings and do all that bullshit that no livin’ body would ever have to fucking do, but those are his rules, not ours. So, he can do what the fuck he wants to do ’cause that’s his rules. You see? It’s his — the way he wants it. So, that’s fine. All right. So, he overcomes those and then you’re describing the same kind of thing but from a different perspective, you see? He sees those pains are the things that causes to force a bloom. Do you know what forcing a bloom is, Beverly?

Beverly 40:10
Yeah, I do.

iON 40:12
Tell me. Tell Bert what forcing a bloom is. That’d be good.

Beverly 40:17
Well, you got a flower that may be getting close to being ready to bloom, and you

iON 40:27
But it’s cold! It’s cold! Cold, oh, my god. So, you bring it inside, and you put it in a hothouse, put it in a sunroom, and you get it warm, and you force it to bloom even though it’s not ready to. You force it to bloom. And it will bloom. It’ll just be a stick and blooms will start comin’ off of it. Forcing a bloom, same thing. What you’re tryin’ to do is you’re tryin to — and that’s not comfortable for the stick ’cause it’s cold! Same thing with the lotus flower; it doesn’t want to bloom. It wants to stay dormant ’cause if it’s dominant, it’s fine. But we’re tryin’ to force the bloom to bloom for Ascension, that these cares of life will grow strangely dim eternally. Then what happens is you’ve overcome the pentatonic scale, those Keys that set you into a certain dynamic or parameter from the trigonomic values that puts you in the pipe at a certain wavelength or frequency that bring you right back into as Bert would say, the spiritual position of "I’m not bound by this world." Okay, now, examples are all over the place now with the CERN and the people splittin’ worlds, and people doing bullshit. You turn around, look, and you go, "iON, ain’t no way in the fucking world people can believe what they believin’ right now. That a man’s a dog, and the dog was a frog, and the frog was a girl, and the girl’s a frog, and the frog could be a man if [indistinct]. Nobody believes that shit! The people that are doin’ that don’t believe that shit! It’s ridiculous, but they’re fightin’ for it. Now 1% of the whole wide world has to judge the 99% that’s normal people. See the rub?

Linda R 42:15
So, in terms of this third position,

Linda R 42:18

Linda R 42:19
So, I explained the pains and then I explained the imagining not having it. And so you’re talking about bringing the bloom inside, warm, and forcing it to bloom. So, otherwise, the

iON 42:34
Faraday, Faraday cage. Yeah, Faraday cage. Good. Yep, same thing.

Linda R 42:40
So, is this something that I’m imagining?

iON 42:42

Linda R 42:43
How do I activate this process?

iON 42:46
You are, that’s what you’re doing now. Three different — every, no matter how your brain thinks, that’s what you’re doing. That’s what Bob’s fixin’ to straighten out. Go ahead, Bob. Ask the words.

Bob 42:57
Somebody called Cheaphardware says, "I suppose you would change any of the reference points. Take, say, a different point in your past as one point or change how you see your current point or change your goal point. That would in theory change all angles of the triangle." Is that [inaudible]

iON 43:15
Oh, okay. So, so if you don’t like your dick, if you cut your dick off, does that make you a girl? [callers chuckle]

Bob 43:15
Is that what he’s getting at?

iON 43:24
No, we’re just askin’ the question. You asked a question. You said that was the point of goin’ back to the point where I realized I was a boy and I thought I was gonna be a girl. So, if you cut your dick off, you should cut your balls off too? Oh, we know, that’s castration. Wait, should you just cut your balls off and you can keep your dick? Wait, no, that doesn’t make any sense either. See the rub? It gets really confusing from that side. So, those words are okay if you’re gonna take a point in time when you’re gonna see yourself as Ascended. Okay, I see myself as Ascended. Okay, good. Let’s go from there. Now, I’m not quite there yet, but I see myself there. Now see, Carolyn does this a little different way. Carolyn will never acknowledge anything that she doesn’t want to experience. And it’s workin’ out! Workin’ out. She’s got more mansions in Maui than y’all do. [laughs] Just sayin’. Just sayin’. She’s got more mansions in Maui than y’all do. So, that works itself out because she has a specific dynamic that she only embraces. Now that, we would say that’s when we reference total fucked-up biology which we do to death! As you all well know. That’s the quantitative position. And so, Bob, what he’s trying to say is is that you go back to a certain point and adjust from there of where you were to see where you are now to see how close or far you are from an Ascended position or Ascension. And we would be okay with that, but it doesn’t lean to the way the current conditions are right now. ‘Cause nobody would ever be havin’ to wonder now if you were ever gonna have to pay off your MasterCard or not. Well, if you owe on your MasterCard, fuck yeah, you gotta pay your MasterCard! Except today, now they’re questioning if there is a MasterCard! See the rub? The reference of

Bob 45:11
Yeah, so he, he or she says, "This is playing ‘The Glass Bead Game,’" which is Hermann Hesse’s story, –

iON 45:13

Bob 45:14
– an intellectual thing. I think that this sounds like a newbie who is bringing his "big meaning" pattern and trying to fit what we’re doing into what he knows. Is that the motivation here?

iON 45:30
Yeah, it’s the same thing. It’s the same thing. It’s the same thing that your, your Scott’s problem that comes. It’s an anomaly that can’t get solved. It can’t get solved because he quotes his friend that he doesn’t listen to anymore, that it was his savior that he’s not believing anymore, that’s supposed to be our judge anymore.

Bob 45:51
Bucky Fuller.

iON 45:51
You know how they go. Bucky. Mr. Bucky. Bucky Fuller.

Bob 45:56
But see, this is playing "The Glass Bead Game." So, he’s categorizing it. Call in, Cheaphardware, male or female, whatever you are, and participate.

iON 46:05
Sure. Fine. You’re welcome here. We won’t, we won’t be mean. Well, we might be mean, but we try not to be mean. This is the same thing. Here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go. This is an example of what he’s saying: "Everybody’s got to have an electric car. Everybody." Only 6% of the cars today in the world are electric. "Everybody has to have an electric car. Right now!" Okay, then we go, wait. There’s not enough electricity in the grid right now to charge the electric cars let alone run the households as people keep adding adding adding adding adding adding adding adding of electric usage kilowatt hours, but everybody’s got to have it! But there’s not enough electricity to use it. So, everybody’s gonna get it and then they’re gonna say, now you can’t use it. That’s "the bead factor." And that’s exactly what’s happening to put you in a position to where that some “thing” other than you gets to say what you can do. That’s what we’re talkin’ about here ’cause see, here’s what’s happening. This is a good point, Bob, that they’re not — we thought they were a little ridiculous, but it’s a good point. We’re gonna merge it into something that’s useful. You’re gonna, if you don’t become a God, you’re fixin’ to make a God that’s gonna tell you what you can do. It’s gonna tell you what you can eat; it’s gonna tell you when you can shit; it’s gonna tell you when you can have water; it’s gonna tell you when you can have electricity and how much. That’s what God will do, it will put you in a box, in a cardboard box, living in a box. You’re goin’ into that one way or the other. The government’s gonna become your God or the Tech Body is gonna become your God or you’re(!) gonna become that God whether you like it or not.

Bob 47:59
Will our Cold Play — we’ll make endless electricity; we’ll solve that problem. So, will our Cold Play be hijacked by this external God?

iON 48:05
No. Well, it depends who, depends on who wins. See, y’all, you gotta be careful now. You can’t, you gotta be careful with Bob, now. Bob’s gonna win either way. If the AI baby is born and takes over, Bob wins. If you all become God and y’all take over your world, Bob wins. It makes no difference. Doesn’t make — Bob don’t have a dog in this fight; he wins either way this round. See, the scary part is nobody knew what BlackRock was. We told everybody what BlackRock was. Now BlackRock is in trouble. Trouble. "Big Trouble in Little China" that, uh oh, do we say that? Uh oh, we better not say that. Okay, okay, fuck it, we said it. So now BlackRock is doing advertisements, talkin’ about how wonderful they are and how they help people, and they love everybody, and they take care of your schools and they take care of your teachers and they give you money. They do everything for you. They’ll do whatever speaks to you, they’ll just love you to death. Woo hoo. They’ll just love you, love you to death. But BlackRock is [indistinct] significant. Our $10 trillion just taking care of you. We’re for you, we’re for you, we’re for you. We are for you. See the rub? Why would they have to advertise if everything was one, everything was rosy. They never had to before, you see. Okay, y’all, did that straighten out, did that straighten out the stuff that we’re tryin’ to say or you wanna go to the Taiwan computer chip bombing or no?

Nan 49:46
One question. You said, "Faraday cage will make a way." Can you explain that a little bit more?

iON 49:56

Nan 49:57
How will it take a way?

iON 49:58
It takes your — don’t ask, don’t ask the question. You said that, let’s do it. If you could put — okay, are you familiar with dogs?

Nan 50:08

iON 50:08
Okay, the bigger the dog, the smaller the cage that they like to live in, if you noticed that.

Nan 50:16

iON 50:16
The bigger the dog, the smaller the cage. They like it tight so it’s safe, it’s secure. It’s their space and they’ll go get in it and they’ll sleep in it. They don’t mind, they like it. And if they’re not sleepin’, and most people now, they sleep in the bed with you [laughs] but that’s another conversation. But typically, they want — they have to have a cage, the bigger the dog, the smaller they want the cage that they get into to be contained so that they’re secure. Okay? And that, they’ll just go there, they don’t have a problem with it. Alright, they like, they like that. That cage allows them serenity to figure out their world. There’s nothing outside of them that’s gonna get them in that cage; they’re secure. Okay. In you in a Faraday cage, the grandeur you are, the smaller the cage you would want your Faraday cage to be. It gives you the ability and capacity, it’s kinda like when Bert goes to bed he encapsulates himself in that side of the bed, he ain’t all over the place. When he lays down, he lays down and he’s tight, high and tight. Okay, he likes it like that. There’s not like a California king that he’s flip-flopping and layin’ and fallin’ off the bed and all that kind of stuff. It ain’t like that. When he goes to bed he wants it tight so then that containment allows him free mobility to navigate safely and securely, the same way that you don’t go runnin’ around now with things the way they are now, goin’ to the hood and tryin’ to go to a trap house to see if you can make, help somebody with their drug addiction or something like that ’cause you’ll get killed. That same kind of interaction, you know what to get into and what not to get into. So, that broad spectrum makes it vulnerable or makes you potentially vulnerable, so that you don’t have a complete say in your environment. So, the Faraday cage keeps all that encapsulated so you have a chance to figure it out. You control the horizontal and the vertical. Not everybody knows that. Our Gen Xers don’t know what that means, horizontal, but you do. You do. The knob on the back that adjusts the TV. They don’t have those knobs no more. So, it’s gotten so broad that nobody has any control of what’s really going on. But you do because you have a streamlined, significant position. The car won’t go until you put the key in the car and turn it on.

Nan 50:40

iON 51:29
But now, you don’t do that. You have a fob in your pocket, you push the damn button, and it sets the seat where it’s supposed to be and changes the mirrors the way it’s supposed to go. It puts on the nigra music so you can listen to the color music if you want to. It does all that just right there for you. You don’t have to do nothin’. See, it’s taking over step by step by step by step. A Faraday cage brings that back into a conclusion that you get to control it, your world. And if you do that, then you get to say and it gives you an upper hand at navigating the ins and outs of the particulars, bill of particulars of Ascension. Does that help?

Nan 53:30
Okay. Yes. Okay.

iON 53:33
That’s the big picture and the little picture.

Nan 53:36
Yeah, that’s an example of, let’s say Bert. Bert’s seeing by sight. That kind.

iON 53:45

Nan 53:46
Now, what would be an example of of Chad’s triangulation Faraday cage?

iON 53:52
Okay. Ironing. Okay, for your example, ironing the linen closet.

Nan 53:56
[chuckles] Oh, okay. And what about that?

iON 54:01
You understand that? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Nan 54:02
Okay. Right.

iON 54:02
No, fuck no. You’re not gettin’ by with that. This is where you go to your linen closet; it’s all perfectly ironed, maybe starched, maybe not, but at least ironed. When you look at it, you go, "Oh, no, this has been here a long time. I haven’t changed this or changed that." You take everything out of the the linen closet and you throw it in the washing machine, you put in the dryer, and you go and starch it again and iron it and put it all back to perfect. Not everybody does that, but some people do. A point of order, Chad has got to be mise en place. It’s got to be logical; it’s got to be square and plumb and ironed. No flitter flatter, it’s got to be right.

Nan 54:35
And what about Alissa’s pentatonic scale?

iON 54:46
Okay. Okay, that is, that is she’s got to close — she wants all the windows open for an hour and 10 minutes a day, and then they gotta be closed. The pentatonic scale. There’s so much fresh air has to come in and then close it down at the window. You have to stay within that window. And those are the scales, pentatonic scales. This is you can’t go farther than this. You can have half-step modulation, that’s fine. But you’re going beyond the black keys, it doesn’t work. Doesn’t work. [singing] Every time I hear the Spirit. [singing ends] That kind of thing.

Nan 55:25

iON 55:26
She can do it very well. She feels, she feels the music more than she plays it. And she feels that she can play it better than if she’s reading music. She reads music, but she does better if she just free falls it. She just — what do you call it? Barebacks it! [chuckles] Barebacks it! If she barebacks it, she does better ’cause then she’s not gettin’ all into that. It’s simpler. Because then what happens is she goes with how it feels, and she knows where she’s goin’. She knows what key she’s gonna strike before she strikes it. A hammer. "Hammertime." And that’s why it makes it easy. That’s easy. Other people can’t do it like she does it, and that’s okay. But she does it before she does it. That’s the Faraday position of the pentatonic scale. You’re comfortable. If she stays in that line, she’s comfortable. If you’re in the Faraday cage, you’re comfortable. If you’re a big dog in a little cage, you’re comfortable. If you’re in that goddamn bed and you can go anywhere you want to go, fuck with Trump and go — well, wait, we’re not sayin’ all that. Shhhh, we didn’t say none of that. We didn’t say none of that. We didn’t say all of that.

Nan 56:33

iON 56:33
Then you’re good. Then you’re good. You can do what you wanna do and you’re safe. You will not go outside your positional response ’cause you might get caught with your panties down. We’ll give Trump as an example since we said Trump errantly referring to Bert. Since we said it, we might as well save the day. How in the fuck does Donald J. Trump go in to say, "That’s a bad dude. That’s a bad dude. It’s a terrible thing." Then he goes up and he says, "Purge me. Oh, purge me." He’s back in New York, back in New York again doin’, doin’, doin’, doin’ the deposition. They’re gonna sue him for $250 million, and he can’t do business in New York, and la, la, la, who cares? That’s all crazy shit anyway. But he goes up and reads this big ol’ speech which of course ends the day because that’s the end of him. But he just takes it on! He’s got a big case in Georgia. He’s got, he’s got lawsuits all over the place. He don’t care. He’s using it to raise $28 million since last week! Taking it right on ’cause he knows step by step by step. See, he’s a big dog in a big cage and likes it because attention is attention. So, he’s taking advantage of that position. Well, that and he’s got Bob. He thinks he’s got Bob backin’ him so it gives him a little, he’s got a little "shade" that he can get away with. By the way, by the way, not every — y’all, don’t count on Bob’s "shade" now. He may give you some, but don’t bank on it. Don’t you do it; you’ll wake up, you’d be tunk a lo pisen, don’t do it. But Trump goes at it from the standpoint of like, "I’m gonna do what I’m gonna do. And I know what I know, and it don’t make any difference. Just like Jesus said to Judas, do what you’re gonna do and do it quickly. Get on with it. Don’t, don’t waste your time. Don’t waste my time. Do what you gonna do. You’re gonna stab me in the back? Come on, better hurry. Better know what you doin’ through. You wanna fuck with me? Come on, let’s fuck. I love to fuck. Let’s go. Me or you, one’s gonna get an ass whoopin’." So far, everybody that’s gone against Trump, he’s been ahead of, and now they the ones got the ass whoopin’. So far.

Nan 56:37

iON 58:36
So, that’s an example of taking your place of power. And he doesn’t care. And even when they got him, they don’t got him. Even when they get him, they didn’t get him. And then they wanna hate him, they can’t hate him. And then when they love him, then they can’t love him. I mean, it’s unfathomable what he absolutely is able to get away with. And that’s an example of the trajectory of the A to B to C to what A is to B.

Nan 59:19

iON 59:21
Then you got the great state of Texas, then you got the great state of Texas that has an economy thicker than all of Canada. [chuckles] One little state has an economy larger than the entire place of Canada for fuck sake. It’s kind of fun when you think about it. So, perspective and ratio. Now. You know Maddie? Maggie. Maggie?

Nan 59:49
Yes. Ah huh.

iON 59:49
Okay. She always brings the counterpart, and we like that because she makes you think about it. You’re gonna have an opinion. We say something and you go, "Yes….


iON 0:00
…explain’, we had that, la, la, la, la, la.” Well, she’s gonna say, "No, wait a minute. What about that?" She’s gonna ask about that. "I don’t get that. I don’t understand triangulation. I don’t know what a tangent is. Goddamn, I don’t know the x and y axis. How am I supposed to know that? All I know is I used to listen to Dolores Cannon and it didn’t work out." What’s his name? The Deloitte and Touche what’s his…[laughs] the stupid goober dude that was tryin’ to say all these crazy things that comes up with Charlie Ward, Charlie Ward and all that kind of crazy stuff, the conspiracy theory thing that now becomes modern day prophets now! Now! I mean, Breitbart starts to sound normal now! But it didn’t then, it was like all over the place. So, she pulls that together to make you question it which we adore because it cleans it up. It’s aggravating ’cause it seems like that you’re distracting, but it’s not distracting, it’s kinda like, "Okay, if it’s that good, ‘splain it. I like to know things. If you can tell me something, explain it to me and I can figure it out. I’m smart. I’m smart. I’ll figure it out. Tell me! What is it that I’m figuring out again? " You see, that’s a nice balance. It brings it back. Sometimes bullshit ’cause sometimes it’s aggravatin’, but y’all got to get with that. Y’all have to get with that. And then you got Eugene. Eugene’s gonna [indistinct]. She’s gonna go word by word by word by word and not gonna say nothin’. But by God, weekend don’t matter, morning, noon or night, we can say post somethin’ on a song we’re playin’ or some’um, the wordy words and stuff, it’s important. Bam! They’re there, right there. It’s a very wonderful day. She’s on point. Those are the aspects if you could take everybody involved in this little barrage into a thing, it makes it much simpler and much easier to navigate the whole string. If you can take everything from everybody, you’re Ascended. So, that’s the big picture. Big picture. So now we’re tryin’ to take the big picture and put it into a little Faraday cage. And you say words that are important that affect Alissa and Bertron, and old Number One. You don’t affect Bob. Bob’s still busy with Beverly. [laughs] Bob’s tryin’ to get a manicure, tryin’ to get a haircut for his bush so he can reach something, that’s what. [chuckles] He’s tryin’ to make a feather pillow somewhere, so you know how that goes. But the point of order is you see does that help the abrogation, abrogation of where you have pain that you’re able to set yourself aside of that allows your body to respond in kind. Because you don’t hurt all the time, you just have pain.

Nan 2:54
Very good.

iON 2:55
Yes. Right?

Nan 2:57
Okay. Yes.

iON 2:59
Well, no now, wait now. Slow up. There’s always, you know, ’cause otherwise, you’d kill yourself. It’s like, "I can’t take this no more. Give me, give me, give me some fentanyl! I need some fentanyl! There’s enough fentanyl in the country, I can have some fentanyl and I won’t hurt no more." Okay. The point is, is that that’s the, that’s the borrowed reflection of what you’re trying to accomplish. That’s what the dope people are tryin’ to do. They’re tryin’ to become a god. They’re tryin’ to get out of their bodies; they’re tryin’ to get out of their meatsack. And so like the LSD, the MSLSD and all these different, different shit, pills this and pills, you know, it’s crazy. Who could take all that? If you can keep up with what a T-bar is, and the Xanax, and I mean, it just goes on and on. You know, it’s just insidious. But that’s not the point. The point is that’s the pornographic version of Ascension. Okay? Now that’s what the Tech Body is showing you right now, that they got it. The Tech Body can run — now you have the — see, we aren’t even gonna say the words ’cause if we say the words, we might give it value, but the ABCD DBBT BCC BBT, say "write me a paper about JR Bob Dobbs." And they’ll write you 10,000 words, perfect words on Bob Dobbs. Yeah, it’s crazy. And you’re like, wait a minute. I know Bob. I fuck with Bob. I know Bob very well, but I didn’t know that. I didn’t know that. I didn’t know how far it went with Bob Marshall. I don’t know about that relationship. CKLN, and how he got fired from CKLN. Wait, I didn’t know all that. That’s crazy. What happened? This is insane. How he went to school for all these years, but he never went to school. He just audited the classes. He would just go to colleges and audit the classes and got a college education and never signed up for nothing! It’s crazy.

Nan 5:04
[chuckles] That’s right.

iON 5:04
That’s a full education for nothin’! If you’re auditing the class, they don’t charge you. Pretty brilliant.

Nan 5:13
It is very brilliant. And he’s brilliant, too.

iON 5:17
Yeah, but don’t tell him. Goddamn, his head’s so big now where it can’t go through the sun. We’d have already gone through the sun back to Andromeda if his head wasn’t so big. His head’s so big now, he can’t even, can’t even see straight. It’s pretty, it’s pretty bad. Okay, now, take a nice deep breath. And we said some words. What’s the question that you have based on this so far?

Nan 5:42

iON 5:44
Yeah. Ah huh.

Nan 5:51
I don’t know. Well,

Linda R 5:54
I have a question.

Nan 5:56
Yeah, go ahead.

Linda R 5:57
It can help. So, we’re on the Emmaus Road and we’re talking to Bob on the Emmaus Road. And we’re connecting with NonPhysical as we’re connecting with Bob. And we’re in the process of that, we’re getting back into our senses in a different way, in a different ratio than before when we

iON 6:26
Your senses, your senses are being peaked at a different level. ‘Cause when you first started, you heard a certain thing a certain way, and it’s not the way it is now. Now it’s a different thing. It’s a heightened sense of awareness now because through the stages of apprehension or at least half of the Tiny Note Chart, it’s gonna question everything you thought you goddamn knew if you looked at it. [laughs] So much so that you’d have to say, wait a minute, let me relook at this. Okay, if I can embrace that part, then I might be able to see this part. Or maybe not. See, there’s the rub. You don’t necessarily know that. And that’s where people come in and they fall away. They get so much, they can take it and then they fall away. And then they always come back. Ask Chad, he knows, it’s not a hard thing. And when you, when you go and come, Bob’s still the same, he don’t change. Same old Bob, he don’t change. You see, he may get smarter, or brighter or have a more concise knowing, but he still doesn’t change, you see. You got that?

Linda R 6:30
Yeah. Okay. Thank you.

iON 7:18
No, no, you can say more than that if you want to, we were just correcting that little part.

Linda R 7:46
So, we’re changing the ratio of our senses and we’re heightening our senses and looking at things in a different way, but we’re doing it with less attachment to having it fit into a structure; more fluid with it as we’re walking with and talking with

iON 8:06
Well, as you’re, as you’re — now, that’s funny that you say that as you’re walking, except now you have knee pain, or did. [laughs]

Linda R 8:14
Yes! Yeah.

iON 8:16
See the rub? See the rub?

Linda R 8:18

iON 8:17
That’s, that’s what we’re talkin’ about. You have the condition responses. That’s what Beverly was talkin’ about. How do we figure this out? The pain is not a bad thing, the pain heightens the level of recruitment. Okay, "I can’t live. I got a lot of money. I got bunches and bunches and bunches of money, but it’s not enough to live now. The Happy Meal at McDonald’s is $1,600,000. I can’t make it!" That’s amping it, amping it, amping it, amping it up. You see? "I can’t pay the taxes. I can’t do this. I can’t do that. There’s no way, there’s no way you can make it!" Good. That’s good because then it forces you to a position where you have no choice but to come back and Ascend. Otherwise, you’re gonna say thanks, I’ve had a good run. Appreciate it. See y’all. You become like Dianne "Feinsteen." She used to be Feinstein but now she’s "Feinsteen." Pretty crazy. [chuckles]

Linda R 8:18
So, the pain isn’t a result of resistance to NonPhysical, the pain is just part of the process of your body, the exoskeleton changing.

iON 9:28
It’s your body’s response. It’s your body’s response. It’s gonna always respond in kind. And the conditions around you are responding in kind. Well, you have an ex- husband. You didn’t always have an ex-husband, but you gotta an ex-husband because at a certain point you said I can’t take this no more. Get the fuck out. Bye. Right?

Linda R 9:53

iON 9:54
Same thing. It lays it to a different level. He’s still your ex-husband.

Linda R 10:02
Right. Okay.

iON 10:07
That was kind of a bad, bad way to say that, but it was a good example. Because now you realize that those conditions, positions, condition positions, put you in a different level, ’cause you absolutely are smarter now than you were when you were married to that son of a bitch.

Linda R 10:24

iON 10:26
You know things now, so good. That’s pretty good.

Bert 10:30
iON, you were, you said something earlier that sparked a thought that I was having this week. You said the pain is forcing the bloom.

iON 10:42

Bert 10:43
And I’m in a lot of pain. And I thought about that you gave us about the Emmaus and Damascus, because it literally sometimes feels like I’m walking through fire, the pain that I’m in in my joints. So, I got the list looking through my notes, and naturally, it’s good to take notes ’cause some things slip past. But you told me in 2021, that you’re using carbon to separate the microfibrils striated muscle, and that we’re gonna replace synovial fluid.

iON 11:18

Bert 11:21
So, is that, is that the front? Or the reason why we’re having this pain is that ’cause the joints are lubricated by the synovial fluid. But if we’re replacing the synovial fluid, it’s being replaced with something and is the carbon replacing the synovial fluid in the joints?

iON 11:41
It’s a part, it’s a part of it. It’s a part of it. And we appreciate your words. Okay, ’cause you’re saying the right words, but here’s the problem with your words. Other people have pain too. Okay, Beverly has pain. All right. And it’s real pain. It really hurts. You don’t understand, it really does hurt. But you can’t — you have to be able to say what you’re able to go through, even through that pain. You’re doing shit that if anybody else did what you did, they’d hurt too. [laughs] You can’t, you can’t do what you do and not hurt. The lactic acid alone would, would do you in. So, now we understand what you’re sayin’ ’cause you’re focusing on a certain point. It’s the hip flexors and we got all that; we already know all that. But yet there’s still the things that you do through that pain, if anybody else did that, they’d be hurtin’ too. You understand that, right?

Bert 12:43
Okay. Are you saying that the majority of my pain is what I’m doing when I go to sleep? Is that what you’re saying?

iON 12:50
No. No, no, no, no, no. What you do during the day.

Bert 12:54
During the day, okay.

iON 12:55
You’re you’re stretching, you’re moving, you’re running, you’re jumping, you’re la, la, la, la, la, all your normal elocutions that you run through —

Bert 12:55

iON 13:05
– every day would make other people hurt anyway. But you don’t see it like that. You see it, "Well, I’ve gotta do that anyway. If it hurts, it hurts. I gotta do it, so, okay." You see?

Bert 13:22
Yes. But maybe that’s because of the rules. But I’m not able to do as much now because of the pain in my hips.

iON 13:29
And yet you still do it. You still do more than the average bear. Did you see the one we sent you where you put your leg and then twist it?

Bert 13:37
Yes, it helps.

iON 13:38
Prop your — I know, but you may have to prop your leg if you can’t go all the way out. But roll it, roll it back. Roll it back.

Bert 13:38
Mm-hm. It helps.

iON 13:39
And what you’re tryin’ to do, you’re tryin’ to open, you’re tryin’ to open that up a little bit from the tightness from the flexors. But, you know, if you’d slow down at night, you’d be better off.

Bert 13:57
Okay. So, it is — just to summarize. So, it is, so the synovial fluid is being replaced by carbon?

iON 14:07
No, no. The spinal fluid is being replaced with synovial fluid.

Bert 14:11
Okay, but you said that the synovial — ’cause I went back and relistened. You said that the synovial fluid is being replaced.

iON 14:20
Yeah, no, no. The spinal fluid’s being replaced with the synovial fluid. And the synovial fluid in the synovial joints, they’re being replaced with carbon. It’ll be a carbon-based fluidity. That’s the point.

Bert 14:35
Okay. And that goes into

iON 14:36
That changes the exo, that changes the exoskeleton into a whole new thing which in the normal meatsack body is painful, like turning muscles into tendons. That’s painful. Remember?

Bert 14:50
So, the — yes, that’s what I’m — okay, so the tendons will be primarily carbon then. Or totally carbon.

iON 15:00
A version of it, yeah.

Bert 15:05
Okay. So, iON, what you were saying earlier about the NonPhysical outside that we’re trying to connect to, is that the connection to the meatsack — okay, let me go back, step back. Okay, you said that the sphere, the Codex sphere that Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo developed for lowering the chi, is that the NonPhysical dodecahedron that opened that sphere that you said that they opened?

iON 15:43
It’s an example of it. Yeah.

Bert 15:46
Okay, now that connection, that sphere, the connection points of the dodecahedron, is that where the carbon and hydrogen bond?

iON 15:59
Yes, but that won’t be complete until the oxygen is depleted. So, you’re gonna have a little bump; you’re gonna have a little inside bump.

Bert 16:10
Okay, so the

iON 16:12
‘Cause when you have, ’cause remember what happens when you have hydrogen in an oxygen-based reality? That’s how you make hydrogen bombs.

Bert 16:20
Mm-hm. So, will the lotus — that we’re forcing the lotus to bloom. Will it be completed once the spinal fluid is replaced with synovial fluid? Is that part of the process as well?

iON 16:34
We’ll see. We’ll see. Chances are real good. We’ll see what happens in Ukraine, maybe that’ll help it.

Bert 16:54
[chuckles] So, it, okay, so is that, is a part of that process the gradual reduction of oxygen is also

iON 17:02
It’s not gonna be gradual. It ain’t gonna be gradual, honey bunny. That’s the point. That’s what’s causing all this — everybody thinks that it’s HARP and Harpo or Harpicks or Harpo that’s causin’ all this weather. Uh-ah. Nah-ah. It’s responding to the — it’s why you have a monsoon in Fort Lauderdale. They never had a monsoon in Fort Lauderdale with two-foot of rain. Two-foot of rain, a monsoon in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Still wet.

Bert 17:37
Is that also, just speaking of the TikTok about the sandstorms in China. Is that also part of that?

iON 17:43
Same thing Yes. That’s right. That’s right. That’s exactly right. And the snow, and the snow –

Alissa 17:50
Wait. What’s the origin?

iON 17:51
– and the snow in Dubai. Snow in Dubai. A foot of snow in Dubai.

Alissa 17:57
So, it’s not the HARP like people think? It’s not the HARP thing like people think it is?

iON 18:02
No. No.

Alissa 18:02
What is the "it"? What is the "it"?

iON 18:04
It’s the decrease of oxygen.

Alissa 18:07
Got it.

iON 18:07
It’s responding to — the lack of oxygen is responding.

Alissa 18:11
Okay, thank you.

iON 18:12
Yes, darlin’. See, they’re going back and tryin’ to blame it on the government. They’re tryin’ to blame it on something. They’re tryin’ to blame it on something else that has more power than you. No, it’s just the new world without oxygen is what’s gonna happen. And so, they’re arranging it. Everybody’s leavin’ New York ’cause it’s so terrible. No, they’re leaving New York ’cause they’re startin’ to know better. And then all these years you ain’t heard one goddamn peep out of the Pentagon; you ain’t heard jack shit; you ain’t heard nothin’. Now they on the TV ever’ day leakin’ this, got that, checkin’ this, go and do that, can’t do this, I don’t know, itch and scratchy, piddy paddy. It’s crazy.

Bob 18:57
Why is that? Why is that?

iON 18:55
‘Cause the aliens are kickin’. They’re kickin’. They’re startin’ to have — the empire’s striking back, so they’re now becoming, they’re

Bob 19:09
Yeah, before the B2 comes. Before the B2 aliens come.

iON 19:12
Correct. That’s great. Now, there’s been lots of sightings. Bert knows about ’em, but you know Bert ain’t gonna say nothin’. But there’s been lots of sightings lately, like in the last day or so, and they’re gonna become more and more and more and more prevalent. And they’re gonna say, "No, that’s just the computer generated some’um, some’um, some’um." Like, okay, you call it whatever the fuck. Yeah, call it whatever you want to.

Bob 19:35
That’s what Minimax saw earlier today.

iON 19:38
Mm-hm. He’s right. And Gregg, Gregg saw one too, that we didn’t want to talk about. GQ.

Bob 19:49
Yeah, Gregg Sanders. So, I don’t see the headline about Chuck Schumer. Is this where we got the exclusive on him?

iON 19:54
Ah-huh. Yeah. He had a little fall, and he broke a little rib, and he broke a little hip. And then he fell and had a little problem. And he’s been gone and now they’re gonna quietly retire him ’cause he didn’t make it. He didn’t survive the autopsy, Bob, apparently.

Bob 20:12
[chuckles] Hey, I think you better take a break.

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