Transcribed by Nan.
Susana 6:50
Hey, iON, is the gravitational field — was it like that, low or nonexistent, and that’s the reason that when the pyramids were built that the stones were able to be placed?
iON 7:07
Correct. Yes.
Bob 7:08
Less down pull. So, what did you say –
iON 7:13
No pressure.
Bob 7:13
– in your question, Alissa? You said something went down. Did you say gravity or something? You know, a minute ago?
Alissa 7:18
The magnetic field because when those rods hit the center of the Earth, it stops the spinning and decreases the magnetic field, the electromagnetic field.
Bob 7:30
Yeah, so what you just said this a minute and a half ago. What was the question? You started off saying
iON 7:39
Y’all got this all wrong now. Stop. Stop. Y’all got this all wrong. Think about it.
Bob 7:46
No, go ahead. I wanna hear what her question was. Just a second.
iON 7:49
Go ahead.
Bob 7:49
What did you ask two minutes ago of iON?
Alissa 7:52
I asked how does the drop of the magnetic field affect the AL2(SO4) environment?
Bob 8:00
And what did he say?
Alissa 8:03
It enhances it.
Bob 8:05
Oh, yeah. Right.
iON 8:07
But you’re doing it all wrong. You’ve gotta consider it. You’ve got — you’re not seeing it the right way. Do you know what an LP is? You know what an LP is?
Alissa 8:16
Okay, yes. "Long play" record album.
iON 8:20
What if the Earth was a "long play," and the needle is on the outside; it is going slower. And once the needle works its way to the inside, it’s going faster and faster and faster and faster.
Alissa 8:31
iON 8:32
And so, once it goes into that total spin, you drop gravity going so fast, the same way that you can do no gravity spin. You can do a spin and get no gravity; a spinning and you lose gravitation. You overcompensate it. Same that, same way.
Bob 8:52
If you spin something really fast, it’ll start to look solid if you’re looking at it.
Alissa 8:57
Oh. So, iON, you’re saying that when the rods [Fukushima fuel rods] hit the center, it’s actually spinning so fast that it stabilizes and quote unquote, ceases.
iON 9:07
Correct. And then you’ll see it as flat.
Alissa 9:11
Okay, thank you.
Bob 9:13
You’ll see what?
Susana 9:13
You’ll see the Earth flat? Is that what you just said, iON?
iON 9:19
It is already.
Susana 9:23
And how will that enable us to see it flat?
Bob 9:26
The spinning is removed.
iON 9:27
Well, you’ll have pictures of it. You’ll see pictures of it.
Bob 9:33
The spinning is removed. The overlay of spin is removed, so it looks solid when it settles.
iON 9:38
And then, and then you won’t — and then if you’re in Atlanta, Georgia and you want to go to Hong Kong, you won’t have to fly over the top of the earth to get there. See how silly that is?
Alissa 9:49
What will you do?
iON 9:51
You’ll just fly straight to, straight to Hong Kong.
Alissa 9:56
Okay, like a crow flies.
iON 9:59
Now why wouldn’t you do that anyway? See? It don’t make no sense.
Alissa 10:03
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
Bob 10:05
There won’t be a Hong Kong to fly to.
iON 10:08
Well, likely. We were just, we were just talkin’ about the straightening out of the map. You’re McNally Rand, your atlas ain’t right.
Alissa 10:17
Right. Okay.
iON 10:19
Do you remember that one on — do you remember C.J. on "West Wing" when they were explaining to her how all the maps are wrong?
Alissa 10:25
iON 10:26
She was freaking the fuck, she was freaking the fuck out and she said what? I’m the White House speech person. I talk to the fact that — I never knew this. And they explained how they wanted the European places to look bigger, and the big places to look smaller. And that’s, you know, how that goes. So, pretty fun.
Bob 10:43
Right. Is that Jean-Pierre you’re talking about?
iON 10:48
No, no, no, C.J. from "West Wing," the [television] show.
Bob 10:52
Oh, okay. So this, this would explain why Antarctica is off-limits.
iON 10:58
Bob 10:58
It somehow represents the flat Earth. And if you actually knew about and studied it, it wouldn’t make sense if you fit it into the old paradigm. So, it has to be
iON 11:07
Which is why they took it, which is why they took it out in the 50s just like carbon dating and everything else; they took it all out and outlawed it so you can’t — so the smart people — well, we always wish and hope that smart people, wise people, will get power. And we also wish that people in power get wisdom and become smart; gains smart. But that never seems to be the way it is. Seems to be the blithering idiots always seem to find themselves in charge. No pun intended, Bob. [laughs heartedly]