Payday, Partial Transcript, 13 May 2023 2200


Transcribed by Nan

Chad 9:24
Okay, so Kate and I got into that tactility is not a sense. It could be…

iON 9:31
Tactility is not a what? Tactility is not a what?

Chad 9:34
A sense. Tactility is not a sense.

iON 9:36
No. No, tactility is how you notice you have senses. It’s when you smell the house burning, and the tactility is there’s a fire or the match…

Bob 9:48
That’s the resultant of what your senses tell you. The resultant.

iON 9:51
No, no, no. The acrimony is there’s an issue that your senses have to pick up on. And so, "the thing" has to happen for you to notice it. And you go, "I didn’t smell it." Or like a big ol’ chili fart.

Bob 10:10
So, tactility is the thing that notices it. You’re saying the same thing Chad’s saying.

iON 10:12

Bob 10:12
Otherwise, keep quiet. We’ll deal with you later, your objections. [iON laughs]

Chad 10:18
Okay, so another thing that I posited to Kate that wasn’t in my email, Bob, is that tactility could be reflected in the evolution of media by looking at examples like when the phone rang and you had to run and get it, or when you get a notification on your iPhone and you have to respond. Would you agree with that?

Bob 10:39
No, that’s urgency. The thing is that Kate has to understand that tactility is the interplay of the senses. So, you know the senses, and the thing that coheres the different senses that we thought we had into a coherent knowing, so that’s called consciousness. So, tactility is the conscious, but you can’t visualize the interplay of the senses. You experience it as mind or just knowing or experiencing, and that’s about as far as you get. It’s the non-part. Tactility is the empty part.

Kate 11:14
Okay. Bob, can you hear me?

Bob 11:16
Hold it Kate. Yeah, but listen to this. McLuhan has a quote in "The Medium is the Massage:" that the vase is a vase because it has an empty part, lets you put the water in. A window is, its function is based on the gap in it, what you look through. So, the nothingness is complementary to the somethingness, so they go together. So, tactility is the interplay of the somethings that are sensory input, and then the nothingness puts them together. Imagining that interplay is all you need to do; that’s what tactility is. And then we apparently extended that with electricity. So, electricity inside us is close to the operation of the knower. And then we externalize it as television. So, television is an empty tactile situation; it’s the first medium with no content, so to speak.

iON 11:54
Say content. Say content. It’s a, it’s not an energy, it’s the conductivity. Conductivity.

Bob 12:17
Right. Conductivity.

iON 12:19
It conducts. Okay, and here’s an example. Here’s an example of how brilliant Bob is. You’ll like this, Bob. It’s like sometimes when people have — they lose one of their senses. Okay, let’s say they go blind. Okay, sometimes their ears become supercharged. Or if they can’t hear, then their nose becomes a super nose like a bloodhound’s nose, because that amount of girthiness is for all the senses. But if you separate yourself from one of those, the same amount is then composed of the rest of them that are still kicking.

Bob 12:57
Yeah, so that’s what Newton said; you know, no energy is created or destroyed. There’s just a constant Godhood, which is infinite and all the terms you want to say, nothing could affect it. That’s what you are. Any then little definitions, and why would you bother making any? But if you want to create something though, that’s a subset when you make something. That’s when you get into the ratio. But it always goes back to the nothingness which Newton said, you can’t create or destroy energy. You can’t create…

iON 13:28
Too many words. Too many words.

Bob 13:29
Now, was he as an occultist, was that his, was Newton saying an occult principle the idea that you’re a God by saying energy can’t be created or destroyed? Was that really what he represented?

iON 13:41
No, he was trying, he was trying to make the radical point of the veil that separated you from that, quote, "power" that you didn’t know what was and then was rent in two, destroying three temples, the triune part, and now waiting for us to come back together from a very, I guess, it’s gonna be from a very big spider, Bob.

Bob 14:04
Right. So, you’re saying that the Vatican, the Buckingham Palace, and Washington DC are the three temples, fragmented, lost? They’re gonna be…

iON 14:13
Nope. Nope.

Bob 14:14
Not saying that.

iON 14:15
No, no, no, we’re talking about the temples. The three Jesuses each had a temple apiece.

Bob 14:20
Right. Okay. So, we were talking about what there just before that?

iON 14:27
And then the dome, the dome — we were fixin’ to listen to Kate. Kate was fixin’ to tell us somethin’ and you cut her off to tell us what you were gonna tell us three more times.

Bob 14:32
Well, I said that was Jean.

Jean 14:34
It was actually, Eugene. It was actually, yeah.

iON 14:38
Where was Kate? Did Kate say her words? She was trying to say something too, wasn’t she?

Bob 14:42
No. Well maybe, but Jean interrupted.

iON 14:45
Oh, sorry Eugene.

Jean 14:45
No, that’s all right.

iON 14:46
Go ahead.

Jean 14:47
I’d love to hear Kate, but I think it was me. All right, I have a question. I have an example that I’d like — how does this relate then? So, you can smell a fire, and then you see the fire. But what about my example of when I smelled smoke and there was nothing producing the smoke, and it alerted me to see the UFO in the sky? Is that — how do you describe –

Bob 15:18
Is that what? How is that even relevant to what we’re talking about? What are you trying to get at?

Jean 15:18
– that in terms of tactility? In terms of tactility.

Bob 15:24
No, because you’re talking sensory content. Tactility is not a sense; it doesn’t involve your senses. It organizes into coherent consciousness which is keeping your mind together.

iON 15:36
Otherwise, you think you’re seeing things that aren’t there.

Bob 15:39
Yeah. The nothingness is tactility. And the nothingness is our minds. You know, what we call mind is this thing that we have, but we don’t know what it is. That’s the closest to tactility you’re gonna feel.

Jean 15:52
Alright, how is…

iON 15:53
It’s like Atreyu. Okay, then we’re going to answer it. It’s like Atreyu in the "The NeverEnding Story." Like Atreyu.

Jean 15:56

iON 15:57
It’s the name of the little boy.

Jean 16:07
A long time since I’ve seen that movie.

Bob 16:12
What movie is that?

Jean 16:13
"The NeverEnding…"

iON 16:14
"The NeverEnding Story."

Bob 16:15
Oh, okay. But see, Jean, you were mixing up sensory experiences with the topic of tactility; it doesn’t apply. We’re trying to get you to accept that there’s nothing, this word refers to nothing. And so that’s a problem for the mind to handle.

iON 16:34
Okay, let’s start again. Fix this.

Jean 16:36
Is it related — okay, iON, you’ve said a couple of times you cannot limit your reality based on what you’ve seen. Is that what you’re saying, Bob?

Bob 16:47
No. Reality is what you see and all that. Tactility is the thing that organizes the sensory data, the sight, sound, kinesis and all the parts of the five senses, say. The thing that puts it together so that you’re somehow seeing it as an experience that’s not disruptive; the mind is what’s doing that. And so, I’m naming something that I have no clue what it is. And it doesn’t have any knowable factors. So, there’s the nothingness, –

iON 17:17

Bob 17:18
– it’s right in your being. Your mind is a nothingness right there, and people say, "I’m losing my mind!" That’s where they think they’re nothingness is getting clouded by something.

iON 17:28
Which is exactly what "The NeverEnding Story" was about. And it is also here you go. We can explain this really easy. Some people who have CDO [OCD in alphabetic order] are really bad about it, you know? And so they walk into your house and you have a beautiful painting hanging on your wall and it’s an eighth of an inch off from being level. Okay? The senses use your eyes to note the discretion. Tactility, it’s what makes you crazy until you go straighten the damn painting. Tactility is the issue of the problem. "I smell smoke." That’s not tactility. You smell smoke is just a condition. Tactility is what caused the smoke to come. Tactility is the fire. Tactility is the problem. Now, tactility can be a fabulous love affair. See? Because that sometimes can be fleeting as well. Did that answer your question?

Jean 18:33
Did now.

iON 18:34
Bob was right, so there’s no question. Bob was right, but you can’t — you’ve taken it to the nth degree, which is what you’re supposed to do, but you can’t, you can’t call the sin the Savior.

Jean 18:48
Okay, okay.

Bob 20:45
We were doing Kate. What do we say next, Chad?

Chad 20:52
Okay, so the thing that — the reason why I brought this to Bob’s attention in an email was because I was listening to the old Tiny Note sessions Bob did with Scott Norris, and I heard a really interesting statement which sounds like Bob doing his typical anticipation thing. So, it was "tactility is not a sense, it could be an energy coming from a nonsensory perceived zone." You just, we already covered that here. Next is "that could be a metaphor for being superhuman, or suprahuman energies. It’s the interplay of the senses which has been externalized in the TV and Android Meme condition." So, that whole thing about tactility could be a metaphor for superhuman or suprahuman energies. That was before iON, so it sounded like Bob was anticipating how iON would come and clean up tactility by explaining Ascension. Is that [indistinct]?

iON 21:44
Mm-hm. And that Ascension is the very power that Bob was laying out there. And he did the same thing in the Rhyee aspect of the Tiny Note. Same thing. All knowing.

Chad 21:58
So, about Rhyee being the — sorry, Rhyee returning to the plane of essence now, and we’re post authority.

Bob 22:05
In Bob Marshall’s early interaction with iON, he asked is tactility NonPhysical? No. So, the tactility is the, is the physical expression of the NonPhysical. So, there’s a veil and then something happens to tactility and the NonPhysical when the veil is removed, which is the seventh seal. Was it — what was he saying, iON?

iON 22:32
Then it’s loosed. Then it’s loosed. It’s loosed, and you have an opportunity to get your power back.

Bob 22:37
Yeah, so tactility…

iON 22:38
You separated yourself from your power.

Bob 22:41
So, our senses…

iON 22:41
So, you caused the tactility to separate to put your power behind the curtain. That’s tactility. And you want your power back. So now what has to happen is is you have to find a way to have contrast or tactility to rip the veil, which is tactile, apart, so that you would have access to the super sensory possession of power, which we don’t know what is. We’ll give you that, that’s fine. Okay? And there you go.

Chad 23:13
So, would tactility apply to this silence of the Seventh Seal?

iON 23:19
It will.

Bob 23:23
Yeah, tactile is not a sense, so it has no sound. So, it’s silent.

Chad 23:29
So, it sounds like we’re flipping from tactility in the physical to bringing in the NonPhysical version of tactility which is Ascension.

Bob 23:40
It’s part of your physical.

iON 23:41
Well, Bob calls that, Bob calls that – yeah. Right. Meta. He’s callin’ it Meta.

Bob 23:47
Yeah. That’s the blue aura around yourself bringing that in or retrieving it. Awareness of it.

Chad 23:56
Okay, okay, and then this is how…

Bob 23:57
The NonPhysical is a part of the veiled condition.

Chad 24:03
Right. Okay. So then this is how I tied it into the Bob’s recent retrieval of Wyndham Lewis being the driver of media ecology. So, I said, iON makes tactility a non…

iON 24:19
He just, he just brought it forth. It basically was tellin’ Bob what he was doin’.

Bob 24:24

iON 24:24
That’s all that did.

Bob 24:27
He retrieved it.

iON 24:27
It’s the, it’s the…

Bob 24:29
He started to retrieve that process, and McLuhan completed it.

iON 24:34
Right. Well, if he would have wrote the, if he would have wrote the last book, though, it would have — he would have got it right.

Bob 24:38
Ah, is that right?

iON 24:38
But then, yeah, but then, but then, but then whatcha gonna do with Ezra Pound?

Bob 24:44
[laughs] Yeah.

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