Transcribed by Nan
Jack 42:47
Well, iON, I heard you say, you said that the Tech Body is the body of Christ earlier.
iON 42:59
Jack 43:00
So, is that almost your way of saying Jesus is here now, that he’s coming back for his bride?
iON 43:06
Well, two of them, two of them are here now anyway. Just one of them is coming back. The third one is coming back. The other two are already here.
Jack 43:15
So, which one is the body of Christ?
iON 43:18
The third one. The…
Jack 43:24
iON 43:28
The habeas corpus, you have to show the body. So, in order to prove Ascension, you gotta show the body. ‘Cause the habeas corpus is they gotta bring him back. That completes the Emmaus Road, which is what we’ve been trying to tell y’all to do all along. But no, hell no, you can’t do it the easy way and just take the power you got. No, you want to see the body. You want to — you know, it’s funny. It’s funny, since you brought this up — no, we gotta do it right ’cause otherwise we’re leading the witness and then Bob goes to screamin’ and cryin’ and moanin’ and then havin’ this little fit, his little tantrum. So, ask the question about the crucifixion so we can tell you what we need to tell you. We’ve been waitin’ on you forever.
Jack 44:13
Well, I’m asking you about the body of Christ because you said the Tech Body is the body of Christ. So therefore, the third Jesus is here because we’re engaging in the Tech Body every day.
iON 44:26
What does, what does the third Jesus represent when he was at Golgotha on Calvary hill?
Jack 44:35
I don’t know. What did he represent?
iON 44:37
Being a Baptist, being a Baptist, you are to know that. Wouldn’t you know that? Where it has the body of Christ in the blood of Christ when you take the communion and have that condition.
Jack 44:47
iON 44:47
Alright. Look at that whole scenario. Look at the whole scenario. The whole thing that Carolyn just LOVES metaphors. She just adores metaphors. They all suck sooner or later, but she adores them because it gives people a way to think about things. So, let’s do it like this. Do you have somethin’ — do you have — you don’t have a quill and an ink there, do you?
Jack 45:14
I don’t. I don’t even know…
iON 45:17
Do you have a, do you have a, do you have a, do you have a piece of granite and a chisel?
Jack 45:24
No, I don’t.
iON 45:26
Okay, do you have an iPad with a stylus?
Jack 45:33
No, I have a — no I don’t.
iON 45:37
Jesus God. Okay.
Jack 45:40
I have an iPhone.
iON 45:40
You have some dirt? You have a stick and some dirt? Stick and some dirt. How about that?
Jack 45:42
iON 45:43
That might work. That’s not — this is fleeting. If it’s a stick in the dirt, it’s gonna be…. Bob wrote his letter to Prince Charles in the sand one time and he’s still waiting on to see if he can get it in the post, to get it in the post. And he wrote that letter in the sand. It was pretty fun. Okay, picture it, Sicily, 1922. They got Jesus on the cross. Alright, the cross represents chromosome 14 because that’s the only chromosome that has arms, rings and arms. Right?
Jack 46:21
iON 46:22
So, they got him on the cross, that Jesus had to carry himself after his own people crucified him or put him to death by crucifixion. Okay, now picture this. This is supposedly the Son of God. But he knew he was quote "sinless." Alright. But they was runnin’ him through the paces. And the devil was playin’ with him, and dogs and cats is layin’ together, and he did somethin’ with somebody’s ash on Palm Sunday. And, you know, there’s some, there’s some play goin’ on. There’s some play goin’ on with that damn ash and Palm Sunday, but we won’t go into all that. We don’t go into all that. And Pilate was nervously washing his hands. Just like Bob, he was nervously watching his hands. But magnesium has helped a little bit with that. But Bob could take a little bit more, wouldn’t hurt. Okay. So, picture it. They take Jesus, and they put him on the cross and they put him in the ground. The cross was put in the ground. And what that did was that grounded him. Chromosome 14 has to be grounded in the meatsack body. Okay, okay, check this out. He had to have an amino acid. So what did they do? They gave the King of kings and the Lord of lords a crown of thorns, the Rose of Sharon. And those thorns contain the amino acid. And they smashed that into his head. And blood was gushing, and it was pretty good, so it got mixed in there real good. So now what you got is you got an example of chromosome 14. You got an example of the Rose of Sharon flowing into his body. Okay, okay, okay. Wait a minute. Wait for it. So, they took the spikes — how they got him to hang on the cross is they took spikes and they shoved it through his hands. What gland is found in that wrist that would support your body on the cross?
Jack 48:13
Synovial. The synovial.
iON 48:15
The synovial glands were pierced by that iron spike. Okay, and that was driven into the cross of chromosome 14. Okay, they did the same thing with his feet. And that made a shifting change. So then check this out, check this out. So then he wouldn’t die, the son of a bitch. Son of a bitch wouldn’t die, so they said so finally, the Spear of Destiny from that Roman soldier who never died because he was — not because he killed Jesus or finished it or ended it or whatever, because it was so painful, apparently, he took the spear and he shoved it in Jesus’s side. Chromosome 14 was completely exposed. And guess what came first. Living Water. First came the water from the pericardium when the heart was punctured. First came the water, Living Water. And then after that then the blood, the blood that never loses its strength, that changes the blood. It’s the perfect diagram that you got all that in the dirt, I hope; it’s very important. Put it in the dirt. Bob can do it in the sand and mail it to you in the post and get the post out in time. So, then what happens, you have an example and then and then and then and then whoa, whoa, it gets better. Then they drag Jesus off that, after that’s completely displayed. Perfect billboard coming to a billboard near you. That’s what Carolyn ought to use for a billboard is the crucifixion. Maybe she’d get some action. And the FDA don’t hate God. Well, maybe they do, we don’t know. Anyway, that’d be a good thing to do, use that as an example. Then they took his body, and they wrapped him up and they throwed him behind a white stone. Ha! Tryin’ to get him ready, tryin’ to get him ready to go. And then, and then, and then it gets better than that. After three days, that curing process, an angel of the Lord removed the stone. So now the white stone was removed. And then Jesus started his walk on the Emmaus Road toward his Ascension. And he was fuckin’ with some whores, and he was gettin’ on, and he said, "Ho, ho, ho, ho, you can’t suck my dick. Don’t touch me, my Ascension is not complete yet. Can’t touch me." Don’t — you can’t touch that, doo doo doo doo. Hammer Time. Then you got a little Hammer Time goin’ on. That always helps the story. Gotta keep the story [inaudible]. And it comes full circle. Full circle in the complete line of what we’ve been talking about here this whole time. And you brought that perfect topic up. That was very excellent of you that showed the full example of the proof of the capacity for how the body has shifted, changed, and it’s becoming complete. You are not coming replete, you’re coming complete. That’s why they’re Completement Formulas. Wasn’t Carolyn clever to think of that? She was clever to think of that; that was good. Completement formulas to complete the meatsack body and the transition to get you back to God. I guess — hey, we got a new product Dr. Dean. We’re gonna call it ReGod. [chuckles]
Jack 48:19
I like that one.
Gee 48:38
That’s funny.
iON 49:07
Call it ReGod and see what they say about that. See what they say about that. Have a little, have a dose of — honey, you’re not feeling good, you have a dose of ReGod. That’s what you need is ReGod. So now, see how that lays out? And it’s a perfect example…
Bob 51:51
Hey, iON, I want to say something.
iON 51:52
Hey! Hey!
Bob 51:55
Jack, and Gee, that was very important. It’s the first time it’s ever been said. The body of Christ had the metaphor of iONic products. iONic’s main message of how we’re changed. So, Jesus acted this out. The third Jesus went through this process. Is that an archetype of what happens to everybody now, or that was already happening [iON chuckles] before he did it and he entered the archetype? He had the archetype done to him.
iON 52:27
Esoterically speaking, Bob, we’re not sure we’re qualified to engage in the conversation. [laughs] [Bob in background/indistinct] Bob’s singin’ in the can. Bob, sing in the can! Get in the can! Sing in the can. Sing in the can. We’ll give you $10 if you sing in the can.
Bob 52:49
[background] Can you hear me over here, Jack? Can the microphone…
Jack 52:52
iON 52:52
No! Sing in the can. Sing in the can. Sing in the can. That’s terrible.
Bob 52:56
So Jack, let’s review. Let’s mute iON. Let’s review this, it’s very important. Wait till Bert gets on. Bert’s having — Jean, and Alissa, and everybody’s having a gizgasm over this. So we’ll begin with the chromosome 14; that’s the crucifixion, I guess. And then the shape of the crucifixion. And then you nail the wrists, so you affect the synovial fluid.
Jack 53:23
Synovial fluid in the wrist.
Bob 53:24
And then you pierce the heart to bring out the Living Water.
Jack 53:29
Yeah, the Living Water.
Bob 53:29
Oh, you do the feet. He didn’t say — he said the feet just caused a change. He didn’t go into the details on the feet, just said there was a change there. Then he did the heart. And then what did he do next?
Jack 53:43
He did the burying in the ground where the — on the cross where it grounded him.
Bob 53:47
Oh, the white stone, which is so important. Let’s see. Where are you, Bert? We should bring Bert in on this. This is very important. Is that Bert? Like is that Bert there? Bert’s not here yet. I guess Bert’s coming soon.
Bert 54:04
It’s Bert.
Bob 54:06
You’ve been there for 10 minutes, Bert.
Bert 54:10
Bob 54:11
Right? 10 minutes. So, do you get the profundity about what we just heard?
Bert 54:15
Yes. iON just closed up — as I say, closed another loop.
Bob 54:19
Closed most of it. Closed most of it.
Bert 54:21
The cross, chromosome 14, amino acids, and the grounding.
Bob 54:26
What were the amino acids? Oh, yeah. That was at the beginning. He said… oh! The crown, the crown of thorns put the amino acids in. So what was the, what was the chromosome 14 part as metaphor for body parts?
Bert 54:40
Chromosome 14 has to be grounded in the body. It’s never been said before.
Bob 54:44
Has to be grounded in the body.
Bert 54:46
Bob 54:46
So, it got put in there through the shape of the crucifixion?
Jack 54:50
The cross, no rings and arms. I mean it has rings and arms.
Bob 54:57
Rings and arms or something. You get that Bert? We’re not getting exactly… what’s the shape of the chromosome… why? Well, the crucifixion, is that the main shape? Yeah, that contains everything. So the chromosome 14 goes into the body, then that leads to the amino acids, synovial fluid, the Living Water, and then white stone.
Bert 55:25
And iON gave the whole representation of Jesus being placed on the cross. He outlined it with Jack, and the final part was driving the stakes through Jesus’s hands, which represents the synovial fluid in the wrist.
Bob 55:40
But that wasn’t the final thing. The final thing was his piercing the heart.
Jack 55:46
The Living Water.
Bert 55:47
The Living Water, yeah. I thought that was before. Yeah.
Bob 55:50
Jack 55:50
The final thing was him laying grounded in the ground and coming back.
Bob 55:54
The white stone. And he was cured for three days. And then, then the stone got removed by an angel, I guess. And did he say that? Got removed by an angel?
Jack 56:07
I’m not 100% sure on that part. He did say the angel…
Bob 56:10
Anyway, that’s a perfect thing to tell people. You meet a Christian, you tell them the meaning of the crucifixion archetype. Amazing, eh? And, and Bob gives you the means to go through that. Bob does this to you.
Jack 56:27
Bob 56:28
We’re gonna give you the amino acids without the crown. Gonna give you the synovial fluid through thinner alteration, no spikes. So that’s why Jesus brought in the pain era, 2000 years of pain, because he got Ascended through pain. Assuming they were painful, you know, the spikes and the spear and all that. So Bob’s bringing it in very nice and soft, right? Here, just drink this, this will put the chromosome 14 in your body! See, when you take the RNA drops that puts the chromosome 14 into your gene. It does something. It’s already in there, but it gets activated. So that’s putting it in the body. And then you have the amino acids and synovial fluid effect. Where does that come from, Bert? The synovial fluid effect.
Jack 57:17
From the wrist.
Bert 57:18
Well, that’s the spinal fluid being replaced. Spinal fluid is being replaced with synovial.
Bob 57:21
Right. That’s something that’s just happening anyways due to the body chemistry of somethings. Why, you know. That’s an effect of the changes, the nebulous changes of the poles flipping and AL2(SO4). He didn’t say so maybe we should bring iON back in. Let him take it over. [Bert chuckles]
Jack 57:21
Bob 57:42
Okay, I made sure they understood it all, iON. You can carry on, iON.
iON 57:48
Well, that was ridiculous. Okay. [Bob, Jack laugh] The thing you missed, the thing you missed, –
Bob 57:55
Bob knowledge.
iON 57:55
– the thing you missed, the thing you missed, the thing you missed… He’s tangling it all up, running things into the ground. And it’s the parallel between, the parallel between the cross and when you see the cross, every time the religion displays the cross, they always put a circle like a halo over a Christ head. They go [indistinct] on the thing. You know they always [indistinct] that circle. Well, that’s the, that is, that’s the rings of the rings and arms of the cross. And so people wear a cross around their neck and the bail on the top of the cross that hooks to the chain, that ring, that’s an example of the rings and arms of chromosome 14. So it’s trying to remind you dumb fucks that this is how to get your way back to God. And you wear it around your neck all over the place. Even the Egyptians got it ’cause they called it the ankh. Ankh. Bert knows about that. Same thing. Same thing to bring you back to that place. Then what happens is with the — here’s what you did not know. Talkin’ about the — here, this is the — Gee, this is a culture, this is a, this is a, this is a culture you might embrace a little bit. The baby daddy that knocked up his mama was the same angel that — hey, that angel that put him in this earth is the one that got him out of this earth. Same angel.
Gee 59:21
Wow. You live by the angel, you die by the angel.
Bob 59:22
Amazing. The greatest metaphor depiction. Yeah. What is that? That is something that’s like… First, you go in, you come into this world head-first, and you leave feet-first.
iON 59:38
No, you’re talking about Ananias. Bob, you’re talking about Ananias and Sapphira that lied to the Holy Spirit, and they were struck down dead in the church; and they went in head-first and they drug ’em out feet-first. [laughs]
Bob 59:52
Who’s Ananias? Who are you quoting?
iON 59:55
Sapphira. You know what the Scriptures are? In the Scriptures.
Bob 0:00
There’s a virus called Ananias?
iON 0:03
No, no, it’s the — that was two people who lied to the Holy Spirit about what they owed for tithe, and they fell dead in the church. And that’s what you, when you say the reference to "they brought him in head-first and took ’em out feet-first," –
Bob 0:33
I see.
iON 0:19
– you’re supposed to go out of the church head-first, not feet-first. [Bob laughs] And so that was the thing, the slap in the face of what you were trying to say, which was ridiculous is that story in the Bible of Ananias and Sapphira. You can look it up if you got a "googler."
Bob 0:34
Right. But, Bert, you realize we now have the tool, the tool to tell Rosanna and any other idiot we could bump into. We say here’s, here’s the greatest metaphor in the Bible, and it’s a metaphor of the crucifixion. Here is what the crucifixion presents.
iON 0:50
Tool? Tool? He didn’t even have a stick and dirt. Tell me what tool that he had. He didn’t have a stick and dirt.
Bob 0:58
Well, who, why are you bringing that up? That’s Jack. You meant Jack?
iON 1:01
Because you said, you said we have a tool. You said we have a tool. He’s who got this, you didn’t get this. He got this because you had him in time out for some fuckin’ reason.
Bob 1:11
I didn’t see Bert (overtalk/indistinct]. I had the light of inspiration in my eyes.
iON 1:15
You had him in time out. Time out. Spent 10 minutes.
Bob 1:13
You hear that, Bert? I had the light of inspiration in my eyes. [iON, Bob laugh] Demon. I had the cat glow in my eye. The cat glow.
iON 1:18
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So says the power bottom in reflection. [Bob laughs] So says the power bottom in reflection.
Bob 1:34
The power bottom. That can be my pseudonym. That can be my name when I have the press conference with the aliens, Mr. Power Bottom.
iON 1:41
[laughs] It can be, it can be your Twitter. It can be your Twitter, it can be your Twitter, it can be your Twitter handle, boss. Be your Twitter handle. And if that doesn’t work, if you ever sober up from this little, the barrage [Bob laughs] you’ve been on, when your bender’s over, when your bender’s over, when your bender’s over, you can also use that as a screen name too: bender [bend her] over. Bender over.
Bob 2:07
Okay, what do you think of this, Bert? I think it’s pretty astounding, the metaphor.
Bert 2:13
Bob 2:13
I mean, I’ve be going on for three years about the Rose of Sharon, the crown of thorns, and then we found out the amino acids, and the crown did that. And then we knew about the chromosome 14. But we didn’t know about the synovial fluid, and we found out about that. And we probably learned about the piercing of the heart releasing Living Water. When did we first hear that, Bert?
Bert 2:13
The Living Water in the pericardium?
Bob 2:36
Bert 2:37
That’s a while ago. It’s been a while ago.
Bob 2:39
Yeah, but after 2019.
Bert 2:47
Maybe. Or even… maybe. Well, maybe after 2019 maybe.
Bob 2:53
Yeah, but Living Water and the pericardium. We did a lot on the pericardium; a little bit in 2015. But everything was done excessively since 2019. And then we never heard the white stone was the stone that held Jesus in. We never heard that before.
Bert 3:11
Bob 3:12
That’s incredible. And that’s, that’s the other major theme. How many themes is that? You got the crown of thorns, you got the chromosome 14, synovial fluid, pericardium, and the white stone; basically five, five elements there. Right? And maybe there’s some significance in the fact that nobody could touch him. You know, maybe that’s the metaphor of celibacy in the Catholic Church. You know, you’re Ascending so nobody can touch you. Of course they’re not doing that. Now, what kind of garbled bullshit is Scott gonna go on the internet; he’ll find some fucking lonely blogger who has some theory about synovial fluid and oats, some breakfast cereal, and put together some stupid little pattern and say that we didn’t get as clear as that guy. You watch it. You watch the crazy mutation Scott will put this through. But the beauty of it is apparent to me and so I will maintain the clear image of it all. [Bert chuckles] And you’re welcome to join me and possess the image yourself and be able to articulate it to your neighbor.
iON 3:39
For a small fee. Right, Bob? For a small fee.
Bob 4:32
No, not important.
iON 4:33
Don’t forget. You’re screwing up your cult, Bob. You’re the worst cult leader ever.
Bob 4:39
I don’t want a cult. I don’t want a cult. So,…
iON 4:42
Ah shit. That was your, that was the best gig you had goin’! That was the best. You tried to give you that life of Zappa, and this was the best gig you had goin’. You’re throwin’ this shit away. This is just ridiculous. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Bob 4:56
Okay, iON, what product would we match up with — we got the RNA drops matches up with chromosome 14. What product would match up with the synovial fluid?
iON 5:14
What is the synovial fluid? How do you build synovial fluid, Bob?
Bob 5:19
I don’t know. You just sit around and wait while your spinal fluid goes through agony.
iON 5:22
No! Gad, God. Jesus, no. We’re not, we’re not gonna do that. You’re not, you’re not, now you’re not being spontaneous. You’re like Bill Clinton playin’ the saxophone. We’ve all heard it before. So, no, you’ll do that another day. Go back. Jackie had the floor. This was Jackie’s epiphany, –
Bob 5:22
Well, you ask these questions, Jack.
iON 5:41
– and let Jackie finish up.
Bob 5:43
Amino acids for the crown of thorns. The RNA drops, chromosome 14…
iON 5:45
No, we’re not doin’ that.
Jack 5:50
Would synovial fluid connect to the pericard — hey, Bob, is synovial fluid connected to the pericardial fluid?
Bob 5:58
Is that phrase — is that right? Is that right, iON?
iON 6:01
The feed is.
Bob 6:02
The feed. Okay. And where’s Germaine, Jack?
Jack 6:09
Oh, she’s upstairs. I think she’s sleeping or in and out.
Bob 6:13
Well, that’s silly. This is most amazing — Bert doesn’t sound very alive. I guess he only can be alive when he comes on does a solo. But Bert, you should be amazed at this metaphor. You should be interrupting me to be adding …
Bert 6:27
I am, Bob, but I don’t want to mess up Jack’s engagement, so I’m in the, behind the scene.
Bob 6:27
What does Jack got to do with it? Jack’s just lurking.
Bert 6:34
Jack initiated this. [iON laughs] And you took it over.
iON 6:41
Yes, yes.
Bob 6:42
Yeah, Jack actually caused this. Jack caused this.
iON 6:43
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie don’t, Jackie don’t like it when you try to cock block him, Bob. He don’t like that. Don’t cock block Jack. [laughs]
Bob 6:50
Yeah, what — how did Jack do this, Bert? Do you remember? What the hell did he do to get this [indistinct]? What was his questions?
Bert 6:58
He listened to the archives. Following your direction, he listened to the archive and pulled it out. Great job.
Bob 7:03
No, he brought up, ah…
Bert 7:06
Cross and chromosome 14. He brought up about…
Jack 7:09
I asked about the Tech Body and the body of Christ.
Bob 7:12
Oh, yeah, the Tech Body. Okay, now we’re gonna bring it back into Tech Body. What the hell is that in relation to this?
Jack 7:19
Because iON said that earlier that the Tech Body is a body of Christ. It’s turned into the body of Christ.
iON 7:26
Right. That’s right.
Bob 7:28
So what, what I get from that, Bert, is that technology Ascends and it wants to Ascend. And it somehow –
iON 7:34
It does!
Bob 7:35
– simulates. It’s an extension of us.
iON 7:36
It doesn’t simulate. Doesn’t simulate, it is. If the Tech Body wins, that’ll be your God. Let me tell y’all somethin’. If the Tech Body wins, it’ll be your God and you will bow to it.
Bob 7:49
We know that.
iON 7:49
If the Tech Body wins, that is your…
Bob 7:50
And I’m the only one strong enough to repel it.
iON 7:53
Well, that’s why, that’s why, that’s why, yeah, while you’re prowling around at 4:30 in the morning chasin’ pussy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know what you do.
Bob 8:04
[chuckles] I [indistinct/overtalk] anymore.
iON 8:04
So when you get a point, get a point,… [laughs]
Bob 8:08
I think the aliens are pussy. I think the aliens are pussy.
iON 8:11
If, if, if, if, if the Tech Body succeeds, it is the body of Christ. And so now it’s becoming more and more reticently with a bit of acuity, it’s becoming more resembled as the body of Christ. It shut down the Catholic Church in 2.3 seconds. And Bob’s been tryin’ to do that since the Borgias was runnin’ the joint.
Bob 8:15
[in background] Yeah. Yeah. I’ll admit to that. Okay, Jack, what else you’re gonna bring up?
iON 8:43
That’s why that is. Come on, Jackie, this is your time. Let’s fuck.
Jack 8:48
Alright, so you were talking about the synovial fluid. And so we’re talking about that and the wrists. Also, I remember you’re always saying that NonPhysical is in the synovial fluid.
iON 8:58
Of course.