What Youth?, Partial Transcript, 6 June 2023

What Youth?

Transcribed by Nan

Jean 0:59
iON, provide me with a simple statement of a relationship to the NonPhysical when we bring forth the new body.

Bob 1:07
Hey, hey, Jean, look. Television is an extension of the central nervous system. It’s not the central nervous system, it’s an extension! If you extend the NonPhysical, it ain’t NonPhysical!

Jean 1:20
Well, and the the machine…

Bob 1:22
Here, let me dominate. This will drive iON nuts. Let me say all kinds of mystique and bullshit. You watch.

Jean 1:29
Oh no! It’s gonna get worse! Okay. Okay, Bob, go.

Bob 1:35
No, I just did. Let’s begin. Continue. You got that? Extension is not the thing that was extended.

Jean 1:42
Yes. And the machine is in the middle. What I’m stuck on right now is digital technologies extended machines. The machinic, not human body.

Bob 1:52
Yeah, that’s all media before the digital extends body parts. Okay?

Jean 1:56
So now,…

Bob 1:58
Then you extend the satellite and you’re finished. The end of the Anthropomorphic Physical. Then the machines take over and they extend themselves.

Jean 2:06
And that’s the extension of the NonPhysical through the machine.

Bob 2:09
No. No, no. That’s the extension of the digital. The extension of the machines that were made, they keep being alive and going forth and hologramming and holeopharming. And that’s that period. Then eventually, you extend NonPhysical, which is me! I’m the extension of NonPhysical. I’m the articulation.

Jean 2:30
Okay, hold on. So, you say, "I call that the phase of the Android Meme. Now we live…"

Bob 2:37
That’s the digital phase, the digital. We’re not in the Android Meme.

Jean 2:41
"Now we live within the extension of the NonPhysical."

Bob 2:45
Yeah. Which is Bob and iON and the Tech Body.

Jean 2:47
Bob and iON and the Tech Body. So, and that was extended through the Android Meme. Is that right?

Bob 3:00
No, it came after the Android Meme.

Jean 3:02
Okay, there it is then.

Bob 3:04
It’s the extension of NonPhysical, iON.

Jean 3:07
Right. And the machine is not like — I was thinking the machine is like the middleman, in-between.

Bob 3:15
No, it’s the phase after the extension of the satellite, the planet.

Alissa 3:22
Gotta do the Chart, Jean. Got to do it by the Chart because that makes it so clear. Because the Dobbs quadrant is the Android Meme starting to get zany. And then like how Bob used to use the term Mystery Body and Mystery Ground, that is what we’ve now done with iON. So, the Mystery Ground becoming extended was like…

Bob 3:49
No longer a mystery. The Mystery Ground has changed.

Alissa 3:52
Right. And into the Tech Body and stuff.

Bob 3:56

Alissa 3:57
And they, and then iON says the Tech Body is Android Meme cubed.

Bob 4:03
Yep. It’s not the Android Meme. So, it shows up when we get into full-blown extensions of iON which was when Bob got in charge in 2020.

Chad 4:14
Well, maybe that’s the link-up between how, you know, don’t think that you’re Ascending, figure out how you’re affected by Bob’s hologrammy. Because early in the show, we were talking about cubing and cube roots and factors. And now you’re talking about the Android Meme cubed being the Mystery Body. That can be a bridge between what iON’s talking about in Ascension and what Bob’s talking about in Bob’s hologrammy.

Bob 4:43
Yeah, anything that anybody says.

Madeleine 4:44
And the fact that there’s no NonPhysical anymore.

Bob 4:48
That’s right.

Madeleine 4:48
iON’s not NonPhysical. Beasts are not NonPhysical.

Bob 4:51
There’s no Guf! There’s nowhere to die to. That’s what NonPhysical was, was the Guf.

Alissa 4:58
We’ve retrieved, we’ve retrieved the NonPhysical in a new way as we Ascend.

Bob 5:03
Ah, no, we extended it, we didn’t retrieve it. The retrieval would be the interaction of Bob, iON, the Tech Body and the AI; those relationships will create little tetrads which involves obsolescence and retrieving.

Jean 5:24
There’s a separateness that I’m, I’m picking up that’s changing how I’ve got it organized in my head, like the spinning rings are separate.

Bob 5:33
Well, write it out. Don’t organize in your head. Type it out and make an email to yourself.

Jean 5:38

Bob 5:40
That’s the wrong place to do it. That’s what Alissa is saying. You got to look at the Chart. Don’t look in your mind. You might not be able to do it. Visualize it. So, you got…

Alissa 5:53
So, iON has said — Bob, wait. iON has said that that when you’re Ascended, we essentially are the physical that can hold iON, hold the black hole, hold the cloud. So we, we ground it, or we bind to it, or we engage with it. They’ve also said there’s no more NonPhysical in this realm, but if we’re Ascending, we do have NonPhysical. Like they –

Jean 6:24

Alissa 6:24
– they say that Ascended don’t need…

Bob 6:27
But that’s all silly. See, you don’t want the Guf. Forget those terms.

Alissa 6:30
No, no, no, not the Guf. Yeah.

Bob 6:32
You don’t have NonPhysical. You don’t have NonPhysical. You got the extension of yourself, of everything. So, –

Jean 6:40
Of iON.

Bob 6:40
– you know what I do? I make up shit whenever I talk. [Alissa chuckles] That’s the present. Then we go on and I make up another fuckin’ present. That’s how your — what you gotta do.

Alissa 6:51
You’re holding to the term NonPhysical meaning the environment of the Guf.

Bob 6:57
Yeah. That’s what it is.

Alissa 6:58
That’s what I’m seeing in your conversation right now, that you’re holding, you’re anchoring in that concept.

Bob 7:05
Yeah. And the Guf has a lot of weird phenomena in it; you know, maybe vampires, werewolves and everything; demons. All that stuff that maybe people would call the astral plane before. But that is all created by Little Man when he got kicked out of the Garden of Eden. He then couldn’t handle being in the painful physical, so he wanted to create relief. So, he created something that united everybody. Remember, iON — NonPhysical is the only thing that’s connected to everybody. You are not connected to other people, but through NonPhysical you are. And Ascension is you don’t need to be connected to other people. You don’t need that security. So, you don’t need the Guf. You don’t need NonPhysical.

Alissa 7:50
So, that frees up the March 20th…

Bob 7:50
Here’s a new dogma for you. That’s why Jesus said don’t get involved with the psychic. Change your images of what the Ascended say it is. It’s not some magical idiot who can read minds or something; that might be part of it, but that’s not being Ascended. Being Ascended is being able to make up, use your mouth and define what’s going on when somebody asks you, which is what I do all the time. You got to be able to make it up and make sense and be consistent with all the other bullshit you made up.

Chad 8:20
Like Bob said in "Bob’s Media Ecology," "We don’t make sense. We don’t try to make sense. We ‘make’ sense. We ‘make’ it up."

Bob 8:20
Yeah, we "make" sense. We make the physical. We make the new physical. Now that’s a good, that’s a good John the Baptist statement. You know, I didn’t fully know what that meant till iON showed up, till we extended the NonPhysical. But the words fit in a simple way for beginners.

Chad 8:45
Yes. And another thing you just said, Bob. You said Ascension is you don’t need to be connected to other people. That is also the completion of a promise in one of your — I can’t remember which essay it is, if it’s "Up the Orphic Anti" — that people will eventually be freed from crowd friction and into the new energy technology.

Alissa 9:02

Bob 9:03
Yeah. And getting the Cold Play is getting your power.

Alissa 9:07
Yeah, that goes back to iON saying, "Co-create with other Gods if you want to. You’ll do it for fun, but you don’t need it."

Bob 9:19

Alissa 9:19
Like it doesn’t mean there’s no interaction, but just changes the whole premise.

Bob 9:24

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